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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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haha that draw of Hyeri ideal type totally Choi Taek/Bogummy face XD

i wonder if he truly her ideal or it just Hyeri way to foreshadow Taek will be the husband(just in case she do know the husband early)

but if it really Hyeri own ideal type, i just want DongHwi to help being cupid to Hyeri and Bogum sailing them in Phuket lol

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1 hour ago, pi2tni4ng said:

And I'm curious to know your take about the wallet. Maybe it was discussed before, but I can't find them ^^. Why did taek refused to acknowledge  that he opened the wallet when jh ask ? What's the motive ? 

That's a good point, I never really thought about it. After that scene, Taek cancels his meeting with Deoksun, so maybe he just couldn't do anything knowing that JH will be hurt? And he didn't want JH to know that he knows? Because they would have to talk about it and he was scared? And Taek already knew JH liked DS but maybe after seeing the photo he also thought DS might like JH too? It is not easy to interpret haha

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20 minutes ago, rynn_peace said:

"The heartbreak landed with a maximum pain" hahahaha you make it happen again ShinLee!! Bravo!! I have to give you applause for that.

People said they are tired with husband hunting game (especially the sunken ship) but everytime there is new reply series people will ship again wholeheartedly.

I personally think "husband guessing" is one of their trademark. Reply will loss half of it's uniqueness without husband game.

How about you? Do you prefer reply series with or without husband game?

What do you mean? Was that mentioned somewhere? Kindly explain =]]].



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22 hours ago, FayeChang said:

May I suggest you re-watch ep. 15 & 16 back to back, just so that you can get your own interpretation? :) Because that's what I like best in this drama, it's open ending and the freedom to construe. 


And now that you mentioned it, ep. 20 scenes between TK and DS in the car, when TK said he didn't wanna lie to their parents because he had been lying for 6 years. Some audience probably assume he meant about the dream, my take: he meant the wallet. Why? Just because it was shown as one of earlier scenes in the episode.  This writer loves to drop clues in the dialogues rather telling the story. I like it! Feel like Sherlock Holmes :) She challenges us to be smarter when we watch her drama. 


I'm still investigating what TK wanted to talk about when he met JH tho. :blink:


I don't think I can re-watch it yet (Still reeling from all the pain lol).

I also haven't watch ep 19 & 20 with sub yet. I was livestreaming and it was badly lagging.

Actually I dare my self to come to this thread to dettached my self as far away from junghwan so the pain can go. Reading all the gloating are not helping lol.

But some of you really made nice points in the nicest way. I see where you are coming from ^^. Thank you for being considerate 


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5 minutes ago, nearsea said:

What do you mean? Was that mentioned somewhere? Kindly explain =]]].



If I'm not wrong, dramabeans wrote that hahaha


14 minutes ago, gamshe said:

That's a good point, I never really thought about it. After that scene, Taek cancels his meeting with Deoksun, so maybe he just couldn't do anything knowing that JH will be hurt? And he didn't want JH to know that he knows? Because they would have to talk about it and he was scared? And Taek already knew JH liked DS but maybe after seeing the photo he also thought DS might like JH too? It is not easy to interpret haha


I think :

1.Taek knows that JH retreats because his confession, so he wants to give a chance to JH. Baduk rules : he gives his rival chance to move first

2. Taek knows who is JH. JH is not the type of person who will speak up what inside his heart. If he confronts JH about his feeling, their friendship will be awkward.

3. Taek still didnt know about DS's heart

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34 minutes ago, rynn_peace said:

"The heartbreak landed with a maximum pain" hahahaha you make it happen again ShinLee!! Bravo!! I have to give you applause for that.

People said they are tired with husband hunting game (especially the sunken ship) but everytime there is new reply series people will ship again wholeheartedly.

I personally think "husband guessing" is one of their trademark. Reply will loss half of it's uniqueness without husband game.

How about you? Do you prefer reply series with or without husband game?


Bring on the husband game !! 

Usually I turn to korean drama as a form of escapism,  for the romantic stories that they offer, for the happy ending.

 I never really dig deep Into it to find meaningfull messages. I take everything at face value. 

So for these reply series I always choose the husband the way I like them, not the way the female lead need them. Lol.

I was team yoonjae, team chilbong and now team junghwan.  I have no regret in choosing them. I just hope that the female lead agree with me. (Two of them seem to have difference preference though lol)


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55 minutes ago, rynn_peace said:

"The heartbreak landed wia maximum pain" hahahaha you makehi it happen agaPD ShinLee!! Bravo!! I have to give  you applause for that.

