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@enko20 i get teary while read it...as child and teens we tend to play with our friends and enjoy our youth without worry...i'm glad solar has mamamoo member as her bestfriend now

@Farfalle i'm waiting your translation since last night...thanks for your work even you get busy with your assignment

@NamSeoYeon18 thanks for the info...and i read ifans can't vote for Melon Music Award only can stream at Melon site 

@pwnkl your post full of excitement make me can't wait tomorrow patiently

Mamamoo will record IS2 at 31th and broadcast at 12th nov and their hobbae Vromance will join in too

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@enko20 - *slow clap* Very well written article chingu! I can see why it took you so long to post it here. :D  

I'll put it on the front page as soon as I get home. I'm sorely tempted to write a reaction to your post tomorrow, but I'm going on vacation for a couple of days so I won't be able to sit down in front of a computer. :(  

All I can say is, Ambivert doesn't begin to describe the complexity of Yong Seon's character. Personally, I don't believe in Ambiversion, simply because there are other factors that influence a person\s introversion/extroversion that make them seem more like hybrids rather than leaning towards a specific inclination. No worries though; Like I've always said whenever I taught beginner personality modules - human beings are behavioral scientists at heart. We have all been given the ability to observe and deduce; the only difference between a Psychologist and a passerby is the plethora of theories they use to interpret the data they find, and how they use it to interpret behavior. Lol, Imagine how long your article would be IF you actually had a background in psychology! :w00t:

Anyways some shower thoughts about our couple:


While I was walking home the other day, I was wondering why I wasn't as inspired to write a short fanfic about our couple as compared to my other ships. I've mentioned this before to @pwnkl  that already had several drafts in my head about some stories, but they won't flesh out for some reason whenever I found the time to write a paragraph. I mean, it's not as if I don't have any storylines, but after rereading it in my head, the scenarios feel kind of.. forced. After reading @enko20's piece, I came to two conclusions:

1) I'm still not familiar with them enough to accurately depict how they would think depending on a given scenario (or how they would respond to each other in conversation). I think the reason why I was able to do that with JjongAh is because I wrote two full behavioral profiles on them before I started writing fics for the thread. :sweatingbullets:

2) Things that I want to happen between them already happened / started happening. I mean, one of my favorite things about watching a WGM couple is to watch them slowly become comfortable with each other to the point where sweet moments come naturally, instead of artificially devised. And all of us can see here that post Chuseok, their relationship has evolved to that point where they are already capable of doing the things I would want to write about. Things like confessing why they like each other (I love you book) etc etc. 

I don't know whether I should be happy that I can't write anything about them or be sad. It's a weird feeling. :rolleyes:

Just to get that off my chest. Good knows I can't post my rant anywhere else since this is the only place this is relevant. :)

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@papaxmoo I think just ignore the hate comments since they're harmless :) 

@enko20 Like before, I'm impressed with your writing! :D I get to know a few things too that I didn't know before about Solar. I agree with @Le_Sanguinea. Currently in psychology major myself, I came to conclusion that nobody has a perfect 50:50 distribution of extrovert-introvert personality. I don't know if there's any, but it would be so rare to see someone like that. I'm not saying what you did is wrong though.

And if you want the reference for Melon Star DJ with Yonghee...


It's on 36:10 :) 


MAMAMOO Trans first Youtube account is blocked several months ago, maybe copyright problems? Luckily they created various accounts to post their work :D 


@Ira Ajja I'm sorry for making you wait for so long :sweatingbullets: I'll try to tell all chingus here in advance whenever I couldn't post the translation on Friday then. And no, international fans can vote for MAMA, since the event is also targeting international fans. I can vote them :) But MAMA's winners are usually the artists that could come to the event though, so if Eric & MAMAMOO are confirmed to attend MAMA, they have a possibility to win.


Catching up with their updates! 












(look at her writing in Japanese :o)




Sneak peek performances at KIA Surprise Weekend


V app! Haven't watched it but read some fans said that they gave spoiler about their album again :lol:






I'm conflicted to share this or not, but I want to share to chingus here things that make my mind opens more. I think I'll put it in a spoiler since it's kinda off-topic. 


I read some articles about shipping culture from the international fans POV and Korean fans POV. Well, I'm curious about it so I did a little research haha. (I wonder if it's worth enough to be called a research since I only read 2-3 articles and the discussion in the comment/forum section :sweatingbullets:)


I wonder sometimes if the reason for most Korean fans to hate shipping culture is only because they feel that they "own" their idols. Well maybe there are some who are like that, but I think it's not only about that. After reading articles, I found a reason (of many reasons I think) why idol shipping is not likeable, either same or different gender.

Some of them only want to protect the idols' relationship themselves. There are Korean fans that like to see a good relationship between two idols, but they don't like if there are people who make it too big, like "They must be dating, they wear clothes in the same color today!" or "They used the same photo filter on purpose!".

They also don't like the act of connecting the idols on the things that have no relation at all. For example, an idol named X posted an MV, but people comment with other idol's name that they ship, which has no relation at all with that MV. X's fans will be so sad to see that people are more interested in X's personal relationship than X's growth as an artist.

To cut it short, I think Korean fans don't like delusional shippers, since the idols themselves may not have a normal friendship without awkwardly knowing that many fans watch their interactions. Although I think not all idols are burdened by this, even some of them gladly feed the shippers' thirst with fanservices.

