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[Drama 2016] The Royal Gambler 대박

Go Seung Ji

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2 hours ago, andy78 said:



@andy78   I was wondering if she's really his daughter, If so maybe his family did something that called for them to die what clan or faction wasn't greedy back then.. Back then YY dad was a tiger to fear because his eye sight was so keen and he could see and think of things that where to come but he just had to figure out what minister would step up to the plate that's why all they tricks back then to make him a puppet King failed..  I see DG becoming a tiger just like his real father and learn just what took place back then and will work with his brother to take the crazy monster out after all they are blood with the same mother and father maybe he would realize it's best that YY take the throne instead of him..  From the looks of they chest game he and teacher don't see eye to eye on things..

2 hours ago, bebe1989 said:

So its true? The triangle to get damseo? I thought yeoning doesnt have any intention being king.. Maybe he bet for the entire palace with daegil? (I saw this from sinopsis) But not being rival to get the crown.. Since their brother. . I dont think their mother will let this happen.

Maybe if the day comes damseo will kill il jwa with her own sword. Im already tired with il jwa..i wanted to see choi min soo ! 

no, i just thought that girl as cameo.. I just said that because daegil act like man toward her.


@bebe1989  From what I remember YY was forced to be king or be killed.. His brother the king was always ill and was going to die anyway they just speed up the process..  It's said that YY killed his brother to take the throne but from what I remember from a drama long ago YY had went on a trip to China and brought some shell fish back not knowing that the shell fish would kill his brother because of his illness and the iodine in them..  Sounds like a plan from one of the fashionist group to me.. 

2 hours ago, bebe1989 said:

So did you think its possible for her marriage with yeoning? Goshhh.. I hate this case Huft..

since no one know about damseo past life except iljwa. im worried she still follow il jwa order to get revenge until the end..


I think she will heed YY advice and leave before she falls deeper into his plans.. IF he was really so noble why didn't he groom her to be a Queen more could have been accomplish if his daughter took place in the palace this is why I believe she's not his daughter but a daughter of a clan that probably was wipe out right along with his and she's the last survivor of that clan he took her in at a very young age so young she can't or don'rt know what happened back then no more then what he tells her..

1 hour ago, andy78 said:



@andy78  The only way I could see her blackmailing Lady Choi is by telling her they will kill DG after telling her he's alive.. They will use him against her but that monster seems to take out on DG what he can't do to the King.. I thin once she really learns about Suk Bin background and how that crazy monster set all this in motions just to make himself King she would realize he would kill her to once his goal is accomplish..  They all like to erase the past once they take the throne  


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1 hour ago, andy78 said:


 I hope that case will never happen to damseo.. Since. I saw her as innoncent woman.. 

@valsava YY? Yeoning? I thought the preview giving us the clue yeoning kill the king..but since you've already mentions about king wanted yeoning kill his brother..

... I might not be able to watch this scenes,why the king, makes yeoning hand dirty with blood. ( i know this one because his bro illness) ...

but this weeks seems like yeoning already tired living with her mom wish..so it might be true, he will turn out to be bad ... With forced from the king.. 

I also wondering why il jwa never using "the current prince"???? Isnt he came to him, with tricking him with white baduk.


I dont really know about damseo past, but @andy78 mention about iljwa killed her dad, and lying to her..and made the king was the killer..

Btw, nice to meet you,again ! When the first time i joint soompi, i saw alot your post on my love from the stars thread.

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17 hours ago, andy78 said:

[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Jackpot" Episode 6

"Jackpot" is full of potential. It's got Jang Geun-seok and Yeo Jin-goo. It has a beautiful score, lovely costuming, and an interesting enough premise. And then you throw in the real kicker. What is that? Well, that would be the constant compounding of unbelievable happenings like stabbing, beating, flinging, tiger fighting, snake eating, amnesia, and forced enslavement. It would also be crazily overacted scenes, which seem to be more a directorial issue than the actor's issues. Toss in a sprinkle of political antics and you have what "Jackpot" has come to be: a hot mess.

More than the unbelievable test of Dae-gil's luck in the form of physical torture, it is the blatant use of drama tropes and the severe lack of plot integration that troubles his drama: amnesia, plotting politicians, love triangles, downtrodden lead. And then we have Gae Seo-rim who is introduced as a potential love interest. Her character's story is sad and meaningful, but she is obviously stuck in there as a plot perpetuator rather than a veritable character.

