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[Drama 2016] Don't Dare to Dream (Jealousy Incarnate) 질투의 화신

Go Seung Ji

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Don't wanna say goodbye to JI just yet :( I remember complaining when I first started this show that it was hella long with a whopping 24 episodes! But now...I really don't want it to end just to see more of HW and NR as a couple and as parents T.T

Few of my favs ended today; JI, OTWTTA and SKL....my weds/thurs are gonna be empty for a while...waiting for Goblin :wub: 


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SBS NAVER (SBS UPLOAD MANY PHOTO OF GKP AS JW) - If you want more photo just visit sbs naver jealousy incarnate









WRAP UP PARTY (NO PHOTO JJS AND GHJ) - i cant save picture on this news portal, so i just posted link.






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39 minutes ago, mundaliv said:

@mi03 me tooo!!! i replay the dancing clips all the time now. JJS is Daebak!! Love his dance in this vid. So energetic!!


I've repeated that scene many times too. It's like he turned the wedding into his own concert lol 


I feel like I can sleep with a smile on my face all night after watching this endearing Ep (I'm still in denial that the drama is over, maybe until I watch this ep with sub tmr, but don't want to talk about that yet haha)

Pyo Nari and Lee Hwashin, Manse! :lol::wub::wub:


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My recap for ep 24



We started with the last scene, the bed scene. While our couple enjoying their time, Chiyeol was freezing outside the house. He was waiting for the owner of the shoes to come out until in the morning. Hwasin came out and was surprised to find him there. Chiyeol confronted him right there while Nari was still sleeping inside. The atmosphere between them was awkward and Hwasin greeted him and called him ‘brother-in-law’ and he got punched as an answer.  Chiyeol asked what he did inside and only came out in the morning. He told Hwasin that he never liked him because for 3 years, he didn’t return Nari’s feelingsand threaten him that if he made his sister cries, he will kill him. Hwasin could no longer listen to Chiyeol’s rant in informal speech with him and talked back.

Chiyeol: In this world, my sister’s most favorite man is me

Hwasin: No, you aren’t now

Chiyeol: It’s only your assumption

Hwasin: It’s not. Your sister most favorite man in this world is me and I won’t ever forget about that

Chiyeol: I don’t like you

Hwasin: And so do I

Hwasin left and went home. He opened his closet and finally discovered Jayoung’s earrings. After he changed his clothes, he was reminded when Nari brought some stuff to his home and went to the hotel to book a wedding hall. He asked the employee to book for the earliest possible and it was decided that they will hold their wedding ceremony on Christmas Eve. He went to the office with happy face but once he saw the banner was missing, his smile fell.

The chief off told him the president decision for him that he couldn’t be an anchor anymore because of his behavior and he was sent to the kindergarten (?). Hwasin couldn’t accept and gave his resignation right away, but it was tore apart by the chief. He was thinking about what he should do now while looking at the wedding invitation.


At the same time (?), Jayoung told Nari that she couldn’t be an anchor for 9 p.m news and she couldn’t go back to do the morning news too. The decision about her contract will be decided soon and she asked her to think about what she wanted to do. She also mentioned to her that Hwasin could no longer as a reporter nor as an anchor. Nari cried in the restroom and she met with Hwasin on her way out. Hwasin asked if she cried because of him.

Hwasin: Shall we go and have a lunch?

Nari: Mr Lee, why didn’t you get angry?

Hwasin: Because you have cried, instead of me


He brought her to the place where they would do the wedding reception. Nari told him to cancel it and scolded him why he didn’t tell her first before he booked the place. Hwasin reasoned that he did it because it’s his first time and Nari argued that it’s her first time too. Later he asked her who will officiate (?) or give a speech and act as an MC for their wedding. (They’re imagining what Chief Oh, Doctor, and Sungsook will say. They’re imagining what Choi PD and Jungwon will do when they become MC. And then the fellow weathercaster will sing a congratulation for them lol) Hwasin ended their imagination and said that he thought they couldn’t get married. Nari asked if he has resigned but Hwasin didn’t answer (the reason was because every time he gave his resignation letter, it was tore by the chief. He almost tore the wedding invitation.)

Back at home, Hwasin asked his mom to lend him some money to pay for the wedding place. His mom couldn’t believe his words. Hwasin asked if the earrings were hers but his mom said that it was Jayoung’s and they found the money. Hwasin found the note written by Jayoung.

He went to their house and in the next scene, Ppalgang was kneeling before him. He asked her to stand up and went to hug her. Both were apologizing to each other and the moms let out their breath.

