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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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7 hours ago, delightful said:

Wow... so it was love at first sight. How Arthit and Kongpope met... and Arthit forgetting all about it... It's so much like how Krist and Singto met. Krist/Arthit can't remember, but Singto/Kongpope remembers it all.

I have a newfound respect for Bittersweet, I already admired her even before I started reading her other posts. I really hope I get to meet her one day. I just love her respect for her characters, so much care and detail. I know some of you might hate me for saying this, but I'm glad she didn't write any explicit scenes of Kongpope and Arthit. She wanted to show the innocent side of love between two men, not just physical attraction. I feel as if she's telling her readers that it's not just sex that keeps two people together, and just because it's BL it doesn't mean the only way they can connect/fall in love is thru sex. It doesn't mean they didn't have sex, she just chose not to write those scenes, she didn't want to focus on them and instead she chose to focus on their feelings during different stages.

That's my interpretation of her posts anyway... Okay.. I can't deal with this anymore.. I need to go lay in bed and contemplate on what my life has come to... why have I not met someone like Kongpope, yet? Really guys, sorry for the VERY random life-reflecting post. I sometimes get too into the stuff I read, watch, or listen to. :tears:


P' @delightful many thanks for being a bridge of Bittersweet to us. We owe you both our utmost respect! It's hard for some, people like me in the LGBT community to finally correct the stigma. Others found love thru sex or getting laid to get love and security. But I still do believe what Bittersweet's writings/novel is still POSSIBLE in our existence! It may not be the same as we can imagine between Arthit and Kongpope that can be put into reality but atleast the FEELING of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that can be express thru many forms!

Let me share a line from my fictional writings way way way way back :phew:

When LOVE is gone...

HOPE remains!

In a world where LOVE has lost its meaning

And if DESTINY allows

Let me fill your world with so much HOPE...



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5 hours ago, sing2krist said:

Apologies, but hopefully somebody will reconsider and/or sharing in some inputs to someone taking charge of Krist's wardrobe and make-up thingy. There is just something off of his formal getup lately (this one's the *mostest* as yet, some kinda 80's gigolo? ) :(  It might indeed actually turn-out okay on print, but for me it's just emasculating him. :vicx:

this is not just that kind of pretty...


Agreed!  I'm not lovin' that look at all 

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7 hours ago, seoha said:

Dear Friends.


not to mention, a lot of grammatical errors, not special, so humble.

but, it helps me pass through this time.

I hope you too.


please enjoy it.


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it might happen after the beach scene. Arthit vaguely knows what Kongpob feels for him. 

Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody(1-3)

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scene 1.


It was already half past 5 pm when all the classes were over. Arthit ran to the student body‘s office. He was supposed to have a meeting at 5 with Not and Bright but when he entered the office, there was no one.


'Where are these assh......forget the meeting?'


He called them a few times but not answered. He sighed gazing into space. After waiting for a while, he decided to go out to buy a pink milk and some snacks for dinner.


'U....Um......It's Kongpob.'


Half way to the canteen feeling hungry, he saw the 0062 sitting on the bench with his head down. Though his face not seen, he seemed seriously occupied with something. He didn't notice Arthit when he just passed by before him. Actually it never happened before to Arthit. It was always Kongpob that first found Arthit, came close to him and talked to him or teased him. He stopped walking and turned his steps toward the 0062.


'How dare this 0062 not recognize me.'


He stared down at Kongpob still sitting, half in wonder, half in worry. Arthit poked out his lips unconsciously while staring. then, unable to resist, he was about to talk to the 0062. but unfortunately the 0062 said first.



He stood up rapidly, looking startled.

"Where is your 'P'' before Arthit?"

“.....Sorry, P'Arthit.”


Seemingly, Kongpob's pretending to be normal failed this time. Arthit felt something serious in his gloomy-puppy eyes.


'If you were a real dog, I would keep you in my room really, 0062.'


Arthit always thought this boy's eyes are really something, difficult to read but gentle and smart sometimes so aggressive, anyway attractive....no, not that attractive. Arthit shook his head slightly, blinking fast and asked,


"What are you doing here with that dumb face?"


Kongpob lightly smiled without answering. It touched Arthit's nerve.


"Answer me, Kongpob."

"Well....nothing. you don't need to care about, P'Arthit."

"Who did care?"


Arthit talked back right away lifting one eyebrow and asked,


"Did you eat anything?"


Kongpob just shook his head weakly. He seemed really exhausted.


"then....I, I, can buy you di....nner....if you desperately want....some, thing to eat."


Arthit 'kindly' suggested him, stammering a little. But,


"No. Thank you. P'Arthit."


He shortly refused his offer.


'No? did you say just no?'


Arthit simply ignored Kongpob's saying 'Thank you' in his head.



".....Just because....I don't want to."

"So Why."


He tilted his head up to Kongpob with his arms folded. He even made eye contact with Kongpob to detect what made this 0062 serious. While Arthit doing that, Kongpob could not help smiling and thinking,


'This serious face is always cute.'


"You really want me to tell the reason, P'Arthit?"

"Not really."

Arthit answered quickly and continued saying.

"but if you want, I can listen to you."

Arthit purposedly looked away with his hands by the sides.


"................Okay. then please, let me tell you why, P'Arthit."

"Go on."


After a while, Kongpob started explaining to Arthit what had happened.


"Aim and I happened to meet Prae at the library this afternoon"



Arthit recalled her face, pretty enough to be The Star of this year. he even got her phone number and picture the other day when she asked for his signature.


" She was almost crying.........."


Their mood was just good to some extent.


"............we went to the bookstore together to look for the book titled......."


It was by the time Kongpob almost finished his story.


"...............her parents called her when we.........."


Arthit's face went stiff but Kongpob didn't know that Arthit wasn't okay.


"they said it was not published any more......."


He kept saying all obediently to Arthit because he was bit excited that P'Arthit was listening to him, very carefully. Kongpob seemed like a very handsome, submissive pet dog wagging his tail to his owner, Arthit.


"........I promised her that I would look for a new reference book."

"Enough. stop there."


Arthit interrupted him and gave the cold shoulder, saying,


"Playing a hero again? What a busybody."


and walked away in the blink of an eye.



Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (2)



''........should I not have talked about it? How come we never meet without your being mad at me, P'? '


Kongpob stood hopelessly looking at the door of the dorm building where Arthit had already disappeared. Since coming back from the trip, Kongpob had kept scared that P'Arthit would be more disappointed in him and keep himself far distant from him.


'it would take me forever to get one more step closer to you.'


It was the first heartbroken experience for Kongpob to be terrified of possibly losing someone he didn't dare to touch a finger on easily and someone he truly wanted to know all about.


"Two of us........the parallel lines that never meet each other, P'Arthit."


'You all talk but no action. so childish.'


"there might be no intersection between us."


'This is the last warning. Kongpob. don't try to be a hero.'


"always, no exception.....right, P'?"


'Go away from my face. There is nothing else to talk about'


The stabbing feelings of rejection and hurt swept over Kongpob and he felt his heart scratched here and there by an invisible knife. The more obsessed he became in love with P'Arthit, the more he was driven to despair than ever.




Prae had lost a library book so she tried much to find a replacement. When Aim and he met her at the library, the book had already been two weeks overdue. she seemed terribly panicked. Besides, when they were in the bookstore whose owner told the book had been out of print, she got a urgent call from her parents to come back home as quickly as possible. At that time Prae didn't look stable so Kongpob let Aim take her home first. He himself voluntarily promised her to try his best to find the replacement.




Kongpob would like to explain the whole story to make Arthit more understandable but P' stopped him before he could finish it.


'if she doesn't return the book by tomorrow, she will get punished by a big fine and the one semester suspension of borrowing books as well.'


he called a few more bookstores for checking out if they could get the book. He didn't want to stop his trying, because he totally understood how serious this situation could be to a freshy like her. He thought it could have happened to him.






Arthit dashed back into the room, slamming the door. he lay face down on the bed thinking of how annoying the 0062 had been.


'How come you are always meddling in others' affairs?'


Giving a handkerchief to a crying girl. Getting signatures instead of his friend.

Passing his name tag to the girl whose name he couldn't remember......


Thinking back to, he was a real nuisance.


'As I gave all my heart to you, I need some to replace.'


He stopped Arthit from having the freshies run 54 rounds as punishment by saying only he himself was given the hearts by the missing freshies that hadn't shown up. What a cheesy man with plenty of guts. But deep down, Arthit was relieved, because he knew that running 54 laps could be too hard for the freshies. So it was like Kongpob saved not only his friends but also the hazers including Arthit.


