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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I have read all of your insights regarding my post “save the thread” and I’m very grateful for every single of you who took time to read and reflect your opinions. With that being said, please allow me to take this chance to make some clarifications:

2000 posts - When I said “be considerate of what you post”, I’m in no way or by any mean trying to stop you from posting or trying to break our happy family apart! The main point I wanted to make was: there were repetitive and spamming posts and they took up a lot of storage data so it doesn’t hurt to friendly remind everyone to not violating the rules. Reaching 2000th  page is a milestone and every single one of us should be proud of ourselves because it is a huge accomplishment for both of us shippers and Song Song themselves.

However, the way of how we chose to reach those 2000 pages means a different thing. You can all make the choice to fulfill the thread with more meaningful and positive posts or you can chose to go against the rules and write whatever you feel free to until the post reach 2000 pages.  At the end, 2000 pages is just a number but the most important thing is the whole progress reflects the quality of our posts and in a similar way, reflects who we are. Every time others read a post, they could sort of tell if the writer is thoughtful enough and if the writer is respectful enough of other members and SS as well because the content you chose to write doesn’t only affect yourself but also influence other people. I agree that most of the posts on here are positive so we shouldn’t let the negative posts overshadow the overall positive vibes of the thread. I totally agree with that but it’s not the problem of overshadowing or holding grudge. It’s a shipper thread and sometimes we should remind ourselves of the core value of this thread: it is shipping. Shipping means supporting, we support SS and days by days, we work hard on strengthening the faith and belief we have in them. So even one negative post (let alone multiple negative posts and rumor posts) could influence other people on here; keep in mind that not everyone is strong minded, there are people with easy –to-be-shaken minds on here as well so imagine how that one negative post could affect them? Words spread fast, rumors spread fast and eventually bad vibes spread fast so being cautious isn’t a wasteful thing to do. The same explanation could be applied to quoting images/video/gifs, I’m aware that it has been an ongoing issue and it won’t be easy to solve, it will pop up from time to time but reminding  among ourselves once in a while is a right thing to do. 

At the end, I’m not in the position to give me the right to tell you what to do and what to believe, but as a member, I feel the urgent need to be responsible and respectful of others. We can’t deny the fact that people come and leave, lurk and delurk, but we also have to keep in mind that if a member chooses to leave, she/he might have a good reason for it. It might be because of personal problem or personal interests but it could also be because the thread isn’t as fun as it used to be. It’s not something I make up to defense my opinions, it’s something that I have seen, have read and have been shared with. And I think that every single one of us deserves the right to know of what have been going on recently. 

For all that being said, I would like to end this discussion here. It has been wonderful to see everyone’s different opinions and insights regarding my post, it proves to me that you truly care for the thread and respect others. In the mean times, please spazz, discuss, write, and delulu as much as you would like to but always keep those rules in your consideration. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time and Happy sailing!

“Maybe I can’t change the world, but I can affect people around me; and if they in turn do the same and affect those around them, then, together we can change the world” – Aaron Sheppard

PS. Thank you so much to all of the comrades for the continuing wonderful updates, photos, translation, and videos! You have worked hard and you have worked well 


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Annyeong, comrades! I just wanna share about body language when a man and woman are in love.

First, here we go. "Hand says it all"



(Skip some parts)



OK, this is probably one of the clearest. He. Is. Into. You. It’s probably a signal for other guys to back off because you are already his. Or you’re probably already a couple and he wants you to be by his side. Congratulations.












It’s my personal favorite when a guy puts his hand on the small of my back. I guess as the position of the hand on the back becomes lower, its meaning becomes deeper. It’s not as friendly as the upper back, but not as official as the waist. It’s an avenue for flirting, for talking closely, for testing the waters, and for deciding whether to slide his hand up or further down.







Body language is a kind of nonverbal communication, where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed by physical behaviors, such as facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space.


Let's talk.


Body Language Signs That Mean He's Into You.

