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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Princess Myeong Eun x Sam Nom/Ra-On - I don't understand what they're talking about during the boat scene but i'm happy they seem to be on a good term. Poor our princess was left in the boat LOL. As I mentioned in my previous post i wish for more interaction between them and i got it. THANK YOU! Its not like girl-friends mode yet but almost there. For now, I'm satisfied. After her confrontation with Ra-On on the second/third episode, I'm worried they will change her adorable character to be more dark. But thank GOD she's still as adorable and sweet. Oh my, i think the noble man fell in love with her maid and she's going the get heartbroken. If that would happen, you can always come to unni, unni will buy you lollipop and introduce you to better looking oppa..

Yoon Sung x Crown Prince - I wholeheartedly welcome this bromance. Something must have happened in the past that changed their relationship. YS smiles after the flashback while Lee Yeong looks sad. Even with contrasting expression, to me their feeling is they same. They must have miss those moment when they were friends. Aww.. I'm not sure yet which side YS is. But i feel like he's actually more of a friend than a foe..

Byung Yeon - Why are you bleeedingg?? That's it, i'm taking all your swords and any sort of sharp toys you have.. I'm keeping you in the garden full of flowers and sunshine..

Yoon Sung x Ra-On - The guardian angel on duty AGAIN. LOL.. And while you're on duty, whyyyyy do you have to be so charming? Whyy do you make my heart twinkle twinkle??

Jo Ha-yeon - Beauty. I like her already. I just wish they won't make her character as the typical evil jealous second lead because i don't want another EVIL QUEEN on the show.



Can't believe its only been 5 episodes, its getting better and better. I'm not going to be nit-picky this time since i don't even understand almost all of their dialogues. There are many great moment from today's episode especially our OTP. Some of them are cliche and predictable in a way but it still works wonders because of their chemistry.




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@onlysb1 & @moodypie : Well I guess we'll have to bear with the infamous Korean Drama trope of false timing + hidden identity again though :( I'm not sure how far they will deviate from the original novel but it doesn't look like they'll let the poor CP be smarter in the next ep as far as Ra On's identity is concerned.

@moodypie: I can completely relate to your feeling when the CP helps the future Crown Princess to stand up. Can it even be called second-hand jealousy? Lol

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Somebody saying everytime Bogum act with his eyes, honey is dripping from his eyes and his eyes really kinda reflection of his acting. I was mesmerized of his great acting and i am sure if he's crying, i will end up crying like a river. 

How about the kiss will happen since Yoo Jung is still minor right ? I am rooting for deepening kiss but wait i guess KBS will give us only pecking :sweatingbullets:

The assasin makes me curious for something. Is he loyal to Young because of he just wants stay in his side or is it just an order from people that he is obeyed ? :o 

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Thank you for the recaps and pics everyone .... Beautiful....and from reading all your posts am pretty SSSUUURRRE  that Crown Prince Yi Yeoung knows Ra On is the dancer and a woman. Men love a woman of mystery. Also while saving her he had to grab her body securely and surely he would not be thinking of her gender while trying to get them both to safety however subconsciously something registered as in the feel of her body.... and now that they are safe and CP"s thoughts are filled with the image of the dancer and her eyes... that thought, how her body felt ... is coming to surface. He knows...

CP and RO chemistry just sizzle together.....  

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Guest MaknaeC

Such a SLOW pace episode! I didn't expect it to be so slow LOL. I thought it'll be full of tension since from the preview the Qing envoy asked for the dancer and there's the bleeding Kim-hyung. But it turned out that this episode focus to tell us more about background stories of the characters. Well, I'm ok with that since it can help us to connect more to the characters, but still...

The Romeo and Juliet's vibe strike again after Yeong saved Raon. He wanted to give her his blanket but he somehow forgot that it's not just the two of them but there's so many people around them there. They are not friends at that moment but simply the Crown Prince of Joseon and his mere eunuch. Yeong's expression say it all when all he can do was looking at Raon as he walked away from her. PBG was amazing there, you can feel his conflicted feeling so much.

Also Yeong still didn't notice anything different about Raon's body when he saved her from drowning. Well, crossdressing cliche', his focus was only to save her and Raon is also so good in hiding her womanly body, eh? lol (talk about Raon's womanly body, I wanna give credit to Yoojung's stylist. Yoojung has quite curvy body for her age, but they're able to hide it perfectly for her crossdressing role).

I wondered why in the preview Yeong said 'My wish is for your wish to come true' to Raon, strong words, Yeong would never said it casually. And we found out that it's because Raon is longing for her mother. Seeing Raon who's sick and crying so miserably at her sleep because she had a dream about her lost mother, I guess Yeong saw a reflection of himself in Raon. Both of them shared the same feeling, they're longing for their own mother. It's a beautifully heart-wrenching scene of Raon and Yeong. I'm always weak when it comes to KYJ's crying scenes, she always cries from her heart that you can't help but crying with her. And special mention to her child counterpart too, Kim Ji Young, a talented child actress...maknae of SidusHQ.

And Kim-hyung! Gat-Byeongyeon, his dilemma is real. He is Yeong's bodyguard-friend and at the same time he's connected to the rebel.....

Can't wait for tomorrow! Based on the preview of episode 6, we're getting closer to the story of Hong Gyeong Nae, the rebel leader who is connected to Raon..... (ahh it's so hard not to mention spoiler especially in a sageuk lol).

I'm also waiting patiently for the day when Yeong and Yoonsung reconcile. Raon needs to do something for them.

Talked about the last scene, "He/She is my person". Is that his answer to Yoonsung's lines (She is my woman)? lol. It will be such a pleasure to see Yeong confuse about his feeling and since in the novel he's depicted as King of Jealousy lol, I'm waiting for it too. In the novel he often said 'Hong Ra On, come here. Hong Ra On, come here', he's so protective towards "his person" :D 

I love the preview and hope it doesn't disappoint because I need more tension. You can do it, show!

