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2 minutes ago, swong2330 said:

Why can't you see Johnny being gay? What is wrong with that? If GuHai can be gay, why can't Johnny be? In fact, I will support Johnny more than ever, if he is gay. He will still be the same person, right? Who is good at Jiujitsu and likes to hangout with his friends? If that's something that is bothering Johnny all this time, then I think he needs your support more than ever. If you guys are true #YuZhou shippers, then show your love and support to Johnny. Give him strength so that he can face this world. Otherwise, that smile will get rarer and rarer.

Woah, I think you're taking this way out of context buddy lol... In my post, never did I state that there was anything wrong with being gay, which would be kinda ironic if I did because I'm gay myself lmao. In my mind I just see Johnny straight if anything, just like how some people here ship these two. But IMO, I'm not comfortable shipping IRL people, I'll ship fictional characters like GH & BLY, but to me shipping IRL people is kinda awkward, especially when we know so little about them but that's just my two cents... And if anything the only reason why I can see him stop smiling is because fans won't leave him alone when he wants to have some peace and quiet, poor boys can't even roam the streets without being photographed.

But yeah, you gotta chill, stop starting fights brah. 

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1 hour ago, hetisc said:

Free world? This world is far from being 'free', you should leave your Utopian dream and actually take a look outside for once.

So you don't need to follow proper protocols, rules, richard simmons ...even common sense on where to post?

Honestly, I actually don't need to explain this. But I will. All my CA related posts were reasonable cuz I was clarifying every time someone posted something wrong about CA here. Secondly, people in this thread are talking about other BL movies and dramas and what not, and there is literally a list of BL movies post in this thread. Thirdly, yes, this is a free world and if you don't have that sense, I will pray for you. 

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13 minutes ago, leemicho said:

Woah, I think you're taking this way out of context buddy lol... In my post, never did I state that there was anything wrong with being gay, which would be kinda ironic if I did because I'm gay myself lmao. In my mind I just see Johnny straight if anything, just like how some people here ship these two. But IMO, I'm not comfortable shipping IRL people, I'll ship fictional characters like GH & BLY, but to me shipping IRL people is kinda awkward, especially when we know so little about them but that's just my two cents... And if anything the only reason why I can see him stop smiling is because fans won't leave him alone when he wants to have some peace and quiet, poor boys can't even roam the streets without being photographed.

But yeah, you gotta chill, stop starting fights brah. 

I understand what you are saying and the fact that you are gay. But, it is beyond that. and I am not starting a fight either. Just saying, that we need to accept the fact that there could be straight acting real people like Guhai who could be gay. And be cool with that.

But, the whole story is probably fake. So. Peace out.

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Oh God I am sweating..... almost drenched :cold_sweat:

My God!!!! its so hard to keep up with the pace of this growing forum.... so many posts....

I am messing up my work coz of it..... ha ha ha...

Every minute counts.... may be I am missing something right now while typing....

Fellow addicts you are all amazing...:wub:

I remember the song "the world is spinning too fast my mind is running slow..." he he...

Wish I could also attend the fan meet .. Sigh.... but work... dammm (truly speaking I won't be able to explain people here where and why I am going for... they will never understand...:bawling:)

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1 minute ago, guhai said:

Can I just jump in here to draw a line and outright request: CAN WE ALL MOVE ON FROM THIS THING WITH @swong2330?

If you feel provoked by him/her, please simply don't like his/her post and don't respond if it's just going to draw out the argument. I think we can all tell at this point, like @swong2330 admitted, that he/she is very headstrong. He/she will not back down. Let him/her post whatever he/she wants, and if you have a problem with it, please contact a mod because responding in anger, annoyance, or anything else will simply prolong this issue. We users can't do anything about it; maybe a mod can. Anyway, that being said...

I think around page ~100 of this thread, someone had mentioned that we were very relaxed and kind compared to the other threads on this forum. Personally, I would like to maintain that. I don't know any of you personally, but I can say that I find a lot of joy in following and contributing to this thread alongside many of you, regardless of how pointless and insane some of our posts are. It's carefree, it's fun, and even when it's stressful (rumors, scandals, speculations) and full of bad news, it's nice to know there are others stressing out with me. Our atmosphere is also very welcoming to lurkers (one of the reasons why I stopped lurking way back near page ~40 and became a member), and I'd like for more fans to join us here. I can't see that happening if we're throwing jabs back and forth. So for the sake of the longevity of this thread (this is starting to sound dramatic), please, please ignore the jabs. Please.

On another note,

In this thread, the phrase "do [more] research" gives me dirty thoughts (thanks @thoron) while "jumping to conclusions" gives me heart attacks...:astonished:


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1 minute ago, guhai said:

Let him/her post whatever he/she wants, and if you have a problem with it, please contact a mod because responding in anger, annoyance, or anything else will simply prolong this issue. We users can't do anything about it; maybe a mod can.

