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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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12 minutes ago, bubblegumpops said:

What if..just what if it's his best friend/bodyguard that is trying to kill him? I mean, why would he give up his championship (i think i read this somewhere) and be KC's bodyguard? Also, if he is his bodyguard, why was he not beside KC during the first ep on the roof?


don't say those words!! I'll be devastated if that end up true!! when I saw the preview and saw how the hooded man is good at martial arts the idea popped in my head but I don't want to believe it!! and yes Kang Cheol's bodyguard that he calls him "hyung" (big brother) gave up his Korea's best athlete title to become Kang Cheo's bodygurad, and I would love to know what made him do that since it's a huge thing to do but I want to believe that it's because Kang Cheol is like a brother to him not to be by his side to keep an eye on him and end him when he finds a good chance!! don't crush my and Kang Cheol's heart writer-nim!! Pleaaaaase!!

21 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:


W - Kang Chul ~ is only human~


thank you for the video!! :D

watching the video made me feel so sad for Kang Cheol knowing that he'll be crushed when he'll realise that he's a manhwa's main lead and all his life was only written by a writer!! :tears:

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14 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


you're right!! and did I say before that I LOVED it whenever he said that he can trust her only by his instinct?!! seriously I love his instinct!! :D can you not love a man who doesn't need you to make anything to win his trust though your super suspeecious and give it to you only becaue he see it in you?!!

yes!! it's obvious he has questions about his life for him to look for the reaon for his existance!! and everything happening latly rised more questions and suspecions but about the truck of doom, the way I saw it is that the glas was blacked that he can't see who's driving, and there is that kind of glass for cars,  but it's super suspecious for trucks for sure!! the foundation for him to believe Yeon Joo's unbelievable words is building inside him!!

Hmm, you could be right. But it just feels to me that Sung Moo was in such a disparate hurry to kill off KC this time that he dropped off all the little details like number plates and the driver. Just like SM said, he is the God in W and can control and dictate the rules (at least he was at first) so even without the driver the truck would be still speeding on the road because that's what the author wants. And KC was able to see it this time because he starts to suspect. It funny that Sung Moo keeps telling he will kill KC in the last chapter because normally if the main character dies there are still up to 1-2 chapters to tie up all loose ends in the story but SM doesn't care about that his only gaol is to kill KC and prevent collision of two worlds.

13 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

we still don't know for sure but this talent would be really meaningful and come in handy in the story!!

yes I believe he'll be helpful but I think it would be more in the spoilers departement since he can't really decide for the background of the story without her father's approval!!

I'm actually wating to see his reaction when he'll see Kang Cheol face to face!! I'm sure that would be super funny and memoriable moment!! :lol:

Yes, it's early to be sure in anything but I believe at some point Soo Bong will have to take drawing matters in his hands. I'm not telling he would draw characters but the background things to help the characters in the story, maybe ;)


11 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

I really missed reading your posts!! (I'm ilchul from KMHM thread) :D 

you're right!! dispite Kang Cheol turning into this super successful young man who is love by the entire nation (but for his ennemies) he still didn't heal from the pain of being looked at as a murderer for his parents death and no one trusted him even though there was no clear evidence against him but here while he'll be giving Yeon Joo a reason to doubt him and fear him she will still believe in him and will show him how much she trusts him and knows him!! awwww he really needs to feel that trust specially from someone stranger for him!! it speaks more volume!!

I thought like that whe I aw the scene's stills but from the preview we can see that he nealed to kiss her while he was already holding the gun so it's not really to take it from her!!

that scene is really confuing, we have him wearing the blue jacket while he's reloading the gun and aiming it at her, then we see the kiss wearing only the black t-hirt, then we have him aiming at her again only wearing the black t-shirt and then we see him standing infront of his mirror looking at the gunshot trace on it!! I can't really understand how the scene got folded!! did he kiss her after the gunshot? after it? my head is spinning!! :blink:

I really don't know about that, it can be but still Yeon Joo entered the webtoon drama twice while Kang Cheol was in death threatening situation so she'll end up at some point in danger as well!! I really hope there is another trigger for both of them to transport to each other's worlds other than him being in danger!! my heart can't handle it!! :tears:

hhhhhhhhhhh yes right!! :lol: I hope so!!

we can trust that!! :D

Is it really you, chingu?!  I'm very happy to see more familiar faces from KMHM times. Feeling nostalgic now.
Yup, the first two times YJ was transfered to W when KC was in danger but I remember SB telling her in the preview that there should be some other rules/conditions for her to travel to W. And I think we will find out new ways in the upcoming episodes. In KC's case it's more tricky. The first time he travels is when he jumps off the bridge i believe. So maybe if his life is in danger he also would be able to travel worlds? (like in the fist episode he caught YJ's jacket and pulled her into W). Anyway that suicide bridge is sure very significant, everything started there. 

