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@Farfalle Yes absolutely to all the MAMAMOO members as well! ;) These girls have different characteristics to show off their charms and i'm sure they gonna done it successfully. I recently watched "The Friends". I died of laughter because of Eric!ㅋㅋㅋ Didn't know he would be easily scared with animals. How cute! :D IKR! I noticed that too and that's why i kept checking it there again and again. Hoping that Eric  would enjoy himself and come back safely too. Changsub is there too~ oh my! Yeah i just hope this is once and the last for the panelists to come over or they can come if there's any events invitation by Ddongie. Lol i sounds evil, right? Nah~ i just want to see them spending their time together in their own place. I was looking forward to see Eric getting his nail painted but oh well~ Before this, i used to wonder if there's a scene for our couple to do this kind of stuff and it happened so i was excited but the panelists came at the wrong time. That Moo you are talking about? I'm glad i'm not the only one thinking like that too! Hehehe... It witnessed our Ddongie sweet memories together~♡♡♡ Hahaha sis! You must have forgotten since i mentioned it twice that my favorite color is blue.:sweatingbullets: Our Yongsunnie? She is a Queen of Expressions!:rolleyes: Oh and thanks for the variety of updates! *hugs* 

@enko20 Hello there! :) I absolutely agreed with you! I've been watching WGM and i always look at how the couples would compromise their life as husband and wife together. In our couple case, i don't even mind with their slow pace coz this was originally their own concept as they get to know each other first. More than Eric, i usually focused on Solar more. Now that they are getting closer, i love how open Solar would talked about her impressions on Eric during her blackroom interview. She expressed more and by having trust with Eric meant that she was already being comfortable enough with him. And just like you stated, it's only a matter of time they could just be like any other couple. But idk why i feel that they will maintain their relationships like this till their end of journey in WGM?! Maybe because i'm used to see their natural chemistry just like now? Anywho~ i'm just happy watching them. ;) 

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@gandaako05 Eric is a MooMoo himself. Yeah there was a video posted on here a while back of him and Eddie jamming to "Um Oh Ah Yeah" ahah :lol: I think many people including Eric himself are surprised by how shy she turns out to be in contrast to how she is around Mamamoo members. But I remember Mamamoo saying that Solar was also shy at first actually around them. The reason why Solar looks comfortable with them now is because they have spent years together, while she's only been with Eric for 4 months. 

 @zurah90 Well no I don't think they will be like other couples, and they shouldn't be. :) What separate them from other couples is their approach to this show, and I don't want them to lose that just so they could look like they belong. I think chemistry wise they are already gelling so well because of their similarities. Skinship wise, I think it really depend. It's best that they figure this out on their own without intervention from other people. Solar is comfortable with Eric now, so just leave them two alone together jaebal, if there are more people coming in she will freeze into an ice cube  :sweatingbullets:

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@enko20 Hahaha i got what you meant and that's what i'm trying to say.:sweatingbullets: No, i would never ever compare them with other couples i know that every couples have their own colors. The reason i brought up about other couples is because the way our Ddongie's approach each other are way different from the couples i've watched before. That attracted me to watch them. And yes, i'm so agreed that no intervention needed from people. I'm just loving to see them making their own progression naturally. :) 

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@zurah90 D-3 to the girls' concert and upcoming WGM episode! Sadly, I can't watch this week's episode live :( Wow, where did you watch <The Friends>? I can't find the RAW of full episode :( Yeah, and in the jungle there will be various animals haha. Eric & Changseob will be friends, since Eric is quite close with BTOB, especially Peniel? Agree with you, I also prefer them to be alone together right now. They rarely meet because of their busy schedule, I think they just met twice in July? I'll try to recap their meeting date when I have more time. They need time to bond their relationship. The Moo's expression is so hilarious and it's always there in the right moment :lol: Oh, I'm sorry, sis! I guess my memory isn't good :sweatingbullets:


Eric's IG update:


Full video of Eric's project with TMON:
(how lucky they are, get to see Eric in person :D)


Eric's bonus track on Mobidic's program, he sang "Back at One"


Fantaken photo of MAMAMOO at Jeju Joint Concert (Aug 2nd)


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I found MBC Music <Date in Music Library> highlight clips! The links are on this FB post.


