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On 10/5/2016 at 11:10 PM, zurah90 said:

Ddongie shippers are just so hype over Eric & Solar's honeymoon trip to Dubai. I can understand their joyfulness and what amused me most when they "named" creatively of their thoughts. Indeed~ Ddongie shippers are pretty talented. The peak of shipping the "bestest and realest" owners! ;)

@zurah90 where? in what web?

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36 minutes ago, zurah90 said:

Oh wow! Lotsa updates when i'm gone for a day! Yippeeee!!! :D Thanks lovelies... me love you so muchie! ;) 

@enko20 Lotsa mini hearts for your summary of RicNam-nim & YongSun-ah, sis! *fist bump* ^_^ It really shows much efforts for them to come this far and they does it beautifully everytime they meet~♡♡♡ I'm saying this not because i'm a hardcore shipper of them but throughout the WGM seasons i've watched so far, uri Ddongie couple's meeting was much more special and unique than other couples. Why? The other couples usually had their meeting easier and it's just so normal but in our Ddongie couple concept, both of them have to struggle just to meet each other and that's what make them much worth it and anticipations put together! 

And yes sis! We are really something else! Well~ nobody can't blame us since both Eric & Solar make us this way...lol! :P Ah~ i guessed so since i do commented sometimes but the shippers there really killed me with their humorous reactions!ㅋㅋㅋ



Yeap~ :P I think that first mission basically foreshadow what's their relationship was going to be like. It's a constant struggle with lots of tensions and angst. I always feel on edge with every ep haha, Watching these two to me feels like watching Yongseo back then, but even more intense! It's why I love them so much, because it feels like watching a drama when you can obviously tell the two characters can both feel it in the air... but they just don't know how to express themselves, so they just settle for fun and laughter instead. It makes you anticipate with every episode to see when they will finally, finally stop playing cool and just admit their earnest feelings for each other :heart:

37 minutes ago, zurah90 said:

 Gosh! I told ya sis~ uri Yongsunnie already tempted with Yoonddon's precious bottom since she admires her nampyeon from before! *Insert Solar's "I'm pervert but not an insane one." [evil laughs]* But it does look deep tho~ omo this yeba~ she's getting much more comfortable and show her affections in unique way! Lol:lol:


Actually, more than happy, I'm kind of scared for my poor Nam-pyeon lol. If you know a thing about Mamamoo and their members, every time they mention "precious bottom", nothing good come out of that :scream: "OMG what is she about to do to my poor Eric?" is my thinking right now. It might not seem so obvious yet, but I'm calling it now.... Byeontae Solar is coming for you, Eric! :scream:

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Hello lovelies! Have a good day ahead! ;) 


@enko20 Gotta agree with you, sis! They always keep me anticipates everytime i watch them. Their chemistry are full of precious~♡♡♡ 

Kekeke... :P *High 5* coz we are thinking of the same thing! For Eric to say "What are you doing?" when she does that, it's really taken by surprise for him. His face says it all. Hmm MAMAMOO with their "precious bottoms"... i can't! B) Eric have to be aware in future coz Solar is really unpredictable once she show her affections! Hahaha.

Byeontae Solar= Surprise Eric= Solar pretend as if nothing happen. Lol:lol:

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omg guys i'm moved haha and didn't know you'll waiting my post like that @zurah90 :") i guess it's just my habit to see everything in details :lol:  @Ira Ajja @enko20 @Farfalle

this first pic is just too cute.. solar looks so small and is eric trying to scare her with bugs or something?! haha


anyway this is one of my favorite account of ddongi on twitter.. they identify ddongi's clothes etc in WGM, you gotta check it~:glasses:


Random thoughts


Well i guess korean namnation's hate for WGM is no joke, few of people i know in twitter and instagram are blocked by few of knamnation bcs they posted something abt WGM.

