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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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14 minutes ago, tucituci said:

@sakura2016 i absolutely agree with you, most kdramas lengthened the story that actually made for 5 episodes drama, not 16, and put random scenes to just make interesting enough to watch. I rarely found deama that is packed everything completely in one episode and another till reach 16. IMO Misaeng are the only drama I knew thats so worth to watch every single episode. Thats why I prefer kmovies most of the time because of this.

and a lot of kdramas were so good at the beginning but terrible the further it reached the end, and started it with a lot of romcom but suddenly changed route as melodrama half of the episodes. Which i found kind of sucks.

W on the other hand, already started with several genres packed in one intro episode (ep 1) so audiences know what will be coming next episodes. Hopefully, W could stay just like right now or even better, and wont screw up when it reaches the end.

Anyway, despite my interest in LJS since IHYV, i can see what he means this drama could make his name bigger, he shines and develops his skill so much. Yet i havent see the moment where HHJ could do the same. Up until now, many scenes appreciated LJS a lot but not HHJ. Im really hoping there will be scenes or moments that makes it possible for HHJ to shine and develop too.

Thanks to you guys for your observations and theories, i enjoy reading them! 


I have many dramas that I REALLY LOVED EVERY EPISODE OF but yes there is many that it loses itself in the middle of the rode which is sad and frustrating!! but still this drama is unique in every aspect and I love that and hope it will relmain this way till the very last moment of it!! :D

yes!! I saw how great he is in his other dramas but this one is a new level!! Kang Cheol is really interesting character full of layers and depth and he can sweet, caring, loving, gentile, cool, charming, playful but he can be furious, dangerous and even terrifying!! so basicly he can have every kind of emotion and aura plus his life is full of pain and hardships that makes his emotions more conflicted and interesting and raw and Lee Jong Seok portrayed every trait of him AWESOMLY!! 

I think that Han Hyo Joo made a great job portraying Yeon Joo!! she could have went overboard with her fangirling but she made it perfectly!! she was us!! how we would react if we were in her place!! still I wanted more from her in the last couple episodes, maybe because I was dying and crying my eyes out and wanted to feel that she's as affected us me!! :P anyway I'm loving her and enjoying her portrayal of Yeon Joo and we still have a long road ahead of us and she will shine for sure!! and she's our hero's savior is there anything better than that?!! :D 

30 minutes ago, sharreb said:

:heart: The key to your life :heart:

Regardless of what happened btwn u n her dad

Is desperately thking to save you

As long as you live it didnt matter if shes in prison

In Oh Yeon Joo you find your fan of 7 years, your saviour, your cheerleader, your champion. Your key has become your essence to live, because YOU matter to her

So your 99 misfortunes balance out with 1 Oh Yeon Joo :blush:


LOVE YOUR POST!!! :heart: 

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37 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

I tried to find the one that he feels hurt when he kicks when learning...  and this one I found,


I made an even better one... you can clearly see the point where he winces after the second kick ... bet they had fun shooting that :D 


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14 minutes ago, kazu-id said:

Hello....im a fan of w drama but a silent reader to this forum...allow me to join this ship please.....i cant control myself from talking about it and has no one to talk to  :D 

welcomeee welcome :D im the same dont have anyone to talk to about this drama so this is the perfect place! I can even write in 4am and no one judge me lol :wub: 

ps i  hope writer will tell or show us what is the reason there is always rain when yj goes manhwa world or when kc feels sad or lost?? *.*

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Hi all, this is my first time posting after lurking for years. First of all, you guys totally rock. I think I'm enjoying the fangirling and squeeing along with you as much as I'm enjoying the drama.

Anyway, I just had to address this issue I'm seeing popping up in other discussions and see what other people think about it. It's about this judging of YJ for wanting to save KC even after he shot her (apparently, it's the intent behind the shooting and not the act itself) and shot her father. Some people think the writer is taking the viewers as fools by not making KC HAVE to come back in a way that doesn't involve YJ's feelings for him. I think I read somewhere that making it so KC is the only one who can deal with the hooded killer would have been better than YJ bringing him back because of her feelings for him.

Let me separate the issues:

First, the issue is that KC's shooting of YJ required that YJ not develop or have feelings for KC at all. Apparently, even if he knew she wouldn't be hurt, KC intended to shoot her and therefore he must pay for that in some way. I personally don't have much of an issue with this. Yeah, he was a richard simmons. He had knowledge she didn't. He had no reason to believe she didn't have the same info but it was really mean to shoot a person like that regardless of the intent. I agree. However, he sincerely apologized. If she had any reservations, she had the opportunity to say so. I don't think the writer intended for this to be some life-altering event and it reflects in how easily YJ shrug it off.

Secondly, KC's shooting of SM meant that any feelings YJ had for him would be supposedly outweighed by her feelings for her father. To this, I wonder if people believe you have to have only one kind of feelings for any one person at any one time. Like, is it impossible to be conflicted about how you feel for a person? More than half of episode 6 was YJ being conflicted about wanting KC alive. When she was talking to the manhwa staff about it only being a comic, to me it felt like she was trying pretty hard to convince herself. It wasn't until she had that talk with her dad that it seems like she made peace with her feelings. And even then, if she hadn't been pulled underwater which impressed upon her the fact that KC was still in dire straits, I believe she would have tried to forget about things and move on with her life. I wonder if those who have this issue realize that to YJ, KC's a real human being and the thought that anyone, especially KC, would be stuck in a moment forever believing themselves to be a murderer would be unbearable to her.

I'm really  interested in finding out other people's take on YJ's willingness to save KC even after he shot her father.