I think their thought is understandable though? Doing anything in excessive manner mostly isn't good, right? I like some idols' relationship (friendship/romantic), but Eric-Solar is the first couple that made me decide to join forum discussion. For me, I enjoy shipping because I enjoy to see the relationship progress. This is especially I find in WGM, where most of the casts haven't met/known each other before. Watching their interaction is fun too, since I think I can see the more "human" side of idols. But I keep the fact that I don't know them well (I just watch their bits of life through screen) and they're also human like us in my mind, just so I won't cross the "reality".

I'm not saying that this thought represents all of the Korean fans though. I also don't intend to offend anyone, this writing is only my opinion. I just want to share with you all, hoping to give you another point of view, so we can be more considerate with others, especially as Eric-Solar shippers :) I'm not good with words since English isn't my mother language, so I worry my writing will send wrong message, but I hope you get what I meant :D 


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@Le_Sanguinea I don't think there's really any defined description or scale that can quantify her perfectly. That scale I put in was just an arbitrary attempt to visualize what I think of her, which is that she's more inclined toward introversion, but just not 100%, and for someone that doesn't have many personal stories like her, it's very difficult to analyze her. I was basically playing puzzle-solving/connect-the-dot the whole time I was writing that. :sweatingbullets:

I've never read your fanfics before, sounds interesting. Well sometimes I guess there's nothing wrong with laying back for a while and enjoy fellow shippers content, yeah? And I hope that even if you are not inspired to write fanfics, you would still provide us with your insights on our couple, you know, WGM comparisons and stuffs.

I hope you have a good vacation, and if you can get in some feedback for me after you come back, I will be glad to hear it. :)

@Farfalle Thank you for liking my post and for the reference vid, can't believe i missed out on that while researching haha :lol: And well, even though the picture said ambivert, I don't think I was saying that she's perfectly ambivert (50:50), but rather more like a 80:20 toward introversion. But like I said, this is very arbitrary, and it's just something I made up to help clarify my point. The most important thing is that I wanted to explain what exactly makes Solar behaves the way she does on WGM. :)

Regarding your last point:


I agree that not all Koreans are about being possessive of their idols. They are just like fans from any other country. We are all comprised of different demographics, with different interests and all. Some people are fanatical, others are not. Obviously as a fan, the most important thing they want for their idols is to have a successful career and gain more achievements, and when relationship get in the way, it could really affect that.

Just like what some of Mamamoo/Solar stan on here have said before, I agree that many of them are actually worried for her reputation/career more than the fact that they hate seeing her with Eric. After all, like the way I wrote in my article, I think we can see how much Mamamoo and music career means to Solar. It's something she has worked for her whole life with her sweats and bloods to achieve, and her fans are worried that her WGM stint will have a negative impact about it. That's why when you see WGM viewers give Solar insults, they feel very angry and disgusted, and they are like "See what we mean? This is why we hate WGM and don't want Solar there, she deserves better than this!"

There's nothing wrong with shipping. It's only wrong when you take it too far, like "X idol has to date/marry Y idol, OR ELSE!". Bashing the guy/girl for not end up dating each other after WGM ends, harassing them and their fans, that's the kind of things I've seen too many times before. It's another reason for Koreans' resentment toward WGM and its viewers.

This is also why I love Eric and Solar. More than the fact that they are having a good time together on WGM, they both understand the importance of career that each of them still have. Eric respect Solar, Mamamoo and her fans, so he wouldn't go over the line to hurt her career just to gain ratings and make himself look good or make their relationship "romantic" on WGM. Same thing with Solar, she understands Eric are still devoting to his music career right now.

As much as I would love to see them date as a shipper, I think the most important thing they should do is to have a strong relationship where they can support the other person's dreams and aspirations (like Eric said on Fuse TV). If Eric and Solar can achieve that, I think even if they end up together romantically one day, their own fanbase will view them in a better light than if they just being ignorant about their careers for their selfish desires. I hope that make sense.


Sorry about the long post, I just feel like sharing my thoughts after seeing that :sweatingbullets:


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Ahh @enko20 @Farfalle sorry the Yonghee thing was my bad! I must have missed that in my listen when I was helping with the post! Sorry about that!

As for the take on shipping...


I myself have never been much of a shipper of celebrities. I recognize that sometimes it can be fun, but something really really has to *click* for me. It didn't *click* very quickly with Eric and Solar, but I continued watching anyway because I love Solar and I enjoyed watching their interactions.

For the most part, the criticism I've seen from Int/K-MooMoos has been that Eric and Solar's relationship seems "scripted" and "forced" or even just like more of a friends thing than a romantic thing. For a while, I had to admit, I was one of the latter, especially in that time period between Jeju and Chuseok. Their friendship was something I was incredibly excited about, especially since Eric was so respectful of Solar. I cringed a little bit at the panel's interference, and found myself wishing they would just be left to their own devices, to grow and play as they saw fit.

And then Chuseok happened (specifically, the promo that involved the eyelash kiss). I found myself watching and rewatching it, looking at their smiles, and realizing that I really wouldn't mind if they became a thing - mostly because I, like Eric, find a lot of value in romantic relationships rooted in friendship. Every episode since then has only solidified my belief that a lot of the criticisms of our couple are actually plus sides. I'll throw away the "scripted" and "forced" thing, because for me it's fairly easy to tell which things were planned beforehand (their 100th/200th day gifts to each other, for example) and which were spontaneous acts of affection (Solar's forehead kiss, Eric picking up a rose for her on the way home, his shouting of "I Love You!" in the most recent episode). Friendship isn't a bad thing to have, for either of them, and I'm not going to mind if their relationship ends up going no further than that.

