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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Color theory explained, part 293587194875489

So as we've learned from team JH's obsession with raddishes, yellow-red-green are the colors of LYFE.


team JH assumed, for 80% of the show, that green = JH, yellow = DS, and red = taek

when in fact all three colors are for Taek LOL. two of these ssangmun-dong kiddos will become his family (yay mr.stalker and deoksunnie <3)

Also, his birthday hat:


See how the fringe around his head is GREEN? You know what this means?

the anointed one




baby I can see your [green] halo, halo. Thanks for choosing him (UFO abduction notwithstanding). Thank you, pd shin. Bless. 

:phew::phew::phew::phew::phew: I had too much sugar this morning. Forgive me roommates... <3

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4 hours ago, Qwan said:

Hi all,

I'm new here. Hope it is not too late to join this thread. Just want to say thank you so much all of you guys. This thread makes me love PBG more and more. And I'm glad I'm with Taek and DS.

Btw,I'm living in Phuket. Anyone knows where all Reply 1988 stay in Phuket? ^   ^


I hope the crew don't get mobbed in phukrt. They really need a vacation and peace, so hopefully the fans can respect that.

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Guest aoikarin

I just watched ep 19.. and it took me so looooong time.. hahaha.. because I keep repeating the scenes. especially the kiss scene

Here's my long thoughts about episode 19.. It's a very very good episode and i loveeeee it :wub:

Please be patient.. it willl be a loooooooooong post:

About the timeline.. I checked with the calendar Oct 1994..


This is my impression on Taek and DS according to the timeline:

8th Oct 94 - Taek's birthday party. DS was excited to meet Taek in person. She's acting weird and hyper.  DS found out that Taek knew about her new date and she bragged her movie date (forrest gump) with his new bf. DS laughed overreact at Taek's and Shim soo hyun actress gossip. and still acted like she knows everything about Taek. I bet her self esteem being poked. Taek behaved nonchalantly and it made DS sad.. Taek keeps longing for DS and bottled his feeling.


9th Oct 94 - DS went to watch Forrest Gump with her date. She didn't open her heart and kept her arms crossed during the movie.

between 12-14 Oct 94 - OT5 meet again at DR's brother rest. DS quit drinking and Taek told SW, it's like a lie. She'd back to her habit.. DS found out that Taek knew she'd go to concert with her date. But didn't show any objection. DS went home in deep thought, she's not excited going to concert with her whoever date.

16 Oct 1994. Taek forfeited his important match.. it's his first forfeited match ever! DS gott excited and happy Taek ran like mad to her and since then they like dating but not really dated (They dated naturally without official declaration, just like their teenage time). The blossom feeling between these two.

17 Oct 1994. DS and her flight attendance girlfriend talked about Choi Taek. Her friend said that their timetable will be China next week (24 Oct), same as Taek who will have match there. Then, DS's friend planted the idea, why DS not dating Choi Taek? THERE"S NO SUCH THING FOR MAN AND WOMAN BEING FRIEND.. good girl! Friend busssun??

between 17 Oct - 20 Oct. Taek lurked at DS's house back and fro wanted to meet her.. but change his mind. LOL


Edit: I think DS was away overseas during this weekdays.. That's why Taek and DS haven't got chance to meet again until the night of JH's confession. DS dressed up prettily for Taek. waited for his call (beeper message). Taek had match at that time, finished up late and might be got lost on his way to meet DS and the OT3 friends.



I think this is the day he's been waiting for DS to come home from her overseas flight. Episode 19 didn't tell us the consecutive order of the scene, instead it's move forward and back timeline. So I just assumed the date base on the clothes he wear. Definitely it's before he went to see JH in Seocchun.


21 OCT 1994 (i think about this date) JH made public confession and found out the real feeling of DS.. She choose TAEK. She always do from long time ago.

22 Oct 1994 - JH going back to Seochun. In the evening, Bora and SW became couple. SW got caught by DR and DS. JH made a call to Taek's room (maybe wanted to tell everyone that he arrived safely). SW became punchbag of DR and DS while Taek escaped from crazy mess *smartboy* LOL!

23 OCT 1994. Very early morning, Taek ate tofu happily. (I love this scene so much.. PBG is so cute)


Taek went to see JH early morning to clarify things with JH. I think he's going to confess to DS if he wins China match. (It's his habit). JH gave him bless to Taek and encourage him to after DS. Good cupid JH! In the evening Taek went to Japan.

