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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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17 minutes ago, lolalarue said:


The drama showed us about as much (maybe even a bit more) than what was in the book. There were extra chapters of the novel with a focus on Mo x KO story line published after the novel. They are great and are mostly focused on after they moved in together. http://bookbychapters.com/a-beautys-smile-is-also-charming-part-1/ 

i watch the mo x ko cut and after that i read the novel translation and only read the BL Part, they are really hilarious, i laugh so hard when i read it. hope there will be another chapter about them. 

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Guest delightful
2 hours ago, hcpoirot said:

@delightful, please help me. :D

About SOTUS the series book. When Arthit pulled away after Kongpope confessed, What make Arthit hesitated to accept Kongpope love? Is it because Kongpope was a boy? Or Arthit does not know how he felt about Kongpope? Or other else?

Thanks so much as always.

Arthit's hesitation was mainly because he wasn't sure of his own feelings. Like I wrote before, Arthit never brought up the issue of them being both men, for him it was all about their feelings. I don't know if this changes in the special chapters because P'Kate did mention that when they go on their second date and run into Praepailin, Arthit starts to think of a 'better' future for Kongpope. And he thinks that would be for Kongpope to have a 'normal' relationship/life with a girl. I don't have the book so I haven't read that part, but his initial hesitation is just because he doesn't know his own feelings until Kongpope distances himself from him. Even when he talked to P'Tum all his questions were 'how do I know what these feelings are?' it was never about their gender. 


1 hour ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

:bawling: I know right!

I heard though that that specific kiss scene (the season 2 one) was later cut from the show (but they had no problems sharing it; it just wasn't included within the story arch/ep) because of the author. I guess there was a bit of miscommunication between the people making the show and the author or something :sweatingbullets: because she said that it didn't make sense for that kiss to happen at that moment in the story.. I'll try and find where I read it because they explained it better and I can't remember the details well. What annoys me though is that (if that is actually the case) then why didn't the directors or whoever was organizing the series film one of the kiss scenes from the novel? I mean the only one they filmed for season 2 turned out to be one that didn't fit with the author's idea of the characters or the story and if they were totally willing to film and share that scene then why the hell didn't they choose to actually film some of the key kiss scenes from the novel that they ended up only using angles for... I wish they had been more organized or something so they could have figured that out better... Yeah it just kind of baffles me how that could happen... Sorry for bringing the topic back up again :sweatingbullets:

That makes sense, I mean for Noh to just kiss Phun like that when they were on a trip with their 'girlfriends' it would be very odd for Noh. He is usually the one that is unwilling to display his physical attraction towards Phun. But like you said, I wished they had filmed the other kiss scenes. The one I really wanted to see was when Yuri saw them in the band room, I thought that one was very important. And I have to say that I already love that scene because Noh doesn't run after her and he stays with Phun, showing who he has publicly chosen, well at least Ohm knows. And Phun is also reassured of Noh's decision. If they had filmed a real kiss that would of had made that scene 10 times better.

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Guest delightful
2 hours ago, Nana1313 said:

@delightful i kind of skimmed through my lil boy. i do like noona romances (i'm rooting for champ and fing in MIR) but i mostly just wanted to watch white so i skipped a lot of stuff. maybe i'll go back and watch the whole thing once season 2 comes out. i admit i have a captain/ white/ LS cast bias. i watched love song love stories for captain, gunsmile and ssing even though i couldn't understand a word (plus i originally started puppy honey because it had ssing in it and then sotus because of gunsmile and off). and i was really unhappy with wohs because whites character spent most of the first couple of episodes in the bathroom. its explained later, but for a while i thought ricky was going to spend the entire series stuck in the toilet and i was pissed because he is one of the two characters i actually like in the story.

my guess was that LSs2 is so needlessly long for product-placement reasons. sometimes its so bad that even the actors look annoyed at having to advertise products in the middle of an otherwise serious conversation/ scene. as for the girls, i think gale was one of the better actors in the series (or why would we all hate jeed so much?) but i also think most of it was unnecessary.  i think they were trying to give the girls more lines and make the series more like hormones or something but it backfired since the target audience is different and couldn't care less. they already had four couples to focus on, but instead of fleshing out those stories they filled our BL series with b*tchy girls drama.