At the same time, I agree with the sentiment that delusional shipping can often do more harm than good. I'm against the idea of commenting Eric's name all over Solar's work/social media or vice versa (except when they were in Dubai, then I thought that was just exciting since everyone knew they were hanging together). It's harassment that gives shipping a bad name, and I'd rather people ignore couples/shows/things they don't like than constantly leave negative comments that don't do anyone any good (in that way I actually respect the fans of Eric who refuse to interact with any of his WGM content - better no comments than negative ones). 

And also, with the criticism, sometimes we have to remember how awkward these two were in the beginning. It's easy to brush something off when you've only seen the beginning of it, and, unfortunately, not everyone stuck around to watch their relationship blossom in the beautiful way it has.

Still, I'd be lying if I didn't say that, even without the subs, this week's episode has me feeling a little more delusional than usual (but the panel's down that river with me, so I don't feel too bad about it).


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@enko20 firstly congrats on your second piece, you did a good job and I appreciate the time you took to write this up. I'll put all my feedback in the spoiler, I read it last night and I'll try to pull all those points together now. Please don't take this personally, I can be a little harsh but this may help you write an even better article in future. :innocent:


I have to applaud you for doing your research, for you didn't know much more about Yongsun other than her appearance on wgm. I learned a few new things through your article as well as I was emotionally touched when I was reminded of her story of rejection and her unsupportive parents this was also the same for Eric unfortunately. There's a video of Yongsun crying post performance during a show about dreams and achieving your dreams, she was asked how she same to be a singer if my memory serves me well, I was reminded of that. 

There are times where I felt the points dragged on too much, or you repeated yourself too many times. It wasn't as precise and concise (as Eric's article BUT I felt you went deeper with Yongsun's). Short and simple is best.

The language used was very emotionally fueled, this was meant to be an objective point of view too right? Non-biased? Although it's hard to be completely non-biased some of the language was too emotionally fueled coupled with the last point, it felt like a suspense sequence building up to climax but it took to long and went too far.   

There are a few grammatical errors here and there, this only bothered because I'm a little bit of a grammar nazi but they are an easy fix nothing too major for the sentences to not make sense.

The format in which you have displayed is very good, it flows well and is easy to read and understand. Also very good referencing(my weakness) the inserts from examples on WGM supported your argument well. I thought you would have touched a little on just exactly how impatient Yongsun is, it leads her to make rash decisions as well. She is a ball of contradictions. My only suggestion is perhaps you could put one more line between points. 

<---- space ---->

like this. 

<---- space ---->

I like'd your descriptions of Yongsun, the way you paint her image. Those quotes from RBW was great makes me like them even more as a company. 

I agree with your point that there are limits and boundaries set on wgm, because they both cannot afford to just throw their careers out the window(they simply wouldn't) for this show but they are also not willing to comprise much of their real personalities either.

They are slowly finding a balance on this show, as they have gotten more acquainted with staff, the structure and shooting schedule of the show. Both Eric and Yongsun remind me of a younger La Miran, I'm not sure if you're familiar but she is a comedian that I recently got to know through Unnie's Slam Dunk. Miran is very real, 'I can't be like you, I still want to live the way I want to' she said this to Yoo Jaesuk who is like the 'perfect gentleman' on varieties(she also admitted to peeing in the shower while standing up in a discussion about saving water, this woman is just gold). I hope they will continue like this and be like her in future.

Okay I think that's all I can think of for now, again thank you for your hard work! I look forward to the next article. Peace out! :glasses:






@Farfalle @Le_Sanguinea

I have contemplated about this myself, I wanted to know how kfans felt and thought of shipping. Whenever I thought about this I would try to imagine artists/idols as a friend and think of my own friend. If I saw two of my friends who look good together would I write a fanfic about them? Would I do this type of thing? No of course not that's crazy I know I am making an extreme point this way but at the end of the day they are just people like you and me. It is very hard to compare it this way because they're a 'public' figure ect. and I am not innocent either, I have written fanfics in the past but I only used the idol/artist's popularity for an audience and appearance as a guidance. There was a point where I had to stop and think, is this right? Am I being respectful? But I came to the conclusion that as long as my fanfics weren't encouraging crazy possessive behaviour (unlike some other author's) and I'm not doing any harm I shall continue to(I haven't updated in months). I didn't know you wrote fanfics, where do you post them? 

For me personally calling myself a shipper doesn't fit right with what it means to most people, I do however SUPPORT artists and their interactions but never to the point that I would ever abuse or rub it into other fans' faces or hate on others(boycotting that's just cray). I want to be a fan that is like a friend, I'm the type of fan that would wait to see artists but never scream just wave and smile. This is totally off topic but I recently read an article about JB walking off stage because his fans wouldn't stop screaming while he was talking inbetween performances because he wanted to connect with the audience. I am not a fan of his and I really disliked his actions and what he's done but after reading the article I understood how he felt, whenever I see fancams of fans mindlessly screaming and screeching at idols (crowd them) it hurts my heart. I know it's out of love and support but on a human level, what is that? Their ears must really hurt and it is frightening, imagine a HUGE crowd of bodies screaming and trying to get to you, to touch you, to get your attention. If it were like sports fans cheering for a their winning athlete coming home at the airport with a chant it would be much more pleasant. The vibe and feeling would be different instead of that suffocating murderous screeching. This is just one of the things I am really sorry to artists/idols for. It's even sadder because even though it doesn't seem right to do, more and more do it because a lot of people do, it has become the norm because 'everybody does it'.

