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i love yesterday episode. they are definitely more more closer now. i love the episode from beginning to end :D

if yongsun could be really playful towards eric like that, it means she really open up to him-like really opening up big time. knowing how shy she is and she said it herself that it takes times for her to get closer/opening up to someone. both absolutely contact each other outside filming. maybe not so often but still contact each other cause if not - i doubt yongsun would be opening up to this extend :) 

i saw someone's said wanted to see some pranking? mmm if it's a prank for b'day party is ok. i mean not involving jealousy whatsoever. shipper might be happy to see such jealousy prank but not the fans of eric or solar. it would make a fanwar. we already saw solar's jealous side eventho eric is not intentionally making her jealous. solar and mamamoo member usually pranking each other on their bday. so if you wants to see a prank it would be good if it's a bday prank with no jealousy plot hehe (just my opinion).

i wonder too where's the engsub? i can't wait to know what they said already :rolleyes:

oh i want to add the list for our ddongi couple to do list and it's cooking lessons!! hahaha yongsun really need to take that class now. eventho she's my bias but i admit she's bad at it haha. guess nobody is perfect, right? :lol:


don't tell me mbc won't showing the phone call of solar's sister? it will pissed me off if they cut it tho. i hope they show it on next episode.

@ouki yeah i already watch it now as soon as i saw it's ready :D 

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I'm back! 

Like what many mentioned, the highlight of this episode is definitely Solar being more open and comfortable with Eric and it really shows with her actions. She seems really comfortable with skinship and it appears to happen naturally from her end this time. Also, she wasn't that awkward when Eric gave her those comfort hugs.

I can't really tell for sure, but I get the feeling that Eric seems to be showing more of his real self this particular episode? He's more playful, more teasing, joking more and giving those body gags and overall he's being less careful with his image and somehow just decided to be him 100%. Well it's a good thing that we can witness their comfortable interaction.

And I realised that Solar is actually really sensitive. This is the second time she mentioned about Eric's teasing. Eric, you better be careful!! But I'm happy to see the ever supporting Eric prasing solar when she was cutting the green onions. She's someone who gets strength from hearing those words of encouragement. She needs such assurance and it definitely improved her mood and  made her more confident. and I hope she's won't be too discouraged from trying cooking after this failed attempt at making kimchi.

Talking about the kimchi making, just how cute were they!!! Their clueless faces were so cute :huh: and they were so confident in their wrong steps. Hahahah. They really match each other.  And I hope to see more cuddles! :wub: Love their hugs, and wishing that it lasts longer the next time!

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@Farfalle I noticed the difference too. Watching the ep again now I think it makes sense that the call will be made after they are done with the kimchi. :)

@ouki Yes I loved that part when Eric just randomly yell out Japanese too. He know Solar likes to speak Japanese and you can see her burst out laughing. She was loving it! :wub:

Oh my goodness, where to even begin? Haha so many of our chingus' wishes in here including mine was fulfilled in this ep :heart: Solar is getting so playful with Eric now. She jokes around with him a lot and is not afraid to show her tough side to him. If you guys remember, during their 1st meeting, this is what she wrote to Eric in her resume:


"I'm very shy to strangers, so it would take time to be close/friendly. But, if we're close, I tend to give jokes"


(cr to @Farfalle chingu for translating this btw)

Seeing her like this now, it is a HUGE sign that she's becoming very close to Eric. Slowly but surely, she's breaking down her walls and begin to show Eric different sides of her. I'm glad we see a lot more interactions between them in this ep because it really show how comfortable our Yongbae is now being around Eric. :wub:

Also, bear in mind that all of the last 3 episodes AND even the next one were filmed before Eric's LOTJ and Moosical happen (I can't believe they actually get 4 episodes out of that). We still have yet to see what they are like after these events. if they are already like this, could you imagine what's about to come? I'm dying in anticipation :w00t:.

