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Reading above translations i really want them together like couple..if theres a girl in their life i would feel jealosy that my timmy/jonny are reserved...but if they are together i want them to be more happy with each other..i dont knw bcz of fangirl jealosy /love towards couple but i really dont like to watch them with other girls...

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@ryokise thank you so much for the trans. wz is such a cutie pie sobs :wub: and i was just coincidentally reading an addicted chapter about how cold and serious gh is before he met bly lol. actually i was a bit surprised with jy's cool demeanor in candid moments bc he seems like such a happy dork in the bts and group interviews but i guess he is more like gh than i thought

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44 minutes ago, ryokise said:

OP told them that they look so different than on TV.JY laughed and asked her twice if it's more handsome than on TV.WZ asked her if on TV,it's much uglier?

She added on her weibo just now that when WZ asked her about looking uglier on TV, he pouted and furrowed his eyebrows, which melted her at the sight of it because she is older than him and the cuteness reminds her of her younger cousin,.

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Thank you @ryokise for the juicy info! Very helpful to know the personalities of the boys and the dynamics between them. Please share with us if you have more info!

Zhouzhou is surely very cute and charming. Too bad that BLY is too stoic and reserved so that we seldom see Zhouzhou's expressions in the series. 

Meanwhile, Johnny smiled more when Zhouzhou nears is confirmed! LOL.

#YuZhouConspiracy sails awaaaay!

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Tomorrow Johnny will host a show, but I don't know the time so... let's translate #hihi

各位捕鲸团成员们还在为昨天没有抓到鲸鱼而烦恼吗?憋难过!后援会来为大家送福利了。@Johnny黄景瑜 的综艺首秀-安徽卫视《超级大首映》将于3月7日在北京录制,如果你想亲临现场为鲸鱼加油,赶快来关注@黄景瑜全国粉丝后援会官博 ,转发本条微博并写下为鲸鱼加油打气的话,就有可能获得后援会送出的节目门票哟。门票共两张,3月6日晚8点开奖,通过@微博抽奖平台 抽取,快来试试吧!一定要看清楚时间地点哦!收起全文d



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Guest skeletonworks
58 minutes ago, ryokise said:

慕宁炊 's fanaccount from their France event.This fanaccount is very long so I'm just translating the parts I find interesting. OP is the one that posted photos of them at the banquet/the video whereby JY walked pass her and waved.She also posted photos with them together but censored herself away. I think she works at the event/in the industry but is also a fan of them?

Link to her fanaccount > http://weibo.com/p/1001603949793507474548

OP asked JY if she could have a photo with him,he agreed but was a little serious.After that she asked if she could have a small chat with him, JY says okay and she sat on WZ's seat to talk with JY when WZ was out of the venue to accept other interviews.She asked if he was tired and he said he's tired from the schedules.She asked if there are any new works from him and he says <xx> is in discussion (she can't reveals the name, so that work will be referred as xx).At this point, WZ came back, she stood up to give WZ back his seat but WZ politely said ah I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation.

*she took photos with WZ and the both of them*

She asked about WZ's activities and he answers about his album releasing soon. She didn't want to leave JY out of the conversation so she asked if he's going to act in <xx>.JY replied her that it's not confirmed yet, and WZ asked JY "not confirmed yet?" OP says WZ seems very interested/concerned.She apologized to them for being like a reporter asking them questions but WZ says it's fine.Throughout the conversation,WZ is friendly. JY initially was serious, and because of that, she felt a bit shy when she was previously having a conversation alone with JY, but after WZ came back,the atmosphere turned harmonious, JY became more talkative and also laughed.

OP told them that they look so different than on TV.JY laughed and asked her twice if it's more handsome than on TV.WZ asked her if on TV,it's much uglier?

When OP told them she is much older than them, WZ was quite shocked.She said "I' m older than you by x years and older than JY by.."at this point she forgot JY's age and WZ immediately replied "oh..so so you are older than Jingyu by x age".

She says WZ addresses JY by "Jingyu" in the conversation.