People said they are tired with husband hunting game (especially the sunken ship) but everytime there is new reply series people will ship again wholeheartedly.

I personally think "husband guessing" is one of their trademark. Reply will loss half of it's uniqueness without husband game.

How about you? Do you prefer reply series with or without husband game?




I really get salty when others claim that she only starting liking TK after the kiss - did episodes 9-16 (esp. 15/16) just not happen? Because she stopped calling TK Heedong, she acknowledged he was a man, she felt affronted every time she was reminded that she doesn't in fact know anything about TK, she became shy around him and stuttered after being in close contact with him and also wasn't able to burp openly in front of him, she started to become more involved in his world of baduk when from the very start she knew nothing and didn't care for it, she visibly looked upset seeing him passed out on the ground and she kicked up a fuss about him cancelling on her. This was allllll before any physical contact (princess carry and kiss) which I see as the big reveal of her feelings once and for all and the confirmation of her heart. I'm all for open interpretation but seriously, you'd have to have skipped over their scenes to not acknowledge all of that. That's not even my delusional shipper self talking - it's literally what happened LOL.  

I miss this part. Did she really can't burp in front of him? Which episode? Whoa....must run and watch it again :D

Seriously the people in MT are becoming absurd. They keep telling us not to  ship in the MT when we just mention TK or SW but they keep swooning on every little thing on JH & ship him openly in the MT instead of jh-ds shipping thread or RJY personnel thread, so now the drama thread is just a JH shipping thread while I have more fun talking & dissecting the drama & all characters in this thread.

They seem to forget Reply 88 started with an interview with DS, obviously the story comes from her pov & would she talk abt intimate details with another man who is not her husband, no matter how bff they once were? And would she also talk abt how her parents repeatedly said wanting TK as their son in law? Looking back, the story itself started from TK's room, this itself is telling...though I too miss to see that point in the beginning.

Watching again, I realized the story started with 2 tracks. One with DS, introduction to her background, personality, family, friends & her daily activities. The 2nd track is for Taek, his background + history, personality, his family, friends , his activities & the build up of his baduk career. I don't get it before because I feel quite a waste of airtime focusing too much on Taek during his Baduk match since its not happening on Ssamundong or relates to DS, but now i finally got it why they focus so much on Baduk as an extreme mind game since its gonna be part of DS's life once she marries a professional Baduk player. And the 2 tracks seem to merge by episode 6, on the 1st snow, when TK made the phone call asking her for their first movie date..at least that's how I see it. So the story really started with DS & TK as individuals then merge as one by ending of ep 6

@rynn_peace Yeah, watching Reply series was like me watching Alfred Hitchcock movies in my younger days, but instead of finding out "Who is the murderer"  I now look for "Who is the husband"

Lesson Learned: When watching Reply Series never judge a book by its cover...just go along slowly with the pd & writer-nim & enjoy the journey while looking for the clues as the story unfold....that way less heartbreak because we're into the story not individuals...




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19 hours ago, miri13 said:


Translation of the first one, which is long:  Choose [based on word play of sun Taek] 1988, Ep. 22, Project to make SDS Person

"Press 1 to listen to voice message." Beep.

"Take-ah, I suddenly have a work function/party.  Let's meet tomorrow.  Sorry.  Really sorry!  I promise I will be home by midnight."

While waiting for DS at Baduk Federation Training Center, his pager vibrated.  When he checked, it was a message from DS.  What, today is work function/party?  I know she is beginning as a flight attendant, but isn't this too much?  What place has a work function three times a week?  Sighs Taek.  Manger Yu comes by and says "please wait Master Choi.  If you wait a little bit, I bet Duksun can get out of her work function.  I heard today's function was at the Korean Karoke place in Ssangmundong!"  Taek resigning to it asks "Oh, Manager Yu, will you be going?" Taek thinks, ugh, she is going to come home drunk again. I hate that. I know this is work life but I still hate it.  I know I should be understanding, but since I hate it, I wish she would curb this."  He gets lonely just thinking this.


"Taek-ah, if I drink and play around any more, I am not SDS.  I am your daughter. [this means she will be more compliant.]"

" Are you doing this deliberately to irritate me?  I told you I hate this."

