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I'm still amazed how in every Donggi episode, i just smile from start to finish. One big and important factor about this couple is that they are so heartwarming. And with everything they do, they do it with so much joy, and sincerity, and that really makes them "Relationship Goals". In honesty, i really didn't expect much in this episode since i was anticipating that it'll be a shorter episode since one of the couples was leaving. But both Eric and Solar had many unexpected moments in this precious ~22-minute episode. 

First.. just a side note coz i find it funny ㅋㅋㅋ


Mush-Yong ㅋㅋㅋ



As we all know, and they did talk about this at the Chuseok special, our OTP doesn't really talk about and do matching couple clothes. But they just tend to do it somehow w/o them planning on it. and Narae was right since i also noticed that they have the same fashion sense and mostly wears comfortable, loose clothing. 

they looked soo cute riding those bicycles. two mushy mushrooms


and even in the BRI, which they film separately, they're still matching



Love how blushed they got as they thought about their WGM Duet Gayo performance and the KISSSS. 

  • They also both acknowledge that they got to another level of closeness and for them to say that means alot. It can mean that Yongsun will let her guard down and be more open towards Eric's advances w/o constraints. 


  • And as Eric feels that they really are getting closer together, I think that he'll be able to actually be braver and do things that he is thinking of, soon. Just like when her said he wanted to hug her because she was looking so cute. 
  • remember that Eric is 29 and Solar is 26 (korean age). But they play like they're 5. In the many years i've lived in this world, i can say that not many people can do these things together and have so much fun doing so, at their age. Their compatibility is really something to be amazed at. 


  • Another instance that shows that Solar is becoming more open and is actually initiating. Their kiss from the previous ep really made her more comfortable and allowed her to let her guard down even just a bit. 


  • And this I REALLY did not expect this at all and when i saw the preview pics, i just assumed Eric, as always, initiated and made the first move. BUT NO... Kim Yong Sun, the shy girl with an addicting laugh, actually made the first move even when Eric wasn't done reading the paper and wasnt all that ready. I'm so proud of our YongSun. First the forehead kiss, and now the nose kiss. The look on her eyes as she does it though... it was beautiful..


  • OMGoodness Eric.. GO FOR IT!!! We all know you want it!!


  • And their letter to each other are just too sweet.. they were short but still full of meaning.. how can Eric be so romantic! And it Yongsun being cool XD
  • but is it just me or did Yongsun get a bit teary eyed? Just like when they had their busking wedding.. 


  • And their last BRI really was so special.. we get to know how much they like, appreciate and are thankful for each other... Eric's short letter was full of meaning, since he was shy to say it out loud, i think his thoughts were delivered clearly since Yongsun actually looked very touched despite tryna be cool XD
  • I really really love the way they call each other Yongsun and Oppa... it just really feels natural.. rather than calling Yongsun 'Solar'. It's like saying "I know this person way beyond what is seen on stage"
  • I think this episode was another turning point for our couple..Didn't they look really happy? Despite their busy schedules, they couldve been very tired, but being together like this really makes them happy. This relationship is really working out very well and could last for a long time..even after their stint ends, i believe they really will either be best of friends or lovers..and i'm rooting for lovers...



Anddd another excruciating wait for next week after that beautiful preview..

Wouldnt that be the first time that they're actually gonna use their patio/terrace/bar? 

"Why do I love you"     OMG stop playin w/ our hearts, Yongdong&Yoondong!!

Andwhen Yongsun asked Eric "Did you like it?" she might be referring to the forehead kiss?

MBC better not cut any of these parts coz im gonna go ballistic!!! Jaebal~~~


끝. ZlsnLfQ.gif

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3 hours ago, 407801baby said:


i remember i've watched when eric mention about marrying solar to his father, but i forget the site and the video name. hope in the future episode, solar and eric got a chance to visit each other parent and hang out casually together

P.s : for mbc staff who accidentally lurk here, please realized our ddongie shipper imagination :P

#ppyong :D


@407801baby : in tvn's father and I variety show, Eric's dad asked him what type of songs do mamamoo sing. He answered "you are the best" and "um oh ah yeah".

Unfortunately, I only managed to watch subbed until ep 3... If anybody else has watched ep subbed do share where we can view with subs.