There are plenty of them who don't like WGM, as for moomoos, there are lots i-momoos and k-moomoos who dislike WGM too, but they still got immersed by solar's cuteness and some are still watching it, it can be seen when k-moomoos posted GIFs and photos of solar from WGM eps. That means they still watch it and acknowledge its existence, but they just don't like the concept of "forced marriage" "forced skinship" like that. This is kinda different with eric, i think there is not a single knamnation support him being in WGM? based on what i see on social media, they are all against WGM and they won't post any single trace of WGM. Eric is their favorite oppa but even if eric acted all adorable and handsome on WGM (that you can't help but posting the video/screencaps to social media), they won't do it. They just won't. As for i-namnation, i think there is nothing wrong with them. I don't see any single of them dislike WGM and maybe that's what make eric feel there are still lots of his fans who support him being in WGM.

Seriously i wonder if former WGM couples also got so much dislikes from their fans like eric and solar do? I watched some idol-idol couples in the past such as taemin-naeun, khuntoria, adam couple, yongseo but i never knew if they were getting hate from their fans or not, bcs back then i didn't really pay attention to korean fans (and i couldn't read hangul well too) so idk what happened then. I only know the reactions from international fans (which mostly supported them, and this is what always happen tho, ifans are more accepting WGM) so i thought there is nothing real wrong about joining WGM.. all this time i thought kmoomoos are the one who being overprotective etc, but these days i realized that knamnation did it even worse. We just don't find lots of it bcs their rants are all in korean while moomoo's rants can be found in english lmao



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@gureentea yeah i definitely get what you mean


I'm not really that much a part of the namnation, but just from what I've seen on like twitter and stuff from international and kmoomoos, they seem to be a lot more concerned with how solar's being treated by Eric and the staff (see: the whole thing when they were worried she was being forced to drink, and them being worried about her being overworked when she was on the Dubai trip) than like... the fact that she's actually on the show.

A whole lot of moomoos will watch and gif the show specifically for Solar. A lot of them even recognize that she seems to be having fun on it, and that that's what's important, even if they refuse to watch WGM. Her WGM scenes show up in compilation videos, gifsets, and even in reaction videos, because they kind of just see it as another reality show she's doing. 

The namnation thing though... that's so frustrating! Especially since Eric's not only paired with someone he asked for, but someone who he's connecting with. It feels much more like a possessive thing than a looking-out-for-him thing, since, let's be real, Eric's probably having the time of his life on the show. I think it makes more sense for his international fans to be more supportive since he's not like our "nation's boyfriend" or anything like that. It also kind of upsets me because it makes it seem like maybe they don't think Solar's good enough for him? Which is so ridiculous because literally anyone would be so lucky to get to spend that much time with her she's so wonderful and real and gorgeous. Solar's more than good enough for Eric.

Still, I don't know, it's their loss. I think WGM shows off both Solar and Eric's real personalities really well, since they are very genuine on there, and, even if you're not like invested in their relationship it's still a fun thing to watch.

Also, with the amount Eric's brought the show up, it's a wonder they can avoid it at all. Solar's voice on his Snapchat yesterday must've been quite a shock to them. 

Also, I feel like I should let you guys know, a new fansite/youtube channel for Solar has started posting fancam videos of her. They're called MOZZI FACTORY and there are some definitely quality Solar moments in them, so you should check them out!


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@gureentea @cinnaminskies


Yes I already knew this was somewhat to be expected. I mean, the fact that their opposition against Eric joining WGM was big enough for him to think twice before joining the show is enough to tell you how serious this is.

The thing is that, WGM has always been known to be more attractive to international fans than Korean fans. That's not new. I could probably write a whole paper explaining why this is so, but to explain it briefly, most of them are very obsessive, and don't want to see their idols being paired with another guy/girl on a romantic show no matter how good they look together. The fact that the show is being labeled as "fake" by many does not help in that regard either.

For all the talk about k-moomoos/moonsun opposition/concern about Solar joining WGM, I'm actually more worried about the K-Nampyeons tbh. Eric builds his reputation in Korea as the "Nation's Boyfriend", which means that all the girls are just going to be even more possessive toward him than many other male idols in the industry (though I've seen worse tbh). We as int, Nampyeons are chill about it for the most part, but the Korean ones won't leave him alone for this, and they won't leave Solar alone either.