Due to DS's aegyo, things were smoothed over that day.  We promised that day.  Never will she act this way during the work function; drinking so much that she acts foolishly.  I don't know what you are thinking, but in my heart, that is not good.  You drinking and acting like that in front of other guys, I don't like it.  Other than when concerning baduk, I may be passive and indecisive and not expressive. I am trying to fix that.  I know we have not told everyone we are overtly dating yet.  Thus, it may seem like I am asking much as a friend, but you don't realize how much this hurts me. You know how long I had to wait and how much we had to struggle and overcome to get to where we are, do not put in that dark place again.  Worrying alone and thinking alone, I get anxious.


"if you want to leave a message, please press 1, or if you want to leave a number, please press 2."  Beep.

"Duksun-ah, I will wait for you at midnight in the alley.  Let's see each other even for a little bit.  Come home safely."

After leaving her the message with a heavy heart, Taek wonders do you really understand my heart? Even when I am reading the form books, I see you.  After I place my baduk stone down, I wonder if another guy is moving in on you.  Another stone, I wonder if men will wonder if you are easy.  People say when there are problems with a couple, the woman gets herself in trouble and go into cave [thinking of bad things.]  Why do I feel like I am in the cave?


"Ya, Master  Choi, what are you doing here?"

"DR, are you now coming home?"

"Don't you have a match tomorrow? What are you doing still up? Oh...you have been waiting for me, your friend."

"Duksun.  She was supposed to be back by midnight but she is still not back."

"Again?  SDS, she still hasn't come to her senses."

"don't say that.  she will be back soon."


"Oppa. Let's go for a second round. third round. fourth round?"


"Does she look like she has come to her senses? Choi Taek, wake up.  If you don't correct her, you are the one suffering."


"You worked hard.  I will take her in."

"Master Choi, you are out here.  Please understand.  She is the most junior still."

"Yes, please go back carefully."


Duksun who got drunk due to her senior attendants.   "Unnie.  Why are you going so early?  Let's party some more." as Duksun's head rolls.  DR says "after you put her in, come right back out."  Taek with dread says "go wait for me in my room" and takes Duksun to her place.


Next morning, with raging headache, DS wakes up to her mom and dad shaking head in disapproval [literally wagging tongue]

"my daughter daughterr, at this age should I be taking care of my drunk daughter's hangover"

"Dad.  How did I get home yesterday?"

"You really should be nice to Taek.  Taek brought you back."

What Taek?

Yes. The only ones left in the alley is Taek and DR.

Dad. Mom.  I am going to Taek's room.

She ran towards Taek's room, not realizing she put on different pairs of shoes.  Sunwoo, who was home for the first time in a long time, called for her, but she ignored him and went into Taek's room in panic.  There, Taek was playing baduk like normal.



"I really meant to come home by midnight, really started to leave..."


"But a senior attendant asked me for just one more drink.  I really meant to come home."


"Why are you acting that way?  Are you mad?"

"No. Not mad.  Also, from now on, you can drink.  I am not going to think about it."

"why are you like this, Taek-ah?"

"You seem like you don't like me acting that way.  Why don't you keep drinking with those seniors that you like so much?"

"Ya. Choi Taek!"

 With solemn face, there was Taek acting as if it didn't bother him at all.  For the first time receiving this type of treatment, DS was bewildered.  Taek was different today from all other times when he got mad and she had to placate him with her aegyo.

"Drink. I am not going to say anything from now on."

"ya..Taek?  I am yours, really.  Do you want to hit me? Do you want me to do something?  Huh?"


"Take, the one I love...Taek-ahhh"


Huh.  This is not normal.  Taek usually caves in whenever I say love.  He loves when I put on aegyo.  What is going on?  Taek is not reacting normaly. What do I do?  I need to change tactics.


"what are you doing?"

"is this not enough? more?"

kiss. kiss. kiss.

"I won't do it again.  Taek. I promise. Really."

"This is not the first or second time.  Let's not address this in this manner."


"I am going to the training center.  If you have something to say, page me.  You have another work function, right? Go. I am going."

This Taek was so cold and indifferent that she didn't know what to do.  This work function is for the entire team so she can't miss it.  What should she do?  Taek.  My one and only Taek.  Why are you doing this?  What do I do now?


"For safety of the plane!"

DS came without Taek's permission.  Usually she would be having so much fun and she is the entertainer making everyone merry.  But today, her face is dark.  "What is wrong DS?" asks unnie.  DS even stops drinking with her.  The unnie leaves and asks her boyfriend "Is that so Yu? Master Choi is also feeling unwell?"  "Yes.  Is something wrong between the two?  They are usually so well, but today Master Choi is not doing well."  "Today, DS is not even drinking and acting like the dead.  I think we can leaver around 10:30.  I will see you later." "Yes, honey.  I will see you later."

