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About the 'mosquito' mark,or love mark on JY's neck. Actually from my point of view, I had two pov. I'm sorry if all of u here already know and post this. I'll delete it later.




Tho the 2nd option 'something that I couldn't explain' is hoping that the mark was from wz's love mark is d best option.

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27 minutes ago, addictedgirl said:

About the 'mosquito' mark,or love mark on JY's neck. Actually from my point of view, I had two pov. I'm sorry if all of u here already know and post this. I'll delete it later.

IIRC, JY went back from Dalian to Shanghai at Friday, 06/05/16 and went to Beijing at Mon 09/05. He was MIA in between, so was ZZ. Usually, JY had jiu jitsu practice at Saturday night (at least, that's what I know. He might have another sessions in a week).


Mon 09-05 afternoon JY went to Beijing. Rumour had it, JY would fly to Munich on 10-05. ZZ released Understanding Dream, feat Zhu Lianbing (Ryan Bingbing). ZZ's manager uploaded a photo of ZZ making a cake (for a photo shoot?)

Sun 08-05 JY and ZZ uploaded mother's day msg on their weibo. ZZ was sick with stomach flu. iQiYi released ep. 4 uncut.

Sat 07-05 No news on JY and ZZ. iQiYi released ep. 3 uncut.

Fri 06-05 JY updated his weibo with 9 pics of him and his grandma on a boat trip. JY went back to Shanghai. He wore the GORO necklace. Fans asked him about the necklace and he answered, "It's a gift." ZZ released his second thank you vid: playing electric guitar. Fans suspected ZZ shot the vid at the same time with his latin dancing vid. 

Edit: yes @ximichem, spill the beans please XD

Edit 2: @addictedgirl well, as I have said above, I do not know whether JY has another schedule for his jiu jitsu. I don't have access to weibo, so my info might be not completed. The timeline in spoiler is accurate, though.

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A new chapter for Love that Bloom is ready for your reading pleasure ;) 

10. Seed of Friendship 1




Finding that we had something in common had improved my evaluation on Weizhou faster than I had thought. Suddenly, I had no objection in considering him as my friend. With that in mind, my mood had improved as well. I was no longer in foul mood. Instead, I felt the urge to learn about him, to know him better. So, I stopped my packing to watch him instead. My clothes were strewn and jumbled all around me, inside my bag, suitcase and drawer but I did not care and chose to rest instead. I leaned back against the wall, sprawling comfortably at the bed and watched him.


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9 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

A new chapter for Love that Bloom is ready for your reading pleasure ;)

Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!!!! Been waiting for your new chapter! Such a nice treat for a Friday night :wub:

3 minutes ago, charlie10 said:


Did Johnny delete more posts from his weibo? Because the number is now down to 45... But I don't know his posts well enough to know what he deleted. I do see his pics of him and ZZ are still there, though. Thankfully... 


Phew :sweatingbullets: YJ really knows how to play with our poor hearts! Anyone knows the mystery of no 50? A bad luck sign, bad memories?? :blink: And yes, the 3 photos with ZZ are still there :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: 

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On 09/05/2016 at 5:52 PM, gayyoxx said:


BLY is pouting too much on season 1, making ZZ looks stern-faced and not interesting personally. But at times when BLY smiles, well, the change is very drastic. On one hand, the role of BLY does ZZ disservice because he could not do many interesting expressions/actions (unlike JY as GH, he does all "cool lover" actions: warm as a puppy then dominant/aggressive alpha wolf which make everyone's heart turns jelly). On the other hand, the changes from bubbly, cheerful, complex ZZ to "one dimensional" BLY, that speaks volume on ZZ's acting capability.

Even the HC's director's post said that. He thought ZZ (as BLY) was quite plain while the actual ZZ was sophisticated and charming.


