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2 hours ago, kmmyzz said:

If she knew that will be the last, she'd try her best to finish filming the whole thing, even if she needs to borrow money from people.

That's what she meant to say

Thank to you to try to help a poor puzzled brain as mine. Halas, I still don't get the

will try my best to finish filming the whole thing.

If my grammar may be not in the right place in my puzzled brain, but still it is somewhere where the future is the future. And "will" is meaning the future and in affirmative mode. No ?

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Given that they cannot share the same stage together, it is more difficult to pursue with S2.. My hope is still high, given such time, they could improve their acting, pursue what they want, etc....

And there is some post about China was victorious because their regulation is the same with France. I mean what?? hahaha! France is already accepting homosexuality in real life not just on screen, gay couples there could even adopt kids, not to mention transsexuality (that would be another subject, they could not handle it)

Another thing, why of all why would you compare the China "victory" to a State who first brought democracy and liberty, they were the model which the United States of America followed. Among all states, France?. Compare China to another communist country like North Korea.

China did left a "great" impression.... that we do have a better political system than them, I just appreciated our democracy even more.

I am saddened of the turn of events, but not hopeless or broken. My hunches are correct and given the track of things, SAFRT will be in for a surprise. On this matter, I will not reveal. :phew:

By the way, no one can even "try" to control human emotions, brainwashed, yeah??, but not with feelings. it is impossible like setting fire to the rain. LOL!

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1 hour ago, guhai said:

I really should be sleeping because I have to wake up in two hours...

But, I just want to say that while there's no doubt that the gathering of the Addicted cast and crew was fateful and amazing, I think we are a rather fateful and amazing gathering of people as well. This thread has such a diverse group of people keeping it together, and yet we all mix so well. We come from various countries, speak different languages, and have various backgrounds. Each of us contribute to this thread in different ways, but not just via translations, updates, fanfics, etc. But through our individual unique personalities as well. It's been 700 pages and you have to admit, we're pretty amazing if we're still a calm and positive thread after everything we've had to go through (too much).

I've heard (and seen) other threads, both international and Chinese, and the majority have gone completely insane by this point, and there's absolutely no order, positivity, or humor left in some. No one appreciates a "different" opinion and people insult each other at every turn when they disagree. I'm extremely glad and thankful that we're not like that, and continue to remain the way we are. I think what we have was and is possible mainly because we don't just view this thread as a place for updates and keeping up with the novel/series/actors, but also a place where we can share our coming out stories, wish each other good luck on tests and work, show concern for each other's health, remind each other to eat *cough*, vent our daily frustrations and even cry together if need be, and tease each other about having dirty minds while shamelessly sharing (and drooling over) our own fetishes. We're so much more than just a place for updates. I'm happy to have been here for so long, and I'm happy to see all the new members come out of lurking as well. Welcome! And, with this, I'm heading to bed to finally catch some sleep. Good night all ^_^

Good night. Rest well. Eat. Remember your health is important.

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2 hours ago, kakelet said:

It's more like "I would have finished filming it even if it meant borrowing money" instead of "I will" finish filming in the future.

So, you are sure about ? I mean you read and translate from the original Chinese "official" post right to be affirmative ? Or you quote what you "heard about" ? Please understand me : I know very little about Chines language, but I know about the "interpretation/translation" process and all the mistakes implied by it.

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20 minutes ago, DanA said:

I am saddened of the turn of events, but not hopeless or broken. My hunches are correct and given the track of things, SAFRT will be in for a surprise. On this matter, I will not reveal. :phew:


Why won't you reveal? :blink: 

Believe me, after all the analysis and theories we have been going through on this thread we are open for everything and anything. And we always starving for new theories :w00t:

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9 minutes ago, sixte said:

So, you are sure about ? I mean you read and translate from the original Chinese "official" post right to be affirmative ? Or you quote what you "heard about" ? Please understand me : I know very little about Chines language, but I know about the "interpretation/translation" process and all the mistakes implied by it.



As a native Chinese speaker who ended up doing a degree in English, I can confirm that there is no mistake. The tense is very clear: "I really regret that three months ago, because of a funding issue, we didn't film the car crash. If I had known that would be the last scene, I would have filmed it to the very end even if I had to borrow money." It is one of regret, showing that the opportunity to film the crash has been lost, but also implying that a scene directly before the crash has been shot. We just don't know what that scene might be, or how extensive it is.

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8 minutes ago, ximichem said:

LOL probably blame JiYeol =))))

I was wondering, what is the meaning of that hand gesture? Who made it popular? I know Chiyeol does that a lot but during their travel to Shanghai FM, CW also did that a lot.

@Solferine Wow, thank you for your confirmation!

So, not only we have the legendary uncut 15-episodes DVD, now we have the mythical "unknown" scenes which are not included in the uncut DVD (?). I assume, this "unknown" scenes are SH saga.

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4 hours ago, Solferine said:

YuZhou Weibo Compilation

Thanks for everything, folks, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did compiling it. This fandom and experience will hold a very dear place in my heart.


