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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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13 minutes ago, delightful said:

Translating chapter 6 and I finally realized what Kongpope meant at the end of the chapter there. He's completely smitten with his P'Arthit.

Some of you have asked about who fell in love first, between Arthit and Kongpope. I'm not saying I'm right, but I think it's definitely Kongpope that fell for Arthit first. The first time Kongpope looked at Arthit in a good light was when he saw Arthit help the freshman that got ill on the field. Before that he was only trying to talk back or save his friends from being punished. But when P'Fang explained the duties of the hazers Kongpope put everything together. And the oranges that were given to him by P'Arthit was a hint of his hidden kindness. That's when he realized that there is no way he could hate Arthit, and he realized another reason for always arguing/teasing Arthit, it was because his reactions were just so adorable. This teasing has a meaning in chapter 6. Well, we all watched the series but they messed up this precious scene by making the last line from Kongpope seem insignificant.  In the series the part where Kongpope was kicked out of the cheer room for wanting to help the second year students, after the hazing team comes out and Arthit talks to Kongpope and the rest of the hazers left Kongpope asked about why he was punished during the signature campaign. And Arthit asked him why he thinks he was punished, Kongpope said it's 'because you like me, and teasing me is just your way of getting attention from me'. At the end of that conversation when Arthit has already walked off, Aim asked Kongpope what he said to the head of the hazing team? Kongpope just simply says.. 'I just want to tease him.' <-- That line should of had been filmed with more care. When you read the novel and you become familiar with the author's writing style, you know which lines are important. And that line was very important, it's basically Kongpope admitting that he is teasing Arthit because he liked Arthit and wants attention from him.

*sorry for my rambling.. gonna go eat then continue translating again. *


Are you still up doing translations?? Go and rest!!! 

On that note, I do realise Kongpope's teasing method is like those high school boys who irritate the hell out of the girls they like....seriously almost close to bullying...I suppose you can all it wanting attention but it's Super irritating and down right hurtful...I am not saying Kongpope is a bully but he does hurt Arthit and his pride...knowingly.

Cant wait for the next chapter and the continuation of the series...I don't sleep much so my comments and responses might be at odder hours than others...usually I only sleep three hours a day, it's my bad habit that I want to change as age is not forgiving to those who don't rest well. 

You take care 

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off topic but someone asked about the video of Gunsmile and Ssing kissing (an 'oops i fell on your lips' moment).

it's from episode 8 of Melodies of Life "My Name is Single." it also has Kim from Diary of Tootsies in it but sadly it's not a BL show.


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Guest delightful
19 minutes ago, jujumon said:


Are you still up doing translations?? Go and rest!!! 

On that note, I do realise Kongpope's teasing method is like those high school boys who irritate the hell out of the girls they like....seriously almost close to bullying...I suppose you can all it wanting attention but it's Super irritating and down right hurtful...I am not saying Kongpope is a bully but he does hurt Arthit and his pride...knowingly.

Cant wait for the next chapter and the continuation of the series...I don't sleep much so my comments and responses might be at odder hours than others...usually I only sleep three hours a day, it's my bad habit that I want to change as age is not forgiving to those who don't rest well. 

You take care 

Trying to catch up to the current episode before it starts to air again. Don't worry, I've told myself I wouldn't force myself to translate if I'm tired. I usually divide it up into 4-5 parts and do one part go play on youtube or here and then do the next.. and repeat. Thanks for worrying about me... :blush:

And about the teasing, doesn't Kongpope kind of stop teasing Arthit publicly after this? Once he realizes his own affection towards Arthit, he only teases/says those cheesy lines when they are alone. So his teasing from this point on isn't targeted to embarrass Arthit, but he's doing it out of affection. EVEN if Arthit has NO clue about this teasing being affection. So.. I guess we are to take those cheesy/pick-up lines as his real feelings? *goosebumps*

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

Translating chapter 6 and I finally realized what Kongpope meant at the end of the chapter there. He's completely smitten with his P'Arthit.

