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Hi all, it's been ages since I last wrote in this forum but I have been silently reading everyone's messages. Glad that someone continues to track their meetings for WGM. 


Anyways I found this instapost from someone who seemed to be in the same flight as Eric and Solar. Can someone translate??


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I'm actually amazed that there are no photos of them until now and surely there must be some fans at the airport to greet them because we all basically know their flight number but maybe fans aren't allowed to post photos of them? I don't know... I hope Eric will update us new photos again :) to Dubai fans, good luck finding them!

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I think there probably are people greeting them at the airport (cause I remember so many people showed up when SoLim arrived in Turkey).It would be great to have photos/vids of them but I'm ok with not seeing those. What I really hope is that they will record themselves on the plane together like @cinnaminskies said. We just simply can't miss out on those long hours of them interacting with each other.:)

Also I just realized that because they are going from 2nd-5th, they are actually going to spend 2 nights together, in the same room :scream: 

At the risk of going full byuntae mode, I'm just going to say that the atmosphere is going to be really chaotic and romantic at the same time (hope they won't go too crazy that people will call the police on them lol)


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@enko20 i am also on a serious byuntae mode for this couple, seriously usually i feel the bed scenes on wgm are cringy but i don't know why i am really looking forward for ddongi's HAHAHA i think the reason we (ddongi shippers) are all this excited is because they show us satisfying progress from the latest ep so we can't stop spazzing about them

they actually spending like 3 or 4 nights together including the ones on flights haha:grimace:

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:wub: all long reviews & comments! Love em.. Keep it coming and excited for the ddongi in Dubai... R they doing sky diving down burj khalifa or sand dune adventure at the desert

@enko20 really?!! Same room? I've never watched any wgm honeymoon b4. Really wonder if it's only for camera then they go back separate ways or seriously sharing room ...omo how to deal with removing makeup and showering :blink:


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22 minutes ago, spicyfoodie said:


@enko20 really?!! Same room? I've never watched any wgm honeymoon b4. Really wonder if it's only for camera then they go back separate ways or seriously sharing room ...omo how to deal with removing makeup and showering :blink:



Well, I can't say for certain but couples actually sleeping through the night together has happened before. All they do is just put cameras and leave the couple on their own (like when Ddongie are at home). Most recent example I can think of would be Bbyu couple. They even woke up and showed their morning,bare faces to each other lol. This is a golden opportunity for Eric to see Solar's bare face :w00t: (girl stop hiding it, you know Eric gonna like you even more for it).

At least, if they don't actually do that, we can still see their sweet interaction with each other because there won't be people around when they are in the room. Give me that and their plane interaction and I will be over the moon. :blush:

I love how everyone here and on kshowdaily are just going wild over something that we won't see until 2 weeks from now hahahaha :lol: Ddongie couple's effect is real!

@gureentea Ikr!! I feel like our ship seriously leveled up after last ep lol. Talk about cringe, oh dear me just imagine Eric and Solar in bed (ok that came out wrong but you know what I mean), the awkwardness will just be over the top. :flushed:

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Hello lovelies... it's been a while since i'm MIA. How's everyone doing? 

Goodness you guys are amazing! I simply amazes with everyones updates... Really, thank you so much! *hugs*

Last week episode was still as clear as day in my head~ Both Eric and Solar "grown" alots with their changes. These two claimed that they are both bad in doing aegyo... but what's that, Eric and Solar ya~? It's precisely just like they both claimed that they felt changes after the Chuseok Rally! 

- Solar amazement with Eric's cooking skills and Eric treasure the precious moment of receiving Solar's 1st kiss on the forehead~♡♡♡

- Solar's "Skip to my lou"

- Ddongie's signature "Eskimo Greeting"

- A bit chump of cute awkwardness after the "Nose-Turn-Lips" Greeting! 

- Clear the snow off each other hairs

- Eric's musical serenade

- Ddongie's aegyo-ness of being competitive of each other- Solar wanna win it all that she have tendency of cheating and Eric not letting her win...these two are seriously kids!!!

- The messages they wrote in the card, especially with Eric confession of having Solar as his great gift.

I seriously went to heaven after this.

It's not the end until i watched the latest episode...

