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3 hours ago, sohocomo said:

Really do miss you @guhai. Not just your writing, but YOU. 

Stay well no matter what goes on. We are all cheering for you!!

Can you imagine? Luoyin during those 8 years in the military, away from Guhai. Not knowing if Guhai is still waiting for him, not knowing if Guhai is well. And on a cold, lonely night, he's sitting outside staring up at the stars and thinking:


I really do miss you, Guhai ah...Not just your cooking and your warmth, but you.

Stay well no matter what happens. I'm cheering for you, even if you may never know.


Thank you @sohocomo and @addictedaddict:wub:
And @Scandani, I'll be sure to tag you if I ever come up with 'Sniff Sniff Part II' :P

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16 minutes ago, guhai said:

Can you imagine? Luoyin during those 8 years in the military, away from Guhai. Not knowing if Guhai is still waiting for him, not knowing if Guhai is well. And on a cold, lonely night, he's sitting outside staring up at the stars and thinking:

:tears: I'm reading your quote in ZZ's voice and recalling the video JY holding a glass of wine at the recent event but his face was uncomfortable, stiff, and everything


GH took a sip of wine then loosened his bow tie. He reached for his phone as a habit. It has been the same for eight years, desperately waiting for something. A signal. A missed call. Just anything. 


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11 hours ago, ryokise said:

Random trans/parts of ZZ's Ifensi livestream today [4/28] (Some of the trans might seem cold,but ZZ is actually smiling throughout the livestream)

> ZZ: I saw a comment "finally entered (the livestream)",same here, I finally entered,really,it's so difficult.Because I'm filming on a rooftop, hence the connection is very very bad. The (app)system is breaking down,I'm breaking down too.

> ZZ: Let me open a drink,I'm dying of thirst *After ZZ drinks* the latest version of biao qing bao (Photo collection of funny facial expressions) is starting again,actually the last time when I livestreamed, everyone told me to manage my facial expressions, and I managed my facial expressions well for awhile, hahaha~ haha~ oh it's time for me to change my clothes

> ZZ: our photoshoot was stopped,we were having photoshoot on the rooftop and they didn't allow us to continue... sigh...so bad ahh

> ZZ: Aiya,my pants are falling, my pants are falling

> ZZ: *Singing* Can you see me~ Can you see me~ It's lagging into a PPT~ ah~ lagging into a PPT~ (Lagging into a PPT is a joke at videos so laggy that they turns into powerpoint presentation slides,meaning you can only see the video by frames) *Reads fans' comments* It's not that they are stopping me from livestreaming! They are not allowing the photoshoot.

> ZZ: Okay,you guys want to see Xiao shi? Then I will stop livestreaming, I will let you guys see Xiao shi, goodbye~~

> ZZ: *Reads fans' comments* What,I never wash my hair? I did wash my hair okay, saying that I never wash my hair,I obviously already washed my hair, who said that I didn't wash my hair? This hair,this hairstyle is supposed to be like this,understand what is fashion?

> ZZ: Do you think I will livestream myself changing clothes? Heh~ No way I'm showing you guys

> ZZ: Changing my pants,done *reads fans comments* "Imagined the process (of ZZ changing his pants)"..what's there to imagine about changing pants? How could there be any sound from changing pants? Changing my pants, hei xia! hei xia! hei xia! Unzipped my pants, put on my pants, chua! Chua! heyy~~ buttoned it,zipped it, chua! (idk how to translate the noises he made, but basically he is not filming himself and "dubbing" himself changing pants)

> ZZ: Who livestreamed changing pants? I didn't *laugh* Who said I livestreamed changing pants

> ZZ: Working while watching my livestream...you should just go and do your job well. Giving you a thumbs up, don't let your boss find out about this.

> *ZZ talking to staff: Hey,Da jie (big sister)..I..
  Staff: Damn it..I'm not older than you! *laugh*
  (can't hear what they are saying here)
  ZZ: No, this thing clip it on the outside, clip it like this, it's poking my butt, how painful is that? *laugh*

> (Xiao shi filming ZZ removing his socks) ZZ: Don't livestream my leg hair
  (Xiao shi guiding someone to livesream ZZ): Half body, Half body, yes, this angle, very good
  ZZ: You are even teaching others? The angle that you film..*telling fans* he films it like this (from above) and this (from below) and this..he films it like this
> ZZ :*Reads fans' comments* Da jie is so blissed,which da jie is blissed? Oh the one that helps with clothes,the dresser
  Staff: Aiyo~~~
  ZZ: She is not da jie, she said it herself, she is not da jie, she is younger than me

> ZZ: I will imitate the security guard for you guys, he said "Usually photoshoots are allowed, today..definitely not! definitely not! heyyy today definitely not" I give up. I should just be a quiet pretty boy and not talk. (ZZ imitating the security guard is at around 32.00)

> ZZ: They asked me to be nearer to the camera, come, I will be closer to the camera *ZZ closeup to the cam* Did I had a drop in viewers?

