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1 hour ago, KKmegan said:

Are they a fan of JY and ZZ, or a fan of their relationship? 

To be blunt, I was and am a fan of their relationship. Is that wrong? In my opinion it is not something wrong and not something I should be ashamed of. Why should I? I admire and celebrate their loving relationship. I think admiring and celebrating love is the basic human nature, right? So what is wrong with that?

I do, however, understand fully their circumstances. They were (are?) banned by one of the most powerful governments in the earth. For them to keep on surviving -not to mention thriving in C-entertainment world like this- is miracle. Thus, I am completely understand if they can not show their interactions to the public. I am not complaining and even supportive of their personal career. 

Yet, hey, despite the ban, their personal activities and all, both JY and ZZ somehow keep on showing connections between themselves! "Sharing" wardrobe once or twice maybe fans' delulu. Songs, double meaning words, symbolism might be interpreted wrongly. But when those keep on coming on and on and on, that's no longer coincidence. Then, who am I denying their efforts to establish connection between themselves in a subtle way?

Last, I think it is misleading to argue that "loving their relationship" is the antithesis of "loving them". It's on the contrary. Fans who love their relationship (CPF/shippers/whathaveyou) usually love and respect JY and ZZ as persons as well! You can not enjoy reading the love story between Romeo and Juliet without loving and respecting the characters of Romeo and Juliet; you can not support YuZhou without supporting JY and ZZ.


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2 hours ago, xix19xix said:


Well, Neil Patrick Harris did not lose any straight roles just because he is out and about with his hubby and kids. :) 

Granted China is not as open as the West yet, so they need to take precautions.

But may I be blunt that they are selling themselves as a gay couple whether we like it or not? In other words, they are selling a real life version of rot, which can be more limiting than reel life rot. The fans they are trying to keep are CPF at the moment based on their actions.

Just speaking for myself, I would have moved on to support them as individuals, but that does not seem to be what they intend. I would have loved at one point for them to say that they are just colleagues :)

Like you say, Asia is not US. I really like NPH. NPH has been in the showbiz since he was a child and only came out in 2006. By that time he has already established a successful career in Broadway and on TV. He was also already chosen to be Barney in How I met your Mother by then. Of course it is safe to assume the makers know of his orientation. I cannot recall at the top of my head any roles which he acted as an explicitly straight man after he came out. I'm a fan of Matt Bomer too, and rather sad he could never be the leading man he was meant to be because he came out. I must stress I'm not saying everyone in showbiz should stay in the closet, but it is an important decision that has some grave consequences. One just have to read the interviews of some openly out actors in Hollywood to understand their challenges, as if there is not enough competition in the industry already. On YZ selling themselves as a gay couple, I think we usually see what we want to see. Both attract new fans everyday, and I suspect their opinions may differ from a CPF's. Everyone simply sees thing through their own lens. 

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40 minutes ago, KKmegan said:

Like you say, Asia is not US. I really like NPH. NPH has been in the showbiz since he was a child and only came out in 2006. By that time he has already established a successful career in Broadway and on TV. He was also already chosen to be Barney in How I met your Mother by then. Of course it is safe to assume the makers know of his orientation. I cannot recall at the top of my head any roles which he acted as an explicitly straight man after he came out. I'm a fan of Matt Bomer too, and rather sad he could never be the leading man he was meant to be because he came out. I must stress I'm not saying everyone in showbiz should stay in the closet, but it is an important decision that has some grave consequences. One just have to read the interviews of some openly out actors in Hollywood to understand their challenges, as if there is not enough competition in the industry already. On YZ selling themselves as a gay couple, I think we usually see what we want to see. Both attract new fans everyday, and I suspect their opinions may differ from a CPF's. Everyone simply sees thing through difference lenses. 


NPH starred in Gone Girls as a straight guy in 2014.

I agree with you that we all see the world through our own lens. That also addresses your original comment on how some fans baffle you, simply because they see things differently from you.

But I believe you originally thought they were attracted to each other too. So do you think they are moving away from the CP image?

Just to be clear, I am happy either way if it helps their career and makes them happy. 

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1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:

To be blunt, I was and am a fan of their relationship. Is that wrong? In my opinion it is not something wrong and not something I should be ashamed of. Why should I? I admire and celebrate their loving relationship. I think admiring and celebrating love is the basic human nature, right? So what is wrong with that?