- Just like @Farfalle, i was wondering too why Solar laughed randomly? Is it because she thought that she pronounced "gorgonzola" in such a funny/weird tone that she felt it's awkward? Lol... but she's cute! So it was cut that we couldn't watch their conversation while eating the pizza...hmm...i'll just close one eye for this!

- During the woodworks, i'm literally Solar! And thanks to MiSun for pointing out about "men veins"... i swear this is the manly Eric i love to see. More than that, i'm glad that Solar get to witness how manly her hubby was!

- Eric focused on making the table and Solar focused on her husband! Sweetness~♡♡♡

- Solar role playing when Eric asking her to have the feel of what it's like of her high stool that she made... Strut that sexy pose witnessed by 2 male fans there? Kekeke...

- When Solar said "You are good" and Eric replied "Because you're helping me." , I'm like... "Look at this manner boy!" Are you sure Eric sshi? You've doing good from the first you started.

- Eric silly dance of excitedness after successfully and fully satisfied with his accomplished work that make Solar's mind saying "There goes my Yoonddong oppa!"

- Love Eric expression when Solar giggling while writing her message on the stool... He must be like, "I'm just so curious how this cute girl's mind works that she randomly show her expression openly?" Lol

- The messages they wrote on the stool for each other! ~♡♡♡

"For Yoonddong's precious bottom.♡"- YongSun 

Love how she flash her "heart" gesture...awww~♡♡♡

(Now guys, sorry if i'm being a lil byeontae, but don't you ever think that our Solar wish she could tap Eric's bottom? To compliment him for being good.)

"Sit here and think of me. :) I ♡ U ~Yongddong~"- Eric 

Eric being sweet really melts my heart omg!!! Even though Solar reacted simply, she must felt overjoyed. Lucky you, girl!*

- I can't with Solar's role playing! Being sexy by that table and having back pain...lol :P 

- Once more when they sat on the high stools by their bar... goodness~Solar really kills me with her actions! 

- Love the way Eric looks at her. (His staring at her had me died everytime he does!) 

- The best highlight from this episode! When both of them in the empty big pool! Yes, the moment that we have been waiting like forever for them them have their personal talks~♡

- For Eric to bring the book, it was really a splendid move of him! Coz usually girls prefer doing this kind of stuffs than guys. It really shows how lovely he was to treasure his precious moments with Solar.

-Anyone caught Eric drawing that "poop"? Lol

- I kept repeating this scene again and again coz i really loves their honesty on every questions they answered though i wish i could see Solar's answers too...hmm

- At first when asked what was Eric wish, he said nothing except that he wish that they could stay (in this relationships) forever and Solar thought he was really sincere into it.

- Simply put, i love this scenes of their moments but it really tears me up when Solar felt sorry about not noticing what Eric wants. Aww YongSun ahh~ i understand you girl, and it's really lucky that you got yourself a perfect husband that understands you lil more everyday.

- I understand Eric's hesitation too when he wish for Solar to make sudden skinship with him. He asked that since he could sense her opening up to him more now. For Solar not expecting he would asked her that caught me off guard too...it's really unexpected! And again, the way he looks at her~ *faints* 

- Eric showing his aegyo more often~ Goodness! And everytime when Eric curls up to Solar like that, i squeals to no end! He loves getting pampered to his wifey! Awww♡♡♡

What should i say now? I'm so into them. I never ship couples like this before.



@enko20 Oh girl! You had me cracking up with your "byeontae".... Yes, since yesterday i couldn't sleep thinking of their interactions during their journey from airport, in the flight to Dubai. And to spend in the room together for 3-4 nights, im in the "byeontae" mode too!!! :blush: I hope they really have their special moments offscreen as well! Kekeke :D And *fistbump* girl! Bare face of Solar~ It's impossible that she can't show him that! Hehehe



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40 minutes ago, spicyfoodie said:

:wub: all long reviews & comments! Love em.. Keep it coming and excited for the ddongi in Dubai... R they doing sky diving down burj khalifa or sand dune adventure at the desert

@enko20 really?!! Same room? I've never watched any wgm honeymoon b4. Really wonder if it's only for camera then they go back separate ways or seriously sharing room ...omo how to deal with removing makeup and showering :blink:


hello all....have u all read the comments section in kshowdaily? Its totally a blast reading so many supporter of Ddongie CP.

