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What else can I say. I guess everyone already said I wanted to say.
I really enjoy reading all your comments and I'm very grateful to our chingus with hawk eyes, They can see even the thinnest 
thing that's happening in our couple. I need to watch them again to see what they really mean and that's the only time I noticed those things. 

I think since the " frozen theme" the inner child in our couple really came out. Like what someone had mentioned ( I'm sorry I forgot who said it) Eric is like a boy who bullies someone he likes just to get her attention.
I like yong sun's reaction there by the way, the whole running and checking her bag up to the relief face and sound when the earthworm was on there. ( her fear of bugs is really something). 

I am looking forward to next week episode... the whole " in Dubai~~~~~" thing. I honestly don't find it funny but as long as our yeba is happy, I'm fine with that...

친구를  감사 !!
donggie couple figthing!!
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@enko20 Hahaha it's okay, you'll be better after a mistake :) Love to read your review too! You often speak my mind :D Generally I love to read all the captions when watching variety shows, although that means I have to pause for several times because I can't read Korean fast. I don't know but I think most editors of Korean variety shows are creative (and humorous as well) to come up with those captions :lol: Yeah, I know that we (including me!) are curious about their message to each other's parents, especially Solar, who greeted Eric's parents for the first time (on camera) through her message. Thanks to the editor too for including their messages on the broadcast. I'm being advertised? :o Honestly I don't follow comments there, but glad to know that I can help people out there too :D 

When I saw that scenes of them gathering chestnuts together that close, I'm kinda spazzing a bit in my heart. But then the camera zoomed in to them, and then they're fighting over a tiny area of that big farm. From there, I thought "I should make an expectation-reality" hahaha :lol: Yeah, I saw it. He even regretted that he didn't come to a particular spot that has many chestnuts from the start. It's because you're following Solar, Eric. And you know, Solar isn't that good to pick a place that many chestnuts (that's why she got fewer than him) :P 

Yup, that Solar's pancake flipping part. It's not a grand gesture, but I feel kinda touched when I realize a small-but-meaningful interaction like that between them :) Btw, love your screenshot there! Eric looks happy but also naughty (and a bit derpy? :lol:), and Solar also glanced at him haha.

@gureentea Omo, Yonghee unnie is the same age as Eric? Hahaha they have another similarity then beside their understanding in english :lol: If it's in October, I think Ddongi couple will last till then *pray hard*

Btw, I found another:


Guess Yong sisters are similar :D 


Not much updates for both Eric and Solar today, since they don't have schedules too. Eric seems to work at his new song and I think MAMAMOO probably practice/record their MV for comeback? Since their hair colors/styles changed already.

KOLAJ's Snapchat update




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Yonghee sounds exactly like Solar ahahaha :sweatingbullets: I'm happy that she is returning to Korea this month. The Yong sisters are about to be reunited fam.

Can you imagine if she and Eric-Solar actually meet up? (please tell me that a reason why she is coming to Korea is for WGM filming too MBC) As if one Yongsun is not enough of a headache already, now he has to deal with TWO Yongsun? :w00t: Good luck with that :P

Anyway chingus, I have something I'm very excited to share with you all. After seeing how much work many of our talented chingus in here have put in for our couple (@Farfalle incredible translations and zOMG timeline; @gureentea master detective work, @zurah90 sis with hilarious spazz, @onlybeagles gifs, @cinnaminskies + @Le_Sanguinea with walls of texts that I can't possibly ever beat, and a lot more that I can't mention, but you know who you are), I've decided to contribute something myself as well.

As all of you obviously can already tell, I love writing long posts and reviews about our OTP even though English isn't my 1st language. So, I'm currently in the process of writing a three-part opinion column about our couple, talking about their personalities and why they have grown to become my ultimate favorite WGM pairing over time. But since this is my first time doing this, I'm not sure if this is a common thing to do in shippers thread? Also, I think you guys already know that this is going to be an outrageously long series of posts, so I don't know if it will be okay to post them directly on here or not? :sweatingbullets:

I will try to get them done as soon as possible, but since I'm going through quite a hectic month in my univ. schedule right now, I can't promise a definite timeline. I hope I will be able to deliver the first part by the end of this month. Hope you guys will enjoy them!