WZ came to the event alone and he said his manager didn't came here today, only Jingyu's manager Xiao long came.OP asked "so Xiao long is takng care of the both of you?"and at this moment, Xiao long left and she asked "so now I'm in charge of taking care of you both?" and WZ laughed.

*She left the seat after all the guests arrived*

OP attention's was on JY/WZ when the banquet began.In the beginning,they were bored and were using their phones,but in the later part,she saw that they both were chatting with each other for quite a lot of times and JY laughed happily.

OP's personal thoughts from her conversation with them >> JY seems like the type that is serious with strangers, but acts funny and is cheerful with the people he is close to.She observed that JY was tired and serious in the beginning, she says when you're feeling tired, you probably wants to be alone and when some stranger approach you to have a conversation, you will be pissed, but JY was gentlemanly to her and didn't express any annoyance at her, which she is thankful for.She also felt that JY looked like he was stressed out.

WZ is a gentle and heartwarming kid and didn't put on airs,feels like a little brother of hers'. He is easy to talk to and very sincere.A lot of his answers was straight forward/casual and not official like (in their conversation). He is polite and thoughtful, when OP was chatting with them, as JY's seat was a bit far from her and the venue was noisy,sometimes JY might be left out of the conversation, but WZ would always pull JY into the conversation and it was obvious.He was smiling throughout their conversation which gave OP the guts to ask them bold questions.

Security guard said they left in a white car together, and they left happily.


I noticed that too in the interview.. I wonder why? They're two years apart... Do the Chinese not concern much about seniority like the Koreans? 

I can just imagine Zhouzhou being all bubbly during the convo and always trying not to let Johnny felt left out.. Awwww.... So wifey much!

Thanks for the summary!

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12 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


I noticed that too in the interview.. I wonder why? They're two years apart... Do the Chinese not concern much about seniority like the Koreans? 

I can just imagine Zhouzhou being all bubbly during the convo and always trying not to let Johnny felt left out.. Awwww.... So wifey much!

Thanks for the summary!

My opinion is that they are friends haha. Gap 2 3 years is not a big problem since in Vietnam, i don't have any pre-word to adress my friend in order of seniority, so i just call their name, or use the subjects which are equal age level to call other. But, of course, won't use them if your friends are serious guys and take that thing a big concern. 

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23 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


I noticed that too in the interview.. I wonder why? They're two years apart... Do the Chinese not concern much about seniority like the Koreans? 

I can just imagine Zhouzhou being all bubbly during the convo and always trying not to let Johnny felt left out.. Awwww.... So wifey much!

Thanks for the summary!

it's quite common to address without the surname or any honorifics among friends :) Although Fengsong addresses Jingyu by "Jingyu brother" (hyung, to put it easier haha)

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18 minutes ago, Jonathan Oon said:

Anyone saw the message asking us to remove the MEN'S UNO photos? 'To protect Johnny and Timmy's honor'?

Whoops now I see it

For that concern, I will delete pics in spoiler *since it was not officially one*

@hellolive  @Jonathan Oonplease delete the spoilers of mine in your quote for this message :*

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The Colors of Life (YuZhou fanfic) is entering its eighth chapter! Please read and comment on it! :) 

Part 8 Party in Black




"You need to smile more."

I scowled at him. "You need to smile less!"

He sighed. "Jingyu, seriously! You look so... tense." He looked at me enquiringly. "Are you sick or nervous?"

I grumbled.

"Hmm?" He pressed. Not with words, but with his body. He moved his head forward slowly. But when I tried to capture his lips, he swiftly moved back and arching his eyebrows. I smacked my lips in annoyance. Damn it, Zhouzhou! Using your lips as weapon is not fair!

"I'm nervous," finally, I gave up. I glanced at him, half-hoping that he'll mocked me.

No. He just smiled and reached his hand to tidy my hair. Then, he drew my head slowly toward his. Our lips met gently.

"Mmm..." He sighed and ended our kiss. His smile blossomed even more beautiful, as if our kiss nourished it. richard simmons, I did not know what saintly act I had done in previous life so that I could be this lucky to have him in this life! "Don't be. You look good. They will have their hands all over you in no time."