I also notice that the August 10th filming lasted for the whole day, wow! I know that they probably wanted to get a lot of filming done before Eric leave, but my delulu mind like to think that Eric wanted to spend as much time with her as possible since he won't be seeing her for a while hahaha don't mind me :P Anyway, the previews make me smile a lot. Is Solar going to give him spoiler to her "Sexy Back" performance? Actually, I want to see her just do the drum part and then tell Eric to watch the rest when he come back LOL is that too evil? :lol: I also see Eric prepare hallabong drinks and naejangtang for his sis-in-laws. a very caring gesture of him! :D


As promised, here's some of my thoughts and more gifs: (I want to do a lot more but just don't have enough time :sweatingbullets:)

  • Eye-staring contest! Eric's eyes are so tiny compared to Solar's big eyes lol. He also mention that it's the first time he win against her, so they have played this game before? Ah I see how it is, PD :mellow:
  • Really like it when they give the dogs shower. Poor Solar had to do it for two because she lost the game haha .It probably was really hot out there, that's why Solar was so exhausted afterward. I feel sorry for her :sweatingbullets:

[Eric comfort Solar]

[Hand-holding, Solar initiated first :wub:]


  • Of course, the wake-up scene in the sauna. I knew Solar wouldn't do it romantically, but I didn't expect her to be that physical with Eric lol. Solar likes to laugh or play tough when she's embarassed haha. Don't worry Eric, that's just how she is. :sweatingbullets:
  • The kimchi-making scene, oh dear :lol: If anything, we all should know by now that nothing good come out of Solar's cooking haha. I like it in the way that it show us one of her weakness as a girl. She's not flawless, but a part of a relationship is to accept each other's weakness and complete each other. Btw, Eric made a big mistake too by choosing the wrong cup, so it's not all Solar's fault that the kimchi turn out like that haha. Don't feel so down Solar! 
  • This picture capture it all. The caption "Me + You = Perfect" and Solar's word "We're filling each other's flaws". Beautiful! :wub:


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@Le_SanguineaNot really much, but you can see some gifs and screencaps posted by chingus here. I think you'll like the latest episode, just like us :) 

@ouki Oh! I did realize when I watched it, how can I forget? :sweatingbullets: Thank you chingu!

@maeryl What was she doing? HAHAHAHA she's such a yeba, and that's why everyone love her! :D 

@NitePanda Somehow agree with you. Let the jealousy thing comes naturally. Just make the happy-for-all prank! Not just their respective fans, I think WGM viewers will also have negative comments, like "It looked force" or something like that. Cooking lesson is good, I want to see Solar prove that she can make something delicious! :D I think they'll show Solar's sister call next week :) 

@hazellynn Agree with you! Solar didn't show it explicitly that she cared about the teasing, but her expression after Eric's reaction to the kimchi taste and her blackroom interview :( That reminds me that Eric said he's a bit cold (in their first meeting). And yeah, we can't expect Eric to be the perfect man all the time too. I'm quite relieved that Eric still cheered her when she's cutting the green onion :) 

@enko20 So agree! Sadly, their first filming after the concert and jungle filming is the WGM Chuseok. Wonder if we'll see their talk about the concert and jungle filming :( And I think it isn't evil, the incomplete spoiler will leave him curious and can't stop think about it? :P Hahahaha. Thanks for your gif! :D

7 hours ago, maeryl said:

Solar's Memo:


looks like someone's gonna dye her hair sooon :D 

Fyi, recently MooMoos made "Yongseon_RoseQuartz" a trending topic in Twitter, since Wheein & Moonbyul have dyed their hair blonde. Somehow it reaches her. That makes many MooMoos suspicious that Solar had a secret account since she has posted some fantaken photos/fanart on fancafe memo before :P Well, looking at Solar's latest memo, maybe she has dyed it hahaha. We'll see soon because today MAMAMOO will shoot for ISAC! :D


And here's my thoughts and summaries for the latest episode! I also attached some gifs and pictures!
(I'm not the one who made these gifs/pictures, all credits go to WGM DC gallery and other fanaccounts :))

  • Solar cleaned his eye, for the second time :D I'm weak with this kind of small unexpected gestures. It shows that she did pay attention and take care of him. PD-nim shouldn't cut this kind of gestures whenever it appears!
  • The moment when they opened their eyes and stared at each other, it's cute, they're holding their smile to each other :lol: And finally, Eric won over Solar for the first time!
  • Although Eric won over her, he helped her to wash the third dog. Thanks to kind Melly, their work got a bit lighter. I never have a dog, but is it that tiring to wash them? :') Maybe the hot weather made it harder too. And yes, Solar initiated the highfive and clasped her hand first :D 
  • How to wake your husband (Solar ver.) :lol::lol::lol::
    1. Hit his stomach.
    2. Tickle all over his body.
    3. Crack a boiled egg on his head.
    4. Forcefully feed him with an egg.
    I understand though that she became violent because she didn't know what to do and was confused why Eric did this.
  • Eric also took care of her, by naturally removing the egg shell on her leg. As expected from husband Yoonddong! ^_^
  • Not expecting that we will see their eating broadcast again. Solar as always, doing good as an MC, not forgetting her fake laugh B) And is it just me, or they always eat bingsu (shaved ice) lately? Guess that Korea's weather is very hot for them. Btw, I noticed that Solar also brought a game? The game where you pierce a barrel with toy swords until a head jumps out? (Is my explanation clear enough? :sweatingbullets:) Solar held a toy sword when she wore Eric's towel hat for her.
  • Solar: *trying to crack an egg on the floor*
    Eric: "Hit it on my head."
    Solar: "I can't." *but hit the egg hard on his head anyway* :sweatingbullets:
    Eric: "AH!"