Same if they can get the father or brothers involved it'll be fun..  Or even double date with jackson? :)

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Hey, chingus! I've been busy with real life matters this weekend and I see some of you also have been busy, right? :) I just rewatched the latest episode for the 2nd time and it can become one of my favorite episodes of them. Despite their busy schedule, they're playing so well with each other happily, like forgetting the world for a while. Looking at them like that makes me smile to from the beginning till the end :D I'm not putting many gifs, kinda afraid making the page load so heavy :sweatingbullets: So these are my thoughts for the latest episode:

  • Their appearance when they rode bicycle together (moreover, the helmets!) is cute :3 
  • And look, they didn't need to say any words about Solar's kiss in their duet stage. They just needed to look at each other's eyes, and they could understand what the other meant B) I think it's a sign of their new level of comfort with each other. Even Solar felt they're getting closer and Eric felt it too :) Not surprising if Eric will level-up his skinship to Solar now haha. And Solar's first kiss is really unforgettable for Eric :wub: 

    And look, when their eyes met, Eric was like mouthing(?) something without sound? What's he saying? :rolleyes:



  • Eric was excited at first, and Solar didn't respond. But next, Solar was the one who's excited :lol: What's with the "Skip, skip, skip to my lou~", Solar unnie? Why so cute? I can't blame Eric if he wanted to hug her :rolleyes: 
  • They're the cutest when they rode the 2-person bike sled(?)! I often forget about their real age! :lol:
  • Hahahahha WGM staff is so kind to them, inserting the ice power effect when Eric sang "Let It Go" :lol:



  • Solar's sudden "Catch me!" was so unexpected. She usually doesn't act cute on purpose, but hey, she must be already that comfortable with him :D Btw, Eric was really becoming Solar's punching bag :P
  • Where's the scene when Solar said "Ogenki desuka" from the preview? *sigh* -_- She's reenacting a popular scene, I guess?
  • Solar was the one who dusted the snow on Eric's hair first, as expected :D And look at Solar's smile when Eric started to dusted the snow on her head :wub:



  • Solar striked again with her unexpected skinship :wub: Like everyone said, she grabbed Eric's shoulder first when he's still reading the explanation.
  • And yes, Eric matched his height with Solar, but am I the one who thought that Eric slightly pouted his mouth to say "bu-daen-di~"? But yeah, the tension when they're that close made me so shy, don't know why :sweatingbullets: 
  • Solar's shy response after that nose-tip kiss is so cute. She spoke in a roundabout way, stuttered, and suddenly said "Should we sit?" :lol: And then, they sat awkwardly and couldn't talk :w00t:
  • I was laughing when they rode the sledge! Eric with his ugly expression and Solar with her laugh & scream :lol:
  • Btw, when they discussed their race at first, they mentioned about the table with the hats and there's a flashback when they went there. Scene cutting~ :mellow:
  • Love it when the staff gave the caption like "Lane one: Yoon-ddong" " Lane two: Yong-ddong". It makes me feel like they're competing in ISAC together haha.
  • After they slid downhill, they had to race. In the middle of Solar's elephant spinning, she stopped to grab Eric and spin with him :lol: And can you hear Solar's laugh at the entire race? They're really having fun with each other :D
  • Eric put his head on Solar's lap without hesitation :o 



  • Solar said that she lost on purpose hahaha. Look at her, trying to made an excuse :lol: As expected of our competitive Solar hahaha.
  • Well, not just Solar that started to act cute. Eric's aegyo also surprised Solar and the panelists :lol:



  • They just won a pep rally in their last meeting, and then they competed again in the next meeting, but now against each other :sweatingbullets: Fortunately, their olympic is too cute and funny (and touchy? :P) because of their competitive spirit :lol:
  • When Solar's bike chain was broken, she couldn't go forward, but it's so funny for me :lol:
  • Solar was named as "Queen of Cheating/Foul Play" by the caption :lol:
  • Eric went all-out to be the winner and everyone (including Solar) was like "Eric has changed" hahaha. Love the caption too: "(Just today) Manner man (X) Caring icon (X)" :w00t: Then Eric in his blackroom interview laughed happily lol.



  • At the curling battle, Solar's gestures to make the basin didn't go far were so cute (and too funny), she really wanted to be the winner :lol: And woah, did she lean on Eric's arm unintentionally?



  • After that, they put the Santa hats on to each other's head :) WGM title at the top-left corner: "September's Christmas"!