At this point, I'm sticking around to see what else this very confused drama can throw at me.


Written by: Raine from 'Raine's Dichotomy'


interesting POV...EVEN IF I DISAGREE

I provide this answer to Raine's review - from kittehKat:http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-jackpot-episode-6-93407.html

kittehkat♥JKS  4 hours ago

When we meet Daegil at the beginning of Episode 1, we see a mature man with eyes of steel and great determination. However, when we meet this character in Episode 3, he is not Dae-gil, but Gae Ddong. Gae Ddong is a naive, immature and innocent child with very little discipline. He wants what he wants when he wants it, with seemingly no understanding for some things being much better when you have to either wait for them or work for them. Obviously it is going to be a huge leap from Gae Ddong to Dae-gil. 
The problem facing the writer and director in bringing about this change is to keep it interesting and to keep the audience engaged. Long, rambling dialogue will lose the interest of the viewers quickly. It's a common problem with all historical drama. While Gae Ddong/Dae-gil seems to be going through a massive amount of torture in a very short period of time, months are passing by between these bouts. 
I would also point out that it is a drama, and drama means you're going to deal with some exaggerated situations in order to achieve the outcome that brings the story together and to completion.
While I understand what you're saying, I believe you aren't taking into account the amount of time that passes sometimes between and almost always during each episode. Also the writer is playing upon the "charmed" life our character leads. Having survived a premature birth in a time when full term births weren't guaranteed to survive, taking an arrow to the chest, and being thrown over a waterfall, it's a miracle he survived infancy. All of these are designed to show the character is a miracle of life. Once this is taken into consideration, the trials Gae Ddong/Dae-gil is experiencing are a bit more believable. 
I hope you will continue to watch Daebak/Jackpot/The Royal Gambler with the above things in mind. I think the writer and director have done an excellent job of building the background of our protagonist. We are also only 6 episode into a 24 episode drama. Give it a chance. The cast is a dream team and it would be a shame to discount the writer or director this early in the production.




Well written response kittehKat and well said!

I frankly love Jackpot/Daebak and am pained (for example - the snake eating - yikes!!) to see Jang Keun Suk going to see such extremes to show his range of acting - but if it succeeds in raising his credibility to those unfamiliar with him - then so be it.

I have seen enough of his concert dvds and movies, and TV dramas to know that his acting skills are truly wide and have great depth! 


kittehkat - your response is well reasoned and winsome.  Thank you.


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Well, this is what I wrote in DB recap of ep. 5: 


"Well, I like the show a lot. The main actors are pretty good in the roles, and I love the fact that the story is told from an unsual perspective: Keddong’s whole life is based on luck (or probability/statistics) and not so much of fate. He lives for the bets, life is a series of opportunities that you take, you risk, you win and lose. In turbulent times, the stakes are in the highest point, and that’s Jackpot.

Also, yes there is torture not at the point of gore or snuff (and for the record: torure wasn’t uncommon un the past, no matter what the culture was, and this is minimal compared to the things they did in those times) I find the comments about the whole suffering/injury/torture/etc were an exaggeration.

Not to mention the irony: people complaining about the same thing: In A the hero gets hurts in one he suffers but lives anyway; in B the hero gets severely injured then 2 minutes later he’s practically jumping as if nothing happened, but in B it’s amazing!!1!!"


I know that everyone has different tastes, but sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the same show. Sor far, yes, Jackpot has some flaws, but at least the show is trying to tell a story from a different perspective and I must say that remains consistent with that point of view... For me isn't a hot mess. There are others shows that in my opinion are very messy and plotless, but, oh well, nice abs/muscles can cover that... :rolleyes:

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I will continue to watch Daebak/Jackpot/The Royal Gambler ... Daegil is a foolish romantic  boy is not a man yet...i also remember the Daegil we saw playing with that jerk...that was already Daegil the gambler!His brother is already the king !One brother wants to protect the throne the other to stop the monster!!!

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[News] "Daebak" PD said, "Jang Keun Suk is a great actor...impressive

“Daebak” filming crews talked about the passionate acting of Jang Keun Suk.

