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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@twtwb and @utkim Thank you so much for sharing those excerpts from her book! I've been a huge fan of hers since FH, but admittedly, have not seen every single thing she's released. You can tell even just from those excerpt SHK has a big, warm heart. One that you'd want to protect and take care of. She is a very independent and mature woman, but even with such a strong independent personality, she's fragile in some sense of the world. She deserves genuine happiness, someone who will care for her and the things she holds dearly. I am hoping that she finds that, or as my shipper heart screams, she has already found that in SJK. As a fan, I am appreciating her even more! I hope those who doubt her get to see within her. SJK definitely sees it, thus letting the world know that SHK isn't just a gorgeous face, but even more beautiful inside. They are just a perfect match. Both beautiful souls! Sighs. Only wish for them all the good things in the world! 

@larinalove Omg those gifs give me warm fuzzy feels. So lovely eeeeee!

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@utkim and @twtwb Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for sharing more of those excerpts. I admire Song Hye Kyo even more. I echo everyone else's sentiments about her candor and authenticity. She really is who Song Joong Ki described and more. I'm glad she published the book because it reminds everyone that she is as human as the rest of us, but unfortunately, even with her wealth and fame, she sometimes has to suppress her feelings because of the scrutiny on her. She doesn't have the freedom we have because all of her moves and words are parsed by a hungry media and a part of the unforgiving public. :( So, I hope she will find the ultimate happiness, love, trust, respect, loyalty, and openness with the right guy---and I believe and hope they're all with Song Joong Ki :) 

@ilovesjk Totally agree! I think she and Joong Ki are very much deserving of being together. He has shown time and time again that he is the type to take care of people, even fans who are mere strangers to him. I can only imagine what he's like as a boyfriend!

@joongkyo Bwahahaha. I thought I was the only one who did that! LOL. Now, I don't feel as weird about fanning hard for Song-Song. I did a name matching analysis of their names, too, and more ... like their birthdays. LOL. :) You're amazing!

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Thank you so much @utkim sunbae and @twtwb for sharing the translation of SHK's book. 

Like most of you I felt very emotional reading her inner thoughts about love and her past failed relationships. To be honest, her second break up made me feel very 'cold and 'paralyzed' for her'. Thus, I can't imagine the pain that she had to endure during that period. (The timing of the break up announcement seemed cruel and heartless to me at that time because I felt like she had to bear 'the whole burden' of the public scrutiny and public backlashes when the other party left unscathed)

I remember reading one of her interview when she opened a little about the break up.  She basically said that 'since the relationship involved 2 people and not just her so there was not much she could say , however she did feel upset that only her was perceived badly by the public'. :( Such a huge price to pay for being a high profile actress even when she did nothing wrong. But then reading her thoughts and I realize the beautiful lady has never held any grudge over anyone who brought her pain. She let go of her anxiety and negative judgement, forgave people who did her wrong so graciously. And for that I think this lady really deserves an extraordinary love that feels like the love she has always been capable of providing to the man of her life. 

And whether that man is SJK ( I desperately want that man to be him really:sweatingbullets:) or anyone else, I'm still sure the day of her marriage announcement would be counted as one of the most happy moments in my life cause I really do care and admire her that much :wub:

Btw, one line from lyrics of Un Roman D'amitie' , the song that she uploaded on her Instagram few weeks ago was stuck on my mind when I'm typing this post. I'm just gonna highlight it below:  

'You know I'm gonna need some more time
To be sure to love someone and to
Really love him
Our whole life is ahead of us
But keep your feelings safe
And above all
Write often'

After learning that SHK is the type to be passive when the relationship is still at the first stage, the lyrics above just resonate with me more and make me understand why she shared that song on her Insta. Well, we know SJK does not have Insta, but for some obvious reasons I still have a feeling that he does have one which can be used to lurk around (lol). If my feeling is true then I really do hope he gets the subtle messages that SHK sending him recently, including 'I want you' message of course lol 

Pardon me for such a long post. And if I offend anyone with one of my particular statement in the post above then I apologize in advance. 

