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27 minutes ago, twtwb said:

Some more excerpts from "Hye Kyo's Time"

My view on marriage can change many times a day. When I see those lovely dovey photos, I feel like getting married, (but) I also feel lonely. However, when I’m with friends having fun, or with staff brainstorming new ideas or finishing my work smoothly, I feel that, I’m also fine with my current status. One day, when I came back home alone by my self … “oh, I really want to get married”. However, when I went to Mom’s home with unwashed hair and played with the dogs, I feel that, it is fine to be like that for now. Marriage is a really difficult thing.

(Marriage is hard work – translated by kor-chi-eng)



Thank you @twtwb for your great posts as always. Her views are so real. I can really relate to her view on marriage. Like her, sometimes looking at the lovely photos of others and the babies, I just want to get married but at the same time I feel lonely. And other times, I just feel like enjoying my current single life is not bad.

But now that she has found Joong Ki, I believe she would be more willing to go towards marriage.

And sorry if this sounds bad, but when I read about her "unwashed hair", I immediately think of Joong Ki and Captain Yoo. :lol:

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4 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Guys, I need some help. Anybody know a native Korean?. Who wouldn't mind translating?. Send me a PM.

I found an article relating to SongSong and I'm willing to share it ONLY IF you know a Korean speaker who will translate it for me. (*I'll share it with SongSong shippers who I am confident aren't trolls via PM but not on the thread because I am unwilling to see any more drama.)

SJK, looking so good!. I love both sides of SJK's fashion - formal and his uber casual laid-back style. 

@Jalhanda her parents were divorced when she was very young. She stays with her mom, probably the reason why she never mentions him.

@joongkyo I do not know any native Korean but can you share with us when you are done translating. Please... I promise I am not a troll...

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5 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Guys, I need some help. Anybody know a native Korean?. Who wouldn't mind translating?. Send me a PM.

I found an article relating to SongSong and I'm willing to share it ONLY IF you know a Korean speaker who will translate it for me. (*I'll share it with SongSong shippers who I am confident aren't trolls via PM but not on the thread because I am unwilling to see any more drama.)

SJK, looking so good!. I love both sides of SJK's fashion - formal and his uber casual laid-back style. 

@Jalhanda her parents were divorced when she was very young. She stays with her mom, probably the reason why she never mentions him.

Ohhh, thanks @joongkyo. Will just delete that post so as not to cause traffic in our thread. Next time I will just PM the authorities on this :)

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36 minutes ago, twtwb said:

Some more excerpts from "Hye Kyo's Time"




Thank you so much @twtwb for the excerpts. You must be a great fan of hers. I tried my best to find the translations of her book but could only found very little.

And Joong Ki ah, please make your move soon. I really can't wait to see you two happy together.

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 So I mentioned previously about a theory I had that strongly convinces me that SongSong are real and time finally allowed me to write it. Bare with me as this will be the longest post of life.

Now this isn't anything new or some secret stuff I managed to snag from an insider but are just an accumulation of events and popular topic of discussions we've had in this thread. I just wanted to gather all of them into one piece and stem my reasoning from there.

To begin, above all else, the thing that convinces me the most about them is how blatantly inconsistent they've been since the beginning until this very day. So this will be my main focus of this post.

Here's what I mean:

May 19, 2015: Articles of SHK's Elle Magazine interview were translated and in there she dishes on SJK, sharing that they first met during the set of TWTWB and coincidentally on several more counts at cafes and always greeted each other well. She also mentions she feels apologetic towards him that fresh out of military, he isn't being paired up with a pretty young actress but instead with her. At this I want to say they aren't complete strangers to one another but can't really say they're friends either, due to the gaps of familiarity her words conveyed.

May 30, 2015: SJK's photo was uploaded onto @chulhwa's Instagram and the first person to comment was SHK. To me, I guess this solidifies that they're friendly. They obviously have mutual friends and hang out at the same places.

October 2015: SJK is careful with his words when talking about SHK in his Elle Magazine interview. He was a little hesitant to say they are compatible, feeling he may be giving himself too much credit to dare say he's a good match with THE Song Hye Kyo. Like the respectful man he is, his comment here evidently shows respect towards a sunbaenim and a noona and someone of higher stature in the showbiz. Note, he does call her noona in this interview. But he also mentioned that the two are so close to the point of confusing the staff and even gaining an advice from Writer Kim telling him to date properly. I guess with this interview, we can take away that the two are close and enjoy working together.