I seconded @guhai's suggestion here. If we have problem with someone's else posting, find it unreasonable or too off topic, there is that "report" button and/or we can message a Mod. Meanwhile, let us keep the relaxed and friendly atmosphere here :) 

1 minute ago, guhai said:

On another note,

In this thread, the phrase "do [more] research" gives me dirty thoughts (thanks @thoron) while "jumping to conclusions" gives me heart attacks...:astonished:

Hahaha, I seconded this as well! The words have so many different connotations and meanings here XD

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6 minutes ago, guhai said:

Can I just jump in here to draw a line and outright request: CAN WE ALL MOVE ON FROM THIS THING WITH @swong2330?

If you feel provoked by him/her, please simply don't like his/her post and don't respond if it's just going to draw out the argument. I think we can all tell at this point, like @swong2330 admitted, that he/she is very headstrong. He/she will not back down. Let him/her post whatever he/she wants, and if you have a problem with it, please contact a mod because responding in anger, annoyance, or anything else will simply prolong this issue. We users can't do anything about it; maybe a mod can. Anyway, that being said...

I think around page ~100 of this thread, someone had mentioned that we were very relaxed and kind compared to the other threads on this forum. Personally, I would like to maintain that. I don't know any of you personally, but I can say that I find a lot of joy in following and contributing to this thread alongside many of you, regardless of how pointless and insane some of our posts are. It's carefree, it's fun, and even when it's stressful (rumors, scandals, speculations) and full of bad news, it's nice to know there are others stressing out with me. Our atmosphere is also very welcoming to lurkers (one of the reasons why I stopped lurking way back near page ~40 and became a member), and I'd like for more fans to join us here. I can't see that happening if we're throwing jabs back and forth. So for the sake of the longevity of this thread (this is starting to sound dramatic), please, please ignore the jabs. Please.

On another note,

In this thread, the phrase "do [more] research" gives me dirty thoughts (thanks @thoron) while "jumping to conclusions" gives me heart attacks...:astonished:

Yep...we can make hands-on research on Jingyu...I think there's an extraordinary long Gu Hai-kind of line just waiting to do this **grins evilly**

...and I've had all about I can take of false and heart-breaking conclusions with regards to Addicted so I'm just taking my chill pill atm and waiting for official confirmation:)...

I also agree on the above, way above mentioned matter...love is all we need folks...let's make our exchanges here positive and happy^_^

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1 hour ago, swong2330 said:

Honestly, I actually don't need to explain this. But I will. All my CA related posts were reasonable cuz I was clarifying every time someone posted something wrong about CA here. Secondly, people in this thread are talking about other BL movies and dramas and what not, and there is literally a list of BL movies post in this thread. Thirdly, yes, this is a free world and if you don't have that sense, I will pray for you. 

You aren't even explaining yourself. Here is a summary of your posts about CA in this thread that were not related to Addicted or an attempt to clarify anything:

On 3/14/2016 at 0:02 PM, swong2330 said:

Sorry for posting it here but if anyone like QingYu or music,


On 3/11/2016 at 1:19 PM, swong2330 said:

Qing's weibo update:

Wang Qing: If there's any danger happen, I will be the first one who will be the shield, standing in front of Feng Jianyu

Dayu's weibo update

Dayu: I probably can't assure you about your safety but I hope this present that I give you can assure your safety / keep your safe.

What does this mean? What do these protecting each other updates mean? please tell me. Please, please, please. #FangirlingSoHard


On 3/11/2016 at 1:04 PM, swong2330 said:

You guys are always welcome in the QingYu ship. Did you guys see Qingge's Birthday pics from yesterday/today? Guess who the big surprise was? Jian Yu. It was as if they never even stopped. There love is still so real and palpable. Here are some pics:

Sorry for posting all these images here. But, I thought they might cheer you guys up. And, I just can't even stop fangirling. I am fangirling for last 15 minutes since I saw these pics. Ahh, #satisfaction.

Also, it is funny that Qing is almost revolting against the Chinese government decision by making Dayu the highlight of his birthday. He really loves him, huh?

Also (sorry, not done yet), Dayu and Qing exchanged some cryptic messages on weibo about protecting each other forever and stuff. Aaaaaah. I can't even. My ship has sailed, sailed so hard.

P.S. sorry for posting it here. too excited right now.


On 3/6/2016 at 2:30 PM, swong2330 said:

I think what you are calling fanservice is QingYu's natural chemistry. Theirs was the first web drama and their BTS was the first. Some stuff in their BTS is so intimate and natural and it was before all this web drama fan craziness. In fact, my gif is one BTS and suddenly Qing kisses Dayu out of nowhere. They have their whole history behind them. Johnny and Zhou act more like two guys who share a bromantic bond. and they look like they want to do fanservice but are caught in awkwardness. But, QingYu don't care if it is fanservice or not. They are so comfortable and always looking out for each other. Aaaaah, the QingYu feels. 