In SBS Mon-Tue drama “Daebak” episode 6 aired on the 12th, Daegil (Jang Keun Suk), through his survival instinct, managed to stay alive having fell off a cliff after suffering from broken arms and legs and a knife stab.

Having lost his memory, he was sold as a slave and suffered beatings, and was even thrown into the faeces pit. Encountered a tiger in the mountains when rescuing a girl who was bullied in the middle of the night. Buried in the mud exposing only his face, munching eating crab. To the extent of chewing off a live snake due to extreme hunger.


An actor’s zealous acting could easily be masked in such dramatic scenes and storylines, Jang Keun Suk however displayed his perfect acting.

PD Nam Gun speaks about the stories behind episode 6 mud and snake scenes.

PD Nam through the agency said, “Both the mud and snake scenes were filmed as per the script, it was mentioned upfront during our first meeting with Jang Keun Suk that there will not be fake shots. Jang Keun Suk ironically was very happy and accepted the challenge readily, and felt good during the filming.”

The atmosphere was relaxed and happy during the filming of the mud scene. Prior to munching the crab, they have completed the filming the scene of eating the live snake, hence there is less burden. During the filming of the snake scene, all the production crews were very tensed, on the contrary, Jang Keun Suk would teased the staff to lighten the mood. He actually wasn’t successful in tearing the snake meat off on the first attempt but succeeded on the second, he acted without fear. As soon as that scene was completed, he received applauses from all the production crews.

He also cited Jang Keun Suk as an actor who exudes confidence.

“Jang Keun Suk is an amazing actor, no matter how tired he is physically or mentally, he always stays alert and diligent in his acting. Truly impressed by his humbleness and respect towards all the seniors and the production crews. He depicted the character of Daegil with great dedication. For me coming from the perspective of an audience, I am excited and looked forward to see the transformed Jang Keun Suk going forward”.

source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000596948

 English translation: Hazy Lee from ECI

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11 hours ago, bebe1989 said:

 I hope that case will never happen to damseo.. Since. I saw her as innoncent woman.. 

@valsava YY? Yeoning? I thought the preview giving us the clue yeoning kill the king..but since you've already mentions about king wanted yeoning kill his brother..

... I might not be able to watch this scenes,why the king, makes yeoning hand dirty with blood. ( i know this one because his bro illness) ...

but this weeks seems like yeoning already tired living with her mom wish..so it might be true, he will turn out to be bad ... With forced from the king.. 

I also wondering why il jwa never using "the current prince"???? Isnt he came to him, with tricking him with white baduk.


I dont really know about damseo past, but @andy78 mention about iljwa killed her dad, and lying to her..and made the king was the killer..

Btw, nice to meet you,again ! When the first time i joint soompi, i saw alot your post on my love from the stars thread.

@bebe1989  Yes these days I'm kind of off and on but do miss following everyday due to not being in my own home in texas now I'm in nevada taking care of my mother whom had surgery back in january and just finding the time to start back up drama watching again and have all my dailys I'm still catching up on.. or reading the But I did miss chatting and reading the threads with every on a day to day basis, Getting more time now slowly but surely..

YY yes that means Yeonging.. No YY never killed his dad he wasn't the type but being how this drama have the story all twisted up he might just kill his dad but when I spoke of King I was talking about his half older brother the one that was by Hee Bin.. From what I know YY was a merciful person he didn't turn killer not until he lock his son in the rice chest and he died.. Now thinking on this YY did say he would weild the sword and the King is going to test him because he knows YY would have to take the throne and he's grooming him into not being afraid to kill so no better time then the presence time since he said he would rather kill all those evil ministers.. YY also turned Yio San into a killer besides the ones that was trying to kill him he also had a very compasionate side to him but would kill without hesitation..

My theory to your question about Il Jwa not using the CP now because of the King he keeps a close enough relationship with him so the King won't suspect anything going on but he's still using him they just not showing us much of the two meeting and what they are talking about but he's going to want the CP to kill YY and his mother on false pretenses that Suk Bin is the cause of his mom being dead.. So kill those two and Il Jwa would stand a better chance taking the throne after the CP would have so blindly made him Prime Minister.. Ii Jwa needs YY dead because it's said he's a double headed tiger.. Meaning he's the smartest scholar in Joseon but also a brilliant politician he would need this person dead not to foul up his plans.. Now this just and idea of what could be going on but don't take it at face value because we don't know how this will go these writers will change the story on you so fast to fit the viewers needs.. 