September 28, 2015: The cast and crew jets off to Greece. Everyone was spotted upon arrival to the airport but SHK. A fan account revealed SJK and SHK were both spotted together by the boarding area. The most interesting part about this day was right before the airport, SJK was hanging out at studio concrete. It would be safe to assume the two were there together before heading to the airport.

January 24, 2016: The two bought a birthday cake to celebrate Private Puppy's birthday. This we just found out recently. So alright, they were still meeting up after filming wrapped up and even making decisions together. They are beyond close at this point because what colleagues do this anyway? At least they haven't done this with any of their previous ones.

Somewhere in between January 28, 2016 - February 20, 2016: The very famous and most talked about among shippers, the New York rendezvous! So the original post, which wasn't known to the public until later but it came from a friend of the foreign exchange student and it mentioned she spotted a handsome guy at the store which drew her attention to him. After taking a closer look, she realized it was SJK. He was holding the hand of a girl who was pretty much covered up but can clearly be seen to be SHK. If any of this holding hand is true then obviously they are dating now. I, for one, believe it's true, but let's say even if it's not true, we at least know they were in New York together, for something completely unrelated to work.

February 22, 2016: So despite not knowing about the New York sighting yet, what we got so far was that the two are pretty close. So of course this was the most anticipated press conference where we'd finally get to see them together and get a feel of their chemistry. But nope, the most anticipated press conference turned into the ultimate press conference of awkwardness real quick. This sent fans of the show in frenzied, worrying about their onscreen chemistry since the two are practically strangers in real life. At this point, I was questioning it too. But later realized that it was more suspicious than disappointing, especially from judging SJK, the mastermind of Public Relations. Why was he anything but that on this particular day? One important thing we got out of this was he addresses SHK as Song Hye Kyo-ssi and no longer noona as he did previously.

February 24, 2016: Come the big day and everyone was blown away! Yup blown away! They couldn't believe how much brewing chemistry these two had with the question of whether they were even acting up for debate.

March 16, 2016: Mid Press Conference. We didn't get to witness this but got a scope of it through articles and it seemed they were more relaxed. Still not relaxed enough to be considered "close" as they professed themselves, however. But SJK's lack of promotional tactics remained suspicious to me.

March 21, 2016: The two were swept up in dating rumors in which both agencies released official statements confirming their meet up in New York but only as close colleagues. This was the game changer! Their aloof behaviors at the press conference back fired on them, raising questions everywhere. If they were so close to even hang out half way around the world and are truly nothing but close colleagues, what was the distant behaviors all about? What were they trying to hide? The puzzle pieces were slowly coming together.

March 28, 2016: The two met up, accompanied by 2 alpha team members for dinner and late night tea. Said to have stayed at the restaurant until 3AM. Something is really fishy. This really backed up the New York meeting for me that it wasn't coincidental like their agencies have claimed but rather planned by both parties. Relating it back to their suspicious behaviors during the press conference, I was pretty much sold on the idea that these two are dating!

Somewhere in March: SHK's personal hair stylist was spotted on the set of SJK's LG Bamboo Salt cf shoot. Note, they did not share this stylist prior to DOTS otherwise SHK would have mentioned it as she continuously mentioned during TWTWB that her and JIS used to share the same makeup artist. The two have gotten close enough to even start sharing staffs.

March 30, 2016: SJK gave an on air interview on News9. Was asked about the rumors and didn't deny them. Instead he answered vaguely that the two discuss this matter over drinks and are enjoying it. So he basically confirmed that they meet up often and are pretty close. Again he continues to address SHK as Song Hye Kyo-ssi.

April 1, 2016: They co-hosted a congratulatory party. Really, mere colleagues do stuff like this? Since when? Expecting that since they already publicly declared their closeness and nothing should be suspected of the two, they'd have no problem being seen together but nope, not the case. Albeit from their continuous claims of being close colleagues to cover up their New York sighting and other outings, they went back to their aloof behaviors, going the extra mile to stay apart.

April 4, 2016: Their 007 airport mission took my suspicion to the next level. With SJK posing as a decoy to distract the attention only to allow SHK to get through without trouble, securely and comfortably abandoning his staffs and joining SHK and hers on the other side. Again, the sharing of staffs.

