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@cinnaminskies That vid always gets me every single time without fail. It's just hilarious to me that someone who hates greasy stuffs like Solar is actually like that :lol: Sometimes I just can't understand how her mind works, because she just contradicts herself. Like she is scared of ghosts but would love to watch horror movies. This one is my favorite one though:

Also, this just reminds me of something. I actually have something on my lowkey wishlist for Ddongie since I'm a SoLim shipper, but it's kinda...naughty lol :P LTE couple used to watch 18+ movies together on WGM, and I actually wonder what happen if Eric and Solar do the same thing? Just lowkey want to see it happen for Solar's priceless reaction, that's all (and maybe Eric's too) :phew:

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1 hour ago, enko20 said:

@cinnaminskies That vid always gets me every single time without fail. It's just hilarious to me that someone who hates greasy stuffs like Solar is actually like that :lol: Sometimes I just can't understand how her mind works, because she just contradicts herself. Like she is scared of ghosts but would love to watch horror movies. This one is my favorite one though:


Haha. Yeba indeed. It'll be interesting to see how Solar's contradictory personality plays out.

Also, I saw some people say that they're filming WGM today judging by the microphone on Eric's shirt. This would make sense since they just revealed their new hair and this episode would probably be the one to air right before/after Mamamoo has their comeback, so Solar can promote it. 

I'm really looking forward to Eric's reaction to her hair changing... I've always enjoyed that aspect of WGM when it comes to idols. Her new lighter hair also reminds me of how it was when they first met...


Also, I think Eric may not be prepared for what might come out of Solar if they do what you suggested. It would be very funny to watch though, especially considering the only taste of it we've really gotten is that scene before they performed My Ear's Candy when Eric was like "maybe I should kiss you" and Solar was just "Nah that's too tame let's do something else." He just looked so bewildered and shocked haha. Since the coffee thing went over his head I guess we'll have to see what else she does.

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@Farfalle I hope they can rest up a bit, I wouldn't mind if Mamamoo's comeback is pushed back as much as I want to see them and listen to their new songs I think it's more important that they're a-okay. I've been watching some performances and it seems Byulyi's left shoulder is in pain. Also there are SO many big names coming back in October DX I want our girls to have a fighting chance(not that I don't believe in the powers of Moomoos). Omg their hair!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: They went through all that trouble to only reveal their hair now? Maybe it's been redyed. Do you know where that photo's from? Was the water colour painting a gift from the fan?

@enko20 omgosh! :dizzy: I imagine them to have one of three reactions (or all three combined). One being them both hiding behind pillows, maybe Eric would hide behind Yongsun's back again(probably side hugging her), two being Yongsun slapping the heck out of Eric or whatever that's closest to her(like she so often bashes dolls onto the wall when embarrassed) and three they'd just giggle and peek at each other every now and then (but sometimes Yongsun gets really into things and just stares deeply)


I randomly love seeing Mamamoo in sandals, comfort over fashion. :lol::lol::lol:



One thing is for sure our Yeba likes challenging herself. 


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2 hours ago, cinnaminskies said:

Also, I saw some people say that they're filming WGM today judging by the microphone on Eric's shirt. This would make sense since they just revealed their new hair and this episode would probably be the one to air right before/after Mamamoo has their comeback, so Solar can promote it. 

I guess that makes sense. I think it won't be long before we start to see their comeback interaction (but first let me enjoy their beautiful Dubai trip). Really, really hoping here that Mamamoo will appear again on WGM. Those beagle girls absolutely bullied Eric so hard ahahah  :w00t:  I wish that Eric can somehow make a surprise appearance at their practice room, now that would be really fun.

I'm also looking forward to Eric's reaction too. Actually, I've never heard Eric compliments her hair before, have you? I only remember him playing with her hair sometimes. It's odd that he hasn't made any comments about that beautiful, silky hair of her yet. 

2 hours ago, cinnaminskies said:

Also, I think Eric may not be prepared for what might come out of Solar if they do what you suggested. It would be very funny to watch though, especially considering the only taste of it we've really gotten is that scene before they performed My Ear's Candy when Eric was like "maybe I should kiss you" and Solar was just "Nah that's too tame let's do something else." He just looked so bewildered and shocked haha. Since the coffee thing went over his head I guess we'll have to see what else she does.