ZZhou's NOT PLAIN at all.  From the start of the show 'Heroin' I was 'doped' with ZZhou's appearance and it was JY I doubted abit lol.. at first I meant.  NOW.. sighs... I'm 'doped' by both of course, but still.. more to ZZhou's looks & attractiveness haha... ZZhou has this very special type of beauty, the more you look at him and get to know him, the more beautiful he looks.. and JY.. it's his 'CHARM' & 'FUNNY' side of him that got me hooked with him, and his portrayal of GuHai in Heroin, I love his possessive love for ZZHaiYin.. it's so sexy and charming that's what attracted me to him dearly haha.. Hmm.. the two is 'perfect' together! Sweetsweetsweet..^.^...x

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17 minutes ago, bearology said:

Ive never seen these photo before. from Shanghai FM?

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OMG Merry Chitmas XDDD Did the "r" and "s" fell off?
Sorry, my laugh point is always so low.

I laugh so hard at this vid from the start to finish that I'm having stitches. Dunno if I'm the only one who found it funny as no one in the comments thinks so. 

Fanvid of JY Jiu-jitsu with ZZ's electric guitar as background music
Caption: One when he's the most handsome is Jiu-Jitsu time, the other when he's the most handsome is Electric Guitar time, then using ZZ's electric guitar paired with JY's Jiu-Jitsu must be a Bomb right?! 

Here's the download link for those cannot view:
So, I have a question, those who cannot view wb also cannot view miaopai?

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On 09/05/2016 at 8:03 PM, sohocomo said:

Because I work the next two nights...And because no one is stopping me (what is with you people? :blink:)...Three inspirations in one


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Hidden in the shadows of the living room, JingYu silently watched the scene in the kitchen. WeiZhou, with flour dusting his cheek and chest, was spooning small mounds of dough onto a baking sheet. When JingYu had woken up alone in bed, he had felt a momentary panic that left him gasping. It had only taken days for him to get used to waking up next to someone while filming, but months later he still was not used to waking up alone. Especially, when he knew he had fallen asleep with his arms around WeiZhou. Having gone in search of his missing piece, JingYu now basked in the domesticity of the sight before him. Being as quiet as possible, WeiZhou moved about the kitchen smoothly, as though he belonged there, as though it was his kitchen. The oven door creaked as he pulled one baking sheet out and slid another one in. The thought that he could get used to this sight surprised JingYu, while delighting him as well. The sweet smell of cookies drifted to his nose, as the sweet sound of WeiZhou softly singing drifted to his ears. This was an unexpected heaven to a wandering soul.

The sound of JingYu's bare feet softly padding across the linoleum of the kitchen floor caused WeiZhou to turn from the sink where he was washing mixing bowl and utensils. 

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" he said with a sheepish smile.

JingYu leaned against the counter. "You not being next to me woke me."

WeiZhou rolled his eyes as he turned back to the sink. "Are you trying to be corny?"

"Corny? I thought I was being romantic."

WeiZhou barely contained his laugh. "Try again." 


"Mmm," WeiZhou said as he continued his chore at the sink. "I wanted something sweet, and you actually had the ingredients, so I thought cookies."

Having his back turned, WeiZhou did not notice the way JingYu's eyes had started to become hypnotised as he watched the way the tattoo on the right shoulder changed with the movement of the muscles underneath. WeiZhou did not see the way a tongue glided over a lip and drew it between teeth. WeiZhou did not notice the sound of breathing becoming heavier, quicker behind him. 

"The first pan is cool. The best midnight snack is something sweet."


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The sensation of a tongue licking his shoulder made WeiZhou jump, splashing the water in the sink.

"You're right, something sweet," was whispered in a deep breath into his ear as arms crossed themselves around him. JingYu's lips latched onto his ear, tugging at it as his tongue slid along the edge. His knees beginning to buckle, WeiZhou gripped the edge of the sink as JingYu continued licking and sucking along the back of his neck. The suddenness of JingYu's approach had caught him off guard, but WeiZhou did not want to keep himself from falling into it just as he fell back into JingYu. WeiZhou's moan as JingYu lightly bit along his shoulder, drove the aggressor to strengthen his jaw and sink his teeth deeper, pushing into muscle as well as flesh, his tongue gliding over teeth marks as he chewed. The sting of the attack on his shoulder was lost in the immense fire that shot through WeiZhou's every nerve. Even as he panted, as he breathlessly called out JingYu's name, his hand left soapy, wet trails in JingYu's hair. 

