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4 hours ago, Ira Ajja said:

About 'duet song' I read in twitter that han dong geun said unpolite word to solar, it's become the second time mamamoo member get this problem (wheein the first when she perform with 10cm singing lucky). 

I think this is what you were talking about @Ira Ajja


The first text said he used the term "sexy" while the tweet said that he used the word "promiscuous", which carry an entirely different meaning. People are using the hashtag #한동근_일상생활_가능하신가요 to complain about him. If he really said "promiscuous" then this is even worse than the remark that Wheein received. :huh: I don't think the term can be passed as a joke even in the western culture, let alone in Korea. How can you even say something like that to her face? :expressionless:
Solar's fan cafe memo update:

Here's a video link of Angel Line singing the national anthem and Rapper Line doing the pitching:
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11 hours ago, NitePanda said:

it is just my assumption but i think solar didn't has a desire for a guy to be perfect, she didn't expect the guy to be perfect cuz she knows she's not. it shows how solar feel a bit insecure when eric can also speak chinese? she thought that she felt a bit intimidated by that in the blackroom interview. i mean i know eric is not perfect either cuz his good points are his weakness points (in my opinion).

based on solar ideal type, i guess she's not that kinda girl who has high standard for a guy. that's why she also didn't expect a perfect guy :) 

even if it's a different reason but still i think solar didn't really like a guy who is popular among girls. i can understand her cause you know a guy like that is just out of reach/out of my league. i will also feel intimidated if he is too perfect :P 

PD-nim doing a good job pairing WGM couple haha. i also can't even imagine if solar being paired with jaerim. their joking level are different. solar and eric match well with their humor/antics and also jaerim-soeun is also in the same wave length about their antics&humor ;).

if eric got paired with another girl, we might not be able to see his dorky/weird side to the fullest. he might just stay safe being the normal manner guy just like what k-netz thought of him :P 


I think more than seeking a guy who isn't flawless, she highly value a person who doesn't show off what he has too much (like what she said in the resume). So when Eric spoke Chinese, it did came across to her that he might be trying to show off, and that's why she's a bit taken aback. Of course we all know Eric isn't that kind of guy, but I understand how she must have felt.

Eric is hardly a flawless person of course, but the one thing he and Solar share is that they both embrace their own weaknesses. For Eric, one thing I can think about is his dancing. He is terrible at it but he knows how to humor himself and others with his silly dance. Solar mentioned that her tendency to laugh a lot is both her strength and weakness at times, but she doesn't hold herself back.from doing it. I like people who can make fun of themselves ;)

I just love watching Solar a lot on WGM. It's sad for me when I read comments around to see people bashing on her personality and say Eric could do a lot more with a better partner. She truly is a unique girl with multiple layers of personality. I came to like Ddongie at first because of Eric, but I stay for Solar. She always humor and surprise me with her quirkiness. I would love to write my own opinion on what I think of her when I have time, and I'm also waiting for her Radio Star appearance to see what she has to say first about Eric after spending 5 months with him.

P/S: Yep you are right about the matching. Jaerim-Soeun is a fantastic pairing and I'm happy that my original flagship is still going strong. I hope that Eric-Solar can have a future like them as well where they can have some sort of collab work together post-WGM. ^_^


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chingus~ it's been a long time since i last posted here. 2 weeks ago, i wanted to post my review for the episode 21 but unfortunately my laptop crashed erasing my review before i get to post it. and i was frustrated because i've been writing it for about an hour already. :bawling: and i'm sorry guys i couldnt be active here even though i wanted to. i have alot of thoughts and opinions to share but i'm so busy studying because i'm preparing for a licensure exam. writing a review takes a lot of my time. :cry:

but i still lurk whenever i have a break. and thank you everyone for updating our thread. i really do enjoy reading your opinions and thoughts. and i really do appreciate the gifs. thank you :blush:

can someone tell me how to insert pictures? i've been meaning to post some insights since sunday but i can't insert pictures :( it's too complicated


i'm using my mobile phone to post because my laptop crashed :cry:


i actually wanted to post here the proofs why ddongi couple won the heartmon go. since i don't know how to insert pictures, i'll just say it here without pics.