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I've read some of the theories everyone has been coming up with; it's exciting to know that there is such a lore behind this story that is just waiting to be explored. I often find this depth missing in other dramas that makes difficult for me to get into them. 

Just with the current characters that has been introduced, here's more two cents (or like $20 worth length XD).

The two worlds - I think it's safe to assume that Kang Chul's world is the fictional one, given that it is the one with the chyron that keeps popping up. I wonder who is the driving force behind the story though. I suggest the following possibilities with the assumption that the antagonist has already been introduced. 

  • SM - he can influence it certainly, but at the moment he seems to lack control over the direction of the story (and he alludes that this has been happening since KC's suicide attempt at the bridge). Does this also mean that the fact that KC is at the state that he is now (successful CEO, more importantly alive) is not a result of SM, but rather inspite of SM's efforts to kill him. If so, this further alludes KC strength. 
  • YJ - her mother mentioned that at one point, there might have been a possibility of YJ becoming a manhwa artist. We still don't know what the rules are for the travelling between of these two worlds, but we do know that time is not linear or parallel. Hence it might very well be the case that someone (whether it is SM, YJ, or even SB (SM's assistant) that is currently doing something in the background. 
  • KC - same reason as above. He's clearly starting to gain agency. I believe (and I apologise that I forgot who mentioned this particular theory) that he might have roots in the real world, which explains why he is able to manipulate things in the fiction world. And since he seems like a genius in pretty much everything (his CEO status can't have popped out of nowhere), I'm sure drawing himself (especially with his precision) isn't something that would be too difficult for him. 
  • SB - I'm sure someone's mentioned it already, but the picture that SM has of Saturn devouring his son might be some sort of clue. According to Greek myth, Cronus (Saturn) is afraid of being overthrown by his children. This could reference three people so far - SB (his disciple), YJ (his actual child) and KC (his creation). At the moment YJ and KC is pretty much clueless as too why things are happening the way they are, but perhaps SB is actually aware but hiding his knowledge, operating in the backgrounds in order to one day surpass his master?  
  • That and according to the myth, eventually Cronus had to vomit all his children back out, so perhaps by the end of the drama KC will come to live in the real world. 
  • The guy in the hood (that keeps trying to kill KC) - like many of you mentioned, judging from the preview, I doubt he's SM. We know that SM can suggest for things to happen (evident with the potassium poisoning + nurse, also big truck). Motivation for murder aside, but these people clearly have a puppeteer controlling their movements. Judging from the build though, it seems like it could be KC, or even the bodyguard(whose name evades me). 
  • Bodyguard - because he's jealous of KC's relationship with YSH? (according to the character description). 


Sorry for the wall of text XD. But I can't sleep with all these ideas in my head XD. 

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29 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

not sure if someone else here thought of this as well & i missed it , but What if the dad created  2 Kang Chul 1 bad (the hoodie guy ) 1 Good :D 

well it's not impossible... But I kinda dont like the idea of two Kang Chul...kekekeke... Doppelganger is a no no for me... I think the hoodie guy is a different person... 

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24 minutes ago, bubblegumpops said:

What if..just what if it's his best friend/bodyguard that is trying to kill him? I mean, why would he give up his championship (i think i read this somewhere) and be KC's bodyguard? Also, if he is his bodyguard, why was he not beside KC during the first ep on the roof?

I thought so too, but we can't neglect the fact that hooded man uses gun too. That's a trait associated only to KC, unless... hooded man turns out to be Ivan Asimov! (His competitor in the 2004 Olympic game) 

  1. Killing method - checked
  2. Motive - checked 




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9 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

not sure if someone else here thought of this as well & i missed it , but What if the dad created  2 Kang Chul 1 bad (the hoodie guy ) 1 Good :D 


I don't think we'll go there but if that's true shouldn't he know that the monster is the hooded man not Kang Chol?!!