@yana2407 thanks for the picture of Off! he's good in everything i've seen him in and i wish they'd realize he's actually pretty popular and make him a lead. he ends up stealing most of the scenes he's in anyways and i love his humor. damn, i always end up falling for the ones that make me laugh.

I thought My Lil' Boy was going to be annoying at first, but it wasn't. The older girl did what she did for a reason at first, but found herself really falling for the younger boy. And I loved how he slowly realized his own feelings, it felt natural, and the story line wasn't so over the top to the point where it was unbelievable. It was very natural and I could feel that story happening in real life. And yes, I do have a Captain+White bias too. When I watch youtube videos and see Captain and White, during their press conference for U-Prince, I just want them to hug and look into each other's eyes. It hurts to see them standing next to each other without... hugging each other. I guess I grew fond of their hugs because most of the times that was all we got. Arghh, GMM needs to give them a couple role. It's very hard for me to watch them not as a couple, and I know I'll have to watch U-Prince in tears as they're both paired up with girls. It's going to hurt so much. Like I know that they still have it in them to play as a couple, like I really want them to fulfill what they couldn't do in LS! 

Yes, LS ss2 was all about product placements, well all these series from smaller companies are. MIR was also another one. Even GMM's series like Secret Love PH had that Japanese restaurant. It's unfortunate that a good and new series can't even get enough budget/support to be filmed without throwing the products into our faces. I admit that I used to be so addicted to mainstream Thai Lakorns, but nowadays the stories/cast are all recycled over and over, like currently at least three of the lakorns are remakes that have already been done several times. I don't watch them anymore, I want something new and refreshing like SOTUS, Puppy Honey, and the likes. Love Sick ss1 was very original to me because I watched the cut version of only Phun and Noh, so I couldn't relate it to Hormones. But LS ss2 didn't just have Phun and Noh's cuts so I had to fast forward thru it and saw the reason why people said it was copying Hormones. Like seriously, these directors/producers need to realize that when they take an author's work and turn it into a film they shouldn't add their own characters like that. I can't believe that the author of LS allowed that when she wouldn't even allow that kiss from Noh to Phun.

Off Chumpol is not camera shy at all, his characters reflect how he is in real life. I think that's the reason why he only gets that goofy type of role, because he shines in those roles. I want to see him take a serious role for once. I know it would be uncomfortable to watch at first, but it would also be interesting. 

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2 minutes ago, makochibana said:

I saw Krist left a comment on Singto latest iG update and Singto replied him... but I don't know what were they talking about :(((((



Oh yeah I saw that too. I compiled them like this and was told that Krist said something like: Why do you have to say that? 5555555 kidding. And then I think Singto's response is something about making sure that people won't think he abandoned his IG


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3 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Oh yeah I saw that too. I compiled them like this and was told that Krist said something like: Why do you have to say that? 5555555 kidding. And then I think Singto's response is something about making sure that people won't think he abandoned his IG



Thank you naa... I tried to translate it by google translate and I don't understand at all what google said 555555

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10 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Hi welcome here! I don’t have a ton of time to respond right now, but I have some page numbers written down that I’ll quickly share with you.


ep 5 subbed: Page 43 (soft), 45 (hard sub; the songs are on page 45 subbed by kyote)

ep 6 subbed: Page 88

ep 7 subbed: Page 164

ep 8 subbed: Page 236


Special chapters (Missing You pt 1 & 2) and her first fanfic: Page 155

Chapter One: Page 228

Chapter Two: Page 280

PikxRome fic: Page 280

SOTUS fanfic: Page 292

Interviews/BTS/Random... :

Sanook Page 118

Challenge Page 164

GMM LIVE chat Page 225

Video of Krist and Singto talking subbed Page 297


Oh and then there’s one other interview that was posted quite early on in the thread… Maybe around page 40? I don’t have time to look right now though. I think it got reposted recently too. Hopefully those are actually the right page numbers o.o I wrote this so quickly because I’m running late for something

*EDIT: I'm back home for a bit (ahh I have to leave soon again :sweatingbullets: lol just looked at the time) and I found the pages for the other one: Manoot Pa Laa Dek reposted on Page 295 and originally posted on Pages 32, 33, and 34 had various types of subs for it. I haven't checked all the pages or the links but that's where everything originally was :sweatingbullets: I think...