A lot of us just want the best for their careers as a supporter, I hope fans can be more supportive even if their artist is doing something they don't like instead of boycotting and leaving negative comments I wish they would just ignore it instead.

Okay I am going to end my rant here, sorry this is a little long. I'd like to hear chingus thoughts on the above too. :innocent:


@Farfalle thank you for the translations! can't wait for the subs!


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I dropped by the house to download the latest ep. before flying off. :D I also hotlinked @enko20's latest article for future reference, in case I forget. :)

Actually, my thoughts about Ambiversion were triggered by the image you posted and not on what you wrote. It's a moot point that no single test nor personality indicator can accurately define a person just by the limited amount of data we can acquire from their TV appearances and personal anecdotes, but I believe it is still possible with a little research. Personally, I use Myers Briggs (MBTI) and Temperament Assessor (The 4 model-type, not the 9 model type) to explain this in a non-technical manner. As a matter of fact, I can use what you've research to map out a very rough profile for them. ;)

As for the shipping thing.. Well, my take on that is - "Within logic and Within reason." I've already talked a lot about that in the past - I can't speak for the majority of the delusional shippers out there, but it's understandable. Emotional investment is a huge part of Kpop's appeal, which is why shipping will always be prevalent whether it be deemed necessary or not. Like or not, the added publicity of shipping outweighs the negative stigma some idols get from the minority population of delusional fans. Companies will still allow their idols to participate in shows like WGM to boost popularity based on that fact.

Personally, I still consider myself a shipper, albeit a pragmatic one.  Maybe the reason why I enjoy watching WGM is because I'm a hopeless romantic trapped in a philosopher's body; Eh, well, I'll never know. :P

See you guys in a few days! I'll log-in through mobile from time to time, but it'll be slow. Net connection is slow as molasses away from civilization. :(

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This couple should be named the mukbang couple, they're always eating something. There's a lot of people who are complaining about Eric and Solar not being very lovey-dovey with each other but as for me, their relationship is perfect. I've always dreamed that if I get married, I would like to have more of a friendship with my husband. We can do silly things together and laugh at each other and play pranks but also have our little romantic moments. People think marriage is of only one type, they type where you look into each other's eyes all the time and say all sorts of mushy, cringe-worthy things but what happens when the passion dies? It's important to build a long-lasting friendship with your partner and that's the kind of relationship I see Yoon ddong and Yong ddong portraying. I hope that even after the show ends, they can still be very good friends with each other. 

Also, did anyone else think that massage in the bedroom was a little racy? What's with all the weird noises they were making? Especially Yong ddong. Lol. 

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@papaxmoo Thank you for your feedback. You don't have to worry about being harsh or personal, because constructive criticism is the only way for any writer, including me, to improve like you said :)

I'm glad that you noticed the language I use. I actually intentionally wrote this piece using a lot of pathos, unlike the first part with Eric when it was more informative. The reason I did that was because:

1) I knew that the target audience was us who are Solar supporters. If I'm writing this for a neutral audience, I would very much refrain myself from using languages that make it sounds like I'm persuading people to sympathize/feel pity for her.

2) I feel that a narration with emotional appeal is more fitting for a girl like Solar, because the main thing I want to portray through this piece of writing is that Solar's life is so much more inspiring and complicated than an image of a girl who always sing, dance, and laugh brightly everyday that most people see.

I will take things you said into consideration for my next part of writing for sure.


I finally got to watch today's ep after being out for most of the day, and I have to say, this episode gave me a lot of things to think about, especially about their conversation in bed.

Before I write my review, just a minor complain:


Opp6Xce.png mk8PA6y.png

I realized that MBC cut out those scenes, but I don't understand why. Usually we say that they have to make cuts to have air time for important scenes, but to me, these two events shouldn't be considered trivial enough to be left out. I am curious what they talked about in the pool that MBC decided to not include it (since I doubt that they only sat there and did nothing). They also definitely had a conversation over the rose that Eric gave Solar, but we will never know what they said.


With that, here's my thoughts for this week:

  • I am very happy by how thoughtful Eric was of Solar. Even though he usually travels a lot and adjust himself well to the local cuisine, he still worried that Solar might miss Korean foods. Seeing him just preparing everything in advance in thought of her made Solar feel very touched and cared for. It's kind gestures like this that really bring me joy to watch their relationship, because they understand each other so well and always take care of the other person's needs.
  • Solar was being impatient again, jeez. She just got anxious and curious so easily that she kept disturbing Eric.Good thing Eric himself is patient so he can put up with this side of her really well.
  • The whole massaging session was so funny to me. Solar was making weird noises when Eric was massaging her neck, but her quirkiness didn't end there though. It got even better when she began to massage his legs and kept making comments about his leg's hair haha. Solar certainly has a very... unique attraction to certain parts of Eric's body. Eric: "You're petting me like a dog" LOL. I mean, are you not a big dog, Eric? (Bigger than all of Nicole's dogs that's for sure)
  • Love how they just lie down so comfortably next to each other in bed. Like Solar said, they are so much more comfortable with each other now that they could lay down close like that and not feeling as awkward as they once did.
  • Really, really love their intimate talk with each other about what stood out to them from day one in Dubai, I learned a lot of things from hearing what they told each other




"When you tried on traditional clothes, you looked so pretty."