Some of you have asked about who fell in love first, between Arthit and Kongpope. I'm not saying I'm right, but I think it's definitely Kongpope that fell for Arthit first. The first time Kongpope looked at Arthit in a good light was when he saw Arthit help the freshman that got ill on the field. Before that he was only trying to talk back or save his friends from being punished. But when P'Fang explained the duties of the hazers Kongpope put everything together. And the oranges that were given to him by P'Arthit was a hint of his hidden kindness. That's when he realized that there is no way he could hate Arthit, and he realized another reason for always arguing/teasing Arthit, it was because his reactions were just so adorable. This teasing has a meaning in chapter 6. Well, we all watched the series but they messed up this precious scene by making the last line from Kongpope seem insignificant.  In the series the part where Kongpope was kicked out of the cheer room for wanting to help the second year students, after the hazing team comes out and Arthit talks to Kongpope and the rest of the hazers left Kongpope asked about why he was punished during the signature campaign. And Arthit asked him why he thinks he was punished, Kongpope said it's 'because you like me, and teasing me is just your way of getting attention from me'. At the end of that conversation when Arthit has already walked off, Aim asked Kongpope what he said to the head of the hazing team? Kongpope just simply says.. 'I just want to tease him.' <-- That line should of had been filmed with more care. When you read the novel and you become familiar with the author's writing style, you know which lines are important. And that line was very important, it's basically Kongpope admitting that he is teasing Arthit because he liked Arthit and wants attention from him.

*sorry for my rambling.. gonna go eat then continue translating again. *

I have a whole list of scenes which I think needed to be handled differently then what we actually got.

1. the order of events....I mean Kong messing with Arthit first with his wife comment...

2. the first tie grab in the cafeteria....we have evidence the tie was grabbed then why the heck didn't we get to see it???

3. The first time Kong saw Arthit's real self....soft spoken and smiling.

4. Kong seeing Arthit being dorky with a (clothes?)clip in his hair to keep it away from his face....they filmed this scene...I saw Arthit with a clip in his hand....then cut to kong smiling and shaking his head....the editing team thought showing kong smiling is better without showing us what the heck he's smiling at. Or maybe watching someone putting up his laundry is supposed to be funny..

5.When kong and Aim are waiting with P'Fang after the girl fainted in the field.....Arthit comes and talks super softly to Fang for a while and kong is sitting right there and doesn't even notice?? I thought this is when he'll see Arthit's soft side....but no... director thought Kong should show more interest in food....while not eating it.

I could go on.....but I have forced myself to stop picking at these things while watching the show now coz after a while if the list keeps growing then all I'll see is the things they did wrong instead of enjoying what they did right and then I'll slowly lose all my love for the show. I really really don't want that to happen. I sometimes think I should have waited after the show finished to read the book. The book build up so many expectations that when they're not fulfilled I feel like writing a few scolding posts to the directing and editing teams... though I don't know a thing about either.:lol:

I think it all comes from the director being a newbie at directing. A more experienced director would know what action should be emphasized and what lines should be given importance. Anyway...you are right about the writer....she made some scenes so beautiful and heartbreaking without a lot of words spoken. I remember a scene...when Kong has to study all night and he goes to buy his ice coffee but changes it to pink milk and thinks to himself that the only thing that will motivate him to stay awake and study is this pink milk...and it really touched me to tears. And the next one is Arthit tearing up when he can't enjoy his favorite drink coz all he can think of is the look in kong's eyes.

Sorry for the rant guys. But I do want to say, this show is still way better than other thai bl shows or even chinese bl shows....I can even say its better done than Lovesick sometimes.....biggest plus for me .....no unnecessary filler drama.

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6 hours ago, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:


All thai friend please feel free to correct my translation. I am not sure with something but tried to translate as correct as I can.

