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33 minutes ago, Tin Le said:

Is it the time for confession? Looking forward to JY's comeback from France



He is wearing those jeans that are torn at the knees again. Really "true to himself".

By the way, has he or ZZ added one another on instagram?

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24 minutes ago, nippy2002 said:

Hmm....why is it I feel Johnny has two different personas? Check out his IG and Weibo....so vastly different.

Different personas...in what way? Could you please elaborate? I'd like to read your point of view =) On an unrelated note, for now, Johnny don't seems to mind about his IG posts going beyond 50, unlike his Weibo account. His IG account is also devoid of any Addicted-related stuff.

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@nippy2002 You're not the only one thinking this; I was reading early on baidu some fans saying the same thing: why his post on IG and Weibo are different?

@Tin Le Me too, I wonder if Europe-air made clear his ideas; looking forward to when he'll back in China to see how he changed, I hope in a positive way.


When I read JY's IG post I thought of Bobby Vee's song 'Be true to yourself' (the lyrics), but I doubt Johnny know this song lol


Anyway, Johnny live streaming started! :D 

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I've just posted the translation of ch.1  of the epilogue (BLY & GH's wedding night).

There will be two more chapters and games for GH and BLY’s 闹洞房 but I’m going to Japan for a week, so I’ll continue the rest of the two chapters when I come back……

In the meantime read BLY and GH's wedding part 2 here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1098227/34


Just a short preview here:


Zhou Lin Yun (ZLY), Gu Yang (GY), Yang Meng (YM), You Qi (YQ), Liu Chong (LC), Tong Zhe (TZ) and Lan Ya Jing (LYJ)…… This group of people followed behind GH and BLY to their new house, which was that same nest years ago; it had been renovated again and they would spend an extraordinary night here.


Very quickly, BLY and GH were stripped till they were left with only two small underwear; nakedly waiting for the seven people to deal with them. BLY was alright as he had no grudges with YQ and YM, however GH had the worst as every person in here have had some history with GH and they’re all ramped up to seek payment.

“Cough, cough……” ZLY signalled for everyone to quieten down, “Let’s follow the order as discussed before, the first segment is心有灵犀 (hearts linked as one; two minds who think alike, a.k.a telepathy) and LC will read aloud the specific rules.”

A round of applause sounded.

BLY and GH both gave a tacit gaze of disdain.

LC read aloud, “A little trick to steal mobile phones in the military…… cough……” It didn’t feel right, LC stuff the paper back into the pockets of his pants immediately and looked at ZLY with fear, “…… I took the wrong paper.” After finishing his sentence, he hastily looked for another paper in panic.

ZLY pulled a face and said, “Go back and use your so-called little tricks to confiscate ten mobile phones from all the soldier’s dormitory, you’ll use your own money to pay if there’s short of a few, in short just gather ten phones for me.”

LC nodded with a crying expression.

YM was enjoying the scene sneakily at the side, YQ was in charge of filming and this gloating face of YM’s was captured the moment he turned on the camera. YQ decided to make a special album with this footage of 闹洞房 (nao dong fang / disturb the bridal chamber), this expression of YM’s would be the album cover as this vivid expression of his had reflected the obscene mentality of the seven of them.



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5 hours ago, nippy2002 said:

Hmm...why is it I feel Johnny has two personas? Check out his IG and Weibo...so vastly different. 

 Me too. There is no ZZ pic on his whole IG. Instead of ZZ there are several of his "best friend" Bo Fang who seems to be older (in an interview JY said his former "girl"friends have been older than him) and has an interest in sneakers and jui jutsu too. 

I have too interpretations of JYs IG post of today.

1. If its related to the rather sad looking 2 pics ZZ posted on IG yesterday and today it could mean: Be true to yourself. You know its over! ...... unpopular interpretation here I guess.

2. There is an IG account "Little13D" or so who posted some BTS pix of JY in France. On that pics you can see at least 2-3 gay men in the group of people JY was working / hanging around with for some time in Cannes.  That account even posted an older pic of a gay bar in Berlin. Maybe being surrounded for a few days with this group it became clear to him that he doesn´t want to behave in public like someone he not really is. I wouldn´t call him gay following the western concept of being gay. But I don´t see JY having any interest in women as girlfriend or wife.