scoreboard (from the result of ep 23 and the preview for ep 24):

ddongi couple - 5 heartmons (4 for ep 23 and 1 in the preview)

33 couple - 5 heartmons (4 for ep 23 and 1 in the preview)

cao-cao couple - 3 heartmons (2 for ep 23 and 1 in the preview)

cuddly couple - 3 heartmons (2 for ep 23 and 1 in the preview)

remaining heartmons: 3

ddongi couple will win if they have atleast 2 more heartmons (assuming 33 couple have 1 more heartmon), all in all they need to have 7 heartmons.

the preview pics for ep 23 which was posted here in the earlier pages showed us 7 poses. the last two would be the almost kiss (or kiss in the cheeks maybe) and the forhead-to-forhead pose while eric nam is carrying yongsun.

i think we can celebrate in advance hehe

regarding the cooking challenge, someone already mentioned it here that it seems ddongi will win it too. the praise seems to be directed to uri ddongi couple. the food was the hint. and during the preview for ep 23, the brownish food (sorry i dont know the name of the food) seems to be uri ddongi couple's.

and in the duet song battle, it looks like ddongi couple has the higher chance to win. hehe we should be thinking what would be the prize already hehe


anyway i stumbled upon a group in facebook for ddongi shippers. it's actually a filipino closed group (though i've seen some non-filipino members) intended for spazzing the wgm stint of uri couple. i thought that there are only few people who like ddongi couple. but i'm so happy  because the members there are almost 700. imagine 700 people liking ddongi couple. i'm so happy because there are actually alot of people who likes them.



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13 hours ago, Ira Ajja said:

@NitePanda so yongsun had mention hyun dong as her ideal type....I don't know about this, I watch qmentery and that emoticon drawing 

I watch mamamoo from last year in yt but not follow fansite/fanaccount until wgm so I just know more about solar personality in this show...for me she's contradictiv and a fan in twitter said that solar is multiple disorder lol...hyper and introvert, shy and beagle, talented and yeba, funny and fervert , she need moooore than a humorous guy.... beside Eric I will choose Eunkwang btob 

About 'duet song' I read in twitter that han dong geun said unpolite word to solar, it's become the second time mamamoo member get this problem (wheein the first when she perform with 10cm singing lucky). 


she mention it long time ago when mamamoo still promoting their 1st mini album "hello"

just like eric said, solar is like an onion. she has many layers that you have to pealed. she still has that mysterious side on her. so it is understanable when u found out many sides of her :) 

ofcourse solar need more than just a humorous guy but that's one of the qualification she wanted in a guy and didn't she also said in wgm that she likes someone who's symphatetic? i guess eric fits that criteria, i personally think he knows how to be symphatetic and know how to be empathy :) 

ah that duet song festival? i thought that guy was decent cause he said earlier that he wanted to work with solar cause she has a good voice but then i heard he said the word "promiscuous" to solar. i'm not a native speaker but if i'm not wrong that word has a negative connotation. i don't want to over react about this since i didn't witnessed it but if he did say things like that hope he apologize and i didn't really know korean culture, so i don't know whether his jokes is appropriate/usual there or not.

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5 hours ago, enko20 said:


I think more than seeking a guy who isn't flawless, she highly value a person who doesn't show off what he has too much (like what she said in the resume). So when Eric spoke Chinese, it did came across to her that he might be trying to show off, and that's why she's a bit taken aback. Of course we all know Eric isn't that kind of guy, but I understand how she must have felt.

Eric is hardly a flawless person of course, but the one thing he and Solar share is that they both embrace their own weaknesses. For Eric, one thing I can think about is his dancing. He is terrible at it but he knows how to humor himself and others with his silly dance. Solar mentioned that her tendency to laugh a lot is both her strength and weakness at times, but she doesn't hold herself back.from doing it. I like people who can make fun of themselves ;)

I just love watching Solar a lot on WGM. It's sad for me when I read comments around to see people bashing on her personality and say Eric could do a lot more with a better partner. She truly is a unique girl with multiple layers of personality. I came to like Ddongie at first because of Eric, but I stay for Solar. She always humor and surprise me with her quirkiness. I would love to write my own opinion on what I think of her when I have time, and I'm also waiting for her Radio Star appearance to see what she has to say first about Eric after spending 5 months with him.