24 Oct 1994 - Taek went to China straight from Japan. DS flied from Korea to China and brought homemade porridge for Taek from Korea (good wife). It's D-1 China competition.

DS brought her homemade cooking specially for Taek, she anticipated Taek won't eat anything before competition. She was right. and joking told Mr Lee baduk master to pass it to Taek just in case Taek couldn't concentrate because his important day tomorrow.. and he needed to focus. She'll distract him. LOL  BUT

(from here, I copy from my tumblr blog.. i'm too lazy to retype hahahaha)

“Taek really likes you, Deok Sun ah.. He Really likes you.. and I was being serious” Mr. Lee said it TWICE, convinced Deok Sun that Taek really like her.

YEEEES!! Thank you, Baduk master Lee.. You are a sent God to play cupid for Taek and Deok Sun. He’s a truly Taek second best supporter after MVP, Dong Ryong. :D

That night, Deok Sun found out that Taek really like her from our Cupid Mr. Lee. That’s why, she makes her mind and ready to confess to Taek.




25 Oct 1994 - the baduk competition. Taek Won (of course! he has goal to confess to DS once he won). He asked dinner date.. but too bad it was interrupted by the troops.. but turns out to be better.. hahaha

Ok next scene is “Sleep in my room.. I said, you can sleep in my room.” TAEK REPEATED TWICE.. LOL

TAEK TESTS THE WATER!!!! :w00t: *kyaaaaa* you naughty dangerous roommate!!

The opportunity had came for Taek… DS was locked out of her room. Remember that before Taek offers DS to sleep in his room. he was kind of thinking of something. I bet he remembered what DS said about sleeping in with boys in one room will ruin her future marriage. AND, TAEK ASKED DS to sleep in his room. I interpret it like he’s ready to take responsibility for her future marrige.. GYABOOOOO!

Taek, my dear golden 9 Dan Baduk Master.. you are truly strategist man and know how to play it excellently. Love it!



then, for few seconds Taek was thinking something..... 


and I think he's thinking about...THIS!


Yup, He's the master of strategist.. he's testing the water... VERY SMART AND DANGEROUS MOVE, TAEKKIE AA~


He said it twice.. hahahaha.. Such a flirt!

Next Scene

Flirty Deok Sun Vs Flirty Taek

Wooow! I don’t know that Taek and Deok Sun are so good flirts. Instead of choding/childish bickering, Taek and DS are flirting at each other! Last night, Deok Sun found out Taek’s feeling from uri cupid Baduk Master Lee. That's why DS accepted Taek’s offer to sleep in his room. I think she's going to confess to Taek or at least got confirmation that Taek really likes her. It's her NATURE!!!

Taek's POV : As soon as DS accepted Taek's offer to sleep at his room, Taek found out roughly about DS’s feelings that she won’t refuse the idea about him ruined her future marriage. Hahahaha

And The conversation… so FLIRTY!! I feel hot here..  *fanningmyself*




DS.. you smart girl.. using slip tongue directed for her confession.



The writer is so good.. she give us a little twist here before give all the heavenly scene.



Crack! Awww.. I can hear Taek’s heart (and mine) cracks to a heartbreak. He stop opening his sleeping pills.. put his attention fully on DS


Deok Sun slips tongue that the dreamy kiss actually happened but she pretend to be nothing happened. DS lied to Taek. It hurts Taek so much that he thought all of this year he just experience unrequited love for DS. That's why Taek cried.








As Taek listens, he puts down his drugs.. ready to confront DS about her present feeling for him.


with her one little word ‘BUT……….”


TAEK Confirmed. (Oh.. Taek, you are so damn smart and excellent analyst)

DS has ready to cross the line, open her position and accept to level up their relationship into a romance one.. and Taek just answer it with action.


Taek kisses her passionately

Reciprocally, DS kisses him passionately.