I sighed. That's exactly the problem!


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1 hour ago, ryokise said:

慕宁炊 's fanaccount from their France event.This fanaccount is very long so I'm just translating the parts I find interesting. OP is the one that posted photos of them at the banquet/the video whereby JY walked pass her and waved.She also posted photos with them together but censored herself away. I think she works at the event/in the industry but is also a fan of them?

Link to her fanaccount > http://weibo.com/p/1001603949793507474548

OP asked JY if she could have a photo with him,he agreed but was a little serious.After that she asked if she could have a small chat with him, JY says okay and she sat on WZ's seat to talk with JY when WZ was out of the venue to accept other interviews.She asked if he was tired and he said he's tired from the schedules.She asked if there are any new works from him and he says <xx> is in discussion (she can't reveals the name, so that work will be referred as xx).At this point, WZ came back, she stood up to give WZ back his seat but WZ politely said ah I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation.

*she took photos with WZ and the both of them*

She asked about WZ's activities and he answers about his album releasing soon. She didn't want to leave JY out of the conversation so she asked if he's going to act in <xx>.JY replied her that it's not confirmed yet, and WZ asked JY "not confirmed yet?" OP says WZ seems very interested/concerned.She apologized to them for being like a reporter asking them questions but WZ says it's fine.Throughout the conversation,WZ is friendly. JY initially was serious, and because of that, she felt a bit shy when she was previously having a conversation alone with JY, but after WZ came back,the atmosphere turned harmonious, JY became more talkative and also laughed.

OP told them that they look so different than on TV.JY laughed and asked her twice if it's more handsome than on TV.WZ asked her if on TV,it's much uglier?

When OP told them she is much older than them, WZ was quite shocked.She said "I' m older than you by x years and older than JY by.."at this point she forgot JY's age and WZ immediately replied "oh..so so you are older than Jingyu by x age".

She says WZ addresses JY by "Jingyu" in the conversation.

WZ came to the event alone and he said his manager didn't came here today, only Jingyu's manager Xiao long came.OP asked "so Xiao long is takng care of the both of you?"and at this moment, Xiao long left and she asked "so now I'm in charge of taking care of you both?" and WZ laughed.

*She left the seat after all the guests arrived*

OP attention's was on JY/WZ when the banquet began.In the beginning,they were bored and were using their phones,but in the later part,she saw that they both were chatting with each other for quite a lot of times and JY laughed happily.

OP's personal thoughts from her conversation with them >> JY seems like the type that is serious with strangers, but acts funny and is cheerful with the people he is close to.She observed that JY was tired and serious in the beginning, she says when you're feeling tired, you probably wants to be alone and when some stranger approach you to have a conversation, you will be pissed, but JY was gentlemanly to her and didn't express any annoyance at her, which she is thankful for.She also felt that JY looked like he was stressed out.

WZ is a gentle and heartwarming kid and didn't put on airs,feels like a little brother of hers'. He is easy to talk to and very sincere.A lot of his answers was straight forward/casual and not official like (in their conversation). He is polite and thoughtful, when OP was chatting with them, as JY's seat was a bit far from her and the venue was noisy,sometimes JY might be left out of the conversation, but WZ would always pull JY into the conversation and it was obvious.He was smiling throughout their conversation which gave OP the guts to ask them bold questions.

Security guard said they left in a white car together, and they left happily.

I squealed when I read how JY was more relaxed and talkative when WZ is around hahhahaa...I think JY is the kind of person who needs to warm up first before he can really feel comfortable in other's presence^_^ I kind of relate since I tend to behave that way too:)

I find it really amusing how very different WZ is from BLY in RL...:D

Thank you for sharing this.

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1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:


Looking at this, I realised: despite getting news on Johnny and Zhohzhou, despite busy shipping YuZhou, I miss Guhai and Yinzi so much  :bawling:

I missed them, too, so much.. that I crazy marathoning 2 times in 1 day today.

I had finished marathoning ep1-15 since this morning till afternoon.

