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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Morning everyone... I rarely write in here, but today I just feel like sharing my two cents here. 

1) Joongki Sincerity: Like seriously, how can someone questions a person sincerity. It is something/ feeling that comes from the inside, I bet there are times even we ourselves are not even sure with our sincerity though we say: I am sincere. I am not going to ask his sincerity; cause I am going to believe what I want to believe. One might say I blindly believe him... gosh... after all these evidence, and who cares if I do?

2) HyeKyo's book: I am loving her more after reading it. Thank you @twtwb for @utkim for the sharing. She is one strong lady. As a woman myself, I am so proud of her. She's at the age that is ready to settledown. Someone says here that SHK once mentioned she will focus on her family more once she get married. This lady is sure a catch. 

Nowadays I am being overly imaginative. Thinking of them getting married, Hye Kyo prepares the breakfast. Then Joongki comes, hugs her from the back and kiss her. Lulz... me in my delulu mode. 

3) Bought birthday cake for co-star: That's totally cute. 



4) Idol saying they love JK: I totally understand she's is just a fan like us. But I guess the media is covering about this too much. She is an 'Idol', I think whatever she said people will/ might hate, so she should mind her words and action. Sorry to any of her fan here. She should learn from our lady Hye Kyo. 




5) Haters gonna hate hate hate. 


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It seems like SHK didn't have a problem listening to that fan. One thing I love about SJK is that he has no problem telling people to move in a respectful way. It doesn't come out as rude probably because he was smiling as he was doing it. SHK looks the type too nice to tell that girl to move on. Lol

I too wonder what the conversation is. I'm shock there  is no fanaccount. 

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Hmmmm. Maybe it's just me but I don't think he had been telling the girl to move on. I feel like she was the only person to bring him something and he was very happily elated (by his expression) and he wanted to hear what the fan was saying to shk as well thus he stopped and listened happily.  

Knowing sjk and his interaction with his fans, no matter how polite, I just can't seem to see him telling them to hurry on up. 

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14 hours ago, angela0612 said:


Sorryyyyy chingu..I accidentally quoted your post. 

Another article mentioning Song Joong Ki..everyone's favourite topic these days. *pats SJK*

Oh well, it's not like I can stop them from constantly talking about him.

The first few times, it was cute but now all I can think of..mediaplay. 

So sweet of them to buy a birthday cake for their dongsaeng. Definitely says a lot about their personality. :)

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@giragira You're welcome to post, and there's nothing wrong about being concerned for either Songs, but as @ilovesjk pointed out, it would be prudent to apply common sense first. And many of us are just asking some here to go with the positive and fun flow of this thread because negativity/cynicism doesn't necessarily equate being rational, open-minded, or realistic. 

@lovely_skham_stv I look forward to reading your lengthy timeline project :)

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So many fans are shipping joongki to his co star but he did not pursue any of them..it's true...promotional tactics....even bo young even though many fans said that their chemistry is daebak but boyoung is closer to kwangsoo than him...and about the idol fan girls...she's not the first to openly admit it..when Snsd sunny guest in runningman before...she openly admitted that she is a big fan of him..he will play nice and even their co running man members will tease him to date her and he wud oblige with the teasing...even sister bora called him before on air just to say she's a fan...I don't think joongki is the type of person that will just collect anyone who like him...I remember in an interview with Han yesul during their movie ..he joke around with her and playful too..actually he's always playful and sweet oncam to his co stars during interview..


But with hye gyo during interview or presscon it's so surprising that he's shy receiving compliment from her... Going to army also help him matured a lot...and I think offcam they're really close especially they have common friends especially the cornerstone people..  If ever they're dating or already a couple I don't think they will reveal it sooner. Joongki said in his previous interview that if ever he will date...he will keep it a secret and will only reveal if he's caught... And if ever they're really dating ...they're still on the early stage perhaps...  And with the hot eyes of everyone are on them...especially the dating news..surely they're being careful not to be seen with each other these days..surely they want it to private as much as possible...and I think joongki is very considerate with hye gyo knowing all the bashing she receive and praise for hye gyo too...for letting his man shine brightly...surely she knows that it's his dream to become a true actor...knowing they have same personality and their love for their craft..