In one of the videos, Urban Zakapa's Jo Hyuna mentioned about Eric's marriage.
Video title: "Difficult to meet, married superstar Eric Nam" (http://tvcast.naver.com/v/1032086)


Rough translation (start at 01:39), a little bit unsure though because listening Korean is still hard for me :sweatingbullets:

Hyuna: "Actually, these days you're a superstar."
Eric: "Me??"
Hyuna: "Really superstar..."
Eric: "Eeeyy~ No~"
Hyuna: "You don't pick up the phone, you don't reply my message... I think you're now like superstar..."
Eric: "Hyuna-ya, this is a broadcast..."
Hyuna: "I know you end the fate with me... Your face now ...... (I don't get this, sorry :sweatingbullets:). You're a married man?"
(Caption: Take this, greeting attack! Take this, 'WGM' attack!)
Eric: (laugh)
Hyuna: "Did you tell your wife and come... I'm curious."
Eric: "I didn't know it is a date. (I think he referred to the program's name?) I think I'll go out a bit."
(Caption: Take this, walk out attack!)



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Hello everyone, I've been a silent lurker for a long time now. 

it's really nice that every where Eric goes and every guesting or interviews he has Solar is always mention.

But I can't help signing up so I can also express how I love this couple.

Solar is so funny though she is really shy while Eric is really gentle ( wonder if there's still a guy like him that really exist)

and by the way I am starting to write fanfic using these two as an inspiration though I'm really a beginner when it comes to this...

Please feel free to read my story at : 

I hope it won't bore you.

Can't wait for their next episode. ^^ 

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Happy Thursday lovelies! :) 

@Farfalle D-2 to the girls' Moosical and everyday anticipation of WGM episodes! ;) Ouch~ you just have to catch up later then. We will wait for you here then :D Sorry i misunderstood you yet again... i meant i watched the cuts from your post.:sweatingbullets: It's hard to find the full episode for now. Hopefully it will get upload soon by some kind soul out there. Oh yes...it's jungle tho~ Various animals and it could appear before you unknowingly...kekeke. Yeah, Eric and BTOB seem quite close too. :D Peniel is my favorite member in BTOB followed by Changseob. I remembered when BTOB and MAMAMOO sang each other's song and they even copied each other intro. Cool! Decal Comani MinHyuk and MoonByul! aww~ Yeah they are mostly busiest in July. Oh~ you gonna do that? I'm not hoping but thanks! ;) I agree with you! They need more time indeed. Moo is just being like it's owner, giving the right expressions as always! B) Thanks for the updates too! Those lucky people got surprised by Eric...ooh~ Indeed Eric's voice just melt you~ ♡♡♡ And our girls will never stop mesmerizing us with their vocals! Love them to bits~♡♡♡ I really want to watch that program! Love the teased tho~ just so cute! Thanks for the efforts for the translations! *thumps up* ^_^

@coolbrattyro Hello and welcome! :) I'm glad to see you finally join us here. Hehe... maybe the questions regarding about Solar couldn't be avoided but yeah i always love it when he's being proud and kept giving compliments on his wifey.:wub: Oh yeah i agree that they have great personalities and being together in WGM make them an awesome pair! Indeed! "Nation's Boyfriend" are pretty rare to find these days. :D  Thanks for the fanfic! Will read once i have my free time. Nothing bored us here! Just spazz more! ;) 

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@Farfalle lol! yeah finally time for rest has come to me.. lol the doll expression yes you're right.. and today is d day eric go to the jungle right? and im si curious about solar solo performance, we all do right? we so very curious about it, i cant wait the day they filming after they back from their busy schedule :wub: and as always thanks for the updates! :D 