Taek, you are man of action, never hesitates and tried your best till the end. *bows*



Now.. back to ep 18. Once, DS meet Taek.. she quits drinking. Why? because she knows that Taek doesn't like her drinking and partying. But during their separation, DS really got into drinking while Taek slumped into his sleeping pills until his body got higher resistant of it. That's their way to distract themselves from their unrequited love.. ooh i'm so sad for them.. poor soul DS and Taek. That's why once they are united, they left their bad habit right.. and if SUNG DUKSUN drinks and partying again,  She'll not SDS anymore.. but Taek's Daughter. LOL #DSisherfatherdaughter

Another thought about umbrella scene.. Why in the main thread, JH's supporters said It is compulsory for the OTP must have umbrella scene. DS and Taek never shared umbrella scene ever #theyclaimed.  I don't think so. IT IS NOT COMPULSORY FOR DS AND TAEK TO HAVE UMBRELLA SCENE.  It's the reversal. because of what? Because  Deok sun is absolutely SUNNY girl. she shines blindingly and brightly with TAEK. With Taek, she won't need umbrella scene, because DS shine beautifully. Even ep. 18 highlighted. the concert day was raining day. (bora and SW scene was raining), Mr Yoo, manager baduk also said,, it's going to rain out there.  BUT look at the concert scene.. it's so bright and sunny because of what? DS was happy.. DS was with TAEK.  QED





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11 minutes ago, melissala said:

@chengker  I so agree.  JH/DS were so stagnant. Considering that JH loved her forever, the lack of growth or changes in their relationship is pretty frustrating to watch.  And after Taek confessed it was even worse than before. JH still did nice things, but always backed away.  Deok-Sun tried to win him over, failed and that was the end of their love story. There was no lines crossed, there was nothing changed in their relationship.  DS' feelings didn't evolve. She didn't stay up awake worrying about JH.  She didn't hold on to her feelings for years.  All that was reserved for Taek.  There just wasn't wasted growth there at all.  You really need growth for it to be wasted.  

I am interested in people watching and knowing the end and how they see things differently now.  DR asking her who she likes is a great scene to analyze in hindsight. There's a reason the writer didn't ask who she likes, TK or JH because we all know the answer to that one. 


I know. When DS was showing signs of interest to SW, JH was discouraged already.. all the more when he knew about TK's feelings. Thing is, say they end up together, DS and JH would have a very, very difficult marriage, in my opinion. There would definitely be lack of growth for the both of them if that was the case. Now that I think about it, neither of them grew emotionally in the course when they had mutual attraction. If they actually entered a relationship, they would lose bits and pieces of who they really are since they had too much pretension (attempts at impressing one another) and unclear feelings instead of being simply themselves. Even if they decided to date, it would probably not end up in marriage or if it did, it wouldn't be a very peaceful one.

I agree that DS's feelings did not evolve. At least she tried though and there wouldn't be any regrets on her part. I actually think that like TK, DS has no definite beginning of when she liked TK-- she just was always there for him. The romance trigger was just waiting to be tapped and when it did--YAY. Some may say their transition from friends to lovers is too rushed but what people didn't see was that it has always been there-- just not heavily coated with extravagance.

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So I visited the MT and I saw some of us still trying to defend TK. Why waste your time? Its cool tryna defend and all but if some people are not willing to see other POVs, why bother? I see no sense in it. It just further brings unwarranted insults. 

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17 Oct 1994.  - ds girlfriend talk
between 17 Oct - 20 Oct. Taek lurked at DS's house back and fro wanted to meet her.. but change his mind. LOL

21 OCT 1994 (i think about this date) JH made public confession and found out the real feeling of DS.. She choose TAEK. She always do from long time ago.
22 Oct 1994 - JH going back to Seochun. In the evening, Bora and SW became couple. SW got caught by DR and DS. JH made a call to Taek's room (maybe wanted to tell everyone that he arrived safely). SW became punchbag of DR and DS while Taek escaped from crazy mess *smartboy* LOL!
23 OCT 1994. Very early morning, Taek ate tofu happily. (I love this scene so much.. PBG is so cute)


@aoikarin Great post! The time line would be helpful later on.Thank you for doing this! I just had this small inquiry to make.The above quoted passage,are we sure these are the exact dates? Did you take note of the dates for real? As I remember TK kept loitering in between deok sun and his place after he went to meet JH right? 