17 minutes ago, moomooz said:

LJS is so tall!!! His legs omggg ;) 

my type ;) 

cr to owner.

its getting unbearable by knowing that I still have two more days in order to watch ep 3.. Save me :( 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's a good thing that there is super high heels for actresses to wear so they can be able to be close to him and not feel too short beside him!! :lol:

ah the wait!! :blink:


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An interesting detail, when YJ traveled to W the first time after she returned there was nothing out of ordinary in her appearance. All the blood stains were gone as well. She remained as if nothing happened. But when she returned the second time the clothes and cell phone were with her. Could this mean the more YJ affects W world the more W can affect her in return? What I'm leading to if she is hurt in manhwa would her injuries remain in the real world? 
The same goes for her Dad.

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3 minutes ago, juju84 said:

An interesting detail, when YJ traveled to W the first time after she returned there was nothing out of ordinary in her appearance. All the blood stains were gone as well. She remained as if nothing happened. But when she returned the second time the clothes and cell phone were with her. Could this mean the more YJ affects W world the more W can affect her in return? What I'm leading to if she is hurt in manhwa would her injuries remain in the real world? 
The same goes for her Dad.

Actually there's are some gaps.. 

First episode whereby she saved KC, her clothes were stained with blood but when she went back, no blood on her hands and clothes. On the other hand, the second episode whereby YJ changed her outfit into the black dress, she went back to the real world with the clothes. By right, she should be wearing the old clothes.... 


abit regret why didn't I choose my career in the media industry ;) 

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17 minutes ago, uknowahah said:

I thought so too, but we can't neglect the fact that hooded man uses gun too. That's a trait associated only to KC, unless... hooded man turns out to be Ivan Asimov! (His competitor in the 2004 Olympic game) 

I laughed when I imagined Ivan as the antagonist of this entire drama.That would be a pretty plot twist XD

I think the gun is supposed to frame KC and mislead viewers into thinking it's him. Afterall, KC's gun was used by the hooded guy to kill his family. Unless KC really is the culprit  that killed his own family (which I hope not, because that would be a terrible revelation and I think many of us would be crushed). From what I can tell from the scenes, all bullets seemed to have been shot point blank. You shouldn't need any particular skill for that and anyone should be able to do it. 

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7 minutes ago, suissou said:

I laughed when I imagined Ivan as the antagonist of this entire drama.That would be a pretty plot twist XD

I think the gun is supposed to frame KC and mislead viewers into thinking it's him. Afterall, KC's gun was used by the hooded guy to kill his family. Unless KC really is the culprit  that killed his own family (which I hope not, because that would be a terrible revelation and I think many of us would be crushed). From what I can tell from the scenes, all bullets seemed to have been shot point blank. You shouldn't need any particular skill for that and anyone should be able to do it. 


However, in the episode 3 preview, hooded man is seen to be using a pistol with a suppressor. I'm pretty sure he is someone who's proficient in using small arms.

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My 2cent abt YJ is KC's key, or YJ impact KC's world 


Q: Why KC said OYJ is “key” of his life.
Theory: Is a person who has created Kang Cheol not a person who created Kang Cheol. In another word, is Oh Sung Moo not Kang Cheol’s father? Who is the real Kang Cheol’s creator?  


In the character description, we all knew OYJ’s drawing skill was discovered by her mom. Her mother was afraid that her daughter would walk the same path as her husband - a comic artist who hasn’t have a penny for living. My question is, how did a mother find out her drawing skill? What did she draw at that time? Was it a little boy that later turned out to be Kang Cheol? Was Kang Cheol character was really created by OYJ? Was her draw so lively to the point her mother freaked out and forced her into Med school?

