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[Drama 2016] Beautiful Gong Shim 미녀 공심이


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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:


@enigmatic_zephy The fact that GS was neglected because of her looks made her feel unsecure and unloved. Due to that, it is normal that GS might not have been as good as her sister at school. Being compared and put under pressure has an impact on the behaviour of a child. So even if GS' resume isn't that good, it doesn't mean, she is stupid. Since her parents kept saying to GS, she is stupid, she has internalised it and acts as such. But since she can draw, paint, take care of plants  and cook, she definitely has talents. Now, she wanted to learn carpentry and I am quite sure, she would have been good at it. She is just a manual person. But none of this has been aknowledged by her family. This is all their parents' fault. GM is well aware that she has all the attention and love of her parents because she brings money to home. She enjoys it. She feels pressured at work because she is treated differently. As for your judgement of GM, I beg to differ. Beauty shouldn't be a criteria to hire someone. Hardworking is a much more important criteria. So far, she is taking cases from other people just for own interests.

That exactly is my point - How are actors hired or get their break in real entertainment world - Looks is a big fact. Models - again looks. Why is it stressed that you can't go looking in shabbily for an interview if talent is all that matters..

IThe truth of the matter is .. most of all (I am tempted to say all of us).. do give value to beauty in real life.. We do..why do we as fangirls fawn over some and not over others.. a good actor will be acknowledged for his talents but he will not be a crowd puller if not good looking.. imagine the villain in God for noodles..he is a good actor but will he ensure box office success..as much as probably an idol turned actor with zero talents would..

On GS- yup.. your theory is definitely plausible..but even then I don't think we should penalize GM for being good at what she does just because parents tend to favor her. Unfortunately, in most societies, even today.. vocational trainng/talent is not much appreciated and parents would always focus on studies because that ensures a stable job

GM had it easy at home, but as soon as her sister does something good, she feels threatened. Her face was really telling. Then she doubted her sister's words. She hadn't the look and the resume for that. What kind of a sister is that?

But GS really didn't have the qualification for a secretary.. that is a fact that can't be denied.. if my kid is bad at maths and wonderful at bio..and he clears engineering exam and not medical..i would be surprised too..and the drama has given her that position because ofapparent lack of her appeal (although beats me cauz she is pretty)..

Personally, i haven't seen her hate her sister over anything or show that she does not care.. the instances we have seen to me tell that yes sister is selfish.. GS has not done well in her life (fact - getting a job or getting admission in some top college for arts or whatever).. however, i do agree with your interpration to the extent that eventually drama will end up showing that.. for sure..

One of the reasons why she acted behind her sister back is that she wants to make sure that she can get JS. She is so sure of herself that when he will meet her, he will be attracted by her looks. Then she doesn't want to be introduced to her by her own sister because he might decide, she is GS' sister and he won't like her. She thinks, no one can like her sister and she is so ashamed of her. Another possibility is that as GS is her sister, JS might distance himself from GM. She has witnessed that JS was chatting with GS quite freely. 

Yup..this theory has its merits..possible..definitely

Finally GM isn't interested in him because he is a nice person. She doesn't know him at all. She is interested in him for two reasons:

- a good social background

- he looks handsome

She has no idea what kind of person he is, while GS does. 

Did i say she is interested in him because he is a nice person. No no.. i am completely aligned with your view on this. GM has had a poor upbringing..and she knows how her society works..and wants a good living.. yup totally after the money and background..(again don't blame her for that.. that who she is.. deprived upbringing..had to fight for everything..right now also responsible for 4 people..)


Thinking out loud.. if GM were so bad as a sister.. GS would not be obliging her for everything or listen to her..which she does..

How does it work in families where one child is good at studies and the other isn't.. when parents can brag about one child (or more so people come and ask abt the brighter kid)... atleast in asian socieities i have seen..people tend to keep comparing their kids with other kids..and forcing to do well.. healthy competition Vs unnecessary pressure.. anyone has faced it in real life?