5 hours ago, Prettysup said:

@cafe99 I also dont find this a hot mess. I am loving the show, the ways they are building up DG's character, cant wait to see what happens next ! Perhaps it has to do partially with my love to see a hero being tormented :)



Hi my lovly @Prettysup it's been a while but still here we all enjoying this hot mess and @andy78 summed it up best one is protecting the throne while the other brother is out to kill a selfish man which I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with his own family being killed.. 



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@valsava i do realize that because you not really active writting post..but this year seems like veteran and big star korean actor, make their comeback..so, i really excited lately.. I also saw alot old ppl on soompi this year.. 

I hope Daegil will helping his brother, because it true yeoning (yeo jingoo) never trust anyone, he always spying ppl arround him and his mother.. The way he act.. Just like the king (choi min soo) watching ppl arround him.. Yeoning also watching iljwa movement.. Since iljwa was his mother enemy..

the viewers need just "daegil and damseo" romance scenes.. ;) 

This story remind me drama "iljimae-lee jun ki" they have the same person as the master  swordman that will teach daegil.. 

its better for daegil become swordman with his master next ep later.. Since daegil really hate iljwa.. And yeoning also keeping eyes to iljwa.. I wish they become partner with the same goal.. Looking this story goes on.. I think yeoning is the first one who realize daegil as his brother.. Since daegil still clueless about his family. 

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[News] Jang Keun Suk watches his new TV series live with 1,100 fans

SEOUL, April, 14 (Yonhap) — South Korean actor Jang Keun-suk watched “The Royal Gambler” live with 1,100 fans, his management company said on Thursday.

On April 5, fans from Korea, Japan and China got together at the Walker Hill Hotel in eastern Seoul to support the star’s new SBS TV Monday-Tuesday series and watched the 4th episode at the hotel, said Tree J Company.
According to his agency, Jang met and talked with his fans after the show ended.


Earlier that day, around 800 Japanese fans visited the southeast city of Mungyeong where Jang was shooting the series to show him their support.

Previously, his fan clubs around the world, 35 in total, put an ad for the then-upcoming TV series in various places including Gimpo Airport, Incheon International Airport, and subway stations in Seoul.

Jang plays the main character Baek Dae-gil in the period TV series set in the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).

cre: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/culturesports/2016/04/14/0701000000AEN20160414007100315.html

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" Its better to eat snake that doesnt have poison "

If my Ophidiology is correct, the snake that Baek Dae Gil eat...is the Diones Rat Snakes, looking at the snake scales. It is common throughout South Korea.  They do possess small amounts of venom but so small as to be negligible to human. As predators, rat snakes are known as constrictors only


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1 hour ago, gerrytan8063 said:


" Its better to eat snake that doesnt have poison "

If my Ophidiology is correct, the snake that Baek Dae Gil eat...is the Diones Rat Snakes, looking at the snake scales. It is common throughout South Korea.  They do possess small amounts of venom but so small as to be negligible to human. As predators, rat snakes are known as constrictors only

Hmm.. Even if small..snake with poison so scary:tears: he also eat small crab alive ........

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3 hours ago, andy78 said:

i agree...i want her to realize the truth about that monster and leave his side ...once and for all

I think this one... Could not be happen next week.. Because monster still alive.. He will brainwashing her mind..

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23 hours ago, bebe1989 said:

@valsava i do realize that because you not really active writting post..but this year seems like veteran and big star korean actor, make their comeback..so, i really excited lately.. I also saw alot old ppl on soompi this year.. 

I hope Daegil will helping his brother, because it true yeoning (yeo jingoo) never trust anyone, he always spying ppl arround him and his mother.. The way he act.. Just like the king (choi min soo) watching ppl arround him.. Yeoning also watching iljwa movement.. Since iljwa was his mother enemy..

the viewers need just "daegil and damseo" romance scenes.. ;) 

This story remind me drama "iljimae-lee jun ki" they have the same person as the master  swordman that will teach daegil.. 

its better for daegil become swordman with his master next ep later.. Since daegil really hate iljwa.. And yeoning also keeping eyes to iljwa.. I wish they become partner with the same goal.. Looking this story goes on.. I think yeoning is the first one who realize daegil as his brother.. Since daegil still clueless about his family. 