1. I am an only son. My old name is Gun (both nick name and first name). My mom changed it to Singto later because the name brought bad luck with the tiger tear as fortune teller told.

2. I don't smoke. I don't drink alcohol. I don't (barely) go out night club. I would go if my friends ask. I'm very cheap drunk. I can get drunk with 2 bottle of smirnoff. All my hazer friends know this well.

3. I am unconsciously flirty especially when I'm drunk. I don't know how it come but my friends call me flirty head( of hazer). I'm just friendly guys.

4. I used to like basketball although I'm not good at it. I was good at 3 point field goal and stealing. Now I can't play it. I quitted for 3 years.

5. I am not scared of ghosts, lizards, geckoes, snakes, millipedes, earthworms but I'm scared of giant ants, bees and cockroaches.

6. I really hate math ( but choose economics). I fail all math classes and still don't pass calculus 1.

7. I am good at English and film and photography editing. I really like and want to enter  Faculty of Communication Arts/ film and photography department but didn't have a chance. (Well now you are doing it congratulations)

8. I only did have my mole on my face cut and doing face treatments. I didn't do any surgery on my face,

9. I have artist personality. I like going out alone, eating alone, walking alone.

10. I am very worried about my friends and hate fighting between friends the most.

11. I am calm and good at controlling emotions. I am hard to get angry. If I am angry, I keep being quiet until my anger finish.

12. I am optimistic. Sometimes my friends called me blindly optimistic.

13. I like macaron and sweet stuffs like cakes a lot but my doctor don't allow it  because  it causes acnes.

14. I used to believed and dedicated to love a lot. But now...no more.

15. Being hazer is against most of my personality. At the first year I almost cried because I saw many of freshmen were crying. I felt so bad.

16. When I was freshmen I was cheerleader and did many activity because I don't want @_cchoot walk back to dorm alone.

17. My ideal type is tall, fair skin, nice shape, I like someone older and being taken care. But actually just to have love spark and feeling fine together is ok.

18. I have ego and be arrogant (???) in some kind of stuffs. I don't bother with someone who has bf although I really like her. 

19. I am a cat slave. I like all kinds of cat and bird which are fat and fluffy.

20. My status is single and I think I can't be a good boyfriend to anyone. But if I say love, you can trust me.

For the red: Classic responses from someone who's had a (possibly relatively recent) heart-wrenching experience with love -- and likely was the cause. (Pure speculation/arm-chair psychology on my part.) But my thoughts are also coming from personal experience. I once exhibited the exact same outlook on love - I wish I could tell Singto that it all gets better with time. :wub:

For the blue: Hey, I don't like the term "cheap drunk". I prefer "economically efficient at having a good time". :D

BTW - I also suck at match/Calculus I. I re-took it 3 times.

Thank you @Kate Kang Sunyalux for the translation!

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Guest delightful
22 minutes ago, baw74 said:

For the blue: Hey, I don't like the term "cheap drunk". I prefer "economically efficient at having a good time". :D

Thank you @Kate Kang Sunyalux for the translation!

ไม่สูบบุหรี่ ไม่กินเหล้า ไม่(ค่อย)เที่ยวกลางคืน แต่ถ้าเพื่อนชวนก็ไป.. คออ่อนมากๆ ถึงขั้นแค่สเมอร์นอฟสองขวดก็ทำให้เมาได้ เรื่องนี้อบรมทุกคนรู้ดี.

'I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't go out at night.(not often) But if my friends ask, then I'll go... I'm a light weight, I can get drunk from just 2 bottles of Smirnoff. Everyone in the group knows this.'

I think by 'cheap drunk' P'Kate meant to say his tolerance for alcohol is very low.