Upon arrival to Hong Kong the two were spotted walking side by side until they spotted paparazzi in which SHK obviously sprinted ahead of SJK, and her manager proceeding to walk between them. But if the two are close, there wouldn't be a problem walking side by side. So why the need to be so cautious?

Later during dinner, the same choreographed seating was arranged with Ms Park in between them, which was an amusement to the HK press, making sure to mention this part in details in next day's published article.

April 5, 2016: HK press conference and we get a complete swap of them being more open and showcasing their closeness. Even during dinner, SHK suddenly decides to shower the fans with 4 photos of the two on her Instagram account, completely contradicting what the HK press had to say about them in their reports. After dinner, their mission continues with the two escaping backdoor and was reportedly chauffeured by the famous chef of the restaurant supposedly back to their hotel.

April 6, 2016: SHK shows up to the airport in the best mood ever but wearing the same exact clothes from the previous night. And the rest is for your minds to wonder...

April 6, 2016 - April 9, 2016: SJK was spotted with SHK's hair stylist yet again. She did not leave back with SHK but instead stayed behind with SJK.

In conclusion, from the beginning until now, the two have shown a pattern of inconsistency, contradicting their claims over and over again. If there was nothing to hide, what's the point in going through so much trouble? Say they're close and just stick to it! How hard can that possibly be? Also notice how the only times they appear not close are times in front of the media with Hong Kong as an exception?

For comparison's sake, I will bring up their previous costars.

SHK+JIS: From beginning to end, continuously praised each other as colleagues, harping about how much of an honor it was for both to meet in a project together. Sharing subtle laughs here and there. Contact ended once drama ended.

SJK+MCW: From beginning to end, excessive praising and skinships, openly "confessing". Contact ended once drama ended.

SJK+PBY: From beginning to end, excessive praising and skinships, openly "confessing". He supports her in her endeavors by attending her movie premieres but it pretty much ends there.

I think I've written enough so I will leave the rest for you all to form your own judgment. I hope I made some kind of sense because I tried to be as brief as possible also I wrote this fairly quickly.

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12 minutes ago, boredahjumma said:

@joongkyo I do not know any native Korean but can you share with us when you are done translating. Please... I promise I am not a troll...

I do know a couple but not sure if they will translate for me word by word :sweatingbullets: 

but I also promise that I am not a troll... Please PM me :blush:

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@ilovesjk I know that I'll love your post even before you complete it :P.


To everyone sending me PMs , don't worry...like I said, if you're not a troll I will send it to you. And, guys - it's good news. Well, it's good news in the sense that more and more people are sort of speculating :)


More articles posted by Korean news TODAY about the HK paparazzi hounding SongSong, same content to the articles that I translated earlier but interesting how this *continues* to be news.



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Ok I know that this might seem like it's an OST for DOTS but trust me that I really didn't have Yoo Si Jin or Kang Mo Yeon in my head when making this video :D

i think I also got most of the important scenes XOXO :wub:

Hope you guys will like it :) 


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Since DOTS is left with 2 more episodes and there shouldn’t have any more promotional events, I would like to comment on this couple too!

During the press conference in Seoul on 22 Feb, my impression on these 2 leads is: OMG!! Are they on bad terms? How come there are no smiles on their faces, their body gestures look awkward and both of them have no interaction especially when they pose on stage? The second leads look more relaxed and comfortable compared to them…..What exactly is happening between them?

And I think my queries are partially answered after I watched the first episode of DOTS.  The way that SJK looks at SHK in every scene, from episode 1 to 14, looks real and those eyes are full of love… I am quite sure that SJK is in love during the filming period because those feelings when he looks at SHK, are touching and realistic which is different compared to him acting with MCW in Nice Guy and PBY in Werewolf Boy. Same goes for SHK.  If you have watched TWTWB, she and JIS were lovers but as an audience I can't really feel any chemistry between them… JIS has better chemistry with GHJ in It’s Ok, That’s Love instead…

Then while DOTS is airing, a netizen claimed that both SJK and SHK were spotted at NYC in Feb.  As there were no photos or videos, I thought it was some kind of rumor that was made up by the netizen.  I was quite surprised when SJK and SHK agencies step forward to acknowledge their meeting at NYC, but deny they are dating.  Like what some netizens said, I agree that both agencies are dumb. Why want to acknowledge something with no solid evidence? They should have totally ignore those comments but by acknowledging it, it brings more speculations about their relationship. To me it looks more like both agencies are trying to cover up something but have done it very badly, as both their statements are inconsistent - one says the story has been going on for a long time while the other says it is the first time they are hearing this… Until now no one knows why SJK was at NYC at that time (SHK was there on vacation…did he follow her there?).