And all of a sudden,


''P'Arthit has been running all day long!'


Arthit felt his heart beating fast so he had to exhale out deeply for a while.


'If you don't stop, I will run with you!'


Still hard to breathe, he lay on his back and slowly sighed again. Soon later unable to lay still, he stretched his arms out to the sides, and looked up at the ceiling.


'Can't freshmen worry about the 3rd year senior?'


To be honest, Arthit felt guilty when Kongpob cried out those words. That night, Kongpob did really seem in pain as if he had run on the track all day long.


'What a busybody.....but.....well......That's the way he is.....,'


It is undeniable that the 0062 is a man with a warm heart willing to help others. Moreover, Kongpob's proved himself more than competent in all ways.


"P'? this is Arth.....ye.....How have you been.....Um......."


Arthit sat up on the bed, picked up the cell phone and started making a few calls.


"I was wondering if you have the book titled 'XXXXXX.'"


He kept talking and talking on the phone.


"One of my freshes lost the book borrowed from the library. ye, that kid left it on the bus. it is out of print now. A.....you don't have it."


By the time he finished phoning some of his graduating seniors, it was already past 8 pm.


"it is a reference book for.....yes....the professor is still using old ones."


His mouth became dry and his throat was really sore. his cell phone was too hot to hold.


"..........Who....? oh, thank you P'."


To his relief, Arthit finally reached a graduate with the book. Fortunately living near the university, the senior told him to drop by his house at any time. When allowed to visit him in one hour, Arthit sprang up from the bed and said a big 'Thank- you' to him with a bright smile. Though forgetting to have dinner, He was filled with sufficient energy but he couldn't explain where it came from. it was totally unexplainable.






It was almost half past 8 pm when Kongpob saw Arthit again from some distance away. Arthit was a bit restlessly hanging around the bench which Kongpob had sat on.


'Why is P'Arthit over there? is he looking for me?....but... no way.'


But just his watching P'Arthit's back, a very warm feeling filled his heart briefly and a feeling of despair in him completely disappeared. He realized it again how much he cherished this beautiful human being.


Kongpob waited for a while wanting Arthit to notice him but he showed no sign of having seen Kongpob.




Kongpob could not help but smile softly, feeling himself like a fool. He felt like flying towards his only sun.




He even liked his own voice calling the name, Arthit.




Arthit turned around as Kongpob called out his name. Their eyes met, and the senior's eyes were likely flashing with delight for a second. That gave Kongpob some courage. He finally decided to move close to Arthit. As he carried his motorbike, he just walked towards him pushing his motorbike.


"Where have you been, Kongpob?"

"I got back to my room for a shower."


"........what are you doing here, P'? Are you looking for some....thing?"


Kongpob asked him with some anticipation but P'Arthit didn't answer him. Rather, he just continued asking.


"Why are you carrying your motorbike."

".............I am....."

"Are you going somewhere?"

".......I am on my way to a bookstore near the school."


P'Arthit looked a bit astonished as Kongpob said.


"..........Did you find a replacement for the book already?"

"I am not sure but the owner wants me to check some books he found. I've got his call right before."


For a few moments there was silence between them.


"I think you don't need to go there."


It was Arthit who broke the silence first.


"................Why not?"

"I......I found the book that belongs to one of the graduating seniors."

"You found the book for me?"

“No. for N'Prae.”


His answer came very quickly and there was another silence coming.


"....,,,.I see. of course I guessed so."


This time Kongpob broke the silence first but his face clouded with a mild disappointment.




Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (3)




"Don't get me wrong. I just did what the seniors should do."


"I helped this time for N'Prae, but there will be no second time."


"And you, Kongpob. Never step forward if you are not ready."


"You got me?"


No words were spoken by Kongpob while Arthit was warning him. Only his darkened eyes did the talking, 'I am hurt'. That pushed Arthit's guilt button inside him but he ignored it.


"I will inform her that a senior working at the library is going to deal with it."

"...........She is not available now."

"it doesn't matter. I can text her."


Kongpob turned pale in a second as he said.


"..........Do you have her phone number?"


It suddenly occurred to him that P' Arthit hadn't had his phone number before the trip to the beach.


"Don't stare at me like that. It is not strange for a senior to have a freshy girl's number."


Arthit talked back in a firm tone, but only to be a little shamefaced. As a matter of fact, he was a bit interested in her when he got her number. but now?


'Absolutely not at all. I can swear it to you. Wait, wait. what am I thinking of?'


"Have you kept Prae's number all this time? Since when?"


Kongpob's burning, accusing eyes stabbed straight into Arthit's heart.


"It's none of your business."


His insensitive response made Kongpob more furious than ever. Something seemed to hit Kongpob's head very hard. His blood suddenly started running quite fast in his veins. He clenched his fists at the same time.


"I didn't know you just like going after pretty girls."

“What do you mean by that.”

"Now I have to say you enjoy singing before girls and taking pictures with them, because they are attractive enough to make you smile, am I right?"

"Don't forget I am your senior not your friend!"

"Then, What about me! I am also pretty handsome, huh? As you know, no, As you had me shout it loud, I like men! so, Are you going to be my boyfriend?"

"Watch out your tongue, or I will beat your brains out! You f*****g bastard!"


Though Arthit regretted insulting him, there was no way to fix it.


"...........huh, yes, you right. please do so, sir."


Arthit turned away trying to avoid his aimless gaze.


"...........let's stop here."


Before long only one sentence came out of Arthit's mouth.




He decided to leave Kongpob right away. Soon, he didn't say anything but started walking away from Kongpob. But when he took just a few steps away, A strong hand grasped Arthit's arm and turned him back abruptly. Arthit was really upset this time, so he glared at Kongpob, full of hate. Kongpob's eyes are also burning like fire.


"What the hell are you doing?"

"Where are you going."


Kongpob even dropped his voice down, and it sounded cold enough for Arthit to cringe with a bit fear.


"I warn you. let go of me, Kongpob."

"I asked you where you go."


Arthit tried again to shake off his strong grip, not answering but he soon gave in to him.


"........senior's house to get.....the book."


As soon as he answered, Kongpob dragged him back to where his motorbike was.


"then let me give you a ride there."

"No. I don't wan....."

"You said, Never! "


Kongpob interrupted Arthit rudely not to say further.


"step forward if I am not ready."


"And now I am ready to take you there."


"You did what the seniors should do, so I will do what the juniors can do."


"It's all for Prae. Both of us, right?"


"For her. Let me do what I should do."

"Were you born to make me upset, kid?"


"What the f**k are you doing?"

"Ride on, Sir."


Kongpob rode on his motorbike first and grabbed the handlebars tightly. Arthit couldn't adapt himself to this wired situation because Kongpob rarely lost control of himself as far as Arthit knew him. But just now, Kongpob made him confused and worried as well. To Arthit, He seemed like not only a rebellious high-schooler but also a little kid holding tears back.


'Did I hurt his pride?'


Arthit had no idea of what made this man rude and crazy. Kongpob was no longer his usual self.


'Why do I feel guilty even though I did nothing wrong? Why do I feel I should soothe this trouble maker? Am I finally crazy? is his craziness contagious?'


Arthit frowned and stroke his hair roughly. He rubbed his face with a heavy sigh and then placed his hands by his sides, saying,


"Look at me, Kongpob."


but the rebellious soul did the opposite. He lowered his head and looked down on the ground. Soon later, He murmured to Arthit very weakly.


".......I am sorry, P'."


Arthit could hear what he said exactly. He felt both relief and anger. Chances are, it was Relief that he seemed okay, back to normal and Anger that Kongpob did something regrettable again.


'Why am I riding on the emotional roller-coaster whenever being with this guy......But, Why does my anger towards him disappear this fast?'


He let out a little laugh, shaking his head. at that moment, something came to his mind.


"0062, Kongpob."


'Why do I not hate any more the way he talks to me, even he is extremely rude, arrogant and troublesome to me....huh?'


"Give your hand to me."


At first, Kongpob did hesitate to do it until Arthit forced him, saying, "Are you against me again?" When he held out his hand and opened it, Arthit placed some chocolate candies on Kongpob's palm.


"You need some sweets to calm yourself down, Kongpob."


'Why do I not want to see him suffer.....? S**t, Nothing makes sense.'


"and me too."


Arthit took some more candies out of his jeans pocket and ate one. Actually He had carried them for Kongpob since he might not have eaten anything.


"you have not eaten anything yet, have you?"