JingYu relished the taste of WeiZhou's skin. It was sweet, addictively sweet, to him. As though he had been starving for days, weeks, he continued to pull that flesh into his mouth, wanting to fill himself on it. He felt WeiZhou's body heaving in his arms, muscles twitching as they fought against mounting desire. JingYu wanted to take this moment and bottle it, save it for those times he had to wake up alone. But if those times alone led to more times like this, it would be worth it.  His hands began to smooth over tight abs, playing in the valleys of WeiZhou's body. His left hand caressing the broad chest, the fingers of JingYu's right hand began to tease with the waistband of the boxers that WeiZhou wore, sliding under, pushing down, heating up from the fire of the body he held. 

Suddenly, WeiZhou's breathing changed. He began coughing, just as a pungent, acrid smell hit JingYu's nostrils.

"Damn, the cookies." WeiZhou pushed against JingYu sharply and grabbing a towel he threw open the oven door. Smoke billowed into the room, causing both men to cough as they were engulfed by it. Waving his hands frantically to clear the air around him, WeiZhou then reached into the oven for the pan of ruined sweets. Not seeing that JingYu had stepped forward, waving his hands to help disperse the smoke, WeiZhou turned, the hot pan catching JingYu in the side.

"F**k," he yelled, jumping back as an angry red mark immediately appeared on his flesh.  

Throwing the pan towards the sink, WeiZhou ran to the freezer and grabbed a handful of ice cubes. As JingYu continued muttering curses, his fingers gently pressed on the skin around the burn. He cried out when WeiZhou placed the ice on his side. 

"Oh God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so close. Damn it, I'm sorry." 

His apologies continued as he knelt down, moving the ice in small circles, occasionally removing his hand to blow softly on the injured skin.

"Stop it. It was an accident, nothing more. It's not your fault."

WeiZhou looked up, his eyes glistening with moisture, "But.."

JingYu pressed a finger into lips that looked ready to pout, stopping any more words.

"Seriously, ZhouZhou, I'm fine. It only looks bad. The ice is hurting more than the burn right now."

WeiZhou ripped his hand away, but still blew a whispering breath over the red patch. JingYu's fingers were playing in his hair, teasing towards his neck and ears. Raising his eyes again, WeiZhou saw a look that only he knew on JingYu's face. The line between pain and pleasure is razor thin. 

"It's a good thing I'm not shorter," WeiZhou quipped, "or you might have gotten burned elsewhere." JingYu had come into the kitchen straight from bed, without putting anything on. 


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JingYu grunted in surprise, his fingers tightening in WeiZhou's hair, with the sudden, warm encasement of his manhood in WeiZhou's mouth. As though the accident had never occurred, the urgency and desire from earlier returned to both men like lightening. WeiZhou's fingers pressed into hardened thighs, pushing and pulling himself as he took all of JingYu in, his mouth, tongue and throat wreaking havoc on JingYu's senses. As JingYu felt his body coming near it's limit, his legs began to shake with the effort to remain on his feet. The hands gripping WeiZhou's head suddenly forced him away, held him at arms length.

"We're not doing this in the kitchen. Up. Now."

Hands still holding his head, WeiZhou got to his feet as his face was dragged to JingYu's. As their mouths met in a frenzy, they worked their way out of the kitchen, bumping into furniture and walls with every few steps.  Even knowing that if they pulled their lips and tongues from each other they could move more quickly, they continued to feed on each other's kiss as though their lives depended on the shared breath and taste. 

Finally, as they bumped into the side of the bed, JingYu ripped his lips from WeiZhou's as he threw the other onto the bed. Sprawled out before him, JingYu looked but a second at the glorious sight of WeiZhou, panting for breath, arms and legs reaching out for him, begging him to follow. JingYu dropped down on top of his waiting lover and again began to feed his hunger on sweet skin. Lips, chin, neck, shoulders, chest. JingYu devoured them all, driven by WeiZhou's hands kneading into him. JingYu moaned, utterly overwhelmed, with the sweetest taste to ever touch his tongue as he drew WeiZhou into his mouth, reciprocating his boyfriend's actions in the kitchen. His eyes searched for WeiZhou's face in the half light through the windows, his hands searching for the heartbeat in WeiZhou's chest, WeiZhou's pants and moans becoming a symphony to his ears. 