I like this a lot, and Solar did too. Eric usually doesn't talk about her beauty that much, so when he made a comment like that, you know it really struck him how beautiful she really is when the hijab clothing made her face and skin stand out. 


"When we were driving on the desert, I was happy to see you enjoy it."

Such sweet words from him! Me too Eric, I'm glad that she had a great time in Dubai, even when people were worried about her going there.



"Since I didn't know anything, you explained what they said to me. I was happy to be with you. This would've been impossible on my own. Being together made me happy. You're so dependable. I felt confident and comfortable because of you"


Solar has made a lot of comments about how dependable Eric is, and I can feel how genuine she really is. Solar is usually the one to take care of other people, so when she has someone that can protect her and give her a shoulder to lean on, it makes her happy. I also wish that one day I can find this person as well. :)

Then came these words from Eric


Thank you for marrying me. I could've had anyone as my wife, but we became the couple. It's us who are making this work.


I honestly got emotional hearing this. Eric is just so happy that Solar is his partner. It's not just Solar who was worried about who she would end up with on WGM, but Eric as well. Yet, because they got matched together, everything worked out beautifully. This is probably the sweetest confession Eric has made to Solar. I don't know if Solar realize it, but being with her has allowed him to be himself and be happy. He's always wanted a girl who he could laugh with, be crazy with, but most importantly, having a sincere relationship with, and dare I say it, being with Solar is like a dream come true for him. It is exactly like what he wrote to Santa Claus back then, that Solar is the best gift he received this year..

Also, another sad thought I have as I was hearing this make me a bit more emotional too...


I wonder how Eric would feel then when that day comes... the day that he can no longer do WGM with Solar any more. I don't even want to imagine it. I have never seen Eric cries before, and if by chance he does... I really don't know if I will be able to handle it. :(

  • The panelists were staring so hard at the screen and squinted their eyes waiting for some bed actions hahaha :lol: They were basically me right there. Oh god I would have loved to watch that too, but I think if they really showed that then Nampyeons and Moomoos gonna go ballistic :sweatingbullets:
  • Ah so Eric didn't touch Solar's cheeks after all. Classic MBC troll, got my hope up for nothing :expressionless:
  • Did Eric just yell "I love you!" to Solar out loud like that? Ugh that was so corny and embarrassing, but I like it. :wub: Also when they kept screaming "Yongseon-ah~" and "Yoonddong-ah~" to each other, that was just so intimate to me.


  • Love how they just naturally wrap their arms around each other's hips so comfortably like that. Solar was just in a extremely happy mood haha. It's all thanks to you, Eric!
  • Are you famous? Solar: "Very famous"  Little girl : "No, you're not".God that girl was so savage :lol: then Solar was like "Ok, BYE!" LOL
  • Introducing, Mamamoo's leader and main vocal, "Do Re Mi Fa So La, Solar-imnida!"



A moment of condolences for Eric's ears. Today he finally witness Yongseon's honey voice scream that shook the whole city of Dubai.


How was it guys? :)

Eric: *thumbs up*  Solar: *done with life* 


Eric and Solar's face were hilarious, but you know what's even more hilarious? That dude that sat behind them with a poker face.



Well this is it, final episode of Dubai I assume. Yacht scene and fountain scene, saving the best for last.


Uh oh, Solar is going to make a wish?? Now I can't wait to know what she will wish for! (Also love how they are lying next to each other, again)


The scene is beautiful, but a bit sad at the same time. Two days in Dubai were simply too short for them. Here wishing that they will savor the moment as they watch the night sky together (possibly with some more intimate talk, jaebal~)


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My bus has internet. Hooray for technology! :D

@rushie5 - Hiya! :D They DID sound a little too into it, yes? I was smirking the whole time I was watching their massage scene.

- - - - -

I love episodes like this.

This is probably the only WGM couple I've watched where they tell each other upfront things that they mention in their BRIs. That's kind of a huge thing for me, since BRIs are usually reserved for things they CAN'T say out loud to each other, yet here they're actually talking about it openly. How comfortable they must be to express their honest feelings that easily. I noticed that they brought up a lot of the things they said in their past BRIs in their bedroom conversation. It's kind of a consoling fact to see them this close even if logic tells us they won't be together after this stint ends. At the very least, they found a genuine connection with each other thru WGM. It's heartwarming, to say the least. :)

And yes, I agree with @cinnaminskies - I'm not a delusional shipper, but episodes like these make me think, "Hey, it really would be nice if they got together iRL", without the stigma of antis and possessive fans. Wishful thinking? Eh well. :)

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1 hour ago, Le_Sanguinea said:

I love episodes like this.

This is probably the only WGM couple I've watched where they tell each other upfront things that they mention in their BRIs. That's kind of a huge thing for me, since BRIs are usually reserved for things they CAN'T say out loud to each other, yet here they're actually talking about it openly. How comfortable they must be to express their honest feelings that easily. I noticed that they brought up a lot of the things they said in their past BRIs in their bedroom conversation. It's kind of a consoling fact to see them this close even if logic tells us they won't be together after this stint ends. At the very least, they found a genuine connection with each other thru WGM. It's heartwarming, to say the least. :)

I agree with you. This is how i the exactly felt when i watch today eps. What they said in BRI in the  previous eps is the same as what they said in the bed scene today. 

