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Hi all :)  I hope you all fine and happy (esp after 2 cute episodes after Chuseok Rally and exciting Duba-iii) 

I have a busy week and i need to make preparation on the my exam this friday (wish me luck) so i'll just become the happy silent lurker for a while (forgive me for that)

I really enjoyed all the comment and thought here, it makes me itchy to join (lol)

So I'll make a comment for the last question ( already in the previous page) that i asked before and for the rest I hope you enjoy reading my random thought.

1. Did you guys think that Eric really want to kiss Solar on the lips as stated by the WGM's panelist?

Actually i have same thought as @autumnleaves19_stv @enko20 so that why i asked the question. Eric seem too nice if he want to take opportunity to kiss Solar in that way (blame the panelist which are the Ddongie Couple shipper that super excited lol). In the recent episodes it clearly shows that he want to do nose rub greeting and saying "Pu-daen-di" (idk the right spelling) but, i can't deny the fact that Eric realise that his gesture makes Solar misunderstood with the thought that he want to kiss her in the lips. In the end we can see that both of them thought about kiss and makes the situation so awkward (really cute scene though).

2. a ) Eric sang Mamamoo's Um Oh Ah Yeah a lot. He sang it in ACS, Daddy and I, V Live with Eddie (in which i can't access here :(), even when he met Solar for the first time. So i thought he's a Mamamoo's fans. 

b ) I watch Eric ideal type of Woman in Youtube (he stated in several interview way before and after join WGM) and watch the Han River date with Solar :

He like bright personality, laugh a lot, and do the work with passion --> definetely Yong Seon nie 

3. From the picture above (Eric and Solar in the airport), i can see the VJ is far enough from Ddongie Couple, and i thought it good for them to interact more natural. In case of this, if you guys re-watching the previous eps you can tell how Solar is aware with camera, the obvious one is when she flossing her teeth. For me that show how Solar still cautious that this is just one of the TV program she work with and she need to take care her image, the rest of MMM member and of course the company, and she need to take care of her fans heart as well. But if you notice lately, Solar gaze is fixed to Eric more. You can see on the Theme Park Date and the DIY Cafe!! :) 

4. Speaking about gaze, makes me remember about something interesting in ACS. When MMM became guest star in ACS, Solar was asked what would you do to attract a guy you like (something like that). And Solar said that she will stare the guy intense stare. You know when Solar chair is done, and Eric asked what "do you like it?" to Solar. Solar sit on the chair and give him sexy intense stare, which makes Eric laugh! 

DIY surely give Solar huge impression of Eric as a cool man. Solar is definetely on fangirling mode on that time with Eric!

5. I just love the pool scene. Esp when Misun comment why Eric got closer to her (Eric cuddle near to Solar lap). I think is Solar already open for skinship judging from how she asked Eric to place his feet near to her, giving him access to pat/hug her shoulder (we already know this from Chuseok), touching his lap, letting him touch her hair, she is opening herself more, i'm sure Eric like it coz actually i thought Eric is quite touchy with his American friend lol.

6. The pool story. I love how Solar asking Eric to stay when he left her to took the book. It's remind me the eps which Solar said that she didn't know how to enjoyed time with herself again when Eric not there with her (reffering eps when Solar call Eric and asked him to buy her bingsu). This is show how Solar really enjoy herself having fun together with Eric :)

After answering the book i realised Solar and Eric have the same memorable events that left big impression for them. The have almost same answer for the question in the book. they are in the same wavelength though.

Solar wish to Eric :

-She want Eric to learn about Korean gag : asking him to show the other side of him, she want to know him more as he want to know her more and i think she want to make Eric almost like her ideal man type agree with you @enko20

PS : did you notice her BRI?

I love how she address Eric is her best gift and how before Eric said Solar is his best gift to Santa. Solar uses gesture a lot, and it's look like spontaneous gesture when you really concern about the matter. Yes, she worried and feel sorry for him, that's why she asked for a suggestion from Radio Star ex-WGM eonnie. Actually Solar do not need a suggestion or forcing. I think Eric is okay with her sudden pace and skinship right now. I love the idea about "fighting" with phone, jealousy over model, fighting for champion just like a kids and make up in a minutes --> official Ddongie's style of fighting    

Eric wish to Solar :

- He needs Solar's upgraded ketchup fried rice : asking Solar to learn cooking more :P 

- He need Solar's unexpected skinship : he's so excited in BRI looking from his gestures when he wished Solar to initiated skinship more. He definetely really like it judging from the way he pointed at his heart. I'm done analysing Eric's body language : puckered lips --> focus, open mouth (refering to duet fest) --> he like it (lol just for fun) 

-He want to maintain this relationship with Solar : what is the specify for "their relathionship" i'll let you to think about it B) 

