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Sorry if I'm absent in these days, I've no time to post many things, but dropping here just to say: ZHOUZHOU YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! [泪流满面][泪流满面][泪流满面] damn help me   oh a WB and IN update on GuHai's birthday But agree with @gayyoxx ZZ stop doing weird expression. XD Just in the first pic of WB he looks more natural ~ Btw, Johnny and ZhouZhou were both online at the same moment a few minutes ago. [doge][喵喵] missing already your boyfriend eh


I see CCTV, from ''Addicted'' eh [喵喵]




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About the rumour they will appear together, I would hate it if they appear together but banned to be together. They will be awkward but then again, seeing those two together in the same event is a progress right? And we can also investigate their interaction there ^^ 

Here's some new FFs https://www.wattpad.com/268686905-yuzhou-fan-fics-guilty-1


It’s already late when Zhouzhou got back to his place. It’s really dark since it’s supposed to be empty. He turns on the lights and heads back to the kitchen. He grabs one bottle of water and walks toward his bedroom. 
He almost choke himself when he saw a figure laying on top of his bed. Zhouzhou immediately wipes the spilled water on his face and shirt when he recognised it was just Jingyu. He thought someone was breaking into his room and now he sighes a relief as he knows it’s his boyfriend. There’s something he needs to talk about with Jingyu anyway so he’s glad that guy is here.
Jingyu is sleeping like a dead body. No movement whatsoever. Zhouzhou thought he’s just tired until he saw Jingyu’s face closely.
There was a trace of tears and especially that swollen eyes prove it. Zhouzhou knew for sure that Jingyu’s been crying himself out until he fell asleep. Afraid of something serious had happened, Zhouzhou forces himself to wake the guy up. As gently as possible. He’s so worried since Jingyu’s not the type to cry. He always acts tough so unless it’s something serious, he won’t cry.
“Jingyu,” he called softly. His hand slightly touches Jingyu’s cheek. The different temperature jolts Jingyu a little but not enough to wake him up. He must be so tired of crying.
“Jingyu, wake up,” Zhouzhou calls again.
Hearing Zhouzhou’s voice, Jingyu gets his conscious back but he still can’t open his eyes. Too heavy because of the swollen.
“Zhouzhou?” Jingyu signs he’s awake with his hoarse voice.
“Jeez, Jingyu. What’s wrong with you? Did you cry?” Zhouzhou tries to make it light.
Jingyu grabs the hand that’s been touching him and forces himself to smile. “I’m fine now you’re here.”
Hearing that only makes Zhouzhou worried. There’s definitely something’s going on. “No, tell me what happened. I won’t let you off just like that.”
Jingyu, still troubled seeing, sits himself up. “It’s nothing. Just something stupid. I’m fine now.” 
Zhouzhou doesn’t buy it and demands a full explanation. Right here right now.
“I… I really want to be there for you,” Jingyu starts his ambiguous explanation after a brief silent. “But why can’t I be there for you when you need me? I’m sick with this stupid rule. I just want to be a good boyfriend for you. I want to be there for you. Cheer you up. Be your strength.”
After that explanation, Zhouzhou sorts of guess that Jingyu knew what he’s gonna talk about tonight. He bets his manager told Jingyu earlier even though he already said not to. He understands his manager’s worry for him and his fan signing event since that manager already knew what kind of person Zhouzhou is. Zhouzhou won’t just back down without a fight. And it’s as stubborn as a bull. Telling Jingyu will be the best option since that guy will do anything to keep Zhouzhou safe. 
At first, Zhouzhou wanted to discuss this with Jingyu before he makes a final decision. He’s not stupid so he knows the risk and what the best option is. But he still wants to try and find another way as not to lose from the stupid rule as Jingyu put it. Now it seems Jingyu already made a decision. From those swollen eyes, Zhouzhou could imagine how angry and guilty Jingyu felt when he reached that decision.
“If you want to come, just come. I won’t ask you to leave,” Zhouzhou speaks gently. 