@bebe1989  Ha didn't catch that this story do of a little Iljimae in it, Yes he was iljimae teacher.. I had kind of thought he would take DG in when he first saw him but still can't wait to see how they hookup.. I know Price YY don't trust what his mom told him but I think he would figure out real quick that DG is his long lost brother who is supposed to be dead he may take him to his mom but I do see them hiding there relationship from crazy to fool him.. I still think we would have more then two episodes before him and the sword master connect to one another or maybe the sword master finds out who he is and take him in.. From the preview we see he's released from slavery will he also help free that girl and the old man just how he takes revenge on the people in the slums of Joseon is a must watch for me.. Maybe DG will use the girl to make damseo jealous..    I'm also enjoying JSK in his Chinese drama in the god of war Zhao Yun..


21 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:


" Its better to eat snake that doesnt have poison "

If my Ophidiology is correct, the snake that Baek Dae Gil eat...is the Diones Rat Snakes, looking at the snake scales. It is common throughout South Korea.  They do possess small amounts of venom but so small as to be negligible to human. As predators, rat snakes are known as constrictors only

MOD EDIT: Please do NOT quote images.


Hi, @gerrytan8063 It's also nice seeing you here glad your still around.. Thanks for knowledge on the snakes of Korea..   

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Jang Geun Suk Receives Praise for Intense Survival Scene in “Jackpot”

Actor Jang Geun Suk recently impressed not only audiences but the production staff with his commitment to realistic acting in “Jackpot.”

In Episode 6, which was broadcast on April 12, Jang Geun Suk’s character, Dae Gil, was stabbed and fell off a cliff, breaking his arms and legs. In order to survive, Dae Gil has to rely on eating snakes for food.

The producer, Nam Gun, said, “The mud flat scene and the snake scene were filmed exactly as they were written in the script. We discussed it with Jang Geun Suk at our very first meeting and we decided not to fake it. Jang Geun Suk was happy to take on a new challenge.”


He added, “There was a good atmosphere on set on the day of the mud flat scene. Since it took place after the snake eating scene, he wasn’t too worried about it. On the day of the snake scene though, the entire staff was worried. But Jang Geun Suk made them laugh with jokes.”

The PD also revealed that Jang Geun Suk had to do two takes in order to film the snake skin peeling properly. “He’s an amazing actor,” he concluded. “Although the set can be mentally and physically draining, he always works hard and respects his seniors and the staff. I feel like a viewer myself watching to see how well he portrays this character who has lost everything.”



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[News] Jang Keun Suk watches drama with 1,100 fans


Top hallyu actor Jang Keun-suk watched his new drama, "The Royal Gambler," with 1,100 fans from Japan, China and Korea, Tree J Company said Thursday.
The fans gathered at the Walker Hill Hotel in eastern Seoul on April 5 to support the actor's new Monday-Tuesday drama. Jang and the fans watched the fourth episode.

The actor met and talked with fans after the show, the company said.

Earlier that day, about 800 Japanese fans visited Mungyeong, where Jang was shooting the drama.

Jang plays the main character, Baek Dae-gil, who competes with King Yeongjo in the period TV series set in the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).

cre: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2016/04/386_202619.html

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@valsava the teacher character seems like same with iljimae.. And iljimae story also about brother...his hyung live in the palace, and iljimae live as hero.. I notice "daegil dad" also played as dad on iljimae And he did died. Kekeke

Looking how daegil nice to her, she have possibily as another daegil close "girlfriends" ...

we will see what going on later.. ;)

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8 minutes ago, bebe1989 said:

@valsava the teacher character seems like same with iljimae.. And iljimae story also about brother...his hyung live in the palace, and iljimae live as hero.. I notice "daegil dad" also played as dad on iljimae And he did died. Kekeke

Looking how daegil nice to her, she have possibily as another daegil close "girlfriends" ...

we will see what going on later.. ;)


@bebe1989  Now that you mentioned the father he did play the dad role in Iljimae but I loved him in giant and another thing he was a crook in Iljimae.. (breaking and entering) :lol: 

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