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@joongkyo It looks like @ilovesjk will have to edit her timeline a bit as more circumstantial proof pops up. 

You guys are doing the work for Dispatch. LOL. You deserve compensation or something from them. :glasses: 

Well, I guess I'm all right even without visual proof as long as we keep hearing these little unknown couply activities of our Songs from their friends and colleagues. 

@dyatz826 I would just be direct and ask him: Are you dating anyone? Do you have a girlfriend? LOL. Those questions will probably be filtered out, though. Thanks for sharing the article! The "Song Joong Ki" series is something to look forward to next week, especially with DOTS ending this week.

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3 minutes ago, dyatz826 said:

Hello and good evening everyone.

This is my first time posting on a thread and to be honest, my first time to join a group thread, my first time as well in shipping the SongSong couple. Hahaha there's always a first time in everything! Anyway I've been following this thread since page 40 and now it has been 332 pages!

Gamsahabnida everyone for all the SongSongloves that we share together here! 

Anyway, I would like to share a news from Korea Herald. Maybe anyone of you here from other countries can ask questions to our Oppa Joong Ki :) Night all!




ROFL... THIS IS AMAZING!. But K-pop Herald has no idea what they've done. ALL and I MEAN all the 18,000 SongSong shippers who live streamed their HK press conference are going to send in queries ONLY about SONGSONG!.



What are you all waiting for, go post some questions!!!! Make sure it's so overwhelming that KPOP Herald just has to ask SJK the questions....keke

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2 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


ROFL... THIS IS AMAZING!. But K-pop Herald has no idea what they've done. ALL and I MEAN all the 18,000 SongSong shippers who live streamed their HK press conference are going to send in queries ONLY about SONGSONG!.



What are you all waiting for, go post some questions!!!! Make sure it's so overwhelming that KPOP Herald just has to ask SJK the questions....keke


I've posted my question. I don't think Herald will ask him my question though because it's just so direct and strong. The question is "Do you love Ms Song Hye Kyo?"

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Too bad the series will be in text. (It will be, right?) I would like to see a video of the interview so that we can read his facial expressions when he answers the questions. ;) 

I wonder if his team will have the final say on the questions ... ?

@alleverything Okay. How about this: How come you don't address Hye Kyo noona? Why do you always refer to her as Hye Kyo-ssi? 

Or we can have fun, and ask him: If your eyes are your best features (according to you), then what do you think are Song Hye Kyo's?

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I know this post is not really related to our Song-Song couple, but I think it would nice to give some new SHK fans a little more understanding of Kyo's beautiful heart :)

I just want to give a little update on what's happening on weibo regarding her rejecting Mitsubishi's car endorsement.  The hashtag "Song Hye Kyo rejecting Japanese car endorsement" was trending #1 on weibo's real-time hot list for a while.  Because of China's past history with Japan, Chinese netizens' comments were very positive towards Kyo regarding this news, but of course there are a bunch of ignorant haters who are saying that Kyo only cares about her Korean fans, that she doesn't give out signatures to her Chinese fans, only to her Korean fans :mellow:  Kyo's official fan weibo account posted this to clarify that Kyo does love her Chinese fans.  Here is the translation for it:

"She would listen seriously to what her Chinese fans say even though she may not understand it.  She would smile while looking at the fan.  She would look seriously at the hand-written cards that her Chinese fans give her even when the host has begun to prepare for the next event.  She would still look seriously at every word with her eyes and ingrained it into her heart.  She would give every fan present her signature even if it's time for the interview to start.  Would persist on signing each and every one.

She has not have a fan meeting in China, but whenever she sees fans, she would slow down, wave and smilingly express gratitude.  She does not go on variety shows nor have fan meetings because she said she doesn't have the talent to respond back to everyone.  She could only try her best at every project, doesn't want to let down the people who love her.

She is a Korean, but still donated her entire advertising fee to finance China's Hope Primary School.  She's a Korean, but still donated to the Sichuan earthquake, still spare no efforts to support the cause of China's giant panda conservation.

