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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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1 hour ago, andy78 said:

Thanks everybody for recap and  updates ...sorry i was not able to be part of the team today...as i said before my granny died today...i feel too sad ...i'll be back next week...hug you all!!!

my condolences to you and your family @andy78

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58 minutes ago, wink said:

Anyone think that the Doctor is the real killer, his very obsess with this comics...

hopefully not ( I like him as a comic relief of this confusing drama)


hhhhhhh he's not chingu!! don't worry!! :D

56 minutes ago, shynaz said:

Can we have look scene SB see Soo Hee. Where is he now?I just did not read him in tonight episode?


hee apeeared for few seeconds in a flahback of Seong Moo drawing the tablet in W world!!

he will faint if he sees her in front of him, out of happiness for sure this time!! :lol:

58 minutes ago, silentlydreaming1209 said:

The expense of saying those three words is his life?:bawling:


I'm just going to trust writer-nim on this one. But it will stay in my mind for long if my OTP doesn't get their rightful happy ending.




I liked LJS after watching IHYV. I almost became his avid fan. But something went wrong along the way. It has something to do with his drama DS.

The reason was because of the ending of that drama which disappointed me so much. I actually had a hard time moving on and it was hard for me to watch another drama for a while. Didn't even anticipate his next drama after that. I actually didn't anticipate this drama too.

But luckily I fell for his character here again and I like the OTP very much. The feels are back! Stronger this time! And OTP feels are stronger and on maximum level.

I really wish this drama doesn't disappoint this time. It will really scar in my heart for good.:cry:


he got tortured to near death in order to save her and now he got shot after telling her "I love you"!!! why all his love dclarations has to put him in near death situations?!! :heartbreak::bawling: 

I'm in the prayer circle!!! 

Lee Jong Seok got alot of praise over his acting in Doctor Stranger dispite how crazy the plot went!! you can say it was the saving grace of that drama!! :D and he was AWESOM in "Pinocchio" as well!! :wub: 

I'm glad you fell in love with his character here and with this drama!! and I'm sure we will have the happy ending we were waiting for and we will say goodbye to this masterpiece with our hearts full of love an satisfaction cherishing every econd of unforgettable journey we had through every episode and with our lovely and special OTP!! :heart: 


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btw first time watched it live and never do it again its so frustrating it keeps buffering till the end and it kinda late skip important event and everything. i will  just stay here for your live recap next week for the final episode.. yeah thanks in advance and thank u again all for the recaps today i live because of you guys.. W will be miss so bad and i right now i cant really imagine my wed-thurs without W 

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@sharreb Same sentiments, really disappointed that we won't get to see another kiss of Episode 7 again, that really raised my expectation of the OTP moments. I was hoping writer-nim could add in an ultra-sweet reunion kiss after what happened to them, but no kiss and not even a hug?! Is this normal??? And I thought the reborn KC is going to be better than the old KC :(  Love isn't just using words to express!! I watch the last few episodes with a heavy heart and now my heart sank even deeper :tears: 10 minutes is definitely not enough 

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@Ahpheng (my mind blank now. waiting to 1.45 am midnight to sneak up to watch Channel One Ep14,) before that , can i ask, have u ever consider, do cartoon strip on previews? the Previews has something very outstandingly and achingly beautiufl. His"Sarangheyo"  is the essence of what makes Happy Ending crucial in this drama much more than any other dramas. the Chul which was written so cool and charismatic by Dad OSM that will never say Sarangheyo to any women.. .. That Previews breaks my heart more than anything happends in Ep15. Chul who finally addresses his heart, come clean and open, no more using clever words to tease and poke fun at YJ, but directly give her what angst her all along
"He was gone after ONLY A DAY. He never even told me that he loves me, I did all the talks" (ep10)
but not much time left to savor that ...............................

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Just now, jeonghyang said:

@andy78 and @dhia205


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I simply giggled how YJ caressed KC's hand...





