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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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1 hour ago, jeonghyang said:

@nonski noona


- EPISODE 15 -

Sorry i can't join, my connection would not permit me too :(

Thanks everyone for joining our live blogging team tonight!

@Rania Zeid @drmjs @andy78 @kasjady @ilwoo_aein @sharreb @little bunny @pinpxx @wackeemarie @dhia205 @Yippeuni @snowy21

and of course to my dear dongsaeng @jeonghyang


chingu @ilwoo_aein i like sukkie's pic on your siggy!

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7 minutes ago, andy78 said:

Thanks everybody for recap and  updates ...sorry i was not able to be part of the team today...as i said before my granny died today...i feel too sad ...i'll be back next week...hug you all!!!

 My deepest condolence to you and your family chinggu!

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6 minutes ago, andy78 said:

Thanks everybody for recap and  updates ...sorry i was not able to be part of the team today...as i said before my granny died today...i feel too sad ...i'll be back next week...hug you all!!!

Thank you all recapper,screencapper and linker,translator........you are jjang

@andy78 We are truly sorry to hear of the loss of your granny. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you and hasten the journey of her soul to Heaven. May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. 

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5 minutes ago, andy78 said:

Thanks everybody for recap and  updates ...sorry i was not able to be part of the team today...as i said before my granny died today...i feel too sad ...i'll be back next week...hug you all!!!


My condolences, and not to worry no need to apologise. My grandmother passed away 2 months ago and it was heart breaking. So take your time, and we'll see you next week :) 

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dunno what to say, is it enough to squeeze some romantic scenes in next episode. Its gonna feel rush, but at least kangchul is able to say "saranghae". if they able to extend the drama just for romance alone, it's gonna be perfect

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preview translation (my version)

Yeonjoo: Both you and dad have to be in my side. Don’t you dare to imagine other things

Kang chul: I love you

Congress Han: While waiting for you, I heard something interesting (?) About 2 worlds

Congress Han: This world (?) will end if you die

Yeonjoo: I believe we can do it together



@andy78 deep condolences for you and your family.. 

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1 minute ago, Carin UM said:

Thank you all recapper,screencapper and linker,translator........you are jjang

@andy78 We are truly sorry to hear of the loss of your granny. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you and hasten the journey of her soul to Heaven. May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. 

Annyeong @andy78 mian to hear about your granny. Condolences to you and family. Himnae dongseng!

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Thank you for all recappers! 

I'm kinda disappointed that 3 episodes was wasted to kill one another... How I wish we could go back to the past and fill this 3 episodes with sweetness again.. 

Time is so short to clean up everything in one episode :( 

is it so hard to get a simple date in drama ? :(:(:( 

cr to owner 

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and I couldn't even see the preview!! it was lagging too much that I couldn't see anything!! :bawling: 

...calm down, calm down, everything will be ok, Kang Cheol and Yeon Joo will have there happy ending.... BUT HOW CAN I WAIT TILL NEXT WEDNESDAY?!!!!! :scream::bawling: 

and what does it mean Kang Cheol and Seong Moo's happy ending can't be the same?!!! Why?!! can't we find a way to get him back to his old self?!!! HOW IS YEON JOO SUPPOSED TO CHOSE!!! DON'T DO THAT!! :bawling: 

that was really sad!! seeing Seong Moo asking Kang Cheol to leave him behind and have his happy ending with Yeon Joo!! :bawling::bawling::bawling: AND I WANT SUBTITLES NOWWWWWWWW!!! WHAT DID KANG CHEOL TELL YEON JOO?!!! I know he's right in giving her the freedom and choice to make her own happy ending but I don't want to see them separated again!!! and how is she supposd to chose?!!! WHAT KIND OF SUCKING SITUATION IS THIS?!!! :bawling: 


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KES's acting in this episode is really good. I love how he is be able to show the father role and then, next second, he's that freaking murderer.

Today's episode is surely sad. I cried so hard especially at the OYJ and OSM scene. It's sad that the daughter has to see her father ends up with that kind of situation.

As well as the taking ring off scene, OYJ asking 'why do you do this' and her teary eyes have me choke so much. It's so sad... really really sad.

I don't like watching something sad. I always have hard time to digest all of the sad feeling I have when watching something sad.
(Oh man... I write too many sad word LOL.)

But cheer up guys! I know many of you might get upset after this episode but we still have one more episode including the long-awaited 'I love you' scene (HOW DARE YOU KANG CHULLLLLLL T-T) next week.

And thanks to all of our recappers, giffer here. I love youuuuuu~

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10 minutes ago, shynaz said:

Why I am ready for the sad ending for the finale?:tears:

Thanks for live recap today:heart:.Its to  thrill read in here.Again look more suspense scene in tonight episode.


NOOOOO......next door drama has its main lead die....don't make my Chul die pleaseeeeeee....bwaaaaaaaaahhhhh

YJ will sae him...YJ will save him....YJ will save him...

remember the cctv that YJ drew???? I think it will become handy. And once again she is the creator of W, she will do the ending "her way"

AAAIIISSSHHHHHH I really can't put my head straight....Woo Bin is die in his drama don't make my Chul die...... Image result for cute emoticon gif

dear @andy78 my deep condolences for you....hope you'll be joining us again in the finale next week 

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