Hwasin then come to Nari’s room and gave her the money.

Nari: What is this? Are we really going to get married? How can the wedding ceremony be prepared messily?

Hwasin: I want to live with you as soon as possible

Nari: Have you resigned? (Hwasin was silent) Don’t resign

Hwasin: Is it because I’m jobless now?? (Nari was silent) Your loves goes beyond the breast cancer and even with conglomerate like Jungwon, but it can’t get past this light-weight paycheck

Nari: What will we eat if you turn in your resignation?

Hwasin: Are you afraid that I can’t feed you?

Nari: It’s not the time for us to think about the wedding. Are there any earnings other than this?

Hwasin: No

Nari: You can’t go to the kindergarten? (He glared at her)

The next day, Hwasin once again gave his resignation letter and it got tore apart again. He proposed a new job that he will take, a Radio DJ (?). He deadly refused to do it but forced himself to do it.

Nari, Hwasin and Beom were eating hot buns outside the mart and she asked him what kind of job that she does the best. Hwasin told her that he likes her job as weathercaster. Nari praised him for his first job as Radio DJ. Their lovey dovey time was broken by Hwasin’s mom. She scolded him for spending time with Jungwon’s gf and asked if he is a dog since he stole his friend’s gf and kept hitting him. She also scolded Nari that even though she likes her, she couldn’t accept her behavior that went back and forth between Hwasin and Jungwon. Hwasin told his mom that Nari was two timing him and Jungwon, but he won because she likes him more. Nari could only apologize to her. He told his mom to not come to their wedding and explained that she knew nothing about Nari who can accept him even though he got breast cancer and has a little paycheck. Nari stopped him before he could say that he’s impotent.

Sungsook and her news’ partner were spending time together over alcohol. She was asking many things about him but she found that he was still lacking to her taste after their talk.

Jayoung and Jungwon’s mom were having a talk about her and Rak’s relationship. Jungwon’s mom gave her an envelope with money for her to end their relationship. Jayoung coolly accepted it.

Nari was back at the station and thinking over about what she wanted to do. She remembered her times as weathercaster and made up her mind.

Hwasin had another radio session with Doctor and the Nurse as the guests. Their topic was about breast cancer. Between their break, Hwasin asked if Doctor had any experience for officiating/giving speech at wedding.


That night, Nari and Hwasin was at his room and he gave her a gift, a necklace. She was happy to receive it. Nari told him that she was worried about his mother who didn’t like her. Hwasin told her to not think about it because his sisters-in laws got the same treatment from his mom. She asked him if they should postpone their wedding, but Hwasin refused.

Nari: Let’s do it (wedding ceremony) next year… Why?

Hwasin: Do you really hate to marry me?

Nari: Mr Lee

Hwasin: What?

Nari: If you want to resign, just resign. I don’t want to see you to do a work that you hate because of me. I really hate to see you holding your temper because you want to receive a paycheck because of me. I finally got my contract and decided to work as weathercaster again, so you don’t need to worry about the paycheck. If you want to hit someone, just hit him and do whatever you want to work. Okay?

Hwasin: Can I really resign?

Nari: Yep

Hwasin: Really?

Nari: Yes!

Hwasin: Then I’ll submit my resignation paper tomorrow

Nari: Do it!

Hwasin: Okay

Nari: Are you hungry?

Hwasin: Yep

Nari: I’ll cook something for you. Let’s go to my house

Hwasin: Is Chiyeol there?

Nari: Yes

Hwasin: Then I don’t want to go

Nari: Let’s go

Hwasin: No…

Nari: Alirght, don’t go

Jayoung gave the envelope with money to Rak. She asked if they should just use the money for their date. Jayoung asked him that they should just date. Later, she talked with Sungsook and Ppalgang and suggested that they should just live together. Sungsook agreed immediately but Ppalgang played hard, even though she smiled.

In the morning, Hwasin blackmailed (?) Chiyeol with the letter about the voice phishing.


Nari went to Jungwon’s place to give the wedding invitation.

Nari: it’s okay even if you don’t want to come

Jungwon: Please make Hwasin happy. Don’t let him feel lonely

Nari: Yes


At the wedding day, Nari was still doing her job as weathercaster. Jungwon was waiting for her to escort her to the wedding hall. Nari wore the wedding dress that was designed by him (?) Nari and Hwasin’s mom awkwardly greeted each other. Jungwon acted as the MC for the wedding. Nari was escorted by Chiyeol. He reluctantly had to give Nari’s hand to Hwasin.