"do eat some more."

"I.....I am really sorry, P', I, I didn't mean it. I......"

"now I am ordering you to shut up and just eat them, Kongpob.




Finally, the obedient young man came back. He ate all of them Arthit gave to him.

His face became a bit brighter than right before.


"Kongpob, You can provide a ride for me but."



the sparkling puppy eyes kept looking at his owner with innocent loyalty. This time he looked truly ready for what he was told to do.


"I will drive this bike and you ride behind me."

"..........Can you drive it?"

"Do you doubt me?"

"No, P'Arthit...."


In the end, his name was called by the 0062. Arthit didn't realize he put a very soft smile on his face.


"Now that this is a bit small for two of us, hold on me tight. is it Okay?"

"........Can I ?"


Arthit just gave him a hand signal to move back. In Arthit riding on the front of the bike, Kongpob just sat behind him. There came an awkward silence for a moment. Kongpob just hold on to the bottom of Arthit's shirt, shaking his hands like a shy country boy.


"Kongpob, you want to fall off the bike?"

"No, P'Arthit."

"I told you to hold me tight."

"............then, excuse me."


After given P's re-confirm, He carefully circled his arms around Arthit's waist behind him. He tried to tighten his stomach and chest muscles, as being afraid of accidently touching Arthit's back. He intended to reduce any unnecessary physical contact, possibly bothering Arthit.


"no helmets, Kongpob?"

"......I didn't bring it."

"Ok, let's go."


It was the first ride for Kongpob to sit behind someone he liked secretly.


"P'Arthit, please don't be nervous. you stiffen too much now!"

"shut up. let me focus on driving!"


He had never yielded his front seat to anybody else before, even to Aim, the best friend from childhood.




"Are you Okay?"

"Yes, P'!"

"Don't be afraid, I will take you there safely!"

"...........P'! Just go on, I believe you!"


The bike driven by Arthit was about to lose its balance.




".........What about changing the seat?"

"........Keep going P'!"


Just being with his beautiful sun, Kongpob felt more safe and warm than nervous.


Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (4)



Kongpob was being surrounded by some girls when Arthit came back down with the book. Across the street from them, Arthit silently observed what was going on. Kongpob didn't recognize Arthit's presence. Since there were no cars passing and no stores open, he could hear what they were talking about.


“You look much better in person than in the photos.”

"Can we take pictures with you? I promise not to upload on the internet."

"Why we can't upload?"

"girl, you shut up. anyway, Mr. Campus I like your smile."

"I know you are the first double award- winner for Campus Prince Charming."


The girls were just adorable and active in expressing their feelings to him. If Arthit were him, he would be thrilled to death.


"What brought you here this late at night? Who are you waiting for?"

"One of my friends sent you letters a few times, but she said you hadn't replied her. How come?"


‘Wow, Bravo Bro! It's time to applaud for you.'


It was neither new nor surprising to Arthit that Kongpob had been popular with girls. However, he felt something weird to rasp his nerves.


"Do you have a girl friend already?"


Arthit listened attentively not to lose a single word.


"Sorry. I am waiting for my......."

"your girl friend?"



'Okay. So far so good.'


".......then,....your would-be lover?"


One of them boldly asked him. That probably made Kongpob lose for words but soon he opened his mouth to answer.


"......Maybe. If possible."


The girls seemed definitely disappointed with his answer. The Prince Charming said nothing further, but Arthit didn't miss that a half smile came to Kongpob's lips.


"Can I ask if you chose the song for the one you like........?"


Arthit thought back to the night of the contest. Three songs were sung by him and N'Prae. The last song was really romantic because even Arthit was totally absorbed in it.


"...........Could you guys let me be alone please?"


Kongpob looked really tired of being with them, which made Arthit spring into action immediately. He walked straight across the road towards them.


"Excuse me."

".....P'? Now you made it."


Kongpob welcomed Arthit as if he were a lifesaver coming to rescue him.


".......Is there anything I can help you with, ladies?"


In a lower-pitched voice than usual, the fierce leader of hazing team just came back. He slowly stared at one by one with a perfect stern face, folding his arms and lifting one eyebrow. The girls seemed to instinctively feel an air of quiet authority about him.


"No, P'. Sorry, sir."


They apologized to him quickly and stepped backwards, shrugging their shoulders.


"Too late for girls, I can walk you home, one by one."

"No! P', We are leaving now."

"Wait.......No respect here?"

"Good night, P'"


They put their hands together, bowed down to him and immediately ran away. Kongpob's eyes widened and lit up. P'Arthit didn't talk much but his being itself was just too terrific to ignore.


"Damn tired.......start your motorbike and let's get back to school."


As Kongpob sat on the front, taking hold of the handlebars, Arthit settled behind him. Arthit placed the paper bag with the book in it between Kongpob's back and him. And then he just sat still on the bike. Kongpob was looking back at Arthit over his shoulder.


"P', You can hold onto my belt with your hands.'"


When Arthit finally hold on the both sides of his belt, Kongpob started up the motor and drove it very smoothly. Thanks to his soft driving, Arthit enjoyed the gentle breeze of the night. The silky breeze brushed his cheek and all over his body.




There were no passersby on the both sidewalks, no sign boards lit up, just dim street lights ahead of them. Everything in the street, except a small noise of the bike, was sleeping in peace.




No words needed. Only two of them, riding on the bike, were exploring the beautiful, peaceful night of the town. Being sleepy and tired, Arthit tapped Kongpob on the back with his forehead.


"So sleepy, Kong."


He even forgot to call him 'Kongpob'. While he was still knocking Kongpob's back with his forehead, the tip of his nose also touched Kongpob's. Through them, Arthit felt this young man's heart fluttering. His tensed back also made Arthit satisfied for no reason.


"You can listen to this. P'Arthit."


The motor stopped at the traffic sign even though nobody was there. A peaceful silence visited them again. Kongpob handed a pair of wireless earbuds to Arthit.


"What's this for?"


Kongpob looked back, saying, "let me play it." Tired, Arthit just nodded and placed the wireless earbuds in his ears.


And then, such a soft song started flowing through his ears.


[Trying to look for your feelings that you‘ve hidden inside........]


the motor restarted its smoothy movement. Kongpob drove it as gently as he treated people around him.


[Every time you look at me, I feel there is something.]


Arthit closed his eyes, leading himself back to the day when Kongpob was on the stage, singing this song.


[.........I will try to search it, however hard it is going to be....................................]


That night, he couldn't take his eyes off this young man.


[Please open your heart and let me go inside. I will use my own heart.......... finding what you kept inside.]


Forgetting to keep himself under control, he helplessly lost himself. Watching him singing, he was literally absorbed in whatever Kongpob would hand to him.


[..I know.........love needs time........I don’t care how long, If you give me your love.]


'You know Kongpob. I shouldn't have been there.'


[..................... I'll be there to hear that word of yours.

.............................................That's what I want, the only thing worth trying.]


'I shouldn't have wondered where your eyes were heading.'


<when we grow up enough to love someone secretly, we use all of our heart to search for love.>


'You know Kongpob. While you were talking like a shining, invincible youth, ironically, I tried to hide my feelings by strongly pressing my lips together, without knowing what my feelings really were.'


The song had been played over and over until their short excursion ended up arriving at school.


"Are you Okay, P'?"

"No. I am not Okay."


Kongpob couldn't move himself at all because P' still leaned his forehead against his back.


"Are you not feeling well, P'?"


Arthit kept holding onto the belt unconsciously, though they had already parked the bike near the library.


"...........I am hungry. that's all."


Arthit tried not to burst into tears with his eyes closed. He was afraid if he cried before Kongpob just then, the meaning of his tears would be absolutely different from that of his on the day of Capture the Flag.




He suddenly felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. Arthit covered his mouth and ran in the corner of the parking lot to throw up but nothing came out. He only kept retching for no reason. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead in a flash. He himself didn't know why he was in pain that much. Everything in him was messed up.


"You know? I am hungry, that's why......."


Kongpob had patted down his back gently until Arthit felt better. Arthit's hair was plastered to the forehead with sweat. Kongpob carefully swept back his wet hair off his forehead. He wiped off Arthit's face with a handkerchief.




The school pharmacy had already closed and the library canteen in the basement closed around this time. Kongpob ran down the stairs frantically, looking down at his watch. He almost tripped over, racing the stairs down two steps or more at a time.


"Excuse me, Sir!"


The canteen was not locked but half of the lights were already off. A middle aged man was sweeping in front of the store.