SJK’s agency even brought up Park Bo Gum and Jang Nara’s dating rumor and says that both are the same – not true.  Problem is Park Bo Gum dismissed this rumor personally when interviewed and claimed that he is embarrassed to call Jang Nara now.  SJK was interviewed at KBS News 9 and instead of denying the rumor, he gave all kinds of reasons and even say that he and SHK are enjoying it… Am I hearing it wrongly?? Usually artistes, if involved in some dating rumors, will definitely deny it… but SJK says he is enjoying it???!!! Didn’t he know that this kind of rumor can hurt SHK, causing her to be bashed by more netizens? Or unless both of them are already in a relationship?

What makes me more suspicious is how SJK address SHK.  Before he went army, he called her ‘sunbae’. When discharged from army he called her ‘noona’.  During KBS News 9 interview he called her ‘Song Hye Kyo-sshi’. And during the latest HK press conference, he just called her ‘Hye Kyo-sshi’. I was quite surprised when I hear this cos in Korea’s entertainment industry, seniority among artistes is very strict.  Even SJK is the leading man in DOTS, his experience in this industry is less than 10 years, whereas SHK has been in this line for 20 years. Even if they are very close like siblings, SJK should have called her noona since SHK is 4 years his senior too…Look at Kim Soo Hyun and Jun Ji Hyun from My Love from the Stars. No matter how many times they were interviewed, KSH will always address JJH as sunbae or noona. So what is going on here?

In fact when both SJK and SHK keep avoiding each other in several events tend to make things look more obvious that there is something going on between them. They look comfortable, playful and close to each other in those released BTS and I believe that is their true self.  Then why want to pretend they are not that close in front of the cameras? Seems to me like they are more scared that some gestures / expressions etc. may leak accidentally and the truth may be revealed in front of the cameras… Is it because of this that’s why they make funny faces in those recent IG photos?

Anyway those who have seen the DOTS HK press conference will know that the chemistry between SJK and SHK not only works on-screen but also off-screen - place his arm comfortably on her waist/shoulder, pass her the mic first, help her to get one of the fans standing in front of her to move along, complimenting her to be pretty, making fist bumps, looking at her lovingly from time to time and sending her to the airport when she left on 6 April. In fact SJK is using himself as the center of attention to distract fans and media when they were at Incheon Airport to HK…yes SHK was actually somewhere near him and to me, it looks like he is protecting her from all the attention and cameras.

From all these gestures I do want to believe that they are in a relationship, but perhaps an early one. SHK once said that she may temporary retreat/retire if she has a family of her own. But SJK’s career is at the peak now, and if they are really in a relationship, how much is he willing to sacrifice?

What I can say is if both of them are really in a relationship, it will not be an easy one. If they really love each other, I hope their love can overcome all the obstacles between them. If they are not in a relationship, I wish them all the best and hope their friendship can remain strong forever.


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Guys, Hye Kyo has changed the profile picture of her private IG account to Marilyn Monroe. Anyone knows about that picture? Is there any meaning behind it? Btw, her followings and followers increased as well! Seems like she has just made new friend huh? ;) How I wish I could follow her private account :(  

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June 2015 – Elle

When people around you get married, don’t you feel somehow that you want to get married soon too? I don’t. I don’t want to do it more (smiles). My closest friends are people I went to elementary, middle school, high school and college with. Because their husband watch them, because of their babies, we can’t have fun like we want to. I don’t think it’s that great. Marriage… I’ll do it because I have to, but I think less and less about marriage. There are times when I’m freely enjoying the sun while going here and there and I say to myself “I wouldn’t be able to live like this if I had a family to take care of”. What I mean is that right now, I feel good at this point of my life. I think I’m caught by this freedom feeling of feeling dizzy while having a drink in a coffee shop in the daytime.

June 2015 – Most probably wedding in no in her mind (YET) ..  Clearly not someone in love at that time.. she was so confident with her answer .. She felt being single is the best for her ‘current situation’ (but I am sure deep down inside – every woman (most) want to settle down.. want someone to love and to be loved … that’s nature .. we are born with that feeling and as we grow older it became so strong  (that the reason little girl like to play with dolls and play house) .

