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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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46 minutes ago, nicasama said:

I really want Kim Rae Won to win Daesang this year. He is such a talented actor. But it seems that SBS will only give the Daesang award to those who attended the Drama Awards and we rarely see Kim Rae Won attending those Drama Awards since he is a private person. Let's hope that we can see him in this year's SBS Drama Awards and be awarded for the award he deserved. It's such a pity that his role in Punch was not that really recognized and was only given the PD Award. I hope the Doctors' cast win big time since we are the witnesses of their hardwork and dedication for us viewers to be satisfied, We know how tired they are but still were able to film and they really lack of sleep.


Like I said I think it's either KRW or LYA, just depends on how LYA's drama will do. But to her it's more about her performance than how well her drama does

I don't see any other actor are winning it besides them right now (not LJK,LMH etc and JJH already won it), but we still don't know how the 2nd half dramas will do yet

It's not about privacy. Shinhye is super super private when it comes to personal life but it doesn't stop her as it's part of her job

Some people just don't like those ceremonies

He went to Baeksang award last year remember? That's when he met Shinhye.

I believe he will go if he is winning and the Doctors cast would be there with him as well  :)

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1 hour ago, joyspartace_stv said:

I am going to say sorry for the long post that you're about to see. I've had a lot of conflicting feelings on how I was going to share this. It's not about the drama, characters, plot, or even the actors themselves. But it's how SBS has presented this drama to us or to people in general.

as a long time kdrama fan for almost 12 years, I know a few things here & there. I also know when I can tell a drama is being taken more of a promotion product than anything. 

If you don't know SBS well enough, you know SBS doesn't do fairly anything fair at the end of the year. I've seen people who don't deserve the daesang (NOT TO SAY THEY'RE BAD ACTORS) win it but people who ACTUALLY deserves it ALOT more don't win it. SBS tend to hand it off to the person that doesn't seem worthy enough for it YET. For example, last year. I think I was most upset about last year because the nomination for Daesang award was almost a tough pick. We had Kim Rae Won, for his stellar & hesrtbreaking performance as Park Jung Hwan in Punch. Yoo Ah In for his groundbreaking performance in Six Flying Dragons & Kim Hyun Joo for her performance in I Have A Lover. When Joo Won won it, I was almost as surprised as anyone else that really thought either KRW or KHJ would win the daesang. NOT because they deserve it more but because compared to the performances that was displayed last year - having Punch being so CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED BY EVERYONE IN THE INDUSTRY - I just felt disappointed. And handing off the Producer's Award to KRW was almost like  "how the heck are we going to not upset KRW's fans for not letting him win the grand prize." 

SBS likes to feed off the popularity, not that it's a bad thing. As soon as they have a mainstream hit in their hands, they forget the criteria for what the awards are meant for and just hand it off to someone who got them in the headlines more. 

Doctors was an immense hit from the start to end for SBS. Something they should be glad of since it's their first Mon/Tues drama to hit over 20% ratings in three years. What I'm more upset & disappointed by is the fact that we had lack of presentation or showmanship from SBS. Where were the ads? Where were the active media play? Where were the promotion that SBS was supposed to be responsible for? At the end of the day, it was the loyal fans and fansites that promoted the drama more than the channel. 

What im saying is that at the end of year for the awards show - there is a worry in me that I can't rub off. SBS has ALOT of dramas lined up now. Most is all w/ a lot of hit stars. All I am asking for is for Park Shin Hye & Kim Rae Won to get the recognition they deserve for their portrayal of the characters they did in Doctors. PSH is practically SBS's ratings daughter due to her success within the dramas she has w/ them. I have no doubt that she will earn that award that she deserves. For KRW, I'm still on the worried side. As a fan of his for a long time, you may have noticed that this man doesn't have many awards. Not even a lot. It doesn't bother me that he didn't have a lot & I believe that it doesn't even bother him anymore. But as fan of someone, wouldn't the feeling of having one of your favorite actors get the award they deserve be happiness?

doctors is a hit, more than a hit for SBS. So I hope they respect the drama for what it is & don't try to skip out the awards on them. I've been through a lot of SBS awards. One person that comes to mind that DOESN'T get the awards for their hard work is GHJ, for master sun & it's okay that's love. I hate it if the same thing happens to either actors for Doctors.

i don't know. Personally, I'm really upset w/ SBS. Hopefully at the end of the year for the award show, they can prove me wrong. Let's hope for the Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Couple & Daesang award.


