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@enko20 - Nope, there's really no word limit for the post. Trust me, I've tested that back then. :D

@cinnaminskies - You can't be tagged. :blink: Anyway, great idea! If it's okay with @Giann_Kim then I'll put them all on the front page! :w00t:

EDIT: I found this hilarious. 



 So apparently, my avatar now comes up as a search term with "Eric Nam Solar." Jeez. :rolleyes: 

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@Le_Sanguinea thanks for your hardwork with front page and that avatar is so funny...i have check it and at episode list there's a typo with ep 6 it's written "heath spa" but i prefer with "herbal clynic" and for ep 9 i prefer "solar first cooking" coz cleaning the house is in ep 8...

I'm really gratefull :heart:

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2 hours ago, enko20 said:

@papaxmoo IKR?? Look at how casual this girl is while doing the most ridiculous things ever. I can't really see her face but she must be grinning mischievously. I have mixed feelings about this though. On one hand, I'm happy for Yongbae that she can be like this with Eric, but... why do I feel like Eric is entering Danger Zone?? :skull:

That analysis of the light's angle is something else chingu, I didn't even look for things like that. Now i'm definitely convinced that it wasn't the same pose, but like you said, they took a bunch and just picked the best ones to show. No big deal.

  Reveal hidden contents

And there is an emoji for that my friend ---> :joy:, there's a Categories button on the top right of the emoticon list that you can click to show more available emoji (it's in the Twemoji section).


:joy::joy::joy: omg I knew I should have clicked all the buttons! I briefly did photography in uni, so yeah I didn't mean to come off rude or anything just doing my part in accessing it :sweat_smile:

I think Eric is just trying to stay calm, cause if he makes it awkward Yongsun might just retract and become distant again. He is entering the danger zone but he likes it! T-24 hours!


maybe I am over analysing things but look how Eric is laying right in the middle of the bed so no matter which side Yongsun lays on he will be the same distance away(Eric is indeed a namja) but since they already laid on the yacht together maybe it wouldn't be so awkward? Also how hot it must have been to lay on the yacht!? I hope they didn't do it cause the pd asked them to gosh! it was over 35 degrees that day! my poor back and butt got burnt the same way :persevere: I really really hope they swim in the pool! and for Yongsun to show her bare baby face, I think Eric would say that she's pretty no matter what. hehehe


@Le_Sanguinea hahaha nice one!




(totally irrelevant but for statistic's sake.) is there any dudes in here? putcha hands up


really not sure if one of you beautiful faces have mentioned this before cause I only joined recently BUT look how Eric's playing with his lower lip! :dizzy: coupled with the way he's looking at Yongsun that's just a universal sign right there. Also Yongsun was really hiding during this scene when they were talking. Her body language shows, like she's in a defensive kind of stance, cautious. where our resident physch at? 



this is all thanks to the front page that I was reminded of this moment! 


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@papaxmoo - Present! I'm a dude, and retired (lol?) non-practicing psych grad here.

There was a LOT of skinship in that episode. Taking into consideration that Solar was probably still not 100% comfortable with Eric at that stage (skinship-wise), it's understandable that she'd be cautious at that point. I'd delve more on this, but I'm still working on something so.. maybe later. :D


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So I've been working on a banner for the thread this afternoon. Pardon my photoshop skills, I'm still a novice. :P




I tried to pattern it after their backyard bar. I don't think I've gotten the hang of the neon sign effect yet though.

What do you think? It still feels a bit empty down below, I don't know what I should add there yet as of the moment.

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Annyeong Ddongideul :blush: !!!!!!                                 It's been a while ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ~ neomu bogoshipeoyeo :bawling: sorry for not posting lately and its been a very long week since my last post mianhae ~ I've been a silent lurker (my bad huhuhuh T-T) .                                Thank you @enko20 chingu for mentioning and recommending my fmv. It is an honor to be able to show our fellow ddongideul my love for our Ddongi couple through this fanmade videos *tears of joy* even if our couple bids goodbye I will still making videos of them for the love of this couple :D.                  PS: although I'm not that pro in making vids :sweatingbullets:.         1 more day to go !!! In Dubai ~.                                     #relationshipgoals #Ddongicouple #Ddongideul #DdongixDubai.                                                             -ppyong-

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@Le_Sanguinea Ok that was really funny :P, I didn't expect that to pop up. Now all we need is for Banana Milk to feature on there too and our couple is set for life B)

Oh, and I just noticed that on the timeline, you only added the September schedule. @Farfalle actually updated the whole thing, so you should replace all the old ones too.

@papaxmoo Yes I know Eric was LOVING it hehe. I was just joking :lol:



I'm pretty certain that the yacht event happened AFTER their sleepover, not the other way around, because...