  • I wonder who found and suggested to take a photo with the word balloons :rolleyes: Kinda surprising for me that Solar's okay to take a photo with somewhat cheesy sentence ^_^
  • Solar's letter to Santa is cute :3 She's really a 6-year-old! And as expected, senseful Eric with his words to Santa touched Solar! ;) Oh, please, let them celebrate Christmas together this year! It would be memorable for Solar.
  • Where's their talk about their trip (according to yesterday's text preview)?? And the preview also showed them riding horses in a merry-go-round :blink: Hopefully, these scenes will be aired next week though. 

    The preview for the latest episode:




My conclusion:

  • If I died because of their hot duet performance last week, now I die because of their cuteness ^_^ 
  • Hurray to the comeback of their blackroom interview! :w00t:
  • Did you realize that Solar laughed a lot in this episode? She's so happy :D 
  • They really matched each other. When one of them start something, the other follow right away. Look at their various sudden drama role plays and unique behaviors (like dancing, singing, or slow motion acting)!
  • The picture of them together is really beautiful, especially with the falling snow as their background. I don't have much expectation in the future now, I think looking at two of them just sitting and talking with each other is enough :)
  • Kinda curious if this episode and next episode (workshop and their terrace) are filmed in the same day?


Just want to give some updates! :) 

  • MAMAMOO performed at Samsung Walking Festival (Sept 24th)


  • MAMAMOO performed at Loving You Concert (Sept 24th)


  • Eric' performed at "Sofar Sounds x Onkyo" event (Sept 24th)

    You can find more performances on this event on Youtube :) 

    Btw, Eric gave his fans a glimpse of his upcoming song though! (at 3:52 in video below)



  • Eric performed at Baek-un Art Festival (Sept 25th)


Another talented fan of our Ddongi couple!



@Giann_Kim Welcome back! Woah, you're amazing with those gifs and videos :o 

@onlybeagles Yeah, if they reached 400k+ views on Youtube, they reached 2M+ views already on the same video on MBC Entertainment's Facebook! :D

@407801baby I've posted their filming time on page 160 of this thread, you can check it if you want :)

@spicyfoodie I don't find any subbed "Daddy & I" episode too after that :( It's a good show though.

And to other chingus, I can't mention all, but I also enjoyed reading all of your posts :D 


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There's still something about the last episode that I have to talk about, and I think that's just the development of their relationship. I feel like there's been three really big sections of their relationship so far, with two major turning points.

First, they were both really shy and cautious like we talked about earlier. Eric was really focused on figuring out what kind of couple they were going to be, and Solar was still figuring out how much she trusted him. There was a great deal of distance between them, and, even after Solar's members gave them a push in the right direction with the kiss punishment, it was still really awkward. (To be honest, I think this couple's best moments are when their skinship is their decision, not the result of a game or a punishment). 

So, what changed that? I think it was Eric's wish on Jeju. Everyone, including Solar, was expecting him to ask for a kiss, and I think, had he asked for one, they would've continued the way they had been going - compatible and adorable, yes, but also not close. When Eric asked for her to speak casually to him, I think she realized he wanted to be closer to her for real and not just for the sake of the show. So there's turning point number one:



And, I mean, just look at the way he's touching his lip, he definitely did want to kiss her. But, as always, Eric put a good relationship with Solar above wanting to kiss her, which really has worked out better for them in the long run. Also, the little smiles!

So then, after that, they grew a lot closer. We got those scenes with the heartfelt gifts, that moment of her painting his nails, and the whole Ddongie Road experience. It really felt like they were becoming close friends. Solar went out of her way to promote his album, and invited him to her first concert, while Eric surprised her with the DJ-ing gig. There was also a comfortable bit of joke-fighting and jealousy about the girl in Can't Help Myself. Their skinship increased a whole lot, with Eric's famous hugs starting to actually happen (especially during the panelist party episode). They had a lot of inside jokes and fun moments, and that's when I genuinely started falling for them as a couple, because they seemed so real, if not totally romantic. 

And then, you know, Chuseok happened and... well...



Solar made the first move for the first time, and it was a surprising, genuine moment. I know she tends to have a little less worries about skinship when she's onstage since she's always very close with her members when they're performing. She partially did it because she wanted to win, but I also think it was because she wanted to say thank you to Eric for the whole experience they'd had together so far, and, like him, she's not exactly amazing at expressing herself with words.

We were all wondering last week what this would change for them, and if it even would at all, but it definitely has if we're to judge by not only this episode, but the clip for the next one as well.



I don't blame you, Eric. I would've wanted to kiss her too.