After giving bow to each other,

Nari: You look so handsome today

Hwasin: Of course I am

Nari: Why didn’t you say that I look pretty?

Hwasin: Of course you are

It’s the doctor turned to give her speech

‘I feel more nervous than when I have to do a surgery. I don’t know why they asked me who have yet to marry for doing this, but I think it’s because I was the witness for their first kiss. The groom, Lee Hwasin. At first his name is grandma, next Pyo Nari and now I can call him openly as a male breast cancer patient, Lee Hwasin. He showed himself while he was receiving the treatment. I respected him for being brave and cool as a male breast cancer patient. Back then he asked me if people like him can get married one day and I gave him an answer ‘yes.’ If there was any other chance, please do a proper proposal to me. I was trying to seduce him (?). The bride, Pyo Nari. I really respect her for accepting a man like him. Everyone can love, but not everyone can protect their love ones.’


Choi PD started to sing as congratulation stage. Nurse Oh join him. Hwasin and the doctor also joined them. They sang and dance like a musical stage. Nari and Hwasin walked out while being congratulated. When people left, Chiyeol grabbed some flower and confessed to Ppalgang “Let’s date with me” Ppalgang accepted it. Chiyeol kissed her forehead and shyly said that today is their first day. Daegoo left angrily.



1 year later, Hwasin back as an anchor and was partnered with Sungsook. Both gave their adlib speech which made the chief stressed.

10 year later Choi PD give a cue for Nari to start her weathercaster but Nari stopped it and to scold Hwasin who bit the pacifier instead of their baby. She was pregnant with their 2nd

Nari: How can you bite that? Have you feed him his milk? You should have dressed him with warmer clothes

Hwasin: Do you only see our baby?

Nari: Are you jealous with our baby?

50 years later, Nari still do her job even though she hurt her back.


We got back to the current time, Nari and Hwasin went to the news room after their wedding. They were talking on the anchor seat


Hwasin: Good job

Nari: Why do we come here?

Hwasin: We didn’t do any wedding photos, so just let’s do this instead

Nari: Ah… I feel I’m dying. I don’t think I can get married for the 2 times because it’s so tiring

Hwasin: Even if it’s tiring, you can do it more. If I die early, you have to get married again. There’s a possibility that it will relapse after 5 years. Forget me completely and marry other man once again even though it’s tiring. Sit

Nari: Did you want to say that when you asked me to come here?

Hwasin: We don’t know for sure until when we live or when we die. Until I die, I’ll stick up close to you like a living octopus. I’ll be an octopus which won’t fall even though you’re using sesame oil or knock it off while sprinkling with salt

Nari: Ah I don’t know. Let’s see it later

Hwasin: Good thinking

Nari: Mr Lee, I have something that I’m really curious about. Can I ask?

Hwasin: What is it?

Nari: You must be started to like me because you were jealous when Jungwon liked me, right? If he never liked me, you will treat me forever as you used to do and won’t like me back, right?

Hwasin: I don’t know about that

Nari: You started to say that you don’t know again

Hwasin: Hey! When I was hospitalized with you I have never thought that we will get married

Nari: I did think the same

Hwasin: Am I crazy? Why I would introduce you to Jungwon if I want to marry you

Nari: Yeah

Hwasin: When I was in Thailand, sometimes I was thinking about you

Nari: Oh my god

Hwasin: Why are you so shocked?

Nari: Why? Why me and not other women?

Hwasin: I don’t know

Nari: Were you lonely?

Hwasin: I don’t know

Nari: Did you wish that I go to Thailand?

Hwasin: I don’t know

Nari: Why are you keep saying ‘I don’t know’ suddenly?

Hwasin: Just live even though you don’t know about it

Nari: You aren’t a person who know nothing, with your attitude like that

Hwasin: But now I’m next to you. While you are stressed that you don’t know, I have told you that I’ll be an octopus to you

Nari: Really?

Hwasin: Who knows if we are destined for each other from the day you started to fall in love with me. The fortune teller said that you will always be curious about me. I really like what she said

Nari: I am not though

Hwasin: That’s what you think. While you being curious forever, I’ll love you forever

Nari: Okay

Hwasin: While you being curious forever, I’ll live with you forever

Nari: Okay

Hwasin: But don’t turned me upside down if you are upset

‘Because when you are jealous it means that you are loving him/her more’



GHJ: This is the end of Jealousy Incarnate. Pyo Nari

JJS: Lee Hwasin

GHJ: Have a good night

JJS: No, don’t have a good night. it’s boring for having a good night every night, right? Have a hot, burning and desperate night

GHJ: Thank you for watching

JJS: I haven’t say my goodbye. Thank you very much. We will show you more fun, ….