She said she's very grateful for Chinese fans' love for her.  She said she grew up watching Hong Kong movies.  She said it's her honor to be able to work with Chinese directors and actors.

She said she comes to China frequently in private.  She said she has a feeling of being at home in China.  She said she has a lot of good Chinese friends.

She has kept our support in her mind.  Her love for China is subtle but long.

Song Hye Kyo, so warm, so beautiful, if you love her, love deeper.  If you don't love her, please don't bash her."

Below are signatures that Chinese fans got from Kyo and pics that fans took with her :)





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@ewff LOL!.. They won't pick that!! But we just need to be smart and sneaky, which we can definitely do!.

First of all, make sure you post a question mentioning your Country/Location - the more further away from S.Korea it is then your chances are more likely to be picked. Because they'll want to pick some unique places....so if you're not , then just make it up...lol

Second, make sure your questions don't mention "DATE", "LOVE", "MARRIAGE" in connection to SHK. I mean you can ask him those questions without mentioning her name.

Third, if you're sending a question about SHK then it should be as if you're curious about his views/thoughts about certain aspects of her personality. Or even just asking him things like how did he feel acting opposite the most beautiful actress in S.Korea?. 

@hclover96 wae, you must post that now!.. I have makeup on my face, my mascara going to run!.. SHK unnie is the best, *be back after I remove all traces of my panda eyes.*


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@joongkyo Okay, I'll say I'm from Greenland or Iceland. LOL. 

It's all just for fun for me, so, I don't want to ask a generic question. This might be my only chance to lobby him those questions (though, I haven't crossed meeting him off my bucket list). LOL. Nevertheless, I will take your advice since a part of me wants my question(s) picked :)

Maybe this is on the safe side: Because you filmed together for 7 months, it seems the DOTS gang has gotten very close, so, will you maintain contact with your co-stars, especially the other 3 main leads?




Aaah! I love Lee Hwi Jae's wife and twins! This picture must have been taken when he just landed back in Korea from Hong Kong. They're so lucky!

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21 minutes ago, angieknows_11 said:

@joongkyo Okay, I'll say I'm from Greenland or Iceland. LOL. 

It's all just for fun for me, so, I don't want to ask a generic question. This might be my only chance to lobby him those questions (though, I haven't crossed meeting him off my bucket list). LOL. But I will take your advice :)

Maybe this is on the safe side: Because you filmed together for 7 months, it seems the DOTS gang has gotten very close, so, will you maintain contact with your co-stars, especially the other 3 main leads?


Good question!. It's safe but also gets us some answers!. If I ever meet him and he's still not married to her ... then I'll confront him with this




Do you not see THIS goddess before your eyes.




Also, in the previous pictures of HK - the guy who we said is SHK's usual translator - is it really him?. Because I remember this guy being her translator. Either he's really gained weight or else the translator with her has changed.



@alleverything You know who that is, right!? I mean who she is married to?. Lee HwiJae who used to MC Music Bank with SHK. He even left her a message on a TV Show recently... Co-inky dinky?? Again!?...Lol, even though I know it was the Photographer made it possible but ...well, even the photographer follows Kyo on Insta.

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Anneyong chagiya dheul..... sorry for not posting for a while... my real life and real family is complaining because I spend too much time with my chingu shippers here hehehe.... but I miss you girls too much I always try to lurk and updating my self every night before go to bed.. and of course.. khrohom ajigeun uri chingu dheul nomu jjang!! all the new updates and news are still on 5th gear and on fire... just like Seoul-New York and Hongkong...THIS THREAD IS NEVER SLEEP!  once the European shippers sleep, the Asian and the American take over.. AWESOME!! 

BTW I would like to thank Songhyekyozone Instagram... for posting details and information about Goddess Kyo. Not many of us (especially new shippers or new Kyonatics know about who she really is) to be honest her upbringing is not that impressing.. as a fatherless child (mom and dad divorce when she was 6) she's been practically living with her mom her entire life.. her father ( a very handsome man who looks like her) marry again after that and she barely ever mention her dad. As a child she never experience a normal childhood like us, she start working and model since age 12 and never resting until this moment.. for her.. her mom is everything and her mom is the most important person in her life.. 