Yeah he looked absolutely dumbfounded by that, that's why I want to see an Eric's reaction to Solar's reaction because they are always very entertaining to watch. I still remember Solar's Yeba laugh when Eric told her "Let's find a house and move in together" haha, that was when Eric first realized this not-so-innocent girl's dark mind. :phew:

1 hour ago, papaxmoo said:

omgosh! :dizzy: I imagine them to have one of three reactions (or all three combined). One being them both hiding behind pillows, maybe Eric would hide behind Yongsun's back again(probably side hugging her), two being Yongsun slapping the heck out of Eric or whatever that's closest to her(like she so often bashes dolls onto the wall when embarrassed) and three they'd just giggle and peek at each other every now and then (but sometimes Yongsun gets really into things and just stares deeply)

Actually, I think it would be very funny if Eric unconsciously grabbed her during that because I'm sure she is going to start screaming and beat the heck out of him for doing that, and that would be absolute comedy gold. :lol: That or the hiding behind something in embarrassment, but I prefer the former :P

Oh god, when you put it that way, I really, really want to see it happens now. Added that to my official wishlist! :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, coldcucumber said:

@enko20 enlighten me please, my friend... when did Eric play with Solar's hair? I think I miss something... :blink:


I think it was when they were on the bed watching Eric's cheek-punch mission in ep 19 if my memory is right? (it's really subtle) I can't check right now since i'm on my phone :)

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@enko20 Agree with you, sometimes I'm confused because she just contradicts herself in many things :sweatingbullets: Maybe she answered some of them playfully? :lol: Or maybe she only wants to protect her pride. Like when she's cooking, she always has that confidence (like pouring something in boldly) although she knows that she's not good at it. She also defended her pride like when Eric gave her 4 points and when she cooked kimchi fried rice with her members on "Showtime".

13 hours ago, enko20 said:

Also, this just reminds me of something. I actually have something on my lowkey wishlist for Ddongie since I'm a SoLim shipper, but it's kinda...naughty lol :P LTE couple used to watch 18+ movies together on WGM, and I actually wonder what happen if Eric and Solar do the same thing? Just lowkey want to see it happen for Solar's priceless reaction, that's all (and maybe Eric's too) :phew:

Hahahaha this 18+ movies talk reminds me when Solar asked Eric about house party in America. She said "it's a new world" for her :lol:

@cinnaminskies Wow, where is the photo when Eric wears a mic today? Yeah, it's about time for them to record for WGM.

@papaxmoo I also prefer them to have their comeback later honestly. They have done so much lately, they need rest. Yeah, Moonbyul looked not fine at that day, but fortunately the next day she looked better and smiled more. I hope they don't force themselves to look happy just for the fans though, hope they're really okay. You're right, October is filled with big names, so it might be harder to get the all-kill :sweatingbullets: I'm curious though since until today there's no teaser from them? I don't know where's the original tweet of that photo of them, I've read somewhere that the original tweet is deleted? Since I haven't seen the original post, I don't know what's the context of the photo as well, sorry. And btw, I'm agree with your 3 reaction prediction :lol:

8 hours ago, coldcucumber said:

enlighten me please, my friend... when did Eric play with Solar's hair? I think I miss something...

Oh, I think I miss something as well... :o 


Preview pictures from MBC Entertainment's IG!



Eric's IG update!


Eric performed today at Busan One Asia Festival


Who's following who?
(credit goes to: chingu in DC gallery)



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3 hours ago, Farfalle said:

Agree with you, sometimes I'm confused because she just contradicts herself in many things :sweatingbullets: Maybe she answered some of them playfully? :lol: Or maybe she only wants to protect her pride. Like when she's cooking, she always has that confidence (like pouring something in boldly) although she knows that she's not good at it. She also defended her pride like when Eric gave her 4 points and when she cooked kimchi fried rice with her members on "Showtime".

