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After seeing all the trailers until episode 15, I guess we won't meet BLY's ex-girlfriend in this season. And all the chaos and saga that follows it.

The actress for BLY's ex-girlfriend has however been chosen and seen already on the trailer, so does that mean that season 2 is pretty much confirmed?

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1 hour ago, thoron said:


Hi. Been a silent reader from quite some time now. It's my first time to post because something BAD has happened. 


..And i need your help guys. 


First of, much love to @skeletonworks and @alvinboi You give this thread so much life. Thank yoouu. 


About my problem. :


The video duet of Bai Lou Yin and Da Hai of "I Only Care About You" has been DELETED from Youtube! 


Pls someone upload it or link from another source. I NEED it. I play that everyday. 


Because how else can i get my Addicted/Heroin vibe going?! Lol. 


Please. Here's to hoping for a quick solution from you guys. Cheers! 




here is the link for the duet  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnqNN9RA9oM&ebc=ANyPxKp_sZVYTvpoUBkzR_740BED9ylB17ZcPV2b1FxPFG98zDsYkdbNY98eyWEcuMTUSgbwJFnsMTkMEA-phlfEQxjECJsePw



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6 hours ago, Beach Down The Lane said:

I'm confused with my feelings for Gu Hai. In one end, he seems psychotic and possessive over Yin Zi. On the other hand, it seems sweet 'cause let's be honest here, WHERE DO YOU FIND LOVE LIKE THAT?!

Am I the only one confused? :(

You're not the only one. He boarders more on the psychotic and obsessive for LY actually and leans more towards that than genuine love. My reasoning, he dumped Lu Lu the second he had a reason after a 3 year relationship of being 'in love' with her. To easily just toss away and say it hurt my pride and, "meh, the person I really like is here so I'm okay as long as he comforts me" raises a couple red flags. He was basically trying to cheat on her with LY anyways with all the constant wanting to mutually masturbate as well. If we are going to go by a real case scenario, I'd be afraid to be LY. He sounds more like his play thing or distraction from his family problems or a temporary 'high' away from his depressing life (I use high because of the whole Addiction and Heroine theme).

Watching E11 uncut and reading the translated synopsis chapters related to that scene, GH is kind of walking that fence of a literal crazy person and actually genuinely loving LY. Still going to compare their relationship to a battered wife and abusive husband from what I've read and watched so far because it very much feels that way. I'm hurting you because I love you so much and no one can have you. If you won't stay with me willingly, I'll cage you up. YUP! That doesn't sound insane and abusive at all. (Sarcasm Alert). Of course, I look forward to watching since I hope I always get proven wrong about negativity in love related stories, especially since this series is well done.

Is LY's dad just a man of bad luck? Not only does his former wife divorce him a long time ago, he had a bad job for years while supporting his parents, the woman he really loves had gotten beaten/hurt recently (severely in the novel), and almost every time he says, "GH is a great guy and would never do anything to hurt you" he always kidnaps LY. I laughed because his dad does say this and the very next day he's kidnapped by GH and he says something similar to GH being a good guy that wouldn't hurt LY before he's kidnapped again and GH rapes him. I just really needed to point that out and that cold anvil of Irony, yet again.

If you take out the guitar music when GH 'confesses' what he really feels for LY it sounds more like the novel in where he sounds much more psychotic or mad. Comes to show how music can change the atmosphere of a scene. Not sure if it fit well with the context of the scene at all. :S

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1 hour ago, liesl said:

After seeing all the trailers until episode 15, I guess we won't meet BLY's ex-girlfriend in this season. And all the chaos and saga that follows it.

The actress for BLY's ex-girlfriend has however been chosen and seen already on the trailer, so does that mean that season 2 is pretty much confirmed?


And for when this season 2!??? ...ahhh i need more translation of the novel chapters...

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7 hours ago, lancei said:


From my understanding ( and someone might correct me anytime), Zhi is probably mean little/ small like Xiao but Xiao goes before the name ( Yin Zhi - > little Yin)compare to Da which is big ( Da Hai -> big Hai).  Not 100% sure so someone might wanna confirm xD

Hum, "子" can be use for all little thing, meaning little/child/son etc.... I'm called something like aunt-child, since i'm the little sis, but it can apply to someone still young, little, not married or just because people are close... while i call almost everyone "大" big-something.

When my father is upset with little kids, he call them "sons"=brats. Some people call their child or grandchildren with the name+子 like for Yin zi because it's their own flesh n blood or we just use it to someone close or dear. It's like someone calling you "sweetie" "my little darling" etc...

I use "大" as title+name for someone older than me, or a friend if he play the smart one. Hai was call "young" Hai if i recall or am I mistaken? And later it was "big" Hai, meaning he's a man now? he's independent? he's just big... You can chose. It all depend of the context.

So hope i've been of some help.

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Loving this series very much, especially the uncut episodes.

Thank you for all the awesome information. Wishing it had more intimate scenes like the "Like Love" 1 & 2 series.


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Guest skeletonworks
9 hours ago, lancei said:

It is funny that they have to cut the two kiss scenes in episode 11. There are literally 2 kisses in EVERY single episode. Yep, they are at the ending track.

Btw, love that OST  "Walk Slowly" at the end. Pretty sure it is written and sung by Zhaozhao and it reflects BLY's point of view perfectly.


Yeah... Like how are they gonna film the 2nd season is beyond my imagination. My friend said that after they got together, there are more and more kisses and ahem ahem.... The novel is literally 80% filled with ahem ahem and kisses... How are they gonna proceed with 2nd season with all the cutting?!