P/S: Yep you are right about the matching. Jaerim-Soeun is a fantastic pairing and I'm happy that my original flagship is still going strong. I hope that Eric-Solar can have a future like them as well where they can have some sort of collab work together post-WGM. ^_^


it's just also only my assumption ^^. i said that cause on that episode, it looks like the editor shows that eric is the perfect guy cause not only he could speak english, spanish, but also chinese (plus the editor input mamamoo song "you're the best) and also eric is always being perceived by knetz as the perfect guy/boyfriend. they pictured him being flawless, eventho he's not. even MC Misun is surprised to found out about eric being that mischievous when he jokes to solar about his surname.

yes i agree about that showing off thing, cause solar said it herself on the 1st meeting with eric. she's still a humble pie eventho she's in  one of the most popular group right now :) 

as a solar stan, i also sad to read that comment eventho yes i agree that eric can be paired with anyone but still i'm proud of my bae solar cause she's true to herself this whole time during wgm filming :) . there's one fellow solim shipper who said the same as you did. she said she watch it because of eric but solar keep her tune in. she said solar's personality make her stay. i'm praying there's nothing controversial of her radio star appearance ;)

hahaha high five! i'm still a solim pabo :P. i always pray that ddongie couple didn't has any contoversial thing going on between them cause i'm too tired dealing with drama already hahaha. Solim couple drama during wgm is hella frustrating and really take up so many energy from me even now there's still drama going on after their wgm stint end :sweatingbullets:

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@maeryl HAHAHA Solar can change her expression extremely like in miliseconds :lol:

@pwnkl Hahaha I end up panicking because my post is still messy but it's posted accidentally :sweatingbullets: I hope the prize is a trip too! Our Ddongi couple has been together for 5 months and they haven't gone to their honeymoon :( 

@enko20 Hahahaha I forgot to put my long review in a spoiler, it ends up too long and full of my spazz? :sweatingbullets: And I think I still need to readjust my gif making skill since the size is still quite big. Eiii, I think it's just one of those rare moments when I see the details haha. You're right, @gureentea is still the ultimate hawk-eye detective here :D And I'm glad that you enjoy my looo~ng rambling :sweatingbullets:

@yuffiezdincht It's okay, chingu. I think your real life matters are more important :) Regarding posting images here...


If your picture is saved on your PC:
You have to upload it to an image-hosting website. You can search for the websites at google, I usually use imgur.com. After uploading the picture, just copy the link of the uploaded picture, and paste it at your post (you can also try to press Enter after pasting the link). The link should be automatically turn to picture. You can also try to copy-paste the (uploaded) picture instead of the link.

If the picture is from a website:
You can try to copy the picture link directly from the website and paste it here. But if it's not working, you have to upload it (like my explanation above).

Btw, I don't know though if these method is working on the phone or not, since usually I use pc/laptop. Hope it helps :)


1 hour ago, NitePanda said:

i'm not a native speaker but if i'm not wrong that word has a negative connotation. i don't want to over react about this since i didn't witnessed it but if he did say things like that hope he apologize and i didn't really know korean culture, so i don't know whether his jokes is appropriate/usual there or not.

You speak my mind here, chingu! It's just like the yesterday's diss, the culture plays an important role. While most of international fans find "ddong" quite harsh, but I see that Korean netizens don't even talk about it. But for this Han Dong-geun incident, seeing that Koreans also find it troubling (from @maeryl's post above), maybe his joke is inappropriate this time. If it's that bad, I also hope he can give his apologize to Solar. It's a relief to see Solar looks fine from her recent memo, although she's tired & disappointed with her stage on <Duet Gayo> (?). I think she knows that MooMoos are kinda upset about it, since she shows that sometimes she's spying on MooMoos haha. And Solar needs her rest time!