"Could I buy porridge and a drink?"

"We called it a day already."


He didn't look interested in how desperate Kongpob was. That made Kongpob more impatient. He couldn't get Arthit's pale face out of his mind. He was definitely clutching at straws. He felt like begging the man for help though he might not have any compassion.


"What's going on here?"


At that moment, a lifesaver appeared out of nowhere. It was a middle aged woman who looked generous and warm-hearted just like his mother.


"I need to buy some porridge and a drink, Ma'am"

"...........Oh, I know you, Mr. Campus this year."

"Ma'am, I really need them. please."

"........poor kid. Okay. I'll heat up some porridge for you and a drink? what do you want?"

".........a pink milk please."

"Is that for you, Mr. Campus?"

"No. it's for......my senior."

"...........Oh dear. I see. you need it so badly for your senior."


Her face wrinkled in a huge grin. This warm-hearted woman might have read something on his face. He was just relieved, thinking her smile-wrinkles were really beautiful. He looked at her with a shining smile in return from the bottom of his heart. Soon later He finally left the canteen with a pink milk in one hand and a bag full of food in the other hand. Thanks to her, he also got a stomach relief pill for Arthit.


“I can't thank you enough, Ma'am”

"Don' say that......anyway, Good luck to you with your pink milk, Mr. Campus."


She had put free sandwiches and a free water in the bag besides the porridge with a single-use bowl and spoon. His shining smile must have impressed her very much.




When he came out back to P'Arthit, he was not alone. He was talking with P'Bright. Kongpob hesitated to approach them so kept some distance from the seniors.


"That's why your line was busy. How many seniors did you call for the book?"

"I didn't count them. It doesn't matter to me."

"Wow, he is nothing but trouble."

"He just wanted to help his peer."


As the street lights around the library were not bright enough, Kongpob's view turned a bit blurred. He squinted to see them more clearly.


"..........Hey Arthit. Are you on the side of your 0062 again?"

"At least, he is better than you, bastard."


Kongpob felt his heart palpitating with something enthusiastic and everything around him became more vivid all of a sudden.


"What? I am also ready to help others."

"You are always ready to tease others."

"you know what? you are spoiling your 0062 too much."


He tried to cool himself off and waited to finish their conversation. P'Bright left a few minutes later and P'Arthit sat at a nearby table.



"......What took you so long? Did you help make the food?"

"Sorry for being late...."

"............Is that bag not heavy?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Place it here on the table...."

"Let me set a table. Please wait a minute, P'"


Everything was perfect. He was sitting across the table from Arthit and poured the porridge in the disposable bowl and served it with the spoon. He thanked the kind woman again in his mind for everything she had done for him.


"P'.....this is hot, so be careful."


He also didn't forget P's pink milk. Arthit seemed to turn bright pink while he was sucking the pink milk through a straw. Kongpob couldn't take his eyes off Arthit's lips sucking his milk, super cute as well as manly enough. Looking at Arthit, Kongpob recalled the day when he visited his room with the exactly same food. And then, he came across something that had been missing.


"Wait a minute P'! you'd better take this before eating."


Kongpob took the stomach relief out of the bag quickly and gave it with water to Arthit.


"I am Okay now."

"It helps to protect your stomach. believe me, P'."


Arthit took the pill with water like an obedient teenager. That gave Kongpob much of a relief. As a little bit away from street lights, Kongpob placed his cell phone on the table and turned on the flashlight app for Arthit. The soft moonlight also helped them to enjoy the meal.


"What did you buy for yourself? You also need to eat something."

".........for myself?"

"Yes. Look at your dark circles under your eyes, kid."


Kongpob finally realized why she had given extra food to him. Even at the canteen, he had totally forgot that he also needed something to eat. Kongpob took sandwiches quickly out of the bag with embarrassment and waved them at Arthit.


"Anything to drink?"

"P'.......Stop talking. please just finish your porridge."


Kongpob kept himself silent for the next half an hour. He would help this beautiful human being to finish his meal comfortably. He didn't make any eye contact with Arthit but he was fully aware of being together with his sun across the table. When Arthit finished his porridge, he looked much better than Kongpob had expected.


"P', wipe your lips with a napkin."

".......Yo Mama, such a nagger."


Kongpob cleared up the table and went to throw away the trash. Arthit was still sitting, drinking the pink milk when Kongpob came back. Kongpob watched Arthit's back for a while, a few steps away from him. At some point he became determined to do something daring. He walked towards Arthit and stand before him.


"Everything is done?"


Arthit was about to stand up, holding his milk. Kongpob took Arthit by his shoulder and seated him again. Kongpob was so nervous that his lips totally dried up. He kept swallowing and breathed hard. Hot and flustered, he even took away Arthit's milk from him and took a suck at it.


"Are you nuts? if you want it, just ask me."


P'Arthit seemed shocked by what had just happened to him. Kongpob instinctively felt there was no more time for hesitation. Kongpob looked down into the eyes of Arthit and asked,


"Who is your 0062."


"Am I your 0062?"


"Am I ?"


Kongpob was watching Arthit avoid his eyes. This beautiful human being also breathed hard, kept blinking his eyes and even strongly bit his lips. Kongpob turned off the flashlight quickly and asked him in the dim light.


"Do you know who I belong to?"

".........what are you talking about."


Kongpob caught Arthit by his shoulder again not to stand up.


"Who is your 0062."

"How can I know I..."


He put his head down and held his sun's face.




he talked thickly, looking into Arthit's eyes.


"Let's confirm it."


He kissed his lips without any hesitation.



-to be continued


* Thank you for reading.

*Writing this 4th.....I felt, Being handsome is everything......Bravo Mr. Campus....



Thanks so much for sharing another part! I love it :) 

7 hours ago, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:

Finally they met today for photo shooting.




This is so cute!!!!!! :wub: Can't wait to see the photoshoot pics!!

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8 hours ago, seoha said:

Dear Friends.


not to mention, a lot of grammatical errors, not special, so humble.

but, it helps me pass through this time.

I hope you too.


please enjoy it.


  Reveal hidden contents


it might happen after the beach scene. Arthit vaguely knows what Kongpob feels for him. 

Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody(1-3)

  Reveal hidden contents

scene 1.


It was already half past 5 pm when all the classes were over. Arthit ran to the student body‘s office. He was supposed to have a meeting at 5 with Not and Bright but when he entered the office, there was no one.


'Where are these assh......forget the meeting?'


He called them a few times but not answered. He sighed gazing into space. After waiting for a while, he decided to go out to buy a pink milk and some snacks for dinner.


'U....Um......It's Kongpob.'


Half way to the canteen feeling hungry, he saw the 0062 sitting on the bench with his head down. Though his face not seen, he seemed seriously occupied with something. He didn't notice Arthit when he just passed by before him. Actually it never happened before to Arthit. It was always Kongpob that first found Arthit, came close to him and talked to him or teased him. He stopped walking and turned his steps toward the 0062.


'How dare this 0062 not recognize me.'


He stared down at Kongpob still sitting, half in wonder, half in worry. Arthit poked out his lips unconsciously while staring. then, unable to resist, he was about to talk to the 0062. but unfortunately the 0062 said first.



He stood up rapidly, looking startled.

"Where is your 'P'' before Arthit?"

“.....Sorry, P'Arthit.”


Seemingly, Kongpob's pretending to be normal failed this time. Arthit felt something serious in his gloomy-puppy eyes.


'If you were a real dog, I would keep you in my room really, 0062.'


Arthit always thought this boy's eyes are really something, difficult to read but gentle and smart sometimes so aggressive, anyway attractive....no, not that attractive. Arthit shook his head slightly, blinking fast and asked,


"What are you doing here with that dumb face?"


Kongpob lightly smiled without answering. It touched Arthit's nerve.


"Answer me, Kongpob."

"Well....nothing. you don't need to care about, P'Arthit."

"Who did care?"


Arthit talked back right away lifting one eyebrow and asked,


"Did you eat anything?"


Kongpob just shook his head weakly. He seemed really exhausted.


"then....I, I, can buy you di....nner....if you desperately want....some, thing to eat."


Arthit 'kindly' suggested him, stammering a little. But,


"No. Thank you. P'Arthit."


He shortly refused his offer.


'No? did you say just no?'


Arthit simply ignored Kongpob's saying 'Thank you' in his head.



".....Just because....I don't want to."

"So Why."


He tilted his head up to Kongpob with his arms folded. He even made eye contact with Kongpob to detect what made this 0062 serious. While Arthit doing that, Kongpob could not help smiling and thinking,


'This serious face is always cute.'