Jingyu hugs Zhouzhou tightly. It’s almost like he’s begging for help himself. “I want to come. I do. But as your manager said, I will ruin everything. That’s your day. That’s your time to shine. I don’t want to be the one who ruin it.”
“If that’s your decision… It’s not like I couldn’t understand so you must know I won’t blame you for that. So why the cry?”
Jingyu stays silent for a while. He’s not sure what to say. He didn’t even know what he thought about when he cried. A lot of sudden thoughts popped up.
“Because, it’s just too unfair. I want to be there for your big day. I’ve been waiting for that day since forever. I want to be with you during all of your important moments. But why can’t I? What’s with this stupid ban? Why us? What did we ever do? I just want them to leave us alone.”
Zhouzhou could relate to that. He too feels it’s unfair. It might seems like they are free but in reality they are like convicts. People watch their every move and the judgement could come anytime soon. The whole world is their jail. It’s a tiring thing and with no way out.
“We decided to be free. We decided to be true to ourselves. But what’s this? I can’t do anything I want. I can’t let you risk your future. Since you’ve prepared so much for this. I just…” Jingyu couldn’t stop his blabbering. He’s too upset.
“Jingyu… I want you to be there with me. That will be perfect. But I also know it’s not wise. I planned to talk it out with you. To find another way. But right now, to be honest, I don’t think there’s another way.” Jingyu calms himself as he stare into Zhouzhou’s calming eyes. Tonight, Zhouzhou is more mature than him. “But this is just a beginning. There will be another opportunity for us. Don’t let this bring you down.”
Those two had been accepting their circumstances. It’s not a normal thing anyway so they just tried to understand the negative responses. But they still don’t get it why it has to be them. They are not the first actor that acted on boys love movie. They are not doing any campaign about it. They are not powerful people. They are not the richest. Their existences simply couldn’t bring the nation down. They did nothing except they are in love with each other. And it’s not like they are confessing their love publicly. So to summarise, they did nothing wrong.
But Jingyu just felt so useless and helpless today. He’s fine with people pointing finger at him and he believes Zhouzhou is ready for this as well. They both are strong men. He’s fine with people hating him. Looking at him with disgusted eyes. They are free to judge them and it won’t bother them one bit. 
It’s just, right now, he can’t do anything to retaliate. He doesn’t even know where to point his anger at so he could only blame himself and cry. And when he started to cry, it was hard to stop with all negatives things popped up inside his head.
Looking at gloomy Jingyu pains Zhouzhou’s heart. He always lean on Jingyu’s strength and cheerfulness. Jingyu’s always positive and it makes Zhouzhou’s stronger. So tonight, it’s time for Zhouzhou to be strong. He needs to be strong so he could give Jingyu some strength. 
“I can’t do anything for you. When you’re sick, I can’t even take care of you. I can’t support you during your big day. I…”
Zhouzhou cups Jingyu’s face with his hands. “Listen to me. You’ve done a lot of things for me already.” Jingyu shakes his head as strong as he could denying all he ever did. It’s not good enough for him. He wants to give Zhouzhou the world so he felt more useless now that he can’t even be there for Zhouzhou. That one simple thing and he couldn’t do it.
“It’s you who took care of me really well this past days, right?”
“But,” Jingyu tried to complain. “I can’t do anything for you right now. During your important times, I can’t do anything.”
“If you put it that way, then tell me what had I ever done for you? I’m just the same with you.”
Jingyu look through Zhouzhou’s eyes. He knew that they did so much for each other just by committed to the relationship already but let’s just say he’s too greedy to do more for his boyfriend. Well, he wanted to give Zhouzhou the world. That’s how much he loves that guy.
Zhouzhou plants a gentle kiss on Jingyu’s forehead. “If you still don’t know what to do, let me take care of you tonight,” he said with a sly smile on his beautiful face.

