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Reading the SEW interview, glad ZZ is honest when it comes to PS. Imho, his eyelids don't look natural at all but it still looks good on him. And didn't go overboard with wanting to fix physical appearance like some celebrities that's obviously got something done. (Big names that deny it for the sake of their image.) For me, it's better to just straight out say it than keep denying it for too long. ZZ stay true! :)  

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So cute. Original Cr 幺叽叽叽叽. 永不放倒瑜洲大旗 Youtube Channel

ZZ interview subbed by our hardworking Ryo about food delivery. CPF delulu that they found the delivery man :lol:


Cr Maniemeimei


JY - Baotou 311016



FMV. The first few seconds :lol:


Original CR:AlviNathan. 永不放倒瑜洲大旗 Youtube Channel

Dashu Bday Longer Clip


Original CR:中國微博. 永不放倒瑜洲大旗 Youtube Channel



Cr [十二个智障馅儿的月饼站]



Cr [Johnny鲸鱼粥Z]





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Guest skeletonworks
2 hours ago, lielee said:

I am like, 88% convince that the Thai version is real. Curses! How do I get it?!

I remember the Eng sub where Yu said Zhou already has his long leg hairs but still take warm from his jacket. So, that means the jacket is Yu's and the phone that Zhou was trying to take out is also Yu's. Tho the camera shifted when Yu's took out the phone, it was clearly before that he helped Zhou taking it out on intention to give to Zhou (tho the next frame Zhou was holding his own phone). Meaning, he didn't have any secret to hide from Zhou.

What is mine is also my wifey's. :wub:


IKR! I've been replaying this clip so many times. Last time it didn't occur to me that this could be Jingyu's jacket. Now that the clip is full and not choppily edited, it's so weird that Zhouzhou wanted to take out Jingyu's phone yet struggling with it, thus Jingyu rushed to help and for a split seconds it seems like he gave the phone to Zhouzhou. Then the camera shifted and it seemed like Chai Jidan (or the video recorder) handed Zhouzhou his own phone. And I'm like what? Why you want to see Jingyu's phone?!! I've never like suddenly grab my friends' phone to simply take a look at it especially without permission. This behaviour is really suspicious!

Or maybe he thought that his phone is inside Jingyu's jacket... WHAT?! Why would YOUR phone is inside his jacket??!!!! What??!!! gYNMjlo.gifgYNMjlo.gif

And last but not least..."Enduring the cold together...." another proof..... It's okay. I'm fine. I'm totally fine............

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Dashu's 20th B-day 

Post yesterday by 林枫松资讯站 (LFS news station)


"Dashu (big tree) blooms" birthday party went off perfectly! Thank you everyone for the love of Lin Fensong[心] Today is really touching and very grateful. [心] With you accompanying Dashu surely made him grew sturdy and mature.[心]




Random Dashu (No watermark) :w00t:


cr sguie


CW's post yesterday.



The little flying superman

Beijing is cold, but there are several hugs, worth the warmth.



1. After the emotional moment, everyone was singing Happy Birthday to Dashu cakev2_thumb.gif then Dashu says his thanks and him being so touched from the love of everyone~~ cr  小吟ZZ


2. Dashu and CW

http://www.miaopai.com/show/vmUpBXz-~XwNwaL5NIAQHw__.html ~~~ cr. Lydia的精分日常


3. Dashu dancing :P



3. Dashu singing "獨家記憶" "one and only memory" by 陳小春 

http://video.weibo.com/player/1034:f12a98d113dd01f816c18f03649e1c42/v.swf ~~~ cr Fiona-HUI119

His singing quite improved unlike iirc when he sang simple love before, but he still jokes around while singing so some fans couldn't help but laugh.

Kidding aside, I bet he dedicated this song for his one and only special memory with Addicted, how he loved those precious times he had with CW, JY, ZZ and LQ

Original song by  陳小春 under spoiler




Link is working and it may take 10 seconds to load but okay you can try this original post :D @skeletonworks Singing part is also fun, got surprised on his voice :wub: He just want to enjoy and give it all doesn't mind getting out of tune. But it's his birthday and the fans are cheering "you're good! you sing well!" so it's forgiven lol


Haha so far that's the dancing part I found but I'll try to find more, there's been a lot of Korean songs played there and dunno if I missed that. lol

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1 hour ago, 1blankstare said:

Reading the SEW interview, glad ZZ is honest when it comes to PS. Imho, his eyelids don't look natural at all but it still looks good on him. And didn't go overboard with wanting to fix physical appearance like some celebrities that's obviously got something done. (Big names that deny it for the sake of their image.) For me, it's better to just straight out say it than keep denying it for too long. ZZ stay true! :)  


do you mind linking to the interview?