"You really want me to tell the reason, P'Arthit?"

"Not really."

Arthit answered quickly and continued saying.

"but if you want, I can listen to you."

Arthit purposedly looked away with his hands by the sides.


"................Okay. then please, let me tell you why, P'Arthit."

"Go on."


After a while, Kongpob started explaining to Arthit what had happened.


"Aim and I happened to meet Prae at the library this afternoon"



Arthit recalled her face, pretty enough to be The Star of this year. he even got her phone number and picture the other day when she asked for his signature.


" She was almost crying.........."


Their mood was just good to some extent.


"............we went to the bookstore together to look for the book titled......."


It was by the time Kongpob almost finished his story.


"...............her parents called her when we.........."


Arthit's face went stiff but Kongpob didn't know that Arthit wasn't okay.


"they said it was not published any more......."


He kept saying all obediently to Arthit because he was bit excited that P'Arthit was listening to him, very carefully. Kongpob seemed like a very handsome, submissive pet dog wagging his tail to his owner, Arthit.


"........I promised her that I would look for a new reference book."

"Enough. stop there."


Arthit interrupted him and gave the cold shoulder, saying,


"Playing a hero again? What a busybody."


and walked away in the blink of an eye.



Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (2)



''........should I not have talked about it? How come we never meet without your being mad at me, P'? '


Kongpob stood hopelessly looking at the door of the dorm building where Arthit had already disappeared. Since coming back from the trip, Kongpob had kept scared that P'Arthit would be more disappointed in him and keep himself far distant from him.


'it would take me forever to get one more step closer to you.'


It was the first heartbroken experience for Kongpob to be terrified of possibly losing someone he didn't dare to touch a finger on easily and someone he truly wanted to know all about.


"Two of us........the parallel lines that never meet each other, P'Arthit."


'You all talk but no action. so childish.'


"there might be no intersection between us."


'This is the last warning. Kongpob. don't try to be a hero.'


"always, no exception.....right, P'?"


'Go away from my face. There is nothing else to talk about'


The stabbing feelings of rejection and hurt swept over Kongpob and he felt his heart scratched here and there by an invisible knife. The more obsessed he became in love with P'Arthit, the more he was driven to despair than ever.




Prae had lost a library book so she tried much to find a replacement. When Aim and he met her at the library, the book had already been two weeks overdue. she seemed terribly panicked. Besides, when they were in the bookstore whose owner told the book had been out of print, she got a urgent call from her parents to come back home as quickly as possible. At that time Prae didn't look stable so Kongpob let Aim take her home first. He himself voluntarily promised her to try his best to find the replacement.




Kongpob would like to explain the whole story to make Arthit more understandable but P' stopped him before he could finish it.


'if she doesn't return the book by tomorrow, she will get punished by a big fine and the one semester suspension of borrowing books as well.'


he called a few more bookstores for checking out if they could get the book. He didn't want to stop his trying, because he totally understood how serious this situation could be to a freshy like her. He thought it could have happened to him.






Arthit dashed back into the room, slamming the door. he lay face down on the bed thinking of how annoying the 0062 had been.


'How come you are always meddling in others' affairs?'


Giving a handkerchief to a crying girl. Getting signatures instead of his friend.

Passing his name tag to the girl whose name he couldn't remember......


Thinking back to, he was a real nuisance.


'As I gave all my heart to you, I need some to replace.'


He stopped Arthit from having the freshies run 54 rounds as punishment by saying only he himself was given the hearts by the missing freshies that hadn't shown up. What a cheesy man with plenty of guts. But deep down, Arthit was relieved, because he knew that running 54 laps could be too hard for the freshies. So it was like Kongpob saved not only his friends but also the hazers including Arthit.


And all of a sudden,


''P'Arthit has been running all day long!'


Arthit felt his heart beating fast so he had to exhale out deeply for a while.


'If you don't stop, I will run with you!'


Still hard to breathe, he lay on his back and slowly sighed again. Soon later unable to lay still, he stretched his arms out to the sides, and looked up at the ceiling.


'Can't freshmen worry about the 3rd year senior?'


To be honest, Arthit felt guilty when Kongpob cried out those words. That night, Kongpob did really seem in pain as if he had run on the track all day long.


'What a busybody.....but.....well......That's the way he is.....,'


It is undeniable that the 0062 is a man with a warm heart willing to help others. Moreover, Kongpob's proved himself more than competent in all ways.


"P'? this is Arth.....ye.....How have you been.....Um......."


Arthit sat up on the bed, picked up the cell phone and started making a few calls.


"I was wondering if you have the book titled 'XXXXXX.'"


He kept talking and talking on the phone.


"One of my freshes lost the book borrowed from the library. ye, that kid left it on the bus. it is out of print now. A.....you don't have it."


By the time he finished phoning some of his graduating seniors, it was already past 8 pm.


"it is a reference book for.....yes....the professor is still using old ones."


His mouth became dry and his throat was really sore. his cell phone was too hot to hold.


"..........Who....? oh, thank you P'."


To his relief, Arthit finally reached a graduate with the book. Fortunately living near the university, the senior told him to drop by his house at any time. When allowed to visit him in one hour, Arthit sprang up from the bed and said a big 'Thank- you' to him with a bright smile. Though forgetting to have dinner, He was filled with sufficient energy but he couldn't explain where it came from. it was totally unexplainable.






It was almost half past 8 pm when Kongpob saw Arthit again from some distance away. Arthit was a bit restlessly hanging around the bench which Kongpob had sat on.


'Why is P'Arthit over there? is he looking for me?....but... no way.'


But just his watching P'Arthit's back, a very warm feeling filled his heart briefly and a feeling of despair in him completely disappeared. He realized it again how much he cherished this beautiful human being.


Kongpob waited for a while wanting Arthit to notice him but he showed no sign of having seen Kongpob.




Kongpob could not help but smile softly, feeling himself like a fool. He felt like flying towards his only sun.




He even liked his own voice calling the name, Arthit.




Arthit turned around as Kongpob called out his name. Their eyes met, and the senior's eyes were likely flashing with delight for a second. That gave Kongpob some courage. He finally decided to move close to Arthit. As he carried his motorbike, he just walked towards him pushing his motorbike.


"Where have you been, Kongpob?"

"I got back to my room for a shower."


"........what are you doing here, P'? Are you looking for some....thing?"


Kongpob asked him with some anticipation but P'Arthit didn't answer him. Rather, he just continued asking.


"Why are you carrying your motorbike."

".............I am....."

"Are you going somewhere?"

".......I am on my way to a bookstore near the school."


P'Arthit looked a bit astonished as Kongpob said.


"..........Did you find a replacement for the book already?"

"I am not sure but the owner wants me to check some books he found. I've got his call right before."


For a few moments there was silence between them.


"I think you don't need to go there."


It was Arthit who broke the silence first.


"................Why not?"

"I......I found the book that belongs to one of the graduating seniors."

"You found the book for me?"

“No. for N'Prae.”


His answer came very quickly and there was another silence coming.


"....,,,.I see. of course I guessed so."


This time Kongpob broke the silence first but his face clouded with a mild disappointment.




Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (3)




"Don't get me wrong. I just did what the seniors should do."


"I helped this time for N'Prae, but there will be no second time."


"And you, Kongpob. Never step forward if you are not ready."


"You got me?"


No words were spoken by Kongpob while Arthit was warning him. Only his darkened eyes did the talking, 'I am hurt'. That pushed Arthit's guilt button inside him but he ignored it.


"I will inform her that a senior working at the library is going to deal with it."

"...........She is not available now."

"it doesn't matter. I can text her."


Kongpob turned pale in a second as he said.


"..........Do you have her phone number?"


It suddenly occurred to him that P' Arthit hadn't had his phone number before the trip to the beach.


"Don't stare at me like that. It is not strange for a senior to have a freshy girl's number."


Arthit talked back in a firm tone, but only to be a little shamefaced. As a matter of fact, he was a bit interested in her when he got her number. but now?


'Absolutely not at all. I can swear it to you. Wait, wait. what am I thinking of?'


"Have you kept Prae's number all this time? Since when?"


Kongpob's burning, accusing eyes stabbed straight into Arthit's heart.


"It's none of your business."


His insensitive response made Kongpob more furious than ever. Something seemed to hit Kongpob's head very hard. His blood suddenly started running quite fast in his veins. He clenched his fists at the same time.


"I didn't know you just like going after pretty girls."

“What do you mean by that.”