They went to Palm Jumeirah around dusk on October 4th, and on that same night, they had to go straight to the airport to take the next flight back to Seoul in the early morning of the 5th, so they didn't stay overnight on that day. (got this info from our detective @gureentea)


So my thinking is that, the reason Solar was comfortable lying in Eric's arm on the yacht is because they already did the same thing last night in bed anyway.... If ya know what I mean~ :glasses:


I'm trying to piece together the chronological order of all the events they did. With what we know so far this is all that I can come up with:

Oct 3rd

  • Arrived in Dubai, check-in


  • Visited Burj Khalifa
  • Went to the local market and the restaurant
  • Car ride in the desert
  • Outdoor dance at night
  • Stayed over at the luxurious villa (pool+ bed scene)


Oct 4th

  • Walk on the pier (Skip, skip, skip to my lou~~~)
  • A yacht tour around Palm Jumeirah
  • Musical fountain show (notice that their clothing are similar to what they wore on the yacht)



  • IMG Worlds Amusement Park (Again, Eric wore the same clothes, only Solar changed hers; the owner of this fancam also said Eric left right away because he was in a hurry to go somewhere, probably the airport)
  • Departure from Dubai


EDIT - More preview pics from the official website:









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@papaxmoo Yes! I actually made that gif when I was talking about how Eric wanted to kiss her during the pool scene. Solar does look really closed off and that's why that scenes so important to me: the wish he chose instead was the one that allowed her to open up to him, effectively bringing their relationship to another level.

One more day left everyone!

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The translation of official preview text for tomorrow's episode from WGM website


 ♥ We Got Married ♥ Episode 344 (will be aired at October 22th, 2016) 

Eric Nam ♥ Sola 'Luxurious' Dubai Trip (2)

The highlight of Dubai trip! Eric ♥ Solar headed towards the 'desert'!
Going up and down~ Without hesitation they enjoyed 'Dune Bashing' that crossed over the desert~

"Let's go! I love speed!" English exclamation came naturally from Solar!
Thrilling! How was Ddongi couple's exciting desert leisure?

Two of them got out of the car and felt the sand ocean in bare feet!
With a flower crown and a bow tie, they took their self-wedding photos...
On the dunes where the beautiful sun set, Ddongi couple's remind wedding* photos indeed were?

In the middle of the desert, there's a 'desert camp' where you can enjoy various stage performances and Dubai local style!
Mesmerized by the fancy appearance of Egypt traditional dance, the two of them had been watched by the dancer who summoned them to the stage!
They're embarrassed for a while, how was 'energy' bursting Ddongi couple's impromptu dance stage?!

After the first day of the trip, Eric ♥ Solar couple entered the 'luxurious hotel suite room'!
At the accommodation that boasts the best ever visual suitable for the luxurious trip, their jaws were dropping...
So, how was the room where the two of them spent their first night of the trip?


* Remind wedding (리마인드 웨딩) refers to married couples in 30s-40s years old (I'm not sure if it's the age of the marriage or the ages of the husband & wife, but I think it's the latter?) reminisce their wedding meaning, so the couples are able to realize once again the importance of their bond. 


Sorry for the late translation! I was outside all day and just got a chance now to post this. I lurked in here several times though hehe because I enjoy reading your posts :D Also saw that Moonbyul started to post a few hints to their comeback title song on their fancafe memo, but now I don't know why I can't access Twitter -_-

Eric's update:


Eric's IG update!


Eric posted a video with TMON again, this time he visited girls who had an english listening exam? And look who's talking about WGM there :P (Btw saw fans of Eric were happy when Eric said he's single and he's just in a virtual marriage program)


Secret Day posted some of Eric's photos too, one of them is the CF BTS


Also a few accounts saw Eric today!





Solar's update:


MAMAMOO's performance today! Glad that they dance again, and Byul also looked much better :D 




@Le_Sanguinea Thank you for your hard work, really. I also realize that you put my old translations on the first page? :o Even now I'm having a hard time tracking my own translations here because I didn't list them back then. Really touched! Knowing that you're also busy with your real life, borrowing Solar's word, "Gamdongs~!" ^_^ Let me know if you need help with something, I'll try to help whenever I can. Well, now even Google can tell that you're the one who's in charge here :lol:

You're even designing their banner?? Actually, I'm a retired(?) poster designer for a student club in my university, really hope I can help with something but it's been a while since I designed something. I also don't have any idea for the design right now, my mind is too occupied with my research assignment, but I like your idea with the bar B) Maybe you should put more glow effect to the text?