February 2016 – Entertainment Weekly

On the February 27 broadcast of KBS 2TV’s “Entertainment Weekly,” the actress talked about Song Joong Ki’s character’s abrupt confession to her character in “Descendants of the Sun.”

In the clip, Song Joong Ki asks Song Hye Kyo coolly, “What should I do? Should I confess or apologize?” Leaving her character’s response up to debate, Song Hye Kyo voiced her own opinion confidently. “He should confess. This isn’t the time to drag things out.”

 “Now that I’m older, I can’t drag things like this out anymore,” she added, making everyone laugh.

Feb 2016 – I wonder she said  “Now that I’m older, I can’t drag things like this out anymore,” Was she referring to KMY the character? … :D  .. Most likely NOT .. She’s talking about herself … and this is about 5 months from that elle interview – When she felt strongly about not getting married .

What make her change her view on marriage ? What make her think she can’t drag things out anymore (when we think about it – both interview mostly revolve around DOTS – surely her opinion shouldn’t change that fast if there’s no catalyst) …  

Is she a wishy washy person, that say one thing and does the opposite? – let read her view on marriage – in year 2012

Hye Kyo’s time - 2012

My view on marriage can change many times a day. When I see those lovely dovey photos, I feel like getting married, (but) I also feel lonely. However, when I’m with friends having fun, or with staff brainstorming new ideas or finishing my work smoothly, I feel that, I’m also fine with my current status. One day, when I came back home alone by my self … “oh, I really want to get married” When I went to Mom’s home with unwashed hair and played with the dogs, I feel that, it is fine to be like that for now. Marriage, is a really difficult thing. -  (Marriage is hard work – Translated by kor-chi-eng)

She is not wishy washy person .. very clear enough her view on marriage  - change many times a day (following her condition at the time she made the statement (IMO))…

I can say that – When she says “Now that I’m older, I can’t drag things like this out anymore,” – She meant it … and right at this moment I’d say she wants to get married as soon as possible … :D .. 5 months ago she was not too keen about marriage … so why change now? … Wahahaha

I don’t want to speculate .. but IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBVIOUS ..  

I’m sure if she has BF (not Joongki) do you think she would behave like she behaved during the PC in HK … and also Joongki refer to her as Noona (in elle) … Now where the ‘noona’ go???

So tell me girls .. How not to speculate???????????????

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@ilovesjk I'm still reading your very impressive and detailed timeline! Wow, I salute you! I'm cutting and pasting it and saving it for my KiKyo files. I've also bookmarked the page! Right on!

Edit: Just finished reading it! I was nodding my head in agreement with every assessment you made. If anyone questions the sanity or foundation of our shipping, then I'm just going to pull up the previous page with your in-depth report!

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2 minutes ago, nataliakay said:

So it is true when they said  SJK can make a good chemistry even with a rock. Look at the way he looks at the SK President too....lol


You call that chemistry? I only see respect and admiration.




Btw, not a very subtle attempt at comparing SHK to a rock. 


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@ilovesjk....so brilliant chingu!!!..really love to read your post..so detailed with the timeline.. i'm glad that song2/kikyo shipper have many wonderful person like you and other master brilliant here..

@joongkyo..the master brilliant which is so genius to solve the pieces of puzzle with your awesome theory!!!!..

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35 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

 So I mentioned previously about a theory I had that strongly convinces me that SongSong are real and time finally allowed me to write it. Bare with me as this will be the longest post of life.

Now this isn't anything new or some secret stuff I managed to snag from an insider but are just an accumulation of events and popular topic of discussions we've had in this thread. I just wanted to gather all of them into one piece and stem my reasoning from there.

To begin, above all else, the thing that convinces me the most about them is how blatantly inconsistent they've been since the beginning until this very day. So this will be my main focus of this post.

Here's what I mean:

May 19, 2015: Articles of SHK's Elle Magazine interview were translated and in there she dishes on SJK, sharing that they first met during the set of TWTWB and coincidentally on several more counts at cafes and always greeted each other well. She also mentions she feels apologetic towards him that fresh out of military, he isn't being paired up with a pretty young actress but instead with her. At this I want to say they aren't complete strangers to one another but can't really say they're friends either, due to the gaps of familiarity her words conveyed.

