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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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5 hours ago, lesbian said:

in the trailer when it says like "if we keep our feelings to ourselves we may not have to lose him at all"

1) who is he

2) what

am i missing something????????

Hmm I'm not sure. I actually hadn't watched the trailer in a while so I went and rewatched it again after seeing your post. Since Kong is the one talking, I guess he's talking about Arthit, but I'm not really sure what that sentence means :huh: Maybe we're missing something because of the way it was translated or because it doesn't have the same meaning in English. Sorry I wish I knew the answer!

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5 hours ago, lesbian said:

in the trailer when it says like "if we keep our feelings to ourselves we may not have to lose him at all"

1) who is he

2) what

am i missing something????????

1. Is Arthit....as Kong is saying this.

 I think it's said by Kong to Aim when they are talking about if they've someone they like and if they've confessed to them....maybe he says this to Aim advising him with regards to confessing to May, based on how he feels regarding his situation with Arthit. After Kong realises his feelings for Arthit he's afraid of what will happen if Arthit finds out about his feelings....If he keeps his feelings to himself he won't be rejected and won't have to stay away from him and he might not lose him completely. So he avoids to say it even when he's pushed to by Arthit...

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2 minutes ago, taurean10 said:

1. Is Arthit....as Kong is saying this.

 I think it's said by Kong to Aim when they are talking about if they've someone they like and if they've confessed to them....maybe he says this to Aim advising him with regards to confessing to May, based on how he feels regarding his situation with Arthit. After Kong realises his feelings for Arthit he's afraid of what will happen if Arthit finds out about his feelings....If he keeps his feelings to himself he won't be rejected and won't have to stay away from him and he might not lose him completely. So he avoids to say it even when he's pushed to by Arthit...

Oh that makes sense a lot more sense now :phew: Thanks for the insight! 

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9 hours ago, sluttysaladdressing said:

My second favorite thing about the show is the senior gang being all cuddly with each other.


Tuta x Arthit 5ever!!

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Knot and Bright :heart:

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(yes, this is what waiting for Sotus has led me to..)

I can understand....

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Guest delightful

Okay, so I've been wanting to ask this for some time now but just never got the chance... fine, I forgot, okay? ... Anyways, for the subbed episodes, what do you guys want? I mean the font, size, and the color .... do you guys care as long as you can read it? It's one of those things that I've never gotten down quite right. If you guys haven't noticed I keep on changing the font color, does that bother you guys? I was thinking of just sticking to one color.. what color would it be for SOTUS? Pink for pink milk? LOL! As for font and size... I was going to just stick with one from now on too. Or do you guys want something different in each episode? .. Or am I over-thinking this? I need episode 9 so bad right now! :tears:

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40 minutes ago, taurean10 said:

1. Is Arthit....as Kong is saying this.

 I think it's said by Kong to Aim when they are talking about if they've someone they like and if they've confessed to them....maybe he says this to Aim advising him with regards to confessing to May, based on how he feels regarding his situation with Arthit. After Kong realises his feelings for Arthit he's afraid of what will happen if Arthit finds out about his feelings....If he keeps his feelings to himself he won't be rejected and won't have to stay away from him and he might not lose him completely. So he avoids to say it even when he's pushed to by Arthit...

that makes a lot of sense thank you!! the scenes are quite far apart so it confused me


also i watch the trailer 85738463 times every day and right at the end when ....that thing..  happens i swear they get closer every time

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12 minutes ago, lesbian said:

that makes a lot of sense thank you!! the scenes are quite far apart so it confused me


also i watch the trailer 85738463 times every day and right at the end when ....that thing..  happens i swear they get closer every time

Haha yes I know what you mean! I look at gifs and clips of that almost kiss all the time (actually a gif of it is the background on one of my KDA chats LOL) and it does look like they get closer! But then it's so painful when it stops right before ;-; I can't wait to see that scene among many others that I've heard about ^^