She goes back to the room and notices that DS is still looking so sad.  In fact, other seniors have taken note and asks "DS, are you feeling sick somewhere? You do want to go early?"  


Sorry have to head into a meeting so I can't finish the translation.  I will do it later.




Hi! Would you like me to help you with this? I can also translate...


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I remember @lady65432's post and I think I agree with her observation being this drama focused on two people's transformation the most.As taek's from boy to man and deok sun from a romance loving /preference for 'flat chest/abs' girl to someone who could stay mum for the sake of 'things not going awkward between her and the boy she loved; because she does not want to lose his friendship/and in the process his presence/existence in her life.They both sure have come a long way from day one.I can't but just marvel at the way writer has handled the story here.As @lxands mentioned above they started from two different ends and met at a common pole,where each would fulfil the requirements for the other one.So much so that DS knows what TK should have for dinner, or he can wrap his coat around her without her even asking for it.I guess we can keep going on and on with the depth of their relationship.And that makes sense,as future DS was asked,how did their love grow? And she answers bit by bit.Gosh,it sure did.So,even if a lot people are not counting or taking in consideration their non-romantic moments/or should I say platonic moments,God they are so much more.

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5 hours ago, PBJayism said:

she started to become more involved in his world of baduk when from the very start she knew nothing and didn't care for it, s


Yes to all things you said, especially this. In Ep 6, she kept asking Sun Woo about Baduk's technicalities, but by ep 19 Taek's manager praised Duk Seon that she knew all about Baduk now. She's growing bit by bit and her world starts to revolve around Taek - it's unfortunate that not all of us are seeing her change and the pace she is heading to. 

8 hours ago, lxands said:

Bickering couples are cute, given if both partners have high confidence level & self assurance, which is not in DS's case. Calling her ugly & stupid made her confidence drop even more especially on being loved. And JH did this often, up until before his confession in 1994, that she yell at him to give her a break. Thus it cud be cute for some but for others like DS, it can tiring.


This is why I felt like something was off with Jung Hwan and Duk Seon's dynamic as the story progressed, and I got frustrated over time. I never saw them grow "together". While bickering, getting flustered, and acting all cute around your crush are very adorable scenes at first, but they're very minimal things that make up a good and strong relationship. It's the sense of comfort and simple happiness (such as just being by your partner's side) that are the strong fundamentals of a relationship. If you can be comfortable around your significant other, then you're in it for a long haul regardless of the drama/angst that goes in your way. She was never comfortable with Jung Hwan when she was crushing on her, neither with Sun Woo. See what happened when she gave up chasing them, she started to be comfortable around them again - laughing and sharing jokes with them just like good old days.

With Taek, even when she was having a "one-sided" love for him for 6 years, her friendship with him was never awkward. Their relationship never changed for the worst as they moved up in their career. Heck Duk Seon even became close friends with his managers. In the 6 years she was harbouring her feelings for Taek, his and her world became much closer (both knew who their dates were! Everyone in Baduk knew who Duk Seon is. Makes me wonder how often she goes there.). As opposed to when she liked Jung Hwan, the more she wanted to get closer to Jung Hwan, the more his and her world were breaking apart .


2 hours ago, azuralidin_1393 said:

can anyone tell me the title of the song played during their 'dating flashback scene? thanks! :) 


OMG. That song has become one of my favourites now! The song is Miracle https://youtu.be/bAbAT8nTCzg

I get goosebumps from listening to it. All of BGM songs for Taek and Duk Seon I've already downloaded and now they've been on constant repeat on my iPod! I can't stop listening to their songs. They're sooo good.

1 hour ago, lxands said:

I miss this part. Did she really can't burp in front of him? Which episode? Whoa....must run and watch it again :D


It's from Ep 16, beginning scene where Duk Seon had an indigestion and Taek offered her some meds.

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On December 9, 2558 BE at 0:39 PM, moonkeeper said:

Maybe the Pds planned it out from the start..maybe most of the viewers will assume JH is the lead man becoz of listing cast,poster etc.because that the usual pattern of kdrama..but since this R1988 and they want to bring something new..it really started from the beggining..how they change and twist the lovelines and characters..maybe a lot people will expect JH. Really thought its JH but .

when most of us consider to refer at the listing cast and it pinpoint to JH

Queitly Pds plotting And building up all the clues of the Husband and 

Then drop the bomb..It's Taek

this is more intense and stiff husband hunting than 1994 ;) . Anyway the moment that DS tell Taek to grow up fast so that she can marry him..leave me impression that ahhh.. It's  Taek!