@jeonghyang i remembered reading dramabeans girlfriday saying, "there's so many things to like about this OTP" .. yes, this is one of them... i just adored how Yeonjoo, was never coy after knowing Chul knew everything. every moment with him, from saying why is there awkward for kissing to this caressed Chul's palm... i loved her frankness, not cease to express her feels, very candid with pampering Chul with all her loves, not just by words, even by touches... by touches i don't means just "my favourite topic" but little gesture like this. you can imagine how pleased that make Chul. how comforting to his grateful heart that YJ is alive. the skinship is so natural, you dont find some faking there, as if its spontanteous introduced by the two.

all these while , i kept thinking, how does chul past his days in prison for a year, thinkig about YJ, i guess he knew somewhat she should be alive, trusting Dad did his part. but a year is a damned 365 years or more... without wahtever soever news of her... i guess the thoughts of her might be alive is the only strength to pass the hard days behind bars while waiting for court hearings.

jeonghyang, hope all these ' touchy business', will finally make our Lee Jongsuk fall in love with Han Hyojoo, am hopelessly, uncontrollably, achingly shipping Jongjoo. am delulu, hoping that all the skinship will make Jongsuk missed Hyojoo, esp hoping for Option 4 moments, may jsut activate real feels between the 2 actors.

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@dhia205 Hope your brother will get well soon. Our prayer for him.

Just finished watch raw...AIGOOOOOOOO YAA.......

It seemed that all ending plans that SM and KC tried went down the drain. I don't know what to say what happened to SM. Poor him, dragged into W for a year and became fugitive as well. I would be like YJ too who refused to choose between KC and her father. Both of them have to be by her side no matter what. SM asked KC to leave him in W. KC didn't have a heart to do that. SM lives mean KC has to die, or if SM died KC would have happy ending. It became so complicated now since SM decided to use his face as the killer face.

YJ is our only hope now. Hope the cctv she drew would help KC, even KC got shot in ep 16, I hope YJ would save him. Since KC first inspired from YJ, I hope YJ would be the answer and the key to end W story. 

The words "I LOVE YOU" finally said out. Please don't make those words will be the last words YJ heard from KC. Both KC and YJ have waited long enough, esp KC who has waited for a year. Dear writer-nim you must repay them with a lot happy moment..

Our OTP today episode highlight I think would be:

- The  part when they met at the court. Their eyes met, YJ's teary eyes and KC relieve sigh and smile. Their conversation during on the court. " My wife that I haven't seen for a year..."  It made me happy and sad at  the same time

- The scenes when they are bickering in the car help us feel happy little bit. The " CALL ME OPPA " part was funny.

 The writer should make them kiss. For God sake..KC has not seen her for a year. He said he kept thinking about her while in prison,      wondering what happened to her. If she lived or not...or because may be she has met another guy ( it made me laugh) KC somehow feel  jealous too? Just feel something missing tho. Sigh.....with a kiss it would be perfect reunion after a year and do not mention it happened  after YJ just came alive again.

- Our OTP had dinner together for the first time. YJ made dinner for KC and her dad. They have conversation. Mood feel a little bit lighter after all the mess. " CALL ME OPPA" part again LOL

- And the part KC removed their ring..:fearful::bawling:....he didn't have any choice. If something bad happen to him, he wanted to make sure    YJ wouldn't be dragged too. Now SM, YJ and KC fate in W, what would happen to them now? Never cross my mind the writer would make  3 of them stuck in W.


Oh and the scene that was shown in preview ep 13 but didn't appear in ep 13,  when KC dropped off YJ at the hospital? It would be shown in ep 16 I guess? Meaning KC would be alive and come back to real world again?


And we don't have to worry about SH . She doesn't concern about KC anymore.

DY also knew the facts about 2 worlds and confimed it with YJ. 



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Oh I LOVE these two last episodes. Even though OTP were not together, there actions and expressions were enough. I do however wished he tells her "I Love You" face to face or when he took there rings off but then he would have felt reluctant to let her go just like in ep 8 where he sacrificed and wanted to hold her but couldn't. Oh the feels...I'm really going to MISS this drama. I better start drawing my 2nd world and hope I get drag into it. LOL! W has made me gone crazy!

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Oh my gosh

I think I know the what will happen for finale week.I can guess what YJ will do next.I think about after I want to sleep.Then suddenly Iwant to watch preview next finale.This is a reason I know what will happen.Please writer I hope my theory become true.Based my theory we will get the happy ending.:heart:

Oh my I make the theory in this drama.Thats happen when you study much of the drama:w00t:


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Happy Ending : YeonJoo whole drama revolving around the sole aim of her life: namely Kangchul's Happy ending. what is a Happy ending, and why should W need happy ending more than most of the dramas in recent 3 to 4 years?
Should say I am covetous for a happy ending that should include these followings :

#1. Chul realized his love genuine for YJ, that he loved YJ as much as YJ loved him. (Checked. His tears over her wounded scene proved that, and preview shown he expressed his 'i love you'. Nothing can make skeptics keep their silent forever better than this.)