A sudden movement under him caused JingYu to raise his head from his feast. The lewd yet intoxicating sight of WeiZhou preparing himself for JingYu was enough to push him right to the edge. When WeiZhou panted his name, begging for his touch, JingYu lost his control. Flipping WeiZhou onto his stomach in one quick movement, JingYu took but seconds to prepare himself. With one smooth, quick thrust he filled WeiZhou fully, the force causing both of them to cry out to the heavens. Panting together in a shared timing, JingYu slowly continued his movements, the sound of WeiZhou's breathy moans calling his name. Even as the force of his body increased, JingYu's hands gently, lovingly glided over WeiZhou's back, soothing and teasing along his spine, over his ribs. Reaching his shoulders, JingYu grabbed hold with one hand, pulling WeiZhou's body to him, as his other hand glided down to hold and stroke WeiZhou's member. His tongue again ran over the tattoo, which still mesmerized him in the half light. Never pausing his actions, JingYu latched his mouth to a neck that strained to maintain control. 

JingYu lost himself first, his body shuddering against WeiZhou's back, the groan of release against WeiZhou's ear. But still JingYu did not stop. He continued filling WeiZhou, impatient to share this pleasure with the man who had given to him. Only a few more thrusts, and JingYu felt WeiZhou seize, his voice crying out JingYu's name. Collapsing against WeiZhou, they both fell back to the bed. JingYu grabbed WeiZhou's chin, pulling his head back just enough to reach his lips. Breathless kisses accompanied fluttering touches as they rearranged themselves on the bed. Holding each other close, they prolonged the fire of completion between them.











JingYu continued kissing WeiZhou's shoulder as they lay curled together sometime later. 

"What is with you and my shoulder tonight?" WeiZhou asked, slightly annoyed.

"I never realized how mesmerizing your tattoo is."

"My tattoo is mesmerizing?"

"Mmm," JingYu answered, as he placed his lips against it yet again. "Maybe I should get one."

WeiZhou turned his head. "A tattoo? What, you want one just like mine?"

"Someday." JingYu placed a kiss on the tip of a nose as he answered. "Maybe for our 5th anniversary? Matching tattoos. That would be good."

WeiZhou rolled over to face this crazy man he loved. "You're serious aren't you?"


"Don't tell me, you already have a design in mind."

"Actually, yea. You know the symbol for Libra."

"Of course. A line with a hump in it and a straight line below it." WeiZhou thought he might know where this was going. "And Sagittarius is an arrow with a line across the shaft. So?"

"We can combine them. The arrow of Sagittarius can come up between the two lines of Libra, the point of the arrow over the top line, the shaft of the arrow behind the bottom line."

WeiZhou tried to imagine it, and to his surprise he could. Vividly. It was actually a really good design, he thought. 

"Is there some meaning to the arrow being between the two lines?"

"It's how I entered into your life and how you surrounded mine."

JingYu yelped as his mouth was suddenly invaded by WeiZhou's.  A kiss that stole his soul, even though he had already given it willingly. 











I'm deeply 'hypnotised' by your story dear sohocomo..every time lol..  you are too good in writing, if you publish a book with these fanfics about our YuZhou, I would purchase it seriously.  Hey, think about it, combine facts & delulus YuZhou fanfics, it would sale well I'm sure!!lol... Thankyou!!:)).. 

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1 hour ago, charlie10 said:

Did Johnny delete more posts from his weibo? Because the number is now down to 45

These are the photos that he deleted. Cr on link



ZZ's album Light. They used photos from MV walk slowly for Dust and Walk Slowly. Apart of me is happy when I see this. Cr on pic




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8 hours ago, Kim RyeNa said:

:bawling: :bawling: DAMN HANDSOME... this was his new hair cut? Since some ppl saw him at barbershop day before?