Thanks for compiling. It is nice to see this, I also see some missing, maybe I'll add on more when I came back from work.

I want to add something:


XWZ (2016 JAN 31): "'#AddictedWebSeries' My MeiPai creation, everyone come watch~"

I want to add that he put 糖 at the front, indicating this is a "candy" for fans. You see this usage a lot in the Cforum. 


HJY (2016 FEB 01): "Need to eat sweets during the minor new year"

The "sweets" also meant the "candy" I said before and not the usual candy.


HJY (2015 NOV 30): "Thanks for everybody's well wishes today. @許魏洲ZZ Zhou Zhou you're so pale"*

He's not saying ZZ pale. The 白 here is like naive/silly. It can be used affectionately like the 傻/傻子(sha/sha zi) 

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Just now, gayyoxx said:

I was wondering, what is the meaning of that hand gesture? Who made it popular? I know Chiyeol does that a lot but during their travel to Shanghai FM, CW also did that a lot.


It's the shape of small heart. IIRC it's Jo In Sung who started it first, in the drama It's Okay, That's Love /going back for research/

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1 hour ago, kelis said:

hi silent lurker lol, big fan of both these guys

Welcome to our Addicted Family. Everyone here loves and want to protect our precious babies. We are all fans as well. Lurking is fine but if you feel like sharing this place is great. Have fun.

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1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:

I think the boys and their team started to feel anxious when the rumour of second ban hit (followed by accusation of plagiarism). Just week before, JY and ZZ finished HC and RFT2. If the rumour of second ban did not happen, I assume that on the following weeks, many reality shows would invite them as guests, starting a new era for them just like in photo sessions for magazines. But the rumour came. 

The Award night made the anxiety stronger, I believe, because it was blatant show of force (be that in good intention or bad) to separate them while maintaining them in a room. The clear sign might be Hunan's decision not to air their HC's episode. In my imagination, the design of FM (two separate "events") was determined after the second ban rumour and had been consulted with the EO. So, when the boys came, they already had the mind set but they thought this would be temporary. Nobody was looking upset when they arrived at Thailand. I assume that ZZ, FS and CW knew CJD's decision during JY's time at stage. That was why when they entered the stage in the last minutes, the mood changed drastically.

I, however, still confuse on who initiated the last minutes's section? I don't think it was the EO, because they already prepared the FM as two different events without even a single drop of Addicted/YuZhou as soon as the event started. While this could be considered as deceiving the fans, I think maybe the EO did this in part because they wanted to protect the boys too? If they just wanted the hype, they could drop hints left and right and they would not separate ZZ from JY during the last minutes.

So, maybe the three boys decided to do this after hearing from CJD that she would cancel season 2? I think this is possible, unless someone has better evidence. If so, I admire their bravery and also their foolishness, especially ZZ, because what they did on the last minutes essentially undo their efforts to separate JY and ZZ during the week end. But with JY's surprise, FS's attitude and words, CW's smirk seeing JY's surprised face and ZZ's resignation, I somehow think that it was the three boys who decided for a last minutes change of plans.


Hmm.. I have a different view than you. I have a feeling that the boys might know about the end of Addicted way before that. They were just too good in masking their expression in public. For example, the day before the fanmeeting, ZZ was quite drunk. This might be his way of coping with extreme sadness when he realized that the fanmeeting tomorrow would be the farewell to Addicted.

The foolish bravery near the end was, I believe, to let the fans to see them for one last time since they knew that there won't be any chance in the future. :(


If I'm to guess where they decided this or knew about this, it would be after the rumour. Remember how JY went to Beijing at that time? I said before in delulu way that it was to visit ZZ but now I think that they might have a discussion about this at that time. The cast deserves to be told about this particular news face to face after all and the only time that JY and ZZ were together in the same place after the whole chaos happened was at 3rd April in Beijing.

ZZ was then heavily saddened by this. He went MIA and played LOL a lot and I believe this was due to the fact that he was told that Addicted is over (aside from plagiarism scandal). Even JY had quite sad expression around this time from the fan account. Again I before thought in delulu way that this might be due to the plagiarism scandal but I think now that they might knew about this around that time.

Not to mention that after this, they were not seen together anymore. Something happened around this time.

After that came the award event and... surprise, surprise... they were separated. I guess seeing the absurdity of it all kinda shook JY a little bit (he has a worse mask than ZZ after all). If you see the fanvid, you will see the moment where JY looked shaken that he and ZZ were separated.

Again something happened around this time. Something that endangers their career and their future so they decided to say goodbye to Addicted. :( I don't believe that CJD can't find any investors. A lot of inventors are lined up and ready to support Addicted and even CJD herself said that she found one in Taiwan before.

Just my 2 cents on this.



Another thought. Around this time they started the countdown of the fanmeeting with that beautiful Addicted pictures. 14 (or is it 13?) days before the fanmeeting. Began at 3rd April.

And not to mention the sudden unseen Addicted pictures that were flying around on the internet. This proved that the end of Addicted was decided before the fanmeeting started.

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