I'm so proud to know that she rejected the one million dollar offer from Mitsubishi... Song Hye Kyo is NEVER a money thirst.. instead, she just work hard the work she loves and she likes to do.. the Goddess of Fortune seems to pity this beautiful person with her fragile heart and sensitive soul.. money is like growing from the trees in her house.. that's her karma. When I started my Kyonatic period, I often cry reading her stories, how hard it is for her to go through all those experience in life.. to be the head of the family.. the one who responsible, not only what can she bring to the table but she is also the one who bring the table (she is the table!) a very huge responsebility not even a man can do well..

Now that she is 34, well established, well invested, properties, deposit in banks, renewal of top brands contract as well as new contract.. a steady and over the top career and position in the celebritiness.. Song Hye Kyo still and always keep her head down and humble with her way of life and her attitude. I honestly hope that she would start to overcome her next dream.. of having a family... a beloved husband and children. For her, it doesn't and never a matter if that person is less famous, a commoner or less wealthier.. She doen't mind about that since the first place. So if I can word my opinion, it is better for her and her love one to not publish their relationship to the public.. it's NOT necessary at all.. because Knets and fangirl are so beyond unbelievably crazy it's incredible what this antis, haters and fake shippers can do.. and since it feels like it's my pain too when she's in pain, I actually will never ship her with anybody.. after what she's been through with 'that man' and the rumors with KDW. BUT.. as you all can see.. Song Joong Ki is not just a man.. he has ALL that Kyo needs, wants and hopes in a man. And the guy is not a fangirls service giver with SNS profiles or using his fame to enjoy the errupting fandom mountain.. he is still pretty much holding his ground and humble. PERFECTLY MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. I can truely see mommy Kyo nursing her baby at home and can't get happier than that.. 

Song Hye Kyo's heart is like a crystal.. if you know how to treat it.. it will shine so beautiful the radiant shines to all direction. But don't break her heart because it can never be mend... and I'm sure the man who loves her unconditionally and genuinely... knows this VERY WELL...


Lorraine Kyo with her first puppy Areum (pretty) she was head over heels with her pet.. her best friend.. her sister.. her baby.. Areum was everything for her.. they shared deep love and affection together.....

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@alleverything Ah! Thanks for clarifying. Even though that top is white, it does look different upon a closer look. The one he had on at the airport felt more relaxed in texture and seemed whiter.

I sincerely hope that one day, one of the shippers here on Soompi will be able to meet him and/or Hye Kyo. Then, they can share their experience with us.

I also hope that Song Joong Ki gives us some spazz-worthy answers---something that we can add to @ilovesjk's timeline / "dating evidence" list.

@SeGafanlady Yay! Great to see you here again! :) We always love reading your posts :) 

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2 hours ago, dreamer1023 said:

While being in a 4-day conference, wherein I'm in-charge of the technical stuff, I can't help but peek a in the thread evey now and then and, yeah, I almost forgot to do my responsibilities...and I'd like to blame you all for being too active! Hahahaha...Thanks again!!

Last 2 episodes...:(

On the other hand, I'm soooo proud of SJK and SHK!  I've been following SHK for some years already and, sure, it's known that she's sharing a lot of things like her time and resources but, now, we get a confirmed stand on how she screens her CM deals...she's just WOW!! (See haters, not because your idol have more CM...).  The comment about the apartment, how should I say it, she has high sense of justice and ethic..  Why is she like this?  As a woman, I feel inferior not only in her physical beauty but even to her inner beauty...My admiration for her continues to grow though.

Anyway, I just realized something and I thought of not sharing it because I might be wrong and I might mislead you...so please take this opinion of mine with a pinch of salt as that I don't have concrete evidence for it.  I'm putting it in a spoiler just in case, you don't want to read it.

  Reveal hidden contents

Because of his successful portrayal of the military, SJK has been admired by many and has even been invited by various national leaders including the president of Korea.  Yesterday, he has an event with the President of Korea as they promote Korean food.  In summary, SJK seems to have been considered by many as a national treasure-- an exemplary Korean, that would once again boost Korea in the world. 