P/s - In case you guys are wondering what I'm doing... a tiny bit of a preview :3


Part 1: Eric Nam - Beyond The Image Of A Perfect Gentleman



Part 2: Solar - The Enigmatic Yeba



Part 3: Ddongie Couple - A Match Made In Heaven



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@enko20 - Ooh, then I probably don't have to tackle the topics you already mentioned eh? I don't think I confident enough to produce an article that fully explains Eric and Solar's individual personalities because that will require me to backtrack every last bit of information available on the internet about them (shows, interviews, text interviews and the like), and right now I don't have the luxury of browsing through everything with my current workload. :( 

Maybe I can do a couple comparison instead? Like, WGM through the years - Comparing Banana Milk couple to past WGM stalwarts. :D (Sorry, am I the only one who calls them Banana Milk couple? :P )

Ooh, I'm getting excited. :w00t:

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@enko20 Ahh I'm so excited for your analysis! They really are something special so I'm so glad you're devoting this much time to them. Take as long as you need to! I'm sure whatever you write will be great!

I really am hoping Solar's sister shows up on WGM before they have to end, since neither of them have met each other's families yet (especially since Eric's is in the US and now we know they're not going there). 

I finally got around to watching Eric's first episode in the jungle, and he once again surprised me with some hidden skills. I'd definitely recommend it, since I actually found myself enjoying the whole concept of the show. It really is funny to think about him wading waist-deep in ice water to push logs across a river when he could've been watching a few specific Moosical songs...

Some are now speculating Mamamoo's comeback might be in late October/Early November since they all just dyed their hair again so they probably haven't filmed a music video yet. 

All of that aside, in the week leading up to the Dubai trip, I thought it might be cool if we could all go around and talk about our 5 favorite Ddongi couple moments to build a little more hype (not that we really need it, but there's nothing wrong with being a little extra hyped). I'll start:

#1: I don't think anything can beat that talk in the inflatable pool. Everything from how close they were sitting by each other at the end to their answers to the book's questions makes me so emotional. You could really see how far they'd come and how much had changed. I'd say #1 and #2 are both two moments in the pool. The first wasn't really in the pool so much as in the BRI (yes, the one I cried watching) when Solar said "Eric Nam has been a great gift to me." She was so sincere in that moment that I felt no instance of it could've been exaggerated. It really reassured me that WGM is having a positive impact on her and her life.

#2: My second favorite (both in general and in the pool) would be Eric's words: "I just wish we could stay like now forever. I don't want us to change." Such an arrow to the heart. Solar even recognized that he "really meant it," and the whole time during after he said that I could feel something hanging in the air between them. Please more scenes of them being honest with each other under the stars MBC.

#3: Maybe I just like them in pools. Maybe they just look the best together there. Who knows? This one's also in a pool, but not their inflatable one. I'm forever going to be fangirling over "Drop the formalities." I know I've always been one to be just in awe of the respectful way Eric treats Solar, and how he's let her set their pace for the whole relationship. That moment was a great scene where he put their relationship with each other over skinship. He even confided later that of course he'd thought about asking for a kiss, but both him and Solar have recognized that what happened instead was more meaningful. Solar could tell he really wanted to have a real connection with her. Also, I think Eric enjoys their skinship moments more when Solar initiates them, but that's a topic for another day...

#4: MY EAR'S CANDY. When I first saw even a second of their song in the Chuseok special previews I KNEW it was going to be a special moment. I immediately looked up the song and watched various covers and performances of it. They definitely lived up to my expectations. Solar's always had this incredibly captivating stage presence that I think was what drew Eric to her in the first place. It really more than made up for him missing Moosical. They were incredible and confident and just LOOKED SO GOOD TOGETHER. And, well, I already giffed it but you all know this moment gave me butterflies:


#5: Finally, I'd have to say my fifth favorite moment would be their night walk to Solar's house before they moved in together. It was the first time they fed each other, which soon became a staple of their episodes (I mean, they're feeding each other something almost every episode). I think I might just be a sucker for night scenes, but these two just have this energy when the stars are up that makes me really happy. They were both just their incredibly weird, charming selves with each other. That's really when it clicked for me and I was like yes, I love these dorks. 