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21 minutes ago, aoikarin said:

OTP must have umbrella scene. DS and Taek never shared umbrella scene ever

lol isn't in ep12 DS&TK have their own little umbrella scene from the parfait? THAT IS THEIR UMBRELLA SCENE

whose rule to say it need real big umbrella, it can be any type of umbrella and like someone say Taeksun is the rule breaker couple and they pretty much have break every otp streotype rule and make their own new trend XD 

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Guest aoikarin
5 minutes ago, nearsea said:

17 Oct 1994.  - ds girlfriend talk
between 17 Oct - 20 Oct. Taek lurked at DS's house back and fro wanted to meet her.. but change his mind. LOL

21 OCT 1994 (i think about this date) JH made public confession and found out the real feeling of DS.. She choose TAEK. She always do from long time ago.
22 Oct 1994 - JH going back to Seochun. In the evening, Bora and SW became couple. SW got caught by DR and DS. JH made a call to Taek's room (maybe wanted to tell everyone that he arrived safely). SW became punchbag of DR and DS while Taek escaped from crazy mess *smartboy* LOL!
23 OCT 1994. Very early morning, Taek ate tofu happily. (I love this scene so much.. PBG is so cute)


@aoikarin Great post! The time line would be helpful later on.Thank you for doing this! I just had this small inquiry to make.The above quoted passage,are we sure these are the exact dates? Did you take note of the dates for real? As I remember TK kept loitering in between deok sun and his place after he went to meet JH right? 

not exact date. It's my own interpretation. I compared it from the clothes they wear, the situation which one more make sense and of course with the help of 1994 calendar. Times TK kept loitering in between DS and his place i believe it's not consecutive happen after Taek met JH.. because, From the clothes he wore, the day he met JH is the day he's going to Japan and continue to China to met DS. He asking for JH's forgiveness that he lied, Taek wants to move on to next relationship with DS. It's Taek's trait. He plans everything before the D-day.

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22 hours ago, miri13 said:


Translation of the first one, which is long:  Choose [based on word play of sun Taek] 1988, Ep. 22, Project to make SDS Person

"Press 1 to listen to voice message." Beep.

"Take-ah, I suddenly have a work function/party.  Let's meet tomorrow.  Sorry.  Really sorry!  I promise I will be home by midnight."

While waiting for DS at Baduk Federation Training Center, his pager vibrated.  When he checked, it was a message from DS.  What, today is work function/party?  I know she is beginning as a flight attendant, but isn't this too much?  What place has a work function three times a week?  Sighs Taek.  Manger Yu comes by and says "please wait Master Choi.  If you wait a little bit, I bet Duksun can get out of her work function.  I heard today's function was at the Korean Karoke place in Ssangmundong!"  Taek resigning to it asks "Oh, Manager Yu, will you be going?" Taek thinks, ugh, she is going to come home drunk again. I hate that. I know this is work life but I still hate it.  I know I should be understanding, but since I hate it, I wish she would curb this."  He gets lonely just thinking this.


"Taek-ah, if I drink and play around any more, I am not SDS.  I am your daughter. [this means she will be more compliant.]"

" Are you doing this deliberately to irritate me?  I told you I hate this."

Due to DS's aegyo, things were smoothed over that day.  We promised that day.  Never will she act this way during the work function; drinking so much that she acts foolishly.  I don't know what you are thinking, but in my heart, that is not good.  You drinking and acting like that in front of other guys, I don't like it.  Other than when concerning baduk, I may be passive and indecisive and not expressive. I am trying to fix that.  I know we have not told everyone we are overtly dating yet.  Thus, it may seem like I am asking much as a friend, but you don't realize how much this hurts me. You know how long I had to wait and how much we had to struggle and overcome to get to where we are, do not put in that dark place again.  Worrying alone and thinking alone, I get anxious.


"if you want to leave a message, please press 1, or if you want to leave a number, please press 2."  Beep.

"Duksun-ah, I will wait for you at midnight in the alley.  Let's see each other even for a little bit.  Come home safely."

After leaving her the message with a heavy heart, Taek wonders do you really understand my heart? Even when I am reading the form books, I see you.  After I place my baduk stone down, I wonder if another guy is moving in on you.  Another stone, I wonder if men will wonder if you are easy.  People say when there are problems with a couple, the woman gets herself in trouble and go into cave [thinking of bad things.]  Why do I feel like I am in the cave?


"Ya, Master  Choi, what are you doing here?"

"DR, are you now coming home?"

"Don't you have a match tomorrow? What are you doing still up? Oh...you have been waiting for me, your friend."

"Duksun.  She was supposed to be back by midnight but she is still not back."

"Again?  SDS, she still hasn't come to her senses."