For ex : 

In last BRI eric said solar was pretty in hijab and how he happy watching solar super excited in their desert trip. Awesome! can i have those bed scene footage more ? (Maybe the panelist needed too because so that they will not trying hard to squint their eyes)

And pay attention to Solar expression! She was touched all the time. good job Papa Eric

1 hour ago, Le_Sanguinea said:

And yes, I agree with @cinnaminskies - I'm not a delusional shipper, but episodes like these make me think, "Hey, it really would be nice if they got together iRL", without the stigma of antis and possessive fans. Wishful thinking? Eh well. :)

 Ikr, so that's why i wished they dating for real, coz their personality match so well and they very considerate to each other, well that can be happen also in the friendship but somehow their developed chemistry is worth more than just friendship thing. 

 A lot of chingus here missunderstood what i mean with they dating in public. I do hope they dating (sorry i was basically a shipper) but not now, i mean they surely know both of their position (yongsun as mamamoo's leader and eric as national bf thing) and how hard they worked to maintain and raised their career. So, i believe they not crazy enough to dating right now. But seeing how they interact there's still a posibillity that they will keep in touch eventhough the show end and they need to focus on their career before going to the next step as they think they already achieved what they want in career, and it will be took several years to go. 

And actually i was joking when saying if eric and solar can't dating in public because dispatch will easily spot them since they are too loud and excited wherever the go/do (please watch today eps in dubai amusement park :)), see how MBC staff exagerrated solar honey voice can shook the whole dubai? 

Of course i really like the hush hush idea if they dating sometime ~~ Maybe they should locked theirself in the bed room and eat ramyeon/ttopoki, or duet so they can get hyper without being caught kkk.

I wonder what happen with the cut part. Oh i just can't get over with the second honest talk session. Solar is professional masseur, she even giving extra time and treatment to eric's straight manly leg hair. Not forget to mention how sweet their conversation is. 

(But Solar sleep with make up on and did they still use the mic before sleep? That's mean the won't gonna sleep after filming those scene *curious)

And about walking in the pier, Solar initiated hug in the hips first. I think i was wrong with halloween eps. But glad the save the yatch and fountain separately. So it will be one more romantic eps . 

Ah, i would like to correct something : eric didn't choose solar as the singer with honey voice. At first he choose her and complain to MBC for giving him a hard choice. After that he choose himself because it's not too long since their early eps air (eric didn't met solar yet because he still trying to figure out the clue to save solar)~~pleace re-checked it again

@papaxmoo : i'm sorry i did a lot of grammar mistakes. I felt wronged since you said you're grammar nazi. But seriously i have a big problem with grammar and typos kkkk.

@Le_Sanguinea : have a nice holiday banana milk brother 

@enko20 : thank you for your writing about Solar, honestly i haven't read it yet because i must type my assignments. I really appreciated your hardwork. I promised to read it soon chingu~~~

@all ddongie shipper : have a nice day. Thank you for all of your sharing about ddongie this week. It's really makes my day 

See ya soon 

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I actually didn't think about this at first, but them being mukbang couple, isn't that also another thing that show how much Eric cares about Solar? I'm pretty certain Solar is madly in love with eating food, because when she came on ASC with Eric before, they told him that Solar is the type that can finish a whole rice cooker by herself. I think after their first meeting, Eric sat down with Solar and told her "I know you love to eat, so let's eat A LOT together!". Also, I think when she's with Mamamoo, she can't eat that much because she has to be on a diet for comeback and stuff, so every time she films with Eric, she basically enters food paradise :lol:

Also, I share your similar viewpoint about marriage life. I think it's hilarious when people say Eric-Solar don't look like a married couple, because to me, they are a perfect portrayal of a true marriage life. There's a time and place for sweet words and skinship, but isn't a marriage life all about taking care and being responsible for many parts of your spouse' life? I think their relationship is very mature. They complete each other, they care about each other's interests and dreams, they want to make each other's happy first before anything else. For them, skinship is the result of their relationship, and not the reason for it, and to me that's what a husband and wife should be about :)


Agree with you about their honest feelings to each other. I am actually surprised that Eric pretty much told Solar everything he said in his BRIs directly to her. Also, because they film BRIs after the episodes and not before (in this case, their entire BRIs were filmed after their Dubai trip), it means that they would reveal their feelings to each other first before they even let the interviewer know. That is very telling to me about how close they are.

I also don't recall any couple that has done this before either, that's why Ddongie is really unique in a way. I am sure that no matter what happens after this is all over, every memories they made, and every words they told each other are genuine and that they won't forget about the time they spent together anytime soon. :D

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Finally I'm getting around to watching the episode:


There were so many callbacks to previous episodes that it made me feel really happy about their growth. From their two nights together to Solar's impatience at both the proposal and during Eric's 200th day gift. You could really see how much more they know and trust each other now. Also, I thought it was funny that when Eric said he'd prepared something, Solar smirked at him and said "Liar." alkdjfalj THESE TWO.

Solar didn't seem flustered at all by the "honey" thing, which makes me wonder if they've talked about it/used it before and that's just been cut... Hmm MBC your cutting abilities are making me question things. Just like with the hand-holding, though, I guess we'll never know.