I've heard many people saying that Eric is using this show and Solar to build his image and honestly, I don't agree at all. It's easy for us intl. fans to look at him and think he's benefiting greatly from WGM, but the truth is, he's playing with fire. For as much love and support he gain from overseas, he's also gaining more hate and disdain domestically the longer he stick around on WGM with Solar. It has nothing to do with Solar and her personality, because I guarantee you it would be the same for any other girls he is paired with. They just straight up can't stand seeing him with any other girls, just like how some Moonsuns can't stand seeing Solar with someone not named Moonbyul.

This is what I mean when i said in an earlier post that one of the reasons Eric could keep on doing this is because of Solar. People can doubt his sincerity as much as they want, but I'm telling you right now, Eric is really happy with Solar, and that's why he keeps on fighting despite the hate. He really wants to build a substantial relationship with her before their time is over. and he's willing to endure all the hate for it. I even think that the support from us intl. fans is another reason that keep them going as well. even if it seems like the whole nation is against them being together sometimes.

It truly is shocking to me that Eric even attempted to post a WGM pic on his IG, and Solar implicitly referred to WGM on Mamamoo's fancafe, but I'm sure they thought about this together and discussed what risk they can/can't take. All I can do is trust in them both to know how to handle this situation right. It's sad that they have to be so secretive about the things they do together, but if that is what it takes to keep this going, then I'm all for it.

I'm really happy and sad at the same time that Eric and Solar met each other through WGM. If we take off the "WGM" tag on them and take them out of Korea, then they will just be like any other beautiful couples in this world, But since they are doing WGM in Korea, then there is an automatic big (?) being placed on their relationship. Well, there's not much we can do about that, right? Let's just trust and show them more love and support, so that they can find the courage and strength to see this through. 


@gureentea I didn't even notice Eric holding something in his left hand at first haha. I guess you are right, he's probably playing pranks on her again :P These two are seriously like two kids on the playground when they're together.

@cinnaminskies Thank you for the link! I will definitely check this out when I can.:)

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@gureentea hai there, i am agree with you. AS an old old old lady viewer, i saw lots hate towards many WGM pairs. Specially for the ladies. Even Soehyun SNSD cant avoid it either. The harsh things i ever heard was about Naeun, Taemin fans called her bad names in front of her, even Gui22 who joined Global WGM with 2PM Taecyeon also called bad names when she went to the toilet at their amusement park date. 

K-Fans possesiveness towards their Oppa is something that perhaps we international fans couldnt understand. They wants their Oppa just for themselves. Even being in the real marriage wont make the fans stop hating the wife (recent example was Sungmin of Suju, he uploaded his pictur3s holidaying with his wife when he took few days leave from military. Fans accusing him as ignorant and forgetting about tne fans since he looked so happy with his wife. How absurd was that?). So its not surprising that this 'fake' marriage of their Oppa really get their nerves on. 

Well maybe others can explain better. But as annoying as they can be, the idols cant deny that their popularity still depends on KFans since they are the one who watch them off air and attend or send votes to music show. So thats why Eric and Solar both very careful upload anything that has connection to WGM.



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@zurah90 Hahahaha! Well, I'm kinda glad that Solar slowly treats Eric like her MAMAMOO members. If you saw MAMAMOO performs, you know how touchy they are with each other, right? But, like @enko20 said, I'm kinda worried for Solar now, since his fans are kinda scary :( Hope they're not watching the dangerous poke then (since they don't like WGM).



Oh, sis, it's sad that you can't stream live :( But it's okay, I think chingu here will provide you with posts after the live streaming though. And if you don't want to be spoiled, it's frustrating but you have to make yourself busy and avoid this thread in Saturday until you go home :sweatingbullets:


@gureentea Hahaha just accept the fact that you're the official detective here! :P I love the first picture too! From that picture, I know they will play together again in the upcoming episode :D Both of them are really cute, like two kids! :wub: You've seen the detailed ones too, Eric's hand hahaha. And yeah, I stumbled to that great account too few days ago, but forget to share it. Thanks, chingu! :D

@cinnaminskies MOZZI FACTORY, is it a pun for Solar's mochi cheeks? :3 Hahaha will check that out, thanks chingu!