OMG THANKKKKSSSS!! Ill screenshot this and find all of @delightful's work hahahaha again thank you so much!! I owe you one. :) I'll promise to return the favor if i can. Have a nice day! :heart:

14 hours ago, delightful said:

Welcome! And thank you for joining us! Ummmm.. as for the links.... Um.... go to my profile and look at my post activities... it'll be easier to find that way. I don't know what pages they are on now. Sorry, if I have time I will go back and find it. Maybe @WeLoveSoompi can post it on the first page?

Awwwww. Thanks for replying!! Im a huge fan! Hahaha im fanboying right now. :wub: Thank you for all the works and translations. You are great! :) im so happy to meet you! :) Keep up the good work!! :heart:


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2 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

:bawling: I know right!

I heard though that that specific kiss scene (the season 2 one) was later cut from the show (but they had no problems sharing it; it just wasn't included within the story arch/ep) because of the author. I guess there was a bit of miscommunication between the people making the show and the author or something :sweatingbullets: because she said that it didn't make sense for that kiss to happen at that moment in the story.. I'll try and find where I read it because they explained it better and I can't remember the details well. What annoys me though is that (if that is actually the case) then why didn't the directors or whoever was organizing the series film one of the kiss scenes from the novel? I mean the only one they filmed for season 2 turned out to be one that didn't fit with the author's idea of the characters or the story and if they were totally willing to film and share that scene then why the hell didn't they choose to actually film some of the key kiss scenes from the novel that they ended up only using angles for... I wish they had been more organized or something so they could have figured that out better... Yeah it just kind of baffles me how that could happen... Sorry for bringing the topic back up again :sweatingbullets:

The author had a problem with the kiss in that scene? That doesn't seem right....Because the kiss was in the book with exactly the same lines said before it. They were talking about how Phun feels about aim and noh and how he can't stop himself when it comes to noh, right? Then noh says neither can he and pulls phun in for a kiss.....this whole scene was from the book except instead of sitting on separate beds...they were sleeping in the same bed when this scene happens..

They must've given this reason but captain's mom objection with airing the kiss even after they filmed it seems to be the real one....and as he was underage they maybe didn't want to get in trouble....

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2 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Aweeee this is so cute! :wub::wub::wub: Thanks for sharing it ^^ I love all your mini fics/commentaries :D

Thank you :D I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!! This is my new way of dealing with these withdrawal symptoms.

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23 minutes ago, taurean10 said:

The author had a problem with the kiss in that scene? That doesn't seem right....Because the kiss was in the book with exactly the same lines said before it. They were talking about how Phun feels about aim and noh and how he can't stop himself when it comes to noh, right? Then noh says neither can he and pulls phun in for a kiss.....this whole scene was from the book except instead of sitting on separate beds...they were sleeping in the same bed when this scene happens..

They must've given this reason but captain's mom objection with airing the kiss even after they filmed it seems to be the real one....and as he was underage they maybe didn't want to get in trouble....

Ok I found it now :sweatingbullets:

I'm on mobile soompi ><" Here's the screenshot. If you want to go to all the links in the text (the blue words) it's on here: http://lovesicktheseries.weebly.com/season-2.html (at the bottom of the episode 7 part)


Edit: I read the author's explanation for why it was inconsistent with the novel a while ago, but I'm too sleepy right now to go and look into it again tonight. I think that her explanation/thoughts about it are the real reason it was cut.

Edited by dreadaeleonkvothe
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22 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Ok I found it now :sweatingbullets:

I'm on mobile soompi ><" Here's the screenshot. If you want to go to all the links in the text (the blue words) it's on here: http://lovesicktheseries.weebly.com/season-2.html (at the bottom of the episode 7 part)


Edit: I read the author's explanation for why it was inconsistent with the novel a while ago, but I'm too sleepy right now to go and look into it again tonight. I think that her explanation/thoughts about it are the real reason it was cut.