And about an hour ago I started marathoning again, I just finished ep 3, gonna through ep 4 and the rest (don't guarantee finishing them till the end, a few hours it's almost midnight here). And I realize I forgot how many times I keep replaying from ep1-15. Why am I not moving on from them even a little bit? :cry: gaaahh~~

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3 hours ago, ryokise said:

慕宁炊 's fanaccount from their France event.This fanaccount is very long so I'm just translating the parts I find interesting. OP is the one that posted photos of them at the banquet/the video whereby JY walked pass her and waved.She also posted photos with them together but censored herself away. I think she works at the event/in the industry but is also a fan of them?

Link to her fanaccount > http://weibo.com/p/1001603949793507474548

OP asked JY if she could have a photo with him,he agreed but was a little serious.After that she asked if she could have a small chat with him, JY says okay and she sat on WZ's seat to talk with JY when WZ was out of the venue to accept other interviews.She asked if he was tired and he said he's tired from the schedules.She asked if there are any new works from him and he says <xx> is in discussion (she can't reveals the name, so that work will be referred as xx).At this point, WZ came back, she stood up to give WZ back his seat but WZ politely said ah I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation.

*she took photos with WZ and the both of them*

She asked about WZ's activities and he answers about his album releasing soon. She didn't want to leave JY out of the conversation so she asked if he's going to act in <xx>.JY replied her that it's not confirmed yet, and WZ asked JY "not confirmed yet?" OP says WZ seems very interested/concerned.She apologized to them for being like a reporter asking them questions but WZ says it's fine.Throughout the conversation,WZ is friendly. JY initially was serious, and because of that, she felt a bit shy when she was previously having a conversation alone with JY, but after WZ came back,the atmosphere turned harmonious, JY became more talkative and also laughed.

OP told them that they look so different than on TV.JY laughed and asked her twice if it's more handsome than on TV.WZ asked her if on TV,it's much uglier?

When OP told them she is much older than them, WZ was quite shocked.She said "I' m older than you by x years and older than JY by.."at this point she forgot JY's age and WZ immediately replied "oh..so so you are older than Jingyu by x age".

She says WZ addresses JY by "Jingyu" in the conversation.

WZ came to the event alone and he said his manager didn't came here today, only Jingyu's manager Xiao long came.OP asked "so Xiao long is takng care of the both of you?"and at this moment, Xiao long left and she asked "so now I'm in charge of taking care of you both?" and WZ laughed.

*She left the seat after all the guests arrived*

OP attention's was on JY/WZ when the banquet began.In the beginning,they were bored and were using their phones,but in the later part,she saw that they both were chatting with each other for quite a lot of times and JY laughed happily.

OP's personal thoughts from her conversation with them >> JY seems like the type that is serious with strangers, but acts funny and is cheerful with the people he is close to.She observed that JY was tired and serious in the beginning, she says when you're feeling tired, you probably wants to be alone and when some stranger approach you to have a conversation, you will be pissed, but JY was gentlemanly to her and didn't express any annoyance at her, which she is thankful for.She also felt that JY looked like he was stressed out.

WZ is a gentle and heartwarming kid and didn't put on airs,feels like a little brother of hers'. He is easy to talk to and very sincere.A lot of his answers was straight forward/casual and not official like (in their conversation). He is polite and thoughtful, when OP was chatting with them, as JY's seat was a bit far from her and the venue was noisy,sometimes JY might be left out of the conversation, but WZ would always pull JY into the conversation and it was obvious.He was smiling throughout their conversation which gave OP the guts to ask them bold questions.

Security guard said they left in a white car together, and they left happily.

I squealed when I read how JY was more relaxed and talkative when WZ is around hahhahaa...I think JY is the kind of person who needs to warm up first before he can really feel comfortable in other's presence^_^ I kind of relate since I tend to behave that way too:)

I find it really amusing how very different WZ is from BLY in RL...:D

Thank you for sharing this.

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fans... this piece of interview from CJD about the boys during filming..

Go check out -> estreline's instagram. 3 images of interview.

Not sure how real, someone care to correct if it is not. :-)




Edited by may
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