Thanks for the updates, chingus! I think I couldn't be as active as before, but when I have some free time, I'll try to catch up with both Eric & Solar's updates :) 

Brian Nam's IG update:


Eric's update on Snow application: his self-camera on LA! I think he posted this on 11th, but made it since 9th? Cause on the top-left side it's written as "September 9th". Wonder if he has come back to Korea?


One of Eric's upcoming events, a mini concert! I kinda read that as "Solar" at first :sweatingbullets:


Full episode: http://kshowonline.com/kshow/5664-[engsub]-duet-song-festival-ep.21

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In my case I didn't know any of them of them - I just watched because I thought Solar was pretty cute when I last watched a video of Mamamoo before I took a hiatus from Korean shows. I knew Eric was probably going to get a WGM appearance because of his experience as a panel host (except maybe Seul-Ong lol), but I wasn't aware of his status of the "perfect BF material" until after I tried researching netizen comments. :)


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@yuffiezdincht I hope your assumption is right, chingu! I really do have high hope that our couple will win the Heartmon-GO and the singing contest haha. As for the cooking contest, I will be shocked if Ddongie take that tbh. Maybe they might not win with their foods, but with Eric's power of love declaration instead (gaaah that was so cheeeesy from me hahaha *curl up fingers* :flushed:). I really hope that the prize will be a pair of tickets to a foreign country so our couple can finally go on a honeymoon together *wink* ;), but I will be happy with anything tbh.

@Farfalle Yes, I also didn't want to overreact either because I wanted to know what Korean ppl think about this, but it seems they also share the same sentiment. From @maeryl update regarding Solar's fan cafe memos, I think she knows that Moomoos are really upset right now about what happened, and I think she was as well. I don't know what she meant when she said that the stage was disappointing, but it couldn't be anything good. Either she was upset with what Donggeun said or her performance with Seonho her duet partner didn't go so great (or both). Please don't tell me she lost again, that would be truly heartbreaking :expressionless:

@maeryl I didn't understand the whole video, but I think it's pretty much similar to the translation on twitter. So in the video apparently the word used was "야한" which I look up means "erotic" or "vulgar", not "promiscuous", but the meaning is just as bad. Why would you ever say something like that to a girl, like wth? Aissh jinjja...

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@Le_Sanguinea I also watch Ddongi couple because at that time I see MAMAMOO as a girl group that's talented in singing but they have extraordinary behavior. That's rare :D I only know Eric from his funny reaction when he was a WGM panelist. So that makes me curious how will they interact together. And honestly they look good together from the news' photo about them joining WGM ^_^ 

@Giann_Kim I watched your reaction video! That must be some effort there to write and insert their footage in a video *thumbs up!* And the forehead kiss gif is also my favorite! That scene gave the sweet and sincere vibe :wub:

@enko20 Yup, if that Han Dong-geun is hurting Solar with his words, I hope Solar forgot it quickly :( She's just too kind, she still gives her time to greet MooMoos eventhough she's tired and also comforting MooMoos. She's indeed an angel. Actually, I think she's disappointed because the result isn't good (she lost) or maybe she couldn't practice much with her partner since she's preparing for her comeback too.


Solar after she finished <Duet Gayo> recording, she said "Mian-haeee" Why? :( 


Eddie Nam's Snapchat update:


Got this when I browsed through WGM DC gallery. Our Ddongi couple's short scene at home.

Eric and Solar sat together at their dining table. Eric held a cup, which is probably the same cup that Solar brought when they moved in. It looks like Solar imitated Squirtle's pose at the cup, and then they laugh together :D Wonder what is in the cup? And how many scenes are cut when they're at home before boarding the bus? *sigh*




OMG, MAMAMOO's "New York" teaser! Please give Solar's long hair backkk :sweatingbullets:


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@yuffiezdincht thanks for the explanation...after show a lot of skinship I'm glad they can win the game

@enko20 I hope you can write it 

@NitePanda about hyun dong I read he will be back to weekly idol...I hope mamamoo will come to WI again

@Farfalle I really surprise see the teaser can't wait for next week to watch the mv and the song