OK now I'm confused. It made sense in the book but not in the series?

Back to sotus....so this is the directors first show? now it make sense about lighting and some questionable editing choices...still better than lots others...

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On 16.10.2016 at 1:17 AM, erngust said:

This is not helping putting in check my delulu's. It's good that I've got no story-writing skillset, else my angst-driven fanfic will gonna be about how Krist actually had fallen for Singto, after being challenged of Singto's hard-heartedness despite of his playful care-free innate charm (per their initial tweet-date exchanges). On how Singto kept on putting up those defensive walls all this time. On how the impending curtain call of their show is dawning on Krist that they may go on to separate ways sooner than would've wanted. On how those thoughts had driven him to melancholy with the acceptance that he's losing (and his hopes for) Singto, he had to start letting go and putting in some walls himself to protect himself from that hurtful eventuality. And that on how Singto's already being where Krist is, at the start, thinking with his heart he could never have Krist to be his own. :(

Ohhhhh, I would love to read that. 100%. If anybody writes it, pelase let me know, okay?

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On 9/26/2016 at 3:51 PM, tammy_P said:

Here are some stuff I would love to share with everyone. I mean this is only summary if you would love to know what's going on with their relationship when P'Arthit is in senior year and Kong is sophomore.


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In senior year, P'Arthit is super busy with his senior project and he has to spend the night with his friends' dorm a lot to finish paper. That's why they hardly meet each other. It was like once a month but in Kong's mind it last for century. Actually, he can make a call but he doesn't want to do it that often. He tries to be mature and tries to be understanding . Just don't want to be childish and bother P'Arthit that much. One day, he went outside wanna find something to eat and end up with P'Arthit favorite menu; stir fried chicken with chili and basil and pink milk. After finishing dinners, he felt he missed P'Arthit so much so that he went to his room though he knew that P'Arthit's not there. Kong stopped at the door and was about to think that he did a crazy thing. Suddenly, P'Arthit showed up with curious face. "Why are you here ?" he asked. Kong tried to give him a reason  but it's too slow.

 P'Arthit cut the conversation and let Kong follow him to the room. They didn't talk much since P'Arthit kept on working but P'Arthit offered Kong to spend the night in his room. At midnight, P'Arthit switched off his laptop. They share bed together. Out of the blue, P'Arthit turn his head to Kong and seriously asked the same question "What are you doing in front of my room ?" And this time, he did say to P'Arthit that he went to buy dinner and ended up with his favorite menu. Helplessly, it's not enough. "I really missed you .... missed you so much". Then he hugged him tightly. P'Arthit did not resist like his usual self. He softly asked Kong "Why didn't make a call ?" "If I make a call that often, it will annoy you. " Kong answer. P'Arthit criticized Kong that it's so nonsense cause he received every call from Kong. He shyly confessed that he went right back from the site to see Kong. His first intention is to go to Kong's room but surprisingly he find Kong here instead. And Kong even say what he wanna say when seeing his face. "Miss you" Suddenly in Arthit's tought, Kong's gear, Omelette, Iced Coffee, all those are the drive for him to swiftly went back to see Kong. I really miss you that much, Kongphop. :wub:


Love it everytime all of you give me some spoiler it make my heart feel so excited more and more


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8 hours ago, welp said:


Summarizing a year of directing SOTUS into 1 status.

Last year, I got a phone call from a younger acquaintance (producer). She started around the bush "Are you free lately? I would like you to direct a drama." The producer then submitted the dozens episode long treatment of  the drama to me. 

Honestly, I didn't know what kinda story SOTUS was.  I read the treatment up to episode 10 to realize "What? Athit and Kongpop ...?" It took me 10 episodes to realize, I was really slow on this kinda thing.

After finished reading, I prepared the port folio and ran to SOTUS's staff. I met the writer (the novelist), the production manager (who was the investor) and the producer. That brief talk became a big step of my life, never before directed a single drama. Thank Felloww for trusting me. What's the first task of as the director? Quickly finish the novel and write the screenplay! The drama shooting was starting in some weeks.

I called acquaintances of drama experiences.