@delightful I don't really have a specific preference for the subs that I can think of at the moment. I'd actually be perfectly okay with whatever you choose :) As long as I can read it :lol: Pink sounds cute lol, but whatever you think works best is good for me :D

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11 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Haha yes I know what you mean! I look at gifs and clips of that almost kiss all the time (actually a gif of it is the background on one of my KDA chats LOL) and it does look like they get closer! But then it's so painful when it stops right before ;-; I can't wait to see that scene among many others that I've heard about ^^

@delightful I don't really have a specific preference for the subs that I can think of at the moment. I'd actually be perfectly okay with whatever you choose :) As long as I can read it :lol: Pink sounds cute lol, but whatever you think works best is good for me :D

honestly tho when it does happen ill prob print it out and put it on my wall keep a lil picture in my wallet frame it and put it by my bed

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2 minutes ago, lesbian said:

honestly tho when it does happen ill prob print it out and put it on my wall keep a lil picture in my wallet

I swear I pause every time I watch the scene....and every time I feel they moved a cm or a mm closer....sometimes I feel a strong urge to just give them a nudge..lol

No seriously though....if that scene does not reach the heights of expectations we all have build up.... there will be blood spilling here....But if it does reach our expectations there will still be blood spilled....from all the nosebleeds...

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arthit reminds me a little of my old german teacher that i had a crush on a lot of people didnt like her and neither did i until i realised why she taught and why she made me work hard and she was only strict because how else will she control a whole class & she knew i could do well also she was just really cute & sweet

5 minutes ago, taurean10 said:

I swear I pause every time I watch the scene....and every time I feel they moved a cm or a mm closer....sometimes I feel a strong urge to just give them a nudge..lol

i watch it 1/4 speed

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11 minutes ago, lesbian said:

honestly tho when it does happen ill prob print it out and put it on my wall keep a lil picture in my wallet frame it and put it by my bed

Just now, taurean10 said:

I swear I pause every time I watch the scene....and every time I feel they moved a cm or a mm closer....sometimes I feel a strong urge to just give them a nudge..lol

No seriously though....if that scene does not reach the heights of expectations we all have build up.... there will be blood spilling here....But if it does reach our expectations there will still be blood spilled....from all the nosebleeds...

I love both of your comments!! @lesbian Yes that's such a frame-able moment! I think we'll all be making sure to take screenshot of it and have them everywhere! :lol: @taurean10 Lol! yes either way it'll be a bloodbath 555 I'm sure it'll be the latter though ^^ From the interviews it sounds like they aren't shy around each other and had no problems filming the kiss scenes

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

Okay, so I've been wanting to ask this for some time now but just never got the chance... fine, I forgot, okay? ... Anyways, for the subbed episodes, what do you guys want? I mean the font, size, and the color .... do you guys care as long as you can read it? It's one of those things that I've never gotten down quite right. If you guys haven't noticed I keep on changing the font color, does that bother you guys? I was thinking of just sticking to one color.. what color would it be for SOTUS? Pink for pink milk? LOL! As for font and size... I was going to just stick with one from now on too. Or do you guys want something different in each episode? .. Or am I over-thinking this? I need episode 9 so bad right now! :tears:

I remember It was 5th episode and somewhere page 72 I ended up here and the only reason was @delightful. Since then I follow every post and I deeply admire your unrequited dedication. Thank you…!

I never thought of getting active on this forum and post something like this. You guys are amazing and thank you for all your post and fanfic. Lately I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms and I thought it would be very tough for me but then I felt very relaxed. Thanks again for the doses of your FF, fantasies and kinky messages imagination posts and their responses.
Thanks for the Chapter-6, I’ve made ibook/ebook (for me only).@deightful so that siri read out for me.

Hardsub on handbreak looks good and easy to read couz of  single color..