I I hear you. Of course you can be a fan of their relationship. We can be a fan of anything or anyone we like. Even Kardashians have fans. The point I am making, rather poorly maybe, is we don't have to feel lousy that they are not seen together and it is odd to feel that way. Personally I consider myself a CPF, but  are more excited about tracking their career growth at this point than their romance. But of course that's just me. I am the kind of CPF that rolls my eyes when I read other CPF commenting JY looked sad at Bazaar Charity ball because he was alone. Even straight couples in the showbiz has their own activities. I don't see the need to look for sugar, real or figment of our imagination, to reassure myself they are together. On the other end of the spectrum, I have also speak with fans, who are the exact opposite..interested only in sugar, not so interested in them. 

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@tea4two realy good written totaly agree with you.

@Scandani #weaves back from the Netherlands hahaha good luck with your study nice to see you again.

Every one a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival :)

@filmlore46 What Mid-Autumn Festival means you can read here Link 

@mrsaturn i'm wondering what picture that tattoo is now do i see a weave at the bottom hahahaha

I'm in the first place fan of both of them and also fan of them als couple the both even let us know there happy with cp fans so why not.

So i support them as both individual and as couple i'm happy for them as long as the are happy with it. ;)

off topic


I'm working on my own dream and last week if got green light from the animal doctor that my dog is healty enaugh for the long trip.

So with a litle luck i can emigrate next year around this time to New-Zealand.

My dog had got her rabies vaccination last week and blood test in october.

I'f got a lot of paper work to handle for my dog hahaha but i'm so happy that we can go together.

And i'm busy to empty my house because i can't get all the stuff with me.

My cousin in New-Zealand helps me a lot with surching info about the quarentine kennels there for my dog.

I'm realy happy that my dog is healty for the trip and we can go next year if she was not healty anough i would have stay here until she past away.

So next year she can run on the beach and play in the ocean with me.:)


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21 minutes ago, xix19xix said:

NPH starred as in Gone Girls as a straight guy in 2014.

I agree with you that we all see the world through our own lens. That also addresses your original comment on how some fans baffle you, simply because they see things differently from you.

But I believr you originally thought they were attracted to each other too. So do you think they are moving away from the CP image? 

You know! I know Gone Girl is a big hit but I have never caught it. Should I just stick to the book? Was NPH the lead or supporting? Was he any good?  Attracted to each other? Heck I think they are a couple and of course still every attracted to each other I'm sure. :P I don't think they are moving away from the CP image deliberately.. they are just moving on to doing new things career wise. 

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I am so happy! Have been hearing rumours about jy fanmeet dates and today one weibo account (who always sell celebrities information like mobile number and flight details) the account now confirm a date about jy fanmeet and there is a sugar in it but i will wait for jy official info first, if the date is the same as what i hear then that would mean we can eat this sugar/is true!

But first i want to know is... do you all allow hearsays from the frontlines/and those crazy yz fans to be posted here? 

Please pardon me because i want to share stuff with you guys but sometimes the info might not be accurrate and resulting in disappointment like the charity dinner rumours. Let me know. So after jy official account confirms the fanmeet date and its still the same date i will share with you all the sugar.

And because i couldnt stand it when ppl keep saying jy is disassociating with zz/addicted when jy has been doing so much.


Oh i just realised there's some debate about being a fan of yz or yz romance. Personally i am both. But i just dont like it when ppl keep insists there's nth between them. (I mean how can i admit there's nth between them when there's so much evidence about it?)

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3 hours ago, Kyleaddicted said:

Does anyone know if there's a video clip of ZZ saying cuss words in English? @kaichinnggg told me there is with ZZ saying f *ck you over and over again. If someone knows about this and the link to it, could you post it here? I melt every time ZZ speaks in English. :wub:


For you mate, took me an hour to find it @Kyleaddicted

ZZ cursing is so cute gosh :wub:

Edited by kaichinnggg
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@gayyoxx Agree, Agree, Agree. Important things got to say it thrice.

I am here because I love Yuzhou, not only fan of either one but a fan of them together, their relationship and them as human beings. Seperately, they are lovely people but together...they sizzle with their chemistry. Kinda like how one bring out the best in the other. 

Does it make me a lesser fan? I don't think so. As an entertainer, you would want your audience and fans to be as wide a range as possible. And that should be the case of JY and WZ. 

