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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Hi all. I’ve been lurking on this thread since it was still on page 100 but now I decided to join you guys cuz I’m officially obsessed with Song-Song couple I can’t stay silent anymore. :)

This post gonna be really long so please bare with me.:rolleyes:

1.      I’ve been a fan of Song Hye Kyo for almost 12 years, knowing her since “Autumn in my heart” days and became her fan after Full House. SHK is always the most beautiful and charming Korean actress in my heart and I wish nothing but the best for her career and private life. Seeing her struggled love-life for years despite being so beautiful in and out, despite being super wealthy and famous, really saddened me a lot as a fan. For years, I’ve been looking for that “ONE MAN” who can truly make our goddess happy. Tbh I shipped Kyo with most of her partner cuz really, she just looked compatible with anyone, not to forget her male partners are all A++ actors who are extremely handsome, famous and all were very caring towards Kyo. And yet, only 2 of them could manage to step into Kyo’s heart (LBH & HB) but left her pain when they broke up. I shipped BiKyo really hard during Full House days cuz I loved how Kyo looked so cheerful around Rain and how much he adored her; but they never ended up together. I had really high hope for Hyun Bin and Kyo to last long but their relationship ended shortly…



For the first time in 12 years, I see a whole new Song Hye Kyo, which I highly think SJK is the man behind this.


2.      To be honest, I had never imagined myself shipping Song-Song. Although I really liked Joong Ki for being a very talented charming actor with good look, I thought he was too young for SHK (not just in term of age, look but also maturity and career). While SHK is very womanly and mature, I thought SJK was too boyish and not manly enough for her, he didn’t give off that “I can protect my woman” vibe to suit SHK. Upon hearing Song-Song being the leads for DOTS, I was actually really doubtful how their chemistry would turn out and I was afraid of the clear age gap… But DOTS turned out to be way better than I had expected and Song-Song chemistry really amazed me and the age gap wasn’t a problem at all. DOTS also changed my perception of SJK a lot. National Service really did him wonder. Still the youthful boyish SJK but a more mature and masculine version. Especially when being paired up with the feminine and petite SHK, SJK looks a lot manlier and protective as a man. Still after a few first episodes, I never thought of the possibility of Song-Song being an item despite their amazing chemistry. The way YSJ looked and glanced at KMY in DOTS is just so heart-fluttering and genuine that at some point it felt like it was indeed SJK looking at SHK wholeheartedly. Still, I thought they were just great actors with very natural acting.


Until I saw their real-life interactions and anecdotes about their off-camera relationship, I changed my mind and started to ship them unconditionally.


I think most people here already point out a lot of hints and thoughts on Song-Song relationship (THANK YOU ALL FOR SUCH AMAZING READS).  However I just wanna express how I feel about this couple

-          Tbh, I’m not concerned so much about their actual official relationship. Whether they are already at the “we’re so gonna get married” state or just “we’re getting to know more about each other” – only 2 of them know for sure. However, the fact that both of them (not just SHK nor SJK alone) have put time and effort into knowing each other to build whatever relationship (co-stars/friends/lovers…) they’re having – that means a lot to both of them.


For an actress who is always professional around her male co-stars, who is extremely reserved, guarded and insecure about her private life and love, who has been hurt multiple times and bad-mouthed by the netizens for dating her male partners, who is at the age of settling down for marriage and family, to openly hang out with SJK besides work, to openly admit they share many things in commons, to openly express her wish to know other aspects of his…..is such a huge step SHK is taking on.


For a rising actor who is on the way to the peak of his popularity and recognition, who has a big rising fanbase full of jealous young fangirls, who has his youth ahead of SHK and a future career not ready for settling down… to actually spend time and show great care to SHK who is no longer at the age to play around with relationships, it’s honestly brave of him.


In fact, knowing her for years and watching all the dramas she was in, I’ve never seen SHK got so much hate from the actors’ fangirls like this time for DOTS. It really hurt me as a fan to see so many hate comments downgrading SHK for her look, her age, her acting, her incompatibility with SJK… from SJK’s fangirls on various sites. Despite how much distance SHK has been putting away from SJK in public place, her professionalism still cant satisfy these jealous fangirls. I wonder how uncomfortable and angry SJK would be if he read such comments about SHK. But honestly I’m thankful to SJK for being so protective over her most of the time. His maturity and manners off screen really deserve a round of applause. He’s way mature than I expected from him.


