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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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I think the President will divorce his wife ( they have no values in common, how did they even marry ) and most likely end up with the widow in DY's house

Drunk girl is not fun to watch anymore niether is the cop

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2 minutes ago, dekaron said:

I think the President will divorce his wife ( they have no values in common, how did they even marry ) and most likely end up with the widow in DY's house

Drunk girl is not fun to watch anymore niether is the cop

Right??? That drunk girl keeps on getting drunk and her drunken acting is not very good. 

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DongTak and DanYi always fighting...can't imagine if they know how to be lovey dovey together. Maybe not.

ok so YoonJae suddenly turning to be a good person or is he thinking something else ?

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All that is needed is a drunk scene with YJ and HR waking up in a hotel room and the story can proceed, YJ does not care if its DY or HR or anyone as long has it does not get in the way of his ambition

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Hello :-) I am new to this topic...

I just watched ep 40..and really...are the writers really going there...an overnight trip O_O I really really do hope that she will decline...or if she should go..she knows how to use contraceptives...lol..after watching all those K-dramas...with "surprise" pregnancies...one really has to wonder about the sexual education and the use of contraceptives..I mean...it is not only a question of pregancies, but also diseases...we have cancer en messe in K-dramas...but sexual transmitted diseases do not seem to exist there...

I really wonder what his intentions are with the trip...it is obvious he doesn´t really love her anymore, when one oberves his lackluster reactions to the idea of a wedding.

@dekaron...lol...I am all for your idea of YJ and HR waking up together..it would really move things forward and DY would hopefully see the light..


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Why does he need to take her on a trip to dump her and break her heart?

This show has been full of nothing but lies and deceptions from the beginning.  DY has not been woman enough to even have a chance to fight for her relationship because of those lies.  Why are KDRAMA women so weak?  It's frustrating to watch.  YJ needs to lose everything!

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Someone over here asked why the grandmother dislikes Dan Yi perhaps there is a birth secret involved and that she really isn't her daughter but infact her brother maybe her real father.


Well to that let me first of all add what Korean Drama can we have that doesn't involve some kind of birth secret :) But in response to that I have to say that while possible I currently find that a bit unlikely atleast in regards for Dan Yi's brother turning out to be her father. As for a birth secret it still might be possible. As for the reason why I doubt that the brother may be the father are as follows. There are only a few ways that are possible and let me try to break them down


Firstly lets say that he is then we should question who the mother is. This can easily be one of two things. Firstly lets assume that it is March's mother. This certainly explains the close bond that Dan Yi and her have. She pretty much already treats Dan Yi like her own daughter such as loving her, saving for her marriage or even lending her a hanbok for the competition something that she didn't do for March. True March never asked to borrow one so that can't be held against her but we are talking about how close she was with Dan Yi. But that leaves us with a big question why does Dan Yi consider her as a SiL and her grandmother as her mother. I mean why keep this such a big secret and I doubt that any mother can live with her daughter calling her SiL even when we have secrets like in Angry Mom she was letting her daughter think that they were sisters or something but atleast there was a semi good reason for that. Not over here plus how long can a mother go on like that wouldn't she have asked her daughter to perhaps call her mother in private.

Secondly it doesn't have to be March's mother so he could still be her father but her mother could be a totally different woman. Now this to seems to have its fair share of problems. The first part could be that Dan Yi was his daughter from having an affair. Now I find that hard to believe as of now. This family is to close plus I doubt that March's mother could look at Dan Yi and not be reminded of what her husband did. Could she have over looked it if she loved her husband I guess it is possible but generally that is not the case she would be hostile towards her. Thus in this case both mother and grandmother should be equally hostile towards Dan Yi. This leads to perhaps option b. Which would be that perhaps Dan Yi is the daughter of her fathers first wife or someone he was in a relationship who isn't in the picture anymore for various reasons (let me get that down in the next point). Now this could be possible to an extent and that could explain why she is so close to Dan Yi because she is the daughter of the daughter of the man that she loved. The only issue that I can come up with over here is that how soon did it take for the father to get over his first love, wife or girlfriend that he married his current wife because there really can't be much of a age difference between March and Dan Yi. 1 - 2 years age gap at the most. Not really an issue mind you but one comes to think exactly how faithful he may be.

Thirdly which can sort of tie in with the last point but doesn't necessarily make him the dad but still involves a birth secret. There are slight hints to this version but no definite proof again and this also can bring its own set of problems. This being that Dan Yi is indeed the daughter of his first love or someone that he knew well and for some reason she doesn't want to keep Dan Yi because she may think that she may become an obstacle in her path to success. So we have all seen in Korean Dramas how said people like to dump their children into orphanages or leave them with said members of families (uncles, aunts, grandparents etc.. and hope for them to solve the problems). So in this case she leaves Dan Yi in the hands of March's father. Now this could be because he was a close friend of hers, or maybe he was indeed the father or highly unlikely her brother. As of now the only person that may fit this bill might be Dong Tak's mother. Highly unlikely mind you and had it been the other way round I would say that she left Dan Yi because she wanted to marry up in society but that doesn't seem the case since she looks to come from a wealthy family and Dong Tak's father seems to be from the country side. So this is hard to believe as of now. Plus this would give problems to an eventful Dan Yi and Dong Tak pairing. Then again we are possibly jumping the gun since we haven't questioned whether it was perhaps the dad that did that and he left his daughter because maybe his wife had passed away and he thought at that time marrying into that family would be possible if he gave up on his daughter. Perhaps that is why he is so wise and likes to advice people not to be to greedy because he is coming from personal experience and all. Then again the pairing of the children might become an issue in the future.