1. His pupils are huge. Either you're in a super-dark place, or this subtle signal means he's into you. "Dilation is a brain response that occurs when you like and are attracted to something," Wood says.









2. His eyebrows are raised. People tend to use this subconscious expression to help open their eyes when they like what they see. If he raises his brows ever so slightly while you're talking, it means he's interested in whatever you're saying.



(If you plan to run away, take me with you. In this clip, i believe that there was Song Joong Ki who spoke, not Yoo Si Jin xD ) 









3. He smiles above the mouth. Real smiles extend well beyond the mouth: They lift the forehead and give you slightly squinty eyes. If his smile involves his whole face, it means you're genuinely affecting him in a good way.







4. He locks eyes with your face — not only your eyes. You might think that a guy who is totally enamored by you will find it hard to peel his eyes away. But now that everyone is used to being glued to their phones, nonstop eye contact can make people feel uncomfortable. So, new rule: If he spends about 80 percent of your interaction looking from your eyes to your nose and lips, he's into you, Wood says.







5. He leans toward you when you talk. In a noisy bar, this sign might not hold much weight. But when he can physically hear you perfectly well and leans in anyway, it means he's interested in what you have to say — and you, in general.









6. He walks beside you. If he's constantly two steps ahead of you, it means he's more concerned about himself than you, Wood says. Unless he's leading you through a scary or crowded space, he should adjust his pace to match yours.










How to Read Body Language for Love Signals?

Flirting is instinctual, report researchers at the Social Issues Research Centre. It is one of the basic foundations through which the human race attracts and meets mates in order to propagate the species. While there are a certain amount of verbal components in the flirting process, as much as 90 percent or more of flirting for love is nonverbal. It is, therefore, important to understand some basic concepts to read body language for love signals.

1. Read the eyes of people to find love signals. The eyes are the most common transmitters of interest and attraction. A widening of the pupils indicates that the other person is interested and literally wants to take in more of you. A genuine smile shows up around the corners of the eyes. Widened eyes are open to know you better.







2. Consider the distance at which the other person stands from you. Social norms require an acceptable space of about 4 feet. When another person moves into that space at arm's length, or within about 2 feet, he is indicating a desire to get closer to you. Moving within that 2-foot parameter is a definite signal of an interest in intimacy.







Woman to man: 

1. She plays with her hair. If a woman combs her hair using her fingers gently, then she has an interest in the man who is near or was talking to him. 







2. She giggles vs doesn’t giggle. Giggling draws attention to youthfulness. She’s letting you know that she’s having fun, and is trying to be more feminine to get you to like her. The way to distinguish whether she’s giggling out of pure interest for you or not is to see if she makes eye contact as she does this. The eye contact is purposely to get you to pay closer attention to her femininity.










3. She blushes and doesn’t say much. Blushing is a biological reaction to a heightened emotional state. This could be simply due to embarrassment, making it one of those signs that’s easily misinterpreted, but it could also be due to attraction, as a reddened face simulates a woman in deep pleasure.









4. She mimics you. When she pays attention to your body language and reflect appropriately, she is not only attracted but also trying to figure you out. On top, she is trying to play the ‘we are very similar’ card to get your interest.



5. Last, but not least of the possible subtle signs is, she touches you. This is perhaps the ultimate body language sign that screams, “I’m attracted to you.” A girl will only touch someone she is comfortable with, and wants to show her affection. Typically, girls will not touch people they are not attracted to or not friends with. For a telltale sign of attraction, look for her giving you a touch on the thighs or a slow, light touch down your back, stopping just at the base of the spine.












About holding hands: 

The type of this handhold is 'The My Lady' 




"This is the most regal handhold of them all. Often seen in wedding photographs, it demonstrates vitality in the relationship, but also a firm, mutual protectiveness.
The woman’s hand may be “perched” atop her partner’s hand, making it look small and dainty — but strong. The two of you have a very healthy, respectful bond, one that is founded on trust and adoration."



