The real time rating is drop a little, but since the real rating can be higher or lower, we should just wait. How I wish they showed the preview at the end of episode, so that the casual viewers know that the next episode will be very interesting.

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just finished raw. pardon my tired brain if i dun make senses.

i died during the pool scene. curious what RO said to trigger Princess's reaction. CP diving in to save RO. *fangirl moment!*

release of lanterns. could tat scene be any more breath-taking. kudos to cast and crew for all the Kodak moments scenes.

just want to ask CP said it to RO "why do i keep seeing another person? a woman?"  ? so CP is already suspecting RO as a woman? sorry for asking.

feel tat CP probably feel for RO for losing her mother, sort of like him losing his. so much emotions in those flashbacks.

as for the political stuff, will wait for subs for better understanding. is tat Eunuch gonna be evil and tell RO was the dancer?

again, stellar portrayal of their respective characters, KJY beautiful as the dancer and her eyes just speak to you. PBG, kindness when dealing with RO and yet with so much authority to say "this is my person." (i am guessing here).

Good nite all and thanks again for all the beautiful pics and gifs.

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28 minutes ago, maskros said:

@onlysb1 & @moodypie : Well I guess we'll have to bear with the infamous Korean Drama trope of false timing + hidden identity again though :( I'm not sure how far they will deviate from the original novel but it doesn't look like they'll let the poor CP be smarter in the next ep as far as Ra On's identity is concerned.

@moodypie: I can completely relate to your feeling when the CP helps the future Crown Princess to stand up. Can it even be called second-hand jealousy? Lol

So glad you can relate. I was thinking the same too, was I jealous? Hurt? Lol...look how this drama is affecting us emotionally.

You are right about false timing and hidden identity in kdramas. I don't deny I enjoyed that kind of cliche, but some writer love to torture audience intentionally. Some not. I hope in this case, the writer won't torture unnecessary for a lengthy period. Fingers cross. 

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What is the benefit of Chae Soo Bin's character here?I saw in the chart if i am not mistaken that she will marry the crown prince. Prove me if i am wrong.

would be her chara annoyed like the typical second lead female in every saeguk drama ? Hopeless and kinda kinky with throwing their anger and rude? I hope it would not happen soon. @MaknaeC yes it was so slow even the live streaming been stopping like crazy. Cant wait for the sub and episode 6 tomorrow :D 

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15 minutes ago, Naruto_7th_Hokage said:

It hurts that I want to grab her out of the screen!!.... 




Oh gosh...It hits right at the core. U made me laugh...But on one hand..I feel sad, and annoyed with this scene even though it's just a preview.

I don't even want to see a handshake (even though it's not in their culture at that time). Lol

#Notsorry and notsorry#

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2 hours ago, millie10468 said:

Exactly how and why did the second lead get so invested so quickly, is what I want to know though.


I am not YS, but I can explain why the second lead is totally into Ra On. At first, he was being polite and thoughtful, but I can sense the competition will become fierce soon.

(1) I think in the first episode he already saw "him" as a beautiful woman even though Ra On was forced to believe she is a boy, over and over.

(2) When Ra On was chasing a chicken on top of a roof (so she did stupid things at times), YS was torn about his life and that he needs a thunderbolt to hit him to wake him up. Then Ra On fell into his arm and she became his answer from Heaven.

(3) We might not know it or think so, but living in a palace is like living in a poop hole. I suppose it is truly difficult to find someone you could talk to like a friend. The time he talked under the tree with Ra On and assured her that he could keep her secret, I feel he enjoyed that time more than Ra On did. That was right after Ra On was chewed out by the queen.

(4) After the solo dance, YS saw her true beauty as a 100% woman and he even had his arm around her to protect her from being found out by the Crown Prince. He got to mend her foot. Even though the entire audience was captured by her beauty, he was the only man to get a close up look at her.

(5) He was the lucky one to be able to shield her to keep her warm after she was rescued from the water. CP was so upset at that same time. He also bought her an expensive dress with an excuse he bought it for his future girl. He has plan for her from the very beginning. It is too bad for him that CP has control over Ra On as "his" eunich and puppy.


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If I remember correctly, from earlier on in this thread, someone mentioned that they were filming episodes 9 and 10 with Raon still dressed as a eunuch. Just as they revealed Young as the Crown Prince between two episodes, they might do the same concerning Young connecting the dots between this week's episodes. Raon might be captured only to be interrogated about the dancer or as a man impersonating a dancer. I could totally be wrong on this. This writer doesn't seem to be completely following the usual cross dressing story line path. Plus, the revelations aren't be dragged out... well, for too long. CP is intelligent and connects things as he investigates and does an awesome job of outwitting the baddies, so that might happen in the next episode. I think it fully registered with him that she is a woman and the dancer during the last part of the lantern scene. It would be bad for the evil ones to know her identity as a woman because then the investigation as to who she is and her family background would start to be questioned and motives as to her coming close to the royal family... and the consequences would follow suit. 

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Sooo I'm guessing that Hong's mother kidnapped her from a higher up Clan right that's why she's hiding her as a boy or something or if not they were not in good terms with the royalty or military (that is why she was arrested or something) because I'm guessing if the plot twist is right that CP can't marry a commoner right? Hong should be come from a good family background just like in METS (Yeon Woo ajjashi) 

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13 minutes ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

Just finished the raw scene....why does it look like he has guessed it already??? I swear he said something...my womannnnnnn,.. translation help?


The translation is ambiguous. It actually means, My person. So it could either refer to a male or female.

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