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2 hours ago, Alby Roma said:

@charlie10 The tv that has aired is http://www.la7.it/ Not sure they have also English link while at  B2S you can pre-order DVD 

@Alby Roma Do you have a more direct link to Addicted being mentioned on this station? I tried searching Addicted, Heroin, even Dependente and Shangyin, and nothing came up about the show. Not even a mention of it. I also tried googling 'Addicted web series in Europe' and 'Addicted web series aired on Italian TV'. Again, absolutely nothing resulted in the search. 

All of us here love and support the show and its actors. We all want as much good for everything related to Addicted as possible. False information is not welcome, though. If you can provide a direct link to a page showing Addicted aired on Italian TV, that would be incredible, credible news.

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@Alby Roma I don't get what you're trying to do writing fake news here, but LA7 channel never showed Addicted, and none tv show has ever mentioned Addicted or Johnny or ZhouZhou. (And I'm from Italy).

This is a peaceful thread where International fans can read (real) news, fanaccounts, theories, ecc... So I hope you can stop to spread false informations and stop to ruin the good mood here.


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14 hours ago, reyna0804 said:

Hello...just a quick question. 

What does 6 and 2 signify? I've been seeing it associste with the two. 

Even Johnny posted something with 6 and 2 on it. 


To add to @Key Harumi and @sohocomo post about this, 2 and 6 originated from the ZZ's following post back in January:



I'm 6, you're 2.  JY's 6 and ZZ's 2 as seen from the photo (this post also lead to a lot of speculations about them sharing weibo and/or other accounts.  From what is written 'I'm 6', was post on ZZ's weibo account but the photo indicated that JY's 6.  JY also likes to make the 6 sign as it is popular in BJJ so you often see him make this hand signal in the early days).  The number 2 (ZZ) and 6 (JY) become symbolic for representing them.

You'll also see some CP fans making the 6 sign in their photos taken at ZZ's concert as a way to identify themselves as CP, as well as to symbolize and represent the absented JY who is unable to attend.  

I also noticed that the Chinese CP fans rarely tag them anymore on weibo due to the ban, but will use some common symbols to represent them when they talking about them two (from order of most common to least common):

Cat (+ any cat emoticons) = ZZ

Dog (+ any dog emoticons) = JY

Whale = JY

Kangaroo = JY

Rabbit = ZZ

Fox = JY

Nick = JY

Judy = ZZ

Sun = ZZ

Moon = JY

I've seen sugar written in all emoticon codes, and it'll will take someone a bit more intelligent than the average person to accurately interpret.  Within the YuZhou CP fandom, I've seen some very highly intelligent, talented, and amazing people (unfortunately, the opposite end is also true).  Fortunately, most of us seems to be people with a good heart.  

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can someone tell me how to post a pic? or the rules to post a pic?? somehow can't understand how it work... T T

I'll tell u something about 'monkey' zodiac main traits (Cuz i was  a 'monkey', 1992, but i'm already turned 24, while ur JY still 23, wait until november. XD) and when i read a detailed personality about JY, somehow similiar to mine. Then I tell u the main traits of it. 
1. Honesty, (u know it)
2. Faithfullness, (look, i emphasize it to u, FAITHFULLNESS), (So, even if ur JY have conversation/contact with other, just believe in him, don't bash him, okay??)
3. Like to crack a joke, it correspondent with how a monkey is a playfull creature. (playfull as in behaviour, not in relationship.) (We know it)
Bonus: have a tender heart (meaning easilly influaced by a touching scene, like sad song, sad films, etc., like me, XD), and have protective personality (JY had said this in his interview), like to help others (like me, really all his traits was almost like mine)

and a 'monkey' doesn't care about how people will think about himself/herself, like me, my behaviour toward women (i'm a collage woman) was a closest one, that even u'll think i'm a lesbian. (XD) I don't care if someone think of me as one. (sorry if its unrelated). Whatever JY doing is all for ZZ and their relationship. (Its my analysis). 
When JY said he's straight, its true (Cuz his main traits is honesty, u know).
It's true that he's straight, it just that he was fallin' in love with a guy, that's all. being 'not straight' (U know what is it) meaning he too like other guy beside ZZ, unfortunately he just have that feelin' toward ZZ (my analysis as 'collage brain' woman), so we can't call he has been 'turned'. HAHAHA, all Fujoshi must be understand what I mean. (btw, my favorite novel is 'only the ring finger knows' and Ai no Kusabi. XD)
OK, just thats enough i think. XD

someone ever mentioned that fujoshi have 'radar', right?? It's true, (I'm a fujoshi myself, even in max level). We can even tell 'who is who', u know...
like when we're in public space, we can tell clearly what's he/she orientation (but only a 'hard fujoshi' can feel it)... HAHAHA XD, (hail to fujoshi world)

sorry for the long post.

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And i'll tell u about 'coincidence'...