Anyway, those are my top 5. I'm looking forward to hearing yours!

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Sorry to post again after that massive wall of text but, since @Le_Sanguinea mentioned it... @enko20 if it helps at all, this playlist on YouTube has almost every instance where Solar and Eric were asked about/talked with each other outside of WGM. Not everything has English subtitles on there, but I've mostly found the subbed versions on other websites, so just ask me if you need any help finding them. I've found it pretty... informative (and I just like watching the KCON cams over and over again to see that fist bump).

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@Le_Sanguinea I would love to see something like that from you. I can tell that you also love to dig deep into WGM couples and write heavy analysis about them. Just from the posts you made on Ddongie couple alone (or Banana Milk couple lol you're actually starting to sell me on this...), I already can say that calling them "amazing" is an understatement (lord know what kind of content you made in PocaGuri and JjongAh thread). It's unfortunate that you can't afford more time to post because of work, because I think you would do a much better job at this than I do.

@cinnaminskies Talk about walls of text... ahahaha :w00t: I will read this later when I have time (and post mine too).

YES! That playlist is exactly what I need. Thank you so much! I do have some of these videos saved but having them all together just save me so much time.

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@enko20 @Le_Sanguinea please write it @cinnaminskies my fav scene...1st is the first meeting hear their conversation and solar ruin my image about her (when i see her perf with mamamoo she's so confident and bright but through wgm i know her true personality) and now I understand why she want that bestfriend relationship~~~for introvert person it's really need time to trust someone

2nd is mcountdown stage 7th april (at this time they had filming wgm twice for ep 1-5) eric greet his sister in law and solar hide behind her member, it's my first time see wgm cp made interaction outside wgm and their wgm not broadcast yet (1st ep aired at 9th april) so it's make me think they wont hide their relationship and "I really appreciate it"...(byu cp can't show their wgm relationship on stage) and if at kcon they make duet it will be perfect~~~ i'm sorry that i include this stage but this is the reason i root their wgm 

3rd wil be continue...ahhh it's hard for me to make long post 

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3rd is the proposal...i like it coz eric give his idea, made that meal and use that dragon egg (referring to yongsun name) to hide the ring that he pick by himself, at that time both of them are busy with univ festival and eric just back from filming daddy and i, they are profesional with their work and try the best they can despite the tight sched...and solar reaction are priceless, she's the only girl i know who laugh after get proposed by a perfect man haha...i like their wedding too and the photoshoot so simple and nice

4th is chuseok special...i really surprise they can win the game strike and their pose for heartmon go are so intimate...and their perf for ear candy are daebak...and i like they become more comfortable and close after this ep and they have matching outfit now (i wonder are they talk/discuss their outfit before filming)

5th is the thumbnail/preview haha...their hold other wraist and solar sing that 'skip skip to my lou' and eric said 'you look happy' it's really relief me this scene can calm the other moomoo that yongsun enjoy this dubai trip work/filming

This couple always make me excited...patiently waiting saturday/sunday 

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@enko20 I'm curious with Yonghee's chic personality, she sounds so cool B) I'm waiting for your articles too, chingu! Take your time. I know you're talented enough to write that article ^_^ I'm excited already to see the previews!

My translations are still not perfect. I think I should brush up my Korean (and English) to provide incredible translations as you said :sweatingbullets:

@spicyfoodie Me too! Sometimes I just scroll through wall of texts but not here :D 

@Le_Sanguinea I would love to see your analysis too, chingu! There must be differences in every analysis although the topic is the same :) Hahaha it's okay, that's your affectionate nicknames for them :lol:

@cinnaminskies Yup, watching Eric & Solar's shows other than WGM ("Daddy & I", "The Friends", "Showtime") also helps me to see the other sides of them? That's why I tried to share them here too. And it helps to fill the emptiness of Ddongi couple before Saturday :lol: Btw, thanks also for the Youtube playlist, that's gold! :D

Your and @Ira Ajja's favorite list are awesome! I'll write my top 5 favorite moments too when I could get more time since I think I need more time than other chingus here to write a longer post :sweatingbullets:


So this is what Eric recorded in LA! Another blessing for our ears :D 


And Eddie is also in Korea apparently! Omo, both Eric's brother and Solar's sister... Can all of them just meet? Hahaha.