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34 minutes ago, oldgregg said:


do you mind linking to the interview?

its in this page. 

Edit: @skeletonworks could be that ZZ felt his phone vibrating and he took it out for JY. Even though he did that it's still JY's phone and he could have just told JY that his phone is going off and let him get himself but ZZ took it out for him. Shows what kind of relationship they have. 

Edited by 1blankstare
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Guest skeletonworks
1 hour ago, prima13facie said:

3. Dashu dancing :P



3. Dashu singing "獨家記憶" "one and only memory" by 陳小春  @skeletonworks Is this it?

http://video.weibo.com/player/1034:f12a98d113dd01f816c18f03649e1c42/v.swf ~~~ cr Fiona-HUI119


First of all thank you!!!! But..

The singing clip won't open for me :( Do you have the original link form weibo?

And that Dashu dancing.. Is that really it? I heard he's dancing to a disco song hahahaha. Well at least he's much better than our Big Bro. Hahahahahaha.

@1blankstare but still it's suspicious that Jingyu gave it to Zhouzhou if it's really actually Jingyu's phone that is vibrating. After all it's his jacket so it should be his phone that was in there, not Zhouzhou or not both of their phones right? ;) Suspicious suspicious.

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13 hours ago, ryokise said:

Q: You once said, if you meet the right girl, it will be love at first sight, so what are the traits of the girl who you will see eye to eye (like/feelings for the other party)?

XWZ: If it's see eye to eye, it's definitely love at first sight, for love at first sight, you will only know that it's love at first sight when you see(that person), no particular types, it's fine as long as I like (that person).

So, all of sudden he has no particular type? What happened to 'cute, understanding'? This sounds like the talk of someone who knows what it's like to fall in love at first sight, regardless of type (and gender)...

About that new bts, @skeletonworks, to me it looks like JY takes out two phones from the pocket. At least, he takes out a phone, hands it to ZZ and then seems to dig back into the pocket. Or he starts to hand the phone to ZZ before he realises it's his and CJD has to give it to him instead... (Such important details!) How terrific that we still, one year later, are getting new things from Addicted. How much more is out there, is the question. Lots more, I hope. 

I so love this version of ZZ, the gorgeous, intellectual version. He's kind of beautiful.



And I can't wait for JY's FM. I'm ever so curious to see what he'll do. I'm sure he'll surprise us. 

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@skeletonworks lol I had to go back and watch the video many times. Ah the life of a CPF. 

Ok, likely scenario. The jacket is owned either One of the boys but for safe keeping the two of them decided to put it in the pocket together so they won't lose it. that's all I got. Seeing as the robes don't look like it has pockets on it. It also explains why JY was helping ZZ take out the phone and then two phones are in their hands seconds after. 

@gesseki Dashu's dancings improve a bit but he's still lacking power in his movements. It also looks like The dance took less than three days to make and practice it for an hour. It started out so well too. Dashu don't worry practice makes perfect. Enjoyed your dancing still. 


@charlie10ZZ should wear more glasses. He looks sexy and cute. 

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LOL ZZ's answer regarding the type is more ambiguous than before. Me thinks he changed it because he already have one, a love in first sight and whom he is fine with no matter the type as long he likes. I see.

@skeletonworks I am more interested in their 'naked' legs position under the jacket... JK aside, I think the jacket is JY's and both of their phones are inside the pocket just because wifey doesn't have pocket in his robe.




There is always something that connected the two boys.


Also, please don't hate me or kill me yet, but are these their ex's? Cr@photo.




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On 4/15/2016 at 2:03 PM, kmmyzz said:



  Reveal hidden contents


Speculated to be hickeys, but seemed like mosquito bites to me.




So the speculation of hickey started with this?


@ksuyen if that's their former gfs. They're definitely pretty and I can see the "western" features in JY's ex. 

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5 hours ago, skeletonworks said:


@1blankstare but still it's suspicious that Jingyu gave it to Zhouzhou if it's really actually Jingyu's phone that is vibrating. After all it's his jacket so it should be his phone that was in there, not Zhouzhou or not both of their phones right? ;) Suspicious suspicious.

Ever since I've seen the small snippet of this BTS before, I've been very suspicious of the dynamics of their relationship. First of all I don't believe that majority of asian male friends would share a blanket (in this case a jacket). It just comes with the culture I think and judging from what JY said I assume ZZ just followed him under his jacket. 

Regarding their phones, I believe that ZZ's phone was stashed in the jacket same as JY's. In the part where you can see JY pulling out his phone, you can see him reach for another one.