@KKmegan @xix19xix NPH is the main lead with a Wife in the Smurf movies...hehe

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13 hours ago, filmlore46 said:

Good morning/ Good Evening to Soompiers where ever you may be in the world. Since I just finished backreading and catching up with all of the previous posts (*still will be liking posts*) I read of this several times and now I'm quite interested. What is the Mid-Autumn festival? Anyone with details if you wish to share the answer to this query, I'd be most appreciative. As always @bearology thanks for the spam. I rather enjoyed leisurely reading the previous posts. There was sugar, @sohocomo auntie, "thanks for the ff," lots of translations from our wonderful translation crew and so much more. :)



The Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) is an annual celebration of harvest mainly observed by Chinese (中秋节/中秋節), Koreans (Chuseok) and Vietnamese (tết Trung Thu). There is also a version in Japanese which they call Tsukimi. This festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. For the Chinese and Vietnamese people, this is the 2nd most important celebration after Chinese new year or Vietnamese (Tết).

Although each countries may have different ways to celebrate this annual event, they observe 3 fundamental concepts to give meaning for the celebration.

  • Gathering, such as family and friends coming together, or harvesting crops for the festival. It's said the moon is the brightest and roundest on this day which means family reunion.
  • Thanksgiving, to give thanks for the harvest, or for harmonious unions
  • Praying (asking for conceptual or material satisfaction), such as for babies, a spouse, beauty, longevity, or for a good future


They celebrate the autumn full moon which is the important part of the festival, they also take this chance to make offerings to their well-known lunar deity, Chang'e, known as the Moon Goddess of Immortality.

Mooncakes, Mooncakes and more Mooncakes! These are the main goodies that symbolizes the festival and making and sharing them makes it more meaningful. 

Later, As the night beckons, the whole country will shine bright with a lot of lanterns and many will see big and beautiful decorations on cities and seasides. There are also street performances of lion and dragon dance and other local activities. Other than that, other countries will celebrate along too, some people will build Chinese Mid-Autumn floats and hold parades while others will just rush to Chinatown to feel the spirit of the festival.

Even Google changed it's logo and joined in the festival: That's Chang'e on the moon.



Oh, I like to summarize wiki B)

Though many has posted, Here is still your best friend: Wikipedia - Mid-Autumn Festival and some related article Mid-Autumn festival


@sohocomo Thanks auntie as always it's incredible, I was awed on how JY tells ZZ that he will always love him no matter how he looks and also they sure made the most out of that less than 2 hours :vicx:. I really like the way you categorize both JY's and ZZ's love like 16+++ for simple action and 18+++ for intense action. LOL

@tea4two In addition to that, the reason they had that "IT" factor like what JY and ZZ said was because of "the bed" and other BL couples don't have it or won't probably get it. The Addicted "bed" is so precious that it should be put on museum. lol



Kidding aside, Addicted was also the only BL drama I've watched, as an average person with no idea of such theme, I saw an original spice that this show will always carry through even if it ended or if it continued to have season 2, this "special" thing would even level to your favorite romantic stories in books, tv or movies, and this spice like I once said to myself after learning all the backstories, would definitely break its way along the market which it did and still continues to do so. Although I saw teasers in YouTube of various BL related shows, I just said to myself "Ugh, okay, they seem to be just working" so I didn't bother and prevented myself from watching. There are other empirical evidences that made Addicted the best particularly for JY and ZZ, one of which I believe, is how they successfully portrayed GH and BLY and the story close to real life,  but I'd like to focus on JY's sudden greatness in portraying GH despite of having no background at acting. Though we learned it's JY's innate ability but like starting a car there has to be an "ignition" to heat that passion and potential, and that it's his interaction with ZZ. Acting is very difficult especially if you have this uniqueness like being an outspoken person, you have to draw a lot of life experiences to fit in and make it effective. I can't say if they already had "that" relationship when they are interacting together but I believe this is what JY and ZZ drew in, it's very evident and their eyes says so; like what a weibo user commented and was translated by @xix19xix IIRC "one speaks with their eyes and the other tells love with their eyes". Due to this, everything else follows like they are undeniably comfortable with each together, they can in curse each other in public like its their form of endearment, they laugh with their own jokes or tease each other when it fails, when they start talking to each other they float in their own worlds as if no one's watching them, they indulge on being with each other's presence, etc. (insert other BTS analysis here) then it gave life first, to the show itself, fan supporters and believers, different but wonderful fan accounts and analyses, and many more. It became an eye opener for pure love with no boundaries to take Addicted itself as an undying evidence. Banned or not we are still lucky to witness such marvelous works and actors that broke records, lead by the courageous CJD, directors and her staff, and became an epitome of all BL stories.