Hahahaha this 18+ movies talk reminds me when Solar asked Eric about house party in America. She said "it's a new world" for her :lol:

Oh, I think I miss something as well... :o 


Maybe? I'm not really sure haha, but it's funny either way. She's just a very....interesting existence :rolleyes: (to borrow Wheein's words). Yeah, her face that time got me curious too. I really need a live reaction from her, it would be really fun :D

About the playing with Solar's hair thing, I just double-checked again now and well... it wasn't as clear as I remembered it to be. It's when they split the screen in half, and I thought Eric was playing with Solar's hair, but maybe not? I don't know, it's two different frames put together so it's very vague (on the left frame Solar's hair wasn't moving at all, like what?)

Thanks for the preview pics, and another similar pose! Btw, when did Solar take that picture? I think it's the first time I've seen that.


Talk about DC Gallery, I just found some interesting things on there too:

More fan arts of Ddongie couple. Props to whoever drew all of this, I'm a fan :)







EDIT: DC links are broken for some reasons. I re-uploaded them

And this gif... What are you doing Solar?? :flushed: 



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6 hours ago, Farfalle said:

Who's following who?
(credit goes to: chingu in DC gallery)



Are these pictures taken separately or they had a photo shoot together?

for it looks like they had a photo shoot together promoting the same clothing line.

Someone had mentioned that Mamamoo should delay their comeback because of the come back line ups, I was hoping for that as well but I want them to be on stage and Eric give Solar a mission like what she did when he has his comeback stage. These girls are known for having different adlibs during their performance, I wanna hear them mentioning Eric or doing something that involves Eric a secret mission from him perhaps. ( It would be so much fun. I know a lot of couples already did those gestures, but  still it would be different if its from Solar.)

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@Farfalle thanks for the pic update...is eric use the same jacket leather (with ear candy)

@enko20 i like that fan art too...it's really good

@coolbrattyro mamamoo become googims model last year so it's seperate photoshoot...i guess the stylist ask eric to make the same pose

@cinnaminskies thanks for share your vine here

I just have this think on my mind....yongsun has get deep sleep in the plane, i'm wondering is she wash/clean her face...i can't see it when she get shoot with open mouth...my hope she had bareface when eric peek in her blanket to wake her up

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@enko20 @coolbrattyro @Ira Ajja Yup, Solar's photo was taken when MAMAMOO was Googims' model back then, I think it's "Um Oh Ah Yeh" era? And now Eric is the model for Googims :) 

@enko20 Hahaha yeah, she's indeed an interesting existence :D I've read a comment somewhere, saying Solar is like a character which comes out from comic/drama. She's pretty, bright, a bit clumsy, kinda like a main character of a story? Hahaha. I rewatched the episode when they're watching Eric's mission again, and agree with you. I doubt the timing is always the same when they put Eric & Solar frames side by side. What did MBC do with the editing -_- Yeah, you can't share links from there directly, you have to reupload it. Btw, those fan arts are from the talented @missbunny37's IG! We also posted some of her arts here before. Love her works! :wub: Should we include her arts or link to her profile at the first page? But I think we have to ask her permission.

@cinnaminskies Ah I see! But I think it's for the recording that includes many food, which I posted before in the previous page? Like your vine, short but makes me reminiscing their earlier days :lol:

@coolbrattyro The adlibs mission is a great idea! :D

@Ira Ajja Good eyes, chingu! I rewatched their "My Ear's Candy" performance, and I think it's the same jacket. So it's Eric's personal item then :) Regarding Solar's bare face, I don't know  whether Solar has been that comfortable to show Eric her bare face. What do you guys think? Maybe she still had her make up, based on her appearance when she came out from the plane?


The updated timeline of our Ddongi couple is here! (poke @Le_Sanguinea) I'm contemplating to post the October one too or not, but I think I will post it when October ends. Btw, I'm open for any feedbacks :)


Pre-WGM & April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

July 2016

August 2016



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Thank you all your kind welcomes! still new to soompi so i don´t really know how to tag names. seeing how active this topic is, i´m sure you´ll see  my thank you. 