Happy sailing friends!

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56 minutes ago, applegirl2 said:

Anyone seen this ?http://m.tvcast.naver.com/v/802926

interview of kms. . apparently BOTH shk and sjk celebrated his birthday for him :wub: note it's on 24th Jan.. after DOTS filming wrapped up. This drama team is so full of love ...



I know that Hye Kyo got him a birthday cake because he mentioned it in his print interview BUT ooks like it was SongSong who got it together, :wub: 



 00:25 MC - Working with actresses even more beautiful than the Sun, curious about what Kim Min Seok has to say?

00:31 KMS - (with a dumbfounded expression ) Wow, Song Hye Kyo is in front of me...... (blushing) ..Hooo (more noises to express his wonderment).. I felt that it was Bangabuje (lol...don't know what this means but seeing how the word has Banga in it, I think it's supposed to mean some sort of slang for Bangapseumnida which means 'pleasure to meet you' . So I think he's saying it was his good fortune/luck to make her acquaintance but saying it in a short and cute way). There is a force/aura (when Koreans say force they usually mean an aura) to her.

00:58 MC - And who would KMS choose between the two leading ladies?

01:00 - KMS- They're both completely different styles, yes..very different. Wait, you're asking me for my choice?. I can't do this (laughs...why do I feel like he knew SJK would kick his butt if she said SHK..lol) I like them both. 

01:10 - MC- Even though the filming is over, but still a cast that keeps in close touch.

01:17 - KMS- Joong Ki hyung and/with Hye Kyo noona bought me a birthday cake to celebrate my birthday . (his birthday is on January 24TH)


So, there we have it!. Yet another day on which SJK and SHK met up to treat someone. Lol...why do I feel like KMS is always going to be their little puppy. Which normal co-stars buy a cake together to celebrate someone's birthday!. Answer - SongSong!!!!!.. No one else... This SongSong ship had me at hello and there is no escape.




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Thank you so much @utkim and @twtwb for sharing the translation. I got so emotional reading those parts. I feel like I am falling deeper in love with her (as a person) every time a discover more about her. She seems like a very deep person. No wonder her fav. music artist is BIGBANG (I saw a youtube video yesterday that talks about 5 things you don't know about SHK)-the lyrics are very melancholic and deep. Something that draws your soul out.  I am so happy to see that  she is so happy right now. She truly deserves the best of life. I wish her the best.

Sorry for bringing BIGBANG and G-Dragon in my post now and then. They are my connection to Korean Entertainment Industry. Plus I am happy to know that SHK and I admire same Artist/music types :P 

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Did we just get a verified confirmation that our couple had another meet up on 24th of Jan? lol
These close colleagues surely have had so many meet up / hang out outside of works!
Well I refuse to go sleep until I read your translation of the vid @joongkyo lol
And thanks for sharing the vid @applegirl2

@joongkyo the fact that they bought the cake together killed me! Only couple would do that!!! Now I don't think I can sleep due to this overjoyed feeling lol Thanks again for the trans! 

@alleverythingseriously someone needs to tell that certain female idol that SJK is no longer available as he has been bewitched by a Goddess for quite a long time already hehehe

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4 minutes ago, my_bazuka said:

Did we just get a verified confirmation that our couple had another meet up on 24th of Jan? lol
These close colleagues surely have had so many meet up / hang out outside of works!
Well I refuse to go sleep until I read your translation of the vid @joongkyo lol
And thanks for sharing the vid @applegirl2


Yup, it is yet another confirmed SongSong date on the 24th of January. Just posted the translation.


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Just wanted to drop by and say hi friends! I don't even have something special nor new to say but anyway I'm posting this.

Always happy to be here and I don't know but I'm even much happier these days. 
I'm like richard simmons don't kill my vibe and throwing away all the negativity. Why do I sound like a psychologist right now? lol.