Eric's gesture was really moving to me. I think that's because I really love their simpler moments, and he always seems to remember things that might seem small but are really important - like Solar's dislike of the food. Eric's smile when she hit him reminded me of his smile at the airport when she was serenading him. They really are so happy in Dubai... 

Every time they showed that pool all I could think about was what a waste it was that they didn't go in it. Just my own preference for pool scenes, though. It was so pretty and the sky was perfect and it would've made a great shot. Not that I have any idea what they should've replaced it with - because this episode was SO GREAT - but I'm very sad they didn't use the pool.

I was brought back to our conversation last week about Solar and her less-than-innocent mind when the massage thing started. I couldn't stop laughing when his legs became the focus of their conversation because she just kept stroking them like a dog I just... YEBA WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Eric must have been dying

I was glad to hear Solar say "we weren't as close back then." I know we all know it because we've seen the stark contrast between then and now, but it always feels good to have them admit it too. It makes it feel like they've grown more comfortable with each other, not just with being on the show. She said "I couldn't even look at you back then" and that's when I realized just how much eye contact they've been making this trip. It was a thing I didn't even notice until she brought it up.

And their whole conversation was just so incredibly sweet. I love it when they're honest with each other. For me, emotional intimacy is always so much more exciting for me than physical intimacy, because it leaves us such beautiful moments (like the one in the pool, and now the one here). It felt like they were doing a BRI but with each other in the room. There was no leading question to make them give answers, either, they just spoke their minds and it was so sweet I died like five times.

Eric said he liked learning a lot from her and Solar got kind of quiet and shyly responded "Come on, you know everything already" but I could tell she was flattered. I think it's great how much he encourages her because she really hasn't had a whole lot of support throughout her life, and you can tell she's really flourishing under the support she gets from Eric. As a Solar stan first and foremost, this has always been the part that makes me the happiest about her time on WGM - it really feels like she's having a positive experience that is going to leave her happy and confident at the end of it. I'm so glad she's partnered with him. I don't know if she could've had the same experience with anyone else.

Which brings me to: Thank you for marrying me.

He knows. He has to know how compatible they are; how much they're unlike any other couple. They're kind of wild and different, and their pace has been slower than others, but Solar's honesty and Eric's kindness make them so intriguing to watch. They won the Chuseok competition and received this trip because of who they are and how great they work together. None of this would have happened if they had been paired with other people. Solar wouldn't have this new support system in her life, Eric wouldn't have this new close friend and these great experiences together. They're both so changed from this experience and I think it's definitely for the better. Ughhh now I need that yacht scene next week, because they've opened up to each other so much already I don't know how much further they can go. Especially with Solar wishing for something...

Day 2:


Speaking of eye contact, there was all the eye contact during the breakfast. Especially when Solar just kind of leaned back in her chair and stared at him. I don't know what part of that gave me butterflies, but it did.

Once again, they're playing Owl City in Dubai! I guess I'll forgive the MBC editors for cutting the rose and pool scenes since they seem to have good taste in music.

I love how Solar says hello to everyone she meets. It's a little thing, but she really does have the best manners. I can see why the WGM staff loves them so much. She's so happy and giggly and bouncy this trip, and it's just infectious. 

Solar's such a mess of contradictions. I was expecting her to love the roller coaster because of her love of driving fast in the sand, but she seemed very scared the whole time. I couldn't help but laugh at her, though, especially her kind of dazed face when they came back from it. Eric seemed to have fun, though.

And then there's the promo.



There's water and stars and just the way they're looking at each other has me already so pumped for next week. The fountain excites me because of that moment we heard Solar's voice on Eric's Snapchat story. I want to know what was going on before/after that moment. The entire concept of the yacht just seems so romantic and beautiful. I really can tell they're not looking forward to leaving, but sadly, as we know, they both had schedules to attend. 

I almost feel so bad for them, having that wonderful experience together - and, really, becoming closer than ever - and then not being able to see each other for weeks. At least I feel secure in the fact that they have all those photos and memories and also each other's phone numbers. Still, such a stark contrast.

Also I need to know Eric's reaction to Solar's new hair because I'm dying every time I see it, so...

Let's all remember to vote for our couple!!

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@Le_Sanguinea it's nice you can have vacation...i like what you said about their honesty for me honesty is one of the important things in life and both eric and solar known for that (eric as a man who keep his word and solar as unpretensious girl)~~~btw after you back home i hope you can fix the date of their wedding at the banner it's "17th not 16th"

@papaxmoo i'm bad in grammar and always make typo...hehe

@cinnaminskies about the pool i feel bad too they don't use it but yongsun still not comfort to expose her bareface and swimming with make up is not fun:sweatingbullets:



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Hi, chingus! I'm glad that you get what I meant with my writing about "shipping" :) I only want to give more point of views. Those articles make me remember to be more careful and responsible in everything, even in the things that we think it's good for other people. And finally I have time to write my review! :D Sadly now I didn't have enough time to make gifs :( (Seeing that other chingus also didn't include gifs like always, seems that everyone is getting busy. Fighting, chingus!)