"don't say that.  she will be back soon."


"Oppa. Let's go for a second round. third round. fourth round?"


"Does she look like she has come to her senses? Choi Taek, wake up.  If you don't correct her, you are the one suffering."


"You worked hard.  I will take her in."

"Master Choi, you are out here.  Please understand.  She is the most junior still."

"Yes, please go back carefully."


Duksun who got drunk due to her senior attendants.   "Unnie.  Why are you going so early?  Let's party some more." as Duksun's head rolls.  DR says "after you put her in, come right back out."  Taek with dread says "go wait for me in my room" and takes Duksun to her place.


Next morning, with raging headache, DS wakes up to her mom and dad shaking head in disapproval [literally wagging tongue]

"my daughter daughterr, at this age should I be taking care of my drunk daughter's hangover"

"Dad.  How did I get home yesterday?"

"You really should be nice to Taek.  Taek brought you back."

What Taek?

Yes. The only ones left in the alley is Taek and DR.

Dad. Mom.  I am going to Taek's room.

She ran towards Taek's room, not realizing she put on different pairs of shoes.  Sunwoo, who was home for the first time in a long time, called for her, but she ignored him and went into Taek's room in panic.  There, Taek was playing baduk like normal.



"I really meant to come home by midnight, really started to leave..."


"But a senior attendant asked me for just one more drink.  I really meant to come home."


"Why are you acting that way?  Are you mad?"

"No. Not mad.  Also, from now on, you can drink.  I am not going to think about it."

"why are you like this, Taek-ah?"

"You seem like you don't like me acting that way.  Why don't you keep drinking with those seniors that you like so much?"

"Ya. Choi Taek!"

 With solemn face, there was Taek acting as if it didn't bother him at all.  For the first time receiving this type of treatment, DS was bewildered.  Taek was different today from all other times when he got mad and she had to placate him with her aegyo.

"Drink. I am not going to say anything from now on."

"ya..Taek?  I am yours, really.  Do you want to hit me? Do you want me to do something?  Huh?"


"Take, the one I love...Taek-ahhh"


Huh.  This is not normal.  Taek usually caves in whenever I say love.  He loves when I put on aegyo.  What is going on?  Taek is not reacting normaly. What do I do?  I need to change tactics.

kiss (peck).

"what are you doing?"

"is this not enough? more?"

kiss/peck. kiss/peck. kiss/peck.

"I won't do it again.  Taek. I promise. Really."

"This is not the first or second time.  Let's not address this in this manner."


"I am going to the training center.  If you have something to say, page me.  You have another work function, right? Go. I am going."

This Taek was so cold and indifferent that she didn't know what to do.  This work function is for the entire team so she can't miss it.  What should she do?  Taek.  My one and only Taek.  Why are you doing this?  What do I do now?


"For safety of the plane!"

DS came without Taek's permission.  Usually she would be having so much fun and she is the entertainer making everyone merry.  But today, her face is dark.  "What is wrong DS?" asks unnie.  DS even stops drinking with her.  The unnie leaves and asks her boyfriend "Is that so Yu? Master Choi is also feeling unwell?"  "Yes.  Is something wrong between the two?  They are usually so well, but today Master Choi is not doing well."  "Today, DS is not even drinking and acting like the dead.  I think we can leaver around 10:30.  I will see you later." "Yes, honey.  I will see you later."

She goes back to the room and notices that DS is still looking so sad.  In fact, other seniors have taken note and asks "DS, are you feeling sick somewhere? You do want to go early?"  


"Master Choi, did something happen with DS?"

"What?  No.  Why do you ask Manager Yu?"

"Well, I just got a call from my girlfriend/wife and DS is not acting herself at their work function.  She is not drinking at all."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes.  That made me wonder if something happened."


Smile.  Finally, Taek's darkened face relaxes.  Was DR really right?  Was it right for me to follow his instructions?  At last, the plan he and DR instituted is bearing fruit wiht DS.  What was the plan you ask?


(the night DS came home drunk; Taek's room)

"Ya, are you really going to leave her alone?"

"What am I supposed to do?  I asked her to stop but it still happens."

"You have to correct her."

"How?  This is DS's work; how can I intrude?"

"Ya, Choi Taek.  Even if it involves her work, there is a limit.  When I look at it, DS is playing around even more than norm."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Let's make SDS into a person project."

"A person?"