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12 hours ago, hclover96 said:

PD Lee Eung Bok talked about SHK and SJK.  Here is the translation pertaining to that part only:

"Both Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are very serious when filming, their personalities are very kind-hearted, they become one (mix well) with the staff.  But once filming starts, their eyes will immediately exude charm.  Song Joong Ki's courage to challenge, as an actor, it's worth the wait to the road of stardom."

PD Lee also talked about Song Hye Kyo, saying it's the first time she plays a professional doctor.  So beforehand she received medical training which is rather hard, but Song Hye Kyo adapted rather quickly and to some extent became a doctor.  Also SHK's acting is very broad, from comedic to emotional scenes, can whole-heartedly interpreted it perfectly.


Both of them are the best!! They are the best!! :heart:


ps. sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets:

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This is a SHIPPING tag for SHIPPERS who SHIP the Song-Song Couple. If you want to talk about anything else besides these two please don't. Don't bring up other people, don't bring negative vibes, don't bring down the two people. It is a tag of positivity! A place where people who love these two can come and spaz. Stop being a negative nancy! This thread lets me see things that I'd missed, lets me talk with others who love the same couple I do, and lets us have a place where we can all be happy and filled with the rainbows of shipping. 

Please don't post if its anything not about the Song-Song couple! I am sure that there is another page on this site where that post can be fine but this is not it. 




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Plot twist: SJK is actually just a really really really happy Fanboy of SHK for a long time. and now they're finally got a chance to work together, he's releasing his inner Fanboy power.

Well now that would be funny.

But another twist: the celeb (SHK) falls in love with the Fanboy... who knows right?!

Happy shipping everyone. And i'm also wondering about that girl at the PC. No fan account...hmmmm...

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The video has been discuseed on page 282. 


I knowknow i m delusioning, that s why i m in shipper world now. So, dont take it seriously, we have never know what s really going on behind all things we talk about, 

Off topic, 

I m visiting AHJ/GHS shipper thread, wishing there are similarities between our thread and their thread and hoping if kikyo are meant to be, hopefully kikyo end up like blood couple, comfirming marriage news. I envy them. 

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I love sjk hahaha... For this.. I know it's been posts n talks many times in here but it never bored me to watch her awkwardness to sjk.. Cute sjk hahaha

Been seen the first pc n sec.. shg kinda always shg.. but in her first pc the awkward of her is so fun to watch n you still see that in the sec specially her eyes when sjk seem gonna touch her "part" of body like btt etc.. Sjk just nail it n break the boundaries that usually she build around her.. Really gonna miss their cute "things"

Gonna post a vids.. I like this vid a lot well i'm shg fans.. You can skipp n watch at 7.21.. Her eyes just "there" when sjk hands seems bumping her.. A lot n a lot awkwardness of her.. Like when she's stop and sjk come to close that seems her hands touch his area her face seems being kinda numbs a bit n her eyes suddenly being aware afraid that it will catch the spy fans eyes hahaha (@ first pc).. In hk that's being less a little but her shyness is no act .. She's really blushing n i love sjk for that.. This two just soooooo freakin adorable to watch.. Like teens being in love hahahaa




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So I just wanted to share these two interviews again: 



One thing I noticed from SHK's interview was this:

When people around you get married, don’t you feel somehow that you want to get married soon too? I don’t. I don’t want to do it more (smiles). My closest friends are people I went to elementary, middle school, high school and college with. Because their husband watch them, because of their babies, we can’t have fun like we want to. I don’t think it’s that great. Marriage… I’ll do it because I have to, but I think less and less about marriage. There are times when I’m freely enjoying the sun while going here and there and I say to myself “I wouldn’t be able to live like this if I had a family to take care of”. What I mean is that right now, I feel good at this point of my life. I think I’m caught by this freedom feeling of feeling dizzy while having a drink in a coffee shop in the daytime.

So uh what happened here SHK? Please explain LOL. How is that within months her point of view changes? I guess since she got to know SJK more, she decided, yup, I'm marrying this one.


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23 minutes ago, QuynhT said:

Plot twist: SJK is actually just a really really really happy Fanboy of SHK for a long time. and now they're finally got a chance to work together, he's releasing his inner Fanboy power.

Well now that would be funny.

But another twist: the celeb (SHK) falls in love with the Fanboy... who knows right?!

Happy shipping everyone. And i'm also wondering about that girl at the PC. No fan account...hmmmm...

I have a gut feeling this is the case.

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