Hmm I don't know if it's a good idea, but maybe adding something with elephant or turtle? Since those animals represent them. Or a cute "ddong" (literal meaning) drawing with neon effect? :lol: Either Eric or Solar (I don't remember) also drew it on one of the pages of "Why I Love You" book. Don't take my ideas seriously though, it might turn bad :sweatingbullets: Photoshop is kinda hard at first, but it's fun, especially when you're not chased by the deadline haha.

@cinnaminskies Do you mean this video? (I tried to searched it :))




@papaxmoo I know, right? MBC should release all of our couple's photos (in HD!) and the unedited footage as well! *greedy shipper mode* :wub: Hahaha

@Giann_Kim Welcome back, chingu! Long time no see your post (especially your fmv!) :) 

@enko20 Actually, agree with you about the order of their trip! Thanks for posting the pictures too! :D Can't wait for the newest episode!

@macaroonjunkie Agree. And not to mention they recorded for all day until maybe late night? And they had to do blackroom interview too after that. The trip was tiring, but I hope it's twice the fun and happiness! ^_^ 


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@Le_Sanguinea man-5! sorry ladies. Banner wise I'm not terribly great at photoshop either, I guess you could fill up the spaces with random Ddongi things (banana milk, sweet potato snacks, hollabong aid, dragon egg, wedding rings, ddongi t-shirts)and try and make the neon sign more neonish? Oh I just had a thought, since it might look weird to have just random commercial inserts of random Ddongi things, I know there's like a filter or effect that makes certain things look more cartoon/painting/drawing ish? maybe that would help bring it together? I'ma just keep throwing ideas at you.

@enko20 mad skills detective! I will have to agree with you on the schedule, looks legit. well I think we can all be sure that by the time they got back to the hotel they were seriously worn out and their guard/walls were down (heart to heart talk). I hope they did the BRI the next day or something cause man, all that adventure would have me pass out as soon as I hit the pillow. My hopes of them swimming is gone, I just want them to rest now huhu.

@cinnaminskies I thought it was you but wasn't sure! yes! I guess after all that skinship in the pool could probably make you embarrassed like two teens messing about in the pool then having to sit in front of their parents and talk :joy: like Yongsun was even closed off to the cameraman haha

@macaroonjunkie wow! that's a crazy long day! sounds super tiring! but fun. :dizzy:

@Farfalle thank you for translating! lmao at MBC's 'leisure' there is nothing leisurely about 4x4 through dunes! :joy: yay! more wedding/honeymoon photos! That crack video was hilarious, I can imagine the time just compiling all those tracks and videos wah! :dizzy:  




keen for you guys to see this, how to design a logo for myself :dizzy: Ddongi in NY coming soon...


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Hello guys! Ah~finally i can make my time today. I'm amaze that i saw lots of detectives here and though i can't post anything, i'm just glad i could read all the superb discussions. Well done, lovelies~♡♡♡

Thanks to @LavelyShai for creating this thread and Congratulations to @Le_Sanguinea "oppa" for taking over this thread. To be honest, i love this thread more right now after the edits. All thanks to our wonderful friends and for their amazing detective skills to track our Ddongie couple timelines. *ClapClapClap* :) 

Well, my review~ i know it's too late, so i'll try to post after today episode. In the meantime, i just wanna share this gifs i made.

As you all know our Eric have unique dance skills, so when i saw this, i can't help but to reminded me of...


THIS! MAMAMOO's Single Lady!!!



Eric Nam's Single Eric VS MAMAMOO's Single Ladies... :D 

One more...

Our Eric & Solar 1st forehead kiss that happened on the same day! :heart:




Well~ see you all later! I hope for much more sweeter & funnier episode for today.

For Solar to enter Eric's territory zone... im really expecting this!!! Hehehe :glasses: Not sure whether that scene gonna be on today episode or maybe next week, but still, i hope for MBC not cutting that~ Coz judging by Eric's dumbfounded reactions of Solar's sudden approach, he still lovin it. Our girl, Solar? This girl just never fail to surprise me! "Omo Yongsunnie... just what are you trying to do with Eric's manly leg?! Well~ have a good luck "seducing" him then! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ :P "

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@papaxmoo Ah, so you're a dude? Wow! B) Hahahaha I was also confused about the 'leisure' thing :sweatingbullets: But from the text preview, guess that Solar enjoyed it haha. And are you making a video? :o 

@zurah90 Sis, glad to see you today! So today you can watch them live? :D And woah, good observation there. Was Eric singing 'Single Ladies' at that time? Hahahaha. And good job for realizing their first forehead kiss, sis! I think their Chuseok rally will be so memorable for them, they made many good memories there. And yeah, can't wait for the latest episode!


While waiting for today's episode, I found more of their preview photos!