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"Tell me, even if it’s a lie
That I just need to wait a little more
That when today passes and tomorrow comes
That you’ll come back to me"


cut lyric from Park Boram ost, I just can't handle my emotions everytime I re watch the scene where YJ standing alone in the kitchen after talking with daddy Oh and scene where KC confront daddy Oh.

Even some people think this week episode is boring for me NOT AT ALL, the longest conversation between KC and daddy Oh, then between YJ and daddy Oh, captured all my attention at the whole episode. A lot is reveal from the conversations it self, the emotion of KC that think how unfair the world is to him, while he struggle to has his justice in contrary someone (daddy Oh) has control of his life, doing fate of his life but didn't even shake when he ask him to reveal a good fate for him, KC in  a lot of pain at that time. Even daddy Oh the one that got the gun shot, but the shooter (KC) was the one who hurt the most.

YJ said "Isn't all the fairy tale always end with sentence live happily ever after?", she question her dad on how cruel the things happen to KC as now she think KC is real and she keep lying to herself saying he is only manhwa, but deep in her heart KC is real. 

"Tell me, even if it’s a lie
That I just need to wait a little more"

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This episode was so heartbreaking with so many layers of emotions....once again I was captivated by W and before I knew it, the episode had ended....and now that I'm going on vacation, I'll have to wait 2 weeks until I can watch it again!  UGH~~~:bawling:  Hope it continues to be as awesome as it has been.....W fighting!!  Thank you to everyone for all your posts and love for W!  See you in 2 weeks!  



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1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

even OSM is still in his flight to NZ. Will he return soon or the story will make him stay there a bit longer.


What if daddy Oh actually never leave to NZ, he found out about the changes in his manhwa at the airport and decide to comeback without YJ know it. 

As the last conversation between him and YJ he must aware that his daughter has "feeling" to KC, even he said KC is manhwa and YJ is real, but he also can not denied that something is weird and how KC can be seen so real. 

The biggest problem is the black mask man. Daddy Oh must able to find out the truth about this mysterius man or machine or whatever I don't know how to call that black creature again. He/it can dissapear like YJ, but he lives in W world, somehow I saw his body is a monitor (????). 

This is bad, I need to calm myself and re thinking about how absurd this drama is but yet so addicted... nothing is make sense...nothing is explanable with our logic...this is screwed....and I'm keep chattering nonsense...even my boyfriend said I'm out of my mind just then by keep talking what if this..what if that...how can this be....this is crazy...



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Did anyone has the same thought as me - 

The Doc Professor .... I have a not so good feeling that he has got something to do with the whole thing ... 

Why did he suddenly arrange a blind date for YJ ...

The way YJ behave around him showed that their relationship is not close at all (of course he tried to get close to her after knowing she's SM's daughter) .... it's like he is doing some kind of 'experiment' throwing YJ into the blind date situation ....

:D  .... hee .. I don't make sense huh!! ..


Anyway another DAEBAK episode - now that we know SM is not going to kill KC and it was someone else and now it's not between SM and KC anymore (I hope SM didn't secretly continue drawing/writing W from his vacation location)  .. so I can now rest assure that YJ is not some ungrateful child that she considered a manhwa character over her dad ... (now that I know KC does not really mean to kill SM - just to scare him and for once let him see what's it felt being on the other side of the gun, the side that receiving the bullet).

For those that are angry with SM for trying to kill a manhwa character ..

Just put yourself in his shoes (though it doesn't fit your feet), What would you do if a character you drawn come to life and your daughter may get sucked in a cartoon world and there is a possibility she would be stuck forever in that world ... rotting in jail .. and mean while on the other side of the world people are 'enjoying' her suffers ... ironic isn't it? ... Sad? You bet!! ... to him KC is a ghost ... to me too (if it really happen and I am not watching some Kdrama) ... Do you want to be stuck in a webtoon world? ... where you have very little (almost none at all) control over your actions? no matter how good looking sasuke and no matter how much I LOVE HIM ... I would never ever want to live in naruto's world ... where there is nothing to life except to fight ...  so I guess YJ's love for KC is more than my love for Sasuke !! ...


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5 minutes ago, millie10468 said:

I'm really  interested in finding out other people's take on YJ's willingness to save KC even after he shot her father.


Well if her father hadn't forgiven him, then I think she would have struggled more. As it is, the father after much self reflection, said how good a marksman Kang Cheul was yet he missed the vital area of his heart ... I'm paraphrasing but you get the idea. He realised that Kang Cheul didn't mean to kill him and said as much to Yoon Joo. He also said that as his creator he knew Kang Cheul best - that Kang Cheul is not a cold hearted killer nor would he have murdered someone in cold blood. 

I think also, after Yoon Joo having heard most of the conversation between the two she would have realised that her father was not without fault either in this entanglement. If she hadn't had heard that he stabbed him and repeatedly tried to kill him, that he thought of him as just a Manwha character, even after going through to his side and seeing him bleeding, then she wouldn't have been at all willing to save Kang Cheul but rather have left him to his fate. 

I think they gave the characters enough time to process and reflect on what they had learned. If they had tried to have her save him as well as watch her father undergo surgery it would have been a bit much. In that situation and at that time she would have chosen her father and rightly so. But now with her father recovered and gone to pastures new she can do what she wants and that just so happens to be saving Kang Cheul to all our delight.ahaaah-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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42 minutes ago, kazu-id said:

Hello....im a fan of w drama but a silent reader to this forum...allow me to join this ship please.....i cant control myself from talking about it and has no one to talk to  :D 


my dear chingu from the shippers paradise page..great to see you.this is my other hang out place if im not in our Samsam world.welcome! :)

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