Back to Song-Song relationship, whatever it is, I’m just glad that they are definitely more than just co-stars. SHK doesn’t have many close celeb friends, let alone close MALE celeb friends (YAI is probably the exception), which I think got a lot to do with her fear of dating rumours. So the fact that SHK let SJK step in her life in some way, it tells a lot about their relationship. I never heard about SHK hanging out with her co-stars in the past outside work (even with Hyun Bin, there were no dating proofs beside their agencies’ acknowledgements ...) So SJK is definitely an exception. If your speculations are not wrong, then SHK and SJK have personally known each other for about 2 years. 2 years is long enough for any kind of sustainable relationships: friends or lovers. If they weren’t interested in each other enough, would they still hang out side by side that many times even until lately?


I still have a lot of other things to say but my post is already too long. What I meant is that regardless of the actual status of their relationship, Song-Song are close and treasure each other a lot. They seem to understand each other well and somewhat ready to take their relationship to the next level. They’re definitely not playing around. So for now I truly hope that they’re taking thing slow but steady because their relationship really need a very very strong foundation.




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9 minutes ago, boredahjumma said:

I think he said ' 진짜 ' Jin Jja a.k.a really? Like half teasing, half surprised kinda thing... What do I know... I don't even know Korean


Jin Jja composed of two words .  But his lips like utter three words "  ja gi ya " ..ahhh I do not know I am also confused .  Moreover, we have no idea at all about Korean language ^^ 

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Please thank @msbae81's husband who took the time out to go through the article and confirming what I understood so that I felt confident in posting it. Initially I wasn't going to post it on the thread to avoid unnecessary drama from the growing number of nay-sayers and the harbingers of dooms day that this thread has seen in the past few days. A  few of them have even seen it fit to attack me via PM. But, you know what?... to hell with you guys. I'm posting SongSong news here whether you like it or not. So you can spam the thread with all the crap and negativity that you've got. The rest of us are just going to keep on posting when we get anything we think we'd like to share with the real shipping community here.

Another reason that I'm posting is because I already got close to 30 messages and I am scared if I miss any of you SongSong shippers while PMing that you might RIOT!..lol


Link to article and the pictures posted below accompanied the article -  http://news.tf.co.kr/read/entertain/1632973.htm

Not translating the whole article but just providing a gist. It's written by an intern journalist working for "The Fact", this article was posted today at 5:00 am Seoul Time . Just take into account that  It's really puzzling because this news came out today which is 10 whole days after the dinner.




The account is written in a diary form, which probably explains why it's so wordy. The intern journalist (IJ) shares how the IJ had to cover the 1sT April dinner, but what went down felt more like it was a secret service 007 mission. SJK and SHK were to host the party on the 1st, this information while shared with the media by their agencies but the time and location of the dinner was kept under tight wraps. Not divulged under the strictest confidence however several senior journalists called in favours using their connections and finally the location for the dinner was known to the waiting media - it was to be at at restaurant in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul..  

After which the media (she gives an extremely colourful account of just how many reporters and people were waiting outside the restaurant..lol) waited outside the restaurant but maybe in an another attempt to throw them off the scent the timing given to the senior journalists was wrong and the stars only arrived much later!!.She wonders why this dinner party meant for the cast and crew needed to maintain such secrecy with so much speculation of changes in venues and time to throw the the media off guard.

First to arrive was Kim Min Seok, soon after SJK arrives and entered the restaurant too. After which the leading lady of DOTS makes her appearance and heads off into the restaurant. Which is when the IJ decides to try and get a more exclusive scoop, walks into the restaurant attempting to blend in with the rest of the DOTS staff (lol!) andstarts following behind SJK , at which point the IJ sees SHK in the  far corner of the restaurant talking to people. However, it seems the staff are quick to notice that the IJ wasn't part of the DOTS crew and when approached by them, the IJ tried to fool them once again by pretending to be a customer who just wanted to eat a meal there. Sadly for her they weren't falling for that and they quickly removed the IJ from the restaurant premises. 