So many good reviews to pull on this show and I agree with everything you said, marketing is indeed an important part of the business for shows and films, and like other businesses we have to consider the good things about the product which I believe Addicted is still on top of other competition, so companies making BL shows would think twice how could they surpass such 'Addiction' which I believe they can't, as people nowadays gets hooked in something "original and unexpected". In my opinion, Andy Lau is also speaking for himself as an ordinary viewer and how he was glad telling everyone in the radio show that he watched Addicted, and yes, his popularity makes others curious why would such legend watch a show who has rumored to have issues? which then helped to increase the number of people to watch it and chance of them to become supporters. Having that said, people who never stopped supporting Addicted and YuZhou, plus the people who are already popular who watched it and influences others plus the number of new supporters plus the haters or only fans that make them famous would really create a BIG market for Addicted and even for YuZhou. Whilst the ban still exist but still YuZhou are standing still and continues to gain supporters. It's a never ending cycle as the Addiction never stops and becomes pandemic. Probably the only thing that could surpass Addicted would be a new show from either of JY and ZZ or with both of them. With a sure number of supporters, JY and ZZ can surely try other offers as it will benefit them and holds a brighter future for them. So, Yes keep the offers pouring, let them choose but scratch out the unfavorable roles. 


@KKmegan Honestly, Yeah, I'm one of those fans "who still lament how sad it was for both of them not to be together and attend etc." and both "a fan of JY and ZZ and their relationship". I had it in control but I still covet for them to be seen together. I think we can't blame them since it's a normal and a harmless expression of their "IF only" ideas, and I understand it still related to that something elusive they had witnessed, that they still long for the happy moment's when they are together on screen and still sympathizes how wonderful would that be "if only" they can see them glowing and smiling big together again. But yes, they have to realize that its not be possible atm and may cause harm to their career. Well, they can stay to be like that, and I'm cool with it as long as they are not detrimental to JY and ZZ and I'm pretty sure they'll soon get by with their lamenting.

Even though they are still projected as BL couples, I say keep the offers coming mainstream or not, I think both of them want that too and it still too early to limit.

@mrsaturn It's cool, just keep spilling the beans. :D 


and Finally, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!!!

I wonder what will JY and ZZ do for this very special holiday? :w00t:

Share and eat boxes of mooncakes? :wub:

Probably exchange gifts like Pikachu or some merchandise, wardrobes ZZ bought in Japan?  :wub:

Or go to a rooftop to watch the Moon? :wub:

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22 minutes ago, prima13facie said:



   In addition to that, the reason they had that "IT" factor like what JY and ZZ said was because of "the bed" and other BL couples don't have it or won't probably get it. The Addicted "bed" is so precious that it should be put on museum. lol


So many good reviews to pull on this show and I agree with everything you said, marketing is indeed an important part of the business for shows and films, and like other businesses we have to consider the good things about the product which I believe Addicted is still on top of other competition, so companies making BL shows would think twice how could they surpass such 'Addiction' which I believe they can't, as people nowadays gets hooked in something "original and unexpected". In my opinion, Andy Lau is also speaking for himself as an ordinary viewer and how he was glad telling everyone in the radio show that he watched Addicted, and yes, his popularity makes others curious why would such legend watch a show who has rumored to have issues? which then helped to increase the number of people to watch it and chance of them to become supporters. 


@prima13facie Andy Lau talked about A:)ddicted??? Do you have a link for this? 

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ZZ today @ HongKong airport 150916 (HongKong to Nanjing)


Cr InoOMei Twitter







Cr InstantCrush











JY - Baotou. If I'm not wrong, JY asked if fans have eaten yet, theres a restaurant in second level and JY took out his.....card to pay. Fans said ate already.



ZZ in HongKong


Cr Kahei




YZ manip


Cr 小炸鸡控制不住了




Cr chosen1



Cr _woojoo_ 



Cr Krill_haijingyu


Random YZ


Cr Starry_Official






Cr on pics



Edit: ZZ - Clip 




Edited by bearology
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@Kyleaddicted No idea if this a coordinate of their wardrobe from sponsor or a coincidences,and yes theres much a reason can explain about this from any logic reason..And actually only zz,jy  and their management know the truth about the same thing tht they're ever use....we as a fans or cpf  only can support them for their career , being happy or glad for any good thing was happen to them or coming to them in future...as long as we can see their progress of their future career or future projec, tht can cure us from feeling miss them and we should to be happy with it.

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