PS. This has kinda become irrelevant, but i just noticed it and had to mention it, but about the pictures they took in the Burj Khalifa, i´m pretty sure they are just mirrored, since in the video her bag is on her right side, while in the pictures her bag is on the left.


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I'm alive, I'm alive. :P

I just woke up so I'm just starting to sift through your messages and tags. ;)

Welcome @venn ! You can tag by placing an @ sign before the name of the person you want to tag. The name will appear on a menu and you can just click whoever you want to tag. :)

EDIT: Added new stuff to the front page - We now have an episode list! :D Added the updated schedule, and some videos. Will work on adding pics and other stuff later. I still can't embed some of the gifs you guys made for some reason (even after changing the url). Weird. :mellow:

Other content welcome! I'd really like to feature that fanart of missbunny in the front page, but her page said no advertising so I think its best if we ask for it first. :)


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@Farfalle and Ira Ajja : Thank you for enlightening me about the photoshoot.:)

And I also guessed  that their photos in Burj Khalifa were mirrored. My friend usually take pictures (selfies or groupies )that way. So its no surprised for me when their picture came out like that (i guess specially when you are using the frontalcamera of your phone).

With regards to difference between the pocture that they took and the ones shown to us in the show, i think thats normal because they take a lot of pictures and most probably they are choosing the good ones. Its not always easy taking a perfect photo with the right angle and lights  (clear pictures) at the first shot.

There I gave my opinion about the mystery of their photos.lol




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11 hours ago, enko20 said:

And this gif... What are you doing Solar?? :flushed: 




Yongsun just casually stroking Eric's leg hairs! This girl. It's so funny to see how flustered Eric is and Yongsun's like la~ de~ da~ de~ da~ "you have such muscular legs" X'D (why is there no crying laughing emoji)

@Farfalle yay updated timeline! 


I thought he was going to shoot WGM when I saw him miced up on his snapchat story too cause judging by the clothes he was wearing it looked very WGMish? but then one you beautiful faces posted a photo of him doing a mukbang/food show? So I am unsure as well. 

Ahh! Yes missions during stages, Mamamoo would be so DOWN to do that stuff. Who knows we will just have to wait and see, now BlackPink is coming back in November too, goodness all the timing is not so good for our girls right now. 



dear @coolbrattyro and @venn (welcome to the forum! it's basically Ddongi haven here ^^)

If you look at the source of light and the edge of the photo where you can see the window frame you can tell where the light source is coming from. You can match up where it's brightest that's where the window is and Eric's face is not where it is brightest(in video footage). Okay, even if you ignore the light source you can see that Eric is simply smiling in one and the other he is smiling with his mouth open.

of course, of course. MBC must pick the best photos to air there is not enough time to air them all. I just wish they'd post them all DX


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@cinnaminskies If we're talking FMV, then for sure @Giann_Kim vids should be there. She also contributed a few of them on her page. I've also seen some really good ones around but I can't remember where they are off the top of my head right now -_-

Guys, I have one quick question. I know that the first post has no limit on character counts, but does one exists for members' posts like this one?

I'm just asking because i feel like at the rate that I'm writing my Solar post, this thing really will test the post limit ahahah.:sweat_smile:

@papaxmoo IKR?? Look at how casual this girl is while doing the most ridiculous things ever. I can't really see her face but she must be grinning mischievously. I have mixed feelings about this though. On one hand, I'm happy for Yongbae that she can be like this with Eric, but... why do I feel like Eric is entering Danger Zone?? :skull:

That analysis of the light's angle is something else chingu, I didn't even look for things like that. Now i'm definitely convinced that it wasn't the same pose, but like you said, they took a bunch and just picked the best ones to show. No big deal.


And there is an emoji for that my friend ---> :joy:, there's a Categories button on the top right of the emoticon list that you can click to show more available emoji (it's in the Twemoji section).


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@enko20 I just checked using a movie script and there definitely doesn't seem to be any word limit on here, so take as much space as you need. Also thanks for the link! I've added those videos to the list!

If anyone else has any others let me know! (Also I'm pretty sure someone made a crack video for them a while back but I can't find it right now so if anyone knows where that is it would be much appreciated if you'd tell me).

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