So there you have it, an account from an intern journalist who describes the setting of the dinner to be like a secret service mission with the agencies remaining tight lipped about any details (*super strange since it's common to have media at such places*). The fact that senior reporters were calling in favours and connections just  to get the location and finally that this is STILL NEWS, this is 10 days after the dinner! 10 days in news is like a month in real time.

If there really isn't smoke....they why is the Korean media acting like there's a fire (*yes, I know it's "there's no smoke without a fire" but I think what I said is more apt in this situation)

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About SHK's new Ins Profile pix, here is some info about the painting.


The artist is Beijing-based Chen Ke. And SHK must've come across this painting when she attended Art Basel last month. 

The words, in Mandarin, at the top of the painting, are translated as 

“I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night — there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.” ― Marilyn Monroe. 
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9 minutes ago, thepixies said:

“I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night — there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.” ― Marilyn Monroe. 



Thanks for sharing!. 

Hopefully the crazies on this thread can now stop coming up with their *theories* about SHK.




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I haven't read the post but I just wanna say thank you so much for keeping us always on loop on SongSong news, I really appreciate what you're doing right now. So thank you so much..

And for those who work hard to keep this thread as lovable and fun and interesting as ever, thank you so much.

Just ignore the negativity and carry on with all the fun that is loving Song Joong Ki & Song Hye Kyo together <3

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46 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Please thank @msbae81's husband who took the time out to go through the article and confirming what I understood so that I felt confident in posting it. Initially I wasn't going to post it on the thread to avoid unnecessary drama from the growing number of nay-sayers and the harbingers of dooms day that this thread has seen in the past few days. A  few of them have even seen it fit to attack me via PM. But, you know what?... to hell with you guys. I'm posting SongSong news here whether you like it or not. So you can spam the thread with all the crap and negativity that you've got. The rest of us are just going to keep on posting when we get anything we think we'd like to share with the real shipping community here.

Another reason that I'm posting is because I already got close to 30 messages and I am scared if I miss any of you SongSong shippers while PMing that you might RIOT!..lol


Link to article and the pictures posted below accompanied the article -  http://news.tf.co.kr/read/entertain/1632973.htm

Not translating the whole article but just providing a gist. It's written by an intern journalist working for "The Fact", this article was posted today at 5:00 am Seoul Time . Just take into account that  It's really puzzling because this news came out today which is 10 whole days after the dinner.




The account is written in a diary form, which probably explains why it's so wordy. The intern journalist (IJ) shares how the IJ had to cover the 1sT April dinner, but what went down felt more like it was a secret service 007 mission. SJK and SHK were to host the party on the 1st, this information while shared with the media by their agencies but the time and location of the dinner was kept under tight wraps. Not divulged under the strictest confidence however several senior journalists called in favours using their connections and finally the location for the dinner was known to the waiting media - it was to be at at restaurant in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul..  

After which the media (she gives an extremely colourful account of just how many reporters and people were waiting outside the restaurant..lol) waited outside the restaurant but maybe in an another attempt to throw them off the scent the timing given to the senior journalists was wrong and the stars only arrived much later!!.She wonders why this dinner party meant for the cast and crew needed to maintain such secrecy with so much speculation of changes in venues and time to throw the the media off guard.

First to arrive was Kim Min Seok, soon after SJK arrives and entered the restaurant too. After which the leading lady of DOTS makes her appearance and heads off into the restaurant. Which is when the IJ decides to try and get a more exclusive scoop, walks into the restaurant attempting to blend in with the rest of the DOTS staff (lol!) andstarts following behind SJK , at which point the IJ sees SHK in the  far corner of the restaurant talking to people. However, it seems the staff are quick to notice that the IJ wasn't part of the DOTS crew and when approached by them, the IJ tried to fool them once again by pretending to be a customer who just wanted to eat a meal there. Sadly for her they weren't falling for that and they quickly removed the IJ from the restaurant premises. 










So there you have it, an account from an intern journalist who describes the setting of the dinner to be like a secret service mission with the agencies remaining tight lipped about any details (*super strange since it's common to have media at such places*). The fact that senior reporters were calling in favours and connections just  to get the location and finally that this is STILL NEWS, this is 10 days after the dinner! 10 days in news is like a month in real time.