Today, we get a news from the PR of SHK that she turned down a high paying advertisement due to the company's value and history.  When I first read this, I was amazed by her and I believe so do a lot of people including the Koreans, who seems to hate her because of her beauty and her success and they continue to use the tax evasion issue (w/c is unjust to her) to put her down and hate her more.  I'm also glad that this (along with other things such as the apartment, the sponsorship on Korean literature, etc) has been exposed in hopes that it will give SHK some justice that she deserves.  I'm not sure if I'm jumping to conclusions but it seems that more Koreans are beginning to see her in a more positive light, if not, a national treasure as well (she is actually one given all her contribution to Korea, but many continues to deny her that).

But then, I can't help but ask the following:

1) From what I know of SHK, she's normally silent in what she does so I find it surprising that it's her PR who released the news.  Why?

2) Why now, a day after SJK's meeting with the president and given that the ad has been turned down last month?

And since I can't help but be bothered by it, I pondered on it and it occured to me that, like what our experts (esp. joongkyo) here on this thread, that it seems that SHK and SJK are planning something and they are like preparing the road or in this case the audience for something. 

If I can be more specific, it's like they (SHK & SJK) have decided to let her PR share this news in order to boost the positive image of SHK especially among the Koreans so that if they were to release that they are officially dating, they will have more blessings from people instead of SHK being bashed again (esp. with SJK's popularity and remember how harsh the comments were to SHK even when the show was just beginning).  They will be like the Korean National Treasure Couple, not only in the eyes of international fans like us, but also among the Koreans, whom can be very very critical.  If I can be honest, if my guess is correct, this relationship is really serious and wedding bells are not far away.

I'm going to stop here before it takes too lengthy and complicated.  Again, I don't have concrete evidence for this.  A lot of things contributed to this hypothesis of mine including those that have been shared by our experts (esp. joongkyo) in the thread :). 

Whether I'm overreading this PR gesture of SHK or not, I'm just glad that this news have been released and I hope that more people will appreciate SHK the way she deserves.

Thanks for reading :)




@dreamer1023 I like your analysis in the hidden contents even without prove :)

its curious to me about the fact that this news of SHK is only circulating now and not when she refused the deal?

Another thing that I'm very curious of is that why are all their news only came out a few days after the actual event (e.g. NYC, dinners including the HK one). It just seems to me that us shippers know more about their movements than the media? 

I'm not 100% sure about what the Korean media is like as I have to be honest that I've only started watching Korean serie from DOTS and I'm hooked lol 

I just kind of got the feeling that the media is quite protective of our SongSong? I might be way of the mark here but wouldn't you think a gossip about their relationship sells given DOTS popularity and how there are shippers all over Asia for these two?

Sure if we all talked about their possible gathering and fan are reporting of these events that the paparazzi would do their work and get us something? Just seems a bit odd to me but again I could be thinking too much lol

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Fun fact: That Ohjoongseok guy (photographer) on Insta followed the public Insta of SHK :D 

@alleverything At this rate, is it too much to ask for a picture of SongSong couple with the Song triplet from Song Il Guk's family? LOL I'm sure all hell's gonna break loose if my delulu wish comes true :lol:

@SeGafanlady your posts have always always been so beautiful and meaningful sunbae. I feel like I can't say thank you enough :tears:

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I just come back from IG and saw HK newspaper front page is our SongSong couple pic with the title "Are Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Gyo ready to admit dating?" Some kind like that. I don't know how to post image here :( 

But seems like HK paparazzi also smells something fishy between them :wub:

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8 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

Anneyong chagiya dheul..... sorry for not posting for  while... my real life and real family is complaining because I spend too much time with my chingu shippers here hehehe.... but I miss you girls too much I always try to lurk and updating my self evey night before go to bed.. and of course.. khrohom ajigeun uri chingu dheul nomu jjang!! all the new updates and news are still on 5th gear and on fire... just like Seoul-New York and Hongkong...THIS THREAD IS NEVER SLEEP!  once the European shippers sleeps, the Asian and the American take over.. AWESOME!! 