"Now I have to say you enjoy singing before girls and taking pictures with them, because they are attractive enough to make you smile, am I right?"

"Don't forget I am your senior not your friend!"

"Then, What about me! I am also pretty handsome, huh? As you know, no, As you had me shout it loud, I like men! so, Are you going to be my boyfriend?"

"Watch out your tongue, or I will beat your brains out! You f*****g bastard!"


Though Arthit regretted insulting him, there was no way to fix it.


"...........huh, yes, you right. please do so, sir."


Arthit turned away trying to avoid his aimless gaze.


"...........let's stop here."


Before long only one sentence came out of Arthit's mouth.




He decided to leave Kongpob right away. Soon, he didn't say anything but started walking away from Kongpob. But when he took just a few steps away, A strong hand grasped Arthit's arm and turned him back abruptly. Arthit was really upset this time, so he glared at Kongpob, full of hate. Kongpob's eyes are also burning like fire.


"What the hell are you doing?"

"Where are you going."


Kongpob even dropped his voice down, and it sounded cold enough for Arthit to cringe with a bit fear.


"I warn you. let go of me, Kongpob."

"I asked you where you go."


Arthit tried again to shake off his strong grip, not answering but he soon gave in to him.


"........senior's house to get.....the book."


As soon as he answered, Kongpob dragged him back to where his motorbike was.


"then let me give you a ride there."

"No. I don't wan....."

"You said, Never! "


Kongpob interrupted Arthit rudely not to say further.


"step forward if I am not ready."


"And now I am ready to take you there."


"You did what the seniors should do, so I will do what the juniors can do."


"It's all for Prae. Both of us, right?"


"For her. Let me do what I should do."

"Were you born to make me upset, kid?"


"What the f**k are you doing?"

"Ride on, Sir."


Kongpob rode on his motorbike first and grabbed the handlebars tightly. Arthit couldn't adapt himself to this wired situation because Kongpob rarely lost control of himself as far as Arthit knew him. But just now, Kongpob made him confused and worried as well. To Arthit, He seemed like not only a rebellious high-schooler but also a little kid holding tears back.


'Did I hurt his pride?'


Arthit had no idea of what made this man rude and crazy. Kongpob was no longer his usual self.


'Why do I feel guilty even though I did nothing wrong? Why do I feel I should soothe this trouble maker? Am I finally crazy? is his craziness contagious?'


Arthit frowned and stroke his hair roughly. He rubbed his face with a heavy sigh and then placed his hands by his sides, saying,


"Look at me, Kongpob."


but the rebellious soul did the opposite. He lowered his head and looked down on the ground. Soon later, He murmured to Arthit very weakly.


".......I am sorry, P'."


Arthit could hear what he said exactly. He felt both relief and anger. Chances are, it was Relief that he seemed okay, back to normal and Anger that Kongpob did something regrettable again.


'Why am I riding on the emotional roller-coaster whenever being with this guy......But, Why does my anger towards him disappear this fast?'


He let out a little laugh, shaking his head. at that moment, something came to his mind.


"0062, Kongpob."


'Why do I not hate any more the way he talks to me, even he is extremely rude, arrogant and troublesome to me....huh?'


"Give your hand to me."


At first, Kongpob did hesitate to do it until Arthit forced him, saying, "Are you against me again?" When he held out his hand and opened it, Arthit placed some chocolate candies on Kongpob's palm.


"You need some sweets to calm yourself down, Kongpob."


'Why do I not want to see him suffer.....? S**t, Nothing makes sense.'


"and me too."


Arthit took some more candies out of his jeans pocket and ate one. Actually He had carried them for Kongpob since he might not have eaten anything.


"you have not eaten anything yet, have you?"


"do eat some more."

"I.....I am really sorry, P', I, I didn't mean it. I......"

"now I am ordering you to shut up and just eat them, Kongpob.




Finally, the obedient young man came back. He ate all of them Arthit gave to him.

His face became a bit brighter than right before.


"Kongpob, You can provide a ride for me but."



the sparkling puppy eyes kept looking at his owner with innocent loyalty. This time he looked truly ready for what he was told to do.


"I will drive this bike and you ride behind me."

"..........Can you drive it?"

"Do you doubt me?"

"No, P'Arthit...."


In the end, his name was called by the 0062. Arthit didn't realize he put a very soft smile on his face.


"Now that this is a bit small for two of us, hold on me tight. is it Okay?"

"........Can I ?"


Arthit just gave him a hand signal to move back. In Arthit riding on the front of the bike, Kongpob just sat behind him. There came an awkward silence for a moment. Kongpob just hold on to the bottom of Arthit's shirt, shaking his hands like a shy country boy.


"Kongpob, you want to fall off the bike?"

"No, P'Arthit."

"I told you to hold me tight."

"............then, excuse me."


After given P's re-confirm, He carefully circled his arms around Arthit's waist behind him. He tried to tighten his stomach and chest muscles, as being afraid of accidently touching Arthit's back. He intended to reduce any unnecessary physical contact, possibly bothering Arthit.


"no helmets, Kongpob?"

"......I didn't bring it."

"Ok, let's go."


It was the first ride for Kongpob to sit behind someone he liked secretly.


"P'Arthit, please don't be nervous. you stiffen too much now!"

"shut up. let me focus on driving!"


He had never yielded his front seat to anybody else before, even to Aim, the best friend from childhood.




"Are you Okay?"

"Yes, P'!"

"Don't be afraid, I will take you there safely!"

"...........P'! Just go on, I believe you!"


The bike driven by Arthit was about to lose its balance.




".........What about changing the seat?"

"........Keep going P'!"


Just being with his beautiful sun, Kongpob felt more safe and warm than nervous.


Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (4)



Kongpob was being surrounded by some girls when Arthit came back down with the book. Across the street from them, Arthit silently observed what was going on. Kongpob didn't recognize Arthit's presence. Since there were no cars passing and no stores open, he could hear what they were talking about.


“You look much better in person than in the photos.”

"Can we take pictures with you? I promise not to upload on the internet."

"Why we can't upload?"

"girl, you shut up. anyway, Mr. Campus I like your smile."

"I know you are the first double award- winner for Campus Prince Charming."


The girls were just adorable and active in expressing their feelings to him. If Arthit were him, he would be thrilled to death.


"What brought you here this late at night? Who are you waiting for?"

"One of my friends sent you letters a few times, but she said you hadn't replied her. How come?"


‘Wow, Bravo Bro! It's time to applaud for you.'


It was neither new nor surprising to Arthit that Kongpob had been popular with girls. However, he felt something weird to rasp his nerves.


"Do you have a girl friend already?"


Arthit listened attentively not to lose a single word.


"Sorry. I am waiting for my......."

"your girl friend?"



'Okay. So far so good.'


".......then,....your would-be lover?"


One of them boldly asked him. That probably made Kongpob lose for words but soon he opened his mouth to answer.


"......Maybe. If possible."


The girls seemed definitely disappointed with his answer. The Prince Charming said nothing further, but Arthit didn't miss that a half smile came to Kongpob's lips.


"Can I ask if you chose the song for the one you like........?"


Arthit thought back to the night of the contest. Three songs were sung by him and N'Prae. The last song was really romantic because even Arthit was totally absorbed in it.


"...........Could you guys let me be alone please?"


Kongpob looked really tired of being with them, which made Arthit spring into action immediately. He walked straight across the road towards them.


"Excuse me."

".....P'? Now you made it."


Kongpob welcomed Arthit as if he were a lifesaver coming to rescue him.


".......Is there anything I can help you with, ladies?"


In a lower-pitched voice than usual, the fierce leader of hazing team just came back. He slowly stared at one by one with a perfect stern face, folding his arms and lifting one eyebrow. The girls seemed to instinctively feel an air of quiet authority about him.


"No, P'. Sorry, sir."


They apologized to him quickly and stepped backwards, shrugging their shoulders.


"Too late for girls, I can walk you home, one by one."

"No! P', We are leaving now."

"Wait.......No respect here?"

"Good night, P'"


They put their hands together, bowed down to him and immediately ran away. Kongpob's eyes widened and lit up. P'Arthit didn't talk much but his being itself was just too terrific to ignore.


"Damn tired.......start your motorbike and let's get back to school."


As Kongpob sat on the front, taking hold of the handlebars, Arthit settled behind him. Arthit placed the paper bag with the book in it between Kongpob's back and him. And then he just sat still on the bike. Kongpob was looking back at Arthit over his shoulder.


"P', You can hold onto my belt with your hands.'"