I found a fan event held by Eric Nam Intl for Eric's birthday. I'm contemplating should I share it here or not?

Btw, I want to post shortly, but it ends up being a rant(?) :sweatingbullets:



The hate towards ladies, I kinda agree. The Korean fans generally seems to be more supporting to male idols and fiercer to bash female idols (I don't know though if it's true or not, just seeing from my perspective). From what I have read, Korean fans tend to support only one group/artist, so the concept of "multifandom" is weird for them. They're loyal to just one group/artist that they support.

Yes, I agree with what @cinnaminskies & @enko20 here posted about WGM and Eric & Solar's (or to be exact MAMAMOO) fandoms. The fact that they got to know each other more through WGM, sometimes I kinda regret it too, but if they weren't the casts, I think we're not here today :vicx: 

K-NamNations dislike WGM so much that they don't want to post anything related to WGM, hope for WGM's cancellation, use curse words on their post related to WGM, even blocking accounts? (I haven't seen the last one for myself though). Even I couldn't find Eric's Snapchat easily as usual when he's in Dubai :sweatingbullets:

For MooMoo, I think they're still supporting Solar in WGM, although they see WGM as a bad show too. Other than the reasons above, they also don't like that Solar is more known as "Eric's wife" because she's asked about him whenever she goes. Well, we know clearly that Eric is asked about Solar more, but MooMoo don't know since they don't pay attention much to Eric (the same for NamNation too I think). But they're thankful that they can see Solar's cuteness every week and they also realize that MAMAMOO gains more new fans from there. The only "bad" things that they did is editing Eric's trace from WGM scenes :sweatingbullets:

For intl fans, yes, they're more chill about this. I also saw some intl MooMoo also hope that Eric & Solar would stay friends because they seems to enjoy having fun with each other. I think some Koreans also think Ddongi couple is a beautiful couple, although I don't know if they're belong to which fandom. Maybe they're just WGM viewers? But there are support messages for Ddongi couple in WGM viewers' board and DC gallery, also positive comments from Naver clips.

But well, sadly we can't do much, can we? If shippers like us came too forward, they'd think we're too delusional and the fandom war would just affect Eric & Solar badly, they would be more careful with each other than before. I don't want to see them acting like they don't know each other after this :( I'm already thankful that they can interact outside WGM when they're in the same events. Also, the latest one, I'm surprised with their indirect mention and post related to WGM. Did they test the water or they already discuss about this before?


Don't know, but I kinda get how two idols (especially who're paired in WGM) would discuss about their fandoms with each other after reading this:



And I also think that actually we're on the same side with their fandoms. All of us love Eric & Solar, maybe the difference is just the way of showing that love (and perhaps the culture difference)? @autumnleaves19_stv is right too, I couldn't deny that Korean fans are the ones who support them the most, like attending most of their events, buying multiple copies of their albums, taking their HD-quality photos, etc.

And like I said before, maybe because both Eric & Solar are still making their way to their peak of career, although they're in a good age to have a relationship. Yup, Eric & Solar are considered a bit old when they debuted, they also stated about this before.


Eric is going to perform today at 2016 Asia Song Festival - Acoustic Festival! You can watch it live on V app! (I think Eric is going to appear on V app for October 8th-9th as well for different events, you can see at the upcoming V live :o)




And he's rehearsing :lol:


Eric's part in <Law of the Jungle> will be aired tonight too at 10 PM KST!



Apparently, Eric & Changseob will be named as "Dumb & Dumber"? :lol: For more pictures, here is the LOTJ's PD note for today's episode:

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@gureentea @cinnaminskies @enko20 @autumnleaves19_stv @Farfalle well guys k-idol raise by the fans thats why kfans feeling more deep than us...kfans invested so much for their idol money/time even their lives, they only give permission for their idol to have relationship if their idol in 35ages...what we can do is not make the fans angry with 'hard delulu shippers' hehe 

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hi! i'm back :)

sorry @enko20 may be it's seem that i really spazzing on their interaction out of wgm, if it doesn't appropriate with the content here i'll stop talking about it 

@gureentea & @Farfalle thank you for your eagle eyes, both of you are great! 