I'll quote some words from my favorite novel 'Ai no Kusabi'. HAHAHA XD.
it's like: when something happened once, it can be called coincidence. When it happened twice, maybe he/she was lucky or in bad luck. But if it's happened thrice or more, then that's mean 'the dice must have been rollin' or someone must be rollin' the dice (meaning its was deliberate/on purpose/indo. disengaja). HAHAHAHA. (Surely, if someone ever read the novel, must be know about this word.)

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Guest skeletonworks

1) Would like to add about the 2 & 6 relation to our Yuzhou. We know where 6 originated as mentioned by @tea4two. 2 originated because Johnny thinks that the character Bai Luoyin is a bit silly/stupid, which in Chinese is 二 (er) = 2 and also a Chinese slang for silly/stupid/dumb. I think long time ago someone mentioned about this before. 



Cr. haiyin-menqiqi @ tumblr


2) @jlt4ever Thank you so much for your fan account!!!!! Yeah those no good photographers must go take photography class again. How can they took photos that made our Johnny's legs look short when it's actually long!!!!!

3) Kudos @charlie10 for your awesome analysis!!!! During the rehearsal I'm pretty sure they just got to know each other for just a short time yet they are already sharing glances as if a lot of "stories" have been shared between them while they were sharing the bed. I think it's really strange that his breath suddenly intensified because come on, they shared a room so it's impossible that Zhouzhou/Johnny never took off their shirt in front of each other before showering etc... It could be he was caught up in the heat of a moment because of the nature of the rehearsal... BrCTfSI.gif

4) About the girl who wanted to take wefie with our Johnny... LOL if I were Johnny, I'd be annoyed too. The way I see it from the clip, the girl was contemplating so hard the best angle to take pictures so that she'd look good. Johnny cannot stand it (must rush to......) and just snatched the phone from her. I mean if I were there and Johnny is nice enough to take selfie with me, I'd just quickly snap one because I know he's a busy man and he's tired too. As long as I can take selfie with him. Why would I dilly dally in front of a busy man.... Sooooo annoying!

(stole from Bearo's post)

  Hide contents

Cr pipiyo_JT



5) I asked my Thai friend about the TH version of the DVD. She said it's true and 240 mins are for both TH & KR version of the DVD. A Vietnam friend of mine also directly message the seller about it and the seller also confirmed it. My TH friend said a lot of TH friends already bought the TW ver. I can't spend anymore money to buy another ver of the DVD even with extra BTS. So now hoping a kind soul will upload the extra BTS. But the merchandises seem like not very official. The calendar & notebook have fanarts.. so strange.. She said international fan can also buy.

6) Zhouzhou is really a ninja or maybe he has a private jet or something??? In one of the airport photos, he looked like a Westerner or at least someone with a mixed heritage (Asian + Caucasian). It's because of his hair. I think this colour looked quite good on him compared to the blonde one. I don't like the pants he's wearing though. Zhouzhou, just stick to your torn jeans pls!

7) When I watched the video of Johnny hugging that animal pillow, from the side it looked like a dog (this dog BrCTfSI.gif LOL). But until I saw a clearer picture of the cushion pillow, I'll just assume it's a cat cushion that he's hugging so dearly!!!!!!!! And that silly smile he had while holding the pillow. Like why did you look so happy today? Today you can sleep together with "Kitty" pillow? LOL. And if that is really a cat pillow, it further strengthen that he holds things precious to him close to him. For example, the skateboard, the folder of JY/ZZ photo given by REDMOON and now this cat pillow!!!!

8) I did mention this to Bearo but since a C-fan posted about this so I guess I'll just share this one too.. While Johnny's iPhone 6's screen cracked, Zhouzhou's phone is using the "crack" phone cover case. This kind of stuffs amused me. Sorry. LOL.



(160909 Baotou - Beijing)


(160907 ZZ's selfies)

Cr. Tender甜乐


9) I think Bearo haven't shared this. The reason why Zhouzhou's shirt today got burnt marks. LOL.


10) To those who ordered the DVD from book.tw, you guys must have received an email from them. My friend translated it and it says in short, the items are waiting to be confirmed due to transferring. The expected distribution date is 23/9.




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27 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

I asked my Thai friend about the TH version of the DVD. She said it's true and 240 mins are for both TH & KR version of the DVD. A Vietnam friend of mine also directly message the seller about it and the seller also confirmed it. My TH friend said a lot of TH friends already bought the TW ver. I can't spend anymore money to buy another ver of the DVD even with extra BTS. So now hoping a kind soul will upload the extra BTS. But the merchandises seem like not very official. The calendar & notebook have fanarts.. so strange.. She said international fan can also buy.

Yay! I haven't seen any link to where it will be sold, though... Is there a link? If there really is all that bts, I'm definitely buying it. Just because. :) 

28 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

I did mention this to Bearo but since a C-fan posted about this so I guess I'll just share this one too.. While Johnny's iPhone 6's screen cracked, Zhouzhou's phone is using the "crack" phone cover case. This kind of stuffs amused me. Sorry. LOL.