When Arthit finally hold on the both sides of his belt, Kongpob started up the motor and drove it very smoothly. Thanks to his soft driving, Arthit enjoyed the gentle breeze of the night. The silky breeze brushed his cheek and all over his body.




There were no passersby on the both sidewalks, no sign boards lit up, just dim street lights ahead of them. Everything in the street, except a small noise of the bike, was sleeping in peace.




No words needed. Only two of them, riding on the bike, were exploring the beautiful, peaceful night of the town. Being sleepy and tired, Arthit tapped Kongpob on the back with his forehead.


"So sleepy, Kong."


He even forgot to call him 'Kongpob'. While he was still knocking Kongpob's back with his forehead, the tip of his nose also touched Kongpob's. Through them, Arthit felt this young man's heart fluttering. His tensed back also made Arthit satisfied for no reason.


"You can listen to this. P'Arthit."


The motor stopped at the traffic sign even though nobody was there. A peaceful silence visited them again. Kongpob handed a pair of wireless earbuds to Arthit.


"What's this for?"


Kongpob looked back, saying, "let me play it." Tired, Arthit just nodded and placed the wireless earbuds in his ears.


And then, such a soft song started flowing through his ears.


[Trying to look for your feelings that you‘ve hidden inside........]


the motor restarted its smoothy movement. Kongpob drove it as gently as he treated people around him.


[Every time you look at me, I feel there is something.]


Arthit closed his eyes, leading himself back to the day when Kongpob was on the stage, singing this song.


[.........I will try to search it, however hard it is going to be....................................]


That night, he couldn't take his eyes off this young man.


[Please open your heart and let me go inside. I will use my own heart.......... finding what you kept inside.]


Forgetting to keep himself under control, he helplessly lost himself. Watching him singing, he was literally absorbed in whatever Kongpob would hand to him.


[..I know.........love needs time........I don’t care how long, If you give me your love.]


'You know Kongpob. I shouldn't have been there.'


[..................... I'll be there to hear that word of yours.

.............................................That's what I want, the only thing worth trying.]


'I shouldn't have wondered where your eyes were heading.'


<when we grow up enough to love someone secretly, we use all of our heart to search for love.>


'You know Kongpob. While you were talking like a shining, invincible youth, ironically, I tried to hide my feelings by strongly pressing my lips together, without knowing what my feelings really were.'


The song had been played over and over until their short excursion ended up arriving at school.


"Are you Okay, P'?"

"No. I am not Okay."


Kongpob couldn't move himself at all because P' still leaned his forehead against his back.


"Are you not feeling well, P'?"


Arthit kept holding onto the belt unconsciously, though they had already parked the bike near the library.


"...........I am hungry. that's all."


Arthit tried not to burst into tears with his eyes closed. He was afraid if he cried before Kongpob just then, the meaning of his tears would be absolutely different from that of his on the day of Capture the Flag.




He suddenly felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. Arthit covered his mouth and ran in the corner of the parking lot to throw up but nothing came out. He only kept retching for no reason. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead in a flash. He himself didn't know why he was in pain that much. Everything in him was messed up.


"You know? I am hungry, that's why......."


Kongpob had patted down his back gently until Arthit felt better. Arthit's hair was plastered to the forehead with sweat. Kongpob carefully swept back his wet hair off his forehead. He wiped off Arthit's face with a handkerchief.




The school pharmacy had already closed and the library canteen in the basement closed around this time. Kongpob ran down the stairs frantically, looking down at his watch. He almost tripped over, racing the stairs down two steps or more at a time.


"Excuse me, Sir!"


The canteen was not locked but half of the lights were already off. A middle aged man was sweeping in front of the store.


"Could I buy porridge and a drink?"

"We called it a day already."


He didn't look interested in how desperate Kongpob was. That made Kongpob more impatient. He couldn't get Arthit's pale face out of his mind. He was definitely clutching at straws. He felt like begging the man for help though he might not have any compassion.


"What's going on here?"


At that moment, a lifesaver appeared out of nowhere. It was a middle aged woman who looked generous and warm-hearted just like his mother.


"I need to buy some porridge and a drink, Ma'am"

"...........Oh, I know you, Mr. Campus this year."

"Ma'am, I really need them. please."

"........poor kid. Okay. I'll heat up some porridge for you and a drink? what do you want?"

".........a pink milk please."

"Is that for you, Mr. Campus?"

"No. it's for......my senior."

"...........Oh dear. I see. you need it so badly for your senior."


Her face wrinkled in a huge grin. This warm-hearted woman might have read something on his face. He was just relieved, thinking her smile-wrinkles were really beautiful. He looked at her with a shining smile in return from the bottom of his heart. Soon later He finally left the canteen with a pink milk in one hand and a bag full of food in the other hand. Thanks to her, he also got a stomach relief pill for Arthit.


“I can't thank you enough, Ma'am”

"Don' say that......anyway, Good luck to you with your pink milk, Mr. Campus."


She had put free sandwiches and a free water in the bag besides the porridge with a single-use bowl and spoon. His shining smile must have impressed her very much.




When he came out back to P'Arthit, he was not alone. He was talking with P'Bright. Kongpob hesitated to approach them so kept some distance from the seniors.


"That's why your line was busy. How many seniors did you call for the book?"

"I didn't count them. It doesn't matter to me."

"Wow, he is nothing but trouble."

"He just wanted to help his peer."


As the street lights around the library were not bright enough, Kongpob's view turned a bit blurred. He squinted to see them more clearly.


"..........Hey Arthit. Are you on the side of your 0062 again?"

"At least, he is better than you, bastard."


Kongpob felt his heart palpitating with something enthusiastic and everything around him became more vivid all of a sudden.


"What? I am also ready to help others."

"You are always ready to tease others."

"you know what? you are spoiling your 0062 too much."


He tried to cool himself off and waited to finish their conversation. P'Bright left a few minutes later and P'Arthit sat at a nearby table.



"......What took you so long? Did you help make the food?"

"Sorry for being late...."

"............Is that bag not heavy?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Place it here on the table...."

"Let me set a table. Please wait a minute, P'"


Everything was perfect. He was sitting across the table from Arthit and poured the porridge in the disposable bowl and served it with the spoon. He thanked the kind woman again in his mind for everything she had done for him.


"P'.....this is hot, so be careful."


He also didn't forget P's pink milk. Arthit seemed to turn bright pink while he was sucking the pink milk through a straw. Kongpob couldn't take his eyes off Arthit's lips sucking his milk, super cute as well as manly enough. Looking at Arthit, Kongpob recalled the day when he visited his room with the exactly same food. And then, he came across something that had been missing.


"Wait a minute P'! you'd better take this before eating."


Kongpob took the stomach relief out of the bag quickly and gave it with water to Arthit.


"I am Okay now."

"It helps to protect your stomach. believe me, P'."


Arthit took the pill with water like an obedient teenager. That gave Kongpob much of a relief. As a little bit away from street lights, Kongpob placed his cell phone on the table and turned on the flashlight app for Arthit. The soft moonlight also helped them to enjoy the meal.


"What did you buy for yourself? You also need to eat something."

".........for myself?"

"Yes. Look at your dark circles under your eyes, kid."


Kongpob finally realized why she had given extra food to him. Even at the canteen, he had totally forgot that he also needed something to eat. Kongpob took sandwiches quickly out of the bag with embarrassment and waved them at Arthit.


"Anything to drink?"

"P'.......Stop talking. please just finish your porridge."


Kongpob kept himself silent for the next half an hour. He would help this beautiful human being to finish his meal comfortably. He didn't make any eye contact with Arthit but he was fully aware of being together with his sun across the table. When Arthit finished his porridge, he looked much better than Kongpob had expected.


"P', wipe your lips with a napkin."

".......Yo Mama, such a nagger."


Kongpob cleared up the table and went to throw away the trash. Arthit was still sitting, drinking the pink milk when Kongpob came back. Kongpob watched Arthit's back for a while, a few steps away from him. At some point he became determined to do something daring. He walked towards Arthit and stand before him.


"Everything is done?"


Arthit was about to stand up, holding his milk. Kongpob took Arthit by his shoulder and seated him again. Kongpob was so nervous that his lips totally dried up. He kept swallowing and breathed hard. Hot and flustered, he even took away Arthit's milk from him and took a suck at it.


"Are you nuts? if you want it, just ask me."


P'Arthit seemed shocked by what had just happened to him. Kongpob instinctively felt there was no more time for hesitation. Kongpob looked down into the eyes of Arthit and asked,


"Who is your 0062."