and this https://www.wattpad.com/268687193-yuzhou-fan-fics-guilty-2



Zhouzhou pushes Jingyu down. He’s strong enough to do it as long as Jingyu doesn’t start to use his techniques. Jingyu is startled so he just stares blankly at Zhouzhou’s face that now is on top of him. It’s too shocking that Jingyu doesn’t get what’s going on, as well as what will happen.
The room is so quiet that they could hear their breath. Zhouzhou runs his fingers through Jingyu’s handsome face slowly. Sending a sensation to Jingyu’s body. Zhouzhou’s thumb stops at the centre of Jingyu’s lip and slowly gives way for him to swoop in a kiss. Jingyu couldn’t resist the kiss and starts kissing back. 
Not wanting to lose, Zhouzhou lifts Jingyu’s chin and move in more aggressively. He knows what he’s doing real well. He pulls his lip away when he sensed Jingyu’s losing his breath. But he doesn’t stop. He moves his lip towards Jingyu’s neck. It’s his most favourite place to kiss and coincidentally it’s also Jingyu’s sensitive spot. 
Just a few kiss and licks could send Jingyu to the land of pleasure. That guy’s trying hard to hold his moans. He has one hands grabbing Zhouzhou’s hair and one hand covering his mouth. He just really can’t think straight at the moment. Especially when his body starts to heat up by Zhouzhou’s every touch.
Zhouzhou uses his skill to take off Jingyu’s shirt in an instant before he continues his attack. He licks Jingyu’s chest and even plays with that guy’s nipple. He just couldn’t stop himself from exploring every corner of Jingyu’s body.
His hands starts moving lower and teases Jingyu’s lower part, doesn’t mind about the pant. Jingyu can’t takes his boyfriend’s caressing hand and lets out a loud moan.
“Zhou… Zhouzhou.”
After Jingyu called his name, Zhouzhou continues his act by pulling down Jingyu’s pant. 
“W-wait. What are you doing?” Jingyu finally resists when Zhouzhou tried to spread his legs.
But Zhouzhou is in control again once he grabs Jingyu’s richard simmons a little stronger. Jingyu never once in his life thought he would be teased as much as tonight. But when he sees Zhouzhou’s smiling face, he couldn’t think about anything else.
Knowing Jingyu has surrendered to his touch, Zhouzhou moves quicker towards his boyfriend’s richard simmons. Jingyu bites his teeth stronger when he suddenly feels a finger slides in. 
It’s the first time for Zhouzhou but after Jingyu did it for him, he knows what he needs to do to make it good. Both of his hands are busy with the back and front of Jingyu’s lower part. He doesn’t spare any second for Jingyu to rest.
After Jingyu got used to more of his fingers inside him, he shoves his richard simmons slowly. Letting Jingyu screams harder as it went in. 
Zhouzhou smiles proudly once he entered Jingyu. Zhouzhou stops moving as he lets Jingyu gets used to it. He remembered that Jingyu didn’t hold himself back at all and he hated it. So this time, he gives Jingyu more time to relax.
That didn’t take much time as Zhouzhou also couldn’t hold himself for so long. Jingyu’s too handsome and beautiful that even the sight of that guy could seduce him. And tonight Jingyu just looks different that his usual appearance. He looks so cute and fragile tonight that it drives the beast inside Zhouzhou.
— — —

Zhouzhou and Jingyu sits inside the bathtub. Zhouzhou hugs Jingyu from behind because Jingyu’s still tired. Jingyu just leans his head back on Zhouzhou.
“You… Was this you taking revenge?” Jingyu starts complaining.
Zhouzhou just chuckles a little and kiss Jingyu’s head. “How could you call it revenge. It’s because you are too adorable tonight.”
Jingyu moves his body so he could face Zhouzhou properly. They didn’t do it as many times as Jingyu did before so they both still have strength to move around. 
“Listen, I did feel tired and had no strength to fight back. So don’t expect me to be so obedient next time you try this.”
“Do you hate it that much? You seemed to enjoy it though,” Zhouzhou teases Jingyu again. He’s just so happy Jingyu is full of energy again.
“I enjoyed it only because it’s you. But don’t think you’ll be the top just because of this. I’m still way better.”
Zhouzhou kisses Jingyu who’s still pouting. “I love you. I don’t mind either way.”
Jingyu’s blushing. “I love you too.”
“So, does that mean you’ll let me do you once a while?”
“I don’t mind. Since from now on, we really belong to each other.”
This time Zhouzhou’s the one who’s blushing. “You. Do you feel that guilty for leaving that you become this obedient?”
Jingyu kisses Zhouzhou’s blushing cheek. He feels so much better now that he can teases Zhouzhou back.
“Yes. So next time will be my turn. Just prepare yourself well, baby.”