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@zurah90 Hahaha I'll open this forum and just be a silent lurker then on Saturday since I can't help but to be very curious about Ddongi :D Ahh, I see. Yup, I hope someone sub <The Friends> too, it's entertaining to see three of them hahaha. I like BTOB too because they're like the boy version of MAMAMOO (beagle and talented), but I don't know much about them so I haven't picked a bias hahaha. I also saw their performance when they sang each other's song, they're not disappointing B) Yup, but wonder when since my university holiday is finished :sweatingbullets: Actually I doubt the next episode is going to make them more closer since they're not alone, but yes watching them is always entertaining :D Well, while I haven't found the full episode, you can watch the cuts :) And watching that show, really makes me think that Eric got the LP from there haha. 

@coolbrattyro Hello, glad to see you finally come out to meet us here :D Agree with you, we have to thank Eric, he keeps this ship sailing with his honest answer about Solar whenever he's asked. And Solar's 4D & energetic behavior that always makes us laugh :lol: Thanks for sharing your fanfic about Ddongi couple. Don't worry, you're already great enough to be able to write a story. It's not an easy thing for me :) 

@sight_stv It must feel good to finally rest after working hard :D Hahaha the doll expression is always on point :lol: Yes, today Eric's going to the jungle. Well, I'll keep my eye to MAMAMOO fan accounts for the fantaken photos of the concert haha. Yes, me too. Hopefully they'll have their time alone at the next filming. You're welcome, chingu! :)


Eric's going to the jungle! Photo from an article:



Eric's IG story update:


<Showtime! MAMAMOO x GFRIEND> Pre-release for Episode 6
Airing today at 6 PM KST! :D 

They chose Solar as MAMAMOO's "춤신춤왕" (chum-sin-chum-wang), which is literally means "dance god, dance king", but actually that phrase is used sarcastically for a person who can't dance well :lol:


Actually I'm trying to translate 3 parts of WGM PD's interview which I found yesterday (published in July 30th):


Please wait patiently since I'm trying to read the all of them generally. Well currently the first part is done :) I think I'll update here when I've done all of them :) 

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@Farfalle the hairstyle for the next episode though just like when eric at the KCON lol :wub: aw so we gotta transform to hawkeye that crawling to see every photo that taken on the concert right, and eric expression on the airport lol! i choke up! its so priceless hahahahaha its like "what the hell is this, my wife is going to perform solo concert and im going to the jungle, realize im the one that cant see it damn!" 

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@coolbrattyro Wah welcome! Yes Eric has been asked about Solar a lot lately. Hope we can hear more from Solar's side though. I will be sure to check out the fanfic when I have time ^_^

@sight_stv lol yeah I can't imagine how he must be feeling right now :P Can't wait to see photos and vids from the concert, and I bet Eric is also dying to come back to see them as well.

@Farfalle Thank you for the updates! Looking forward to reading those articles from the PD, Hopefully we can get some good insights. Agree with you on his hairstyle, it looks good on him, hope he keep his hair like that for a while :).Omg I'm laughing so hard at the "chum-sin-chum-wang" thing LOL. Eric is called the "Dancing Machine" because he doesn't dance well but he always try to be silly and entertaining, and now his wife is being labeled "Dance Goddess". Add that to the list of similarities between our couple. They seriously overlap each other in many ways it's just so funny. :lol:

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@sight_stv I know, right? :wub: He's so good with that hair! Yup, hopefully there's a documentation that we can see. Lowkey hoping the concert is aired live on V app hahaha :sweatingbullets: They might miss each other since it's been a while since they met for last filming. Hope next filming they can bond with each other :D 

@enko20 You're welcome :) Me too, trying to read them thoroughly since it's about WGM generally. Yes, please keep that hairstyle for him in Korea too. Many chingus here also love that hairstyle, including Solar who likes his all-back style :D Hahahaha in the recent interview Eric's also asked whether he wants to be the rival of 2AM's Jinwoon, which is the well-known "chum-sin-chum-wang", because of his dance in "Can't Help Myself". They're surely made for each other then? :lol:


<Showtime! MAMAMOO x GFRIEND> Episode 6 highlight clips










Preview for Episode 7, MAMAMOO in NY & GFRIEND in LA!