GHJ: Stop it. Thank you

JJS: I’m sorry. I want to talk more about this place

GHJ: When will you stop?

JJS: I don’t know when will I stop

She then shut his mouth with kiss.


At first, I thought it’s strange to watch a 24 episodes drama. It’s an odd number of episodes for k-drama which usually have 16 or 20 dramas. What made me watch this drama because of JJS and GHJ.  I’ve watched their past work and fell in love with them, and by watching JI, I become more in love with their acting. They are really great. I almost shipped GHJ with her every partner in her drama that I have watched but never did the same with JJS. But, I did once wish that JJS was still single and he and GHJ can be a real couple? That only one of the reason how good their acting and chemistry were which made the viewers love them and cheered for them. ^_^

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At work bt cant help but to peek on this..played a little the posted vids and smile seeing all the last episode pictures. 

This is one of the feel good drama that eveyone has to see...such great actors and a not so-usual story...!  

Will definitely miss this drama...3 leads just nailed it...! Awesome..! 

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so sad that our lovely drama already ended, I know next drama that filling JI slot is Ju Ji Hyun and Lee Min Ho which we can expect it will be good. but still... it takes time to move on from JI. first time I thought this drama is a way too long for rom--com drama, like alleram95 and Blademan thought's but hey now I hope I can watch another episode, like special episode of JI. the reason I want another episode is because JJS as HS is really really awesome, and it makes me addicted with him. this is the first rom-com drama I love from the first episode, not every k-drama I watch especially the story about teenagers and school. I don't know when exactly did I change my favorite genre of drama? well maybe it's because I grow up. W-two world and Jealousy Incarnate is 2 K-drama I watch after 4 years hiatus from watching K-drama.

what i like about this drama is its story, animation, the way they change point of view of the camera, BGM (those crazy BGM like nonono~, yippie, kiss~ kiss~ and other funny sounds. they are so addictive :D), OST, how natural of their acting especially GHJ and JJS (especially episode 23) and most important is its actor and actress, even 2 ppal gang omma, ppal gang and friends, HS's mom, Bum and his Mom, Hye Won, even Mr. Park, Senior's anchor, Mr. Oh, well everyone in that drama is my favorite.

what makes JI is good drama despite its rating, it can make my friend who doesn't like, really hate K-drama, be the one who follow any update about JI, in istragram, twitter, she become silent reader of this forum like me before (due to lack of time i can't post anything in this forum). thank you chingu for amazing journey, posting, sharing, BTS, photo,news, live recaps. I really enjoyed everything here. I am sorry if any of my words or attitude that is less pleasing. This is not goodbye :D I'll always visit this forum and I sincerely very happy to chat and follow every conversation here, like we've been friends a long time and familiar.

mian for long post and bad english hihi


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Just watched the movie with sub. It's so wacky, funny, entertaining and good!!! Good job all JI crew!! Good job GHJ and JJS!! Stellar acting.

I was a bit dissapointed that both NR & HS's career didn't end up as good as I expected :( the kid in me wants a happy ending in the career as well. However, what's portrayed in the movie is probably more realistic...real life, marriage life, working life are definitely not a cake walk and there would be so many challenges happening through out our lives (due to our own fault/weakness or other people or circumstances) but if we are persistence and get the appropriate support then we will be okay. Given that I consider having a good career and financial security as very important, I was nonetheless touched when NR said that she will support HS even if he chooses to quit...(it feels like she's cutting HS burden loose so that he can soar higher). That's the right thing to do but it's actually a difficult thing to do. Bravo JI for making me laugh, cry, perplex, reflect, and challenged me to think over couple of my philosophy. Well done!

Thank you to everyone who has shared their comments! Thank you to all users who have generously translate for us, the non Koreans. 

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Just finished watching the subbed final episode. I was smiling through out the show. It was a great ending...it is like the perfect dessert for a romantic dinner. It is a Kdrama that I can go back and watch all over again specially when I am super stress or needed a little romance ( usually happens when I had a fight with my hubby or feels a little neglected). 

Thank you to all fellow JI lovers. May you find your true love--it may not be the perfect guy but the next best guy. 

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Hello Everyone,

Finally it's time to say goodbye (for a while)..I might see you all again in the forums for other dramas but it's been a great ride with JI's forum. Thank you for all the live-recappers, and all the chingus for their interesting thoughts on each episode. 