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Hello i'm back :)

I really enjoying all review here :)) thank you all

woah it's already move to page 191 since my last comment,,:rolleyes: 

On 07/10/2016 at 6:34 PM, Ira Ajja said:

you two share same ig acc...thanks

I'm quite slow when type something so i didn't realise someone has already posted it, but i'm glad you like it :) @Ira Ajja

On 07/10/2016 at 8:11 PM, Farfalle said:

Btw, regarding your last post about Solar's awareness about camera, actually I'm kinda torn about this. Sometimes she gives vibe that she's aware with camera, especially when they're doing romantic gesture/skinship. But sometimes she gives vibe that she doesn't care with the camera? For example when she ate deliciously and munched the ice cubes at the first meeting. But overall, she's just adorable both ways :D

I can't imagine their ending, it makes me sad :( Hope you're right, that more people will love them at the end. And yes, both of them don't let us, the shippers, down. They're really kind people :) 


@Farfalle i've the same question with @enko20 when i read 'torn' word.

First, i would like to say sorry because i accidentally brought a debatable subject. Please don't get me wrong I didn't mean it though. Actually what i'm going to point is how Solar looks comfortable as time goes by, judging from how often she looks to camera. i choose flossing teeth as example because she doesn't seem to look on the cue card. She was like "TADAAA i'm done flossing my teeth and i'm okay" to the viewer, just like when she doing MMMTV or Showtime. So that why i think Solar is still uncomfortable to do couple like concept because she kept thinking about pleased viewer with sense of beagelness. Comparing to the latest eps, Solar is more focused in new thing she work with in the show or she's way being to focus with her interaction with Eric (*cough). Maybe for that reason she forget about the camera for a while? :P

Thank you for your insight @Le_Sanguinea .That explain a lot of WGM couple - staff - and scripted thing :) . 

On 07/10/2016 at 11:02 PM, enko20 said:

Oh no, it's perfectly okay to talk about it chingu. In fact, it's even better if you do. It helps me see some details I missed out on myself. Please keep them coming! 


If you said so @enko20 and @Farfalle:) i'll keep spazzing their interaction outside hahaha. I little bit missunderstood before. 

Yesterday i rewatched their 2nd eps and keep smilling at Eric honest confession about his choice for WGM partner to Solar. He said he has a (gut)feel toward her that being partnered in WGM with Solar will be fun.


2nd eps :

Solar asked which member from Mamamoo that Eric choose to be his wife in WGM 

Eric :Thoughtfully speaking it was Solar ssi (shy). Really. i thought it will be fun. I thought our personality would match very well. 

Solar : What do you think of my personalty?

Eric : There's something called physiognomy

Solar : Do you know well? Physiognomy

Eric : I don't know. But there's a (gut XD) feeling. When you first meet a person you can feel the atmosfer and so on. Considering that, I thought we would be great together. That just my own idea. But I didn't know it'd turn out to be like this.


And i found several interesting comments on kshowdaily :


lemme write my long-richard simmons esay too

eric is not being all-sweet to solar anymore but it doesn’t mean he lost his affection towards her. they are becoming more and more comfortable, even eric finally admitted that solar is bad at cooking, he said “it’s impossible for you to be in cooking show” or when the honk sound coming he said “be careful yongsun is cookiing” lmao he is so mean and that’s something that he wouldn’t say in earlier episodes ㅋㅋㅋ i bet it’s becoming addicting to them to “bully” or “make my partner suffer” like that HAHAHA do they found their new hobby? lol but that’s just adorable and i actually feel they are in a perfect state of their relationship now. they can be this playful but still get so romantic at times OH MY GOD we wish you all the best eric and solar!!!
oh i guess this essay doesn’t seems so long but maybe i’ll write part 2 if more things coming lol



I think solar wants to do well in cooking for her husband. Right after hearing he’a hungry, she straight away said she will cook for him. Maybe she had been thinking for long that she should cook at least 1 tasty food for him. Well i think viewers would like that too.