On 3/3/2016 at 4:55 PM, swong2330 said:

Sorry for this and Completely off topic (it's about QingYu), but I really need help with this immediately. otherwise won't be able to sleep. Can anyone please tell me what Qing says at 2:15 when the host asks why he rejected all his potential lovers? and then wants to know if it is due to Dayu? I mean it is subbed but I still wanna know how accurate the sub is.



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20 minutes ago, kakelet said:

I wanted to reread the ending of the novel one more time for the proposal and wedding part of the story, so I figured I would translate it so that you guys can join in on the fun (an hopefully cure your withdrawals symptoms for a while too haha):P
I started at volume 2 chapter 96 and will go until the end (skipping chapter 97 because it's about YQ&YM sorry... ^^;) 
Read it here on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/232233388-eng-translation-are-you-addicted-vol-2-ch-96-106

Hope you guys enjoy! I'm hoping to get 2 chapters out each week until it's done. :) Well, it's time for me to go to bed...


Thank you so much for your time and effort.

GH and BLY sure have strange ways of showing love...

Punching faces, nibbling fingers, biting necks...:flushed:

(What a proposal :wub:)

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8 minutes ago, kakelet said:

I wanted to reread the ending of the novel one more time for the proposal and wedding part of the story, so I figured I would translate it so that you guys can join in on the fun (an hopefully cure your withdrawals symptoms for a while too haha):P
I started at volume 2 chapter 96 and will go until the end (skipping chapter 97 because it's about YQ&YM sorry... ^^;) 
Read it here on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/232233388-eng-translation-are-you-addicted-vol-2-ch-96-106

Hope you guys enjoy! I'm hoping to get 2 chapters out each week until it's done. :) Well, it's time for me to go to bed...


Ohmygawd I've been waiting for this!!!!

Thank you so much!!!:D

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10 minutes ago, kakelet said:

I wanted to reread the ending of the novel one more time for the proposal and wedding part of the story, so I figured I would translate it so that you guys can join in on the fun (an hopefully cure your withdrawals symptoms for a while too haha):P
I started at volume 2 chapter 96 and will go until the end (skipping chapter 97 because it's about YQ&YM sorry... ^^;) 
Read it here on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/232233388-eng-translation-are-you-addicted-vol-2-ch-96-106

Hope you guys enjoy! I'm hoping to get 2 chapters out each week until it's done. :) Well, it's time for me to go to bed...



Lol, i thought of translating that part too but i got caught up with my new job and your chinese is better so im glad you do it. Since there are some part i dont understand it well. Take your time to translate. :)

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26 minutes ago, kakelet said:

I wanted to reread the ending of the novel one more time for the proposal and wedding part of the story, so I figured I would translate it so that you guys can join in on the fun (an hopefully cure your withdrawals symptoms for a while too haha):P
I started at volume 2 chapter 96 and will go until the end (skipping chapter 97 because it's about YQ&YM sorry... ^^;) 
Read it here on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/232233388-eng-translation-are-you-addicted-vol-2-ch-96-106

Hope you guys enjoy! I'm hoping to get 2 chapters out each week until it's done. :) Well, it's time for me to go to bed...


Thank you so much...:D

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35 minutes ago, kakelet said:

I wanted to reread the ending of the novel one more time for the proposal and wedding part of the story, so I figured I would translate it so that you guys can join in on the fun (an hopefully cure your withdrawals symptoms for a while too haha):P
I started at volume 2 chapter 96 and will go until the end (skipping chapter 97 because it's about YQ&YM sorry... ^^;) 
Read it here on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/232233388-eng-translation-are-you-addicted-vol-2-ch-96-106

Hope you guys enjoy! I'm hoping to get 2 chapters out each week until it's done. :) Well, it's time for me to go to bed...

thank you so much for translating! i'm only at the beginning of part 2 but i really wanna read the happy ending first to know all their ridic stubbornness is worth it lol

"BLY took one of planes from the military and ran away from home"

first line and i'm already lmao...these 2 drama queens deserve each other

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My two cents.

I'm alright with off-topic post, although I don't think I've ever posted an off-topic post. Even if I did, I always like to post a picture of JingYu or ZhouZhou. ^^

Overall, I feel this has been (and hopefully will always be) a thread where we squeal and unleash our inner spirits all onto GH&BLY/JY&ZZ. It has been fun because every one of us makes an effort to make it fun. It is okay to oppose and to say no to opposing views. We can post whatever we want, without violating Soompi rules, really. The key is to use words in a way to build greater things or tear down what we have. At the end of the day, to quote from Ellen Degeneres, be kind to one another.  

Xoxo, alvinboi

Edit: The negative force here is so strong today. Sigh... Be right back... And I'm back... Loll...

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