  • Oh where is the rose scene? .__. And some other scenes like when they're in their mansion's pool. Photos with the characters in the theme park (posted by @gureentea chingu) isn't shown too. Well, 20++ minutes episode is indeed not enough haha.
  • Someone pulled(?) the door behind Solar when she drank water from Eric?
  • Eric should prepare his surprise in the future when Solar wasn't there then :P Btw, I always love their yelling to each other ^_^
  • Eric never stops surprising me (and maybe other viewers?), "Nation's Boyfriend" title really matches him. Who knows he would pay attention to Solar's appetite :o It's not even a great surprise, but his sincerity was felt. Even Solar said that she missed kimchi in her memo after she came back from Dubai. So Eric's surprise must be memorable to her :) How lucky his girlfriend or his wife in the future!
  • I think Eric knew what Solar was going to do when she asked him to lay on the bed? He has experienced Solar's stretching before when they're in the sauna :sweatingbullets: And Solar still gave her effort to make Eric's body more flexible in Dubai hahaha.
  • The caption here: "(Our husband Eric Nam) His personality is herbivorous man, his leg is beastly man"
  • It's cute when Solar brushed Eric's leg hair with her hand :3 Even she said his leg hair is pretty in front of Eric & in her BRI, she's too cute!
  • Is it just me? When I first saw the scene when they're getting ready to sleep, I squealed :wub:
  • I love when they mentioned about each other as the thing that's memorable for them that day :D And look, even without skinship, just talking on the bed looks sweet for our couple :wub: In this moment, Eric said a few remarks that make me say "Woah!" :o 

    Solar: "Since I didn't know anything, you listened to what they said and explained it to me. ... Being together made me happy. You're so dependable. I felt comfortable and confident."

    Eric: "I'm relieved... Anytime... You can do that anytime... That's something that I can do easily. It's nothing difficult."


    Eric: "Anyway... Thank you for marrying me."


  • The caption: "Much closer distance than that time". Yup, look, now they're even brave enough to lie quite far from the bed edge ;)
  • Well, the panelists are really our couple's shippers too, they're as curious as us when the lamps were completely off :lol:
  • Solar was so random, saying that she would come to Eric's dream wearing Dubai's traditional clothes :lol: I can see that she might try to give sweet words to Eric too :wub:
  • Solar was so cute when she said about "Korean beef" and "my belly was about to burst" :lol:
  • The caption: "(From the morning) Gourmand couple who release the (waist)belt and eat properly."

  • I love the shots when they're walking on the pier! Beautiful Ddongi couple was walking with beautiful scenery as the background B) 
  • The caption: "Solar-ssi who wants to avoid solar (sun)" :lol:
  • Solar closed her eyes since the sun blinded her, so she reached her hands out to know where Eric was, but the situation turned unexpectedly romantic? And maybe because she's shy, she finished that situation :lol:

    The caption: "(Shy for nothing) She turned around and the situation comes to an end."
  • Solar was right, so please don't forget to take pictures everytime both of you meet~
  • Solar's BRI when she explained about her reaction regarding "I love you!" is cute, she's explaining with gestures haha.
  • Again, with Ddongi couple, the thing that looks usual becomes more than usual. Even when they're just walking and having fun together, it can put a smile on my face :) Solar who put her hat on Eric and Eric who's worried because Solar gave her hat when she's the one who's blinded by the sun. Their hands on each other's waist, and not to forget "Skip to my lou" :lol:

    Caption: "Like any other lovers, they put their hands on each other's waist."

    Agree with the caption here: "Ddongi couple who enjoy doing whatever they do, anytime anywhere." 
  • The caption: "(One verse theme song) In Dubai~" Even the staffs acknowledged it :lol: 
  • Their expression when the roller coaster started immediately after "Are you ready?" :lol: No, they're not hahaha.

    I also think maybe the staffs wanted to put a camera on their arms again like when they rode the plane before, but it started so suddenly :sweatingbullets: After the scary experience, it looks like Solar's soul was gone. Pardon me, but looking at her messy hair and her hands grabbing the handle tightly was so funny :lol: 
  • Caption: "Le-go!" :lol:
  • Caption: "#my_life #last #rollercoaster" :lol:
  • NEXT WEEK! I wonder if they would talk about their feeling again while watching the fountain show? And Solar's wish, what is it?


@rushie5 The same with you, I also hope my future marriage life (or even dating) will be like them. I want my future boyfriend/husband can be a bestfriend for me too, since he will be my partner in life. Hahaha naughty thoughts :P I'm happy though seeing them having fun while making weird noises and giggling together :D 

@enko20 Haha when you said that Eric is the larger dog, that reminds me when MBC wrote that on their preview :lol:

9 hours ago, 407801baby said:

Ah, i would like to correct something : eric didn't choose solar as the singer with honey voice. At first he choose her and complain to MBC for giving him a hard choice. After that he choose himself because it's not too long since their early eps air (eric didn't met solar yet because he still trying to figure out the clue to save solar)~~pleace re-checked it again

Hmmmm how I wish I can find a full version of this episode. But this clip shows that Eric placed his vote on Solar though at the end?




@cinnaminskies Four of them looks so good! And Solar... She proves that she's the leader of the gang! B) 


Eric's IG update yesterday!

Btw, while waiting for the upcoming episode for our couple, I suggest you to watch the latest <Law of the Jungle>. It's the last episode for Mongolia part. And you can see that Eric's struggle to ride a reindeer (he's struggling to ride a horse too in the previous episode :lol:).

And don't forget to vote both Eric & MAMAMOO for 2016 MAMA! :D 

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