Eric's Snapchat update:


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@enko20Thank you. I am actually a beginner when it comes to writing so don't expect much...
I also want to hear Solar mentioning Eric's name or her views about him in her interviews, but I guess there's not much opportunities except  that one time in the press conference of showtime though it wasn't directly about Eric. :( 

I hope they progress soon. I read some comments, people are starting to get bore because of their skin ship progress. But I am definitely think that they are just in the right pace. Of course I want to see more skinship from them. that might be the product of bad editing though.

I want to know what Eric said about Solar's weakness...

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@coolbrattyro We also had the same concern during their first episodes. People cant stop comparing them from other couples. But from the positive attitudes of the members here, I've decided to just ignore the hate comments and just enjoy watching! ^_^ I don't read comments from other sites and just spazz here in this thread with other chingus! :D I didn't let the bad comments ruin my OTP :lol: So be strong k? Once you're in this ship, you can't disembark :lol:

BTW I love Eric's hairstyle base on the preview pics! He looks so clean and fresh. Kyaaaah~! And looks they are both wearing the rings. Banjjak banjjak :wub: Thanks @Farfalle!

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In 'uoay' era mamamoo had perform in ulaanbataar....now Eric go to the mongolia jungle 

Watch Eric in latest ep make me hope he can have gf in real life, he's really a romantic guy with natural and sweet/smooth skinship. I hope his fan can allow him too

@xexe I don't read the other site too



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@Ira Ajja Yes, whoever get to date him in real life is one extremely lucky girl. Guys like him simply don't grow on trees. :D

@coolbrattyro I am aware of those comments too. People have their own preferences I guess. :sweatingbullets: Just like @xexe chingu say, I'm just happy that we have loyal shippers here to share our positive views together. Many of us here hope for their progress too, but we can see Solar's shyness and understand that she needs time. Don't let negative comments get to you, instead, let us enjoy our adventures together on Captain Eric's ship, shall we? :D

Just saw this on Eric's IG:


Our chingus here really have good ears :sweatingbullets: It really was him singing that OST for the drama "Uncontrollably Fond".  I just listened to the song myself, and as always, Eric's voice is so soothing and beautiful. I haven't seen the drama myself, but I will probably check it out.

Here's the OST. Enjoy and have a good day everyone!

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Hello lovelies! Have a funky friday! ;) 

@Farfalle Hahaha sis! Just go ahead and be a silent lurker. It's a little easier when you gonna catch up later on. :) Oh yeah~ i love how they bond their friendships in "The Friends"!  Actually i don't know much about them too. I started looking up on BTOB when SungJae acted in a thriller drama with Moon Geun Young (my favorite actress!). So far i can recognize them by their names...lol...and their songs are nice too.Take your time slowly, sis! I wish you all the best in your studies! Hwaiting!!! I'm sure we gonna have a fun episode tomorrow! Just listening their voices through radio was already entertaining, let alone their appearances! We gotta see their interactions! Oh yeah~♡ You thought the LP was originally from there? Could be too! But i saw the price tag on it when Eric passed it to Solar? Nah~ not really a price tho~ it's just a tag. Anyway thanks for the updates as always! I watched the raw SHOWTIME last night. Indeed our beagle girls! Solar is indeed Chum-Sin-Chum-Wang! Kekeke :PAnd i saw lots of Eric pictures at the airport through various fanaccounts.B) Hope he will a nice and adventurous time in the jungle. Hehehe:rolleyes:

@enko20 Thanks for the update! I can't help listening to it repeatedly! His honey voice tho~ So soothing that actually helps to calm my heart!♡♡♡

Credit to sis @ryuseolnims for pointing out to this at first! It was indeed our Eric Nam!♡♡♡


MAMAMOO SHOWTIME articles update:



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