The statement about wanting to hug her also makes me think something's changed. All this time I've kind of been watching Solar and Eric and been asking him "How can you not want to hug her every second of the day? She's adorable." And, finally, finally, he had a moment like that, where I think he finally fell for one of Solar's biggest charms. (Strange how a girl who doesn't like cheesy things can be so cute without trying all the time.)

If the first section of their relationship was all about getting to know each other, and the second was about becoming friends, I think this next section's gonna be a whole lot about honesty.

Already, Eric's done the "you're my present" thing, and Solar admitted in her interview that she doesn't have a whole lot of happy memories of Christmas. Now, next week we have that list of "reasons why I love you." Not to mention, their vacation is coming up as well. I think there's definitely some level of tension there and I don't know if it's just them being not quite sure how to navigate this new closeness or something else...

Either way, I'm excited for their upcoming moments in the future. And, I'm hoping the WGM producers see all the magic I'm seeing here, so we can get them as long as possible. (But, at the very least, if they leave before then, we can find comfort in knowing that there's something genuine here. I have a feeling they're going to be friends for a long time.

Edit: Also, I forgot to mention, I loved it when Eric called her "Princess" when they entered the theme park, that was another really really cute part of the episode.

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@Farfalle I'm curious too about the date filming for this ep and next ep...and for ep 27 maybe they filming after eric comeback to korea(last week) or this week ...2M views in mbc fb page wooow it's awesome

I have nothing to write cos all of you has write it, Iove this winter theme park date coz they usually busy at the end year


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@407801baby Woah! That's some serious research on Eric there hehe :P I actually did not know about 1.3 and 1.4 before today (and I call myself Eric stan, shame on me :()

But now that I think about it after reading your post and @cinnaminskies, I realize why Eric was a lot more comfortable with Solar in the beginning than she was with him (other than him being very social and her being super shy). He seemed to have done a lot of research on Solar before WGM (because he was looking for prospective WGM partners at the time) so he already had an idea what kind of person she could be. That's why he said on the car to her that he thought they could get along well and it would be fun (which surprised her a lot, she thought he would say that he wanted her because she's attractive). At this point, I already had a feeling that he was truly curious about who she is as a person, because literally the first thing he brought up was her personality rather than her look (if you watch other WGM couples, it's very common that the guy would compliment the girl's appearance first before anything else).

You can tell Solar clearly did not know much about him beforehand. I mean, she didn't even know his true name is Nam Yoon do (yes, not Eh Yoon Do, you Yeba!). When they were talking at the oriental clinic, she said that she has preconceptions about him as a serious, no-jaem (no fun) guy (which, if you even follow him remotely on ASC, you know Eric is anything but serious).

In the beginning, you could feel that she had a lot of uncertainties about him, and even a bit intimidated (like she said in the BRI) by his reputation and image. Eric began to sense it as well, that even though they were joking around and being cute with each other, Solar had some sort of invisible "barrier" against him, either consciously or unconsciously. That's why Eric tried so hard to win the swimming game on Jeju island when there's a wish at stake (this was the first time he played seriously against her btw). He knew what he wanted already. He had to think of a way to made her feel secure about him.

I know I've said this like a million times before, but I will say it again, my favorite moment is absolutely his wish at the pool. I don't think the panelist realized what he actually wanted with that wish. He didn't do it just because he wanted to hear her talking in banmal with him (though that is an indication of closeness in Korean culture), but he was sending a message to her, that he sincerely wants to become close to Yongsun the girl, not to be a partner with Solar the famous singer (It's like his words during Mamamoo episode "Solar is amazing on stage, but Yongsun feels closer and more like she's mine"). Something simple like that wish was actually, in my opinion, a make-or-break moment of their relationship, and Eric for sure made the right choice.

As for how they've reached this 3rd stage of relationship, well I would like to watch more episodes to figure out haha :D I was really genuinely shocked by what they did at Chuseok competition too, it seems like they made a ton of progress after Eric came back from Mongolia (perhaps something to do with them contacting each other off-screen?) and now it feels like they have opened up their hearts to each other.