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Cute fanart by 蟹棒鱼丸 for GH's birthday~




fanart by somikse -- “以后再也不是一个人了,顾海,生日快乐。” "After this you're no longer alone. Gu Hai, happy birthday."









Whoa, Danty-五角星's fanart



p.s. this fandom never fails to amaze me, the manip comes out literally minutes after ZZ posted the selfails...


update about the Addicted photobook :<



I think they do not have sufficient hand fans for all the orders, so only first 10k orders will get the hand fans.


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the latest 2 posts from ZZ's weibo, one is posted/reblogged on Bai Luo Yin's birthday and one is posted on Guhai's birthday. (there are no other posts/reblogs in between these dates)

6/5 > he reblogged about his Light fansigning event and added that he'll see everyone later,at live venue and at livestream.

6/10 > Selfies


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Hello everyone, I feel so baddd not knowing this forum earlier!!! What a dynamic and fun way to interact with Addicted's fans all over the world! I guess I'm pretty much like everyone here, I'm not sure if it's a good thing but I'm addicted to these guys way too much. :D I've been watching the series, reading the novel, fanfics and following their every activities basically everyday...xD. Anyway, today ZZ looks soo handsome, like usual.. I always have a thing for ripped jeans so seeing him in those jeans is so cute and also JY too, he often wears a lot of ripped jeans, I really like it :D. Oh I wish instagram had the option of marking Read when someone has read your messages. I've been sending them so many cute messages but never know if they ever read them lol. Okay that's quite enough for my first post, Ciao everyone from Italy! Keep updating and supporting our stars! <3 

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15 hours ago, SueLyinn said:

Not sure if anybody has posted this 12-minute fanmade video in Weibo which features JY, ZZ and some Addicted scenes. It's kinda long but quite

  Reveal hidden contents

@shanegere Loose translation: The questions posed to JY by fans on the screen were..."do you still drink "wild wine" (literal translation) / hard liquor" and "are you happy now?"

JY first read out:....if it's like this, then fans won't be able to catch up with you.
JY's answer to the fan's liquor question:
Didn't drink hard liquor / wine for a long time? Not really that long. Maybe I haven't been drinking by the roadside but there are times maybe, when I do drink a little on my own. So, this, (pointing to the wordings on the screen) you don't have to worry.

JY's answer to the fan's are you happy question:
Am I happy with my life right now? Happy, I guess. There are also times when I feel very happy and definitely, there were also times when I feel sad. But, overall, I'd say that I'm happy.

@bearology Your fan art's so cute! =)
The wordings: Let's play together. Happy Dragon Boat Festival day.

  Reveal hidden contents



2nd picture onwards...
GH (feeling excited): En, en...
BLY: Sunblock for you.
GH feels happy while licking on the ice lolly.
BLY: Are you stupid?

GH: Today, whatever that Yinzi has given me, I will wear it (on my body).
(This is why although the weather's so hot, GH is adamant on wearing the red scarf as well as donning gloves.)
BLY: I certainly know what day today is, of course.