"Listen to me."


"Whatever happens, indifference.  Be cold. Think of it as you playing baduk, and strategizing for the next turn."

"How am I supposed to do that to DS?"

"You have to do it.  Are you going to let her keep coming home totally drunk and out of control?"

"(shakes head) No."

"Be frigid. Watch what she does, but even if it is difficult, you have to hold out.  Bust through this."


Attack strongly.  Tomorrow, DS will definitely come seek me out, but I will not fold.  If I am patient a bit, then it will not be difficult for both us soon.  I don't have to be in that dark, anxious space.  DS-ah, it might be difficult for both of us right now, but let's do this.  I hope for me, you will do this.


"I am going to turn in today.  I don't feel so good...yes?"


"Taek-ah, why are you here?"

"I have something to say to you.  I heard that you were here."

"Oh, Master Choi Taek - 9 dan.  Hello."

"I heard you were close to DS and that must be true."

"Wow.  Please give me an autograph."

As always, everyone shows interest in Taek.  Now he is surrounded by all the flight attendants.  But he is still mad, thinks DS.  If it was like usual, I would yell "leave him alone" and acted like it was a joke.  But today, I don't feel like doing it.  He is so cold to me, Choi Taek.  Today, he is smiling at my girl friends while being so cold and mad towards me.  Why are you smiling at all the other girls?  Annoyed expression takes over and suddenly she decides while clenching her fist.  Yes, this is the only way to relieve his anger.  Moving aside her colleagues, she approaches Taek and then grabs his hand.

"I have something to say to all of you."


"This fool, I mean Taek, I mean Master Taek - 9 dan and I are dating seriously.  So please let us leave now."

"Ya, DS-ah?"

"What are you doing, Taek come with me quickly?"

It was so sudden that it seemed comical to those gathered.  I better forgive her.  When she kissed me or acted so cutely (aegyo), she was so adorable that I almost folded.  I wanted to say endearingly DS-ah.  Taek was slightly bewildered since it was DS who always tried to hide their relationship and resisted telling others.  What just happened?  DR-ah, am I doing this right?

"Yes, it just happened that I started receiving Taek's love and so we started dating.  We are going now."


"Is it true DS-ah?  With Master Taek - 9 dan?"

"Yes, it is true.  He does not like me drinking at all.  From now on, I am not going to drink any more at these functions.  I promised him.  That if I drink again, that I am the foolish idiot who will be like his baby."

Ha ha ha.

Her colleagues laughed at DS's words and that Taek couldn't make her stop before.  DR-ah, I think I succeeded.  Me, the one who only succeeds in baduk and didn't know exactly how to respond to normal etiquette/behavior.  I learned through you how to behave correctly in the real world; no I learned something even bigger.  And DS-ah, the one who I love more than anything else in the world, we can now avoid the anxious, dark days over this issue.  We now know how to address the deeper issues and I know even if I go into the dark places, you will struggle and understand me and wait for me on the other side.  Thank you DS.  I love you.



22 hours ago, miri13 said:




Finished it up at last.  I thought it was quite good; the very last sentence was hard to translate the metaphors so I may be slightly off.  Sorry, it took me a while to get back at it.  

3 hours ago, Dramaniac said:


Hi! Would you like me to help you with this? I can also translate...



I just did it.  But next time, don't hesitate to jump in please?  I would not care at all and it would be probably better than mine!

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On 1/19/2016 at 0:14 PM, mellinadear said:

So I visited the MT and I saw some of us still trying to defend TK. Why waste your time? Its cool tryna defend and all but if some people are not willing to see other POVs, why bother? I see no sense in it. It just further brings unwarranted insults. 

yeah most of those salty comments made me stare at the screen like this:


but TBH, eventually it becomes a matter of this:


and this:




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Girls posted a new analyses of @packmule3 on the main thread.Take a look,and share your reflections/thoughts if you want. =]] 

--Seems like it could get at the bottom of piles of posts again.So,anyone who wants to read later on,the post is on page no:511.:)

Edited by nearsea
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one note on dramabeans bias is that GF loves a man in a uniform ( CB in baseball, JH in military)

My reason for being a CB shipper had to do with is caring nature, but i remember her recaps focusing so much on how good looking and manly CB was compared to trash who she thought was gay to a certain episode. Now trash was lucky because he was older so he had some manly qualities established for DB at the same time. TK was younger so it worked against him.