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1 hour ago, delightful said:

Okay, so I've been wanting to ask this for some time now but just never got the chance... fine, I forgot, okay? ... Anyways, for the subbed episodes, what do you guys want? I mean the font, size, and the color .... do you guys care as long as you can read it? It's one of those things that I've never gotten down quite right. If you guys haven't noticed I keep on changing the font color, does that bother you guys? I was thinking of just sticking to one color.. what color would it be for SOTUS? Pink for pink milk? LOL! As for font and size... I was going to just stick with one from now on too. Or do you guys want something different in each episode? .. Or am I over-thinking this? I need episode 9 so bad right now! :tears:


I would think white or yellow with a black stroke on the font is the best. I don't like it when the font is too big or there's a highlight on the back because it covers too much of the screen.

Just my 2 cents! 

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Okay I wrote another chapter! :lol::sweatingbullets: Here's the post with the first chapter:

On 10/26/2016 at 9:08 PM, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Ooh yay chapter six is almost out! Thanks @delightful :)

@ksylovee @baw74 @Nana1313 @naboos @hcpoirot Sorry I was out working >< I'm back home now. Okay here's my KongArthit fanfiction :sweatingbullets: Haha Sotus is making me do all kinds of things. I love reading, but haven't done writing for creative purposes in so long.

You can read it  in the spoiler box below or on Wattpad if you want instead: https://www.wattpad.com/story/88363937-sotus-kongarthit-ff-a-day-full-of-sunshine

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I added colours to this one lol. Oh and it starts out seeming like something naughty is gonna happen but then goes back in time a bit so nothing explicit happens... I'm guessing you're not supposed to post content like that on soompi? I mean according to the rules.. I'm not sure though :sweatingbullets: Anyways here it is:




“Kongpob! What are you doing?”

Arthit’s voice shook as he uttered the reprimand. Not with anger, but with surprise and something else. His embarrassment and his faint traces of desire were both apparent in the blush that painted his cute round cheeks, lessening the severity of his knitted brows and pursed lips.

Kong couldn’t help but grin at the adorable sight. His P’Arthit had the cutest scowl. The cutest pink chubby cheeks.

“Relax P’Arthit. I promise it will feel good.”

Arthit could feel his heart racing, the stuttering sound quickening even more as each second passed. Relax?! Your face is inches away from my… Are you really trying to–

These chaotic thoughts raced through Arthit’s mind as he tried to get a grip on the situation before him. His mind was beginning to cloud with heat. He wouldn’t let himself finish any of his embarrassing thoughts as each one surfaced from the jumbled, flustered mess that was his current internal state.

Arthit’s fingers tightened on the sheets he already held clutched in his hands. He was sitting on the bed with his back hunched forward slightly away from the headboard behind him. Kongpob lay in front of him, perched between the two boxer clad legs before him with his arms hooked around Arthit’s bare knees.

Moments before they had been lying on the bed quietly watching TV; Arthit still in his pajamas – a simple T-shirt and a pair of striped boxers. Kong had dropped by for a surprise visit. Actually, he hadn’t even intended to go to Arthit’s room. It was early on Sunday morning and even though Kong had nothing up that morning he couldn’t seem to sleep in. He had woken up at 5:30am and just couldn’t fall back asleep.

He missed someone.

Arthit had been so busy over the past week so Kong had hardly been able to talk to him. Kong tried to go back to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes all he saw was that person’s face. His cute scowling face… his smile… his adorable flustered face with eyes spread wide and cheeks touched with a light pink blush… Kong stopped himself there before he went crazy from only being able to imagine those faces. From not being able to actually see his boyfriend. He couldn’t help but observe each subtle aspect of Arthit’s many expressions. He wanted to see them all and couldn’t seem to stop running them through his mind when they were apart.

Kong gave out a heavy sigh and rolled over to look at the curtain covered window. That’s when he decided to get up and take a shower.

After washing up he headed out to get some breakfast and decided that he would pick up some porridge and pink milk for a certain someone after he finished his own meal.