Their legs under that jacket! Their legs are definitely touching and rubbing against each other! When ZZ complained about his butt being cold and when he "tickled" JY with his leg hairs! I could only imagine where and how he was rubbing his leg on JY!

I think this scene is so important to note since legs touching is such an intimate thing. Heck you do that when you wanna know when someone likes you back (flirting 101). If they are not disgusted by you then skin contact will be maintained. This just further proves that YuZhou is (was?:tears:) as real as day.

Do anyone know where all these new BTS clips are coming from?

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ZZ - ZEBRA Music Festival 240916. Adorable ZZ!!!!


Cr be my sugar








Now after I replayed that new BTS for the 50th time, I'm thinking ZZ was bored from the beginning and he wanted JY's attention. All these checking on his hand - that always got hurt by JY, looking away...ZZ knew that JY would look at him. ZZ knew that if he started checking on his hand, JY would think "ah, still hurt? Did I hurt him again just now?" then that's it, JY's eyes kept checking on ZZ even when he was talking to CJD. Poor Big Fool, traumatised by ZZ's pout face everytime he got hurt. And our wicked Kitten used this method to play with his soft-hearted Whale.

About the two phones, I think both phones (JY's and his) were inside the pocket and that's why ZZ had trouble taking it out. Actually, ZZ didn't even bother lifting his other hand to try. Why? HE KNEW!!! He knew JY would come and help him. LOL Princess ZZ just sit there and wait for his Knight to come and do everything for him, because his poor hand got hurt, cannot do anything ah, only to display ah. Just like when JY helped ZZ with folding the bottom of his pants, opening can drink for him. Awww, why so sweet JY ah!!!!

My heart melts whenever I see JY do these little simple things for ZZ. And ZZ, remember the BTS in the car, when JY was sleeping soundly on ZZ's shoulder? And ZZ only used one hand to navigate his phone, trying not to move the other hand cause his Big Fool was sleeping? Awww!!! I just can't with these two! JY looked so happy after he woke up, even when ZZ was teasing him mercilessly, JY was smiling. He was so happy back then. Haiz....just a few extra seconds from old BTS, this movie named Addicted for a reason LOL


Also, my theory about ZZ red eyes at L'Officiel event. Yes, ZZ was sick for sure. Also, the event was delayed for an hour. I'm wondering if someone from FM sent ZZ that video messages for Dashu birthday party. If we all got teary eyes after watching it, just imagine them. All their memories, precious memories back when everything was simple and fun. So maybe ZZ got teary eyes after watching it, just like his Korea Concert, ZZ got teary eyes when he was singing Walk Slowly and When Hai has Yin too. And then those memories were playing in his head again when he sang Moonlight, the song was written for GH.......


Here, ZZ's hand was not for display only but awww, how sweet. Cr 上海春药


@suehpec these new BTS clips are from Korean version. They are going to air Addicted in Korea in November.

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@suehpec yeah the phone isn't the one we should be focusing on. It's the leg touching. Most Asians, specifically male aren't these touchy feely. The fact that they also HAVE THEIR BARE LEGS underneath the jacket is what we should be questioning. RUBBING EACH OTHER's LEGS. It could be all the nights they've spend together that CJD implemented. I wonder how they sleep. Do they sleep with clothes on or off or shirts off or naked? Because some can't be comfortable sleeping without doing any of this. 


what is Johnny's holding? The paper one? Fan gift?


Anyonr knows the song used here?


Edited by 1blankstare
Grammar meh.
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@1blankstare they are indeed very pretty. Yuzhou are both handsome so I think it's not hard to believe that their former gfs are pretty too. But when one was in love in the first sight, there are nobody else that can come close. ZZ even replaced his tatoo already with a certain whale image.

Still I am curious with JY ex. Is she a model too?

@suehpec I am Asian and believe me close friends share blanket too. I did with my straight male friend while watching movie, but not to the point of 'bare' legs touching. Its too intimate. Only couple do that.

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6 minutes ago, ksuyen said:


@suehpec I am Asian and believe me close friends share blanket too. I did with my straight male friend while watching movie, but not to the point of 'bare' legs touching. Its too intimate. Only couple do that.

The fear of legs touching is the reason why I think asian male friends won't normally share a blanket.

@1blankstare I often wonder as well how they are while in bed together (just sleeping). Boundaries must have been crossed and eventually broken during those times. ZZ did say in a prior interview that him and JY eventually crossed that imaginary line between them and JY's arm and leg would cross over his side. I am almost certain that cuddling was involved with how they are.

I don't think it is my imagination but I've seen a BTS where the two of them were actually sleeping in BLY's single bed, wearing their hoodies. Have you guys seen that? Can you share the video if you remember or know what I'm talking about? Lol! Xiexie!

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