@Farfalle I have a feeling that the vacation trip discussion and the carousel ride will be the first part of next episode while their DIY cafe visit is the main event. We may have to wait 2 weeks for their confession scene at the tub? Oh, and I enjoyed your review btw. :)

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I can't find the right words to explain how giddy I feel with that nose to nose greetings :wub::wub: but really gotta love this episode.. I finally hear our Yeba cracked-up-laugh again, even by just 2-3s :wub::P (with the actual filming) [0:32-33-34] but her look towards Eric omooo~ I tell ya gurl, that look.. I dunno but why does it seem that her eyes only see Eric in that tiny space.. her gaze is totally focus on him :rolleyes: The preview I expect the obvious it must have been the forehead kiss.. but I hope she talks about the eskimo greeting scene too, coz while Eric subconciously pucked up his lips and Solar saw it.. B) it would be great if she teases him about that kekekke~ :phew::w00t: **Me: grins mischievously but heart is about to explode**


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My conclusion for this week's ep is: they are so lucky to have each other ㅠ seriously their personality is match together, they should going out like for reaaallll


@407801baby @Ira Ajja i think the filming of this ep is definetely on sept 1 :) based on this :

eric's snapchat update (he wear the same blue shirt as in the beginning of ep 25)




Solar's daily memo (early morning of sept 2.. like 2AM kst?) her outfit is the same as ep 25's blackroom interview (and she said it was a long day for her... lol)




this IG post (DIY cafe which eric and solar went) --> posted on sept 3, the owner said they came in thursday, which was sept 1




And also i have posted their schedule (from aug 25-sept 4) on page 175 if you want to check. And usually they took one whole day to film wgm, from morning until afternoon or night.. usually 2 or 3 eps are filmed in same day (and mostly the blackroom interview is also filmed on the same day of the filming day) because they don't have much time to meet or shoot for the BRI

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Hello ladies, thank you for all your insight, comments and gifs. I really enjoy it all.

As u all might too, i got very giddy since the beginning of this episode. Different vibes came out specially from Solar, she didnt really felt shy nor ackward when Eric brought up the kiss subject. I found that relieving because finally we can see the more open up, the straightforward Yongseon. Eric too i found in his BRI become more confident than ever. He didnt laugh or shy or red ear when he said he wants to hug her when he saw her in the winter outfit. He just simply stated what he felt, and i am happy for him because i think finally he knows that his feeling reciprocated in the same level. He didnt have to check her out for her reaction again, because in this episode even before he did anything Solar already approached him first. She cleaned his hair first, she playfully pushed him first telling him to catch her. She extend her hands first to hold his hand when they sing 'Let it go' (unfortunatelly Eric missed it) and not to mention the igloo Eskimo kiss. When she tear up the least existing wall, the more full of confident Eric we will see. He now showed her his other colour the competitive,the beagliest side he also has.

In the upcoming episodes (as it shot the same day), we can see that Eric no longer hesitate putting his hands even in Solar thigh (last scene in the preview). Well we already saw that Solar too now not hitting something else again when she got flustered or shy, she just simply turned to Eric to push or hit him or even grab his hands. 

I just found this episode delightfull. Because now at last they are comfortable enough to be just themselves when they were together. Just heartwarming and electrifying as well because we can see the more they show themselves to each other the more attracted they are to one another. To have a friend with the samelength humour and still have that attraction as thick as they have is totally presents from above.

I command Eric for that, and i command Solar for opening up as well. I wish both of them well. As doubtfull as I am, i hope they last at least untill Eric's birthday because im curious of what kind a thing Solar will do for him. Or at least to Mamamoo comeback so we also can see what will Eric do for the girls. 

Have a good week ahead!


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I have some other observations of our couple's WGM filiming as well (thanks to info from @gureentea and @Farfalle :))

  • I noticed that WGM filming doesn't always happen every two weeks.The Chuseok filming was on Aug 25th, while the next filming was on Sep 1st, exactly one week after (no wonder why Solar's kiss is still so fresh on their mind hehehe). I guess they change it bc Eric had to leave for LA after.
  • Like chingus said, they film episodes in chunk.Ep 20-22 was filmed on Aug 10th, Ep 23-24(Chuseok) on 25th, They also did BRIs on the same date as well (talk about BRI, I saw them wore matching colors too... what the heck lol? I swear they can read each other mind...)
  • The next 2,3 episodes for sure was all filmed on the whole day of Sep 1st. They started the day riding their bikes then going to the theme park. It seems like the DIY cafe event happened during the afternoon, and when they came home, it was night time. (Solar definitely took that pic after her BRI) 


  • Since Eric came back to Korea on the 20th, and Mamamoo's comeback and promotion start in October. I think their best time for vacation trip has to be between this time? Otherwise, they might have to wait until after that which is very long from now.