Wait. I should get my food to-go too! Kong had come up with the perfect excuse to see his P’Arthit this morning. A mischievous smile began to spread across the man’s handsome face as he quickened his pace, eager to carry out his plan.




Thump thump thump.

Arthit moved his arm up across his face rubbing his eyes and scrunching his hair in the midst of his half-asleep state of mind.

Thump thump.

Was someone trying to knock down the damn door? What time is it? The disgruntled Arthit shed his quilt and began to awkwardly roll out of bed, eyes squinting as he made his way to the door. He clumsily reached for the lock, hands slipping across the door knob as they searched for their target. Kongpob heard the lock slide open and his mischievous grin widened even more. With just the thought of visiting Arthit in mind, he hadn’t been able to wipe that silly grin off his face all morning. Well to be more precise: since he had come up with the idea to visit his precious senior.

Arthit cracked the door open and tilted his head and body to the right leaving only his dishevelled hair and squinting face visible through the crack in the door.

“Kongpob?” Arthit said his voice hinting at his surprise and his hands moving to wipe the sleepiness away from his tired face.

Before Arthit had time to react, Kong pushed the door open with his foot and entered the room carrying food and drinks in both hands. Arthit stumbled backwards slightly and ended up leaning against the wall as he processed the current situation. Shaking the sleepy fog from his head, he looked up at Kong and was about to say his trademark “Kongpob!” – his brows had even begun to knit together into that adorable fierce face that Kong loved – when Kong turned to him and said, “P,” with the most angelic grin etched on his handsome face.

There it is again! That smile from hell! It always left Arthit feeling weird. His insides bubbling up and tying in knots. He didn’t want to think about it lest his face betrayed those embarrassing thoughts to the man standing before him.

“I brought breakfast,” Kong beamed at Arthit. That cursed smile still playing at his lips. In fact it was growing larger by the second with each moment spent staring at Arthit’s cute disgruntled visage. Arthit thought his 0062’s face would break in two.

“Kongpob! Do you know what time it is?”

“6:30am,” came the younger man’s cheerful response.

“What are you doing here?”

“I told you P. I brought breakfast!” He held up the bags in his hands. Smile wider than ever.

Arthit just stared at him for a moment completely baffled. “Why are you up so early on a Sunday?”

“I missed you.”

Arthit froze. His heart began to thud so loudly against his now tight chest. He let out a quick breath before inhaling more slowly and bringing his right hand to up to where his brows had begun to knit together. With his other arm resting across his body and his head slightly bent over, pressed into the fingers that massaged his brows, the younger man who was watching couldn’t help but dampen his beaming smile slightly as he teased his own lower lip with a small unconscious bite. His angelic beam of a smile swiftly spread into a delicious, devious smirk as he released that tender lower lip.

Why was his P’Arthit always so damn cute?

At that moment Arthit withdrew his hand and looked up at Kong ready to scold the younger man …but his determined gaze met with the sight of that smirk. That sinful smirk and the even more devious glint in those sharp brown eyes that gazed intently back at his own. Arthit was immediately unnerved and once again felt a tinge of heat burst across his round, sleep kissed cheeks.

Ahem. He cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders before squarely facing Kong.

But before Arthit could utter a single word, Kong relaxed his teasing mouth and began to speak: “I’ve been awake for a long time already and so I’m already so hungry. Why don’t we sit down and eat together?” This time his smile was more gentle when it flitted back across his face, coaxing the older man to accept his offer.

Arthit looked away for a moment as he awkwardly grunted out his next words in a bit of a rough voice: “Why didn’t you eat already then? I can get my own food. You didn’t have to bring this here.”

This was the question that Kong had been waiting for. He had thought up the perfect line, the perfect excuse, to tease his boyfriend into accepting an early breakfast with him. But, more importantly, to gain entrance into that room at such an early hour. An excuse to just be with him if only for a little while before he was once again bogged down with the demanding workload of a senior.