"What? 15 - 20 scenes daily? How to reach that number?"

The reply was "However, you have to. I used to shoot 30 scene a day. That must be your average number of you'll exceed the budget."

"For 2 camera shooting, which will be faster, cross or tile?"

"How many takes for each actor?"

"What can be the problem for group location?"


The first prayer ritual at Felloww went smoothly. 

At first day of workshop, it was my first time meeting those scamps. Admittedly, I couldn't remember their names, there were too many of them!

I was fun and finished smoothly.

First cue of shooting on November 14, 2015.

I was nervous and had had a sleepless night, but I was well-prepared. I expected 12 scenes for this first day, since it was my trial day.

In the end, I could shoot 7 scenes.. T^T

Less then half of the planned average.

Second day, I shot 9 scenes. (Sob) How to shoot 15 - 20 scenes?

Somehow SOTUS project was spotted by a giant, GMM TV.

It was a big shuffle. Over half of cast and staffer line-ups were switched before we re-started.

Directing team, now, was backed up with acting coach, imported from Los Angeles. 

All credit for impressive acting scenes go to the acting coach.

GMM's actors made me nervous because I was a novice, "What if they are insolent?" I became even more nervous seeing Alice because she's so cute. Wait, what?!! 5555 Some actors were experienced, I feared they would notice my un-professionalism.

All actors did well. These are some notable ones.

Aof Jumpol - He had small role but a scene snatcher. It wasn't coincidental, nor was it due to the script. He always did the homework, well prepared.  He analyzed the character and was very disciplined. He was playful but attentive at work.

Singto Pratya - Applaud to him. He was so earnest, never late. His cue started earliest, he was in almost every scenes. In later shootings, he started to get dark circles. He did homework very hard because he had most lines, he was the narrator. He never whined, never was problematic. When he was called for shooting, he quickly came, when it was a script alteration at the set, he did well. I'm his stan! (If you get popular, never be pompous.)

Krist Peerawat - He had the gift. He remembered his lines very well and acted very naturally.  Once I said "Action" he possessed the character, from a boy who was teased by everyone of the crew to a intimidating senior.

He's so talented.



I can't image SOTUS without Singto & Krist but I'm also curious to know who was originally meant to play those roles..


7 hours ago, yana2407 said:

This makes my morning! Off in U-prince series as well! XD *offtowork* 

IMG_4069.pngfree screen capture software 

have good day everyone! 

OMG WHICH SERIES!!? I'm so excited to watch it now, P'OFF IS JUST SO LOVEABLE :blush:

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On 10/3/2016 at 2:06 PM, delightful said:

Re-posting the Missing You special chapters because I have been getting PMs for the links.

REMEMBER, the terms of downloading the Special Chapters are once you read it, that’s it, it's just for you. Do not do anything else with it. Do NOT upload anywhere or for anyone else. If you cannot follow that rule, then please do not download my translations. Sorry.


Missing You Part 1


Missing You Part 2


*And... shamelessly promoting my own fanfic! LOL!



omg... I missed this post and I eventually just read it

I read it in my office coz my work is all done but it's not go-to-home time yet. 

And I can't help to control my smile throughout reading this! :wub:

@delightful Bless you for making beautiful fanfic. You are an oasis in the desert. :love:

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18 hours ago, welp said:


Summarizing a year of directing SOTUS into 1 status.

Last year, I got a phone call from a younger acquaintance (producer). She started around the bush "Are you free lately? I would like you to direct a drama." The producer then submitted the dozens episode long treatment of  the drama to me. 

Honestly, I didn't know what kinda story SOTUS was.  I read the treatment up to episode 10 to realize "What? Athit and Kongpop ...?" It took me 10 episodes to realize, I was really slow on this kinda thing.

After finished reading, I prepared the port folio and ran to SOTUS's staff. I met the writer (the novelist), the production manager (who was the investor) and the producer. That brief talk became a big step of my life, never before directed a single drama. Thank Felloww for trusting me. What's the first task of as the director? Quickly finish the novel and write the screenplay! The drama shooting was starting in some weeks.

I called acquaintances of drama experiences.

