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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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This drama make feel just like:crazy:

* rollercoster

* suspense in each episode

* the romance scene just imagination

* too many death

* plot and need to think so much

* Adrenalin increase and heart attack 

but all these reason I become love this drama so much:heart:

Writer want to make audience thinking

w world just like reality

human cannot become god

the happines Kc as man alive

from me 

Hope KC and YJ will find good ending

Thats my hope:heart:

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Yep, there are no take-backs in the real world - that much we have established, but W-world (as far as the main characters and other characters drawn in the webtoon) is subject to Oh Seon Moo's will. 


I knew Yeon Joo was going to be drawn back to life, but I had thought that it would be the easy way out and she wouldn't be the same person. Seeing how writer-nim has crafted the story, I felt that it was logical (her soul should be in the same dimension, so it should be, technically speaking, the same Yeon-Joo) and it also shows a different dimension to Kang Chul's love for Yeon Joo. He couldn't accept the fact that she was dying and brought her back to his world to seek a second opinion but to no avail. Even when she died, exactly because she died in his world, not in reality, he knew as a webtoon character, she could be revived.


However at this point, his love doesn't seem to be of a romantic nature. If the translator is right, he sees her as his only family; a family he chooses out of his own free will. And because Oh Seon Moo is his wife's father, he sees him as family too. Perhaps, that in itself shows his commitment to this budding romance. But I still want my options #1,2,3 and 4 for Yeon Joo! She has been through hell and high water for her love. Time to step up in the romance department, Kang Chul! And you can't be doing that out of a jail cell.

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More info from W Two Worlds cafe

- the pre-order is for 2 weeks

- minimum order should exceed 1000 for production

According to yes24 site

- planned for release 30 Nov (I think only for reference, last time the DVD release date for Pinocchio was delayed for quite some time)


Via: http://amyhsk.tumblr.com/post/150065572148/w-two-worlds-dvd-preorder

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OMG. It is one thing after another in this ep.   Been followiing you all, thank u recappers and screencappers.     Gonna wait for subs tomorrow.    I do not understand a few things, how going from deathbed to being ok happened.  How SM hands are disappearing, seems like a merged dad and villain, who died and thus disappeared; on top of that he just met Cong Han.   Oh my.  SB's chance to be hero.

This ep as well as tomorrow, will be an impressive build up for Ep 16.   Firm believer in happy ending.     Practically speaking, it will be good for writer-nim's creds or all the hard work will be for naught.  

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Okay...I give up for now. I AM too dumb for this show.

I think I'll stop watching for now until it really ends and I get feedback from you guys.

I cannot stand the thrills and the jumping back and forth and the never ending misery of my OTP.



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Despite of the rollar coaster ride forhe past two episodes, hopefully it won't scare away any netizens for watching the remaining few episodes. 

Sincerely pray that W can remain at the top chart for weds-thurs time slot regardless of whether did it reach 20%.

cr to owner 

Im wondering if we will have the chance to see them working together again... Hmmmm... 

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Now I know why they released that super sweet hairband dating scene bts. It is a cushion for today episode. 

Other than saying I love you to YJ, KC also owe her a back hug that he asked if YJ like it previously. They better give it to us in Ep 16.

This drama is such a roller coaster all the way so it should be a happy ending with 30 mins full of sweetness in Ep 16 or the special episode should be 100% sweetness.

If they end the drama with a sad ending, i will only accept it if they date in real life. 

Btw anyone here ordering the directors cut dvd? I wonder if it comes with the comics and other gifts.

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7 minutes ago, blyssxoxo said:

Now I know why they released that super sweet hairband dating scene bts. It is a cushion for today episode. 

Other than saying I love you to YJ, KC also owe her a back hug that he asked if YJ like it previously. They better give it to us in Ep 16.

This drama is such a roller coaster all the way so it should be a happy ending with 30 mins full of sweetness in Ep 16 or the special episode should be 100% sweetness.

If they end the drama with a sad ending, i will only accept it if they date in real life. 

Btw anyone here ordering the directors cut dvd? I wonder if it comes with the comics and other gifts.

same here whatever the ending is, I hope they date in real life.

But I strongly hope there will be happy ending that involves: I believe one or two points may come true :)

1. Kc said I love you to YJ 

 2.KC-Yj get proper wedding (they never have proper wedding) 

 3.KC-YJ wil have another LONG and slow kiss scene 

 4. SB meet SH somehow , 

 I cannot believe the show ends without any of the above points!


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Guest parisonheaven

W-Two Worlds Episode 15 Video Preview

Yeon Joo: Only if it ends, we can gain freedom.
Kang Chul: Why did you only come now?
Yeon Joo: Before the last episode ends, we cannot leave here.
Killer: Let go, you jerk. Let me go!
Chul Ho: In order to live, I caught a hostage. Come here!
Killer: Why are you here? I clearly shot at you. How can you still be alive!
Yeon Joo: Why are you like this Dad?
Kang Chul: The police are on their way, they will find (us) soon. You have to make your decision now, on what kind of ending you want.

W-Two Worlds Episode 15 Text Preview

Episode 15
Now you have to make a decision. On what kind of ending to create.