Nice haircut then baby whale :heart: 

Dang boo, he is FIRE ON FIRE. hey ladiessssss 

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Since someone pointed out the constant pouting of BLY (and not to mention the pimple outbreak) :P thinking back i remember the actor who played the role (ZZ) didn't look that appealing initially. By the end of the series, I started to explore the OST and found myself slowly getting into ZZ, he just started to appeal more to me after the web series somehow. I've been listening to both opening and ending songs of the series non-stop everyday for a good one month as the addiction continued! Haha! The strangest things happen to me, I started reading the novel, my first ever chinese novel, and I've been thinking about getting the men's uno mag + ZZ's album (which I haven't) to show my support. I never thought in a million years that I would be this obsessed! 

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On 10/05/2016 at 2:01 AM, Soohee ssi said:

Me : Yuzhou/Zhouyu is real

Them : No

Me : Then explain this

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Them : ......


Me :           



In my delulu land where this is a conspiracy sh*t that called 'I'm gonna delulu don't stop me' LMAO


aawwh people, they are real FOR SURE believe me, I know, I work with people daily and I believe it's TRUE based on analyses, bits & pieces of info and evidence.. YuZhouYu IS 'addicted' to 'each other' too, and they are living out the  'GuHai & LouYin' fairytale, BECAUSE THEY ARE ''themselves'' - GuHaiJY LouYinZZhou, how can we deny them huh??! BEST FAIRYTALE ROMANCE ON THIS PLANET, all the best & love for ZZYY! Sweetly smiling me.....haha...:()))..



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Found this on google






The purpose of the number 50 is to promote fusion between body and soul, mind and spirit.  Life is a continuing education for the number 50, as this energy seeks to learn their real values relating to their ultimate goals and aspirations,  and learning to obey their inner feelings to ‘know thyself’.  The happy disposition of the 50 Destiny number attracts friends and good fortune and they know how to take advantage of all the blessings  --  Mentally, Physically and Spiritually.  

The focus of 50 is to attain greater stability.  The law of 5 is 'freedom in action', and when coupled with the vibration of the number 0, this energy is amplified.

The number 50 is masculine, introvert and relates to the star sign Leo.  The related planet is Mercury and the Tarot Card representative of the 50 / 5 vibration is the Heirophant. 

The 50 Destiny number individual will have the opportunity to learn the true meaning of change in their life.  Life for the 50 / 5 energy will be filled with freedom, constant change, curiosity, adventure and un-attachment.  The 50 / 5 energy will live more, see more and experience more life experiences than any other vibration.  

The number 50 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression and passion.  50 / 5 signifies the need for change, variety and new growth.  50 is the broadcaster, disseminating information and asking questions.  

The 50 vibration loves pleasure and needs to watch over-indulgence and impulsiveness.  The impulsive nature of the 50 / 5 Destiny number allows them to enter a situation, then be able to discard it just as quickly.  The 50 energy does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life. 

50 is the number of progress and growth, for without change there is stagnation.

The 50 energy appears to be outgoing and extrovert  -  but the natural introverted energy leads them to an interest in the unknown and metaphysical studies.

The lesson for the 50 / 5 person is that 'one must learn that true freedom can only come from within.' 

When 0 is combined with another number, the potential of that number is magnified and amplified.  It magnifies, enhances and increases the potential and dimension of the number, bringing success and perfection to its’ qualities and attributes., ie. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 etc with the protection and Divine Consciousness of the number Zero.  

Repeating Number Sequences (Angel Numbers)

The meaning and message of repeating number 50 (Angel Number 50) can be found at:
Also see:  Repeating 5's and 0's    Angel Number 5    Angel Number 500

All other numbers can be found in the Angel Number INDEX

Sacred Scribes


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1 hour ago, charlie10 said:

Did Johnny delete more posts from his weibo? Because the number is now down to 45... But I don't know his posts well enough to know what he deleted. I do see his pics of him and ZZ are still there, though. Thankfully... 

He doesn't follow many people, he keeps deleting posts, he's always online... His weibo-behaviour is a little mysterious. He likes being mysterious, I think. It adds to his allure. 


Is he looking for his weibo account himself or does his manager do that?

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