May 30, 2015: SJK's photo was uploaded onto @chulhwa's Instagram and the first person to comment was SHK. To me, I guess this solidifies that they're friendly. They obviously have mutual friends and hang out at the same places.

October 2015: SJK is careful with his words when talking about SHK in his Elle Magazine interview. He was a little hesitant to say they are compatible, feeling he may be giving himself too much credit to dare say he's a good match with THE Song Hye Kyo. Like the respectful man he is, his comment here evidently shows respect towards a sunbaenim and a noona and someone of higher stature in the showbiz. Note, he does call her noona in this interview. But he also mentioned that the two are so close to the point of confusing the staff and even gaining an advice from Writer Kim telling him to date properly. I guess with this interview, we can take away that the two are close and enjoy working together.

September 28, 2015: The cast and crew jets off to Greece. Everyone was spotted upon arrival to the airport but SHK. A fan account revealed SJK and SHK were both spotted together by the boarding area. The most interesting part about this day was right before the airport, SJK was hanging out at studio concrete. It would be safe to assume the two were there together before heading to the airport.

January 24, 2016: The two bought a birthday cake to celebrate Private Puppy's birthday. This we just found out recently. So alright, they were still meeting up after filming wrapped up and even making decisions together. They are beyond close at this point because what colleagues do this anyway? At least they haven't done this with any of their previous ones.

Somewhere in between January 28, 2016 - February 20, 2016: The very famous and most talked about among shippers, the New York rendezvous! So the original post, which wasn't known to the public until later but it came from a friend of the foreign exchange student and it mentioned she spotted a handsome guy at the store which drew her attention to him. After taking a closer look, she realized it was SJK. He was holding the hand of a girl who was pretty much covered up but can clearly be seen to be SHK. If any of this holding hand is true then obviously they are dating now. I, for one, believe it's true, but let's say even if it's not true, we at least know they were in New York together, for something completely unrelated to work.

February 22, 2016: So despite not knowing about the New York sighting yet, what we got so far was that the two are pretty close. So of course this was the most anticipated press conference where we'd finally get to see them together and get a feel of their chemistry. But nope, the most anticipated press conference turned into the ultimate press conference of awkwardness real quick. This sent fans of the show in frenzied, worrying about their onscreen chemistry since the two are practically strangers in real life. At this point, I was questioning it too. But later realized that it was more suspicious than disappointing, especially from judging SJK, the mastermind of Public Relations. Why was he anything but that on this particular day? One important thing we got out of this was he addresses SHK as Song Hye Kyo-ssi and no longer noona as he did previously.

February 24, 2016: Come the big day and everyone was blown away! Yup blown away! They couldn't believe how much brewing chemistry these two had with the question of whether they were even acting up for debate.

March 16, 2016: Mid Press Conference. We didn't get to witness this but got a scope of it through articles and it seemed they were more relaxed. Still not relaxed enough to be considered "close" as they professed themselves, however. But SJK's lack of promotional tactics remained suspicious to me.

March 21, 2016: The two were swept up in dating rumors in which both agencies released official statements confirming their meet up in New York but only as close colleagues. This was the game changer! Their aloof behaviors at the press conference back fired on them, raising questions everywhere. If they were so close to even hang out half way around the world and are truly nothing but close colleagues, what was the distant behaviors all about? What were they trying to hide? The puzzle pieces were slowly coming together.

March 28, 2016: The two met up, accompanied by 2 alpha team members for dinner and late night tea. Said to have stayed at the restaurant until 3AM. Something is really fishy. This really backed up the New York meeting for me that it wasn't coincidental like their agencies have claimed but rather planned by both parties. Relating it back to their suspicious behaviors during the press conference, I was pretty much sold on the idea that these two are dating!

Somewhere in March: SHK's personal hair stylist was spotted on the set of SJK's LG Bamboo Salt cf shoot. Note, they did not share this stylist prior to DOTS otherwise SHK would have mentioned it as she continuously mentioned during TWTWB that her and JIS used to share the same makeup artist. The two have gotten close enough to even start sharing staffs.

March 30, 2016: SJK gave an on air interview on News9. Was asked about the rumors and didn't deny them. Instead he answered vaguely that the two discuss this matter over drinks and are enjoying it. So he basically confirmed that they meet up often and are pretty close. Again he continues to address SHK as Song Hye Kyo-ssi.