Also I feel that something is coming, a good good news soon so yeah, I'm just going to wait patiently again *wink wink Kyo*

Never in my life have I shipped a couple so bad. As you all, I wish them nothing else but happiness. True match made in heaven!

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"Even while acting, being absorbed in crying scenes tend to be easier than laughing scenes. Laughing naturally while acting is really difficult.  'Ah, that person is really laughing' - it is difficult to convince viewers with a good enough laugh. To not have those thoughts and to laugh naturally, shall more time have to pass?" 

Thank you @utkim and @twtwb for sharing the excerpts of the book with us.

These words of our SHK truly touched me, the way she expressed her feelings through them is an evidence that she has been through difficult times, in fact it's not the first time I hear an actor/actress say that it's far more difficult to act in a comedy than in a tragedy, or that it's far easier for them to do a dramatic crying scene than doing a funny, comedic one but here the way she says it, it means that it's easier for her to be immersed in a crying scene than one that is made for laughs and that's why it is sad.  Funny enough I thought about the same scene @Cunli posted, because there in the scene of  when YSJ asks  "what type of blood you are" SHK at the end of the scene laughs so naturally, you can feel it's not acting and all the comments I've read point the exact same thing so I guess SHK is right when saying it's easier to convince the audience in sadness that in laughter because people notice the difference between acting and genuinity and the naturality of it.

I truly wish and want her to find the happiness, love, safeness, loyalty and honesty she deserves in the man she wants to spend her life with, I believe SJK has all those traits, he has demonstrated so many times now how considerate and protective he is of her, the way he is attuned to her, how attentive he is to her, the way he looks at her, everything makes me believe that he is the one for her. I believe he already knows she's been through difficult times and I also think in these past months he has shown her his personality and his reliability enough for her to trust him and that's why we have heard of them meeting so many times outside set, NY, late night dinner, co-hosting a party and now we hear they even bought a cake together for a cast mate, (thank you  @applegirl2 for sharing the link of the video and @joongkyo for the translation), who does that? I've said this before, these two do things that aren't typical for cast mates or friends for that matter, they do things of the kind that only couple tend to do so that makes me even more convinced they are an item.

Whatever lies ahead I don't know but I hope it's a journey filled with joy and love, we'll be here cheering them on and supporting them until the end!

Thank you guys for being so dedicated and amazing, I am proud to be part of this ship!



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As much as I like them to be together I think she is right to take it slow and be careful. Having been burned a few times it'snot easy.

Although i think sjk is attracted to her i am not sure how much to trust his sincerity just based on thebpcs and interviews. Since its clear he has made similar or flirty comments with other actresses before. I think it's not possible to judge from these public appearances.


He mentioned he wouldn't say no if mcw approached him. If he didnt really like her why would he say that at that time. Even if you are good friends, there is still a possibility that mcw actually liked him and will do so once she saw that interview. Therefore he must actually be attracted to her.


So anyway i just hope shk will be happy with her choice.


I shipped yoo inna and hyun woo before but they didnt last. Most actor dating did not last with their co stars . Its easy to mix up feelimgs abt the character vs the real person. I had expected shk to end up with someone out of the industry befroe this.


Anyway all the power to her! 

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9 hours ago, giragira said:

As much as I like them to be together I think she is right to take it slow and be careful. Having been burned a few times it'snot easy.

Although i think sjk is attracted to her i am not sure how much to trust his sincerity just based on thebpcs and interviews. Since its clear he has made similar or flirty comments with other actresses before. I think it's not possible to judge from these public appearances.


He mentioned he wouldn't say no if mcw approached him. If he didnt really like her why would he say that at that time. Even if you are good friends, there is still a possibility that mcw actually liked him and will do so once she saw that interview. Therefore he must actually be attracted to her.


So anyway i just hope shk will be happy with her choice.


I shipped yoo inna and hyun woo before but they didnt last. Most actor dating did not last with their co stars . Its easy to mix up feelimgs abt the character vs the real person. I had expected shk to end up with someone out of the industry befroe this.


