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1 hour ago, skeletonworks said:


@izziehudson I also find it amusing that Mainland China's production uses traditional Chinese ^^

Actually, I have an explanation why it is in Traditional Chinese because of my work. But it is not the definite reason, it may be other reason. It's also not uncommon to put Traditional Chinese as opening/ending credits.

It may be that particular font is only available in Traditional Chinese (Well, could just change the font to others I know). And also, it is common to put names in Traditional Chinese for opening/ending credits or even some other place even though China uses Simplified now. It is more artsy that way and kind of I don't know how to say, just that everyone should know how their names are written in Traditional Chinese at least. 
Because of this reason and also a lot of times that font I'm using doesn't have complete set, my work that deals with Chinese characters is a headache sometimes. 

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I unabashedly and unreservedly admit that I love reading the delu conspiracies and theories. Yet I also understand the reality and take everything with a pinch of salt, which is how I feel about the members of this thread as well. Therefore, I don't understand how discussing about delu theories will cause harm to JY or ZZ. Most of the time,  the thread gets back on track after some entries...that is why I love it here. We are all here because we love "Addicted" and in the process the actors as well. I agree with skipping those parts we don't quite agree with cos there are so many different opinions but that make things varied and interesting. 

@charlie10 I happen to think differently. I honestl think WZ is too shy at that moment, hence he is like freezing...haha

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7 hours ago, liesl said:

Sorry to disappoint you but it's not a feather. It's a bat. It was taken on April 20 when ZZ went back from his trip to Korea.


lol Thanks for the correction. Guess the lack of news about the boys caused me to start deluluing all over the place :D

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Guest skeletonworks
6 minutes ago, nippy2002 said:

I unabashedly and unreservedly admit that I love reading the delu conspiracies and theories. Yet I also understand the reality and take everything with a pinch of salt, which is how I feel about the members of this thread as well. Therefore, I don't understand how discussing about delu theories will cause harm to JY or ZZ. Most of the time,  the thread gets back on track after some entries...that is why I love it here. We are all here because we love "Addicted" and in the process the actors as well. I agree with skipping those parts we don't quite agree with cos there are so many different opinions but that make things varied and interesting.


I'm with you on this. And thus, as the thread starter, I give permission to everyone to post any delulu, conspiracy theories in this thread. If you don't like it, you can just skip it :w00t:  Wow I sound like someone with so much authority (LOL) but I'm just a speck of DUST.... Go away grumpy old men who's trying to wreck the ship.

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27 minutes ago, nippy2002 said:

 I happen to think differently. I honestl think WZ is too shy at that moment, hence he is like freezing...haha

Yes, yes, I agree. Just to be clear, I don't actually think he feels victimized in that moment. It's just that's what it looks like, if you don't know the context. His whole body language, the way he looks away, the way he's not moving, it just looks very tragicomic to me. Like ZZ's thinking 'If I just lie here, maybe he'll stop". And JY's thinking: "Why is he being so still, I should stop!"

Or ZZ's thinking: "Is this the way it's going to be the entire shoot? This gorgeous, hunk of a man lying on top of me for hours (and beside me for the rest of the time), how will I cope? I better look away so I don't get too excited. Best if I don't move a muscle so he doesn't notice how absolutely wonderful it is to have his hands on me." 


@htuvecila - I appreciate information and facts, but I don't think anyone should tell anyone else here they can't speculate about what they want. If you don't want to speculate about YuZhou because you think it's bad for them, then don't. But for others, like me, it's part of what makes this forum fun. And we should strive to maintain our open atmosphere - allowing different opinions, different interests (on topic, of course). We should all be able to argue against someone, but don't do that by saying they shouldn't have said it in the first place. The difference is huge. Just my two cents.  Now let's talk some more about how it's JY nursing ZZ back to health by making him chicken soup. (Really happens - in my head.) ;) 

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A dose to fix everyone's delulu and to celebrate six months of JY and ZZ's meeting, a new chapter for Love that Bloom is up!

Love that Bloom 9 - Unexpected Link




Jingyu was there, sitting with his back at me, busily arranging his clothes on the drawer.

"We can share the wardrobe. Just put your clothes somewhere there and I'll put mine on the empty shelves." I said, trying to patch up the conversation again. I remembered the comfortable silence I had with him earlier today and current atmosphere was very far from that. I went back to my habit, trying to speak as many as I could. He, however, seemed to go back to his habit as well, keeping silence as hard as he could.

I finally gave up after he did not respond to my talking.


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Guest skeletonworks


Cr. @卖鱼粥的阿柴

I should be doing something productive but.....

Hahahahaha. This fandom is slaying it XD Why should I be doing something productive when this fandom is like this XDDDD

That's Zhouzhou's mum by the way. He also wished his mum a Happy Mother's Day shortly after Johnny (like about half an hour later) :w00t: And no he didn't post with this manip LOL.

But why must it be with a sea background hmmmm wDw0F6x.gif

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9 minutes ago, aeislaeigh said:

YuZhou manip  laugh.gif

Source:    撒子鱼的粥喵

Begging for translation please... Thank you so much...


"This uncle, please let go of baby, ok?" *Repeating for many lines*
“Baby want to go home to find mom"

EDIT: Opps, didn't see the bottom last line

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Guest skeletonworks

Zhouzhou's Weibo post:

#随手拍微笑##把爱说给妈妈听#  美丽的老妈母亲节快乐,希望你每天都是好心情[甩甩手]。祝天底下所有的母亲节日快乐[羞嗒嗒]


I'm sorry I should have posted this earlier before posting the manip but the drama.... I swear my phones are full of manips than real photos lol

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In JY and ZZ's Mother's Day posts, JY updated his Weibo at 13:03pm with ZZ following suit at 13:34pm, which means they were probably online at about the same time.


As what @skeletonworks said, ZZ's mum's photo was taken beside the sea. I'm not too sure where JY and his mum posed; probably before or after his cruise or during a stopover somewhere but there is still a watery background in the photo.

Somehow, any picture with a watery backdrop would make me think of the song 海若有因 (By the Sea), in one way or other.

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Guest skeletonworks

I was hoping someone would photoshop their mums and them together at the beach but this will do :w00t:






Me too @SueLyinn I mean come on.. Out of all the pictures, why must it be this photo Zhouzhou? :-) #套路夫夫 much XD


EDIT: @SueLyinn I'm pretty sure wherever Johnny and his mum was in the photo, it seems like an estuary to me... connected to the sea :) So still the same. SEA :-D

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