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1 hour ago, jenniferderooie said:

Here is a polished version of them singing "I only care about you" 


I'm also a silent reader, but just wanted to share ^_^

Is this sung by jonny and zhou....???i like their voices for this song...mainly jonnys...

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May be Yangmeng and YQ will have a chance to be couple....though they are second leads..there is no interaction between them much...they showed them as couple in making videos  but not much in series...this is frustrating me....i should have watched after completion of series.. It  is my current obsession..i cant go to other obsession till this series ends.......i want this to be my last BL series...

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Even though i didnt understand ....its funny to watch....and YQ kisses YM in last scene....

Rehearsal video translations from 3:27 to 3:48
BLY: GH! Put me down!
GH: Call me 'hubby' and I'll be put you down!
BLY: Put me down!
GH: Call me 'hubby'! (Slap!) Call me 'hubby' and I'll be put you down!
BLY: Put me down!
GH: Hehehe!
BLY: If I knew, I won't come here with you!
GH: And, you still want me to climb the stairs! Ah, what else do you want me to do? You still want me to screw you, right! (Slap!)

Zhou: Oh! Ah!!!! Si! Ah ah ah. Gu Hai! Damn you, Gu Hai. Why did you hit my nuts!

>> LOL :D:D:D

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Guest skeletonworks
On 2/16/2016 at 6:58 PM, leo456 said:

My source just upload another part of novel. I will translate it for you guys tonight. Now, Im gonna play badminton first. Hahaha

Just for a little spoild (wanna let you guy hungry)

LY>GH: At home, you can do what you want. At school, can you just less pay attention to me in front of classmates.

GH>LY: Really!!! I can do what I want at home!!!!


See you soon


Did you translate this or did I miss it? I'm compiling all the spoilers and posting the links to the spoilers on the front page :-)


On 2/16/2016 at 6:05 AM, kaze99 said:


Just want to point out something about the novel in "mandarin"... It's in chinese simplified, while cantonese and some other use the traditional one. People can read the same thing while have trouble to talk with each other, even through mandarin is the official chinese's language.

And to put some background about most asians from way ago. Asians tend to be reserve to express their feeling publicly or shy, there's always the outstanding one of course. So the way LuoYin react is rather normal. In ep.9, there's something about how if he care about someone, he'll take care of them discreetly or if he worry about you, he will refute if ask. You can see some of that in some bts when the always smiling Wei Zhou suddenly shy away about something too personal.

In this drama, Gu Hai see past the cold exterior of YinZi and learn to read him little by little -he's rude but a kind soul- Hai just have to be attach until he falls hard. On another's note, Hai is the only persistent enough to befriend and care for YinZi. Eventually, how can we reject someone like that?

As for JingYu he's the serious guy and the result is great building up his emotional state for the drama, i'm impress since it's like day and night between him and his annoying but endearing character.

I've just read something interesting about the song "Because of the Sea" the character of Hai/Sea/ and Yin/Because/ are use and the meaning if change...

And i've notice GuHai "Care of Sea" is just addicted to" white he.roin" Bai LuoYin or maybe Yin care for Hai...


This is from what my friend told me when I keep bugging her how/when did they become a couple. She said it just happened naturally & gradually. There's never a mutual "I like you" exchange but we all know that Luoyin likes Guhai too and didn't want to admit it explicitly. He didn't say it out loud but his action speaks louder than words. How he waited for Guhai to come back home, worried that Guhai didn't come to school, hid the uniform, steps in place of Guhai and joined the army, invited Guhai to stay at his house etc etc... It shows how much he cares for Guhai.. He just didn't say it out loud, which is kinda the downfall of their relationship at one point. It fuels Guhai's insecurity about their relationship, which caused the horrible rape incident... He thought that Luoyin is following his ex-gf to study abroad, but Luoyin never actually have the thought to go anywhere but be at Guhai's side....

Exactly. How can Luoyin reject someone like Guhai who's always treating him nicely, always putting Luoyin's interests above his first, always protecting Luoyin. If we look passed his obsessive & possessive behaviour, he's the perfect boyfriend. You just can't help falling in love with someone like that. 


On 2/17/2016 at 8:03 AM, jijiyoyoleo said:


Hi, we've meet again after LS, if I'm not wrong :-) how are you?

Totally agree with your opinion. Maybe it is due the time so the director can't give clearer explanation why GH like/love LY. Isn't hard to switch from straight to  gay, eventhough LY is handsome? That's just my 2 cents.

Well, sometimes what good in fiction only good in fiction, LOL. I don't want to have obsessive possesif bf like GH.  That rape thingy scared me also. 


Did you use new nick? I'm sorry if I didn't recognise you but I'm glad that I got to meet LS fans here! Sorry I kinda ditch the LS thread after season 1 ^^

Sweet cuts from the interview intertwines with the series' kiss scenes. So sweet XD


Actually I haven't watched the interview yet and LT only subbed the first part of NET EASY interview, which is like 7 mins out of the 1 hour long interview. But my friend told me that the interview is a bit awkward because the host is not very good at interviewing the boys.. In the 2nd interview, YY (if I'm not mistaken), the Chinese fans are super angry at the host because he made it so awkward and uncomfortable...

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11 hours ago, mym999 said:


i do kinda feel sorry for You qi...he too likes BLY....



I thought the same to the beginning of the Serie, But He was following to MY, in the novel say that he didn't Know that MY was going to BLY's House... 


But I think that YQ fell something for BLY... Poor MY XD 


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At first time i came across the mv accidently i knew nothing about it....I thought YM loves BLY,...BLY and GH are couple..After started to watch it YQ loves BLY,..and he too hurt knowing BLY and GH relation even BLY doesnt want to know himself...Still he trying to win BLY in ep 12...

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