Why do I say that if we are to use a birth secret the last point seems to hold some weight is as follows. The night March was born her father was coming home with Baby Dan Yi during a storm no less. Now one has to ask where he was coming from all alone and why was he the only one with Dan Yi. Considering that his wife was about to deliver wouldn't it make more sense that he should have been near her at all times just in case she was needed to rush to the hospital or to go and bring a doctor to her. Granted he had an aged mother who might not have been able to handle a young Dan Yi as well as a pregnant DiL at the same time so he was taking care of her but the question is where was he coming from. Now had he perhaps rushed of to Seoul to handle his friends problem and was thus bringing her home. This makes sense in the way that they both were from the same countryside. But as of now he doesn't really seem the type to have abandoned his own child to jump up in society. Though perhaps he wants to help farmers out of guilt at his own actions somehow I can't see that happening as of now mind you. Anything is possible plus we almost always have two sisters (step or otherwise) fight over the same man in this case Dan Yi and Yeri like Young Jae. Please note they haven't been confirmed as sisters as of now so we are simply going with the fact that two girls are fighting over the same guy scenario at the moment.


Though as I have said all this would clearly put a hamper on any future relationship between Dong Tak and Dan Yi. Why am I saying that these two should end up is not because I want them to or anything but the signs are there to an extent. First of all let me point something out when it comes to relationships in movies and dramas every couple Has to overcome obstacles and hurdles in said relationships this usually comes in some form either sides parents. The child doesn't come from a wealth family or are below them in status or perhaps they are orphans etc... Yet in the end true love prevails over all. As of now the only one that has an issue between Dan Yi and Youn Jae has to be his mother who is currently blinded by all the money that will be brought from him marrying with Hyeri but even before Hyeri entered their lives she was against him and Dan Yi marrying because she thought that her son was to good for her. But over all the rest of her family adores Dan Yi so in the long run her objections won't matter all that much. She would have been out voted clearly and in the end she would have to give in to her sons demands whether they were for his happiness or otherwise. So not much of a hurdle in this department. But then the second bit of K-Drama relationships comes into play. Secondly another part which follows the same hurdle point is the saying No Pain No Gain. Now in this case we see that both Young Jae and Dan Yi were a happy couple and all from the start (perhaps they all had numerous issues that they managed to resolve of screen and perhaps that is how Dan Yi managed to win over the rest of his family but we aren't shown any of that) so I don't know if it counts but if it is to good to be true then it can't be and now the cracks in said relationship are showing. Will get to that bit later on. But now we have to come to K-Drama law in which 9/10 times the main leads don't get along for various reasons such as due to some misunderstandings or so or that one of the main leads are generally hard working members or candy's etc.. wheras the other lead hasn't worked a day or doesn't get why they should do things in a particular way etc.. Thus they always tend to argue with the other lead till they eventually realize that the other side is correct and thus themselves grow into decent human beings thus becoming worthy of the other side. Though we then have to have them overcome the family issue of their chosing a partner that doesn't go with their family image or so. etc... In this case Dong Tak and Dan Yi fit the bill perfectly.


We have already seen that from the start those two don't get along perfectly, He is always in a rush (granted he has a sort of valid reason for doing so), wants to make money real quick etc, then we had the watch issue between those two. I can go on but will leave it at that for the moment, and then finally like I said when those two will actually develop feelings for each other you know that the biggest opposition to them all would have to be his mother. We already saw that she doesn't approve of Young Jae for Hyeri and he is still such a good worker and all but if one compares Dan Yi to him who is from the countryside she is going to have a major fit. Infact Young Jae would seem so much better to her than Dan Yi. I am sure that she would bring up other points perhaps her finding out that Dan Yi and Young Jae were in a relationship she might be further against it as well. So over all Dan Yi and Dong Tak seem to fit the criteria of a K-Drama couple as of now. Perhaps add in a few birth secrets to throw us in for a ride or cause a bit of misunderstanding such as one of the parents maybe Dan Yi's birth parent into the mix so we will have the issue of we love each other but can't be together since your parent is also my parent. :) Until it is proven otherwise such as Dong Tak may have been adopted or something to that extent.


