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Guest aivzthegreat

I heard from a friend that Solar and Eric will be going to Dubai. Do you guys have any idea when? I'm currently based in Dubai and I wanna see them upclose. :)

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Eric just updated his IG, i did some research and based on what i found, if they took direct flight (seoul-dubai and dubai-seoul as seen on the preview), there are only 2 flights per day available. The first flight is on 1pm KST (arrival on 11pm KST) and the second one is 11pm KST (arrival on 9am KST on the next day).. idk if they already went or not since eric just updated his ig o.o (on 6pm KST)

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Ok, wow I guess they are going now then o_o Wow so it will last from Oct 2nd-5th. I am so ready to see what sort of craziness you two can come up with in Dubai. Bring it to me Ddongie! B)

This will be their first multiple days filming, is that right? Every meeting so far has only lasted one single day if I remember correctly.

@cinnaminskies I'm mind blown as well. We usually laugh and make fun of her fails because she looks funny, and because she just laugh everything off it gives us the impression that she's a carefree person, when in reality she feels really terrible every time she does something wrong. I see why she looked sooo happy when Eric said those words to her, she really has been waiting to hear something like that for so long :lol:

@sujukpop @Farfalle That's a great point. I agree with you chingus why Eric hesitated before saying that. He was trying to find a way to say it so that it won't make her feel like she has an obligation to show him skinship. That's why he said "I want you to show skinship with me suddenly", as in, he wants her to do it whenever she feels it in her heart,not doing it just for the sake of having skinship on a consistent basis. Hopefully it makes sense?


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Guest AlexMao

@lekereke My guess is the difference between the two is that Korean comedy utilizes more body gags/physical humor and American humor can be a bit more thought provoking/situational comedy. Look to the likes of Infinity Challenge, Gag Concert, etc (Running Man has elements but not as much these days) for examples. For me I liken Korean humor to that of Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Benny Hill, Don Knotts, etc.  

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Wow, they are actually going to Dubai now. Have a great trip, ddongie couple! :wub: And i seriously love reading the comments on our couple's cut on kshowdaily, haha! Hello to the chingu who promoted this forum there! :D

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@cnsdlover49 Woah, thanks for the great info, chingu! *thumbs up*  I'll add their filming date to their timeline :D Btw, they're going to Dubai on their 6-month-sary haha. 

@gureentea Wow, chingu, you're really great, even searching for the flight schedule :o Yeah, I also become happy to see them finally go to Dubai! :D 

@aivzthegreat There you go, chingu! They're heading to your country!

@enko20 Yes, hope Solar really gets Eric's intention and doesn't get too burdened with his wish. And you're right, this is the first time they will record for multiple days! :D I wish they treat this as holidays, knowing they're so busy lately.

@lekereke @AlexMao Wow, thanks for the info. Honestly I don't know much about this, but I think Korean humor also includes catchphrases? I've watched some skits of Gag Concert out of curiosity, and that's what I got haha.

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wow i can't see the picture of them at the airport:tears:, but thats really amazing, dubai its really a beautiful city.
what u guys think that they will visit? knowing Eric and solar i think that maybe one of them have prepare some kind of destiny there. In your opinion what would be? 

For me maybe the aquarium
or the Palm Jumeirah

And about the last episode i love everything, the way that solar stares at Eric:wub:, and its just me or solar did say yobo at the 34:45 after Eric said that they win the especial without using couple clothes

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Wassup Ddongideul ~ :grin:

another romantic and sweet episode for us today woohoo!!!
i'm quite surprised for uri Solar is so sweet to Eric in this episode awww *daldarae* #relationshipgoals

I will post my thought/review about today's episode :)

Ok Leggo ~

As I've seen all their episodes, I find Eric loves coffee beverages for whenever they had a drink he will get one
or ordered it... Now I'm slowly getting know more about Eric oppa in this program and also Solar eonnie too.
Komawong u-kyeol ~ *heartu heartu*

The cafe that they visited is so cool... (I want to go too ~) and did I just heard Angel line "Angel" song as the BGM of the cafe ooohhh ~ Sense jjang :)

Then the DIY woodcraft begins ~

Before they start making, I find Eric so considerate to his wife as they sketch first what design they will do, Eric making sure that Solar will not hurt in the furniture they will make. Hokshi Eric oppa ;)
The Panelist really knows our couple for they pointed out that Eric will be good at it and Solar uhmmm...? :phew:

Solar fangirling mode to Eric is so kyaaaa XD
It was so cute of her to pay so much attention to Eric, now Solar knows how we all feel huehuehue :)
and let just say that Eric is so manly when he was doing the carpentry stuff *blush* :wub:
I like the fact that we can see Eric so focus on what he was doing while on the other side his wife Solar takes
pictures of him, really this couple kekekeke *Blush* :wub: (The blushing effect on solar cheek is so cute ~)
Uri Yeba is on again for she sat on the chair she made and asking Eric if he wants some coffee in a sexy way... :rolleyes:
indeed Eric oppa answer :D
They really rely on each other now. proud ddongseu here ~
When Solar was holding the curving tool we can see that Eric and even the panelist blurted out 'be careful' to Solar but sadly to say that Solar is an adventurous girl but really Solar eonnie 'becareful,okay' you make me worried too. :sweatingbullets:
*Baksu* they really did a great job in making the table and the bar stool *Dancing like Eric* :w00t:

Their message to each other is so touching, this couple is so good in expressing their thoughts or feelings in letter form and I find it so sweet of them awww :wub:

Solar's message in the chair : "For Yoonddong oppa precious bottom" and the heart sign gesture at the end :heart:

Eric's message in the chair: "Sit here and think of me. I love you" 

at last MBC didn't cut this scene for we can hear again the i love you part of Eric to Solar (the last time i think is on their wedding vows) and Solar read out loud the I love you word... are you too Solar? *my delulu mind again* :D

when they place the table on their sala and the bar stool at their terrace our Yeba is on again hahahaha XD 

Eric being Eric as he tap a sit next to him to Solar and Solar finds it weird for their pool is no water on it and the caption (there's no water in the pool, but it's quite romantic) (Sitting in a small pool makes their hearts flutter) hokshi MBC editing ~

The scene that makes the panelist especially the ddongi couple eomma Park Misun says that they are become so lovey dovey to each other; is when they lean on the pool facing each other half laying down while their legs are so close.

The couple outfit in chuseok episode is really funny for our ddongi couple are not in match tee but what's the point on dressing up for they won the competition (are you watching,Jin kyung?) for our couple is not something to look down on kekekeke :P

Solar = decorating is daebak, thanks to Eric for uri Solar finds decorating so interesting and that she had a talent on it a DIY expert.

Eric BIR: "She does a lot of things with me for the first time in her life, that means she'll think of me if she does those things later"

aww so sweet of Eric oppa *Ddongi feels* :wub:

Then the Book about why do I love you ~ (i'll will wrote down their answers in each question hihihihi )

The most memorable incidents or events since we got married:

Eric: "It's our wedding ceremony"
Solar: "Although it's been a while,I keep recalling our ceremony and think it was fabulous."

*me too i love their wedding episode, looks like were in the same boat Park Misun eomma :P*

Did we have a crush on each other or fall in love slowly?

Eric and Solar: "the latter one ~"

*I agreed to them for we ddongideul witness the development and progress of their relationship to each other*

Why did you think your spouse looked different?

Solar: "When you carefully took care of me"
Eric: "It's when you started opening your mind to me, you were very shy in the beginning"

*Looks like our thoughts of them to each other awww ~ :wub:*

What meant special among what your spouse said to you?

Solar:"You are good at everything"
Eric:"You have no shortcomings"

*The panelist try to guess their answer is so fun hehehe :lol: Eric makes Solar to be optimistic and have confidence in herself that's why Eric was a great gift for our Solar*

What's the important turning point in our relationship?

Eric and Solar: Chuseok team building rally
Eric:"we spent a lot of time together by ourselves, but through the team rally, we learned how to lean on each other."
Solar:"When we were by ourselves,I didn't realise it.But when we were with others,I realised how important you mean to me."

*We can finally know what Solar really felt on Eric :wub:*

Their wish:

Eric:"We can stay like now forever,i don't want us to change."
*Eric saying those word to Solar while looking at each other *Ddongi feels* Hope you two will be a real couple :)*

Solar:"I want you to have a sense of korean humour,Please make me laugh to death."
*Solar just wanted to see a different side of Eric from time to time so that Eric wouldn't think that Solar don't like her the way he is.OMO ~ and Detective Park Misun eomma "Why his moving so close to her?" B)*

Eric:"Please make fried rice with ketchup for me"
*Solar one and only menu for Eric kekekeke ^_^*

Eric:"I want you to make a physical contact all of a sudden"
*Eric likes Solar unexpected skinship hmmm...Eric your the man? :lol:*

I love their pictures in the book sweetness overload :blush:

Ppyong ~



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Hi, chingu! I'm back with my thoughts about the latest episode! I'll try to write about different things from my last post and also what chingu here have written. I'm not going to post many points this time, since many of chingu here have written about it and I also agree with that :D So here I go!