Well said i totally agree with you i was suprised he didnt with last year. I couldnt say the reason why it was disappointed me specially when saw who was won those awards ..... 

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24 minutes ago, thao_2512 said:


Shinhye is my bias but I'm a fair person.

She has always been good but she never tried to push herself hard. This is only the beginning for me (counting after Heirs when she said she was ready) . She needs a real break-through as the role of her career to deserve that award. 

She has a long way to go. Winning the biggest award will not help her gaining the motivation to challenging herself more right now

And most people would think she doesn't deserve it which lead to more hate. She doesn't need anymore of that


Besides most young actors went through a big slump after winning a Daeksang as well (Besides KSH)... I don't want Shinhye to experience it yet... Maybe years later... 

Just my personal thought. You don't have to agree 

100% agree with what you said. Daesang is a big & hefty award - being able to win it gives the actors themselves much more pressure than they want. PSH is a gifted actress, we all know that. But she is still young and aiming towards a bigger dream - to always improve w/ each project. 

I wouldnt want her to win the Daesang either. its just not the time for the grand prize yet for her. One day, she will win it though. We all know that (:

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6 hours ago, jihyefighting said:

wahhh @liz-danielle what country are you from? i want the doctors dvd too.. i hope i can also go to Korea :tears:


7 hours ago, liz-danielle said:

I'm going to get it when I'm in Seoul this December. 


The DVD and Blu ray won't even get made if there aren't enough preorders. From what I read, blu ray is rare and costly to make for korean dramas so they will likely not make more to sell to retail, only for confirmed preorders.

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1 hour ago, CeejayA said:

I am watching punch but instead of concentrating on the eng sub i keep on admiring krw handsome face and his awesome acting. Even if there is no loveline or love interest in the drama, i can see that he has chemistry with his kim ah joong and the girl who played at his secretary which is both beautiful lady. :) 

He has chemistry with the secretary? 

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29 minutes ago, thao_2512 said:


Like I said I think it's either KRW or LYA, just depends on how LYA's drama will do. But to her it's more about her performance than how well her drama does

I don't see any other actor are winning it besides them right now (not LJK,LMH etc and JJH already won it), but we still don't know how the 2nd half dramas will do yet

It's not about privacy. Shinhye is super super private when it comes to personal life but it doesn't stop her as it's part of her job

Some people just don't like those ceremonies and why would he go if he know he isn't winning.

He went to Baeksang award last year remember? That's when he met Shinhye.

I believe he will go if he is winning :)


Let us hope that he will go this time, I want to see in this year's drama awards. 

10 minutes ago, ash011 said:

Who is LYA?


I think it is Lee young ae. 

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"Victory is motivation for following victories."(Doctors)

PSH lacked ambition and self-confidence.  I hope she their acquired after "Doctors".)
I think she deserves this award as much as he. Despite her age. Judging only by their works and talent.

I would be happy if he or she wins. (To be honest, for me - she is better). But ... I do not believe it would happen.

I do not want popularity awards.) This awards for the idols.

I'm glad that her next project - a feature film, not a drama.
I think her lawyer would be not only smart, but also charismatic, beautiful and sexy (first episodes of Doctors give such hope)

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8 minutes ago, nicasama said:


Let us hope that he will go this time, I want to see in this year's drama awards. 

I think it is Lee young ae. 


I feel like he will go. I believe he will too bc he will win some awards including the best couple with Shinhye :)

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1 hour ago, angelangie said:

we can see from the beginning that no one stood a chance and nothing could be in between the two

This is the entire reason for all those people falling for JH and HJ. Just to show that no matter what, they stick together. I just think it would've been possible to show in a different way. Sure, PSH and KRW are georgous and I like PSH just as much as the next guy (or fangirl). But this felt like high school all over again where the 2 most popular kids in the class are swooned over by the rest of the class.

I'll stop here though. I don't want to add negativity to this thread. I loved Doctors, I merely wished they had made some other choices. Eventhough they didn't, I still think it's a good drama :) 

1 hour ago, angelangie said:

i dont think YG feeling for SeeWoo came out of no where

He was always friendly with her, but it suddenly changed around episode 10 I think? I thought that was odd, like she needed someone to run to in the end so he needed to be there. And the best way would be to get him to fall in love.

1 hour ago, angelangie said:

lols here i thought u went missing ROFL :D

HELL NO! :D I just didn't have much time to respond or even watch episodes :( Seeing the incredible number of pages increasing more and more I was so sorry I couldn't be here more :'( Things have just been busy for me the last few weeks and I couldn't keep up with this thread. 