@onlybeagles I personally pay attention to Solar's eyes a lot when Eric does something nice to her. It's a better way to read her feelings than her words, I think. Actually, I did notice that her eyes look like she's welling up when Eric say she's his best present. At first I just thought that she's either tired or sleepy maybe. Then I remember her eyes were the same way during busking wedding and when Eric gave her Amy Winehouse's LP + when he read her 100th day's letter. She actually said that she almost cried at the wedding. I really think she was holding back her tears at that moment (and i don't blame her really, I honestly would cry if i hear those words too).

Also, I might be in delulu mode, but that look she gave him while saying "It's not bad"... is it just me or was that the first time I've seen her giving Eric an affectionate look like that? I won't go too far and say she looks like a girl in love, but she really look impressed with Eric to me for some reason.



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Wassup Ddongideul !!! :grin:

I've just watched today's episode and I felt happy for I can see our Ddongi couple again and at the same time i'm a bit sad because the cao-cao couple leaves the we got married program huhuhu T-T

I didn't even watch or pays so much attention on their scene but when I heard about it I felt a little ache in my heart, guess... i'm used already that after our Ddongi couple segment they came next...

(Hope our Ddongi couple would last long ~ Fightinghaseyo Ddongseu shippers!)

Anywho let's move on *Smiling* :D

For my review episode I'll will not make a mv out of it instead I'll just post(gif) it mianhaeyo :(

Ok Leggo ~

Our Ddongi couple riding a bike it gives me a korean drama series feeling as I watching them hehehehe :P
As time goes by I felt that Eric resembles Solar and there's a saying goes that same feather flocks together awww~             like husband like wife kekekeke :) 


I've been waiting that they mention the chuseok event for they did a lot i mean a LOT, jinjja XD
Then Eric oppa remember something... Solar did too ~ these two being shy all of a sudden *Smirk* ;)


Theme park it is ~ I love Solar's saying an english word into korean accent, isn't it cute of her!!!
As they entered the Winterland park (I didn't know the place name hihihihi ~) Our Ddongi couple started goofing around, it was first started by Eric then Solar follows along ~ Hokshi the choding couple is born hooo !!!





Solar eonnie is so cute in today's episode that's why Eric oppa wants to hug her awww ~ Daldarae
then they saw a sledge bike and rode on it, Yongsun a reckless driver hahahaha XD


One of my wishlist was granted even though it is not what I wrote but they spend the summer-winter together... haengbokhae :lol: Eric being a musical actor just for Solar... He really knows how to make her laugh.

Did I saw Yongsun's aegyo to Yoondo "Najabibwara ~" and little did they know that they re-enact a scene in lovestory movie, thanks to Park Misun for she sees it hokshi the Ddongi eomma ^_^ then the sweetest and natural gesture these two did that gives me so much Ddongi feels, The wiping of snow in their head kyaaaa !!!!



the real Kim Yong Sun ~



Their height difference is so perfect :wub: PS: Solar looks like a kid in there :) 

The Eskimo scene OMO ~ Guys, Solar is the one who initiated first . . . it shows how much Solar feel so comfortable being with Eric and she be able to do that unexpectedly on the other hand uri Eric oppa uhmmm... what are you doing? :phew:


They really know how to have fun with each other and I love that part of them #relationshipgoals #Proudddongishipper 


Eric acting cute to his wife as Solar says that the hat looks good on him "Guraeyong ~" and the two men panelist reaction is so epic hehehehe :w00t:  these two really read each other minds...


The Ddongi couple winter olympics is now ready hahahah :D and almost the game Eric won looks like Eric changed so much :lol:







There goes Eric and the hugs ~ ^_^



Eric just want to see Solar ~ aren't you...? :phew:


Cutie patootie Yongddong ~ Just keep swimming !!!


Naught Yoonddong kekeke :D

Yoon santa and Yong santa visiting Santa's house ~ They never miss taking a picture to each other, the sign board fits perfectly to them...



"Oppa, I like you ~" -Yongsun-


"I love you more ~" -Yoondo-

the letter part awww *My heart ddongideul* :wub:


Solar's letter
"Dear Santa Claus, Hello Santa. I'm Yongseon. I wish me and my husband to always stay healthy and happy.From Yongseon"


Eric's letter
"Dear Santa Claus.I already received a great present this year, which is my wife, so you can just skip mine this year. Thank you and be careful not to catch a cold."

and the last their Black Room Interview at the end :blush:


Eric: I wanted to let her know how grateful i've been everyday and how much I like her...