Since OYJ live separately with mom, I believe a sketch of Kang Cheol was still in her old house (which is her father studio later on). Her father accidentally saw her sketch and right away became an inspiration for his successful manhwa W. He himself literally created and controlled a whole Kang Cheol world, even a lil thing. Their bonding seems so close for past years. However there is a hidden slack btw them. Why? Bcause OSM is not a real “biological” but a “foster” father. He created everything in W (Kang Cheol’s world) but not initially created Kang Cheol character himself. Bcus they are not true father-son relationship, the more time they spend time tgther, the huge hidden gap formed. It is too loose to the level that Kang Cheol started to realize several of strange events have happened to him and shockingly, he even got to know he could change/control his fate. 

If OYJ is really his key, ofc their connection slowly got stronger. In my POV, his key = OYJ = bcus she is the one who created Kang Cheol = she is the one who “opened” Kang Cheol’s world = the door btw 2 worlds. It could be an answer why Yeon Ju’s capability to save KC every time her father wanted to kill him. It could answer the reason why either KC could teleport OYJ or OYJ could go back n forth different dimensions. And since KC knows OYJ is his key, their connection combine as one, as a result of later he allows to travels to OYJ world.  

Im really looking fw to see what ll happen in eps next week. Whether my theory is true, I still remember in the teaser which both KC and OYJ standing face-2-face, KC alone cant go to OYJ side, but with OYJ help together they can break through the wall.


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3 hours ago, shin.u said:

My 2cent abt YJ is KC's key, or YJ impact KC's world 


Q: Why KC said OYJ is “key” of his life.
Theory: Is a person who has created Kang Cheol not a person who created Kang Cheol. In another word, is Oh Sung Moo not Kang Cheol’s father? Who is the real Kang Cheol’s creator?  


In the character description, we all knew OYJ’s drawing skill was discovered by her mom. Her mother was afraid that her daughter would walk the same path as her husband - a comic artist who hasn’t have a penny for living. My question is, how did a mother find out her drawing skill? What did she draw at that time? Was it a little boy that later turned out to be Kang Cheol? Was Kang Cheol character was really created by OYJ? Was her draw so lively to the point her mother freaked out and forced her into Med school?

Since OYJ live separately with mom, I believe a sketch of Kang Cheol was still in her old house (which is her father studio later on). Her father accidentally saw her sketch and right away became an inspiration for his successful manhwa W. He himself literally created and controlled a whole Kang Cheol world, even a lil thing. Their bonding seems so close for past years. However there is a hidden slack btw them. Why? Bcause OSM is not a real “biological” but a “foster” father. He created everything in W (Kang Cheol’s world) but not initially created Kang Cheol character himself. Bcus they are not true father-son relationship, the more time they spend time tgther, the huge hidden gap formed. It is too loose to the level that Kang Cheol started to realize several of strange events have happened to him and shockingly, he even got to know he could change/control his fate. 

If OYJ is really his key, ofc their connection slowly got stronger. In my POV, his key = OYJ = bcus she is the one who created Kang Cheol = she is the one who “opened” Kang Cheol’s world = the door btw 2 worlds. It could be an answer why Yeon Ju’s capability to save KC every time her father wanted to kill him. It could answer the reason why either KC could teleport OYJ or OYJ could go back n forth different dimensions. And since KC knows OYJ is his key, their connection combine as one, as a result of later he allows to travels to OYJ world.  

Im really looking fw to see what ll happen in eps next week. Whether my theory is true, I still remember in the teaser which both KC and OYJ standing face-2-face, KC alone cant go to OYJ side, but with OYJ help together they can break through the wall.



i love your explanation.might be true since based on wiki there is two actors who played as child yeon joo and young yeon joo.

park min ha

maybe showing her drawing and creating kang chul              scene


hyeon seung min

maybe she save kang chul on the bridge                scene


there must be a lot of flash back.


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5 minutes ago, uknowahah said:


However, in the episode 3 preview, hooded man is seen to be using a pistol with a suppressor. I'm pretty sure he is someone who's proficient in using small arms.

I'm not that knowledgeable about firearms, but if having a suppressor is an indication of skill, then who could be skilled enough to shoot aside from KC? What about KC's bodyguard. I've read that he's an athlete but I don't recall the character description saying what kind of athlete he is. Or perhaps he learnt it from KC? 

Gut feeling tells me that at the very least, SM is not the major antagonist. Despite his eccentricities, I can tell that he genuinely loves YJ and wants her safe. He wouldn't do anything to purposely harm her, not when she is in KC's world at least. 