7. Idk why MBC make a lot of jumble sequence of event in this episode, but still it's really heartwarming eps to watch :) 

4 hours ago, Le_Sanguinea said:

The kshowdaily comment section for last week's episode is no joke. Seriously, who knew a lot of them were hiding in the woodwork? Hello to all random lurkers! :D 

i've been download the WGM episode in KSD regularly. I followed the Ddongie comment section from the start and compared to the other couple before, Ddongie couple only got around 40 comment but like @Le_Sanguinea said, starting after Chuseok, the comment section was a blast. I laughed so hard read the funny comment name (you can check if you're curious). I've read someone have mention this thread in section comment. I do hope they will join us here. :) 

12 hours ago, autumnleaves19_stv said:

what exactly that Solar feels which she wants Eric to feel it as well?

I wish i know your answer hahaha. Let's see how will Solar expressed her feels to Eric. MBC i beg you to let this couple take and give their heart to the fullest. *delulu

I'm amazed with your ability to analyse Donggie's schedule guys, you even searched for their flight. And all happen almost accurate. You must be one of Dispatch team lol. I refer this all chingus who doing the hardwork looking on Ddongie's trip!!! You're jjang!! Keep giving us the good new and analyse masternim :P Love you all fellow shipper. (sorry if i'm being too excited)

Sorry for the grammar mistakes, i type this comment in hurry, now i'll be silent lurker till i'm done with my exam :) Thank You 

Pyyong :wub:

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@407801baby I simply love your thoughts and i agree with your points too. In the latest episode, i love every moments of them, especially BRI from both of them with their thoughts. They both changes lots since the first time they met and even Yongsunnie don't let us go with her tricky open-ended questions! Hahaha. I gotta love the pool scene the most since thats the most thing we have been craving for: Their moment of just chatting in their own personal space, getting closer, their breathes (LOL), their staring and gazing at each other that always drive us crazy... What's more? They shared similar perspective of their relationships. Their changes that makes them even more just like real husband and wife. They are both are such a blessful couple~♡♡♡ 

Yes, i have to agree that we have lots of friends here that are super extreme with their awesome analyzes. Dispatch team? Say no more...they are just fabulous detectives that putting on a smiles on our face everyday! :)  And lastly, thanks for making your time and i wish you good luck in your exam! Hwaiting~♡


@morethanacityname I'm sure everyone of us here craving for fanpic of them but it might be hard since they are overseas. And yeah! Our MAMAMOO ladies enjoying their times in Japan. It's good that they get to enjoy their times before making their comeback. Until then, Ddongie trip to Dubai will be a mystery for us that keep us all full of curiosity.Hehehe :P 

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21 hours ago, morethanacityname said:

Anyways I found this instapost from someone who seemed to be in the same flight as Eric and Solar. Can someone translate??

@morethanacityname The translation of the caption: "I've arrived well in Dubai!! I don't need anything, just want to take a bath ㅠㅠ Meet the hotel personnel, on my way to the hotel~ #Dubai #airport #tiredtired #hungry #Solar #EricNam #Dubai #cameforfilming". Thanks for the info about the flights, chingu. Ah, their trip won't be a long one, but it's okay, the fact that they will be together for more than a day is making me excited :D 


Love to see the discussion and thoughts about both latest episode and their Dubai trip! :D Oh, I also saw the comments on kshowdaily. It warms my heart to see that Ddongi couple has many other supporters. Hopefully they can join us here to support Ddongi couple together :) 

Personally, I also prefer them not to be bothered by too many fans, so they can have a proper holiday? But honestly I'm happy too if I can see a glimpse of their updates there. Forgive me for being not consistent :sweatingbullets: 

I want to see their footage on the plane too, but I understand if they didn't have any. They departed so late at night and they had to record when they arrived, I think it's make sense if they saved their energy on the plane :) 

Regarding sleeping in the same room, I think it will be a joyful scene for us if it happened, but a nightmare for their respective fans (prepare for the hate comments! :sweatingbullets:). And seeing from Solar's shy and conservative personality, I think she will be so shy, not just about the fact that they will sleep in the same room, but also showing her bare face without make up to Eric for the first time. But I don't want to hope much, it's okay if they didn't sleep in the same room. 