Dear @spicyfoodie, it will depend actually, some CP did share the room => meant sleep in the same room till morning, not only shoot it (ex : Bbyu in countryside, Ohye in Jeju, Brownie in Japan => they just put camera inside the room). Usually the storyline will be washing face together, brushing teeth, applied some face lotion or maskpack for each other, singing lullaby as per request and so on. For our couple? I doubt Solar want to show Eric her bare face, well before she got really close to Eric she refused,not sure about it now though. In the Burj Khalifa mall they can explore many things, from the highest building sightseing, the aquarium inside mall exploring or just enjoying the biggest music fountain in the world. I predict the fountain will be in the episodes, if MBC really spent their money on them, they can even stay in the mall hotel and have the aquarium inside their room (the rate is OMG off course). Other things they can do is offroad-ing and see sunset in the sand dessert and then have dinner and camp for a night with the local people watching their traditional dance and food. This i think will also in their itinerary. 

Above all i hope nobody can track them  now so they can shoot this rather comfortably and have the time to really relax and enjoy each other company before they return to SK to attend their full mad pack schedules.

Goodnight everybody.



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Wah the excitement for the Dubai trip is really something. :phew:

As for the latest episode, there's this moment when Solar asked Eric to have a sense of korean humor and in the BRI, Solar explained that she wanted to see different sides of Eric from time to time which I think is a good sign from her, meaning that she's interested in him and want to know more about him. But, she further explained that she told him to make her laugh a lot because she thought he might think that she didn't like the way he was, which I don't understand. Can someone explain or elaborate what she said please? Hahahaha :tears:

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33 minutes ago, coldcucumber said:

Wah the excitement for the Dubai trip is really something. :phew:

As for the latest episode, there's this moment when Solar asked Eric to have a sense of korean humor and in the BRI, Solar explained that she wanted to see different sides of Eric from time to time which I think is a good sign from her, meaning that she's interested in him and want to know more about him. But, she further explained that she told him to make her laugh a lot because she thought he might think that she didn't like the way he was, which I don't understand. Can someone explain or elaborate what she said please? Hahahaha :tears:

If im not mistaken (somebody please correct me), Eric is actually known for his goofy, gags and humour (Amber her best friend even said he has a weird sense of humour), you can see it in ASC show how he fools around with the other host and guest that he close too. All this while i think he made her laugh a lot but overall she still see him in majority as a gentleman,as someone reliable. But i think if she really search about Eric she must found out how full of gags he also really is and she is now in the stage that she wants to know all the facets and sides of him (which is good and heartwarming) and she wants to reciprocate the feeling that Eric gave her (that she also likes him and ready to know and accept all side of him as she felt that Eric also embrace all sides of her including the clumsiness and her quirky humour as well). 

One of the most heartwarming sentence that Solar said in her BRI about Eric is she wants to make Eric feels the way Eric made her feels. I think even though the BRI was after Eric wish for sudden skinship but IMHO what Solar meant is overall their conversation and thought share moments between them she arrived to the conclusion of how sometimes Eric still feel she distance herself from him and she worried that Eric might felt that because she didnt like him as well (thats why she used the term she felt sorry about it) so she came to a that resolution (which actually led to another question : what exactly that Solar feels which she wants Eric to feel it as well?)

I hope this make sense @coldcucumber if not then  please forgive my rants.


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From my understanding, just like as you said it was a good sign that Solar getting interested in Eric and so by asking him to make her laugh more makes him seem forced by her request (sense of korean humor) and she scared that it might makes him uncomfortable since he's way being American. 

Simply because, Solar didn't want Eric to think that by asking him to do korean gag rather than american gag makes her feel disinterested with his american humor (Maybe because she can't understand it). She felt concerned because she wants to respect Eric's culture lives too...like that...

I might be wrong but since this is an open question, there's variety options to fill in. 


@autumnleaves19_stv Oh wow! That sounds resonable.Thanks, it really helps me to think in depth about it too. And sis, that wasn't even a rant, so don't worry. :) 

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Actually, that statement by her really confused me at first too. I had to think long and hard about what's she trying to say.