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Hi Everyone just watch all three episodes to catch up besides reading the thread and I love it.. 

Gong Shim she'sreally something she has been so degraded in her home that she feels the same when she leaves the house and her sister I don't know what to say.. I see her telling her mom to tell GS to set her up a date the guy GS likes.. I hope she never get what she's after because she just to selfish and self centered and the parents just sits there as if.. 

On to our lawyer how many of you thinks thats his G/ma I do and I have a feeling the uncle and wife may have paid this man to keep him away so they son could inherit everything.. But I think it may be GS that reunites them because she has seen a picture of him when he was younger with his so called mom and dad.. I have a feeling even Halmoni G/son will try and stop them from reuniting even her sister because you can tell she wants to move up in society and leave her parennts behind she will go as far as to tell them play like they don't know her if she marry into riches..   

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Found the series on Saturday  and came here to see what the word was on the street (ok, in the forum)

Three episodes in and I am eagerly looking forward to more.

I often skip the set-up of many series (exposition tend to try my patience when I'm not invested) and start at episode 3 and if I'm interest catch up on episode 1 & 2.  

I had time on my hands because of break and I'm happy I watched the episodes in order because all were delightful. 

The romance quartet has been set up nicely. The character Gong Shim's quirks and her awful mother and powerless father makes her stands out. I've never seen a male lead with a penchant for "capris" before so DanTae stands out  (were the tone of the show different I'd be wondering if we would be getting any Inferno references. Somehow his capris comes off as a real class marker that grounds Ahn Dan-Tae  in a working class reality because Namgung Min doesn't look like  a prince wearing shabby clothes waiting for a make-over (as other actors sometimes do) but instead he looks like a working class man living his life. 

I'm looking forward to the day Seo Hyo-Rim plays the romantic lead or something other than the second lead spoiler. I also like Kim Byeong-Ok who plays the "dog" director.  He always brings as interesting quality to the characters he plays so I hope we'll see more of him.  As intriguing as the romance quartet is, I'm looking forward to GS coming into her own at work. It would make me so happy [so it won't happen] if GS develops a strong working relationship with her boss that is based in mutual respect.

After three episodes my clearest take awary is that so far the outline of the story reminds me of old German folktale and its French adaptation Frau Holle  and Diamonds and Toads.

The impression I'm left with after three episodes is that all the members of the :love::love::love::love: are victims of oppression, neglect or bullying of one kind or another.

JoonSoo is neglected and insulted by his grandmother

Gong Mi was being bullied at work (she was being pressured to prostitute herself for goodness sake) until she stood on her sister's neck to wrestle some control for herself. (GM had my sympathy because she was in an untenable position yet the callousness with which she threw her sister under the train to get the upper hand at work made me give up on her. Episode 3 made it very clear that GM's ambition would always sacrifice Gong Shim to feed GS's desire for success.

Gong Shim--Where to start. Neglected, ignored and bullied at home. Disparaged and bullied at work. Ignored by general population hence the bicyle bell.

Ahn Dan-Tae--seems fine.  His history holds the worse oppression, but the show isn't showing us its heroes weakness, instead we hear of his pass suffering which seems to have resulted in him gaining a strong ethical grounding and amazing fighting skills.  DT seems to be all right, if you don't count his recurring dreams/nightmares (?).


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Just watch all 3 episode. it is fun drama. it touch some reality.  if i was in GS place i also be torn wetheh to further the sue or not. 

i like the eye smile of the 2nd lead. please dont make his character a villain or end up with GM. i just want to see his smile. hehehe

about GS, she not ugly. she just dit feel confident enough. that is why ilke. the drama didt make her to obvious to be ugly.

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Hello everyone. New to this thread, but decided to join as I am loving this drama. After watching episode 3 I am done with GM. I made excuses for her when she threw GS under the bus to keep her job, but girlfriend was all the way wrong this episode. It's okay if you were treated as number 1 all your life by your parents, but to feel so entitled as to sabotage your co worker and sister because you saw JS just once and got a crush is ridiculous. You tricked your sister just to get close to JS is ridiculous. DT is just love. Slowly falling for the craxy that is GS. 