    Poor Eric, but you asked for it, it isn't Solar's fault :P 
  • Solar: *put the towel sheep head on Eric's head* "You're supposed to look cute..."
    Eric: "Are you saying that I'm not cute?"
    Solar: *laugh* No... No, this is...
    Eric: "I WON'T DO IT!!!" *throw the towel sheep head*

    Why were they so cute and funny as well? And I wonder if those people who were seen sleeping in the same room with them, were they not bothered by Eric-Solar? :rolleyes: Hahahaha!
  • Solar was the one who suggested the selca and took it with her phone :D I think they took it several times, since their expression at first and the selca result is a bit different. They look so good together!
  • Hahahaha I have no words for the moment when Solar made Eric do the exercise :sweatingbullets: Solar wanted to help him to be more flexible, but he suffered instead. Glad that at last she gave him the proper massage :D 
  • Why did Eric pretend to be unconscious again at their house couch? Was he expecting something? Eric's expression though :w00t:
  • The way Solar said "Today I'm a pink girl" is so unique and I always love when she speaks with that tone and makes that hand gesture ^_^
  • Eric grabbed Solar's hand like a kid hahaha. I think they're not shy anymore at hand holding casually, but if they're asked to do it romantically, I think they'll be awkward :sweatingbullets:
  • The HUG! Finally, they did it after a long time. I'm surprised when I saw that, since the moment was so unexpected and they did it so casually. Agree though, that Solar initially wanted to highfive/clasped her hand with him, but since Eric opened his arm, and Solar didn't refuse though, she pulled him towards her lightly and patted his back, while Eric held her :wub:
  • With their aprons and chef hats, they're so cute! They're not 29 and 26 years old, they're just like 9 and 6 years old kids who learn to make kimchi together for the first time ^_^ Their conversation while cooking is cute. I love that they're still bonding while cooking. The "Yong" and "Yoon" family hahaha. They should meet with each other family, but if they didn't do it maybe the family members just don't want to be exposed :) 
  • I literally surprised and laughed hard the moment I saw the pink pork! :w00t::lol:
  • I'm not shipping Solar and cooking since I saw her cooking with MSG in "Recipe" MV, Solar's first cooking for Eric, and then Showtime *sorry, Solar unnie* :sweatingbullets:
  • Solar's expression after tasting the kimchi when Eric doesn't see VS when Eric sees :lol:
    Cq2lqa8UkAALxJY.jpg   Cq2lrNsVMAA1Fs7.jpg
  • Eric was so surprised with the kimchi taste that he "Ya!"-ed her :sweatingbullets: Now that they're so comfortable with each other, Eric also could tell Solar bluntly about her bad knife skill haha. Eric forgot that he's also responsible for the kimchi taste (by choosing the wrong cup) :sweatingbullets: Hopefully Solar isn't giving up on cooking and can prove that she able to cook something for him! B) 
  • Not really related to the whole episode, but LOVE Eric's hair! Hahahaha glad that I can also see it next week :D please style it like this more often!
    Thanks for Eric & Solar, they made many of our wishes come true with just one episode! :D Their comfort level with each other isn't needed to be asked anymore. I think Solar's behavior with Eric now is kinda similar when she's with her members. She also initiated more, not just at the receiving end. Considering that the dog playground + kimchi making is filmed after Eric came back from LA, I think they didn't look that awkward after not meeting for a while, maybe their communication outside WGM is good :) Really anticipate their meeting after MAMAMOO concert and jungle filming, but they're filming for WGM Chuseok already. We can't see their talk about the concert and jungle :( But at the other side, I'm also curious (+ a bit worried) about their performance in WGM Chuseok. Well, at least we can see them having their own time until next week. I think the episode after next week will be the Chuseok special. 