Yeon Joo (Han Hyo Joo) learns about the news of Kang Chul (Lee Jong Suk) and goes to find him, Kang Chul who is receiving judgement in court is relieved to see Yeon Joo alive. Meanwhile, in order to catch Kang Chul who escaped, Chul Ho (Park Won Sang) kidnaps Do Yoon (Lee Tae Hwan), to exit from the comic Yeon Joo and Kang Chul want to finish the last episode...

I am sorry this is posted slightly late today as I got back home late! Sorry for any mistranslations in advance.

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Ok I came to read the spoilers. Yet I can't even call it spoilers. Even the posts are incoherent- not their fault- I can't work out what you guys saw vs what you think happened vs what you hope didn't happen.


I literally don't know whether you guys don't know what you saw. Or don't understand what you saw. Or whether I am reading speculations. 


So I am off to bed. And I still don't know if YJ is alive. Or will stay alive if based on the preview.

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WHAT.IS.HAPPENING?!!!! :scream: 

ok now on a calmer state, if that's possible, Yeon Joo is alive!!! YEAHH!!! Kang Cheol is in a REAAAAAALY bad state!! NOOOO!!! AND WHERE IS HE?!!! :bawling: *shaking* ... I said in a calmer note but that's not working apparently!! *shaking* 

I think I spend most of the episode saying "please save him" "please save him" that I almost was cracking mentally and emotionally but Kang Cheol finally managed to save Yeon Joo which I'm supper happy and proud of him to be able to do it under THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES!! :bawling: so now let us talk about HOW SMART OUR KANG CHEOL IS?!!! because seriously HE IS SUUUUUUPPER SMART!!! *shakingofexcitement* HE PLAYED THE TRASHY ASSEMBLY MAN!!!! :lol: I just kept looking at him wondering what he's up to and why is he telling him about his wife and Seong Moo but he made him go with his own feet to where he shouldn't go!!! :lol:  HE MADE HIM THE DELIVERY MAN-LIKE OF THE TABLET!! :lol: if he can't deliver it himself he can make trashy assembly man deliver it with his own hands, right?!! :lol: THAT WAS AWESOME!!! AND HE MANGED TO SAVE YEON JOO!! MY HEROOOOOO!!! :heart::heart::heart: I was crying when she opened her eyes!!! :bawling: *breatheagain* MY YEON JOO THANK GOD YOU3RE SAVED!!! 

and I loved how he played between the two worlds, and how he sent a message to Soo Bong through the webtoon!! that was mindblowing!!! my eyes popped out at that and when he vanished from the webtoon world, actually at all his actions!!! and he made me have shivers!! HE WAS REALLY AWESOME!!!  and the way he was looking at trashy assembly man!! :astonished: there was a manassing-manipulativ-creepy look in his eyes when he was telling him about the use of the manhwa as if he's convincing him to try using it and sent him to "Seong Moo"!! I was suuper impressed more than I already was which i tooooooo much!! :love: I'm full of goosbumbs verytime I remember all the scenes where he was talking to himself, calculating the time and place trashy man should be at only to send him to the real world using only words!! then sending hims elf to the real world!! that was magical!!! THIS KANG CHEOL BY FAR IS THE MAN OF THE HOUR!!! I LOVE old Kang Cheol but THIS IS ANOTHER LEVL OF LOVING!! :love::heart:  at 1st I was wondering why doesn't he just summon himself to the real world to save himself intead of telling the trashy assembly man everything, but then I realised that that way he will only save himself but not Yeon Joo and she will stay dead and he NEEDED to make sure the tablet is back to Seong Moo to save Yeon Joo even if he had to be tortured and even if he had to die for it!! THIS MAN IS KILLING ME!!!

finally I loved how he treated Seong Moo and how he made Soo Bong a good useful ally in their mission to save Yeon Joo!! he became an affective part of the team and part of the manhwa's story!! good for you Soo Bong!! I litterally was screaming at him and Seong Moo to grab the tablet from trashy assembly man and they DID IT!!! YEAHHHH!!! that was another great team work: Kang Cheol, Seong Moo and Soo Bong!! GREAT JOB!!!

...Now where is the episode raw?!!!...and I want the subtitles!!!...and I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!! :heart:  like seriously they are killing me but I'm HAPPILY suffering right now!!! if that make sens!!! 

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What ever it is ... maybe its sad, but the episode without sub, can't provide anything. so pls be calm n see until tomorrow~ anything made be happen from 2 episode left, we will see until tomorrow, and then we try to assume for last episode. I also have no idea about what happen next.., and what i  believe is that girl,  Oh Yeon Joo hold the KEY of Kang Chul life/freedom....yeah..confession of Kang Chul will be some point ... writer-nim ..still no idea what's on her minds... i guess writer-nim like story about "true love", like "that's love can made them together no matter what happen", maybe like romeo n jullite( sad ending) , or maybe like QIHM( happy ending)............................. 

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For all I have been Watching, all your comments and videos here. I confess I am sad, I am not sure I want to watch this anymore, sorry but I am hopeless right now, I want to cry and yell. Maybe I will wait for the final epi. God what the hell with the writer, won’t she solve all this mess? They are suffering a lot, everybody is suffering not only KC and YJ, and this is crazy. 
I hope writer is not thinking to solve all of this mess at the end of the final episode 16. I promise if I don’t have a happy ending I won’t watch any drama of this writer, never. I think we have had enough sad events here, violence, dead and evil. Please writer I love you but this is enough, please find a solution but now not in the final epi. Pleaseeeee… I beg you.


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