“Eating alone is too depressing and lonely when I have a cute boyfriend of my own to eat with.”

Arthit’s eyes widened once again. The gentle heat in his cheeks began to flame with embarrassment and a startled cough sputtered its way out of his tight, nerve-filled chest.

Why am I even surprised? You would think that after all the sorts of things he’s already said to me… Arthit stopped his train of thought there not bothering to reflect on the ways Kong has always managed to make him flustered. The way Kong makes him react so different than his reactions to anyone else. He had never thought he could react that way to another person.

Kong saw the cute startled look on his boyfriend’s face, the faint rosy glow on those biteable cheeks, and he found himself biting his own lower lip once again. Noticing that Arthit was somewhat distracted and lost in thought, Kong took those bright blushing cheeks as a yes to his offer and turned towards the table. He began to unpack the food and drinks setting them neatly down.

After enduring a whole week deprived of his Sun, Kong’s heart was finally feeling whole again.

Today was going to be a very good Sunday.

End of Chapter One.



I was just gonna write a one shot but it started to become longer than I intended and I still haven’t gotten back to the hot scene that I started with so I guess I should write another chapter then? Sorry I ran out of free time today so maybe I will write again on the weekend?                                  

Anyways, I just felt like writing this for fun to entertain myself and then decided to share it so if it’s weird or something sorry! *runs away to hide in SOTUS lala land once more*


And now Chatper Two>>

The Wattpad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/88363937-sotus-kongarthit-ff-a-day-full-of-sunshine 

(I edited this post so that it is only on Wattpad now)

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3 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so I've been wanting to ask this for some time now but just never got the chance... fine, I forgot, okay? ... Anyways, for the subbed episodes, what do you guys want? I mean the font, size, and the color .... do you guys care as long as you can read it? It's one of those things that I've never gotten down quite right. If you guys haven't noticed I keep on changing the font color, does that bother you guys? I was thinking of just sticking to one color.. what color would it be for SOTUS? Pink for pink milk? LOL! As for font and size... I was going to just stick with one from now on too. Or do you guys want something different in each episode? .. Or am I over-thinking this? I need episode 9 so bad right now! :tears:


I think that we're already thankful and glad that you're willing to sub the series, no matter what font, color or size the sub is (as long as we can read it. lol). but if I've to suggest, then... maybe maroon? since both the hazers' shirt and 'SOTUS' logo are maroon. :P

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6 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay I wrote another chapter! :lol::sweatingbullets: Here's the post with the first chapter:

And now Chatper Two>>

The Wattpad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/88363937-sotus-kongarthit-ff-a-day-full-of-sunshine 

And then I also put chapter two here in the spoiler box for those without Wattpad:

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I added footnotes with my weird comments and some of my gifs ^^





“P,” Kong’s enthusiastic voice pulled Arthit away from his lingering thoughts and back to the scene in front of him. Kong standing in his room. Pink milk in hand. And, of course, that irresistibly smug grin still etched on his handsome face.


“Come sit down.”


Arthit looked up at him with wide eyes; the gesture causing his ruffled bangs to shift slightly lower on his forehead. He brought his hand up to sweep back the disturbance and Kong could see that the creases in his brow were gone, replaced by a wide-eyed innocent gaze. An awkward air had descended up that bright, cute face leaving his soft, squishy nature exposed. (1)


Arthit looked away slightly and nodded as he pulled his hand out from his hair. A quiet grunt of acceptance left his lips; his tongue ducking out to wet his upper lip as he did so. Arthit absent mindedly rubbed his chest with the hand that had just dropped from his hair as he began to make his way over to the table. He awkwardly pressed down on the thumping surface with the side of his hand, willing the strange bubbly feeling in his pounding heart to quiet down. (2)


Kong intently gazed at the older man soaking in every detail, every movement.


He was having a hard time holding back.