"What? 15 - 20 scenes daily? How to reach that number?"

The reply was "However, you have to. I used to shoot 30 scene a day. That must be your average number of you'll exceed the budget."

"For 2 camera shooting, which will be faster, cross or tile?"

"How many takes for each actor?"

"What can be the problem for group location?"


The first prayer ritual at Felloww went smoothly. 

At first day of workshop, it was my first time meeting those scamps. Admittedly, I couldn't remember their names, there were too many of them!

I was fun and finished smoothly.

First cue of shooting on November 14, 2015.

I was nervous and had had a sleepless night, but I was well-prepared. I expected 12 scenes for this first day, since it was my trial day.

In the end, I could shoot 7 scenes.. T^T

Less then half of the planned average.

Second day, I shot 9 scenes. (Sob) How to shoot 15 - 20 scenes?

Somehow SOTUS project was spotted by a giant, GMM TV.

It was a big shuffle. Over half of cast and staffer line-ups were switched before we re-started.

Directing team, now, was backed up with acting coach, imported from Los Angeles. 

All credit for impressive acting scenes go to the acting coach.

GMM's actors made me nervous because I was a novice, "What if they are insolent?" I became even more nervous seeing Alice because she's so cute. Wait, what?!! 5555 Some actors were experienced, I feared they would notice my un-professionalism.

All actors did well. These are some notable ones.

Aof Jumpol - He had small role but a scene snatcher. It wasn't coincidental, nor was it due to the script. He always did the homework, well prepared.  He analyzed the character and was very disciplined. He was playful but attentive at work.

Singto Pratya - Applaud to him. He was so earnest, never late. His cue started earliest, he was in almost every scenes. In later shootings, he started to get dark circles. He did homework very hard because he had most lines, he was the narrator. He never whined, never was problematic. When he was called for shooting, he quickly came, when it was a script alteration at the set, he did well. I'm his stan! (If you get popular, never be pompous.)

Krist Peerawat - He had the gift. He remembered his lines very well and acted very naturally.  Once I said "Action" he possessed the character, from a boy who was teased by everyone of the crew to a intimidating senior.

He's so talented.



@welp Thx!!♥♥

13 hours ago, lolalarue said:


The drama showed us about as much (maybe even a bit more) than what was in the book. There were extra chapters of the novel with a focus on Mo x KO story line published after the novel. They are great and are mostly focused on after they moved in together. http://bookbychapters.com/a-beautys-smile-is-also-charming-part-1/ 

@lolalarue omg thxxx♥♥♥

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On 9/28/2016 at 4:00 AM, Shirayuki Ozumi said:

I read spoilers and special chapter ,Thanks to @delightful and @tammy_P But i kept wondering could this scenes be based on special chapters.Since P'Arthit looks all comfortable and happy with Kongpop.

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This breaks my heart  :bawling:

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This is my favorite scene.The adorable look he is giving Kongpop:blush:makes me want to squeal :tounge_xd:

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On 9/28/2016 at 4:00 AM, Shirayuki Ozumi said:

I read spoilers and special chapter ,Thanks to @delightful and @tammy_P But i kept wondering could this scenes be based on special chapters.Since P'Arthit looks all comfortable and happy with Kongpop.

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This breaks my heart  :bawling:

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This is my favorite scene.The adorable look he is giving Kongpop:blush:makes me want to squeal :tounge_xd:

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On 9/28/2016 at 4:00 AM, Shirayuki Ozumi said:

I read spoilers and special chapter ,Thanks to @delightful and @tammy_P But i kept wondering could this scenes be based on special chapters.Since P'Arthit looks all comfortable and happy with Kongpop.

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This breaks my heart  :bawling:

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This is my favorite scene.The adorable look he is giving Kongpop:blush:makes me want to squeal :tounge_xd:

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Can somebody tell me what happen on all that picture in the novel pleaseeeeee

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So it's still not this week, huh ? Well there's something great coming next week anyway that's gonna keep me waiting!


aka the UNCUT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + happy ending of Uncontrolled Love 2 (I mean, I hope so! I hope someone will post the movie!The DVDs are supposed to be sent next week so it should be around that time.....)


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