  • At the beginning, I'm kinda confused, why did Solar laughed when asking for gorgonzola pizza? Did something happened before and it's edited? She's laughing so excitedly :lol: And also kinda regretful not to see their conversation while eating their pizza :')



  • Don't know if this is a known thing, but from this episode, I think Eric tends to pout his mouth when he's concentrating :lol:
  • Love this short moment when they wrote a message on the chairs :wub: Solar glanced to Eric, then wrote while covering her message, then giggled adorably with what she wrote. And Eric's expression :lol: They're too adorable!







  • Hmm... Just sometimes, I feel that the panelists' talk appears on the wrong time. Like this one, when Eric & Solar were talking, the panelists' voices are there too. Luckily, when I see the sub, the subber focused to sub what Eric & Solar said :)



  • Those photos of them! Can they release them in HD, please? :')




  • Oh, after Solar drank from the bottle and did her reaction, the wind was also blowing her hair at the right time, like wind effect B) 



  • Now WGM staffs also like us, noticing small gestures like Eric's arm on Solar's knee :P



And for the next episode! I have to give my thoughts about the preview, because it looks like they're having a good time again like when they played at the snow theme park :D Btw, I'm curious now when they recorded this nature-kind episode haha.

  • Why did they look like two elementary kids who are on a school trip here? :lol:


  • And Solar's cute scream, is it because of bugs? Solar and bugs are enemies btw, she really doesn't like it haha.
  • And yes, you've mentioned it chingu, about that dangerous poke :sweatingbullets: She didn't forget that this is aired on national TV, right? Perverted Solar is coming~ It's a sign of affection from Solar though :D 
  • And DUBAI! Ah, we have to wait soooooo patiently until it airs :') Hope they have a good time together and treat this as short vacation instead of work!
  • When Solar is so done with Eric's lack-of-Korean-sense-of-humor and can't help but to laugh while face-palming :lol:



  • The ending of their preview is so cute! :wub: Solar spelled "super luxurious" in Korean, and Eric naughtily re-spelled it as "super devastating". Solar was shocked and laughed while hitting Eric :lol: Yes, Eric, you're now Solar's official punching bag :P




@kittykat Woah, from your picture, Dubai is really a beautiful city :o I don't really know much about Dubai's main tourist attractions, but I've heard about Burj Khalifa? I hope they get to see many interesting things! With Eric's skill in organizing trip (proven already in "The Friends" and "Daddy & I"), I think they will have a good time together anywhere :D You know, WGM PD said that Ddongi couple can have fun together even when they're just placed in a street hahaha. And no, according to the pink caption there, Solar said "명언~" (="wise saying").




@Giann_Kim Enjoy reading your post, chingu! Agree with you, we're getting to know more about them, and they're also getting to know each other more :D Yeah, why Korean cafes are so interesting? I want to go there too hahaha.


Preview for "Law of the Jungle in Mongolia" upcoming episode, Eric's first appearance this Friday!



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5 hours ago, kittykatt said:

wow i can't see the picture of them at the airport:tears:, but thats really amazing, dubai its really a beautiful city.
what u guys think that they will visit? knowing Eric and solar i think that maybe one of them have prepare some kind of destiny there. In your opinion what would be? 

For me maybe the aquarium
or the Palm Jumeirah

And about the last episode i love everything, the way that solar stares at Eric:wub:, and its just me or solar did say yobo at the 34:45 after Eric said that they win the especial without using couple clothes

Ahh that aquarium is so beautiful! I'm hoping that they go there, if only for how beautiful it would be to have a scene of them walking together among the fish. I'm a giffer/editor at heart, so for me their most beautiful scenes have always been the ones with water, like when they were in the pool in Jeju.

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@gureentea Ooh! I hope someone takes another picture of them while they're there! None have been uploaded yet, but there's got to be someone who recognizes them!

Edit: I forgot to say this, but I'm rewatching the Jeju episodes because they're about to go on another vacation, and I hope they filmed on the plane again like last time. They were so sweet and it made it feel really personal since they were the ones filming.

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@sujukpop Omg, really? I think I have to rewatch it hahaha.

@gureentea Woah, you even know their flights, good job, chingu! Eric doesn't look tired, it's kinda a relief for me :) Replying to Eric, hope (both Solar and) you have a good day too! :D


Eric updated his Snapchat too!


Eric's appearance in KBS <Open Concert>! I'll share the fancam since the official one isn't complete.




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