If there really isn't smoke....they why is the Korean media acting like there's a fire (*yes, I know it's "there's no smoke without a fire" but I think what I said is more apt in this situation)

This is still NEWS too! Common paparazzi what are you all doing? We need more real time update please :)


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Hello from the other side, guys!:lol:

I have been one of those silent reader since page 6 (I know this thread from DOTS mainthread) but can't have a time to say hi to you all bcs my superduoblecrazy college life. First, I want to deliberately say thank you to all of you guys who have been hardworking more than enough to update every single time about our couple so I can refresh this page like many times everyday. It's being my daily dose need you know. So, for all of you please kindly receive my special give.



And next... let me said it all out of my opinion based on all of your post. Just let me to the point. I don't want to discuss anymore about them being in NY dating, or HK dating or many else. I think you guys more than enough to discuss that and I already read all of your discuss.

So, first we have super Goddess Kyo who we admire her so much. She's really beautiful inside and outside and I know how precious she is. She sadly has a not-so-good background which is her parents being divorced and has pratically being failed in the two of relationship which is I will never spill out those name. It perhaps makes her hard to believe someone or a guy back then, so I'm not surprise when read her interview from a long time ago (before DOTS even started) she refused to get married soon. But I believe, her experienced from almost 20years being an actress make her more mature now, especially to expect having a family and a child. And I definitely love that!

In the other side, we have super fantastic also gentleman named Joong Ki. He known well from being a kind of person, and I love how he maintain the interact of his circle relationship bestfriend (I mean the circle of SJK-LKS-JIS-IJH-KKB and D.O too). He is from a good family. Proved by his hometown in Daejeon has been his 4 generation house of living until now. It really surprises me. I believe he is really a good son in his family who has a real maturity and has a straight principle in his life. It also can be proved from he being a smart guy in college lived, and has many potential yet passion by being a short tracker athlete for almost 12 years.

What I want to point out is, Kyo seriously need Joong Ki for her sake! I mean, having a background like that, those two will fill each other when they have a little family with a little cute baby and they match so much from each side I try to observe. I don't mind either if I will married a man with 2-4 years younger than me if he has a maturity and straight principle of life like Joong Ki. I believe like the title of this thread "we are blessed to meet each other", it really happens to this two. In the end, I don't want nothing, but the news they being officialy dating or married is more than enough for me (forgive me if I'm being delulu) :phew:. And I want to discuss a little bit for Kyo latest post in IG, which is like this below

  Sorry to discuss this again (I know you guys frustated if the same picture or news being posted over and over again). In my family, we have a funny and serious fact indeed, when every each of us post his/her childhood life in media social or everything that others can see (in the age of ready for getting married) , It almost pointed out that we actually have a feeling like "OK, now I dont want anything else except married with someone I love and having a child or a family soon" and it happens like many times, even now it has been being a tradition in my big family. I don't want to being delulu, but I believe Kyo will getting married sooner and I hope the lucky guy who has been win her heart is our JoongKi. 

So, KEEP THE HARDWORK IN THIS THREAD GUYS! I will definitely come to this thread everyday until the end. This ship is really really sailing~~~:wub:

And for those who always like to quote image or gif or video, PLEASE STOP!! DO NOT QUOTE IMAGE, GIFS, OR VIDEOS!!!.  It really annoying if you guys continuously doing that, eventhough I've been a silent reader all of this time. I dont know what to do if this thread being clossed by Mod.

OK guys, sorry for the long posts. Let me know if there is a good news from our couple, I will catch up with you guys again. Back to my silent reader mode now.


Sincerely, KiKyo couple hard-shipper.

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1 hour ago, Summer Rize said:

I 've been many times watch hk pc gif from various angles that have been uploaded by various accounts .  And I am still wondering what is spoken by SJK before making a fist bump .  And this time with a very confident ( after seeing this gif ) he called " jagiya" to SHK .  take a look at the movement of his lips .. If he pronounces  " hye kyo or hye kyo ssi . Surely his lips will not be like that  :blush:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BEBG5Hni-kb/

What about "fist bump"? Someone reminds me not to create an information that is probably wrong, baseless. Sorry chingu.

Let me continue telling the similarities between AJH/GHS couple with our kikyo:

1. They have the same circle of friends

2. They were sitting next to the other in a plane heading for somewhere in Europe (hope kikyo do the same, me speculating)

3. They praise each other even GHS said AJH is a mature man in a boyish look

4. They look so awkward, and blah blah (haven't finished reading the posts)

Kindly glad that probably kikyo are dating any get married soon (me hoping) and I 'll support this (though I am used to support kayo with any goodlooking and good heart man matching to uri kyo). 