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35 minutes ago, islandgirl866 said:

Hello everyone. New to this thread, but decided to join as I am loving this drama. After watching episode 3 I am done with GM. I made excuses for her when she threw GS under the bus to keep her job, but girlfriend was all the way wrong this episode. It's okay if you were treated as number 1 all your life by your parents, but to feel so entitled as to sabotage your co worker and sister because you saw JS just once and got a crush is ridiculous. You tricked your sister just to get close to JS is ridiculous. DT is just love. Slowly falling for the craxy that is GS. 

Welcome aboard @islandgirl866 GS sister didn't need to get involved with the suite they had decided to pay her off.. I can't wait til she gets a slap from the mom or the daughter.. I want her to feelo what GS felt, She shoulod be looking for a new jobwith a boss trying to pimp her out for his career.. You see he's not taking his on daughter to these meetings..

I also think DT is falling for GS they both eccentric in they on kind of way..

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2 hours ago, hushhh said:

I'm looking forward to the day Seo Hyo-Rim plays the romantic lead or something other than the second lead spoiler.

I feel your pain. Have you watched The World That They Live In? She played an adorable rookie actress there and had her own love line with Uhm Ki Joon. I loved her character there, which means that I've been waiting for her to have a decent role for the past 8 years. I wonder what her management is doing, she is definitely typecast in virtually every project.

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It's getting more interesting in every episodes.... guess the feeling between all casts start to build..

*DT start to feel "another feeling" for GS, thou it's started by the sympathy... well love will always find it's way. the first deep attention from DT maybe when he witnessed how GS was bullied by her co-secretary. Then another hide and seek story, DT start to realize how lonely GS is all this time, just like him.

* The bounding between grandma and DT, she already find out how pure DT is. bet she will meet DT more often than she meet JS, the other grand child

But I'm still curious where is DT parents... are they already died?? 

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@enigmatic_zephy I won't quote your last comment but only reply to your explanations about GM. You justified the parents' behaviour who are favouriting their older daughter because she is booksmart by explaining that a lot of parents want their children to study in order to get a job and succeed in their life.

Fact is that if everybody has a high school diploma and starts studying, do you really think that they will be able to get all a job? In France, about 90% of teenagers has the high school diploma and wants to study, but the real effect is that it doesn't garanty you at all a job with a high salary. In France, a lot of young people are jobless. In the end, most of them have a job that doesn't correspond to their studies. Besides, does a society need only doctors, lawyers aso? We need carpenters, gardeners aso... And sometimes, such a job can bring you success as well. We also have the same phenomenon here in Germany. More and more people send their children to the gymnasium in order to have the high school diploma, but after that they struggle finding a job as well and they are not good enough to finish their studies. Here, many artisans are looking for young people in order to give them a real good formation, but they can't find any good as most of the teenagers look down on such jobs. My question is: Why should a manual person be looked down? GS has her value and just because the standards are different, it doesn't mean that this is right and we should accept this.

Then you said that if GM had been so terrible to GS, the latter would have stopped helping her. The reason why GS keeps helping GM is first she has a kind nature and secondly, if she hadn't helped her sister, she would have gotten into trouble. Her parents would have scolded her. GM knows that, she knows that if GS doesn't follow her instructions, she will be scolded and GS doesn't like being put in such a situation.

Finally, GM who has never had to fight in her life has never learnt to protect herself. She could have stopped her boss, she is a lawyer and as such, she can sue for sexual harassement. She lacks courage. She used her sister because she knew that her sister is even weaker than her. She can' t fight a strong opponent, but she has the chance to meet and use people who are weaker than her. That's her mentality, she is using the law of the jungle. When she got the case in order to meet JS, she had now more backup, because she had been finally recognised at her law firm. Before the case with the wife of Song, she could never have asked for such a case. As conclusion, she is climbing the ladders in expense of someone else.