It one of those amazing YZ 'coincidences'. And it's like ZZ is taunting JY about his cracked phone. 

Also, I must wonder why he so often has two (or three at one point, right?) phones. What's the purpose? One for work, one for private calls? Or one for ZZ, one for the rest of the world?

32 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

I think it's really strange that his breath suddenly intensified because come on, they shared a room so it's impossible that Zhouzhou/Johnny never took off their shirt in front of each other before showering etc... It could be he was caught up in the heat of a moment because of the nature of the rehearsal...

Well, it was still early days here. So maybe they hadn't spent that many nights together yet. Maybe ZZ always ran into the bathroom to change the first nights. And so JY was completely shocked when the guy he thought was shy like a little flower, just tore his sweater off like this... ;) Or maybe JY - with good reason - interpreted ZZ's undressing as flirting and was excited/confused/aroused. 

It's weird, the very first time I watched Addicted, the very first scenes, I remember saying to myself 'these two boys look exactly the same!' I thought it was odd. After a while, I thought it was odd how I could ever think they looked alike, when they so obviously don't. But now that they really do look like the other, the circle is somehow complete. 

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ZZ - Nanjing Forest Festival

Translated by Gashu. To compensate for the regret, XWZ that is originally scheduled on 21:00 16th Sept and someone else, performance will be extended (someone cannot attend so they extended ZZ and someone else's performance for Nanjing forest festival) ZZ's time: 20:40-21:20  :w00t:




Screencaps cr to the rightful owner

JY - Beijing to Baotou 100916


Cr 鲸鸿_黄景瑜粉丝后援团



Cr HaloJohnny1130




JY - Hello Goddess 120816


Cr Hello女神官微






JY - BAZAAR Red Carpet 090916


Cr Hyukira










ZZ - Arriving HongKong Airport 130916


Cr InstantCrush


Throwback GH_BLY


Cr WhiteFoam







Cr kishimi



2 hours ago, skeletonworks said:

6) Zhouzhou is really a ninja or maybe he has a private jet or something??? In one of the airport photos, he looked like a Westerner or at least someone with a mixed heritage (Asian + Caucasian). It's because of his hair. I think this colour looked quite good on him compared to the blonde one. I don't like the pants he's wearing though. Zhouzhou, just stick to your torn jeans pls!

I'm going to repeat myself here. JY said he likes Western faces :sweatingbullets: Thank you JY! I'm glad you didn't say you like long hair too :sweatingbullets:


The boys' schedule

ZZ: 14-15/9 - Magazine Shooting in HongKong. Info here

ZZ: 16/9 - 南京 forest festival. Info here. Update: ZZ performance: 20:40-21:20

ZZ: 24/09 - Zebra Music Festival. Info here

ZZ has that Laneige livestream but I'm not sure when XD. Info here

ZZ: 27/09 - 2016 Asia New Song Chart at Beijing Conference Center. Info here

ZZ: 29/09 - iFeng Fashion Choice. Info here

JY: 15/10 - Pangolin Protection Charity Event in ShenZhen. Info here

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Love the boys and happily coming here everyday because of the sense of humor and positive energy that I always get from this fandom and all members. Thank you for ur analysis.. all pics.. all comments..

I am a fan of YuZhou's fans... hahaha+

Thank you so much!



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6 hours ago, sohocomo said:


I wasn't going to. I have another project I'm supposed to be focusing on, BUT...the BAZAAR event and ZZ's updates and beautiful fanarts and both JY & ZZ looking so relaxed and happy the last couple of days...I can't help myself :rolleyes:




wonderfully written! so vivid i can almost see them before my eyes!

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So, I try to make an edit video on Youtube... I don't know why but I think something is missing, or I can't seem to show the feeling enough... 

Or it is because I always make HyunseongxJeongmin of Boyfriend that makes me awkward to edit Yuzhou... kekeke~ :sweatingbullets:


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JY - Hello Goddess


Cr Hello女神官微








Cr 芒果粑粑






Cr 腾讯娱乐






ZZ - OK! Thailand Magazine


JY - Beijing to Baotou 100916


Cr Bluesea_黄景瑜个站


JY - Baotou to Beijing 090916


Cr pipiyo_JT








JY - BAZAAR Dinner 090916


Cr FlowerFlutter







JY - Sina interview BAZAAR



YZ manip


Cr [StarRy瑜洲晚安相册]




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1 hour ago, bearology said:

I didn't realise the kangaroo JY was holding....so close to him....ZZ's photo is there :rolleyes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Cr qgwaris Twitter





He cannot be more obvious yeah?

By the way, I just visited estreline's Instagram. Bad idea. I mean the other couples can all kiss and hug. If @tea4two is right about them trying to expand their opportunities beyond BL, why be seen like this all the time? It does not help anyone move on to support them as individuals. 

If only they can be as open!

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