I want to share my honest reaction when ddongie had first date, I feel a little dissappointed with solar coz she ruined my image about her... haha

She forgotten asc (I rewatch mamamoo ep after their wgm news come)...she doesn't know eric name...she talk with mouth full...she's a yeba (I always thought her as a smart girl coz she's the leader)...she doesn't know taco...and she's a naive

I laughed,surprised and shocked at that time

I need to calm down my self after watched that

and then at 2nd date, wgm show her photoshoot (I feel ashame) and her scream (first time heard it and I feel so embarasshed, you can't scream like that infront of a guy) 

She makes my feel go up and down:sweatingbullets:

at 3rd date, I prefer scale couple than ddonggie

at ep 8, I feel warm see her clean eric eyes and the couple id made by fan it's really describe their beginning in wgm 'Yeba & E Yoon Do'



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*sigh* these days it's really rough.. I don't wanna go berserk again and blurt crude words, but the guy should apologize, Solar deserves an earnest heartfelt apology.. that kind of jokes are hardly appropriate and by no means acceptable.. :angry: it's so frustrating and sad.. before it was whee in who went through this.. :mellow: and now I just really don't get it.. MAMAMOO deserve none of this.


Comebackkkkkkkkkk, I'm hyped.. but it surely will be a wanjang busy days ahead :mellow::( I do think if they were to send our couple to their honeymoon, will this be a perfect time or not? coz I think they'll be more busier once their comeback starts.. from mshows, vshows and other ways of promotion.. it'll be hard to cramped up an overseas trip. and it's been 5 months already MBC :angry: 

New York teaser released, haha as expected she's still gorgeous with short hair.. but gotta agree I think her long-silky-hair suits her perfectly :wub: but that short hair reminds of me Park Eun Bin from "Age of Youth"

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@pwnkl You are right, this probably isn't the greatest time for them to enjoy honeymoon either. Idk I just don't want Jeju Island to be their only trip, that's kinda lame :mellow: But their schedules keep piling up, I'm really worried. If only they have a break period at the same time. Maybe they could work it out somehow.

@Farfalle They have to cut all 3 couple's home scene to give them equal air time. I'm only mad because they chose to cut the cheek-pinch scene instead of the dance scene. Not that I didn't like it, but I would prefer to see an intimate scene instead. I hate to believe this because it sounds like a conspiracy, but chingus might be right when they say that MBC cut romantic scenes and only show fun scenes of our couple for whatever reason. :huh:

Those Squirtle cups suddenly remind me of this so much:

On 7/19/2016 at 6:02 AM, ryuseolnims said:

Ddongimon Go version Yoondongie & Yongddongie

  Hide contents

Erichu <3 Solartle! Going to Sokcho for their date maybe (?) AHAHAHHA Will we get to see Eric piggyback Solar ? :phew::P
(excuse my edit, chingudeul! I can't help but made this edit bcs its just like em HAHAHA (I know its turned out bad HAHAHA :sweatingbullets:))

pikachu-squirtle.gif    3q6ID2h.png?1    




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@pwnkl I agree, I hope they don't have many schedules when they have their honeymoon trip, so they can enjoy and treat the trip as holiday :) 

@enko20 Yup, I think I have to thank MBC for giving Ddongi couple enough air time (& skinship moments) for the latest episode, despite the some scenes are cut :sweatingbullets: I agree, I hope MBC doesn't focus too much at their energetic part. I prefer their improvement in their relationship stage. Hahaha yeah, @ryuseolnims did a great job with that picture! :D 


Chuseok greetings from Eric! (FB & Snow)
He said that he spends time with his family in US and hope that everybody also have a good Chuseok. It's good to see Eric isn't alone in this year's Chuseok, reminds me when Solar asked about this at their Han River date :) 



Chuseok greetings from MAMAMOO! (Snow)

Rough translation:
Everybody, have a delicious Chuseok!


Solar's memo:


What's up Chuseok!!!
It looks delicious
Who's ready to roll?




Let's roll together then ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
As expected we're becoming like each other ㅋㅋㅋㅋ



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