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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:


It's Monday in Seoul and I need you all to help me solve this mystery!. Who is this girl and how do we find her....lol

So we first see her in the green jacket, in the first video snippet. She hands something to SJK which he then puts into his jacket. I know that it was mentioned that she's a SJK fangirl. But don't you all think she took such less time interacting with him that maybe it's a fan that he's used to seeing a on a regular basis ?.

Compare that with the second snippet, she's still talking to SHK even when the people behind her have moved out of the line. I am so curious what she said to SHK that made SJK hold the line, ask the other fans to wait and for him to personally hear what this fan kept saying to SHK. Seeing the fan's body language towards SHK it doesn't seem particularly disrespectful therefore what could have possibly made him behave like that!?

@joongkyo, I actually think the lady who stopped in front of SHK is more of a SHK fan.  Even the host was curious and ask what is the lady doing when she didn't move.  The host then said "the fan read a message to SHK".


1 hour ago, naya said:

Hmmmm. Maybe it's just me but I don't think he had been telling the girl to move on. I feel like she was the only person to bring him something and he was very happily elated (by his expression) and he wanted to hear what the fan was saying to shk as well thus he stopped and listened happily.  

Knowing sjk and his interaction with his fans, no matter how polite, I just can't seem to see him telling them to hurry on up. 

Watching the video again, I think he was curious in the beginning to hear what the fan was saying to Kyo, but he definitely tried to move her along politely afterwards when she was still talking to Kyo.  You can see him waving his hand to tell her bye even when Kyo was still smiling and bowing to the fan.  I've made this video public so you can see it (I've kept it unlisted, lol).  It starts around 0:55.


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Dear Shippers, 

I want to promote my fic about Song/Song couple. 

It's how I imagine the start of their relationship. 

I will write more about them because they're so spazzable.

Here you go, maybe you can read it if you have time: 

Taking Chances: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1112300/taking-chances-songjoongki-songhyekyo-songsongcouple-dots-kikyocouple


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How does a mum of 2 who mainly watches British telly get so obsessed about two gorgeous Korean actors, one of whom I hadn't heard of till this year???! 

I woke this morning from a dream where I was trying to persuade SHK to go lunch with SJK. :sweatingbullets:



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23 minutes ago, hclover96 said:

@joongkyo, I actually think the lady who stopped in front of SHK is more of a SHK fan.  Even the host was curious and ask what is the lady doing when she didn't move.  The host then said "the fan read a message to SHK".

Watching the video again, I think he was curious in the beginning to hear what the fan was saying to Kyo, but he definitely tried to move her along politely afterwards when she was still talking to Kyo.  You can see him waving his hand to tell her bye even when Kyo was still smiling and bowing to the fan.  I've made this video public so you can see it (I've kept it unlisted, lol).  It starts around 0:55.



Y'know. I initially did think it was a SHK fan and that SJK was just getting her to move along. But then after re-watching many times, when she comes on stage and greets him - his body language seems like he already knew her (*which is why I thought it was one of his fans) plus whatever be that tiny object that she gave him..lol.

Also, do you really think that he'd ask the fan of another star to move along?. Dunno, doesn't seem like a SJK thing to do. I think the host was just reporting what she saw, when she observed that the interaction between SHK and the fan went on for so long she just presumed (?) that it was a SHK fan.


50 minutes ago, mizuki85 said:


The video has been discuseed on page 282. 


I am VERY MUCH  aware of what goes on in THIS thread and WHICH pages I need to refer to if I wasn't bringing up something new from my end, thank you very much. 

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I haven't post anything in this thread since last Tuesday, because I see some people more focus to write hatred posts toward people they think as haters, and it really bugging me for some time.

So let me share my opinion once more : 

1. We all believe that people who write most of the post here are SHK & SJK fans, which I think could be 95% of the member in this thread.  And all we want to know or get up date about our couple is the news, the thoughts, activities, sightings, or even delulu thoughts about our couples or people close to them. 