Arthit reached out to grab the pink milk from Kong, but looked up with a puzzled expression when Kong failed to let go right away. Kong was simply standing there staring at him.


What is this guy thinking staring at me like that? Arthit immediately looked away cutting off his thoughts before they extended further. Sitting down he focused all his attention on the cold drink before him, but that still wasn’t enough to stop the blush that had once again spread across his cheeks.


Kong had awkwardly frozen for a moment but, at the sight of those blushing cheeks, was rushing to sit down across from their owner where there was a much better view of the beautiful sight. (3)


Arthit slurped his way through his pink milk and began downing the porridge that Kong had brought. (4)


He was a lot hungrier than he had realized and his porridge was almost half done before he noticed that Kong hadn’t even touched his food. The younger man was just sitting there watching him.


“Kongpob, why aren’t you eating?” He lifted his head up from his slightly hunched position over the porridge bowl to peak at Kong’s take-out box.


“You didn’t get porridge?” he asked with a confused yet curious glance.


“It’s minced pork omelet with rice,” (5) Kong replied as he reluctantly tore his gaze away from the precious sight in front of him and began to start opening up his own food.


“What kind of breakfast is that?” Arthit found himself mumbling. The next sentence that escaped his lips was muttered in an even softer voice – it was hardly audible: “Isn’t it cold by now?”


“What was that?” Kong asked.


“Oh nothing. Uh. You should eat.”


This wasn’t the first time that Kong had visited him in his room. Even though he was very busy, they still made some time to meet up for meals, go for walks, hang out and watch TV, and sometimes hang out and do… other stuff…


It definitely wasn’t the first time that being alone in a room together had led to something happening.


Arthit let out a muffled cough and intently started down at his remaining porridge.


But even so, he was nervous. A little unsettled and awkward. Who knows what tricks Kong would try to pull this morning.


I shouldn’t have let him in.


But Arthit knew all too well that there was never any chance of him denying his 0062 entrance (6). The more he thought about it, the more he was amazed at his reactivity to the younger man. Even though they had been dating for a while now, something as simple as a smile from Kong could set him on edge, leave his heart pounding, and make him feel shy.


Normally it wasn’t this bad though was it? His heart had been thumping like crazy all morning; ever since he opened that damn door. Maybe it was because they hadn’t been in a room alone together in such a long time. That last thought stuck with him for longer than it should have. His cheeks burned and his heart jumped. Arthit moved his sweaty palms down from the table and wiped them along his legs without thinking too much until his hands met with the bare skin of his thighs.


F u c k! Am I just wearing my boxers right now? He had been sleeping in a simple T-shirt and pair of striped boxers. Even though he had made sure to only make his head visible when opening the door earlier that morning, he had completely forgotten about his apparel as soon as he laid eyes on Kong.


He nervously retraced his palms back up until they reached the safety of the cotton fabric of his boxers. Making it easier to forget his partial nakedness.


But then, all hope of forgetting disappeared when he looked up at the man across the table. The man who was supposed to be across the table. When had he moved his chair over to the side of the table?!


As it turns out, Kong was very aware of those boxer clad legs. He had soaked in the sight of Arthit’s hands on them like he was tasting the most decadent of desserts: his teeth teasing his lower lip, slowly pulling along the sensitive surface leaving it with a slight, wet gloss.


“I have to go to the washroom,” Arthit abruptly grunted in a hoarse voiced that slightly cracked as he quickly squeaked the words out from a throat so tight. He thought his hammering heart had pressed itself all the way up against his throat. All the way down to the heavy, heated flesh of his fingers. He could feel it tinting his voice with its impact; making his knees wobble with its spiking, pulsing rhythm. As he got up from his seat, the embarrassment at his lack of coordination only made him flee more quickly.


Arthit didn’t turn around to look back as he fled across the room. But all the same, he thought he could feel those eyes boring into him.


And he was right.