I think the hate from some of KNamnation/KMomos toward WGM will vanish soon as the show growing (interesting)--> we can from kdailyshows comment reaction. Just wait and see guys. Moreover, we can't deny the fact that most of couple who join WGM will have hater at (first), and they'll attack the girl because basically fangirl is greater in quantity than fanboy. Bbyu couple is one of the example, at the first Joy is the one who got all the hate comment, but near the end as the show growing natural, and the couple itself showing their affection toward each other, Bbyu couple receiving a postitive comment in their near last episode. And i believed, hater is actually a silent lurker. If only they open their heart to watch uri Ddongie they'll instantly fall in love with them. 

--> If the last eps of Ddongie Couple comes how do you think they'll react? I guess i can't see Solar nor Eric crying/shed a tears, definetely she laugh a lot kkk

Both of Eric and Solar have a good reputation in Kr. I'll believed even their close friend (Eric and Solar) will approve them for each other (gut feels). We can see how the WGM panelist love them so much, (actually it's funny to see Narae and Sechan reaction), so i disagree if someone says Solar is inferior than Eric, they quite match with each other.


It's really suprising that Eric and Solar are brave enough to give spark about WGM (indirectly). It is show that how much the know that WGM give them the big impact (or catch their attention), either it from fans reaction or from their 'relationship' itself.:) They must be receiving a lot of messages about their 'honeymoon' trip to Dubai. I believed they were cautious to show us about their trip (maybe because Kmomo/Knam or because they were afraid to show spoiler before the official broadcast) but they were too kind for not letting us (Ddongie Shipper) dissapointed. 

Looking forward to see their trip ASAP. :)


Found this cute one --> thumb up for the creator!



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The translation of official preview text for tomorrow's episode from WGM website


 ♥ We Got Married ♥ Episode 342 (will be aired at October 8th, 2016) 

Eric Nam ♥ Sola Autumn Chestnut Picking & Wife's Chestnut Cooking Challenge!

Welcoming autumn, Eric ♥ Solar couple visited a chestnut farm!
They bet 'finger-flick on forehead' and competed to pick a lot of chestnuts,
They also used the 'goosing
*(?) pole' and conducted sabotage...
Solar sensed crisis at Eric's chestnut pocket which was filled rapidly!
At last, an unscheduled chance to change! A "middle game" was suggested...
The winner of the chestnut picking battle which was full of competitive spirit is?

While they were at it, there were also lots of forearm-sized sweet potatos~
With the directly harvested chestnuts & sweet potatos, Eric made roasted chestnuts and roasted sweet potatos!
Solar declared ambitiously that she would make 'chestnut pancake' and 'sweet potato pancake'...
Finally, the complete 'full of sincerity' chestnut cooking of Solar!
The 'really honest score' given from Eric to her wife who wanted an honest evaluation is?!

To accompany the chestnut cooking, Solar also prepared 'shelled chestnut makgeolli**'!
Eric, who loves the sweet flavor from the first taste, drank the makgeolli consecutively...
Suddenly Eric played 'drunken gag' with the flushed face! How would he look like?


* goose (verb) poke someone between the buttocks. – from Google Translate
** mak-geol-li (막걸리) : Makgeolli is one of the oldest traditional alcoholic drinks. It is made of rice and malt and is brewed without distillation. It is milky white, turbid, and has a relatively low alcohol content. – from Naver Dictionary


@Ira Ajja Agree with you. Let's stay low for now. Maybe if it's 2 or 3 years from now, they'll be more accepting I hope :) You're right, both Eric & Solar are in Busan today!