2. We all know how handsome & charming SJK, so it's very normal if he had a lot and lot of girls or women who want to be his gf, including some girl who mirrowing their wish through their bias /idol to date with SJK. If they post something in this thread, it only mean they want to annoy people in here, so why for 1 post has to be replied by 5-10post, which make this is more like a battle paradise rather than shipper paradise. Just skip the post that you don't like.

3. And about SHK haters, wherever they want to bring unnessessary comment which is not relevant now, just don't bother because it's will not get impact to SHK reputation now. Whatever happen in the past is not important and uri Song Hye Kyo already do big thing to shut their mouth with the her achievement nowadays and also by showing them how she can stand strong and become happy every day.

Lastly...... It's Monday now, I wish to get a blockbuster news for today. I think from her last sighting at Gimpo, SHK has work related things to do because she's going abroad with her staff. Any news that she come back to Korea? 

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When people around you get married, don’t you feel somehow that you want to get married soon too? I don’t. I don’t want to do it more (smiles). My closest friends are people I went to elementary, middle school, high school and college with. Because their husband watch them, because of their babies, we can’t have fun like we want to. I don’t think it’s that great. Marriage… I’ll do it because I have to, but I think less and less about marriage. There are times when I’m freely enjoying the sun while going here and there and I say to myself “I wouldn’t be able to live like this if I had a family to take care of”. What I mean is that right now, I feel good at this point of my life. I think I’m caught by this freedom feeling of feeling dizzy while having a drink in a coffee shop in the daytime.


I thought the one SJK laughing merrily when she said – she doesn’t have much time so she’d prefer the guy to confess (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG) .. was excerpted from ELLE interview.

Is there any transcript to that particular interview . I would like read SHK comment before I elaborate  (my opinion) further on this… (that interview  was quite recent, wasn’t it?)

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@Bambiina the interview where she said she wanted a confession was right before DOTS was aired.. ie end Feb. As she is getting older..  Later than  elle interview which was likely in may 2015 .. and looking at his reaction.. it's been done I'm sure

 Otherwise it would seem rather .. ahem. . Strange for her to say that...IF you know what I mean .. 


Ooh.. SJK had an event with the SK president this morning. . At some opening of their cultural centre. . He was there as the tourism ambassador .. I think.. Sorry I can't find the link.. from NEWSIS... AND looking mighty fine ...:wub:


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3 hours ago, angieknows_11 said:

@ilovesjk Gosh! I'm your fan! LOL. What an eloquent way to stand up for the shippers here and for our Song-Song! Thank you!

@nefer I'm proud to be on the same ship with you :) 

@ilovesjk, @nefer and @angieknows_11....I echo all your statements....proud to be in this ship...much more proud being in company with supporters like you.

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Some more excerpts from "Hye Kyo's Time"


I realized from an early age that I was the one who had to look after myself. I thought to myself that without a doubt, I was the one who had to earn a living with my own hands. I also decided that compared to my peers, I had to be mentally stronger….. I like it now that with my choice, I am able to provide support.
(Matured Early – translated by Shanda)

I take care of my own things myself, and even make simple side dishes with no difficulties – this was mom’s training. To grow into an independent woman – this was from mom’s way of raising me.
(Upbringing - translated by Shanda)

I have always thought that I should not become weak. Because I am also responsible for myself, and I take care of mom, too. There have been many times where I kept a strong mind and even in those moments when I felt like crying, I did my best to be brave. But as time goes by, there are a lot more tears.
(A lot more tears - translated by Shanda)

My favorite songs are the ones by Cho Deok Bae and Lee Moon Sae, and I even prefer old movies. Old movies deserve to be called ‘authentic melodramas;” there are really a lot of these movies that tug at the heart. I like the sentiment of that era. Old emotions!
(Analog Girl - translated by Shanda)

My personality is truly not affectionate. Even more correct is that I do not have aegyo expressions. I am curt, and my personality is more like a son’s than a daughter’s. Therefore, even if there is a person whom I have good feelings towards, I cannot express it well.
(No aegyo, Have sincerity - translated by Shanda)

If I were to go back [in time] and even act again, I have a feeling that I would be right here again. Even if time was to reset, I am confident that I would not change.
(Going back again - translated by Shanda)