I really really like their cooking and tasting food scene. Its like we can see and feel that they got friendlier and closer to each other. Helping each other, being honest about food taste. And solar touching eric’s hand before she took out the chestnut makgeolli.. Oooo girl. Everything in the scene, i like i like i like!

Them shouting to each other in a friendly manner is um oh ah yeah haha. Idk about them but the way they take their wgm relationship is the best out of others in my opinion. It has got to do with their personalities. If its eric and some other girl who’s more open more social more outgoing they would probably have hold hands rn and do crazy skinship stuff but for ddongie its not and the buildup of their relation is actually better because they wont be awkward when they see each other outside after the show ends. Dontu think so? Like u see that person and u go ‘oh i used to give the person backhug and ppopos’ but nah she’s not my gf just doing it for some show that kind of thought. At least after this wgm, eric and solar could say ahhh i made friends with this person and it was heart fluttering. Ok idk what im saying im just delulu but ok cant wait for dubai.

Im a girl so can i have an eric-like husband pls? (PS : Na do ^^)


eric: "you must be really happy"

yup. moomoos can stop with the hate now. yongsun obviously ADORED dubai. and she obviously had fun! that skip-to-my-lou part in the end where they were walking close together just looked so nice! i just can’t with the preview!

“i think it’s because we’re comfortable now.” i will never get tired hearing this from them because it’s such a joy to see them really comfortable now, and it’s even more rewarding that they are seeing it for themselves. when eric said “you must be really happy” in the end got me. she is having fun because she gets to be in a beautiful country along with someone she connects with. moomoos keep complaining about yongsun going on a trip with eric because she hasn’t even gone on one with her family and also with mamamoo members. to me that seems kind of shallow. doesn’t eric deserve to have this trip with her? please enlighten me…

but i think the most exciting part for me here is that yongsun is with someone who she can rely on. we all know solar is the leader of mamamoo so she mostly leads and takes care of her members, but when she’s with eric, she’ll be the one taken care of. eric on the other hand (OH GOOD GOLLY WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS MAN) is without a doubt, and this is pretty redundant already, complete husband material. this is a one in a million guy! i hope yongsun sees it too.

the realest thing i could wish for, (because let’s face it, them dating will be like 30% chance of actually happening because their fans are cuhrazy with a capital C and i’m sure they’re affected by it) is that they continue on being close friends even after their virtual marriage end. i’m going to take it to another level and wish that they’ll become BESTFRIENDS! that will put my heart at ease when all of this is over.

but please dear GOD! let them not be over so soon.


@Farfalle here the comment from ksd that mentioning you :)



their messages to their in laws

I think I might have to join soompi so I can post on ddongi’s thread, there’s a really good discussion going on there very cute fam! the messages they wrote to their in laws can be seen on page 190 posted by Farfalle, I’m really happy seeing more of the captions translated. although I am super happy that the ep is subbed within a few hours if the other little stuff was translated too that would just be heaven. there’s so many more things I haven’t noticed that the fam noticed on the thread! wah!



About Duba-iii jokes, from lurking in KSD comment section it was State of Empire Song (can be heard in the BGM). But what's make her laugh is ho hilarious is Eric pronouncation and his 'almost' drunk face. Can someone check if Solar hit Eric lap? i heard slap sound when she laughing out loud.

Talking about the recent eps :

i'm giggling when i read the review here. Very good job chingus. Well my favorites part :

1. They yelled each other like old married couple, yet they're so kindergarten couple at the beginning of the eps. It's show they're soooo comfortable with each other. I clearly remember how different Solar smile before compare now in her BRI. idk, it just me, but i think Solar is expressing more and she answer the question in more cheerful and genuine way. 