April 1, 2016: They co-hosted a congratulatory party. Really, mere colleagues do stuff like this? Since when? Expecting that since they already publicly declared their closeness and nothing should be suspected of the two, they'd have no problem being seen together but nope, not the case. Albeit from their continuous claims of being close colleagues to cover up their New York sighting and other outings, they went back to their aloof behaviors, going the extra mile to stay apart.

April 4, 2016: Their 007 airport mission took my suspicion to the next level. With SJK posing as a decoy to distract the attention only to allow SHK to get through without trouble, securely and comfortably abandoning his staffs and joining SHK and hers on the other side. Again, the sharing of staffs.

Upon arrival to Hong Kong the two were spotted walking side by side until they spotted paparazzi in which SHK obviously sprinted ahead of SJK, and her manager proceeding to walk between them. But if the two are close, there wouldn't be a problem walking side by side. So why the need to be so cautious?

Later during dinner, the same choreographed seating was arranged with Ms Park in between them, which was an amusement to the HK press, making sure to mention this part in details in next day's published article.

April 5, 2016: HK press conference and we get a complete swap of them being more open and showcasing their closeness. Even during dinner, SHK suddenly decides to shower the fans with 4 photos of the two on her Instagram account, completely contradicting what the HK press had to say about them in their reports. After dinner, their mission continues with the two escaping backdoor and was reportedly chauffeured by the famous chef of the restaurant supposedly back to their hotel.

April 6, 2016: SHK shows up to the airport in the best mood ever but wearing the same exact clothes from the previous night. And the rest is for your minds to wonder...

April 6, 2016 - April 9, 2016: SJK was spotted with SHK's hair stylist yet again. She did not leave back with SHK but instead stayed behind with SJK.

In conclusion, from the beginning until now, the two have shown a pattern of inconsistency, contradicting their claims over and over again. If there was nothing to hide, what's the point in going through so much trouble? Say they're close and just stick to it! How hard can that possibly be? Also notice how the only times they appear not close are times in front of the media with Hong Kong as an exception?

For comparison's sake, I will bring up their previous costars.

SHK+JIS: From beginning to end, continuously praised each other as colleagues, harping about how much of an honor it was for both to meet in a project together. Sharing subtle laughs here and there. Contact ended once drama ended.

SJK+MCW: From beginning to end, excessive praising and skinships, openly "confessing". Contact ended once drama ended.

SJK+PBY: From beginning to end, excessive praising and skinships, openly "confessing". He supports her in her endeavors by attending her movie premieres but it pretty much ends there.

I think I've written enough so I will leave the rest for you all to form your own judgment. I hope I made some kind of sense because I tried to be as brief as possible also I wrote this fairly quickly.


Hello there, chingus!! It's been a while since I've communicated. Am working on my fanfic of the couple and thank you so much @ilovesjk for the above timeline. Have been going thru this thread on their events etc. so that when I'm writing my fanfic, it'll be as real as it can get. Anyway, am working on it and hopefully, I'll have it up soon.

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35 minutes ago, anniexdec said:

Guys, Hye Kyo has changed the profile picture of her private IG account to Marilyn Monroe. Anyone knows about that picture? Is there any meaning behind it? Btw, her followings and followers increased as well! Seems like she has just made new friend huh? ;) How I wish I could follow her private account :(  


If I SHK changed her private IG pic, I  hope it's just about her admiration to one of beautiful and most loved actress and how she conquered Hollywood's stigma by becoming a curvy actrees, not because she felt relate with Marilyn Monroe's love life, which we know how sad it was

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59 minutes ago, anniexdec said:

Guys, Hye Kyo has changed the profile picture of her private IG account to Marilyn Monroe. Anyone knows about that picture? Is there any meaning behind it? Btw, her followings and followers increased as well! Seems like she has just made new friend huh? ;) How I wish I could follow her private account :(  


Someone on instagram has already made a comparison of this pix with the one of SJK looking pensive on the balcony. :)

Edited to say @joongkyo had already posted the photo in the last page. 

Cr to owner/OP

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Dear @ilovesjkBow down to you my friend. Your post brighten up my life :heart: SJK and this thread are so lucky to have such dedicated and intelligent fan/member as you.

On the other hand, some random posts in this thread are so bizarre they baffled me out of my sleepy state :crazy:  and no I'm not thankful for that FYI :angry:



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