"Am I your 0062?"


"Am I ?"


Kongpob was watching Arthit avoid his eyes. This beautiful human being also breathed hard, kept blinking his eyes and even strongly bit his lips. Kongpob turned off the flashlight quickly and asked him in the dim light.


"Do you know who I belong to?"

".........what are you talking about."


Kongpob caught Arthit by his shoulder again not to stand up.


"Who is your 0062."

"How can I know I..."


He put his head down and held his sun's face.




he talked thickly, looking into Arthit's eyes.


"Let's confirm it."


He kissed his lips without any hesitation.



-to be continued


* Thank you for reading.

*Writing this 4th.....I felt, Being handsome is everything......Bravo Mr. Campus....



Thank you so much ! It was pure pleasure to read this. Can't wait for more, pretty please...

I was off for couple of days from our forum, some family staff came out, really happy i can be with you all again. I wanna thank with all my heart @delightful for translated chapters, @hcpoirot for Prem&Wad fan fiction, it made me able to forget about stressful time. I also send BIG HUG everyone in this forum, you are incredible fans and what more, thanks to your total commitment to Sotus I discovered how beautiful and incredibly interesting country is Thailand !

i'm aware that i probably state the obvious opinions ( in my country we say '' obvious obviousness '' :) ), but i really would love to live in the country where on the one hand there are important values like respect, order etc. and on the other OFF wearing hoodie with '' nice to richard simmons you ''  overprint  ;)  cos' it's just cool !

OK, I'd better finished this, sorry if what i wrote is hardly understandable.

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15 minutes ago, yokas said:

Thank you so much ! It was pure pleasure to read this. Can't wait for more, pretty please...

I was off for couple of days from our forum, some family staff came out, really happy i can be with you all again. I wanna thank with all my heart @delightful for translated chapters, @hcpoirot for Prem&Wad fan fiction, it made me able to forget about stressful time. I also send BIG HUG everyone in this forum, you are incredible fans and what more, thanks to your total commitment to Sotus I discovered how beautiful and incredibly interesting country is Thailand !

i'm aware that i probably state the obvious opinions ( in my country we say '' obvious obviousness '' :) ), but i really would love to live in the country where on the one hand there are important values like respect, order etc. and on the other OFF wearing hoodie with '' nice to richard simmons you ''  overprint  ;)  cos' it's just cool !

OK, I'd better finished this, sorry if what i wrote is hardly understandable.


@yokasGlad that you like Prem & Wad story. Hope it can help make time fly a bit faster until  Sotus ep 9 airing on tv .

PS: Hope one day your wish will come true. 

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1 hour ago, yokas said:

Thank you so much ! It was pure pleasure to read this. Can't wait for more, pretty please...

I was off for couple of days from our forum, some family staff came out, really happy i can be with you all again. I wanna thank with all my heart @delightful for translated chapters, @hcpoirot for Prem&Wad fan fiction, it made me able to forget about stressful time. I also send BIG HUG everyone in this forum, you are incredible fans and what more, thanks to your total commitment to Sotus I discovered how beautiful and incredibly interesting country is Thailand !

i'm aware that i probably state the obvious opinions ( in my country we say '' obvious obviousness '' :) ), but i really would love to live in the country where on the one hand there are important values like respect, order etc. and on the other OFF wearing hoodie with '' nice to richard simmons you ''  overprint  ;)  cos' it's just cool !

OK, I'd better finished this, sorry if what i wrote is hardly understandable.

Haha yeah Off's hoodie was so funny :joy: I agree with you :D

Welcome back to the thread!! I hope everything is okay with your family :heart:

Oh yeah I also want to thank you @hcpoirot for your fanfics :) I've been reading them ^^


*EDIT: and here's some more adorable funny Off for you @yokas:


Edited by dreadaeleonkvothe
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Guest delightful

"If your friends have to wait for someone to come lead them all the time, in the future when they encounter a difficult situation, how can they resolve it when all they are doing is following? They wouldn't have the spirit to stand up and do it themselves, which means they don't have the right to be our juniors!"  -Arthit (Head of the hazing team)

Why does he have to be so right? ... And right after doing something like kicking Kongpope out of the cheer room!??!?!? I can't hate him.. seriously! :wub:

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4 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Haha yeah Off's hoodie was so funny :joy: I agree with you :D

Welcome back to the thread!! I hope everything is okay with your family :heart:

Oh yeah I also want to thank you @hcpoirot for your fanfics :) I've been reading them ^^


*EDIT: and here's some more adorable funny Off for you @yokas:


Thank you so much, it's all good now. 

OMG !!! HIS FACE...never enough ( silly me ) ;) 

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Guest delightful
14 hours ago, biblioklept said:


Are you talking about a scene in the novel? :rolleyes:

:flushed: Now you are making me wonder what happened in the novel hehehehe

I agree with you. I'm glad there's nothing explicit in SOTUS. I might have read a lot of smut BL stuff since years ago and watching SOTUS feels very innocent, yet cute, and very-very romantic. I wonder how is it in the novel but so far I really love their love pace in the series. :wub:

ETA. And I have to say that SOTUS is by far my most favorite BL stories. Because it feels so real, sweet, and beautiful. :D

One of the special chapters details Kongpope's entrance interview to that university. Also, besides his mom's request Kongpope was persuaded by a certain senior. ^_^

The rest of the stuff I wrote is based on Bittersweet's interviews and random posts from various sites. Even in her interviews/posts she shows a lot of respect for Kongpope and Arthit. And every time she writes a special she always expresses her fondness for this couple and how much she has missed them. But she doesn't want to write more about their lives because she wants to just share these innocent moments, how these two live their lives later on in life is basically up to our imagination. I think she wants the readers to make up their own happy ending, no matter what that ending is. Darn, I really want to meet her! Even if that day will most likely never come. And if it ever does, I'd probably be a mute for the first 10minutes of seeing her. LOL!


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Guest delightful

Gunsmile.. this kid is NOT normal. I love him.





can't post it all, go and find his clips on yt.. I love his antics. He seems to be very close to Sing and Toptap. Lovesick brought a lot of people together for real.. no wonder CT and WW are still fan-servicing to this day.

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I wrote a fanfic today :phew: About Kong and Arthit. It's been a long time since I've done any creative writing, but it's just so much fun to write about/think about these two :wub::wub: I have a Wattpad account but I've never posted anything on it :blink: I just read there :P ...I have to leave home soon so maybe I don't have time to put it up on Wattpad, but if anyone's interested I could do that later.. or just put it in a spoiler box here... :sweatingbullets:  

They're just so cute so I wanted to write something :D:wub:

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9 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

I wrote a fanfic today :phew: About Kong and Arthit. It's been a long time since I've done any creative writing, but it's just so much fun to write about/think about these two :wub::wub: I have a Wattpad account but I've never posted anything on it :blink: I just read there :P ...I have to leave home soon so maybe I don't have time to put it up on Wattpad, but if anyone's interested I could do that later.. or just put it in a spoiler box here... :sweatingbullets:  

They're just so cute so I wanted to write something :D:wub:


A fanfic about Sotus? Please share it, i want to read it, i miss them so much  :grin::blush:

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1 hour ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

I wrote a fanfic today :phew: About Kong and Arthit. It's been a long time since I've done any creative writing, but it's just so much fun to write about/think about these two :wub::wub: I have a Wattpad account but I've never posted anything on it :blink: I just read there :P ...I have to leave home soon so maybe I don't have time to put it up on Wattpad, but if anyone's interested I could do that later.. or just put it in a spoiler box here... :sweatingbullets:  

They're just so cute so I wanted to write something :D:wub:


It's funny, I did the same thing re: Addicted over in that thread --- except I didn't ask to post it, I just did. :blink:

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in regards to krists girlfriend, (and T.T.), the subject is mentioned multiple times throughout these over 300pages. i don't really have time at the moment to go back through and get the pages (too much RL stuff right now) but if you back-read it's all in there.

speaking of which, i can't believe we are so far past 300! i guess it shows how great everyone's sotus-love is.:)

ooooh, thanks for the gunsmile clips. i admit to following his IG because half his posts make me laugh. he's such a nut (in a good way. like Off). i think many of the LS boys keep in touch and hang out but those three are really close. i laughed at the WW and CT fanservice comment, i kind of get the feeling they've been doing it so long that they don't even think about it anymore, it just happens when they make appearances together.

@dreadaeleonkvothe please post your FF. i think we are all going through serious sotus withdrawal.

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