Actually I think most of the time praises are something extravagant, out of reach and something that not many can receive. If I read bad comments about me online, I will think that praises are not something that I can pray and get. As long as they are not scolding me, it's good enough. Actually as an actress, we will receive many feedback and comments. At this moment, all I want is to be understood. My fans, most of them had been with me since I started till now. And most of their characters and personalities are surprisingly same as mine. No worries, not panicky, not particularly concerned about (bad) news and anxious to express their views. They silently support me and trust me. And I trust them too. Sometimes when I see other celebrities' fans speak out for their idols, I can't help feeling envious. But at the end of the day, I realised fans like mine ,who supports me silently are the ones that truly cares and understands me.
(In the Actress, the Fans – translated by khxy)

My view on marriage can change many times a day. When I see those lovely dovey photos, I feel like getting married, (but) I also feel lonely. However, when I’m with friends having fun, or with staff brainstorming new ideas or finishing my work smoothly, I feel that, I’m also fine with my current status. One day, when I came back home alone by my self … “oh, I really want to get married”. However, when I went to Mom’s home with unwashed hair and played with the dogs, I feel that, it is fine to be like that for now. Marriage is a really difficult thing.

(Marriage is hard work – translated by kor-chi-eng)



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This might be a bit random, but this thread doesn't feel normal without @2cents and @SeGafanlady. I miss reading their updates and thoughts. Where are you guys?! :) 

I hope nobody minds I'm revisiting their Hong Kong trip ... 

Anyway, I had dinner last night with my DOTS & KiKyo fanatic friend, who double-liked every one of Hye Kyo's selfies with Joong Ki on her IG. LOL. Naturally, the topic of our conversation during our meal was KiKyo, and we wondered if the two sat together throughout their final HK dinner. Sure, he could have just moved next to her for the selfies, but I don't know ... They seemed to have gotten their privacy, so, it's very possible that they sat together. At the airport, Joong Ki and the director could have just moved next to Hye Kyo for the picture, too, but ... I don't know. My imagination is just on overdrive, I guess, but I really like the idea of them being next to each other throughout those "private" moments. ;) 


By the way, this was discussed immediately after Hye Kyo published the IG photos, but was their fist bumping' pic really Hye Kyo's lock screen? Maybe it wasn't the lock screen, but she had her photo album open? My friend and I were practically making out with our own phones as we examined Hye Kyo's phone in her IG pic.

Since they were technically done with their DOTS promotion while in Hong Kong, there really was no need for the Songs to eat dinner out together, especially with the invasive paps and fans loitering about. They didn't even need to dine at the same place ... And I can understand wanting to avoid the crowd, so, they left through the back, but they're used to the intrusion, especially Joong Ki who seems absolutely Zen each time he's mobbed, so, why not just exit with their entourage through the front doors? LOL.  As one sharp-eyed shipper noticed, even Joong Ki's main manager didn't stay behind with them. Why was that? Why did Manager Park not stay with Hye Kyo? I'm overthinking things since all their actions can be logically explained---they all make sense---but there's also something there that feels amiss. Maybe it's just my delusional mind, but what if they wanted a post-dinner private moment since it was their last night together in Hong Kong? ;) And I still can't get over how bright and absolutely happy Hye Kyo seemed the next day at the airport ... 

@twtwb Thank you once again for sharing more of those excerpts. Hye Kyo is a very deep thinker and has a lot of wisdom. She's moving higher and higher on my favorites list. 


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A few hours not here n this thread  always make me reread but i love that , this is always a hot topic  .. thanks for sharing shk books,read it makes me feel sad,  How can a man do that to her , as a woman she too perfect to be real, but yah sometimes in life , we will meet the wrong man who makes we learn , before we met the best man. Experience will bring us be more careful.. only a fool man who waste his sincerity, i really hope to sjk, I hope sjk will not be a fool man like them.  For sjk.. Make her believe and she will be yours forever. .  remember what capt yoo say, "if you wanna  run,runing together with me,it will be more fun" so.. holding her hands n face the world together ....

I wishes the goddess happiness n hoping that with you sjk ...

OPPAAAA FIGHTING...  !!!!! :wub:

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