Therefore, it was no surprise that she liked JH more who displayed stereotypical cliches of a teenage boy compared to TK who had empathetic qualities that would make him seem "soft". ( his empathy reminded me a lot of joon hee) 

The fact she likes "manly" characters just shows she would never appreciate someone like TK who is smart but not muscle. ( JH is not stupid but he is someone who prefers to use his body and pursued a career that is heavily focused on that)

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21 minutes ago, mangachickava said:

( his empathy reminded me a lot of joon hee)

yeah i have always reminded of Joonhee the first time i saw Taek they just have this special quality maybe not the super manly cool guy but their empathy, their observation skill, their understanding etc..in 1st ep when i thought he might not be in the husband race i thought he might gonna be like Joonhee or Binggrae type but of course Taek is totally nothing like i would ever expected or guess since he full of surprised XD

rather than the famous thought going around of Taek getting the girl as giving justice to CB(well maybe have some truth in it) but for me personally it writer way to give justice to Joonhee (well only my personal opinion)...Joonhee always suffer in silence with his one-sided love for YJ but here TK love is return by DS and there no one else for TK but DS since they made for each other

both their personality just balance each other and DS don't need the manly guy or grand gesture that majority girl love but someone who understand her and accept her for who she is..beside it just her nature to love taking care of others not just TK but TK definitely the person who need her the most and she love being needed by someone as well..


i used to read DB recap a lot but stop since 94...she is good at recapping but at same time her bias is always showing too much and our taste is always different anyway :P 

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4 hours ago, powerpuff94 said:

Taek didn't want things to get awkward between him and Jud reallnghwan. If Taek acknowledge that he did open Junghwan's wallet then it will put both of them in awkward position since both of them knew that they're harbor feeling for the same girl. By not acknowledge that he didn't open the wallet, there is this silence understanding but vague that they both know how each other feeling for Deoksun *Junghwan i believe is smart enough to put one on one together and realized that Taek knew he like Deoksun by the time he asked about the wallet to Taek*. But by acknowledged that he did open the wallet, it'll be like saying it out loud and clear that Taek knew Junghwan like Deoksun. There is this difference impact that I believe is Taek's effort to keep his friendship with Junghwan afloat 

Junghwan could also prompt Taek to admitted that Taek open his wallet but Junghwan knew it'll only make it more awkward between them.

So both of them chose to ignore to acknowledge each other feeling for Deoksun solely because they wanted to save the comfortable and unbreakble friendship that they've shared

Hehe I hope it helps! Sorry for the long post ._.v


Hm...this is the most acceptable explanation for me. 

Thank you for sharing ^^

It really is interesting story on how taek and ds become together . I'd really like to rewatch them grow to love each other sometimes in future :).

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I just saw episode 19 last night and I was just all over the place. I was reacting like DeokSun after Taek kissed her and the speech about dad was just an emotional one. 

There were hints since the beginning about how the whole husband deal was going to end. We started off with Taek's background, and eventually seeing Deok Sun progress as a character or see another layer whenever Taek was around. She was realistic, and not felt pushed to be a certain way. I loved them in ep 19 and whenever they had scenes. Taek wasn't a male character that would go through 19 episodes putting Duk Seon down for being the way she was. Not that anyone did, they made fun of her but what I am saying is overall in the spectrum of the writing. He reminded me of the male lead in Flower Boy Next Door, Enrique. 

Junghwan was just cool man. His character did not mope afterwards, or decided to dislike his friends or make it awkward. He had his time mourning his one sided love not happening. Loved, loved seeing Taek and Junghwan eating. More than anything I loved the family dynamic and friendship. I ended up liking Reply 1988 more than the previous ones because of this. Reply 1994 had this but it was not as pronounce, there were other things distracting from it I believe. The other ones were good, but my heart clings to this one. I found that this is the scriptwriters strong suit. The pulling of these emotions that we can all relate to and do it well. 

Taek has a wonderful smile. 

I still have episode 20 to go

I hope everyone has a great week!  

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Just popping in, I've been stalking today.

Can I just say I love you all? Brilliant analysis by everybody! I've found so many insights from you guys it makes me wonder how much I didn't spot while I was watching the drama.

The connection the writer created between Taek and DeokSun is wonderful, so many different things link them together. They were meant to be from the beginning.

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