6 minutes ago, shin.u said:

My question is, how did a mother find out her drawing skill? What did she draw at that time? Was it a little boy that later turned out to be Kang Cheol? Was Kang Cheol character was really created by OYJ? Was her draw so lively to the point her mother freaked out and forced her into Med school?

I still remember in the teaser which both KC and OYJ standing face-2-face, KC alone cant go to OYJ side, but with OYJ help together they can break through the wall.

Oh I love this idea. And you have explained the theory masterfully.

I remember seeing in the trailer that KC does eventually end up in the real world though. If he is indeed a creation of YJ, then this leads to the question as to how he is to survive in the real world and what makes him special for him to do so.

Episode 3 feels so far away.

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1 hour ago, MarieJose said:

can someone translate this please ,, i think it's about the third episode of W i found it in their website 

나는 그럴 수도 있는 사람입니다.


연주의 말을 믿기 시작한 수봉은 웹툰 속으로 들어가는 원칙이 있을 거라고 얘기하 는데,그 순간 의식을 읽고 웹툰 속으로 소환된 연주! 강철은 돌아온 연주를 자신의 펜트하우스로 데려와 못다한 질문들을 하지만 원하는 답을 듣지 못하는데...



take this translation with alot of of salt!! (sorry I'm not good in korean, I only understand a little)

episode 3 witten preview: "I am a person who is capable of that/who can do that!!" (Kang Cheol's ligne to Yeon Joo while aiming the gun on her)

Soo Bong began to believe Yeon Joo's words and they started talking about the principles of entring the webtoon world, reading the webtoon where Yon Joo was sommoned (or Yeon Joo got sommened back to the webtoo world while reading it)! Kang Cheol brought Yeon Joo to his painthouse, however hear the answers he wants for his questions!!

I'm really sorry for all the mistakes in advance!! :) 

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Ahhh, the shooting scene is stuck in my mind. And since we can only guess and need something to kill time before the actual episode i decided to share my *scenario* for it with you guys. Lol feel free to skip it. I'm just being silly here.:P

Here goes nothing:

When YJ's confession and striptease doesn't seem to work as a suitable ending for the chapter she takes the gun and points at KC. 
KC takes it away from YJ's hands aiming at her instead and demands answers from her. 

When YJ says she believes KC would not shoot he kisses her: 1) because he wants to (YJ's words affected him); 2) because he doesn't like to be played with (she stole a kiss from him so he feels like returning the favor); 3) to test her theory about going back. The reason for the kiss could be either of the three or all of them combined. 

Anyway, while YJ stands there dazed from the sudden kiss. KC turns his back to her, puts on his jacket and loads the gun aiming at her again. And this time he shoots with the words: *I am someone who can do that*, shoots at the mirror behind her. He shoots to make a point that YJ shouldn't be so trusting and that she should not trust him (because he is not sure if he can trust himself).

Also this accident serves as the ending and sends YJ back leaving KC surprised and a bit upset that they parted ways in such a manner. After all he can't be sure if YJ returns or what she would feel if/when she does.

So what do you think guys? Am I good, haha? :D

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The pictures that mabelialong made me think something random. There are a lot of dramas in which the female characters just can't seem to put on their own seat belts and the male characters would always lean over to help them clip it on. Although heck if I had Lee Jong Suk in the driver seat I'd leave my seat belt off too just so that he can lean over and clip it on for me XD. 

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1 hour ago, MarieJose said:

can someone translate this please ,, i think it's about the third episode of W i found it in their website 

나는 그럴 수도 있는 사람입니다.


연주의 말을 믿기 시작한 수봉은 웹툰 속으로 들어가는 원칙이 있을 거라고 얘기하 는데,그 순간 의식을 읽고 웹툰 속으로 소환된 연주! 강철은 돌아온 연주를 자신의 펜트하우스로 데려와 못다한 질문들을 하지만 원하는 답을 듣지 못하는데...


I try my best to translate... ^_^

But rough translation though...


Episode 3

I am that kind of person.

Although Soo Bong is starting to believe what Yeon Joo has said about her going into the webtoon world, she fainted and returned to the webtoon world at that moment! Kang Chul brought Yeon Joo back into his penthouse but could not get any answer he wanted from her...

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