Holding hands is adeclaration of devotion to each other. When a couple is going hand in hand in public they send a message to others around that they are together, not up for grabs.

Happy sailing, comrades! 

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Dear Amy Phan:

I want to explain why I wanted to offer my perspective with regards to your post yesterday and today 

I will just extract out the contents copy and paste here. 

You said in your post yesterdayCurrently, we are at 1394th page so we have exactly 606 pages left. I bet none of you would want that day to come anytime soon! Even knowing that we could always open a successive thread after this one closes, but I assure to you that the feeling won’t be the same.

Why I had to address it: It is exactly this statement that might cause anxiety, uncertainty, unrest among the members especially the new ones. They wouldn't know what to expect when the thread closes because you said despite a successive thread, the feelings would not be the same. 

What you said today:  We can’t deny the fact that people come and leave, lurk and delurk, but we also have to keep in mind that if a member chooses to leave, she/he might have a good reason for it. It might be because of personal problem or personal interests but it could also be because the thread isn’t as fun as it used to be

My perspective: Again, there is no surefire way to make people stay. Whatever reason any individual might have in choosing to leave this thread is solely their choice and we just need to respect it. By dwelling into the same old past does not make the thread progress any further especially since we cannot turn back the clock. 

The only way is moving forward ahead just as what the thread starter twtwb wanted. That everyone has equal rights in this home to express whatever they want freely with no oppression 

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I think the gist of amy phan's post is for us not to post non-sense things just to reach the 2000th post and to keep the quality of the contents of this thread...simple as that. She's not saying to dwell on the past but to maintain what the previous posters had established here. Yeah we can't turn back time and we can't tell them to come back but the least we can do is to continue what they had started because this thread was known before for being fun and accurate (or precised) ..it's not that hard to understand. 

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This year Seoul International Drama Awards (SDA) will be held on September 8 at KBS Hall. SDA is an annual award show for television dramas not only korean dramas but other countries too.

credit: https://www.facebook.com/seouldrama/

I hope SS will attend SDA award show because until last year the show was aired in other station. DOTS has a high chance to win in several categories *i think* and DOTS has the highest rating this year so KBS would want SS to attend. I WANT THEM TO ATTEND THE SHOW TOGETHER!! lol

Hoping for Baeksang part 2. 



cr: as tagged

thank you @kikyoislove :wub:


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8 minutes ago, finickyfray said:

This year Seoul International Drama Awards (SDA) will be held on September 8 at KBS Hall. SDA is an annual award show for television dramas not only korean dramas but other countries too.

credit: https://www.facebook.com/seouldrama/

I hope SS will attend SDA award show because until last year the show was aired in other station. DOTS has a high chance to win in several categories *i think* and DOTS has the highest rating this year so KBS would want SS to attend. I WANT THEM TO ATTEND THE SHOW TOGETHER!! lol

Hoping for Baeksang part 2. 

thank you @kikyoislove :wub:

September 8?! OMO! It's Mama Mary's feast day. I will pray to her starting tonight. I hope she will grant my prayers and let our OTP to attend SDA Awards together. I badly miss them! :bawling:

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So good to be back, work have been hard, lol. But it's okay, I always have DOTS after busy day at work. And I still can't watch other drama. My mind is still full of DOTS, so yeah... :lol: Looking forward for SJK BI movie and Kyo's next project. 


I'm late again, Happy 21st Birthday!!! Hope you had a blast birthday celebration yesterday :D

Kyo update her ig, yay! Wonder where it is, another throwback pic from Cali?

On 7/25/2016 at 1:25 AM, superbigcat said:

Ayee what is this kind of feeling? I feel myself like a little sister who want to cry out of happiness when her sister finally finds the one

So sorry to cut your post chingu, this is exactly how I feel right now. I'm just too happy beyond words. Now I think we should just let them have their time until the day come and we should enjoy little hints they give here and there, they are the real captain afterall :lol: 

Miss them so much, and I've been re-watching some fanmade videos, this one titled Breathless. 