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Hi everyone! This is my first post here and I wanted to ask about Thai tradition (if it's a tradition but I think so). When Im scrolling Instagram I see lots of photos when people are in the same outfit. So I started being curious what is it about. I tried searching internet for this but well... I think I can't use internet properly :| Thank you in advance for any answers!14813744_621120684719037_1201958971_n.png?oh=e0ee22b25c97f54d8d3a4bf03f41ce98&oe=58126B93&__gda__=1477596166_ee573cf2b5cd71343869f028786d0ae5

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Guest delightful
16 minutes ago, duch47 said:

Hi everyone! This is my first post here and I wanted to ask about Thai tradition (if it's a tradition but I think so). When Im scrolling Instagram I see lots of photos when people are in the same outfit. So I started being curious what is it about. I tried searching internet for this but well... I think I can't use internet properly :| Thank you in advance for any answers!



That is their outfit for graduation. It's the same as our graduation gowns, but theirs are a lot prettier.

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I dont know if this is the best place to post this, but people were talking about the other ending for Uncontrolled Love:


Also can I just say THAT KISS OH MY GOD AN ACTUAL KISS IN A CHINESE DRAMA. The acting was really good as well! I've fallen in love with these two and love all their behind the scenes videos with each other, including their trip to France together :wub::wub:

I'm so happy we get a happy ending for these two :D 


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1 hour ago, momobae said:

I dont know if this is the best place to post this, but people were talking about the other ending for Uncontrolled Love:



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Also can I just say THAT KISS OH MY GOD AN ACTUAL KISS IN A CHINESE DRAMA. The acting was really good as well! I've fallen in love with these two and love all their behind the scenes videos with each other, including their trip to France together :wub::wub:

I'm so happy we get a happy ending for these two :D 


Thank you!!! I left the room for 10 minutes to go watch it 5555 BL is always distracting me from uni :sweatingbullets: I can't wait to watch the full uncut version along with the happy ending. YTT posted some of the uncut scenes, but maybe the full version with the cut scenes included is already available somewhere? I think I saw them in better quality somewhere on IG too... Anyways it probably won't be long until we get the uncut :) Thanks again for sharing the happy ending! 




Also, thank you @delightful for all your explanations! They're so helpful and wonderful! Especially how you explained about the significance of what Kong says about teasing. Thank you for helping us understand the book/story/characters better! 


So I accidentally clicked the spoiler box and mobile soompi won't let me delete it... Sorry! Wait here's a pic of Krist to make up for it:


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1 hour ago, delightful said:

ไม่สูบบุหรี่ ไม่กินเหล้า ไม่(ค่อย)เที่ยวกลางคืน แต่ถ้าเพื่อนชวนก็ไป.. คออ่อนมากๆ ถึงขั้นแค่สเมอร์นอฟสองขวดก็ทำให้เมาได้ เรื่องนี้อบรมทุกคนรู้ดี.

'I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't go out at night.(not often) But if my friends ask, then I'll go... I'm a light weight, I can get drunk from just 2 bottles of Smirnoff. Everyone in the group knows this.'

I think by 'cheap drunk' P'Kate meant to say his tolerance for alcohol is very low.

Right - it's economically efficient partying!

Turning the negative meaning to a positive. :)

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53 minutes ago, momobae said:

I dont know if this is the best place to post this, but people were talking about the other ending for Uncontrolled Love:

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Also can I just say THAT KISS OH MY GOD AN ACTUAL KISS IN A CHINESE DRAMA. The acting was really good as well! I've fallen in love with these two and love all their behind the scenes videos with each other, including their trip to France together :wub::wub:

I'm so happy we get a happy ending for these two :D 


I've been waiting for this!

Of all the pairings in these shows - this one convinces me the most that it's real. These two are the real deal!

And I LOL'ed at your statement:  "I'm so happy we get a happy ending for these two"  Not sure if you meant the 18+ euphemism or not! :D

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8 minutes ago, baw74 said:

Prettier, indeed...  *swoon*

P'Nine, anyone?