> ZZ: "Zhouzhou,watch your expressions,it can be easily screenshot into biao qing bao" Screenshot it then, screenshot it, screenshot it~

> ZZ: *Read fans' comments* "Rest well" Okay,I will rest well when I have the time,*points to his dark circles* dark circles..
  A male staff: How long do you sleep recently?
  Xiao shi: 4..Not even 4 hours
  ZZ: You?
  Xiao shi: You
  ZZ: How could it be that you know my sleeping hours? Not even 4 hours..  
  Xiao shi: Through Your dark circles  
  ZZ: *Telling the other staffs* How could it be that he knows my sleeping hours?
  ZZ: You are the one who sleeps 4 hours,...I..you are quite funny.Sleep more alright? Xiao shi,Jiayou
  Xiao shi: Zhouzhou, you should eat more..
  ZZ: You should sleep more,eat more
  Xiao shi: I already..
  ZZ: And aspire to be the top of internet red (people who become famous online),Xiao shi who roars (Xiao shi's weibo name)

(ZZ's reaction to Xiao shi talking about his sleeping hours is quite defensive here, I think he is afraid that fans will be worried about him? It's around 3.59 in this link on bilibili TV , and despite ZZ being a little agitated here, Xiao shi is still patient with ZZ and even asked him to eat more lol)

> ZZ: *Reads fans' comments* Just exactly how long do I sleep?" Sleep..erm..I guess around 7 hours,normal sleeping hours.Anyway, I will sleep whenever there is a chance to.Grab the chance whenever there is time to sleep.No,I'm..for example now, I can sleep immediately.It's a skill that I learned recently.

 > At the end, when Xiao shi left the car, ZZ films Xiao shi and imitates Xiao shi waving goodbye to fans.

Thank you for sharing! Watched several clips of the livesteam.. Though it was nice to see ZZ handsome face and funny antics, I'm glad I was able to understand what he was talking about! He is so adorable!!!!

Good morning, fellow Addicts!

Ps. I wore white shirt today like in the Walk Slowly video. Haha 

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31 minutes ago, guhai said:

I really do miss you, Guhai ah...Not just your cooking and your warmth, but you.

Stay well no matter what happens. I'm cheering for you, even if you may never know.


16 minutes ago, ximichem said:

GH took a sip of wine then loosened his bow tie. He reached for his phone as a habit. It has been the same for eight years, desperately waiting for something. A signal. A missed call. Just anything. 

Both of you are killing me. UUGGGHHHH!    :tears::wub::tears::wub::tears::wub:

(What's worse is I'm working on the story I'm writing and I keep mixing up my characters and GH/BLY - JY/ZZ. It's a mess :lol:)

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I just wanted to share a random saying of fans on weibo: ZZ.avi is better than ZZ.jpg. How cruel these fans are! lol

When I hear all these good and detail descriptions of ZZ in real life (people were stunned by how "beautiful" he is; they were literally speechless when facing him), I have determined to go see him. I hope that I could make it to either Beijing, Shanghai, or Taiwan. 

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Bored with your breakfast fare today? Lunch on the bland side? Then:

1. From JY's veins and fingers series (cr. on imagery) 





2. Wanna exercise your ZZ-oriented imagination? Be warned: viewers' discretion is advised…! (cr. on fanart)





3. Something tame and uke instead? CW is here for you (cr. on pic)




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Actually shipping someone not because they thought they are in love. So true! Suprise? Nahhh.


Preach girl!

Because i will get delete so, better put it into spoiler.



I'm always thinking that shipping someone is always beautiful. It doesn't matter if they are in love or not. We fell in love with their love (it doesnt matter its about friendship, because love existed in both way, lover or friendships. Because I'm obviously talking about Yuzhou here :phew:


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Below is the full version of ZZ's Towards The Light song (lyrics in the spoiler).

As someone here pointed out, the composer of the song might be indirectly hinting at a connection between JY and ZZ with this line: 鲸鱼在水底潜行 (jīng yú zài shuǐ dǐ qián xíng) - the whale swims / moves about underwater.