Guys please understand my delusional imagination... ^^


I almost forgot that I wrote this...hahahahaha... ^__^

Atleast my delusional make sense...Hahahahahah ...

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3 hours ago, bluesteyes said:

When hyeri draws her ideal type. Is it choi taek or park bo gum? Lol its easy to draw him. So cuteeeeee:wub:


considering Choi Taek is partly based off Bogum... Even if Hyeri's ideal is Choi Taek, it's only because of Bogum, heh. 

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3 hours ago, pi2tni4ng said:

And I'm curious to know your take about the wallet. Maybe it was discussed before, but I can't find them ^^. Why did taek refused to acknowledge  that he opened the wallet when jh ask ? What's the motive ? 

Taek didn't want things to get awkward between him and Junghwan. If Taek acknowledge that he did open Junghwan's wallet then it will put both of them in awkward position since both of them knew that they're harbor feeling for the same girl. By not acknowledge that he didn't open the wallet, there is this silence understanding but vague that they both know how each other feeling for Deoksun *Junghwan i believe is smart enough to put one on one together and realized that Taek knew he like Deoksun by the time he asked about the wallet to Taek*. But by acknowledged that he did open the wallet, it'll be like saying it out loud and clear that Taek knew Junghwan like Deoksun. There is this difference impact that I believe is Taek's effort to keep his friendship with Junghwan afloat 

Junghwan could also prompt Taek to admitted that Taek open his wallet but Junghwan knew it'll only make it more awkward between them.

So both of them chose to ignore to acknowledge each other feeling for Deoksun solely because they wanted to save the comfortable and unbreakble friendship that they've shared

Hehe I hope it helps! Sorry for the long post ._.v

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9 hours ago, bluesteyes said:


can Park Bo Gum any cuter? Aaaaakkkkk so cute. Couple couple

They're matching in black!!! Heheh maybe they made plans or checked in w the other what to wear to the airport the night before. :glasses:

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Hi, guys. I'm back. I know I said I was supposed to just drop off my comments but I now continued watching and I'm on episode 14! Haha. I think the fact that I know who the husband is makes me see the linearity of the show. I've read countless accounts that because of the ending, the narrative became illogical since the JHxDS buildup was just well-written. I think not. People have been saying that it was such a waste of development because they did not end up together. I think not. The thing about the JHxDS arc was that it was actually very stagnant. Their scenes are adorable and really beautiful-- I have to give them that. But when you think about it, they barely moved from where they were. It's like one of them would make a step further but the other one would step a hundred steps back so it's not 'not moving', it's more of going to the negative area. 

TKxDS really made more sense as a whole. It is ironic that on the surface, their story seems to be the one 'not moving' due to lack of intensity but it actually had the best progress. Their scenes were mostly them doing same old things and I get why some people interpreted this as very platonic. But the thing about them is that when their story moves, both of them really move forward. I haven't seen the part where TK would retreat (although I'm aware that it would happen). But what I like about their story was that when we started to know about TK and his feelings, there was nothing holding him back. There was fluidity in the events in this arc: we knew about  his crush, we saw how he made moves to show his affection, he took courage in telling their friends, he made plans to confess, later on (although again, I haven't seen the next parts.. I only based it from bits and pieces of recaps haha), he would miss out on important things for DS, and eventually start a relationship. I think this in itself is logical, fluid, and sensible. In contrast with JH's story which was like: we knew about his crush, he did adorable things for her, he moves back, does adorable things again, moves back-- they cycle continued for many, many moments.

I've only recently seen the part where DR told DS about what is important is who she likes and that she is very decisive about the things she actually like. I think that part clearly showed that DS would always choose TK (even if he was compared to DR instead of say, JH) without hesitation. That scene to me was clear to me that the writer wanted us to see that the root of DS's affections for JH and SW were hugely based on her idealism on love and being in a relationship. I'm not sure what the next scenes would be like but to me, this conversation between DR and DS is the 'closure' for DS's side on her failed crushes and the beginning of truly appreciating who she would like to spend her life with. :) 

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1 hour ago, 13infamyss said:

Yes to all things you said, especially this. In Ep 6, she kept asking Sun Woo about Baduk's technicalities, but by ep 19 Taek's manager praised Duk Seon that she knew all about Baduk now. She's growing bit by bit and her world starts to revolve around Taek - it's unfortunate that not all of us are seeing her change and the pace she is heading to. 