Love JI very much and will def rewatch from ep 1 soon. I also love how they end the drama...i've only seen it here how the lead actress went back to her old job, which was (only in the drama) potrayed to be less desirable in the eyes of others (again, only in the drama). It's a good ending - she still ended up doing what she loved doing in the first place~ 

Agree with axerine... I'm hoping GHJ and JJS will be paired up again somehow in the future (the sooner the better!) Or maybe JI can have season 2...with the jealousy now shifts towards the relationship in the family (between husband-wife-children-career...hahahhaha...HS was shown to be jealous of the baby in the time jump scene!)

I found Jung Sang Hoon to be super entertaining as well as the doctor and the nurse! 

:bawling: will miss this show very much but at the same time I'm glad that I no longer have struggle with the boredom waiting for the live-streaming (which is around midnight here:P) I don't think i'll do live-streaming anytime soon for any k-dramas..unless something really catches my attention like JI

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Haha..have been rewatching ep23 the last 10 mins bed scene. The background music goes so well and make u excited over them. I can't help but laugh when HS told Nari that not to wear turtleneck pullover cos difficult to strip. I haven't watch final ep, waiting for sub but already satisfied with the happy endings. The writer is so kind to us knowing what we want and satisfied us with so much lovey, dovey scenes. Thanks writer nim.  

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A very heartwarming drama that makes me teared up a lot with the mixed feelings , sacrifice and everything . Good job to the entire cast and cheered me up with all the acting . Daebaaakkk ~ :)

Oh i will miss JJS and GHJ , im looking forward to their next project and please pair them up again . Hehe

And thanks to all my friends in this JI forum . All of u made my day every time JI aired with all opinion with the recap , opinion and feedback about the drama also the latest updates ! Again , Kamsahamnida chingu-deul ~~


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That voice and dance and smile at their wedding makes me truly fall in love again with JJS. i fall in love with him at Iceland and there he plays the guitar and sings. but then i forgot about it and today i am falling in love again. Where can i find a guy like him? If i am GHJ, i will surely go and take JJS from Gummy (oh, i am so evil, sorry gummy).

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Gong Hyo Jin says thanks to viewers of 'Incarnation of Jealousy'

By alice101    3 hours ago    4,474    886    0
Lead actress of 'Incarnation of Jealousy' Gong Hyo Jin shared her thoughts on the drama wrapping up. 

The drama made viewers laugh and cry with its intriguing storyline and actors' performances while delivering the classic charm points of a romanic comedy. 


Regarding the ending of the successful drama, Gong Hyo Jin released a statement through her agency, stating, "We started shooting in the hot summer and now we are ending it as the cold winter wind blows. I worried how I would be able to lead the 24-episode piece, but it went by quickly, and now we are close to airing the last episode. I am always busy filming, but when the ending nears, I always feel sad. I enjoyed making and watching this drama. I will remember this drama for a long time, especially because of all the actors and staff who worked hard together." 


She continued, "'Incarnation of Jealousy' was a good drama because script, production, music, and other aspects all worked well together. I want to thank all the viewers who encouraged us." 









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13 hours ago, noviphoenix said:

Happy Wedding and Happy ever after JJS and GHJ... Ooppsss Lee Hwa Shin and Pyo Na Ri


The wedding! I don’t think I’ve been so happy, so overcome by emotions at a wedding (real or fictional) ever before.  I don’t think I’ve rooted SO MUCH for a couple at a wedding ever before. Lee Hwasin, PyoNari - Haembukaseyo. Stay happy forever!

Jo Jung Suk - While you were entering the aisle, I was laughing+crying and clapping along with the wedding guests. As happy as I was for your (fictional) wedding, it was also a salute to your astounding acting and dancing skills. You rule! I wish you all the success and happiness in your career and personal life.

Thank you to the powers in the Universe for giving me an opportunity to follow such a beautiful drama in real-time. Because as much as I enjoyed watching the episodes, I also enjoyed coming here on Soompi among like-minded people (who adored JI) to squee on pictures, videos and thoughts about the drama. Thank you to everyone who posted pictures, videos, links, thoughts, translations - I’ve enjoyed it all. You guys made this thread a treat to follow. Though JI is officially over (sob) I hope to keep  meeting a lot of you again in the Jo Jung Suk thread here on Soompi.

I don’t think I’m ready to go back to reality just yet. May be one more re-watch of the final episode?


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