A bit late, but Eric's IG update yesterday:


MAMAMOO performance on KBS <Open Concert>:


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@Farfalle I do realize that WGM Chuseok will be the first shooting for them :) What I mean is that their LOTJ and Moosical topic will come up eventually after the event, plus many other "major" events that are still on the list (parents meeting, honeymoon etc.). Love the thoughts and gifs, yes she is getting a lot more touchy with Eric more than before, it does have resemblance to the kind of things she does with her members but obviously not quite the same. Oh, and do you notice if Solar is speaking completely informal now or not? I didn't seem to hear any formal speech except when she was talking to Hong Jin Young? If that's the case then she has fulfilled Eric's wish. That's an achievement :D. Also what does "ISAC" stand for? 

@NitePanda Actually, now that you say it, I think Eric's teaching her how to cook is definitely my huge wish tbh. When she was talking about cooking at the blackroom interview at the end, she seemed very discouraged and sad :mellow:. I agree with what @hazellynn and @Farfalle said. She doesn't show it but I think Eric's words and actions sometimes do get to her. I think Solar know she's not great at cooking (remember when she cooked kimchi fried rice for Eric? She knew it wasn't good) but she tried it anyway because she wanted to make something nice for her sister. I don't think Eric is trying to be mean when he makes fun of her chopping skill, but what he did kind of hurt Solar's confidence a bit. I'm sure Solar can get better at cooking if Eric is willing to teach her and encourage her.

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Until 21ep I mark 3ep for their level up relationship the 1st is english lesson, 2nd is jeju trip and 3rd is sauna and kimchi making. For the kimchi I suggest ddongi to wash it with warm water and seasoning again....and please don't make experience with cooking again:sweatingbullets:

Yesterday while waiting the engsub I read comment at kshowdaily and mbc yt channel I'm glad there's a lot viewers support them

I read from @Eric Nam USA that eric will join isac if it's true ddongi will meet again today

Edit *eric and solar schedule troll me :blink:

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@Farfalle She took a photo of that heart sign and holding the phone using her knees? Lmao, that's so cute and yeba-ish of her. She is so adorbs. - Really? Wow if that's the case then i'm excited to see fanpics of her later if she has dyed it already or not. Haha, but honestly speaking I prefer her with the golden brown color.. or if she likes to dye it pink then I prefer if it's rose gold because I think rose quartz is just too bright? Lol. Nonetheless, she'll still look beautiful in any hair color. Thank you for an update about eric, I reallyyyy missed him so much. Ohh and I personally love reading your thoughts and summaries :D               

@enko20 I'd like to see Solar teasing Eric again about her solo performance. Lol, he must have felt reallllyyyy bad when he saw his wife giving some snippets about her solo perf but then he can't attend due to his work :lol: poor yoondong but it was so thoughtful of him to send those to his sisters in law (plus when he sent a wreath at the day of their concert) :wub: And thank you for sharing the gifs and your thoughts here, I really love reading them. :) <3 

@Ira Ajja I read some of the comments at kshowdaily too while waiting for the subs, and I agree with you there's really a lot of us who loves and supports them! I think 99.8% of the comments are full of love for our couple. Haha! And how cute of our co-ddongie shippers to comfort each other and tell them to wait patiently for the subs. :lol: Omo, really? That made me even more excited!! :w00t:                                 

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Oh yes i already have this feeling... that Solar won't be participated on ISAC since she is not in mamamoo's archery team :( and turned out she has another schedule...  but i hope there will some interactions between ric-hyung and cheoje-deul a.k.a mmm sis in law~heungg

Anw i watched ytd ep and found a funny shot between Melly and Eric lol:w00t:




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Ah I know what ISAC is now, never mind haha thank you chingus for fast updates. :P Kinda sad Solar isn't there though :mellow: I swear they always have conflict schedules . At least the beagles are there to wreck him... again lol :lol:

Just saw this on Eric's IG:

Remind us of anything? That's right!  Solar's "I'm a pink girl today!" *fake laugh* :w00t:

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Yongsun sure is a busy lady~~

Too bad she's not in ISAC (no interactions between them today TT). But we'll see her in Duet Song anyways.

And Angel Line teaser is out! Decal & Comani!! 


LMAO side note: i just had to screencap the exact Yong-meme moment :blush:

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