2. The 'touchy' Solar when they're tasting the food. You can see how often Solar touch Eric forearm. And eric face just like "oh another sudden skinship like the pic posted above *thank you i love his naughty expression. Although i know Solar hold Eric hand because she worried about the food, but again it showed how she already feel close with him. So, Solar already hold his feet, forearm and poke his butt kkkk :blush:

3. They send their harvest to their acquintances. i love how considerate they are. 

PS : I couldn't help to falling in love with Eric duck mouth with sound Whack in the BGM, and with all the things he did the whole show. Can i have a cloning of Eric please *hit by Solar

**** Eric does tried his best to make Solar laugh so does Solar tried her best to cook for him, tried to do something romantic out of the blue, and she taking advice from Radio Star about nagging well. Good job guys.

**** I suddenly remember what Eric said that he's the first person who take Solar to experience the new thing in her life, so when she doing the same kind of work again in the future she will be remember him. After DIY cafe eps, Solar update the memo about building and decorating the dog house. It's mean she tried it because already have the good experience from DIY and Eric :) *please correct if i'm wrong 


Yeah, couple who look real gonna got hater. Unfortunately we can't do anything about it because it's normal and it is part of consequences becoming an idol. All we need to do is support them till the end :) I'm sure both Eric and Solar will keep in touch in the future eventhough the show end *I hope that's the wise one 


@Ira Ajja and @cinnaminskies thak you for sharing about your fav moment. I'll join if i have free from my task and thank you for you hardwork making the playlist !!!! Love it :glasses: 

It would be great if Eddie, Brian, or Yonghee make a special appearance in the WGM :) or some of Eric friend like Amber, Henry, Ailee, and Jackson, it would be chaos lol. And i personally think Solar and Eric just like to enjoying theirself together because Solar get shy around ppl. But @Farfalle i thought Eddie is Eric manager and he always follow Eric everywhere, so why you say Eddie in Kr? i mean he didn't accompanied Eric with his schedule?

Ps : Are you from Indonesia? Nice to know you :)

About the prev : i think Dubai eps will be around 3 weeks (?) to meet the Hallowen. So that's mean Ddongi will take a rest from doing WGM and focus for their concert or comeback?

Can we see the yatch in this week eps since Eric hair is all back (*Solar like his all back hairstyle) that same as the Halloween part?? And about "skip to my lou" picture (idk how to name it) i thnk Solar place her hand around Eric waist first since Eric have to take her hat :P

Ah can Saturday come 2x a week?



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40 minutes ago, Ira Ajja said:

@moomoona i don't have skill with bgm so i try to see comment section at yt and kshowdaily and i only find this title 'balbbolgan4 - grumpy' (kshowdaily pg 29 post by ddongieee)...sorry can't help you much :sweatingbullets:

yes! @moomoona, this is definitely the song. here's the youtube video for it:



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Hey guys!! Just a little update on Kim Yongsun


and i don't like thinking that their stint is gonna end someday but i do hope we get to see them atleast until Christmas/New Year..and i'd like to see Eric supporting MMM's comeback just as Yongsun did :blush: 

(btw, i'll read all the updates/comments later on but @enko20can't wait for your column^^)


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@407801baby I'm sorry, I think I used the wrong word to express my opinion :sweatingbullets: It's okay, chingu. Maybe I didn't get what you meant before haha. And I think it's okay to bring a debatable subject, since the forum is where we can discuss about something, right? :) 

The comments on kshowdaily are interesting. It's like there's another Ddongi couple forum there. And oh, thanks for the mention, I hope chingus there can join us here :D I also noticed the duck sound when Eric pouted his mouth :lol: It's his habit when he's concentrating hahaha. 

From what I know, Eddie lives in US though. Eric is accompanied with Eddie when he's in US apparently, but Eddie doesn't follow him to Korea. And yes, I'm from Indonesia. You too? Nice to know you :) 

@moomoona I'm also not an up-to-date person regarding music :sweatingbullets: But glad that @Ira Ajja & @cinnaminskies can help! :D Btw I think you're new in this thread? Welcome! :) 

@onlybeagles They hid their hair so the comeback concept isn't leaked. Btw, regarding "Alice in Wonderland" concept prediction, I realize that lately MAMAMOO wears black and white. It reminds me of playing cards (which has spade, heart, clover, diamond)?