Btw, I just rewatched the preview for the latest episode, and again they cut scenes? What were they talking about in this scene? I'm curious :huh:


And another news related to Eric's collaboration with Ailee:

<Law of the Jungle> pre-release of Eric, Changseob, & Park Se-young:

An account reposted Eric's IG post and wrote that Eric & Solar are recording for WGM. Maybe this account is their sponsor? And omo, the caption said it's their honeymoon trip :o 


Caption translate:
"#WeGotMarried now is recording in Dubai, please look forward to #EricNam #Solar #DdongiCouple 's super luxurious honeymoon trip! #WGM #MAMAMOO #EricNam #Solarmoo #MBC #VIsitDubai"


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I personally agree with @Farfalle posts. I don't hope much but just wish for them to enjoy themselves there. Oh so it's really their honeymoon trip? Thanks for the translation! That's cool too! It really satisfies me enough that they are going overseas for their honeymoon. Aww~:heart:

Yeah even with that cutting scene from the latest episode, i'm curious as well. Solar must have find him looking satisfying to ask him that question and hence the replies from him. Their "nunbit" are mesmerizing! 

Thanks for more updates! :) 


@morethanacityname OMG!!! That fan must be so lucky to stumble our Ddongie couple!!! *squealing* 

Gosh, just as i was saying it was hard to get a picture of them...woah that was like a magical~ And yeah~ thanks for bringing up Eric's birthday... still waiting for this wish to happen but i really hope it won't happen like in Bbyu couple case! 

@Farfalle Bless us all too, my dear sis! ;) Solar loving it and we loving it... Our Eric really going to make us go crazy again!!! 

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@zurah90 You're welcome, sis. Glad to see your post again! :D Yup, I mean what are they talking about that Solar asked Eric if he likes it. Is it her forehead kiss or something else? Hahaha. And yeah, thanks to that fan, we can see a glimpse of their vacation there. He/she's so lucky! I think Eric's all-back hairstyle is often seen when he's overseas? Hahaha. And oh please, now that they're in a theme park, I really hope they enter a haunted house! It's one of my wishes!

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if they really go to haunted house, wow it means our wishes that we have posted here are slowly becoming true :o i remember a chingu here wanted them to go to haunted house (forgot who it is, is it @Farfalle? :D) and then @enko20's wish to make them do some creative things and they did it on DIY cafe. i also write here that i want them to experience winter (but kind of hopeless bcs idk if they're still on the show on actual winter) and turned out they went to winter-themed amusement park to at least experienced "fake" winter... whoa

not a dubai update, but the DIY cafe posted the chairs and table ddongi made :D i bet you all already know what they wrote hereKakaoTalk_20160901_195057225.jpg?type=w8

sit here and think of me ^__^ i love u -YongDdong-

(wait, all this time i read it as -YunDdong- but actually eric wrote -YongDdong- instead... i didn't realized it lol)


for YunDdong oppa's precious bottom <3 

full post here


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@Farfalle MBC always have their chopping skill works. I know i have to get used to it but they are killing me nowadays since our couple have becoming more lovey-dovey with their sweetness...hehehe:blush: Still the "Solar's infamous forehead kiss" topic? Kekeke:glasses: I don't know what is it for sure but i think it must have make our Eric felt touched/fond by Solar that he requested something from her that makes her questioned him that! Judging from his facial expressions, he seem to have meant it. Ah~ still! Wonder what was it that they are talking about?! Anyway, yup sis! Whenever he goes to overseas, his all-back hairstyle are the usual routine for him, after seeing him in his performances in Korea with his hair down, it's time for him to sleek his hair back! Please be more suave and smexy, Eric ah! Oh yes please! Since it's Halloween theme... Haunted house is a MUST to go!!! I have to admit that when 33 couple went to haunted house, i am fully jealous and hope that our couple will be next to go...lol :D 

@gureentea Oh wow! Thanks for the update! What a masterpiece! They didn't even forget to include "♡" in their message and that's really such a heartwarming one! Our DIY couple are really talented~ Also, i'm feeling thankful that our wishes are getting fulfill one by one. 

Way to go, Ddongideul! Hwaiting!!!

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@gureentea Woah, you found this blog? :o Great finding, chingu! Almost every place they visited often posted about our couple's visit hahaha. Yup, I wished them to visit haunted house before, but guess there are other chingus here who wished the same? Yeah, let's keep writing our wish then. Even the most impossible wish from me at that time (my wish for Solar to initiate a skinship for once) come true! :D 

@zurah90 Haaa~ Wish the staff posted all of their uncut footage hahaha, but that's a hard wish :sweatingbullets: Yup, and Eric responded without hesitation that he did like it. Thumbs up for his hair-stylist! He/she has sense this time, styling his hair like vampire characters which is more suave :wub: Hahaha me too, I was like, "When will our Ddongi couple's turn to haunted house?" Ah, I hope they really went there, I'm afraid that we're going to be disappointed, so let's keep our expectation low hahaha.

The fan before also took a video of Eric & Solar (although it's not that clear)! He/she's really lucky to see them so close!