Final picture
To Guhai, Happy Birthday, Bai LuoYin 

I'm sorry that I'm not sure on how to translate the wordings on the nail file though...maybe someone else can help =)



Thaaaaank you! :)

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16 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

So, I assume ZZ's tonight's event is a recorded ep? Any news on how he performed and when the ep will be aired? I am anxious to know the result :sweatingbullets:

According to what I can see from Twitter, it will be aired on 17/06 CCTV3 channel 19:00 (some say 19:30 BJ time?) 



There are online links to watch CCTV3 that fans are sharing. Im not so sure if they work, can someone confirm this :sweatingbullets:

ZZ fanart. Cr on pic



ZZ fav selfie angle :lol:



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@bearology @gayyoxx yup I can confirm it's for next week... this week's link is here (and of course after skipping through every 5 mins or so, no hint of ZZ anywhere lol) and it's 19:30 (BJ time), every Friday

Edit : nvm I think I got it wrong sobs T^T I missed it....

Thanks @gashupingo, did you manage to watch the livestream? Hope someone will upload the full performance soon :D lucky for those who are there~ anyway is it only online or on TV as well? I'm not even sure how the show works! Thank you in advance :) 

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Please forgive me if this has already been posted. Being the mad person I am, I love all JY's airport outfits and live for his airport appearances. He looks like he is strutting down the runway in this fancam. 



Koreans fan proposing to JY in Cannes(?).  He is really an awfully shy person. 




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This one works for me: http://www.zoptv.com/live/cctv-3


It seems to be ZZ turn now according to the voting link(no, cannot vote):

ZZ solo guitar during his fan meet is from the anime AIR OP -Tori No Uta. This is with lowered noise. If anyone is interested:
Original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMI72VPAZcs
cr. 夕雾心竹
ZZ Tori No Uta guitar solo, lowered noice: https://www.mediafire.com/?84t3qeqaq1xge1b


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A delu fic on their Rumour of staying in the same hotel.


Jingyu ruffles Weizhou's hair affectionately, allowing his fingers to linger longer than necessary, he will do anything to prolong their time together, before the incoming message breaks their moment of tranquillity.

"I need to go," he says reluctantly and then he leans forward to place a chaste kiss on those sweet sweet lips before stealing another one. Breaking apart, the other nods understandingly and walks him to the door. Their time almost up before they go back to their respective schedules. 

"Remember to eat the medicine before you sleep and ... message  me if you feel uncomfortable...anytime, K?"

Another affirmative nod. But Jingyu knows he will never do that, he will never want to trouble him, preferring to solve his own problems rather than worry him. That stubborn, stubborn boy. 


Jingyu whips around immediately, his hand still on the door handle. "What is it?" He asks gently, knowing that something must have been bothering the other for him to call him back.

Weizhou swallows nervously, as he composes himself. His confidence deflates somewhat when those black, black eyes lock with his. He has been wavering the entire night but he wants to get the words out, no matter what. 

"I...I mean...will..." He stammers before licking his lips. Jingyu takes two steps forward to cocoon him into his warm embrace. 

"What?" Jingyu probes, his eyes full of curiosity. 

Taking a deep breath, Weizhou cups the chiseled cheeks in front of him and looks at the other, eye to eye. "Will you marry me, Huang Jingyu?"

He watches as Jingyu's eyes widen in surprise and like a goldfish, opens his mouth to gape before closing again, not able to utter a single word. "I mean, not now. But I need to know that you will marry me, like five...no, probably ten, twenty, even fifty years from now. So will you?"

Jingyu watches as Weizhou's ears flushes red, his embarrassment getting the better of him. Then he opens his mouth, he needs him to know what he thinks, for there could only be one answer to his question. 


"Yes." Weizhou repeats and then falls silent, his mind churning at their possibilities. 

"Yes. A million times over," Jingyu says quietly yet with conviction. 

Weizhou lets out a blinding smile upon hearing those sincere simple words. 

"And now aren't you supposed to kiss me for agreeing to marry you?" Jingyu asks teasingly. 

Chuckling, the younger man nods before allowing their lips to meet for the third time tonight, but this time sealing their future together. A kiss that tastes full of promises and tomorrows.


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