Another clearer fancam! They look tired though, filming an MV all day and night maybe :mellow: They have to perform today though, will they expose it or not?


Solar's memo spam! (not that I'm complaining :))



Eric also worked for his music at late night! (thanks for KOLAJ's update)


Googims Company posted Eric's behind-the-scene again, for autumn catalog I think.






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That remind me. I wish I can have time to find and put together a playlist for all of Ddongie couple's BGM. I really like the songs that MBC uses for them. If there's any kind soul out there that can do this I would be really, really thankful :heart:

Anyway, @cinnaminskies, this remind me of the 2nd event we had a while back. I don't know if you've read through that or not, but yeah, I really love this idea.

Here's my top 5 moments (not in any order):

1)  Their heart-to-heart talk in the pool, by a mile. The fact that they both are introverted people make this conversation that much more meaningful. You could see that even though if felt a bit awkward, they both were very happy to finally be able to let the other person see what's in their mind. Especially Solar, since she's even less expressive than Eric, but through this we realized how much he mean to her even if she doesn't say it out loud. Really, every time they've done this, they always ended up having a greater impression of each other (like when the panelist asked them to tell each other their strengths and weaknesses, they both brought that moment back to this talk).

2) On the subject of honest feelings to each other, my #2 will be all their letters to each other (Is this allowed? I feel like I'm being greedy lol). The first letter Solar wrote to Eric on their wedding day, we learned that she's happy to see Eric takes care of her, and that she knows she's not good at expressing her feelings and she's not perfect (also she was welling up with tears while reading this). In her 100th day letter, we learned that she began to trust him more as time passed by, and finally, Eric's letter to Santa Claus let us know that Solar is like a Christmas present for him. :wub:

3) This will be my 419028928th time to mention this, but yes, Eric's wish at the pool. Even though that Jeju trip was filled with jokes and dancing around (like they always do), there were hints that Solar still felt some awkwardness around Eric. When Eric said he wanted to use the wish, Solar said it's getting hot in here. Yep, even she thought he would ask for a kiss, because let's be real, most men would, and then BAM! "I want you to speak casually to me". Solar choked on her drink hearing that (and I did too :P). It's almost like you can read her mind at that time even though she's a tough one. Her face expression said it all, she was like "Wait...WHAT??". This was the moment when Solar began to truly trust him and his intention (refer back to her 100th day letter).

4) The entire Chuseok competition. I really didn't know that both Eric and Solar are THAT competitive. When they got the mission card, both of them were like "Ah dang it!",  and then the moment they got there, well... It was basically fanfares and fireworks everywhere. Their couple dance was lit (still can't get over that Eric's lip bite omg), their rap lines were straight fire even if they lost (Solar calling Jota an ostrich [Tajo] killed me), and their "My Ears Candy"... no comment lol. But most importantly, that competition pit them against the other couples, and through it, they saw how much of a blessing it is to have each other in moments like that. :)

5) Shout out to Moonbyul for this one! That's right, it's Solar's modified version of "Wish List". In this song, Solar expressed so many of her good impressions about Eric:

  • A guy who looks good in jeans (She likes his physique, also eventually his "precious bottom" *cough*)
  • A guy who likes my favorite dishes (Wonder why she keeps cooking for him even though she's not good at it? Yeah)
  • A guy who laughs even when my stories are boring (Because of that, Solar also learned to find humor in his "in and out of season" jokes)
  • A guy who has sexy brain (Basically fangirling over his talents)
  • A guy who hides me in his bosom while I flossed my teeth (The way he takes care of her)
  • A guy who makes a great cream pasta (Memory of his wedding proposal)
  • A guy with beautiful eyes when he smiles (Did you notice Eric's smile look like an emoji? Like this --> xD; also, remember what she drew on "The Qmentary"?)
  • Even when I'm broke, he is a guy who want to see me (Well she's not literally broke, but she meant he's someone who want to be with her no matter what I guess)
  • Even when I'm rude, he's a guy who still responds with a smile (I agree yeah, Eric is pretty calm even though she can be really loud sometimes haha)
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