BTW I would like to thank Songhyekyozone Instagram... for posting details and information about Goddess Kyo. Not many of us (especially new shippers or new Kyonatics know about who she really is) to be honest her upbringing is not that impressing.. as a fatherless child (mom and dad divorce when she was 6) she's been practically living with her mom her entire life.. her father ( a very handsome man who looks like her) marry again after that and she barely ever mention her dad. As a child she never experience a normal childhood like us, she start working and model since age 12 and never resting until this moment.. for her.. her mom is everything and her mom is the most important person in her life.. 

I'm so proud to know that she rejected the one milliom dollar offer from Mitsubishi... Song Hye Kyo is NEVER a money thirst.. instead, she just work hard the work she loves and she likes to do.. the Goddess of Fortune seems to pity this beautiful person with her fragile heart and sensitive soul.. money is like growing from the trees in her house.. that's her karma. When I started my Kyonatic period, I often cry reading her stories, how hard it is for her to go through all those experience in life.. to be the head of the family.. the one who responsible, not only what can she bring to the table but she is also the one who bring the table (she is the table!) a very huge responsebility not even a man can do well..

Now that she is 34, well established, well invested, property, deposit in banks, renewal of top brands contract as well as new contract.. a steady and over the top career and position in the celebritiness.. Song Hye Kyo still and always keep her head down and humble with her way of life and her attitude. I honestly hope that she would start to overcome her next dream.. of having a family... a beloved husband and children. For her, it doesn't and never a matter if that person is less famous, a commoner or less wealthier.. She doen't mind about that since the first place. So if I can word my opinion, it is better for her and her love one to not publish their relationship to the public.. it's NOT necessary at all.. because Knets and fangirl are so beyond unbelievably crazy it's incredible what this antis, haters and fake shippers can do.. and since it feels like it's my pain too when she's in pain, I actually will never ship her with anybody.. after what she's been through with 'that man' and the rumors with KDW. BUT.. as you all can see.. Song Joong Ki is not just a man.. he has ALL that Kyo needs, wants and hopes in a man. And the guy is not a fangirls service giver with SNS profiles or using his fame to enjoy the errupting fandom mountain.. he is still pretty much holding his ground and humble. PERFECTLY MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. I can truely see mommy Kyo nursing her baby at home and can't get happier than that.. 

Song Hye Kyo's heart is like a crystal.. if you know how to treat it.. it will shine so beautiful the radiant shines to all direction. But don't break her heart because it can never be mend... and I'm sure the man who loves her unconditionally and genuinely... knows this VERY WELL...

@SeGafanlady Awww what a beautiful post! Love it :) 

I'm already imagining Kyo nursing her baby at home while her baby daddy is busy working and doing what he does best. He can now be the strong table for them!

i think I should just go to bed before I dream any bigger lol

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loving all the updates today on our couple :wub: even if there wasn't much "official" news from media portals etc, just knowing more and more bout their personalities through excerpts by our lovely posters keeps me smiling and loving them even more! 

that unintentional (or maybe not?!) revelation by Jin Goo just makes us shippers even happier and Harper's Bazaar IG update with SJK (srsly that sex god hair and handsome out-of-this-world face) that included those few familiar names got me grinning too hehe, tho it'd be very much more complete with our goddess by his side too! 

/sends good happy vibes to this thread and all song2 troopers! :D

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@hclover96 @SeGafanlady How am I going to sleep with teary eyes? Thank you for sharing more about SHK. I like her before but I don't really know her, but now I learn  a lot about this lady. 

I am not saying I am a big fan of her before, but she is definitely the only actress that made me want to watch Kdrama. Like I'd mentioned before in dots thread, I come across dots because I was missing her. I finished rewatching AIMH and then I wanted to watch fullhouse. Just happened, that day was the first episode of dots aired. Up till now, I feel surreal of how I stuck with these two. It is like magic. 

And I feel like thanking the moderator that scolded some of the shippers in dots thread for talking too much about songsong and shared the link of this thread. That was how I met all the amazing shippers here.

thank you everyone... keep spreading the love :heart: 

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