#2. Chui said "I love you" to her . (already in the package, arrival soon.)

#3. Dad reconcile with Chul (checked. Fulfilled last 2 night volunteered by gracious Chul)

#4. Option 4 . They are already married, being married since ep7 till now, i don't want Chul or YJ to died a 'virgin' and the other a widow/widower without the materialized. (Yet still pending.)

#5. they fulfill all the tasks of sweet moments in the pages in the guru book, (pending)

#6. They have a real wedding and have real children that Chul can learn to fathered. (may not happen)

#7. Chul got back all his memories per-erasing by YJ, remembering YJ as before. (pending)

Bonus: they survived in real world, not the comics world, and they stayed as their own identities, not Chul come back as another person having Lee Jongsuk's face in YJ real world, but YJ stay as YJ, Chul stay as Chul.7. Chul become real person in real world.  and SoHee accept SoBong. and YJ's family including dad and mum completely accepted Chul. (pending)

the list always added on as we loved them and wanted so much more for them. I have Never seen a female Leads that start from ep 1 to the ending eps keeping mention about "happy ending" for the loved one she lived for and loved 'dying'. Never had the topic of 'happy ending' been desired and discussed and decipher so much in dramas. never has many characters in drama keep rotating and messing around this topic of "Happy Ending' from ep 1 to the last eps, from Chul to YJ to Dad, to SB even to Faceless, all are 'working' hard for their own version of Happy Ending for themselves, but only Chul and YJ want Happy Ending for each other and not themselves. (the taking off of ring is Chul proof of wanting happy ending for YJ and not himself.

Then I realized everything will worth nothing from #1 to #7, if Kang Chui has not known himself how much he loved YJ. i have witnessed dramas that have Main Male Lead not very straight forward and fervent about his affections for the female Lead, So much so, that fans after the Last ep still debating over how much the Male Lead love or does not love enough the Female leads. (up till yesterday, i still read some fans elsewhere doubting Chul's love for YJ, its kinda sad.)

here, if #1 doesn't happened, all the rest of #2 to #7 does not matters any more. If Kang chul himself is NOT sure and Clear about how much he loved YJ, and YJ does not feel how much KC loved her, and YJ loves Chul more than Chul loves her. then, everything is null and worthless, Even if a happy ending happen and they got married at credits ends, its meaningless. i would like to see this OTP, not having the Female Lead from beginning to end loved the Male lead more than he loved her. i need to see, both of them reciprocate to each other the same amount of affection they felt and receive from each others.

at least, by preview, we can see that happens. when Chul confessed his love of "Sarangheyo". so i will hold on to this faith to ep16 cometh. his love for YJ.

"i love you" has never ever take on such a sweet and meaningful, yet cruel takes, given in such heart breaking moment.

Sarangheyo, OTP.


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Oh i missed this forum so much ,finally I have time and wits enough to speak after such super fast action packed episode .

Like somebody alredy mentioned we do need a special episode called 'W for dummies ' well dumb people like me can actually have a chance of understanding the W story . :phew:

So much of drama in last three episode:sweatingbullets:

Writer Oh has gone crazy as he has got soul of a killer inside him .:crazy:

Poor Dr. Oh . Both her father and husband r vanishing ,she may loose both and she has to  somehow save both .Ouch

Kang Chull at last does say i love u to his wife but wait he is shot and about to die too.Stern Smile

Dr. Oh Yoon jo please save kang chull just like u have always saved him . Grab him hard and take him to your real world. Where u two can live as husband and wife  happily ever after.Day Dreaming

And yes Dear Dr. Oh please write  that abitious  Killer as new psyco killer in W town  and make him the hero and that Megistrate ,well make him Sherlock holmes who tries to catch the psyco killer. This way both will live and be busy with each other and our KC and YJ can do  No. 4 Romance forever and ever . ROFL

This way Writer Oh will be freed from killer soul ,then he can sit and play chess with his Son-In-Law Kang Chull who will be managing a billion doller empire which he built by investing Royelity money his Father-In -Law  earned after creating and selling W.Party

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