Solar: I like that I can spend Christmas with Eric. It felt like I was the main character of a romantic story. It was new to me. I liked it.

Ppyong !!!


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Hi chingu :D 

thank you for answering my question and for the date analyse, @enko20 and @gureentea.

i love to read the reviews and all of your opinion :) thank you for sharing.

i just imagine that eric's song is suit for uri ddongie situation ^^just for fun^^

"Because of you
I wanna tell you
And baby you
Whenever I se you ooh girl
I just can’t help myself
Can’t wait no longer
I can’t help myself

Wanna be with you,
you tonight. Yeah
No more playin’
cool, cool, you and I (i like to emphazise here :))

Drench my thirsty heart
All right
Breathe air into me
My life
Without you, there’s no meaning
Accept me
Let me love you"

Do you guys really believe that Eric want to kiss Solar in the Eskimo greeting? I think he want to do something else but the MC just stated that he want to kiss her with his puckered lips. It's really funny to see them getting awkward in front of the cam. the vj and MBC editing staff must be giggling while doing their job. I wish i were one of Eric and Solar VJ O.O

Looking forward to the next eps, and for your reviews, opinion, and other good news from uri ddongie from you guys :D 

love you :))

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5 minutes ago, 407801baby said:

Hi chingu :D 

thank you for answering my question and for the date analyse, @enko20 and @gureentea.

i love to read the reviews and all of your opinion :) thank you for sharing.

i just imagine that eric's song is suit for uri ddongie situation ^^just for fun^^

"Because of you
I wanna tell you
And baby you
Whenever I se you ooh girl
I just can’t help myself
Can’t wait no longer
I can’t help myself

Wanna be with you,
you tonight. Yeah
No more playin’
cool, cool, you and I (i like to emphazise here :))

Drench my thirsty heart
All right
Breathe air into me
My life
Without you, there’s no meaning
Accept me
Let me love you"

Do you guys really believe that Eric want to kiss Solar in the Eskimo greeting? I think he want to do something else but turn out to be like he want to kiss her with his puckered lips. It's really funny to see them getting awkward in front of the cam. the vj and MBC editing staff must be giggling while doing their job. I wish i were one of Eric and Solar VJ O.O

Looking forward to the next eps, and for your reviews, opinion, and other good news from uri ddongie from you guys :D 

love you :))

Ah, i think he merely concentrated to rub his nose to hers. And when he concentrated he t3nded to purse his lips, therefore it looks like he wants to kiss her instead (but im sure it passed his mind) but i dont think he will kiss her like that, he has more classy way to do it if he determined himself to do it. Just my opinion though.

But thanks to his habit of pursing his lips like that we got yet another Ddongie moments :P


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@cinnaminskies Chingu, I feel insightful after reading your post about their stages of relationship and the turning points. I agree with you, I think it's really a relief that Solar's partner is Eric. He sincerely wants to make a good close relationship with her despite WGM is just a virtual marriage. He also matches his pace with her, thinking what he should do so she can feel more comfortable. And yeah, Eric actually started to have that habit of hugging Solar also from their eating broadcast episode, when Solar whined about her dress :lol: But that episode (eating broadcast and decorating their bar) didn't allow them to get close often, as they had to walk around and sit far with each other most of the time.

And I'm also thankful that Eric's partner is Solar, which matches his ideal type since she's bright. But Solar isn't the typically bright girl, she has that chic & conservative personality, so it will take some time to get close to her. Also, I don't know if my thought is right, but I think most of the girls would be head over heels for Eric if they're paired with him. But Solar is different, she expresses her affection to him subtlely, and I feel that lately she tries to express more as she trusts him more. She also has that unexpected sides, like her antics that often surprise Eric and make her more charming :D Talking about her unexpected side, I'm also surprised. I've been wishing for a skinship that Solar initiated although I knew that was kinda impossible at that time :sweatingbullets: I'm hoping for at least a hand grab, but she gave us a kiss instead B) You're right, hoping to see their honest side to each other more in this stage.