Now another issue that I have with the Young Jae and Dan Yi as a couple currently is that the guy may love her but he simply isn't honest enough with her these days. Even if he doesn't lie outright to her he lies by ommision which is just as bad. For starters lets take the part where he started to work with Hyeri on that cream issue and all. Now he could have easily told her that he was working with the presidents daughter but he kept that from her for quite some time. I know that people may say that it is none of her business to know what he is doing nor is it his job to report each and everything to her but somethings might be needed to be said if they are brought up. Such as when she saw the work on the cream the first time on his desk and asked him about it. Now it was a slightly different matter and it really wouldn't have harmed him to be honest and all. But even after that lets look at all the meals that Youn Jae has had with Hyeri and he has had to cancel his plans with Dan Yi. Almost each time he has lied to her. Some of them could have been told such as the last meeting he had with the cream people he could have told Dan Yi that was the reason and that it had popped up suddenly etc.. Instead he used some excuse or the other or the biggest one was that he had to cancel out on the family meeting due to having a meal at Hyeri's place. He did tell her that he was asked to a meal by the vice president but he forgot to mention that it was at her place. But then again where are his priorities. Shows that he places work above relationships which is a bad thing for anyone that he ends up marrying. I could go on in regards to these two but like I said the cracks are already forming in said relationship and pretty soon they will either need to work on them or break up. Perhaps had he been more honest I could have supported this relationship but now he is also upto underhanded methods which is just as equivalent to lying I can't approve of them. Such as him going against the president's wishes in wanting to launch a product and then going behind his back. Thinking that it is okay to take short cuts if it is available to him. Sure it is easy to take them but the price is always to high to pay in the end. Once he starts to take help from Hyeri things are going to escalate to a point that he won't be able to get out even if he wants to. At that point I won't feel pity for him because he walked into this mess all on his own even when others told him to slow down. He seem to have a set goal but it has never been explained why this is the case. Why is he so crazy after all those promotions what is his goal. Did that company perhaps ever wrong his family so he now wants to rise up the ranks and take over the company and kick the current management out. :) His father has more sense and he should atleast listen to him but all he listens to at the moment is the voice of his greed and eventully he will have to pay the Piper.


So far I am sticking with the KBS World schedule so I am going to be a couple of episodes behind so please bare with my comments and all. Till then take care all of you and keep posting. Might stick with this thread or perhaps move onto another one haven't really decided as of now. But it still was nice to see a few familiar names over here. :) Till then take care all of you and keep posting. :)

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The last scene of the episode made my tears fall down my cheeks which was really a shock to me too. The hug between YJ and DY was so sad. For the first time, I felt sad for YJ. He was so confused and finally made his mind to chose his ambitions and gave DY the last hug before breakup. There was sadness in his eyes too.

Also, the scene between Hye Ri and Mr. Seol was good too.For just some seconds, I felt sorry for Hye Ri too.

:lol:HAHAAHAAA. Is Mr. Seol doubting his wife with that information man now ?


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i really feel bad for DY. i wonder how she going take the news. when she learn her long time bf dump her. just so he can climb up the leader in the company. i hope the writer will give some romance scene for DY/DT. i love their scene together.

i cant stand SW. she such a money grabber.
i hope she end up with YJ little bro. that will teach her not to be money grabber. she will fit right in with YJ family cuz YJ mom is also money grabber.

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25 minutes ago, wunwing1 said:

i really feel bad for DY. i wonder how she going take the news. when she learn her long time bf dump her. just so he can climb up the leader in the company. i hope the writer will give some romance scene for DY/DT. i love their scene together.

i cant stand SW. she such a money grabber.
i hope she end up with YJ little bro. that will teach her not to be money grabber. she will fit right in with YJ family cuz YJ mom is also money grabber.

AMEN  But DY brought this breakup on herself she should have made it known in the company that she was his fiance she set there and look at her boyfriend go out behind her back and watch how his heart grew towards another.. I understand not wanting to put pressure on him but enough is enough.. Once the spoil brat passed out and hit the ground I knew it was over for DY.. But I hope her and the president son do end up together it will serve the Ex mother some justice for DY she always thought she wasn't good enough for her son if her Ex marries the brat The MIL will become hell.. DY marrying the president son will be icing on the cake as her son will have to take a back seat to the girl he dump karma is a motha. I see DY EX the new woman and the chairman's wife in cohoots and the next team will be DY DT and the chairman which the products that DY brings out will become a smash hit with her neice hosting them on the show bringing more success into that company then her Ex ever brought..


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7 hours ago, valsava said:

AMEN  But DY brought this breakup on herself she should have made it known in the company that she was his fiance she set there and look at her boyfriend go out behind her back and watch how his heart grew towards another.. I understand not wanting to put pressure on him but enough is enough.. Once the spoil brat passed out and hit the ground I knew it was over for DY.. But I hope her and the president son do end up together it will serve the Ex mother some justice for DY she always thought she wasn't good enough for her son if her Ex marries the brat The MIL will become hell.. DY marrying the president son will be icing on the cake as her son will have to take a back seat to the girl he dump karma is a motha. I see DY EX the new woman and the chairman's wife in cohoots and the next team will be DY DT and the chairman which the products that DY brings out will become a smash hit with her neice hosting them on the show bringing more success into that company then her Ex ever brought..



You my dear friend have called it correct. Your theory will go exactly as you have written. Quiet frankly...I'm looking for YJ to get his. What is funny...I'm looking forward to DY getting with the president's son...that should truly chap someones kister (YJ). I'm also looking forward to DY products to sell because you know that's what will happen.

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