Anyway all the power to her! 


You say you don't know how much to trust SJK sincerity just based on interviews and public appearances yet you take seriously and do actually trust his answer about the other co-star when he said what you stated he said (couldn't that also be just for fan service?).

Of course he always made flattering comments about his co-stars, everyone does that but then it was more for promotion and fan service (at least for me) but we have never heard him meeting those co-stars outside set, or having private dinners together, or co-hosting parties together, see the difference?  With SHK he made sure to say she is more than just beautiful outside but also she has a great personality, he didn't deny the dating rumor with her on national news tv, he met with her in NY, met her again for dinner in Korea until late hours, co-hosted a party with her, shares her staff and same circle of friends so while I understand your concern about SHK being hurt, I think she is a big enough girl to know who to trust and who not. And also I want you to understand that we don't base our belief in this couple only in what they say on public appearances, we do understand that sometimes they say things to please the fans but it's more than that here, we ship them more for their off screen stuff and their sharing each others private time and parts of life.

No one knows what will happen in the future, we will be supporting them both whatever their choice will be.

Anyway all the power to both of them :)   

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32 minutes ago, larinalove said:

You say you don't know how much to trust SJK sincerity just based on interviews and public appearances yet you take seriously and do actually trust his answer about the other co-star when he said what you stated he said (couldn't that also be just for fan service?).


 I am just saying that when you say those things for fan service or whatever there's always some possibility that the person you're talking of e.g. mcw may actually have had some thoughts ,etc etc. I believe he's not a jerk, and jerks wouldn't say things they are not ready to follow through, even for fan service. He wouldn't want to hurt a fellow co star.

Of course SHK is a big girl, i'm just calmly supporting her carefulness.  I think it's sad that she has to somewhat 'change' her personality due to rumors like JG said. If she gets hurt again by rumors / a guy she might never be able to trust someone again.

Que sera sera! 

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Hi Ladies! 

Looooong time lurker/stalker of the KiKyo thread(since page 1) and I love, love, love the positive shipping energy you all are spreading for this super couple. Keep doing what you do :wub:!

It was my intention to keep lurking, but I absolutely have to say this...so tired of the pretenders(and you know who you are!!) coming to this thread attempting to spread their doubts, bring up old-as-dirt richard simmons about taxes, old co-stars, old ships...whatever.

Give it a rest, please. First of all, it's not working, and secondly to the fans of SJK's former co-star specifically--HE DON'T WANT HER!--

For the haters that think they have a better chance than SHK? HE DON'T WANT YOU EITHER!

These are two fully grown adults, making their own decisions, money, etc...they can love who they please, whether they've known each other for 1 day, or 3+ years, whether that person is in the industry or not. 


I'm sure there are bunches of useless blogs/forums/dungeons that spend all day attempting to trash KiKyo. For the pretenders, that may be a better place of acceptance for richard simmons you're selling.


I myself will remain parked in this thread performing my daily ritual...


"I know this is real, I know this is real, I know this is real..."

Back to lurking :heart:

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@larinalove You said it perfectly! Thanks for defending Song Joong Ki's sincerity. I think that's what gets to me the most is coming across messages that portray Joong Ki as being disingenuous, but I trust the majority of his longtime fans' assessment of him as being genuine and straightforward.

It could very well be he was attracted to his former co-star, and if she had been, then, maybe she could have approached him, but it doesn't seem like she did and it seems like neither did he as no rumor or scandal about them ever broke out, so ... let's leave history where it is and stick to present day.

I would like to add more (and I might edit this comment if a new thought comes to me), but I'll stop here. I just don't want to perpetuate or promote the cynicism or concern trolling of Negative Nancies. Though, again, I wish Soompi would bring back the feature that allows us to hide, ignore, or downgrade unwanted comments.

So, I will just end this message with a BIG A S S THANK YOU for reminding us why our shipping isn't totally out of touch---that there's a basis for our optimism :) 

@WildDivine69 Amen to your moxie! :D You should comment more often :) 

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