I will try to explain my thought as best as I can:

But first, let me just say this about Solar. I think someone has said this before, but Solar ideal type of guy is Hyungdon, because he represents a guy with a really funny Korean sense of humor that can make her laugh a lot.

So, I think what Solar means is that, even though she has openly let him know that she likes him as a gentle, sweet, and caring person (she has told him many times that he takes care of her well), she on the other hand also has shown what could be interpreted as dislike toward Eric's American jokes. It might seems to Eric that Solar doesn't think he is funny enough for her (she laugh a lot but the thing is, she laugh at everything even if it's not that funny). So by wishing him to make her laugh to death, and to have a sense of Korean humor, she's trying to tell him that he is already a very funny person for her, but he's capable of becoming even more like an ideal person she always wanted if only he could learn Korean jokes as well.

And I agree with @autumnleaves19_stv and @zurah90 words, it really mean so much to hear her say something like that. She is ready to accept him for whatever sides he is going to show her because she saw that Eric also embrace her for who she really is (clumsy, shy, loud etc.). That is what I think she means when she say "I want to make him feel the way he made me feel". Basically, she's on a mission to prove to Eric that she's ready to become personal with him, whether it be through skinship, or wish, or whatever it takes to get the message across.

I tried to keep it short but it ended up like that, I could be wrong but hopefully that make some senses. -_- 


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I'm afraid that they are actually flying back tonight or 5th at dawn. Solar has schedule on the 6th at a Sehan University festival and the only Emirates flight is at 3am and reaching seoul 4pm... It would be impossible for her to take that same flight on the 6th because it would be too late for her to perform... :S But it's ok. I just need some fancams / fan photos from Dubai please!

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I agree with @enko20 explanations too! To be precise, in the episode, Solar really shows her comfortable sides alot and from her BRI, it finally seems that she's ready to open up more of 'real' sides of her to Eric. Meaning that she's now willing to appreciate and she even reciprocate to make her steps forward but she have the same concept as Eric of taking it slowly. She expresses more with her feelings and she's finally getting the gist/vibe of how her relationships would work with Eric. That's why she wanted Eric to feel how she really feels when she's with him and likewise when he's with her. Eric and Solar having their charming/romantic way of expressing their thoughts that makes them really matches their chemistry naturally. Especially note that when Solar expressed that Eric is her great gift. He reallly meant a lot in part of her lives. Just like when Eric said he wishes for them to stay like that (this) forever and she thought it was unpredictable that surprised her and answered him, "Oh you really seem to meant it." From there, Solar never thought Eric would view her highly and accept/appreciates her for who she is. 

Just like in the next week preview, you can see that she really goes all out to show us that she's now slowly being comfortable with Eric. Especially when she pokes Eric (Gosh Solar, where are you poking at? His precious bottom seems cute to you too, huh? Lol) playfully and tap him in more cuter gesture and Eric expressions was like, "What's up with this girl?" Hahaha

And to Eric oppa, don't watch your part if you don't wanna to but i doubt it's difficult to do that. Just watch Solar's BRI of her expressing her thoughts about you coz that girl's confessions are truely genuine since she's opening up to you, thanks to you to wait for her calmly and making her feel special with your cares~♡

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2 hours ago, zurah90 said:

Just like when Eric said he wishes for them to stay like that (this) forever and she thought it was unpredictable that surprised her and answered him, "Oh you really seem to meant it." From there, Solar never thought Eric would view her highly and accept/appreciates her for who she is. 


I'm sorry, may I ask what you mean in this part? I don't quite get it haha. I agree with the rest of your post though.

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@enko20 Hahaha... I meant Solar didn't expected that he would said something like that and she was taken aback a little. Meaning that Eric does treasure this relationships with her thus it gave an impact on her. My statement of "From there, Solar never thought Eric would view her highly and accept/appreciates her for who she is." means that she doesn't have the clue that Eric actually respects her despite of her weakness (in relationships) and willing to go through the pace together with her and his words seem valuable to her.

Gosh...you don't have to apologize coz i should be the one to apologize since i'm really bad in putting up long sentences to describe what i want to convey in my words. :sweatingbullets:

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