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27 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Please thank @msbae81's husband who took the time out to go through the article and confirming what I understood so that I felt confident in posting it. Initially I wasn't going to post it on the thread to avoid unnecessary drama from the growing number of nay-sayers and the harbingers of dooms day that this thread has seen in the past few days. A  few of them have even seen it fit to attack me via PM. But, you know what?... to hell with you guys. I'm posting SongSong news here whether you like it or not. So you can spam the thread with all the crap and negativity that you've got. The rest of us are just going to keep on posting when we get anything we think we'd like to share with the real shipping community here.

Another reason that I'm posting is because I already got close to 30 messages and I am scared if I miss any of you SongSong shippers while PMing that you might RIOT!..lol


Link to article and the pictures posted below accompanied the article -  http://news.tf.co.kr/read/entertain/1632973.htm

Not translating the whole article but just providing a gist. It's written by an intern journalist working for "The Fact", this article was posted today at 5:00 am Seoul Time . Just take into account that  It's really puzzling because this news came out today which is 10 whole days after the dinner.


The account is written in a diary form, which probably explains why it's so wordy. The intern journalist (IJ) shares how the IJ had to cover the 1sT April dinner, but what went down felt more like it was a secret service 007 mission. SJK and SHK were to host the party on the 1st, this information while shared with the media by their agencies but the time and location of the dinner was kept under tight wraps. Not divulged under the strictest confidence however several senior journalists called in favours using their connections and finally the location for the dinner was known to the waiting media - it was to be at at restaurant in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul..  

After which the media (she gives an extremely colourful account of just how many reporters and people were waiting outside the restaurant..lol) waited outside the restaurant but maybe in an another attempt to throw them off the scent the timing given to the senior journalists was wrong and the stars only arrived much later!!.She wonders why this dinner party meant for the cast and crew needed to maintain such secrecy with so much speculation of changes in venues and time to throw the the media off guard.

First to arrive was Kim Min Seok, soon after SJK arrives and entered the restaurant too. After which the leading lady of DOTS makes her appearance and heads off into the restaurant. Which is when the IJ decides to try and get a more exclusive scoop, walks into the restaurant attempting to blend in with the rest of the DOTS staff (lol!) andstarts following behind SJK , at which point the IJ sees SHK in the  far corner of the restaurant talking to people. However, it seems the staff are quick to notice that the IJ wasn't part of the DOTS crew and when approached by them, the IJ tried to fool them once again by pretending to be a customer who just wanted to eat a meal there. Sadly for her they weren't falling for that and they quickly removed the IJ from the restaurant premises. 





So there you have it, an account from an intern journalist who describes the setting of the dinner to be like a secret service mission with the agencies remaining tight lipped about any details (*super strange since it's common to have media at such places*). The fact that senior reporters were calling in favours and connections just  to get the location and finally that this is STILL NEWS, this is 10 days after the dinner! 10 days in news is like a month in real time.

If there really isn't smoke....they why is the Korean media acting like there's a fire (*yes, I know it's "there's no smoke without a fire" but I think what I said is more apt in this situation)

Dont know how to post video, or else I will send you the song Shake it off. You know, haters gonna hate, so who cares. Just cary on with whatever you want, you got us =)))

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Finally, I found a correct rehab center for my 'delusion'.

They said I am delusional.

They said SJK and SHK were just 'comrades'. 

I say these people should get their eyes checked.

However, I guess I am the only odd ball here. I do not want my goddess to publicly admit that she is dating SJK. I sincerely hope there will not be a single leaked photo of them holding hands or doing stuffs lovers would do. She had suffered enough. I am contented just by seeing her smile and shine so brightly these days. I don't know about SJK very much. Just got to know him by watching this drama (I followed every SHK work). As I truly feel SJK treats SHK well, I love him too. And I truly pray he will cherish and love her with his life. When the time is right, both of them can announce their status. I don't mind waiting. Just mind seeing SHK or SJK get hurt by antis.

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Everyone have probably read about this, and was mentioned a thousand times on what his ideal type is. This can easily be seen floating around the web but whenever I think of this statement: 

He likes a woman with sense. When asked about his ideal girl, he said, "My favorite kind of woman is one who has sense. Then I notice looks and then personality."