<우리 결혼했어요> 에릭남♡솔라, 사막에서 찍는 두번째 웨딩화보 이미지-1<우리 결혼했어요> 에릭남♡솔라, 사막에서 찍는 두번째 웨딩화보 이미지-2<우리 결혼했어요> 에릭남♡솔라, 사막에서 찍는 두번째 웨딩화보 이미지-3


Eric attended Seoul Fashion Week!





MAMAMOO is up for 2016 Melon Music Awards voting! I tried to vote, but I think it needs some ID/Korean phone number? :( The girls are in top 10 now!


MAMAMOO's appearance at Cultwo Show is available in english sub!


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@Farfalle Yeah i'm in today! :) But not for next week though. Glad to see everyone here too! Miss you too , sis! As to your question, nope~ he wasn't singing "Single Lady" at that time but he was actually dancing to the rapping part of his song, "Can't Help Myself"! Hahahaha:lol: Yep, nowadays both of them are making lots of their memories, so it's really gonna be memorable for them. Anyway~ thanks for the updates too! Eric have unique sense of styles too! ;) oh no~ so we can't vote for our girls? Too bad but hopefully fans will help keep pushing the votes to the top. Top 10 is already good enough but hopefully their votes will increase soon. Love the preview photos~ they look sweet together!:wub:

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How is it that they hold hands so casually :wub:

Tons of laugh with Eric's belly dancing lmao! :w00t: Gee this episode is so funny kekek~ especially uri-yeba in the desert ride :lol:

Hmm? MBC didn't tease us much with the preview.. fishy MBC fishy.. now I'm expecting a lot for nxt week.  :rolleyes:

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What a refreshing episode! Solar's english is great at first then she can't help with her Konglish but she's cute whenever she talks in english. Eric~ please teach her more in future and she will ace even more! It's funny how they kept slipping through the sand when they gonna take selfie. This gonna be another memory for them. Ah so Eric prepared that flower & bow tie to commemorate their 200th days Anniversary? Sweet~♡♡♡ 

Can we also call them Selca Couple now that they love to take pictures together? ;) 

Their segment went smooth till Eric kills me when he start to get in the grooves with his feels till Solar asked him to stop. I JUST CAN'T WITH ERIC!!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

So next week episode is their last week spent in Dubai then. Kya~ can't wait for next episode! The "bed scene" need to happen. LOL B) 

Loving them~ when the first starts it, the other follow suits. They are seriously a couple match made in Heaven~♡

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@zurah90 wow I didn't know Mamamoo had a Single Ladies performance! I watched it it was daebak!

15 hours ago, Farfalle said:

@papaxmoo Ah, so you're a dude? Wow! B) Hahahaha I was also confused about the 'leisure' thing :sweatingbullets: But from the text preview, guess that Solar enjoyed it haha. And are you making a video? :o 


yes indeed I am a dude! nice find with the previews! yes indeed I have made a video! :sweat_smile:

So while you're waiting for the subbed episode you could watch this video I made, it's all of Ddongi's moments at Kcon NY. Luckily there was a lot of fancams (although it was for other artists but I scavenged and tried to find the best quality with the best view!) 



I streamed the episode just now and omg Yongsun is looking stunning in the BRI! like WOAH :astonished:. Almost got annoyed at how many shots the actual accommodation got instead of our couple but none the less, there was hand holding, lots of crazy dancing thanks to Eric and Yongsun's random english :joy::joy::joy: I honestly laughed so much I almost choked on my dinner.

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Their belly dancing was hilarious hahaha. I just can't deal with these two honestly, they are too much :lol:

Oh gosh, I wish I have the video making skill chingus have. I wanna compile all of Solar's English in Dubai together soooo badly. Her random English is the cutest thing ever :P

One more thing. Is next week really the last episode for Dubai though? I feel like there's so much left to be done that jamming it into one single episode... I really don't like the sound of that :huh: I mean, all of the best events I've been waiting for haven't even aired yet, so I can't fathom just seeing all of them together in like a 25-28 mins episode while their first day is spread out into 2 eps. That doesn't sound right to me...

I will save my thoughts later with subbed ep. So for now.... BOUNCE~ ! :glasses:


Sorry, I just really want to share these moments because I LOVE them so much. I will put them in spoiler for those who haven't watched yet 



Eric giving Solar another rose OMG! :heart: She LOVED it so much yet so embarrassed that she hit him while saying "I'm going crazy~~" :wub:


Titanic scene re-enactment again, on an actual yacht this time. LOOK AT THE WAY ERIC GRABBED HER WAIST THOUGH! :love:

@zurah90 Ah you're here for this week sis! Well yes I hope so too. I see the Halloween thing they have but I think it's not a smart idea to cut a bunch of footage just so they can fit the rest of their trip into the "Halloween Special" concept. I would rather see all the events in full detail tbh.

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