@morethanacityname That fanart is cute and the creator is talented! :o Ugh, I also want us to send something for them, but I don't know how to :( For tagging Eric, I don't know if it's a wise act though, just hoping that account won't be blocked :|

@407801baby It's okay to talk about their interaction outside WGM :)

On 10/4/2016 at 1:51 PM, 407801baby said:

3. From the picture above (Eric and Solar in the airport), i can see the VJ is far enough from Ddongie Couple, and i thought it good for them to interact more natural. In case of this, if you guys re-watching the previous eps you can tell how Solar is aware with camera, the obvious one is when she flossing her teeth. For me that show how Solar still cautious that this is just one of the TV program she work with and she need to take care her image, the rest of MMM member and of course the company, and she need to take care of her fans heart as well. But if you notice lately, Solar gaze is fixed to Eric more. You can see on the Theme Park Date and the DIY Cafe!! :) 

Btw, regarding your last post about Solar's awareness about camera, actually I'm kinda torn about this. Sometimes she gives vibe that she's aware with camera, especially when they're doing romantic gesture/skinship. But sometimes she gives vibe that she doesn't care with the camera? For example when she ate deliciously and munched the ice cubes at the first meeting. But overall, she's just adorable both ways :D

I can't imagine their ending, it makes me sad :( Hope you're right, that more people will love them at the end. And yes, both of them don't let us, the shippers, down. They're really kind people :) 


The upcoming episode is containing scenes of alcohol again, I hope there won't be any controversies :mellow:

Btw, Eric is now performing guys! He's singing under the rain though, hopefully he's not sick.


Eric's October schedule update!

  • Oct 7th (Fri)  [Broadcast] 22:00 SBS "Law of Jungle in Mongolia"
  • Oct 7th (Fri)  [Event] 2016 Asia Song Festival Eve
  • Oct 8th (Sat)  [Broadcast] PM 04:50 MBC "We Got Married"
  • Oct 8th (Sat)  [Event] DMC Festival MU:CON Showcase
  • Oct 9th (Sun) [Etc] PM 11:00 Eric Nam's LieV - Eric Nam's Lying-down Room Live!
  • Oct 14th (Fri)  [Event] Private Event
  • Oct 15th (Sat)  [Broadcast] PM 04:50 MBC "We Got Married"
  • Oct 20th (Thu)  [Event] Busan One Asia Festival
  • Oct 22nd (Sat)  [Broadcast] PM 04:50 MBC "We Got Married"
  • Oct 23rd (Sun)  [Event] Busan Jazz Festival
  • Oct 26th (Wed)  [Event] Private Event
  • Oct 29th (Sat)  [Broadcast] PM 04:50 MBC "We Got Married"


MAMAMOO's October schedule update!

Omo, I read from Twitter that Wheein fell down due to rain. Solar also slipped several times and about to fall dangerously, but luckily Wheein & Moonbyul caught her :o

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5 hours ago, 407801baby said:

sorry @enko20 may be it's seem that i really spazzing on their interaction out of wgm, if it doesn't appropriate with the content here i'll stop talking about it.


Oh no, it's perfectly okay to talk about it chingu. In fact, it's even better if you do. It helps me see some details I missed out on myself. Please keep them coming! :)

5 hours ago, 407801baby said:

I think the hate from some of KNamnation/KMomos toward WGM will vanish soon as the show growing (interesting)--> we can from kdailyshows comment reaction. Just wait and see guys. Moreover, we can't deny the fact that most of couple who join WGM will have hater at (first), and they'll attack the girl because basically fangirl is greater in quantity than fanboy. Bbyu couple is one of the example, at the first Joy is the one who got all the hate comment, but near the end as the show growing natural, and the couple itself showing their affection toward each other, Bbyu couple receiving a postitive comment in their near last episode. And i believed, hater is actually a silent lurker. If only they open their heart to watch uri Ddongie they'll instantly fall in love with them. 