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@Farfalle Oh my goodness! That fan is superb lucky!!! Our couple looks like walking on the runway. Told ya,sis! Black & White make the bestest combination for them! Suave Vampire & Sexy Witch.... okay i need to calm my heart right now!!! Just like what you said, let's keep our expectation low! Hehehe...

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@zurah90 Ah I see, thank you. Well I never thought about it that way, so it took me a while to think about it lol. I think you do have a point. Every time I watch or listen to Solar, it seems like there's many things that she is...oblivious about? Like in this latest episode, she was taken by surprise when Eric ask for sudden skinship. The fact that she even think like that mean to me that skinship is really an afterthought for her by nature (mean that it's not her default way of expressing affection), which also mean that all the little touches she does with Eric came unconsciously as a reflection of how close she is with Eric, not because she planned it. Maybe I'm just reading too much but it makes sense to think about it. :rolleyes:

@407801baby I really like your analysis, you seems to focus more on BTS and things outside WGM? Haha it's refreshing.

6 hours ago, 407801baby said:

3. From the picture above (Eric and Solar in the airport), i can see the VJ is far enough from Ddongie Couple, and i thought it good for them to interact more natural. In case of this, if you guys re-watching the previous eps you can tell how Solar is aware with camera, the obvious one is when she flossing her teeth. For me that show how Solar still cautious that this is just one of the TV program she work with and she need to take care her image, the rest of MMM member and of course the company, and she need to take care of her fans heart as well. But if you notice lately, Solar gaze is fixed to Eric more. You can see on the Theme Park Date and the DIY Cafe!! :) 


That's interesting. I never notice about that. Well I think everyone's got to be aware of the camera to a certain degree, right? It's just that Solar is even more aware because of the fact that she's not used to being behind it for a non-musical show. The fact she even dare flossing her teeth in the first place show how simple and unpretentious she really is, and Eric was so quick to cover her from the camera, how great of him. Also you are right about Solar's gazing more at Eric, not only that, but it feels like the look in her eyes toward Eric is starting to change too?

@Farfalle Really, if we're going to talk about negative reaction, the fact that they are going to Dubai together is already enough of a reason for flaming. Also, I'm actually glad there's not many photos/vids around because it allows them to stay low under the radar, avoiding even more negative reactions. 

(EDIT: Never mind! I guess pics are coming in now lol.)

As for whether she can do it or not, it remains to be seen. I agree that we shouldn't put too much expectations on her even if she's already opening up to Eric, bc she's still shy by nature. However, because the statement she made last ep. was a month ago, I really would like to think that she's made enough progress with Eric since then to be able to pull this off. Let's wait and see, shall we? :rolleyes:

Ah, so it's honeymoon? Well that makes sense. I hope they can really make this experience into a romantic one for them.

EDIT 2:  There's also a video of them in IMG on that same account (video posted above)

I notice Solar is not wearing white for once LOL, and also what is that on her hair? Is that a flower pin? It's rare sight to see her dressing in a feminine way in front of Eric.

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Hello Dongie Shippers its been a while since i post here. :sweatingbullets:

Really love and enjoying reading all the post from all of you guys thank you so much for the faster update from our Dongie couple.

I know all of us super duper excited for there dubai trip happening to be aired hoping its gonna be full of sweetness from them! 

And really hoping that Dongie could experience christmas and new year together. (you know what i mean right?)

I think MBC already knew that Dongie couple receive so much love from all the viewers so they have special treatment for them #justsaying :sweatingbullets: but I really agree that they really deserve that vacation out of the country. :wub:

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@zurah90 Oh yes, they're good with black & white :D And at the fantaken video, Eric brought a self-camera. I wonder what are they going to ride with that camera? Hahaha. We have to wait patiently for their Dubai trip, sis! This week they will go to nature first, having fun by themselves with autumn scenery. Can't wait for this week's episode too! :lol: And woah, thanks for the fancam!

@enko20 Yes, I also don't want them to be exposed too much. Luckily, until now there's not many pictures and videos of them. Yeah, I understand that we want to see some progression. Let's just trust both Eric & Solar as usual about this :) I'm also curious about the white thing at Solar's hair, thinking it's a flower too, but after I rewatched several times, I think it's a self-camera that Eric brought :sweatingbullets:

@chemoomoo90 Let's hope they'll stay long enough to celebrate Christmas and New Year :) I prefer them to stay until Solar's birthday actually. It's an almost impossible wish, but I'll just hope :rolleyes: And what a dedication, making a T-shirt with our couple's name :D You remind me when Solar made t-shirts for her members hahaha.

@gureentea I want to post that too! And you know, if you take a look carefully at that CF, when Eric looks at his phone to read the message from her "girlfriend", the girl's name is "소라" (so-la/so-ra), while Solar's name in Korean is written as "솔라" (sol-la). Hmmmm... :rolleyes:

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