So I made some gifs, can't help it... lol

I love how he slides his hand and his thumb slightly caressing her bare back :wub:


And this, I love her gaze. In my mind Kyo say: this guy is mine, so back off! lol, just kidding or... not... :lol:


And best of the best, my most fave from BAA :love:  This seems like the most natural thing for them to do, hold each other hand and never let go. Kyo not only put her hand in his but she hold it tight. 


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@kristy86 Long time no see chingu, never get enough of them right? :lol:

Our dear Kyo has updated her IG, so lively and full of love feeling <3 I guess trees and flowers that appear on her IG would be happy because they are indirectly receiving that much attention and love from people haha.


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1 hour ago, fascinatingly complicated said:

I think the gist of amy phan's post is for us not to post non-sense things just to reach the 2000th post and to keep the quality of the contents of this thread...simple as that. She's not saying to dwell on the past but to maintain what the previous posters had established here. Yeah we can't turn back time and we can't tell them to come back but the least we can do is to continue what they had started because this thread was known before for being fun and accurate (or precised) ..it's not that hard to understand. 


It is not hard to understand @Chewy Hoe either. No one says that we have to reach 2000 just for the sake of reaching 2000. She just tried to explain so that members don't worry too much about the thread being closed if it has 2000 pages. 

People come and leave for a good reason. May be because they find that the thread does not have "high quality" as they want. May be because they feel that their posts are taking too seriously and scrutinized too much. May be because they are just busy and have no time to post. May be because DOTS has ended and they have moved on to another series. Whatever reason that makes them leave, it is their choice. If at the end of the day, there are just two or three people who choose to stay here to continue express their love song SSC here, that's also fine. 

And by the way, the thread is still fun and accurate to me as of now. So instead of scrutinizing what posts are non-sense things or not, let just take it easy and feel free to post as long as our posts don't violate soompi rules. 

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This is the disease in this thread: "DIFFERENCES IN OPINIONS"

We must feel empowered and embrace the situation being shippers. From the time Amy posted her first reaction, I did not see remarkable posts yet. Did you?  

And I think the messages are not at all "difficult to understand" but because each of us has its own opinion or thinking, hence the person has a desire to express what's on his/her mind (to exercise freedom of expression). Whatever point one has to convey, there's always one or two who will disagree, believe it or not. But then again, these should not all be taken as ruining the thread but are elements to the success of the thread. It is up to us to create fun or to party poop! 

@Chewy Hoe  I like your exposition.

Our goal: UNITY to bind the bond of SSC!!!!!

Fighting and Cheers everyone!!!!!


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Hello chingus! I just want to share to all of you that Descendants Of The Sun is currently airing here in our country(Philippines). It receives a lot of love from all the Filipino viewers. Actually, tonight was 4th night top trending. Still can't get-over to this drama and couple. :wub:


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33 minutes ago, song6416 said:


It is not hard to understand @Chewy Hoe either. No one says that we have to reach 2000 just for the sake of reaching 2000. She just tried to explain so that members don't worry too much about the thread being closed if it has 2000 pages. 

People come and leave for a good reason. May be because they find that the thread does not have "high quality" as they want. May be because they feel that their posts are taking too seriously and scrutinized too much. May be because they are just busy and have no time to post. May be because DOTS has ended and they have moved on to another series. Whatever reason that makes them leave, it is their choice. If at the end of the day, there are just two or three people who choose to stay here to continue express their love song SSC here, that's also fine. 

And by the way, the thread is still fun and accurate to me as of now. So instead of scrutinizing what posts are non-sense things or not, let just take it easy and feel free to post as long as our posts don't violate soompi rules. 


Correct even if in the eyes of other's its nonsense, but for me its just their way to show support and love for SSC. sometimes they repeat the post because its just now that they discovered such information. 

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