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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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31 minutes ago, drsfanx3 said:

I didn't understand CPI so I looked it up. For the info of newbies like me, Contents Power Index (CPI) is an integrated index based on rankings from direct search, social media, and Internet news subscription that CJ E&M and Nielsen Korea co-developed in 2012.

Read more: http://www.asiastarz.com/articles/5632/20160730/korean-drama-doctors-sbs-tops-number-one-weekly-contents-power.htm#ixzz4J0RL4Vj3

Thanks now I understood the diff of this rating factors :blush: though personally audience/ viewership ratings weighs more as not all people on line is an actual viewer (well thats my take). 

On other issue, glad that all doctors cast are actively on the news today. PYG is looking good in RL ;)

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1 hour ago, ned_lee said:

Thanks now I understood the diff of this rating factors :blush: though personally audience/ viewership ratings weighs more as not all people on line is an actual viewer (well thats my take). 

On other issue, glad that all doctors cast are actively on the news today. PYG is looking good in RL ;)


Facts are Doctors's have higher rating and almost wholly weeks got higher ranking in CPI, Doctors has won both criterias, such news present untrue information. (not sure from insufficient facts or intended to be bias?!?)

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2 hours ago, irilight said:


" Although “Doctors” failed to dislodge “W” from the top spot in terms of viewership, the medical drama still retained its faithful fans because of the good chemistry between Hong Ji Hong, the character he plays, with Yoo Hye Jung, the character played by Park Shin Hye. "

 @NongpeeP, @Rin90,   You are absolutely correct about ratings;
That is why  I think the writer of the article is referring to CPI; It is true that W got higher CPI than Doctors. But he/she is incorrect in the statement that viewership of W surpassed "Doctors."  You are absolutely correct.   :)

I just added a comment on the article about it. Feel free to comment to them as well.

@Kasmic chingu... just saw your response too...  Do take a look at my comment to the writer on Yibada, and pleases everyone, leave your comments there too.


The writers probably W's fans lol  :P

2 hours ago, Kasmic said:

This is the article link from the above translations : http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=312&aid=0000206514

I feel bad but if you can skim thru this article and help translate some interesting bits that would be great... THANK YOU!!! @stroppyse or @snowglobe147 or @parisonheaven :heart::heart: :heart:




and WOW he looks so different without his glasses. Hisnot "England" anymore :tears:


He is cute, and His face doesnt changes since stairway to heaven just older and taller :)

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4 hours ago, Jalhanda said:

Yes, that was what I remember as well, he was commenting on their chemistry...I don't think someone asked on what their real score is.



Yup as far as i remember he never answering straight foward about his relationship with PSH (about whats going on betwen them during the drama), he just explained about the chemestry betwen them in the drama.. 

Anyway it was a smart answer from him :lol:

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3 hours ago, Kasmic said:

This is the article link from the above translations : http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=312&aid=0000206514

I feel bad but if you can skim thru this article and help translate some interesting bits that would be great... THANK YOU!!! @stroppyse or @snowglobe147 or @parisonheaven :heart::heart: :heart:




and WOW he looks so different without his glasses. Hisnot "England" anymore :tears:


I can't remember why Seo Woo saved his name as "Pi England" in her phonebook. Why is that?

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19 minutes ago, stroppyse said:



Don't know if you already know what this instagram caption says, but it's pretty funny. It says:

Cruise (laugh) Surprised? Shocked? Then good. (Well done. Looked just like Teacher Hong.)


lols, you guessed it right, i don't, when i was posting this on my tumblr, i googled it but well you know how it goes there... i thought wow if only @stroppyse could translate this for me. and voila! wish granted, you did! thank you so much dongsaeng! 

when i open my instagram on my pc, it's only him and lee jong suk that i am looking forward to their content everyday. )

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That's article is obviously not reliable or correct. We shouldn't even bother or post. They just wrote non-sense

1. Doctors and W aren't in the same time slot

2. Doctors has always had higher rating ( W's yesterday rating was around 11%)

3. Even CPI, Doctors has been doing better. We are either #1 or #2 after IC or another kbs variety show

W is the most talked drama and has a lot of hype online. Just that whoever wrote that article didn't have the correct information at all and there is no source. 

Please do not spread it when you see incorrect information. 

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THANKS @stroppyse for the translations and youve made YKS IGupdate more cute. I love it how he made Honghonghong lines his own. So cute.

Its Moon festival soon so Im not sure if you celebrate it but I do and I love eating moon cakes. But im not sure if I'll buy these one and PSH showing esp the fish hahaha! I stick to cakes :joy:

Happy Moon Festival Patients!!!


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Dr. sketch 16





From ep1-20 find out your favorite open & end narrative here!!



Epidsode16 : Yoo Hye Jung

[opening] “Danger doesn’t send warning signals before it comes. While prying into another person’s life, i thought i was safe. When i am working, other people work too.

[ending] “The closer danger approaches me, the closer i feel towards the truth i’m looking for. I must turn danger into an opportunity.”


Epidsode17 : Yoo Hye Jung

[opening] “The truth that has no choice but to rely on a good conscience. I chased after the truth to hear a sincere apology. I don’t know how my life will change the moment i find out the truth.

[ending] “i thought the world would change when the truth gets revealed. The world doesn’t change”


Epidsode18 : Hong Ji Hong

[opening] “Once, i dreamt of vengeance. I wanted to kill everyone and take my own life too. What goes around does come around. However, what’s at the centre of such karma is the world, not me.

[ending] “Justice is flowing like a river at a place we can’t see. It’s just invisible to our eyes.


Epidsode19 : Yoo Hye Jung

[opening] “The most we can do for our loved ones is sacrificing ourselves. However such sacrifice does not beautify humanity.

[ending] “You have to wait until the final moment in life to see what life is trying to teach you. You have to wait until the very end.”



Epidsode20 : Yoo Hye Jung


[opening] “I met him again. I had no idea we’d meet again like this. Come to think about it, it was like that from the start. We met by chance and ended up inseparable. Now, we’re destined for each other.


[ending] “I don’t know since when i loved him. I don’t know since when i started loving him, but i‘ve been loving him all along. When you meet the one, you forget when your love started.”


i add this


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