GS is not stupid, even if she says that she doesn't know the multiplication table. It is just that she was put down so often that she has internalised it. I know from my own experience that I became bad at Maths, after being bullied by my own Math teacher for a whole year. It had deeply hurt so that after that, I was saying that I was bad at Maths. I've never got over it. But before, I wasn't that bad, I was totally normal: between good and average. But due to this terrible teacher, I lost my own confidence and never overcome it. Yet I am myself a teacher now. 

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1 hour ago, Rainbow1112 said:

I seriously hate gong shim sister. 

She is the medusa.... she suck everything from GS. when he realize who is DT i bet she will run faster into him too...

she is the medusa aka sly fox aka the hypocrite ..... 

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I've just finished 3 episodes. Not a bad show although for some reason I am shipping the other guy. NGM laughing takes some getting used to. Surprisingly I like Minah more. Can't get the wig out of my head. Is it me or does it resemble the one/look of that celebrity who was deported. The one involved in the propofol scandal.

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I know according to the synopsis, Dan Tae is meant to end up with Gong Shim and Joon So with Gong Mi but now I'm hoping Joon So ends up with someone else. Gong Mi doesn't deserve him. Heck she doesn't deserve anybody. What she deserves is to flirt with Joon So and discover he's not in any way interested in her. Instead, he prefers her more loyal, intelligent and quirky sister. What she deserves is for her boss to discover what a backstabber she is and lose her job. What she deserves is to be smacked. Hard. Preferably by Gong Mi. All that quaint looks she's giver Joon So. I scream every time I see it. Joon So had better not even be interested in him. The way she kept peeking at him when she joined the class and he just ignored her and went back to his project after he saw that it wasn't Gong Mi... yeah, that's how I want things to turn out.

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@bebebisous33 I can testified that one word from teacher or even parent do have so many effect on child behavior. Even sometimes adult can be affected by other people's word too. I remember when the first time I come to Germany and had to learn German. I said to my language teacher back then to bear with me since I might have longer time to be able to learn it since I feel I am so stupid not being able to keep up with the lesson. But then she said the word stupid should not be used to depict someone else intelligence, willingness and endurance should matter more. That simple word is what keep me going and now I am more comfortable to speak it even to the native despite what they have in mind about my German. So what Gong Shim is totally relatable for me. She experiencing such treatment from her parents and sister made her have low self esteem on herself and grow up with such a negative mindset on society. 

Dan Te and Gong Shim have the same problem in their life and the fact Dan Te willingness to help other people have touched Gong Shim and she finally can tell him her life long problem. Gong Shim words have touched me and I can truly feel what she feel so I expect more of their interaction in the near future.

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Seriously if the sister gets the second lead I'll be so so disgusted! ugh ugh ugh I hate her so much! 

I dream of the day JoonSoo rejects her confession and tells her that he like/loves her sister!

I would just love it if she begs for his affection and I would would be delighted if he answers coldly like "sorry! but you're too ordinary for me, your sister on the other hand is very special, I like special girls, I like gong shim shiii "  mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 

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I just watched 1st 2 episodes today and I was like what is happening here. Are we here to watch and clap whatever Gong Shim does and feel or we are here to sympathize with here. I have to say episodes felt quite Laid Back. Yeah, Very similar to the personality of Ahn Dan-Tee.

I think 1st episode has all the problems. Direction,Writing,Editing and Characters set-up. Even pain of Gong Shim not hits you hard. The only character i could say delivered well was "The Mother". Gong Shim's into and out of character attitude also did put me off.

Joon Soo looks quite down to earth and Grandmother needs to learn how words effect people. This much bitterness towards your own grandson is too much. Grandmother really need to show LOT OF MATURITY. Ahn Dan Tee looks cool here and there but His character lacks quite a lot of skills. Writer need to put more efforts into present than showing all those dreams. Character Developments demands much more.,

Acting is average  Kdrama style. I expect much more from this show later on but currently my whole of heart is for only 1 show.

Ratings: Episode 3 hit 10% viewership mark. Good Start.

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