I can't help but think of the sincere compliment he gave during the HK promotions (exclusive interview with the lady) when he said she's korea's most beautiful actress

(as posted with some captions by @hclover96 on page 285)

SJK: To be able to film together with Korea's most beautiful actress, I felt really happy. Everyone thinks it's because her outer appearance that she became famous, but after working together, I realized her inner heart and personality are really good also.

What struck me the most is not the "most beautiful actress" (that's a given and we all know that ) but how a person or a mere colleague (a close one for that matter) was able to see through her. He sincerely means that she is indeed beautiful, but what really captured him is her personality and her heart. I loved how he was able to see her beyond the superficial, paid attention on what's deep within and get to know and see the real her. He isn't a shallow, physical type of guy. Heart is more important for him and beauty is only skin deep. 

For me, if person was able to see the good in a person, he's obviously paying attention and he's putting in an extra effort to get to know you better. I may be close to some colleagues but I won't really know what's inside their hearts unless I spend more time and interest in them. And that our relationship is on a more personal or intimate level

I won't say the obvious that she is his ideal type. I'll just leave it up to you guys ;)

P.S I know this is a late observation but I love how Elle Korea and Instyle Korea are Song-Song shippers and smitten with the two. They reposted their hk selfie SHK posted and I can feel how they're as giddy as we are when they saw it. 

And I don't mean to offend anyone but this is just a comparison, an account on IG posted a pic with Song-Song and another one with SJK with a previous co-star, posted side by side with captions which one they like most or better ( I think) and I love how I don't have to scroll down for more to see how everybody says Song-Song. Like its an obvious choice and asnwer. Everybody loves them. 

The media won't even spend so much time  digging about our OTP if they're convinced there's nothing between them. And everyone CAN SEE there's so much more to what they're showing us. (If you don't, you're prolly living in mars, doesn't own a television or any gadget or you dont really have feelings) 

Remember the 007 airport mission? where they seem distant but later on posted selfie seating next to each other with the director obviously photobombing? There's more to them than meets the eye and it's what we don't really see that we should pay close attention to. 

You see, shippers think alike and we all share the same feelings and speculations. The media and other platforms prolly are shippers too doing some intense Sherlock-ing the way we do. 


Sorry for the long post. 

*now back to backreading*

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Been smiling past few days due to S2 virus..... :blush:...

TQ everyone for your effort in sharing the updates of our Song2couple...

Anyway just want to share this...


Even that guy whom handing the microphone to SHK also couldn't resists some skinship with her.....

Careful man... look who's watching.... Captain Yoo is staring..... hihihi


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4 minutes ago, angelineong said:

Finally, I found a correct rehab center for my 'delusion'.

They said I am delusional.

They said SJK and SHK were just 'comrades'. 

I say these people should get their eyes checked.

However, I guess I am the only odd ball here. I do not want my goddess to publicly admit that she is dating SJK. I sincerely hope there will not be a single leaked photo of them holding hands or doing stuffs lovers would do. She had suffered enough. I am contented just by seeing her smile and shine so brightly these days. I don't know about SJK very much. Just got to know him by watching this drama (I followed every SHK work). As I truly feel SJK treats SHK well, I love him too. And I truly pray he will cherish and love her with his life. When the time is right, both of them can announce their status. I don't mind waiting. Just mind seeing SHK or SJK get hurt by antis.


I'd think most shippers feel the same as you. Nearly all the Baidu shippers want them to go public /only/ when the couple announces marriage. 

Meanwhile, this haven is for us to parse all their interactions and words while we wait for that day.

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50 minutes ago, thepixies said:

About SHK's new Ins Profile pix, here is some info about the painting.


The artist is Beijing-based Chen Ke. And SHK must've come across this painting when she attended Art Basel last month. 

The words, in Mandarin, at the top of the painting, are translated as 

“I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night — there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.” ― Marilyn Monroe. 


Thanks for sharing!

SHK herself is definitely a cool heroine just like KMY. I don't know if she just love the painting of she felt relate with Monroe's quote itself. But believe me, she never ever needs to get worry bcos her inner and outer persona is definitely greater than thousand actress in SK. Long live for the SHK-queen, hehehehee

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