This is why I felt like something was off with Jung Hwan and Duk Seon's dynamic as the story progressed, and I got frustrated over time. I never saw them grow "together". While bickering, getting flustered, and acting all cute around your crush are very adorable scenes at first, but they're very minimal things that make up a good and strong relationship. It's the sense of comfort and simple happiness (such as just being by your partner's side) that are the strong fundamentals of a relationship. If you can be comfortable around your significant other, then you're in it for a long haul regardless of the drama/angst that goes in your way. She was never comfortable with Jung Hwan when she was crushing on her, neither with Sun Woo. See what happened when she gave up chasing them, she started to be comfortable around them again - laughing and sharing jokes with them just like good old days.

With Taek, even when she was having a "one-sided" love for him for 6 years, her friendship with him was never awkward. Their relationship never changed for the worst as they moved up in their career. Heck Duk Seon even became close friends with his managers. In the 6 years she was harbouring her feelings for Taek, his and her world became much closer (both knew who their dates were! Everyone in Baduk knew who Duk Seon is. Makes me wonder how often she goes there.). As opposed to when she liked Jung Hwan, the more she wanted to get closer to Jung Hwan, the more his and her world were breaking apart .


@13infamyss, apologies for cutting your post but I totally agree with you on the above points! It was so obvious from the beginning of the drama that Taek was her bias. When you have so many people in the group, there will be people who prefer sone friend over another. For Duk Seon it was Taek and DR (and she told DR she prefers Taek more!). Sun Woo and Junghwan are like inseparable buddies.

I suspected there were a lot of missing scenes like what was she doing all the time from 1989 to 1994? How did she understand Baduk so well? How did everyone in the Baduk club knows Duk Seon and she even paired her friend with Taek's manager? The stewardess and baduk circle are all talking about how close both Duk Seon and Taek are. I would think that even though both hid their feelings in those last years, they still try their best to keep in touch much more than the other friends.

We have all said this before but I really think Taek's best choice is to be with Duk Seon. It changes him to become more open with his feelings and not being over-sensitive. He has become talkative and talks like a normal person (even though he still shuffles). I also think that Duk Seon may have saved his life by being with him. Its a good thing they started dating in 1994 so Taek is able to quit his sleeping pills.

While I had hoped for a nice wedding scene between Taek and Duk Seon, I think the Bo Ra and Sun Woo wedding scene is a lot more meaningful. This reply series is all about family and friends, and the drama really brought out the father-daughter relationship from the wedding scene. Bo ra's relationship with her father is the most silent but the most powerful. The letter they wrote to each other speaks so much volume that no wedding speeches can ever be that powerful. So kudos to the writer who decided to use an unconventional story-telling method to depict such a strong message on family and friends.

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@chengker  I so agree.  JH/DS were so stagnant. Considering that JH loved her forever, the lack of growth or changes in their relationship is pretty frustrating to watch.  And after Taek confessed it was even worse than before. JH still did nice things, but always backed away.  Deok-Sun tried to win him over, failed and that was the end of their love story. There was no lines crossed, there was nothing changed in their relationship.  DS' feelings didn't evolve. She didn't stay up awake worrying about JH.  She didn't hold on to her feelings for years.  All that was reserved for Taek.  There just wasn't wasted growth there at all.  You really need growth for it to be wasted.  

I am interested in people watching and knowing the end and how they see things differently now.  DR asking her who she likes is a great scene to analyze in hindsight. There's a reason the writer didn't ask who she likes, TK or JH because we all know the answer to that one. 


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it's 12:40AM, i have school tomorrow and i'm BAWLING MY EYES OUT. :bawling:

just finished watching the subbed final episodes. i love tHIS DRAMA SO MUCH THIS HAs SUCCESSFULLY REACHED MY #1 FAVORITE DRAMA. 

I'M DEFINITELY WATCHING THIS UNTIL I'M OLD AND GREY HAHAHA. i love the fact that the cast are enjoying their time in Phuket, they deserve it. 


see you all guys in the next reply series! hoping that we'll all be in the same ship. hehe.

and please keep this thread moving. with all the latest news, FANFICS, FANART, ETC.

i'm coming back here often. definitely. :heart:

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