--> If the last eps of Ddongie Couple comes how do you think they'll react? I guess i can't see Solar nor Eric crying/shed a tears, definetely she laugh a lot kkk


Actually, I have to be very blunt here, so please forgive me. The reaction that you see from online comments mostly come from WGM viewers or couple shippers. Their judgement of a couple is based on how "realistic" they look on WGM, and not necessarily have anything to do with their own fanbases' opinions of them joining the show. If they look like a married couple or lovers, they will be showered with praise, if they don't, then they will get bashed (like certain negative comments you've heard about our own Ddongie couple). So even if they are approved by the viewers, it doesn't mean that their relationship is approved by their own fans.

And I certainly hope so too chingu. I really lost it when Joy cried her heart out at the end. If I ever see Solar ending up like that, I think my heart will literally break in half :heartbreak:

5 hours ago, 407801baby said:

so i disagree if someone says Solar is inferior than Eric, they quite match with each other.

12 hours ago, cinnaminskies said:

It also kind of upsets me because it makes it seem like maybe they don't think Solar's good enough for him? Which is so ridiculous because literally anyone would be so lucky to get to spend that much time with her she's so wonderful and real and gorgeous. Solar's more than good enough for Eric.


That's just ridiculous. Let me just say this: even if other people think little of her, the most important thing is that Eric himself treasure Solar and value her very highly as a girl. This is enough for me.^_^

But actually, when you guys said this, something really strike me as I'm rewatching the older eps. Did you guys know that Solar herself also felt this way toward Eric at first too??  :blink:

I didn't give it much thought before, but after hearing Solar's confession to Eric about what words of his carry a special meaning to her, it brought me all the way back to their 2nd date. When they asked Eric to choose the type of personality he prefer, he picked a competent person, and immediately it caught Solar's attention In her BRI, she said that what he picked made her secretly felt that something was wrong (and the sad look on her face too omg). I was really confused at the time, I thought: "Why is she making a big deal out of this?", but now it's all coming together for me. She wanted him to choose outgoing because it's what she's known for (Solar), and not competent, because she has fear in her heart that she might not be competent enough for him. That's why when he said she's actually good at everything, it meant the world for her, wow.:o

2 hours ago, Farfalle said:

Btw, regarding your last post about Solar's awareness about camera, actually I'm kinda torn about this. Sometimes she gives vibe that she's aware with camera, especially when they're doing romantic gesture/skinship. But sometimes she gives vibe that she doesn't care with the camera? For example when she ate deliciously and munched the ice cubes at the first meeting.


I don't want to misunderstand you chingu, so may I ask what exactly it is that you are torn about?

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@Ira Ajja You're welcome chingu! :) Yeah, hope that they will be okay, especially MAMAMOO who will have their comeback in this month. Busan's weather is kinda terrible nowadays and they still have some schedules there. Be safe, Eric & MAMAMOO! (my little sister too, she lives at Busan)


3 hours ago, enko20 said:

I don't want to misunderstand you chingu, so may I ask what exactly it is that you are torn about?

@enko20 It's okay, maybe I chose the wrong word. I mean, I feel that sometimes Solar is aware with the camera when they do skinship/romantic gesture, but sometimes I also feel she isn't aware with it. So my thought is like torn into two? Hahaha I'm sorry for my word choice :sweatingbullets:

@gureentea Thanks for the additional preview pictures, chingu! :D 


Solar's clip when she's about to fall :( They're being professional, but it's dangerous!


Eric's IG update about <Law of the Jungle>. I watched a bit at the end, and I think he's quite funny there hahaha.


There's an article about their trip to Dubai haha. But why the article said that they spent 5 days 4 nights and departed on Oct 1st? :sweatingbullets:

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@Farfalle Ah okay, I thought you meant something else :sweatingbullets: I see what you're trying to to say though, it's like she's doing it consciously and unconsciously at the same time? But I think @407801baby explained it already, that beside her having problems doing skinship with a VJ near her, she's also thinking alot about whether her skinship could cause controversy or not as well. I'm glad that recently she's becoming more at ease with this. I think with more experience on WGM and the closer she becomes with Eric, she will naturally gain more confidence and her skinship will become less awkward haha (beginning today with that special "sabotage" poke :grimace:).

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