Haha yeah he has been posting so many pictures of him in it! He's actually one of my favourites from MIR :wub: Bonne and Toey :D I love those actors.

I actually didn't realize that that was a graduation robe type thing for the longest time, but after seeing so many different actors posting themselves in it I figured it out :lol: At first I thought Bonne was shooting a new series or movie or something haha oops :sweatingbullets: ...because it looked like a pretty costume ^^ They definitely are prettier than ours :phew:

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8 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Haha yeah he has been posting so many pictures of him in it! He's actually one of my favourites from MIR :wub: Bonne and Toey :D I love those actors.

I actually didn't realize that that was a graduation robe type thing for the longest time, but after seeing so many different actors posting themselves in it I figured it out :lol: At first I thought Bonne was shooting a new series or movie or something haha oops :sweatingbullets: ...because it looked like a pretty costume ^^ They definitely are prettier than ours :phew:

Yeah the Nine/Tank pairing I liked - tho the Tank character got slightly annoying.  But........I'm a Frame/Book guy. Frame's/Pawat's smile just gets me everytime...  


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21 minutes ago, baw74 said:

Yeah the Nine/Tank pairing I liked - tho the Tank character got slightly annoying.  But........I'm a Frame/Book guy. Frame's/Pawat's smile just gets me everytime...  




Aw yeah Ohm does have a cute smile :) He's still in high school though so... :sweatingbullets: I'm actually the same age as Bonne though (1994)! I wouldn't have thought that he was the oldest one, but part way through the series I found out. He's 7 years older than Rodtang :o Haha sorry I'm being off topic again! *EDIT: Oops I forgot to say this: I love FrameBook too!!


LOL look at P'Tuta >>



Also this is kind of random, but I noticed that in the series they say that Em was born in 1998, but in the book he was born in 1995. Are the series and the book set in a different year from each other?

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It's sad and disappointing that people can be so quick to dismiss other people's misgivings/struggles and to be laughed at because we could not handle accordingly and as dignifying as they can in dealing with our issues for this SOTUS bubble.

Good on them that they have better handle on things as fan and that they didn't get to deal same-way the laughable miseries we've gotten us into being "delulu shippers".  Isn't it ironic that in this forum with context on BL, which is still being second-classed by most mainstream culture, they can gleefully subject the similar sneer to us handling our fanaticism a bit differently and "low-brow"? 

Good on them for being shielded and sheltered from the possibility of being subjected to triggers that make us laughably affected, emphatic, and disappointed. I may be one of the miserable few, but I won't apologize for it. I admit wholeheartedly being strongly affected by it -  and trying to discuss the same with fellow 'miserables' is a process I undertook to hopefully to deal my 'lowly fanatism' positively. 

Yes we can agree to disagree, but throwing shades and jeers our way is just haughtily rubbing insult to an injury. 

And to my fellow 'miserables', here is something to feed our 'delulu', something akin to what we're dealing with:


Hopeful then that we can deal with our miseries more positively (and less-lol for those up there).  

Thanks @momobae for sharing that UL's HE clip.

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27 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Aw yeah Ohm does have a cute smile :) He's still in high school though so... :sweatingbullets: I'm actually the same age as Bonne though (1994)! I wouldn't have thought that he was the oldest one, but part way through the series I found out. He's 7 years older than Rodtang :o Haha sorry I'm being off topic again! *EDIT: Oops I forgot to say this: I love FrameBook too!!


LOL look at P'Tuta >>

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So... I'm just gonna politely avoid sharing my age... because now I feel like a super-creep. Ugh. I could be your dad...  Let's just say I'm playing "catch up" on all the fangirling I missed out on when I was younger. :phew:

P'Tuta is a riot!

14 minutes ago, sing2krist said:

And to my fellow 'miserables', here is something to feed our 'delulu', something akin to what we're dealing with:


When Shu Nian looked up and directly into Xie Yian's eyes.......... :tears: I lost it.

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