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hello! I am going to be writing a fanfic with my twist & everything w/ OTP JH & HJ! I hope you guys share this around & please tell me what you guys think about it!!! 



is is anyone able to do a poster for me? (: 

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2 hours ago, nonski said:


2 hours ago, nonski said:





Poke poke. Lol park shin hye sooo cute here! And  siberian husky looks distracted.... he must felt really tired. But tht naughty womenvenger! Hahaha!

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So I watched the final episodes. I'm so sad it's over :bawling:  but let me say a few words about doctors and what I liked and what I didn't like about it.

(P.S: this will be rather long)

first of all I'll talk about what I didn't like, after rewatching al the episodes in between waiting for new ones and finishing the whole drama today, I have to say that dragging the whole grandma story all the way till the end was a big mistake by the writer, especially when it is not a strong conflict point to drive a 20 episode drama since MH didn't purposely kill grandma and HJ wanted nothing more than a sincere apology and her revenge would be over, if the writer truly wanted that then the drama would've been better at 16 episodes, she should've come up with a better conflict. 

Another thing I wanted to see was HJ's journey to become a doctor, I wanted to see how she loved the profession, what made love the job beyond her grandma's wishes and her revenge , I wanted to see how she became such a capable doctor, it could've been done through short flashbacks shown throughout the episodes, but unfortunately I didn't get what I wanted ( just because I want it doesn't mean I'll get it right ?) 

One last thing I didn't like, there was this something about say 3 straight episodes, for example, we see HJ's father again after 13 years in episode 7, then in 8 and after that we don't hear see anything about him again until ep 13, I guess I should blame the live shoot system for that and the writer not finishing the script. Should I call it lack of continuity ? I don't know, but I found myself questioning where did that story go watching some episodes.

now let me get on the things I liked about the drama,  first of all the OST, the music makes a drama or breaks it for me, if the music sucks, then the scenes I want to relate to emotionally will fall flat for me, so I thank the musical director the singers  and all of those who worked to produce such beautiful music for doctors, I loved everything about it.

Number two should definitely be the heartfelt dialogues between the characters, the narration at every beginning of an episode and the end of it,  I love every word of it, and I repeated practically all of them because of how true and relatable they were, if I were disappointed in some aspects of the writing, then the dialogues is definitely NOT one of them.

Number three is all the characters, they were so awesome, even the hateful ones cause they actually exist,( I won't talk about HJ and JH, yet)  SW was not the typical second female lead who tried in every way to ruin the heroine's life and neither was YD trying to win her over in any way possible, the residents as well, whom I believed at beginning will only serve as comic relief or filler, but I've grown to like the little family and how they supported each other, the chemistry between the actors was awesome, whoever did the casting did a magnificent job indeed and s/he deserves an award for it. 

Now let me get on my favorite thing about this show, H.j and JH, I just never thought I would love this couple as much as I do now, their relationship was more that just beautiful, it was real, it was mature sweet and romantic in the way romance should be, the start of their relationship was indeed rocky and it was inappropriate to have a romantic relationship at that time, but I like JH's positive influence on HJ at that time, he made her believe there are good teachers ready to support their students, reaching their adult phase and during their relationship, I loved how supportive they were of each other, how forward and direct they were, they didn't let whatever problem they faced block their love, they talked about it, they wanted to understand each other, they knew there was more to a relationship than just cheesy talk, hugs and kisses, they reached that part in which nothing could possibly break them away cause they were willing to face it together, they were just SO REAL, and Now they are my favorite OTP. 

I want to say more but this post is taking way too long :sweatingbullets:  I'll say more later, hahahah, but to end this one, I hope more writers will write dramas with characters such as HJ and JH, a clever independent, strong willed female lead, and a nice, warm, wise male lead with a relationship such as theirs. Doctors was such a sweet, beautiful, heartwarming drama that will lift your spirits up whenever you feel down, and for that I am grateful, I'm glad it got such high ratings and love from its domestic audience from start till the end, and I hope we'll see PSH and KRW in another drama :) thank you to all the members of this Thread as well, you made doctors even more fun, now let's pray the cast will get the award they deserve ^_^ 


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5 hours ago, thao_2512 said:


Yes I barely see people promote the Dcuts here

If they don't have enough 1000 orders, they will not release more BTS and un-released scenes from Jihye and other cast. So please support it if you can. 

It will be very hard to share because of the copyright. They even didn't let DC post gif or any image from it last time with Pinocchio.

So you better have your own DVD 

How much is the DVD?  I want to buy it, someone can help me:wub:


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