The younger man had made sure to pay close attention to his boyfriend as he walked away. He was more than grateful for his decision to drop by so early. More than grateful for the recent hot, balmy weather. For the beautiful boxer clad sight before him.


Arthit disappeared into the bathroom and Kongpob waited for a moment before reluctantly turning back to his food, letting out a soft satisfied chuckle.


~ ~ ~


Arthit ran the tap and reached in to cup the cold water in his hands. He leaned in and splashed the water across his face, wetting his bangs in the process. He was desperately trying to let the cool touch soothe his burning skin. He shut the tap off and turned to grab the towel from the rail when a thought suddenly occurred to him: This is just like what they do in those dramas. Wiping off his face and shaking out his hair, he muttered: “What am I doing?”


Glancing one last time into the mirror, he set the towel back and made his way out into the bedroom. Shaking his head as he closed the bathroom door behind him.


Kong had to restrain himself from letting out a small chuckle when he saw Arthit’s wet bangs flopping against his shaking head. Needed to cool yourself down? Kong was also thinking about those same drama scenes. He was beaming at the thought.


Arthit caught the strange look in Kong’s eyes and for some reason immediately knew what the other man was thinking.


“I wanted to wash up. You know, you came in so early… I hadn’t even brushed my teeth,” Arthit haphazardly explained; his eyes avoiding the sharp gaze that he just knew was resting on him.


…hadn’t even brushed my teeth.


The words that he had just said rang through his mind once more.


Wait why didn’t I brush my teeth? All he had done was splash some water on his face and inhale and exhale slowly a few times before stepping back out to meet with that silly grin and heated gaze. He was too out of sorts today. His mind too distracted to think properly.


Whatever, why do I even have to brush my teeth now? I still have some porridge–


“Wait I’ll be back.” The abrupt words suddenly cut through the air. “I have to take a dump.”


Kong gave him a startled look as Arthit swiftly stopped and turned back to the bathroom door.


~ ~ ~


Arthit had rushed back to the bathroom, but instead of taking a dump like he said he would, he was frantically brushing his teeth. He didn’t let himself dwell on the reason for his strange actions.


Arthit set down his toothbrush and looked at himself in the mirror. Adjusted his hair a bit. Stopped. Wait, what am I doing? He saw that he was blushing again. It was getting harder to hide his weird thoughts. The weird thoughts that he kept pushing to the back of his mind. Arthit looked down at his boxers one more time.


Aw to hell with it! And with those thoughts he marched towards the door.


Ready to return and face whatever lay in wait on the other side.


Today was going to be a weird Sunday.


And despite his better judgement, he knew that he really didn’t mind. In fact, his heart was soaring with excitement at the thought.


End of Chapter Two.





(1) I just really felt like using squishy to describe his cute little tsundere heart for some reason. Sorry if it sounds weird!


(2) Yes maybe I did write that just so I could use this gif 5555



…sorry ^_^” I’m a little too obsessed with Krist’s chest rubbing/nipple grabbing moments. I have made multiple gifs 5555


(3) Beautiful sight (◕‿◕) à






(5) I decided to use the same dish that is mentioned in episode 3 when Kong and Arthit are eating together. I used the English name for the dish that was in GMM TV’s episode 3 subs.


(6) Into the room guys! I know what you’re thinking… okay maybe I’m just the only one who thinks weird things like that.


( ⊱⊙)



Seriously everytime i come here, i have a new surprise, i was about to sleep but i guess i will after i read chapter 2 of your amazing fanfic. Thank u for this, thats helping a lot to fill with Sotus break. :')


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15 minutes ago, ksylovee said:

Seriously everytime i come here, i have a new surprise, i was about to sleep but i guess i will after i read chapter 2 of your amazing fanfic. Thank u for this, thats helping a lot to fill with Sotus break. :')

Your welcome ^^ I hope it makes sense... I edited it but sometimes I'll miss things.. And I write things kind of weirdly lol :P 

Have a good sleep! Dream of SOTUS :wub::wub:

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