@enko20 Thanks, chingu, I enjoy reading yours too! :D Btw, different from you, I think at first Eric indeed knew more about MAMAMOO (and Solar) than Solar knew about him. Moreover, he was the host of ASC when MAMAMOO was the guest and it looked like he really likes "Um Oh Ah Yeah" back then. But I think his knowledge about them is just on the surface? Like he knew their beagle personality and their singing talent. That's why he said like "It's good if one of MAMAMOO members came" before Solar asked specifically who would he like to come, because his ideal type is a singer with kind & bright personality. And then before their second meeting, he has searched about her more, that's why he found Solar's sexy photos :lol: And yes, I agree with you that Solar didn't know a lot about him at first hahaha. She even didn't remember their first meeting in ASC when many people highlighted that she stared at him multiple times at that time :rolleyes: I also feel she's a bit intimidated at first because he unconsciously and unintentionally showed his "perfect boyfriend" side to her (of course I'm not blaming him).

Yeah, they're not filming exactly every 2 weeks. They're considering the casts' schedule too. About their matching clothes, not trying to be so pessimistic, but there's a possibility that those are sponsored outfits haha. And I don't think they will go for the trip before September ends, look at their packed schedule until Sept 30th (especially Eric) :sweatingbullets: Hopefully they'll go for the vacation soon. And no, you're not the only one, I also feel when Solar said "It's not bad", it's like she's impressed but trying to stay cool? I find that Solar's laugh right after Eric finished reading his letter is cute? The kind of laugh that comes out when she's shy being called "sister-in-law" by Jo Se-ho? ^_^

P.S.: Have I mentioned that I love how you quoted their letter content to Santa? :D

@pwnkl I've said this before, but really, I also can't stop feeling shy watching their nose kiss moment. I squeal hard, but in a good way :lol: And I'm not trying to make everyone's happiness gone, but is it just me who think Eric puckered up his lips to say "bu-daen-di"? But yeah, I also feel that he slightly wanted to kiss her too :wub: I'm sorry though if I'm being too critical :sweatingbullets:

@gureentea Great observation as always, chingu! You're really the detective here! :D Btw, that means Solar filmed her BRI until that late? :o Hahaha she felt tired, no wonder, that day they recorded from early morning (even Eric posted "too early" on his Snapchat? And their beginning scene, many people walked in the morning, right? Haha) to night (looking at the dark sky when they're in their pool). I understand that they tend to film for a whole day because they're so busy. By filming whole day, they can keep their footage for 2-3 weeks of broadcasts.

@autumnleaves19_stv Yup, I think they're going in the right way. They're slowly acting like themselves more :) Eric started to show his savage (jokingly) and competitive side, breaking away from his always-manner-man image; and Solar now doesn't hesitate to touch Eric casually, even starting to make him her official punching bag :lol:

@Ira Ajja Woah, thanks for the info of the subbed <Duet Gayo>, chingu! :D

@Andicilin I think we're also impatient like you about their holiday. Really looking forward to their trip together! And I think Oh My Girl's Hyojung is like our representative there haha.

@Giann_Kim It's okay, chingu, it must be hard for you to make those gifs and also videos. Btw, I always love to see their gifs, I don't need to press my replay button :P And yes, actually they have spent spring, summer, (fake) winter, and now it's autumn in Korea :D Hopefully they stay long and they get to spend real winter together!

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13 minutes ago, Farfalle said:

@pwnkl I've said this before, but really, I also can't stop feeling shy watching their nose kiss moment. I squeal hard, but in a good way :lol: And I'm not trying to make everyone's happiness gone, but is it just me who think Eric puckered up his lips to say "bu-daen-di"? But yeah, I also feel that he slightly wanted to kiss her too :wub: I'm sorry though if I'm being too critical :sweatingbullets:

I perfectly feel you my friend :wub: yea don't worry I thought of that too.. might be the reason that he puckered up his lips.. but the moment solar grab his shoulder and started initiating contact.. I tell Eric is really caught off guard, he stiffens at first.. regain his self but because they both feel the nervousness.. I think he only manage to say "bu-dae.n..di" stuttering shyly... don't feel bad, what I really like about that moment is the nervousness upon.. for me tension is very important.. which is why I prefer *mildang-like* rather than an-all-out-intimacy.. or nope..much better to put it this way -- breaking-the-tension-too-soon. (I'm not saying that Solar is pulling a mildang, just me trying to explain the "tension" thing.. I dunno if I make sense but this is probably my limit with English efficiency :sweatingbullets:)


Don't get me wrong.. If we talk about intimacy solim is glued right with it, and I'm not contradicting myself (upon liking solim.) Which is why I like solim.. they are a perfect blend of mildang and intimacy :D just my 2cents 


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