向着光亮那方 (xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng) - Towards The Light - 许魏洲

First verse

蝴蝶被光照 耀着肩膀
hú dié bèi guāng zhào yào zhe jiān bǎng

掀起另外半球的 巨大海浪
xiān qǐ lìng wài  bàn qiú de jù dà hǎi làng

hǎo sì  jiāo xiǎng

mā yǐ men jǔ qǐ shí tóu

也成群结对飘过 雨前河流
yě chéng qún jié duì piāo guò yǔ qián hé liú

shǒu qiān zhe shǒu

líng yáng jiǎo jiān yìng rú gōu

挑破草原黎明前 漫天星斗
tiāo pò cǎo yuán lí míng qián mǎn tiān xīng dǒu

jué bù tíng liú

liè bào zài yǔ zhōng xíng zǒu

瞳孔里有一个世界 有一整个宇宙 
tóng kǒng lǐ yǒu yī gè  shì jiè yǒu yī zhěng gè yǔ zhòu

你是新的树木 是现在小小山丘
nǐ shì xīn de  shù mù shì xiàn zài xiǎo xiǎo shān qiū

shì yī tiáo qīng chè  qí guài  hé liú

nǐ shì bù zhī míng de huā cǎo

hái shì  yī kuài  wán gù  shí tóu


xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

变的不一样 学着坚强
biàn de bù yī yàng xué zhe jiān qiáng

变无可阻挡 不只是理想
biàn wú kě zǔ dǎng  bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

shì nì fēng de lì liáng

xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

变得不一样 不同寻常
biàn dé bù yī yàng  bù tóng xún cháng

biàn xiǎng yào múo yàng

bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

shì huó zhe de fāng xiàng

Second verse

niǎo ér  fā chū  qīng cuì de yī shēng

惊起百米之外的 小小飞虫 飞翔的梦
jīng qǐ bǎi mǐ zhī wài de xiǎo xiǎo fēi chóng  fēi xiáng de mèng

jīng yú zài shuǐ dǐ qián xíng

翻越出一道彩虹 一道海的山岭 
fān yuè chū  yī dào  cǎi hóng yī dào  hǎi de  shān lǐng

你是新的树木 是现在小小山丘
nǐ shì  xīn de  shù mù shì  xiàn zài xiǎo xiǎo shān qiū

shì yī tiáo  qīng chè  qí guài  hé liú

nǐ shì  bù zhī míng de  huā cǎo

hái shì  yī kuài  wán gù  shí tóu


xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

变的不一样 学着坚强
biàn de bù yī yàng xué zhe jiān qiáng

biàn wú kě zǔ dǎng bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

shì nì fēng de lì liáng

xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

变得不一样 不同寻常
biàn dé  bù yī yàng bù tóng  xún cháng

biàn xiǎng yào mó yàng

bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

shì huó zhe de fāng xiàng

xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

变的不一样 学着坚强
biàn de bù yī yàng xué zhe jiān qiáng

biàn wú kě zǔ dǎng  bù zhǐ shì  lǐ xiǎng

shì nì fēng de lì liáng

xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

变得不一样 不同寻常
biàn dé bù yī yàng bù tóng xún cháng

biàn xiǎng yào mó yàng

bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

shì huó zhe de fāng xiàng


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9 hours ago, Tin Le said:

Thanks for your summary. But not quite get the idea behind the story. Does it mean the first photos is so bad/ugly so the granny joked about that. The second ones taking by fan are too good/beautiful to be real so the crowd feels cheated when comparing the two. Sorry because Eng is still my second language :sweatingbullets:


The idea behind that fan art, I guess, is again, mocking ZZ's selfie skill lol. When he sold his selfies fans wouldn't care less and leave him alone lol. But if It's his photos taken by fans then it's another different story, fans rushed to have them but found out he's cheating with the photos again:lol:.

As @akira1122oor posted here sometimes ago, four of them have their weakness that is welknown among the fandom:

XWZ: selfie (his only taboo in fans' eyes, they have trauma every time his hands come near to his phone lol. Its also their biggest weapon to troll ZZ when he trolls them. Unlike his kitty cutesy kinda image he's the most flirty and naughty of the 4).

HJY: dance (needless to say after SH fanmeeting and Happy camp lol)

LFS: sing (i still find myself laughing so much during Thai fanmeeting thanks to FS's performance)

CW: draw (appreaciate if someone helps me dig the photo he drew last month, it's really ...well.. impressive)


Lastly based on the clip @ximichen posted above from iqiyi Taiwan, ZZ may have a fanmeeting to promote his album there in June.


That's all for now. Feel like I'm dumping all the irrelevant contents in one post. Sorry bout that :sweatingbullets:

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