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Finally, I finished the book 2. Though it is just in less than one month, I feel like I went along with GH and BLY for ten years. I heard the store based on real story of author's close friends. I hope the real couple has a truly happy ending. Also, Yu and Zhou go beyond a bromance :heart:
Actually, I'm currently in an apprenticeship and get some complaints from my supervisor because of my performance. But I cannot tell him I got addicted recently, I may get fired right away. Poor me :cry:

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1 hour ago, Petrova said:




Sorry Mod. This so sweeet video puts me on cloud nine (with diabetes of all types) :heart: So it deserves to be quoted once (thousand) more time(s).

Thank you @Petrova

while listening to this song, I keep on thinking of them. You made my day for sharing this :D


Yu talks about ideal lover ^^ 



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Glad that more members are translating/summarising the novel. Just a quick and brief supplement to Kakelet's excellent translation:


GH's dad invited BLY for a chat and mentioned that he noticed that GH's room has added stuff and asked if it was his and what's their current relationship status. BLY replied frankly, lovers. GH's dad reiterated that 8 years (prior to the accident) although he promised not to interfere in their relationship further but he still disapproves their relationship. He had hoped that with time they will change and will give up naturally this unrealistic relationship but seems that he has severely underestimated their mental capacity.

BLY sort of reminded GH's dad why he agreed to join the military in GH's place which is to gain his acceptance of their relationship. GH's dad acknowledged that BLY had worked very hard the past 8 years and it was through his own efforts that he got to where he is today. However, he said that putting in effort no matter how great does not necessary mean you can achieve the outcome you wanted. He stress that he is a traditional Chinese person, and he would like GH to carry on the family line. This where BLY compromised and said he can accept GH having children but GH's lover must only be him. But GH's dad said he cannot allow his grand children to grow up in such a family environment.

Disheartened that his 8 years of hard work is still unable to move GH's dad, he just applied for 3 days leave and flew a helicopter (yup, not aeroplane) to get some "me time" after spending 8 years of life to try to win GH's dad acceptance. One thing to note, is that he is not giving up on the relationship but just needed the time alone to chill.


Reading all these "shipping news" made me thought of how the novel which make a number of such  "insider references" on fujoshi  - the female staff in GH's office always imagine GH and Tong Zhe (GY's former Deputy GM whom GH poach to matchmake him with Yanjing.) is in some relationship and BLY is seen to be Tong Zhe's rival in love :D 

Edited by hryy
Corrected a typo and choice of word.
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31 minutes ago, kakelet said:

No problem! Glad to be of service haha. I'm also translating the Like Love novel for the Dynasty of Like Love Lovers group ^^

Hahahaha that's why your trans style is sooo familiar...I'm also following your I Still Love You Even If You're a Man:) :) Great job you're doing there too.

Thank you for translating the last part of Book 2 again**huggs***

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@hryy Thanks for the excellent addition!



1. BLY tried hard in the military for 8 years to get GH's dad approval.

2. He even tolerated if GH should have children (and wife, of course...). That is just wow.

3. Oh, so he used the helicopter legally? I thought he somehow stole it. That would be desertion and would be punished hard.

4. LOL at the fujoshis in GH's office! This Tong Zhe is new character? That would be hilarious!


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Guest skeletonworks
On 3/13/2016 at 2:47 PM, ryokise said:

(fancam from today cr: JJ君_陪伴是最长情的告白)

Uploader says that three girls fell and Johnny helped them up.


Ahahaha sorry for quoting this so late... My friend told me when the fans saw Johnny helping the girl up, one/some fans were screaming "I want to fall down too!! I want to fall down too!!"



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7 hours ago, kakelet said:

I wanted to reread the ending of the novel one more time for the proposal and wedding part of the story, so I figured I would translate it so that you guys can join in on the fun (an hopefully cure your withdrawals symptoms for a while too haha):P
I started at volume 2 chapter 96 and will go until the end (skipping chapter 97 because it's about YQ&YM sorry... ^^;) 
Read it here on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/232233388-eng-translation-are-you-addicted-vol-2-ch-96-106

Hope you guys enjoy! I'm hoping to get 2 chapters out each week until it's done. :) Well, it's time for me to go to bed...

kyaaa, thank you very much for the translation ^^! the best part of the entire novel! can't hardly wait for the continuation :D:D

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6 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

After seeing those vids on ELLE MEN photo shots, how can I not ship them!? Do you see how Johnny uncontrolably smiles at the very end of the first video!? Aaaargggghh...

How could I move on? How....


OOOooo preach preach it! This vid and the posts today are just melting me to the point where I feel we do not have to conspire anymore :tears:!!! it is here, reality OMG I can only garnish the feeling from posts that I've read today that Jingyu not only crushes but may in fact be in love:wub:??? If anyone thinks Ive just filled my self with helium and I'm flying way to far please bring me back to earth! My mind is running a mile a minute!!!

3 hours ago, nouveaux said:


My heart just fluttered after seeing how JY lights up when he puts his arms around ZZ at 1:05.

:wub: That smile he made to himself in the photoshoot!!!!! What are they doing to me??!!!! Just calm my heart and make this official :wub::rolleyes:

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18 hours ago, thoron said:

Here have a YouQi gif..


I so envy this guy's genes. darn!


I'm so glad that the storm has passed and everyone has calmed down. Let's chill and smile like ZZ. let us all be ZZ for JY now. with all these issues thrown at him.


idk why but the JY kissing someone photo didn't made me flinch a little. well, I dn't give a fridge about it anyway. whoever said I'd give a shish about it? hahaha all for JY (physically, emotionally, and mentally). I'm glad ZZ is doing great. I can't stand worrying so much about him too. LOL and then LFS!!!

also, I'm done reading @mchansk07's summary (HUGE THANKS) and found that the novels is really very very sensual. since you details the "special" scenes. tried reading it in public after lunch but it was a bad idea. hahaha I'd really like to commend your summaries on other parts of the novel as well. I got the flow of the story. thanks again!

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2 hours ago, kakelet said:

Ahaha *raises hand* that would be me lol

Honestly, thank you everyone who left me kind messages; they really motivate me to keep translating! (tbh I surprised myself when I finished writing that first chapter in one night. If only I had that kind of productivity for the other novel I'm translating haha)

AHH!! You are the kindred spirit ♡ may I add that I love you so much right now :w00t:

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@thoron I see what you did there. Spamming gifs after gifs in one post. If anyone quotes it without deleting the gifs, the mods will have to delete 10ish of them on their own. Now, imagine 10 of us quoting it without deleting the gifs. The mods will flip every keyboard they can possibly find.


#goodjob #lol #peace #love

Seriously, thanks for your incredible imagination. ^^

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17 minutes ago, Lester Gordula said:

I just read an article via instagram taht season 2 will be aired next year. Patience is a virtue.....

I saw a cropped screenshot saying that. No source was given. I think this news is not credible until proven otherwise.

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@skeletonworks honored everytime i see your name in my like list.

@alvinboi oohhgad. I did not Know one could "read" it like that. To think i tagged moderators..

Should i be afraid now?







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40 minutes ago, thoron said:

It has been stressed before not to quote images but never have i encountered a MOD before. And since I'm new to everything "FORUM", consider me "starstruck" when the immortals decided to grace the thread we call home.

So my fellow addicts I humbly present you my imagining of ..


LOL :lol: This was just gold LOL :lol: They did just descend on us like Angel Gabriel. I wonder how many report buttons were clicked on for them to grace us with their presence. Seriously though I really do enjoy the fact that this forum is such a friendly one  to everyone who joins and I hope it continues to be that way :)!

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