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@SueLyinn this is purely based on what he shares

recently which are different from the two accounts, I feel he is freer on IG, and his photos have a melachonic and personal feel to them. The photos represents his mood at the moment and how he is feeling. Wherealas, on Weibo, it is clearly a promotional account, letting his fans see what he is up to and sharing with them what he wants them to see. I mean this is purely on imo. And I honestly don't know what role ZZ plays in all this though. 

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10 minutes ago, nippy2002 said:

@SueLyinn this is purely based on what he shares

recently which are different from the two accounts, I feel he is freer on IG, and his photos have a melachonic and personal feel to them. The photos represents his mood at the moment and how he is feeling. Wherealas, on Weibo, it is clearly a promotional account, letting his fans see what he is up to and sharing with them what he wants them to see. I mean this is purely on imo. And I honestly don't know what role ZZ plays in all this though. 

I agree. His weibo post seems more to show his professional side while his IG is more of his personal side, if that's making any sense. 

If his time at France has been an eye opener for JY, let's hope the best for JY and whatever truth he wants to let out ;) Or, maybe, he's saying to someone who is ill, that despite he is looking cheerful in Europe, his inner heart is feeling melancholic and rather gloomy, missing that certain someone. :P 

7 minutes ago, sandown said:

ZZ has added JY. JY ZZ not. As I understand it.

No, both JY and ZZ have not followed each other on IG.

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24 minutes ago, nippy2002 said:

@SueLyinn this is purely based on what he shares

recently which are different from the two accounts, I feel he is freer on IG, and his photos have a melachonic and personal feel to them. The photos represents his mood at the moment and how he is feeling. Wherealas, on Weibo, it is clearly a promotional account, letting his fans see what he is up to and sharing with them what he wants them to see. I mean this is purely on imo. And I honestly don't know what role ZZ plays in all this though. 


From the English status (and is that Spanish description of himself as well?) posted on IG I can safely assumed, the way that he is freer on IG is because he caters IG more for his international fans. Though from the comment section you can see that there are still many of his Chinese fans there. Like his free self for these few days in Cannes, I think IG also his bigger playground in terms of expressing himself. He doesn't post very often there, but when he posts, I agree with you that he posts what ever he feels like at the moment.

I have yet remember if he ever delete any of his IG posting. 


Sometimes some of his pics make you feel like you're a pedo drooling over this guy who looks barely legal



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A new chapter for Our Road to Home is up!

4. Shadows



I approached him, trying to be quiet as much as I could. But he still noticed me, anyway. Zhouzhou looked up and smiled at me, not ending his music. I smiled back and walked around the couch. Standing behind him, I stooped down and kissed the top of his head.

"Morning." I greeted him. 

Nothing more than that. Not a single word more, not a touch more. 


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For folks who like hearing JY says the word da hai  :)

JY: It would be great if I livestreamed when I was at da hai (the big sea) two days ago. Now there is not much to livestream


Reporter: While having your photoshoots these days, are there any places that you really like?
JY: By the seaside, I really like da hai (the big sea)

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18 minutes ago, ryokise said:

Parts/random trans from JY's xian dan jia livestream:


"(Fans asked him about his upcoming clothing line/design )
JY: I had a dream about this...it was..how should I say this? I shouldn't say globally, it's universally, universally, it's *he did a thumbs up*
(Universe/universally in Chinese is "Yuzhou" and yes my heart skipped a beat again lol)"


Haha, my heart skipped a beat too when ZZ sang the words "YuZhou" and "JingYu" on his promo song XD

delulu mode: maybe JY is planning to name his clothing brand "YuZhou"? It's like GH naming his company HaiYin, right? Oh my delulu heart, please let it be true! :wub:

4 minutes ago, nedaaa said:

@gayyoxx i'm still waiting for love that bloom :rolleyes:

On going ... I have to release both sweets and angsts of this fandom :phew:

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